the longer you wait the worse it gets

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yo dbug here again I know I'm sure you've all missed me a lot um and I am making another video as I'm sure you can tell and in this video I'm going to just give you some some more advice wow I've never done that before so today's advice is if you know you need to do something then do it as soon as you can because like the longer you delay it um the bigger it will seem and then that'll make you not want to do it even more um I mean laziness is definitely an aspect you need to consider when that's something that is definitely something it's like just you know uh going through a walk if you really don't want to go for a walk and you like delay it the whole day then it's going to be in the back back of your head and then when you get when you actually go for a walk you probably won't enjoy it as much as you would have if you did it earlier and it's also great because then it's not in your head anymore and you can do the stuff you want to do without you know thinking about you know oh my God I should do this or I've been asked to do that but I'm just not going to cuz you know it it kind of ruins the whole day really and you don't want to wake up and have your day ruined because you're being lazy like the best way I can describe it is like when you holding like your piss you know the longer you hold it in for the more annoying it gets and yeah that's a pretty good summary so that's it guys see you um nearly 200 Subs I'm excited for what the future has to offer bye see you
Channel: dylbug
Views: 5,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 55sec (115 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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