The Loose Women Reveal Their DNA Test Results Live on Air! | Loose Women

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now a recent survey found that nearly 5 million of us have discovered our genetic ancestry through DNA testing so we asked would you take a DNA test to find out about your family history and 90% of you said yes so we were intrigued to know more about our pasts so last year we agreed to take a DNA test now the the loose team and researchers that at the family history site find my past have been digging deep and the results are finally in now first we're going to look at our genetic makeup now this has been determined from DNA tests basically it's through something like this you send off a little little swab normally inside your mouth and send them off now okay you have got Nadia's result so we don't know we're literally hearing this for the first time I do I've got walking around this morning looking a bit full of yourself got information on me what's new so well this is interesting so they have gone down your mother's line as opposed to your dad's but if we look at your full DNA breakdown which orbiter comes from both of them and I know you always talk about your sort of Arab heritage you're only 11 percent Arab no yes there you go we've got a gasp in the last 30 seconds Oh fabulous I'm not gonna tell my dad that were able to talk having said that so the rest is 88% is Europe okay and we don't have France in here because apparently it has been illegal in France since 1994 to trace people's DNA there's no special permission I don't know why when they did my sisters who do you think you are they found that my mom was French Huguenot Hyuga no well way back so that probably where I well not in here so Europe so mainly a half from south of Europe so South Italy in Cyprus that is the biggest kind of portion that you have which is quite a feat is it quite nice but where that might be the food thing in Britain and Ireland linka sure Devon Cornwall central England Ireland East Anglia so here all over the shop there and you've got a tiny little smidge of German and you oh yes you have all you do have so that's the dna'd you want the relative no we're gonna do our DNA bits for the relatives oh you've got mum I have got yours you will be pleased to know that you are a hundred percent European oh okay oh don't be upset about it you've got I love your DNA is mainly from Scotland okay and I'll be annoyed if she's more Scottish than me the DNA group that you're part of is very common with certain Jewish populations true well yeah oh you know he's already we are my great great grandparents of Jewish we our family tree went down a different route but where we're not Jewish but I knew that yes oh well it's not much else I can tell you Scotland novembre Cumbria century England honey in the Shetland Islands yeah East Anglia Aberdeenshire well Scottish the news and you are 1.5 percent Germanic oh yeah Nadia we could be related with our little one percent Rosie isn't it so Kay I have got UK now sit down and calm down sit down you are more Scottish than Andrew Doralee ugly DNA is a hundred percent British and Irish more a hundred parity however our DNA has some similarities really isn't that strange both of our prehistoric ancestors are likely to have migrated to Europe from Anatolia that's the Asian portion of Turkey today apparently tell me that your your DNA also shows that your family wait for it carries the red hair gene yeah your 76 percent point seven Southwest Scotland and Northern Ireland yeah there we go you've got you've got no German you've got four point two percent north west Scotland of trying to find some but nothing more exotic than that no look it I mean I want you to be more Scottish than her but I don't want to be that Scot you have a very diverse genetic makeup your DNA group is predominantly European originating around sixteen thousand five hundred years ago don't have a lot of it yeah very well right now your DNA can be found as far as Africa Central Asia and Siberia is also in Libya when you're descended from hunter-gatherers who recolonized Europe after the Ice Age one of the most significant migrations in human history you can see that what that she's a hunter-gatherer yeah yeah she's fearless she did she miss you can't do something she's like why I'm did well she's always first in the line at the lunch queue so yeah all right so our DNA results have also been used to create family trees and discover stories of our ancestors so this morning we've seen some of the research on each other's relatives but not on our own till now and Kate you've been reading about Nadia's yeah and it's Nadia's let me get this right great-great great-great great-grandfather a man called Henry Taunton yeah Henry Taunton so we're going back to 1822 he wasn't born in 1822 his wife died and in 1822 and so he was 45 at that time making him a widower obviously and they had grown up children after his wife's death he was committed to an asylum sent looks hospital for lunatics and then do you know what it's really interesting story we're kind of giggling no but that would have been nobody lunatic I mean it's a serious thing and I felt emotional for one moment they're not going to help see the connection no no I think there's a sort of current conversation we have about mental health yeah mental health where's it you know you're going back that far and but you'd have to go back that far in that you know people were just absolutely written all abject grief absolutely put away maybe till the end of his day and mean of the conditions were absolutely horrific and you know placed in sales you know straw on wooden bedsteads I mean absolutely no sanitation and you know things like cold plunge baths to try and shake people out of their lunatic state you know so it really was very very brutal at restraints manacle oh gosh case we need do you know what's strange I'm always drawn to those stories documentaries about that read books about that in a Victorian prisons as well always had this big thing about how we do love roan into asylums for doing nothing strange or that's just a poor DNA trace in that I add a gene and I was fastened I was being fascinated by it and how people survived it yes interesting Marx always said to me there's something in your past connected to that
Channel: Loose Women
Views: 147,106
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Keywords: loose women, interview, Chat Shows - Topic, Chat Show - Topic, Talk Show - Topic, Talk Shows - Topic, dna test, andrea mclean, stacey soloman, nadiya siwa, results, debate, celebrating the loose women, dna special, kaye adams
Id: bSDK6sA_ReA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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