Road to 500 Days - Part 1: Interloper Day 1

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foreign [Music] ERS welcome to the beginning of our new main run in it for the long haul hoping for 500 Days perhaps longer but we're gonna have to see of course I might die who knows uh we're gonna hop in and do a brand new interlock run which I'm going to commit to I do a lot of other runs but very often it's just the beginning and then that's it we're gonna hop in and start it now and I'm going to continue playing it for as long as I can and we'll see how it goes it may or may not correspond with DLC releases because depends on how it's recorded and when but you know you see how that goes in either case I hope you enjoy this experience from start to finish wherever that might be so let's go shall we enough talking you'll start a new one and this is a normal interloper run and confirm that and last time I got to 500 days or rather a thousand days I was where well uh but I think we'll go Astrid this time this time I'll be asteroid so we'll do one each and here we have the feet and if you watch my channel you know what I always go for I always go for snow Walker which is great because you recharge your stamina faster so you basically gain more sprinting which is very handy in the early game and it's kind of had an late game too because you get to your bases faster so I always choose that one and then I always choose cold fusion because a two degrees extra they do help a lot especially early game because you go into a cave you might just barely be cold but with this you're barely warm in the late game it might actually make you warm going outside so these are great feats in my opinion it's on the fishing machine is good fly Master is not that good in my opinion however I'm gonna turn things around for this one for this particular run I know I'm in it for the long haul but I'm going to pretend more like this is a fresh run everything is new so actually what we're gonna do for this run we're not going to have any Feats we're going to turn them off I know that some of you watching may not have these feats and we're gonna do it without any there are some streamers like Rand alfo who always do without Feats and today we're going to do the same so no benefits at all and let's see how we go uh roads to 500 let's go all right now let's see where we spawn the thing is if I could choose the best possible spawn would be HRV Ultra Valley if not I would prefer Ash Canyon and then the rest is either way so let's go Let's see we are we are in full on muskeg okay okay well that's fine we're going to go and grab Cattails now fallen masker used to be a good spawn in the sense that um I'm gonna check out this uh line here in a sense he always had matches here it was always matches to be found by the farm the Spencer's Farm but they have removed that so that's no longer there but there is a flare by poachers cam and also a flare In The Bleak Inlet cave not always though but often we're going to check this blind also I always pick a lot of stones in the beginning hey hacksaw good start that means we can get saplings pretty fast can what's that wow it's cold that's weird well we got matches they're invisible but so be it that's a good start isn't it interesting I'm pretty sure those are one of the spawns for interloper as well so I don't think that was uh a loot bug it's just a display bug but it was just pure coincidence that I saw them because I happened to hover over them like that okay we're gonna head into the cave in Bleak Inlet so that I can warm up there I'm just gonna grab these cocktails check out a few other things and the grass was making a scary noise and at the at the time when I'm recording this uh at least this first episode there are a few loot bugs in the game there are a few uh cases where say you can find MRE on interloper or um things like a gun even you can find a gun but if that happens on this run um if it's something like Foods well basically if I find any non-interloper gear I probably will just save it and use it as like a display thing as a memento we'll see though I am getting frostbite risks I need to warm up but I'm going to grab some Cattails first golden Mercy has a lot of cattails that's morning and it's a clear day how nice very very lucky spawn in the sense that it's nice and clear I would have preferred a more challenging spawn this is pretty good although I would nevertheless I preferred spawning in hustra Valley or something although I might go there to get the hammer I might go there right away this is not that far from here and uh this should always be a hammer in hush River Valley because of uh the signal fire so just to make sure that I get the hammer right away I might go there now or maybe not right now but uh soon I need to sleep to get this the only thing I'll use a stim but we could go via um via mystery Lake because yeah I think that's smart actually so we'll go to Trapper's cabin first and then we will go through the cave to Milton and we can loot some stuff in Milton as well and then we'll head to hush through a valley and I think that will be a good plan since we found a hacksaw already I can start cutting down saplings and I can put them to cure I can grab some rabbits uh if I see them and get them to kill and then before you know it if I'm lucky we could maybe get the um the bow as early as they six or seven okay let's give or take the beginning I always grab a bunch of these things because we need it for tea there's a wolf crowds to reduce the detection distance they didn't see me anyway then we're going to go into Larry's cave to also grab these but this cave is Larry's cave that's what I call them anyway because this is the home of Larry Larry is the only indoor rabbit in the game and he's there in this cave that leads to Bleak Inlet I'm not gonna go oblique Inlet though there isn't really anything for us there at least not now uh well there is a bedroom that's guaranteed let's see if we can get this coal here are they oh it's still still possible there we go we are cold here so we are going to make a fire in a minute um we could actually do that now let's see okay fire here uh let's put a stick then we can make some water warm up and then we can we're just going to go into the cave to grab the come on little fire um flare that's there but mostly we're here to just warm up and get a little bit of coal as well there we go put that down and then while that's doing that we can prepare we're gonna do this one first in case I get attacked there you go and then do one more of these mushrooms okay let's do that and then we're going to do another one of these a couple sticks on here I'm gonna take a torch we're gonna go and check out Larry is Larry home Larry is not home he's usually here gonna see Larry in action check out my 1000 day interloper video where I gave him a gift you should never kill Larry because it brings bad luck you know I'm just making this up while you get the idea so let's see here this should be yeah I we have the flare and the backpack how nice very good nothing in it though we could sleep but I don't think it's really necessary I'm gonna quickly check up here too in case there's a piece of coal or something [Music] oh I'll say maybe that much effort I guess it was this torch might blow out but that's all right I'm just gonna check in here or some coal [Music] we don't really need to get coal for the the forging most likely because there should be enough around the forge for that we'll get that later we don't need it right now now I'm just going around checking the stuff I may need to maybe do a little bit faster because um yeah okay anything here oh we got some sticks though okay let's see should be yeah there is the atrium well not so much in Atrium but uh and I'm going to go back down and I don't think I went down here let's see do I have time I think so before it burns out I can't really see well by this should be there's some coal quick look anything else I don't think so I'm gonna go back before the fire burns out I don't think it will have burned out already at least I hope not it was pretty fast fingers crossed foreign okay nice uh you can we can put on another stick and we can Harvest this so a bit tired but that's okay we're not going that far two minutes we're gonna grab uh I'm gonna put this on because I want to grab some torches that's a very bad torch but that's okay for now we're just gonna grab torches in general so let's just do that as many as we can take the water and I think we can get one more by putting a stick on yeah there we go okay then we're going to continue but I'm going to check over here hopefully this doesn't blow out actually oh well we'll see no mousse markings so the Moose would be somewhere else if it is here at all careful with the wolf so down here the sun is a little cam I don't see anything so far if a wolf killed one of these deer by accident I would probably grab it but what I want is to go over here on the right because over here you can find saplings oh here's the wolf oh we might get this there then that would be nice if we could I think that might work no okay he ran away he got spooked shame grab some teas can be useful for parasites also in case I want to get that there's a lot of these in Fuller Mouse cake let's get rid of this whole flaming I think it's with a torch and off you go and up here you sometimes get saplings uh Maple is what I would want first and foremost there we are maple fantastic we'll check out the coolness like what's over there and so on it's always best to in the early game your goal isn't to explore every little detail it's to get to the major points like you want to find tools you want to find loot food uh saplings if you can and so on your goal shouldn't be to check every little detail because you don't have the resources for it but when it's later in the game and you have all your gear um and you have your bowl and you're comfortable then it's time to explore and check the little things that's when you do that okay there might be a carcass here which we will grab if we can we might also grab some rabbits that will attract wolves but it's okay if that happens let's get some wood and stuff uh this is burning out in a sec this is one of the Polaroid locations but we don't have the Polaroid at the moment choose the bad torch first let's use the bad torch if possible because then it will burn faster As Rabbits oh is it there hi um there's rabbits because they're the fast sorry the bad torches will burn uh faster and then you have less things to carry around let's see if we can get some of these rabbits gonna drop the torch like this because if we drop it I can show you actually if I drop it like this see they all get spooked but we don't want that so let's try and get these rabbits shall we let's get this one first what that looked like I hit him but I guess it didn't uh yeah grab that and the other Rabbits go let's get my torch we got to be a little bit careful with this rabbit though because uh unless you get the big torch this time how did it blow out yeah it did blow out okay because we can attract wolves with this so it's an option to just drop this and it'll pick up after across my risk is building so we need to make a fire soon we don't really need the rabbits but I just want to get them now so that I can start the curing process already and then we have over here we have some saplings so we are going to grab all of these let's do it quick so we can make a fire because we have close to frostbite ah [Music] to be quick about this uh is there a carcass here there is can I make a fire here is the question you're windy where can I put it then here how's the wind coming from here okay and he's making fire first and then oh I use the match that I shouldn't have done that okay we need to actually be fast about this because I don't want to get frostbite if I do then I do but I was a little bit greedy there with that beginning going for those rabbits there we go and put two coal on here right away and yeah we're fine 77 nice there we go and let's do this make more water grab things grab this put them over here there we go grab some sticks too okay uh grab a torch go and we're going to harvest these a little bit I'm gonna use the hacksaw while we warm up and cook that 33 minutes do the same here we would like to DARE but it depends a little bit on uh how much time we have for that and you as well let's grab that and warm we're gonna eat the rabbit right away because the weight of the rabbit is pretty poor in terms of uh what calories it gives okay let's grab the sticks the like the weight calorie ratio is pretty bad with rabbits like a kilo rabbits hardly give any food compared to a kilo of mousse or deer or even wolf foreign so let's see is this falling it is nice that's what I wanted feathers six minutes eight minutes these uh would like the guts and things but we might just carry it with us five minutes we'll wait a little bit grab that eat this have some water as well long left not as much as I would like put some more of these on I get two hours maybe put that on there and then this 40 minutes which should be enough to grab this actually we'll grab the hide by that time there we go we got the hides it's cooked do this again grab the meat from this guy my cold but it's fairly wind change but I don't think it blew anything out I'm gonna eat this we're gonna go for well fed right away you see right away we're gonna go for welfare 17 minutes okay how long does this 30 minutes um I think it probably won't burn but we can do one plus my risk is gone for now anyway let's eat this one as well it's a small piece well take that and again you can do this and it takes an hour done some more of this and then we will harvest height takes 40 minutes the other I was hoping we just have to bring them yeah I think because we can't really stick around much longer we'll prepare some stuff while we wait for this to cook and then we're going to leave we're going to attract wolves doing this but it's okay I can do this uh we will leave the guts here um because it takes too long to grab them I will get some more guts from the rabbits instead instead we're going to grab while the cooks we'll grab these um uh like in here yeah so we have two of them down there's the deer good do you notice that I keep dropping all my stuff like the the meat so once I get the guts and the meat I drop it on the ground right away that's not loose or something that is a bit buggy yes okay that was weird it has to avoid the walls because if I carry these rabbits once I pick up these rabbits I'm going to smell like really smell okay we're gonna grab this I'm going to take that and that grab this and then this and then they see now I smell like I really smell so I'm going to be attracting wolves a lot but that's okay uh because as long as the wind doesn't pick up we'll be fine and even if that happens we still have um our our marine flare you know shortcut down here might get a sprain but hopefully not it'll definitely be our attracting walls I don't have any bandages so that removes my ability to run right there but we should be fine poachers over there has a flare as well but right now we're okay we got uh we got our marine flare worst case scenario if it's too windy go behind a tree instead of Fire we're also going to detect me from really far away now I have to be a bit careful we're not going to pick up any more of the mushrooms for now wait with that first I'm gonna drink it has a wolf coming here I'm on my left okay where he kind of walked past me because I wasn't in line of sight but he was there okay oh it's a campfire over here nice at the moment I'm gonna use any torch doesn't really matter and let's also have one of the teas this should warm us up a little bit too it recharges our warmth as you can see now almost completely warm again they even have a snow shelter how nice and what's this granola bar wood we'll take that take the charcoal as well I guess no shelter we don't really need it though we're not far away from Trappers that wolf's dead walk past us it only didn't see us because of the terrain uh he'll be back we're gonna be back ah yeah let's just uh C here is this any more wolves that probably will be more wolves I'm gonna grab some more sticks how heavy am I not that heavy and we're only going to Trappers which is not far away so unless the blizzard hits we're fine um my oh there's a sapling over there I don't remember there being one there before but uh I'm gonna grab that so that I can cure and I think we'll just have Trappers orbits yes there's all two walls having a little party we'll have Trappers as our base for now um but depending on the spawns we might choose Camp offers instead Travis is my favorite base I think it's fantastic such a good base it got coal right there and everything rabbits It's a Sky we think you need but there is an argument for Camp offers Camp office is a little bit bigger no smoking so that's me smoking right there okay so that's where the Moose is then uh when I went to hunt news I'd go here the camp office is bigger so it has more space and it can also be with closer to to things so you can have a moose spawn and a bear spawn in Trapper's cabin in which case that's that's the best base in my opinion but if the bear is somewhere else like by unknown Pond uh or the the lake it might be better to have at Camp office because then it's a little bit closer and you also have the Lake Ola cave and it connects everywhere a bit easier so both bases are great no matter what some people also like having the dam as the main base that also works really well disappear yeah this always happens they disappear you should choose whichever base you prefer you know there's no right or wrong answer to that I personally prefer Trapper's cabin but you know it can be whatever you want the lookout tower if you want why not anything here no okay let's check these boxes if there are any boxes looks like there might not be no boxes today okay grab these roll sips then now this is with the new loot system after they launched the DLC so that means things have changed in terms of stems matches tools all that stuff has changed and it's quite new I have by now uh learned where some of these things are I know many but not all of the matches uh are um I know some of the hammer spawns most notably HIV and a few other places and uh I know with some of the stems are but not all of them but I have a decent idea where to find loot but I don't know all of it particularly tools hammers hacksaws I was lucky to find a hacksaw there but Amazon hacksaws I know a couple of locations because I found them there on other runs but I don't know all the possible locations they can spawn so this will be a mix of uh existing knowledge and exploration to try and find stuff obviously after I find the first Hammer we can find more Hammers and we can take him back home who display them or eventually take them to fishing Huts or other bases let's grab this as well warming up expired but that's fine there's coal to be found in the mines or rather the cave over here but we're going to wait with that and take it on the way out towards Milton just because um we might need it in hustra Valley Castro Valley uh only been there once since they changed the content uh the the loot but so far Hustler Valley seems to be largely the same as it was before pollute a little bit here as far as I can tell the loot in oh we have a bare spawn here nice the Luton hastro Valley seems to be very similar to what it was before the patch some things have changed but the bulk of the stuff is the same a secret Max has got okay all right does we have a bear here in this location means that this will be our main base good old Trappers because then the bear is very close to the camp Office Camp office sorry our base so if you run out of food uh or we need food it's a lot easier to secure it because the bear is right next to the to the base you can just you can even uh just lower the bear over to your door and it's pretty easy to kill and we'll be right by your doorstep it's pretty good so the bear being there is is great that's uh really good uh we're gonna try see if there is a carcass here in which case we'll make a fire I don't think there is a carcass though no no carcass anything in here usually there isn't anything no no moose at the moment so at least and then there's some more saplings we'll also grab those they are cold but nothing major we don't have any torches left so I'll just do this I used two matches so far because the wind blew out my uh first torch and then I lift the other one and this is going to be our main base for the whole run I always oh I prefer choosing mystery Lake as the main base because it connects so well to everything it's just a really really good location you can connect to Milton easy to follow mosque and the forge the coastal highway to Pleasant Valley and by extension everything else like a team of mountain uh you know even the far range it's not far away everything is like two or three regions away at all so it's a great Hub mystery Lake connects to pretty much everywhere is there a backpack here okay I would like to get these rabbits but uh thing is that I don't know if I'll be able to maybe if I crouch here to reach them is the only thing and that did hit him do you see and see what that was about let's try this one more time you don't have to have all of them but if I get a four we'll be good and then you try not to attract all the walls in the area what yeah let's grab the torch unless did it blow out I don't think so yeah we got an extra rabbit that's fine let's grab the Torches to a torches the stones too oh yeah I did the rabbit go well they are I could try it one more time if he's coming back up here is he coming back up here he is probably one more time then there we go and there we go very nice then we can put things secure here while we do other stuff before we do any looting we're going to put here our deer hide I'll put rabbit hides here at least there's only one right now and then one of these and then we have we have 11 11 green bird saplings on day one sounds legit and then that and then let's make a fire we have two of those that's great okay nice uh and then let's start a fire and we can get some more torches we can make some more water and we can also cook the rabbits or rather the meat from the rabbits I don't need a fire to harvest the um hides and guts and things if I do need it to cook the rest of the stuff we don't need to use we're going to use a fur it's Burns a long time and it's also very heavy okay so let's do this and then that and then the rabbits will harvest them but now right now let's just eat this because we don't really need it uh oh rather we don't need to carry it around okay let's start looting shall we oh storm Lantern fantastic I always carry a stormland and a lot of people ask if it's worth carrying this thing because it is quite heavy but I always carry it I think it's fantastic because it gives you the opportunity to light up the room uh when you enter a cave and you need light and you don't have to use a match you know I think that's great this is something behind oh yeah a hacksaw perfect I did not know that I could spawn there it's fun to explore some new things I've only explored some of the new loot areas I would say 70 is still unexplored for me though that was fun knowing that I could spawn there we don't have a pry bar can't open that anything around here we got ketchup chips dog food soda dog food I'm not going to open this book it's 10 there we'll take that anything under here it doesn't seem like there's anything under bandage grab a torches away for this to burn out here grab a torch check this okay I think that's everything that's like around might break down these crates we don't need to do it right now so let's just open this then okay we got quite High number 40 45 46 so 46. 59 46 59 okay 46.59 come on wow gonna be like that huh there's a whole round okay go there we go that was fast peaches cash and that's it okay nice okay there's some food We're Not Gonna Take with us so these we'll put them here for now uh on display because I'm not gonna open these until I um until I get a can opener so I'll take the other stuff that can be useful food and then I think that's it we need to open this when we have a hacksaw and that's about it and then I'll probably Harvest this cloth here but I can wait we don't really need anything right now I suppose yeah starting gear is okay I don't really have any cloth so I can't really do much okay so we're going to wait did I not oh wow I didn't put water in the cans whoops okay we're gonna harvest the rabbits for the meat one minute there's only two of them that have a meat I think because I did harvest the rest go let's take that take that one water on and then one of these and then we can Harvest hides with our hands because that takes 40 minutes just now cooked we'll eat that grab that and again that and then we'll cook the other big one grab another hide I hope the fight doesn't burn out because I don't think it does no I didn't think so I'll put some sticks on we got a lot of sticks eat that as well wait the I'll cook the small pieces rather just eat these and this one like that there we go and we don't have anything else to cook other than like you know uh prepared teas and things but I can wait we're gonna make water because small water is always good even if we leave things behind so in the meantime we're going to harvest all of this stuff the rabbits we're gonna Harvest them completely and we can basically make water while we harvest the rabbits and we're just going to do it by hand 30 minutes or 40 minutes makes no difference because of how long it takes to cook the water but we'll do it by hand and water is always good so we're going to keep going with this I was all of the rabbits it doesn't matter if we sleep into the day the next day foreign because we can uh it's warmer later in the day anyway [Applause] we're spending a lot of time harvesting here but we're getting things cured it's pretty fast as well [Music] I'm gonna keep going with this keep going how many rabbits are left not a lot they're almost done and one more I think or maybe two more and then that's it with one one colon here just to keep this fire going yeah was I well I'm all rabbits I think there are more rabbits that was all of them let's get some torches done not the greatest of torches but that's okay and then we will drop this stuff so here we go our guts five guts curing and five rabbit pelts curing and what we really want we want two of these to be used to make the bow and then uh how much is it for the other ones and we want the Hat all the gloves whichever it doesn't really matter I suppose we share all these if we can get two more rabbits we can create both of them when we come back okay then we're going to eat some of these cattails just to maintain well-fed I'll eat these things if I have to this isn't the wind the merchant runs the lead wherever we find we always keeps the uh cancellative necessary we'll find more food on the way also uh have some more that's good enough and then we're going to drop some water uh we'll do it here but now at least drop five kilos or five liter rather there we go and then we will also Harvest this and the one we're using and then we're going to sleep 10 hours probably won't sleep the next two we wake up it should be good so let's sleep then for 10 hours there we go one day four hours nice I'll have a drink uh how's my chart we got two that's fine we don't really you don't usually map much in the beginning okay then we have some other stuff we don't need we don't need this add the book it would be useful let's just read I like having one book on me at all times just to have a book but uh it's not I'm not sure if it's worth it I might read it later it's likely we'll find another book in uh in Milton anyway but I will bring this other stuff this against wolves in the weather this for harvesting and saplings or metal and then these for cooking and I think that this we don't need actually we can drop this for now let's put this uh on here this is like our comeback to pile there we go all right then we're ready to go if I see two more rabbits I will kill them but if I don't see any which is likely what we're going to do is uh we probably will find some rabbits on the way to Milton by that cave there in which case I will uh Harvest them there and then leave them to cure in that cave and then by the time basically by the time I come back from foraging the idea is that we have all the materials ready to make the bowl to make arrows as well as the rabbit uh uh stuff although we might kill this bear and then craft it while the bear height is curing but the plan now is to go to Milton what we're really doing is we're going to hush River Valley because it's the only place where I'm pretty sure there'll be a hammer it'll be at the signal fire so I will check Milton on the way through to see if I find a ham and Milton in which case we'll leave HIV for later and once we have the hammer we're going to forge to get the ball and the the gear once we have that we're going to hunt a bear and if possible a moose and then while that's curing because that takes 10 and 12 days which is a long time so while that's curing I will go to Ash Canyon to get the technical backpack foreign stuff that's basically the plan and then after that uh after we have done that then we'll see what we do then we loot other areas and go exploring and making more stuff and so on so that's the plan that's the future plan but now we're gonna head into Milton see if we find a hammer but we're basically heading to HIV so I'm not going to lose all or Milton uh or mountain town but I will loot basically what I come across so probably lose the town I'll loot uh you know the church and so on I wouldn't say no to some gloves and a hat you know that would be good let's get the coal there's another one that's a pig of the Woods so how's my nine matches well I'd use two matches what was the third match okay oh I know yeah yeah when I was close to frostbite I accidentally started the fire with the match rather than with the um the torch so I used two matches to light that fire that's what happened that's okay in the beginning that's loud can we see the plane crash nah difficulty loud waterfalls remember waterfall the cold for the first video I made okay in the early game on interloper it is normal to use a lot more matches than later the lights used to match to light a fire to light a torch to protect yourself and wolves you know and so on it goes so don't be afraid to use matches quite a lot in the beginning but once you have the ball and everything and a bit more settled you might want to be more conservative when you find a maglans try to use the maglins whenever you can there's a good start we got things curing we got a lot of stuff how am I doing with the I got a lot of Tinder now and I'm going to start picking up Tinder I've been dump some of them in the cave eventually they'll come obsolete anyway all right we're gonna take a shortcut down so we're not gonna use the rope to get down here we're going to save the energy by going a little shortcut you don't really use much energy to climb down the Rope though but you do use some so instead of going down there to get to the roll which is there you can see the rope in a distance there right there I always use the fathom to point and stuff but it's still going to go this way and hug the wall hug the wall go down on this ledge and go down here and here and here and down here now only risk of doing this is you could get a sprain and if you get a sprain obviously you uh can't climb the next row but as long as you have a bandage that's okay you're going to leave these uh Rose sips for now and has the rabbits I was talking about so we're gonna try and get those there is a wolf here though so we got to be a little bit careful I mean that wolf isn't always there but he's usually here what oh that still went flying there's the wolf here I don't think so doesn't seem like the wolf is here I want this rabbit because I want the hide secure while I'm away I hit him though hit him in the leg this up in case the wolf is here I just didn't see him grab some stones and I have to go back and forth the easiest way to get a rabbit is to get him to walk towards you and then you can just Chuck it you'll see me hit you know some good shots here and there but you'll also see me miss I miss it all the time perfectly normal to miss I like especially in the early game to always carry at least two stones the idea is that you always carry one to scare away wolves by uh um by aiming at them with the torch and the other one is through distract the wolf right there should be matches in here in here in this backpack there should be matches yep there we go that's how it used to be before as well half but they patched it and it remained the same okay we're actually warm in here nice if that's the case we're actually going to drop this and then Harvest them while it's still warm and this one too grab the hide will also Harvest the guts it's gonna get later in the day but that's okay and we'll get to meet while we're at it the meat will take with us we're not gonna cook We're not gonna cook it now and these because we're warm we can just do it without a fire if it was cold I would make it fire here but it's not there we go just to be safe we can put X5 uh like Trappers main base then we can put X5 rabbit next one there and I think uh how was all of that so I think there's five guts I think in Travis in the next two rabbits and X2 guts in mlmt cave in case I get it confused in case I forget it's always good to write this stuff down because um at the moment you think oh you know I'm gonna remember that yeah that's that's easy it's not a problem but then when you you know and then maybe you play again tomorrow and you remember but then maybe next time you play is a week from then and then you're like what was that again I think I left some Pelt somewhere where was that again uh you know and then you can't remember so it's always best to um to write these things down you won't get confused if you do write it down remember to also update them because um if you have seen my previous videos I have a stalker video where I took some books to Pleasant Valley and I wrote in my journal that I had stored them in Timberwolf Mountain but I'd actually put them in the freezer in Pleasant Valley you know when I came back to the Run later I could not remember for the life of me that I had done that and I was looking all over for the books and I didn't think of it and I just never ended up never reading them you know this wasn't paying close enough attention all right we're going to be a little bit careful here because uh this climb isn't too long or anything but we we do smell because of the rabbit so there is a possibility that a wolf can come to us but we don't stink that much so it's unlikely that there's a wolf waiting for us at the top should be able to get up here no problem really bad win but should be all right there we are this is the picnic area let's take a quick look to see if there's anything here uh I think this is a Polaroid location the Lathan I'm gonna check out over here there oh this little Camp office thing here it's like a little mini base but I don't think it will stay here though grab a couple more Stones all right warm me up in here I'll call this actually so minus one and here it's like okay well uh here do we have anything of note we have boots they're possibly better they're not better for now we can sleep here but we're not going to do that scrap metal okay we'll take that most crap we're going to sleep in either oh a flare shell nice I'm not sure if that was intentional or not but it doesn't matter we won't sleep here though I don't think we'll sleep somewhere else totally I'd find a book I think that's it we need to eat something though have some more cattails that's good enough for now all right let's keep going uh I'm hoping we can find a pry bar by orchestration that we can enter orchestration but if not then so be it I don't see any wolves which is good makes things a little bit easier I'm going to have this uh flare out though just in case something happens let's check out this truck here quickly seeing as we're right here in case there's a Memento cash hint I don't know where all the mementos are so uh might as well check so let's check in the bins nothing in the bins nothing in anything in here no okay we check this car open the hood let's not go around the corner since we smell we'll give it a wide bath there's a gas station I still don't see any walls now let's have a look around here okay I don't see any wolves anything the second half first nothing here we have food don't see anything else first of all sir this should be locked while I look and it's going to dump that we're fine just in case something laying about I don't think so what I might do though I think it's late anyway and we're right here I'm gonna go over here and check the prison bus usually there isn't much here by the prison bus but you can sometimes find a wool uh scarf and who knows if there's anything else let's see is there anything here oh spray paint don't need that anything else like it all no okay and we're gonna head inside I'm gonna head to Milton and we'll go indoors very very windy but we should be okay we'll grab the rabbit meat how windy is it I am tempted to leave this rabbit mate behind because it's not worth it by itself to make a fire it might be easier to avoid the Wolves if I leave the rabbit meat behind I might just do that come back and cook it later yeah I might do that it's pretty cold how's my okay yeah I think I'm going to do that to see if I can then more easily sneak into town and I'll cook the rabbit meat later we'll eat found Foods so you can leave that there and we'll check out uh we'll go here first see we can find we should have enough Foods uh if you can find some cloth we can also make a makeshift uh hat and gloves which should eliminate our needs for uh uh oh I should limit our risk for frostbite which would be good soon see any walls around not that I can see but I mean they are around but are they about there they are I thought I heard you now this flare doesn't last very long so we're going to get indoors say sap uh if since it doesn't last very long we're going to try to get to Grandmother's house because there's a um fire there an indoor fire so we can light the fire with this which will be very good the other houses don't always have a stove but gray mother does so we're gonna go and do that we're gonna do the rest of Milton later this is why I had the flare handy just in case that exact thing happened okay there we are grandmother's house and we're gonna throw this and light a torch and I'm gonna light a fire over here ashes no I used to Canada money that Marine flare that I picked up earlier came in handy this is the exact reason why I went to pick that thing up come on little fire because if it's high wind and the uh a wolf shows up you can light that really fast and they will not attack you and now we use that to start a fire as well come on come on no fire we believe in you we believe grab that let's just put down this to make water because we can any excess water we make we can just leave it here and then we can look around hey we have a hat fantastic that gets rid of that frostbite risk I saw some chocolate there let's loot everything there's a few things to loot here another cooking pot okay I'm gonna put this on it takes about two hours so we'll put some more on let's open all these cabinets we need to eat soon let's do this so we don't forget there's usually peaches or soup here uh here we are organ beans anymore now we have another book then we have these cabinets a lot of cabinets with nothing go let's grab a new torch excuse me let's grab a book also so you can light fires easy cabinet another cooking pot look how much water you can make hey there's the matches stuff will come in here I thought there would be matches here in grandmother's house on the sewing kit anything else let's look around I'll make gloves if I can't find them uh got that gray mother and uh Lilith I think her name was it's a Lilith I think so hey trousers oh you have them on enough water so check in here anything here always check bathtubs they can have thermals in there check in there after first let's check here uh uh trunk this hey down West and windbreaker okay nice okay oh maglands look at that fantastic 32 so now we can make fire on a sunny day and then one thing is here anything around here no what about behind this cloth here let's have a look at this I can already see so we have cured rabbit felt I can use this okay nice we don't need this anymore let's head down to the kitchen take these I'm gonna take one of these down the other ones behind 18 minutes all right I'm gonna Harvest this soy weight I do want some more torches though go and how are we doing with torches soon we'll grab grab some torches belonging to this is done 50 minutes so we can grab uh we'll grab one more yeah it's good enough okay uh so let's put on sticks like that and we'll grab some curtains should be able to find it with the windows I'm gonna eat all this food there's no more curtains there oh there's curtains here so it's good enough a little crafted in the morning off the hat are those bullet holes I see you've been shooting at Intruders thank you okay let's just eat stuff while we wait we're gonna eat all this stuff just to get that salted maintain our well-fed that's more like it I'll also drink this the drinks it doesn't really matter if they're low condition it won't make a difference there we go oil dry oh that was 20 minutes okay well there we go I'm gonna take the pots and drop any of this gear this one we can leave here we could just so I can see better we don't need all of this water or anything I'm gonna drop some of it here let's say I don't know five liters so and then um we can also drop here like next to it this and that this also actually I can carry this it weighs like nothing put this here on that there I'll see it when I come back next time I'm going to sleep here then we'll craft in the morning a uh some some gloves because we don't have that all right so let's go to sleep for 10 hours there we go it's a blizzard outside so this is perfect time to craft stuff so we have we don't have gloves so we're gonna craft some gloves better than nothing there we go oops put these on there we go uh we're gonna probably leave these boots behind for now but we haven't really established this as a proper base so we're just going to drop where we're not taking with us on the ground and five o'clock doing it that much I guess I guess I could carry that actually in case I need to forge that and then uh we're gonna leave these shoes and I'm going to actually make some bandages now we can either read or we can craft while we wait for this blizzard to end I mean the business doesn't have to end I suppose but uh let's also maybe repair something because this is very low condition so maybe we could repair this it's good uh this is not that great anyway but we might as well repair it just in case there we go that's better and we have two pieces of cloth so I'm gonna grab some more that's just because if we do go to the Forge from here it's nice to have some more cloth even if I don't really need it right now okay and then we're going to eat some Cattails we'll probably find some more meat on the way uh I'm not gonna loot everything here in Milton we'll loot it later because I want to get to HRV but I will check this car anything here guess not all right we don't have a bed roll but you might have to sleep an hour in the trailer up ahead just to get some more stamina in HIV though there are some beds you can sleep uh I think that's one of the upper levels and we should find a bedroll in hiv2 because there is uh an indoor cave where you can find matches hacksaw and the bedroll it's just great and I just be let's keep a look out here for for wolves it's also a pry bar in husker Valley which we can grab hey mittens just when I made my own mittens are they better worse they are marginally better they are more resistant oh well you know I didn't know that of course so therefore I crafted the other ones that's fine I mean they will eventually be replaced anyway and we can Harvest them for one cloth I think it cost four oh the maple over there I will leave that for now though I like to get two Maple as soon as possible so you have at least one curing ideally two oh Marine Fleur more gloves the reason I like having two is because in the beginning your bowl breaks pretty fast uh your bowl takes a lot of condition loss when you use it so the first spell you make tend to break fairly quickly well the next uh ones they take longer it's nice to have one ready granola bar and nothing here go away Wolfie okay well you stay there then I am going to go in here Wolfie you think about your life choices all right a warm see what loot we got on here let's check over here first here we have granola bar and anything else we have matches very nice very very nice uh sometimes it hides things behind these things I guess not today no foreign let's look around a bit carefully because I bet you there's something else here I bet you'll miss it too I do some of these miss things if you do see me miss something and you point it out and I later can't pick up hold on this run is really our run isn't it it's not just me it's both of us or all of us rather okay nothing there I'm gonna do the shadow rule Crouch look and listen and I can hear a wolf though do I if I don't we'll remember that's what shall dool always did Crouch look and listen so you crouch the animal won't detect you as easily you look so you see anything and you listen for them as well got a few Cattails here so I'm gonna grab that maintain a little feds it's usually an animal carcass here but I think we will leave that for later don't see one right now though probably isn't on this run we have more saplings but we don't need more saplings right now so we're not going to grab more of them I will grab a maple if I see one that's easy but not perch because back in back in our base we have 11 Birch saplings now which is enough to make 33 arrows and I'm not going to be able to make 33 arrows anyway so instead uh after I have the bow uh then we'll do that sort of stuff so I basically tried to get all the essentials to make the bow and then start crafting and things and once I have sustainability which I can get via the bowl and also some of the gear then you start hunting you start establishing a base and then you can start exploring you go to a region and you you can settle in that region by uh hunting there getting a food supply going and then you explore it including all the little nooks and crannies and you if you find saplings in those regions you can always take them back to that Regional base so for example let's say that I make the farm here my regional base the Meadow Farm I think a little Paradise farmwise called let's say I make that my base then what I can do is I can take the saplings there I can let them cure and then if I need to make more arrows well I'm in this region in the future then I can just go there and make them what I did on my long run my thousand day long uh around my thousand day run whilst that I took the bulk of the saplings in the world back to the main base since that's where around the route for the most time but I always left some saplings in other regions as well like maybe three or four just to make sure I could make arrows let's see here and check out this cave it's a cave that I very rarely go to it's just like one of these miscellaneous caves but I just want to see if there's anything in here since after they changed it in the patch uh I see nothing okay let's head to the trailer we're gonna sleep there for a couple hours so yeah later in the Run when I have my bowl and I've crafted some stuff and maybe I'm curing some stuff uh and while that's happening I'm gonna go to an area and explore at the moment going to HIV we're not going to do everything in HIV we are going to pick up the most important pieces the most important loot and then uh we'll come back to HIV another time to explore the little corners and things oh the move spawners here okay that's good to know so this is where the Moose spawn or rally it's over there that's where it is uh you might be thinking you should get all the clothing items but as long as I can find one copy or maybe two of the best clothing items like Finn wool sweater thermal leggings wool socks wool too so on then I can maintain those and the rest if you find it late and it's ruined it doesn't really matter and not not that much but we're gonna go here and then after we crafted stuff I crafted the bow we're gonna you know probably settle a little bit in mystery Lake and then we'll probably go to another region like maybe we'll go to Ash Canyon for example or something like that or we'll go to Coastal Highway or whatever we'll figure something out free for you to give me your vote and when you would like to see me go after I have craft the stuff there's a few episodes from now of course but okay and let me also yeah another hack so finding all the hacksaws so there's one in the blind when I spawned and I was lucky one in Trappers and that was an area I never looked and here also in the trailer how about that says three axles uh this is an area though the hacksaw could spawn before it used to be able to spawn here before as well and it's gonna drop this though um and let's put a note hacksaw in trailer in Mountain Town trailer I don't know what that means great mothers house okay and then I think I'm gonna sleep here for like maybe two hours but before I do let's just eat some stuff uh we'll just eat all of this except for the stuff that could give me food poisoning that's that one and uh oh this could give me food poisoning but it's unlikely to do so I just want to keep this as high as possible really let's just Gorge ourselves with uh with this stuff go and then we'll sleep I think we'll sleep two hours yeah two hours should be fine and then we'll head into HRV and I should have enough stamina to like go about I'm not particularly tired or anything and it's late in the day so we are warmer and when I get there what I really want to do is I want to get to the Ice Caves uh to get the loot and I want to go signal fire so when I get there I want to figure out what's that noise hmm not sure what that was uh when I get there I want to find out where the signal fire is and I want to go there but it doesn't really matter that much where it is because we're going to go through both Ice Caves so one of the Ice Caves the call it the upper Ice Caves it will have most likely combat pants and the ear up which is great well the lower one will have bedroll which is also great and then a signal Phi will have the hammer at least I think it will and we could check for a moose carcass as well it's extremely rare by the markings up here I've never seen a moose up here it's by the by the it's over over there that's where the Moose is over there so yeah so we got a loot plan here and then by the time we have been through HIV and been to the forge then the stuff will be cured back in Trappers here we are the cave system to HRV okay and I think this my fellow survivors is a good time to call this episode I hope you enjoyed part one uh most episodes will be one to two hours the first one I knew would be a bit longer because we're getting started this is pretty good start uh we got some good loot right away we got things curing we're looking well so now next episode we're going into HIV find the important Loot and if you find a hammer which I do suspect is at the signal fire we are going to go to the forge and start making our arrowheads and tools and then crafting it after and then we are pretty golden then it's just about doing everything else and there's a long long list of things to do and lots of areas to explore so this is going to take a while all that stuff that we want to do will probably take 500 Days who knows anyway I hope you enjoyed this first episode I'm leaving you here in the cave darkness and I hopefully see you next time and best luck on your runs too see you soon survivors bye bye foreign
Channel: Zaknafein
Views: 383,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, winter, spawn, tutorial, educational, wolves, bear, moose, hunting, bow, interloper, permadeath, hinterland, funny, norway, professor, science, base building, exploration, walkthrough, expert, great bear island, developers, series, season, world record, highlights, journey, adventure, fantastic, struggle, fights, cold, blizzard, fog, mountain, dlc, far range, expansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 36sec (5556 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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