The Long March Documentary Episode Seven: Great Reunion

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[Music] of the trying long march the Red Army makes light thousands of rivers and mountains are barriers slight the five serpentine ridges out spread like rippling rills the pampas boom on peaks tower but like mole hills against warm cloudy cliffs beat waves of golden sand with cold iron chain bridge River da du is spammed glad to see the men range snow clad for miles and miles our warriors who have crossed it break into broad smiles [Music] you on November the 6th 1938 the 6th Central Committee of the CPC held its sixth plane up at the meeting mounted dong addressed mistakes made by the fourth front Red Army Commander John Guare during the long march mal said that the Communist Party struggled for military supremacy was for the benefit of the party and the people he said our principle is that the party commands the gun and that no military force can command our party On June the 12th 1935 after crossing Mount jogeum the spearhead of the central Red Army reached da way southeast of malgor in citron province the soldiers were exhausted and their uniforms in ranks yet their commanders sensing the presence of enemy forces on a nearby hill ordered them to maintain full combat readiness then - everybody's relief they heard a loud shout we're the fourth front Red Army Kia to see our Nikita that was a honky yard of Moodle far from being the enemy the troops they'd encountered with a fourth front Red Army in great excitement the soldiers greeted and embraced one another as a transgender woman reporter you are but for the Clement Attlee the cantina but changes but of are you checking to see you man cow him the banana called upon the peloton we've alpha moment or token if we three hold the lead under pahala finally the two armies had met it was two hundred and forty six days since the central Red Army had left raging in Jiang see province so far their Trek had covered 9,000 kilometers [Music] the small wooden bridge across the wardro River was the stage on which the Red Army's two forces met that evening the ragged soldiers of the central Red Army were treated to a celebration leaving forth front Red Army commander Xu xiangjian ordered his soldiers to prepare the warmest possible welcome for their comrades huge plates of yak meat mutton potatoes and barley were put in front of the officers and soldiers of the central Red Army after joining forces in da way the two armies sent each other congratulatory telegram three days later mounted on led the main force of the central Red Army into the town of malgor that evening lit by bonfires the two armies held a party celebrating their coming together cavity and yes either King daughters a queer [ __ ] we're so big for you who where huh Malta dong and Judah both took the floor to address the gather the soldiers sang folk songs from search one and Tsinghua the evening ended with members of the central Red Army performing a special song to mark the union of the forces the long march of over 10,000 ly braving the hardships and obstacles crossing mountains and rivers carried by our iron will though many have fallen we have finally come to this great reunion let's hold high our red flag and advance ahead the whole of Malcolm has celebrated the union of the two forces the fourth front Red Army's 30th army had even prepared gifts for the central Red Army maybe your molecule are down mahalik in you you put the mantle are you 4/4 front red army generals leash Union and John Rochon vacated the residences in town where they'd been living and moved to simple housing further away they wanted the central Red Army leaders to take over the better accommodation and one morning when they were still asleep commander in chief Judah paid them a visit I just thought was that things or something you put it then that told you pushing up the around car somewhat some loosening right up well Ganpat parted a more some present too powerful for that so incident photon home at Cochin different well far we are doji heads she said yet woman said her after Malta dong and the central Red Army arrived in Leung her Co on June the 25th John courthouse set out from Mao Shan County to meet them Malta dong Jung went Ian Joe and lie Judah and other political and military leaders together went to meet a jump they walked for about a mile followed by thousands of Red Army soldiers [Music] mounted on personally wrote three slogans to greet the leaders of the fourth front Red Army the central and fourth front Red Army's are one family by joining forces we've shown that our Red Army is invincible and welcome comrade Jang [Music] amid a sudden downfall the cry went up there here gongs and drums sounded accompanied by applause along the muddy lane junghwa Tao approached on a tall horse closely followed by thirty more horses ridden by fully armed soldiers [Music] the moment that throughout the long march had been so eagerly anticipated had finally arrived [Music] at the sight of all the CPC Politburo members waiting for him Django tell her to shake hands and hug them so with Harkin going lady colony most villages when they are from BIA to control junghwa tao asked Joanne lie how many soldiers the central Red Army had Joe replied bluntly when the Sunni conference convened we had more than 30 thousand but now the number is less in June 1972 Joe and I recalled that moment he told how upon hearing this John's face changed oh my nuclear equation with my shield a little Chanel proportional apparently should be read on the TV's family learn thought suryanarayana the Chile Asian fish and panda in June 1935 the CPC Central Committee decided to rename the central Red Army it would henceforth be known as the first front Red Army the idea was to promote unity within the Red Army forces on June the 26th the CPC Politburo convened an enlarged meeting at Leon herckel north of malgor it would discuss issues of strategy and direction following the union of the 1st and 4th front Red Army's On June the 28th the Politburo made the following decisions the Red Army's main force would strike northwards to establish new Soviet areas in search on Chansey Gansu and yong-su this would underline the strategic intention to resist the Japanese aggression in the north even though he endorsed the decision at the meeting Jang war Taos subsequently attempted to delay the Red Army's departure he cited organizational issues related to the unified command howling door thank you there it's hang me wrong I won't get to free me go alien don't need the house agenda yo chart the other sample G we do G after the Liang her Co meeting the CPC Central Committee ordered the first front red army to march north would but junghwa tell having persuaded several people to propose to the central committee that he be appointed chairman of the Central Military Commission then called for abandoning this plan instead he urged a southward march the CPC Central Committee rejected his proposal however in the interests of the Red Army's unity it offered a compromise on July the 18th at a Politburo meeting in the town of Luo ha Joe and I offered to resign from his position as political commissar of the Red Army in favor of jung-hwa [Music] changing who you government you holding changes on the standard Okayama entire culture we spent well between two green tea social centers change in the very heart Allah Tala Tikrit second up our cockapoos food chain Tina put a lot on July the 21st and 22nd another enlarged meeting of the Politburo was held it criticized young water for his errors while acknowledging the success is achieved by the army under him after the meeting junghwa tower led the 4th front red army to muster in Margai in early August the 1st and 4th front red armies were merged and then reorganized into the left and right route armies they then set out for the North mount dong zhuo went Ian and Joe and ly accompanied the right route army which included the Military Commission and frontline headquarters juda Jang ho Tao and Lil boi Chung as part of the left route army commanded the Red Army's General Headquarters battle between two enemy meaning Kalevala pagani huayra we all fell to me I'll try from August the 4th to the 6th the CPC Politburo held a meeting in shall war near Mara gay the strategic imperative of heading north was stressed the meeting also emphasized that establishing the Citroen Shanxi Gansu revolutionary base area was a historic task facing the 1st and 4th front Red Army's on August the 20th at another Politburo meeting mounted on explained the reasons for heading north he demanded that the laugh route army led by Jang Hwa should quickly close with the right route army so that they could advance as a combined force chip or jump with whole man authority damn wallet cut oh dear guess the woman can do this for baby sha Shan mother Mucha lanzhou chief are you sure by late August the left route army had crossed the grassland the CPC Central Committee repeatedly urged Jung to turn north but he refused fighters back and become a thumb too young for you begin tell to another speaking Hakeem in your city wouldn't to ti-89 yeah without to the 20 Carriacou holders are Doha yet I get turn CaroMont random walk on September the 9th John courthouse sent a telegram ordering a political commissar of the Red Army's frontline headquarters Cheng Cheng Han to lead the right route army Southwood this marked the height of the internal party struggle the reunion of forces the source of so much joy had dissipated and a serious split had evolved yo kinky ginger dirigisme ambassador mounted on hurried to the Third Front Red Army's position where he had an urgent meeting with Joe Enlai junghwan Tian Kuo GU and one Josh young throw in kendama can't you get my back my tenth film is 210 Jewish woman founded on September the 10th 1935 led by the CPC Central Committee the 1st and 3rd army groups of the first front Red Army set off northward the hope was that by doing so conflict within the Red Army could be averted they were joined on the march by year genielle leading the Military Commission [Music] at this stage of the long march the most serious risk facing the party and Red Army were twofold one was the threat from the enemy the other was a breakdown in party unity in October 1960 when American reporter ed Gus snow interviewed martyrdom he asked him what had been the darkest period in his life Mao replied that it was the fight with jungle water while crossing the grassland on the Long March the party was facing a split even internal conflict which could have totally destroyed it [Music] sooo xiangjian later recall the commander of the guards force came to ask the frontline headquarters for instructions the main force of the Red Army has gone but was still on the alert are we going to fight I said resolutely we cannot permit internal conflict within the Red Army tell them to follow orders no matter what happens no internal struggle three-jaw yeah Motors ability generator can come in the one mo man sha-boom sha-boom oh my so how do you make em - I'm at home aoyama-san shop mommy you are you on September the 10th 1935 the CPC Central Committee published a notice to the entire army explaining its northward strategy the document argued going south is a dead end and called on the army to give its wholehearted support to the Central Committee's policy by immediately heading north and establishing the Citroen Shanxi cancelled youngsil Soviet area on September the 12th at a meeting in ered year in dear poo county Gansu the CPC Politburo approved a document criticizing Jang quartile the document pointed out that the source of Jang's mistakes was his rightist policy of fleeing to the south and his tendency towards behaving like a warlord it called on the whole army to unite around the CPC Central Committee to resist this tendency and consolidate the party and the red army the meeting also renamed the forces heading north henceforth they will be known as the Shangaan division of the chinese workers and peasants Red Army Red Army General Wonka Chong later commented if not for Chairman Mao's resolute opposition to Jiang war town and his decisive leadership in taking the 1st and 3rd army groups north to northern Shan Sea and had he followed Jung wort out of the seeking region the red army would have faced the danger of total annihilation on September the 17th 1935 the first front Red Army was ordered to seize the strategically important Lancer copass in Dearborn County Gansu Lazar co guards a key route between Gansu and search one you follow on September the 16th 1935 the 4th army group of the first French Red Army was ordered to seize lots of coal however a frontal assault was thwarted by the difficult terrain so during the night two companies moved around the enemy's flanks scaling the steep precipices in their way once in position they launched a fresh attack coordinated with another frontal assault by the remainder of the force by the morning of September the 17th the Red Army had seized lats a column this opened the way to the north it also marks the final defeat Chiang kai-shek's plan to trap and starve the Red Army on the mountains and grassland [Music] on September the 18th the first and third front red armies reached had a pool south of minion County in gansu province on September the 20th melted all ordered his men to collect all the newspapers and magazines they could find eventually they came across what they were looking for a newspaper which reported that shoe high dolls 25th army group had joined up with neutered and North Shanxi Red Army [Music] mother elephant I support you sunbae you believe now pathology at the temple of guanyin had a pool a meeting was held of staff officers of the first front Red Army Mao Zedong addressed them saying we should thank the corpsman time newspaper it informed us that there is a Red Army in northern Shanxi if we want to resist the Japanese aggression we should first head for northern Shanxi and Lilja dans Red Army Mao was impassioned comrades he said let's forge ahead there are only 200 miles to northern Shan see that is our destination our headquarters the Red Army after breaking through the enemy blockade at the way her River reached by war there the Politburo held a meeting at which it was formally decided to establish the central Red Army's base in northern Shanxi the history of the Shanxi Gansu revolutionary base area established by Lilja dan see it's a channel and see Junction can be traced back to 1927 it was then that the CPC Shanxi provincial committee organized the CH Indian way guar and Sunni e uprisings in the summer of 1934 a small Chinese Soviet area extending over an area of 70 square kilometers was established called the Shanxi Gansu border area a Soviet government and revolutionary military commission were founded with 21 year olds solution taking the position of government chairman and 31 year old leader Dan that of President of the Military Commission by the first half of 1935 the revolutionary base had been expanded to include more than 20 counties with a population of 900,000 and covering a 30,000 square kilometer area through a series of military operations against repeated enemy attacks the bases original guerrilla force had matured into the 26th and 27th army groups of the Red Army in September 1935 the Red Army's 25th army group having reached northern Shan C at the end of the long march was merged with the 26th and 27th army groups the new force designated the 15th army group significantly improved the revolutionary bases strength [Music] try the others today hope for a fortune yes your zuzo fort was a kinda kind of ship football from emerging powers to expanding partnerships from fighting poverty to combating climate change booming economies ravaged nations and everything in between we capture the changes affecting the most dynamic and diverse continent on the planet taking you beyond the headlines to the people and their stories Asia today delivering Asia to the world [Music] [Music] reaching the Shanxi Gansu revolutionary base area from Hadar poo meant having to cross mountaineer pan on the Gansu ningxia border mount lil pan was the last mount in the central Red Army had to cross on the long march beyond it the revolutionary base would come into view in his celebrated poem Mount lil pan Mao Zedong wrote the sky is clear the wild geese fly south out of sight no stop before our destination is reached while counting the 20,000 Li journey has passed surmounting the peak of Mount nool pan flags braved the winds from the West with weapons in hand when to defeat our enemy [Music] on October the 19th 1935 the CPC Central Committee led its forces into the town of warty in the shanty Gansu revolutionary base area having crossed mount lil pan the weather was freezing cold yet many of the Red Army soldiers were walking in bare feet dressed in a single layer of clothing they were cold and exhausted aware that a Kuomintang army was in pursuit and ignoring his own fatigue mao zedong immediately convened a meeting at it he said once in the northern Shanxi base we're home but we mustn't bring our tail into the revolutionary base under the command of punga why of the Shanxi Gansu detachment the Red Army launched a powerful attack annihilating the enemy cavalry with their advance halted the Kuomintang forces retreated from the north Shanxi revolutionary base area the victory inspired mounted on to write another poem a longer journey full of formidable mountains and unfathomable crevices our troops came who can brave the adversities it's our general Pompey thus the central Red Army successfully completed the twelve and a half thousand kilometer long march in early November 1935 it joined forces with the 15th army group in gontran doctor told us that semester partying hey by shelling was the partially miss we come we always do did you wanna know not a woman or general Japanese unit children had to meet you know phooey on the channel Yoho you know anything in your anything you want but times were tough for the central Red Army when it arrived in Russia so the devil thought of people until somebody photos audio you look terrible not so yeah Dorian over here your tire chili on temperature should only 100 units hold on to each other so Maya told her teacher Diane she general care mother don't we turn to the new Nigel shoo hi dong support and the central Red Army wasn't only financial but also political [Music] few nano or Newtonian per day you can what are the judges your photon Tony not change any important ruin your Tonio impeccable of one or Jeanette one fortune you know sometime isn't it Fujiyama don't water given me Imperator do you find the water within you you don't even mean you know so you can that you familiar after arriving in northern Shan see the CPC Central Committee took the decision to locate China's supreme revolutionary headquarters there immediately they set about building up the Shanxi Gansu revolutionary base area on November the 3rd 1935 the central Soviet government took the decision to establish the Northwest revolutionary military commission which would be directly under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee man Saddam was appointed its chairman and Joanne lie and ponder why vice chairman however not all the units of the Red Army had yet reached northern Shanxi mounted on was concerned about the fourth front Red Army and the 2nd and 6th army groups which was still on the long march while at dwarma liao in li fan county search ran on October the 5th jang-woo Tao had established an alternative Central Committee on January the 12th 1936 the CPC Central Committee issued a directive ordering Jung to annul his so-called Central Committee Jang's divisive behavior apart from being opposed by the party leadership had also failed to receive support from his own 4th front Red Army Red Army commander in chief Judas said the Red Army as a family don't give Chiang kai-shek the pleasure of seeing us fight amongst ourselves Jew and Mao have worked together for years you asked me true to oppose Mar no way Leo bought Chung also emphasized the need for unity and not allowing the party to be split by internal strife on December the 5th junghwa in the name of the CPC and Chinese Communist Youth League Central Committee's sent a telegram to the CPC Central Committee in it he announced the designations 1st and 4th front red armies are retired he also wrote you are now the CPC's North Bureau Shanxi Gansu government and North route army you may no longer represent the CPC Central Committee the announcement was further clear proof of junghwa our determination to split the communist forces his army on its southern march had by this time occupied beijing cha hwa Dan Barr and Malcolm in late October they captured Chen Xuan Liu Shan and Ming Shan in a sweep across the west Citrone plane clearly this temporary success had gone to Jung's head you who are you Chandni Arkansas was a fashion you hula Chico Quillin tama-chan yes mr. Raja with western citron lost Chiang kai-shek feared an attack on Chengdu he hurriedly ordered sheer year to launch a counter-offensive meanwhile Louis Chang mustered a large force in Ming Shan and areas to the west in all 80 corpsman tongue regiments were ready for battle oblivious to how the situation was unfolding junghwa tao gave the order to go on the offensive at first things went well and the red army seized by jung hwan a key town to the northeast of ming shan opening the way to ming shan itself however the offensive began grinding to a halt in the face of the enemy superior strength protected by air cover and heavy artillery a dozen corpsman tank brigades launched an onslaught from three sides against the Red Army's advance units woman of the woods yet three total kitchen damn hey team photo here so Chris equivalent Allah your teacher usual hole high potential area psyche I don't take action easily free here we can't help you do just wanna go to Toronto to yoga is is about without my freedom within this image here we're in Fantasia who are socially she's opinion use over FaceTime about everyone so he could have one of you more of a social good is like in the competition little super similarities are we put in Donovan he's on it tracer a shield with each other you will have whatever hatachi or she owns s Bar of had salmonella trendy jamia nice tote hammer Doty anemia deep in some someone is samples doses [Music] Hernandez even had a nature account in the period amudha nila concerning the bcjr azubu dama so in Eden Alphonse anemia from the Chungcheong can be as hot yet over the history Gigi in seven days of fierce fighting the enemy suffered more than 15,000 dead compared to 10,000 on the Red Army side but eventually having run out of ammunition the Red Army was forced to withdraw the Battle of by jung-hwan was a setback for the Red Army unable to advance either to the south or to the east it was forced to retreat to the doubtful new war and the currency area it was a vast thinly populated area that offered little in the way of provisions it was impossible to supply the tens of thousands of soldiers properly in the tough conditions the Red Army's death toll mounted from 80,000 when it started its southern campaign by April 1936 the fourth front Red Army's strength had fallen to 40,000 junghwa after his initial success now faced an impasse by contrast the Red Army's northward advance had achieved one victory after another following the union of the first front Red Army with the fifteenth army group Chiang kai-shek hurriedly transferred a huge force to besiege the Shanxi Gansu revolutionary basin between November the 21st and 24th 1935 the first front Red Army operating around the town of juror walk inflicted a series of defeats on the corpsman tank forces in the area this effectively consolidated the Shanxi Council revolutionary base area we are doing particpate yeah but yet we do Omaha baby mama did shoot on her own take a nap yeah oh yeah yah yah yah the Battle of julu paved the way for the CPC Central Committee to establish northwest China as the center of revolutionary activity in the country the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia revolutionary base area was the finishing line of the Red Army's long march and the starting point of the Chinese people's war against Japanese aggression from December the 17th to the 25th 1935 the CPC Central Committee's political bureau held a meeting at y Abu it adopted a document called the decision on the current political situation and the party's tasks on December the 27th mounted on issued a report entitled on the tactics for the anti Japanese Imperialism campaign the CPC's decision and Mal's report analyzed the changes in the relationships among China's different social classes since Japan launched its aggression in China they proposed that the party's basic strategic task should be to establish a broad national united front against the Japanese in February 1936 the first front Red Army launched an Eastern expedition the ultimate aim was to confront the Japanese forces in the east in the course of the operation the Red Army by defeating the NC shans Kuomintang army was able to consolidate the northern Shanxi Soviet era in May the first Army Group was ordered on a Western expedition while the 15th army group was sent on another Eastern expedition the Western campaign liberated four counties one Seon Bing bein yen-chu and you won it thus expanded the Shanxi Gansu Soviet area westward by around 200 kilometers creating the Shanxi concerning Soviet area however the CPC Central Committee was still very concerned about the fourth front Red Army and jungle towns divisive actions repeated telegrams were sent demanding that he annul the second Central Committee and turned north before long Zhang hao who was also known as Lin Yue yang arrived in northern Shan see he'd been sent to the Soviet Union as a CPC representative to the Communist international or calm in turn he dispatched a telegram to Jang Hwa tau conveying the common turns high appraisal of the central Red Army's achievement in reaching northern Shan sea in response and under further pressure from the CPC Central Committee on June the 6th 1936 Cheng or Tao announced the annulment of the 2nd CPC Central Committee on November the 19th 1935 a force of over 17,000 belonging to the Red Army's 2nd or 6th army groups had set out on a long march from Sangju County in Hunan province enroute they received a telegram from Judah and jung-hwa requiring them to head north across the jinsha river and join forces with them logician no are you kidding fire calcify meant getting idea when assumed umekichi based on culture in late March 1936 the 2nd and 6th army groups set out from pan Chen County passing through Li Jiang and sure GU in Yunnan province then heading north crossing the jinsha river and three snow-capped mountains on July the 1st they reach guard Z where they joined forces with the southbound 4th front Red Army the CPC Central Committee sent the two armies telegrams congratulating them on joining forces and expressing the hope that they would head north to the Shanxi Gansu revolutionary base there they could join forces with the first front Red Army and help consolidate the revolutionary base in northwest China [Music] the central revolutionary military committee issued an order the 2nd 6th and 32nd army groups of the original first front Red Army would be combined to form the Chinese workers and peasants Red Army's second front Red Army who long would be the commander-in-chief and Ren be sure it's political commissar after joining forces in guard Zhu Zhu de and Leo Chung informed her long REM be sure and other commanders about Jang Hwa tails actions they explained that Jang was attempting to split the party and army the arrival of the 2nd and 6th army groups had strengthened their position in the confrontation with Jang and had played a key role in maintaining unity within the CPC and bred armed unb sure talked at length to the commanders of the fourth front red army impressing on them the importance of unity her long had a unique way of dealing with junk water in 1961 her recalled at the celebration to mark the union of our forces i sat next to Jang war tau when he got up to give a speech I said half jokingly and half seriously water please only talk about unity not splitting we'll watch out for my gun [Music] I don't why don't you hide on the human kind of a positive meeting with her vulnerable of any Adama ha will morning the head of internal in in law means other time after countless twists and turns in July 1936 the main force of the fourth front Red Army set out northward the second front Red Army soon followed on orders from the CPC Central Committee the first front Red Army began preparing for the arrival of the two forces the day when the three red armies would unite was not far off my goddaughter hunka hunka Hina from your doll Samba continued teach you like Molly she said idea cranking old age home okay the Akira sonatas in anticipation of the second and fourth front Red Army's arrival the CPC Central Committee ordered that housing winter clothes and food be made ready in view of the shortage of funds Mao Zedong Jo Enlai and other leaders volunteered to reduce their monthly allowance to five silver dollars from twelve in September 1936 Mao Zedong and ponder Hawai ordered the first army group to the southwest of the Shanxi concerning see a Soviet area to meet the second and fourth front Red Army's on October the 9th the 1st and 4th front Red Army's joined forces at waning in gansu province [Music] on October the 22nd the first and second front Red Army's joined forces at Ghent high blue in Ningxia this marked the end of the Red Army's two-year long march [Music] moment to the window the call Carly no but what's a hostage I ordered for us Saku Saku I don't worry about [Music] [Applause] [Music] the CPC Central Committee Chinese Soviet government and the central revolutionary military commission jointly issued a congratulatory telegram our reunion has sent out the message that the Japanese imperialists barbaric aggression in China is going to be met with the most powerful counter-attack from our whole nation and that the Chinese nation's anti-japanese united front and anti Japanese United forces are the strongest foundations it went on the Chinese people floundering in the abyss of suffering have a new core of leadership and all Patriots including workers peasants students soldiers journalists businessman and volunteers in northeast China will have support and leadership [Music] the reunion of the three Red Army's signaled the victory of the CPC and Red Army's strategy of going north to confront the Japanese it was a victory also for the CPC and the Red Army in their efforts to maintain unity oppose division and focus on the interests of the whole and it was a victory - in the coordinated action and unification of the party and the Red Army October the 30th 2014 President Xi Jinping points out at a conference on political work in the military adherence to the party's absolute leadership over the army is the soul of a strong army to secure the Army's soul firmly is the core task in military political work which should never be shaken we must recognize the important position and role of our Army's political work passing down the excellent traditions shaped by generations of the founding fathers with their blood and lives [Music] when the first second and fourth front Red Army's and the twenty-fifth army groups started the long march they had a combined strength of around 200,000 when they finally arrived in northern Shanxi only 30,000 men and women remain the rows of gravestones and the hero's names are the most solemn demonstration at the CPC's beliefs and conviction and the most vivid and powerful witness to the Red Army soldiers discipline and courage there are numerous Red Army soldiers who fought to the death died from illness froze to death or starve to death on snow-covered mountains in grassland but who remain anonymous they don't have gravestones but the search continues to identify them the Red Army soldiers whether they survived the long march or died on it have created with their blood and lives the most magnificent epic of the Chinese Revolution having surmounted so many difficulties and so much hardship and danger the Communist Party of China and the Red Army can be confident of their invincibility in undertaking any future expeditions [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CGTN
Views: 28,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCTVNews, News, CCTV, Breaking, politics, Long March, Documentary, Reunion, Red Army, Communist Party, military
Id: V6HK-mCYWbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2016
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