THE LINE | The City of the Future

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Cities: Skylines 2 looks promising to me.../s

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/5ma5her7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
foreign is going to change things for the better because we can Implement Global best practice into every element of the city we are working with the best Architects and planners from around the world in order to take all of the learnings we've inherited from other cities and create a new city from scratch at the line we're working on building an urban model which provides unprecedented livability and model for nature preservation and sustainability all while providing a unique environment for economic growth I am tari padumi and I am the executive director of urban planning at Neil hi I'm Charles Pendleton and I am the executive director for the line proponent I'm salwari and I'm a senior architect at neon urban planning physics and I'm also a futurist what will a city of the future look like when I was a child I used to think about the city of the future are we going to have flying cars are we going to visit the moon and Mars when I grew up I began to look at these cities like Paris London New York and I saw traffic jams I saw pollution I saw a tremendous inequalities and I said to myself we can do better we can create perhaps out of the desert a city that would be sustainable livable a city of the future the line shows us a new way of doing things a new pattern by which we can make a livable future Place making to me is about creating the canvas for Community it's about creating spaces for people to want to visit and living a place that cares for its Society many demographers think that the cities of the future will contain about 50 million people that's not livable at all at the line we are working on creating a template by which we can create cities of the future that's where jobs are that's where opportunities are and so Place making to me is about creating a legacy creating a template by which other nations can then compare their cities their plans with what's being done here in Saudi Arabia [Music] so what are we looking at here so we're looking at the line as a whole the line spans across three different geological regions so we have the coastal desert the mountain and the Upper Valley it starts out at 500 meters height and then slowly as the topography Rises it disappears into the mountains we have the hidden Marina this is where we're starting construction we bring in a canal from the Red Sea to create a bay all this is sustainable right neon itself is 100 renewable energy we produce energies through solar wind and hydrogen we also have 100 sustainable water meaning we take out water through desalination from the sea however we don't dump the brine back into the sea so we use that salt and we recycle it making the process very sustainable this is a section of the line you're going to have the mirror this is where the mobility at height is going to be happening this is your neighborhood for example right and where the shops where people can go shopping all of here is shops right so where your public space is these that could be office spaces right where people come down for lunch and sit outside and basically you're five minutes away from your daily needs meaning your school your Nursery ah it makes life very convenient then right everything's better than walking distance like Midtown Manhattan you're within walking distance of everything within Midtown but outside of that is hell it gets worse the commuting is incredible to get to that Midtown Manhattan foreign takes place absolutely right here absolutely so this is representative of an 800 meter wide module 500 meters tall these lights demonstrate what a Mobility Corridor would do so as you can see we have no ground floor the subway is at multiple Heights and that allows you to potentially if you're in a in a unit here you can either go up to a Subway or down to a Subway so if I live here then the five minute rule would be around here yeah so five minute rule is generally 400 meters vertically and horizontally and literally across so we live in a three-dimensional City the five minute rule is is really a function of achieving your your daily needs and no cars this is amazing no cars yes I think the principle of the module is about Community okay you don't enjoy or become part of community by driving past in a car so the idea is is to encourage our residents and visitors to explore the city on foot so your world with all your basic needs are met within five minutes of your living unit like Lego blocks if you stack these Marshalls one half to the other after the other you get the line absolutely [Music] first of all I'd like to thank you for such an Illuminating discussion of the future thank you for the opportunity of interacting with the individuals that have made this possible and have actually going to the site itself is an experience that you cannot put on a sheet of paper to see all the bulldozers the cranes the the hundreds of workers they're working on a project that they believe in because this is part of their future but now I'd like to ask some questions what gave you the inspiration to take on a challenge this big uh the scale was the first thing that got me interested and I think part of the the overall Vision around a cognitive and sustainable City and those are two lenses I've traditionally seen a lot of my career through one of my biggest sort of motivations behind this project is for us to continue in our effort to preserve as much of nature as possible and to create a city that can sit side by side with everything that people need on a daily basis and everything that the economy needs to thrive I think working on such a radical and I would say challenging project every minute of every day counts we all know it so I think that sense of responsibility is what really drives me and Giles everyone wants to create a legacy so what are your goals the legacy of the lawn will be that we will start to look at buildings and suburbs in a different way so can we save time and get more accurate less waste more sustainable and I think the modular thing is really going to be a big part of the success of the line I think what we do is the Legacy that we leave behind I think what the line does is that creates an equality which we've rarely seen before around the world providing equal Health Care to all of the residents that live on the line equal access to education higher education so what are some of the challenges and some of the solutions that you guys have come up with the line allows us a unique opportunity to place making at height our challenges on the line are not to eliminate the bad stuff because that's already not there I think our challenges always how do we make it better um we have of course the rule book of how to build cities and how to build buildings and so on and so forth but this project rewrites the book absolutely we are right now designing the line differently we're using AI extensively to model out and that disruptive technology is allowing us to compute consequences of our design decisions very quickly so in his example some of the institutions that we're working with are redeveloping their two-dimensional AI models that mapped how people move in a city and where the hot spots are and where the sort of main traffic happens into models that now work in three dimensions the kind of work we have to put into it is intense so we work with people who model movement in cities people who study neural urbanism which is measuring human response to height human response to certain proximity to people so we're getting that people enjoy seeing Greenery and seeing views that are almost surreal in nature we're building a city not slowly and incrementally we're building a city at once that is of a different typology so um it sometimes said that where the youth goes there goes our future how does the line play in terms of how the young societies view the future so the team that I work with is made up of a sample of the young Saud degeneration and I can tell you that the ambition and the drive that we wake up with every day is unshakable the lion and neon and Saudi in general is giving us the freedom to invent to innovate and really think purposefully and thoughtfully diversification of industry and economy as well and neon plays a major role in that it's going to bring new technology new industry and new Services whether Financial or tourism into the kingdom and as part of that 2030 Vision well in conclusion I'd like to say that well you convinced me folks I mean I'm sold I think you guys are actually talking about something that's going to affect the destiny of civilization itself a new architecture a new way of thinking a new way of organizing ourselves a new way of living people are going to say to themselves wow something new is happening in Saudi Arabia they've taken the lead they're thoughtful they're planning and they're going to enrich our lives and so on behalf of well everybody I'd like to thank you so much for giving us a new vision a vision of our future thank you very much thank you foreign the United States and learning the history there were waves looking to create Utopia many of them fails but why they were not sustainable they did not create enough money resources food to sustain the economy to keep their Vision alive well that's where I think the line comes in the line has made sustainability one of his key foundations this time we have a good shot at making it happen a city created to address the problems of pollution overcrowdedness inequalities so in other words we are creating the future of the human race please foreign
Channel: NEOM
Views: 68,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eoDR8wgoCM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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