Michio Kaku: "Time Does NOT EXIST! James Webb Telescope PROVED Us Wrong!"

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time and space or like a fabric like rubber like a trampoline net turn this trampoline net into a pretzel and allow yourself to go backwards in time have you ever questioned what's truly out there in the cosmos what mind-blowing Mysteries the universe might be concealing from us well you're in for a ride we have a revelation so colossal it's about to rewrite everything we thought we knew about the universe brace yourself as the renowned American physicist Michio Kaku unveils a discovery that's nothing short of revolutionary brought to light by none other than the legendary James Webb Space Telescope which may have proven that time does not exist ready to dive into a space-time riddle that's going to turn your world upside down the James Webb Space Telescope is essentially the Hubble Space telescope's bigger cooler sibling launched on Christmas Day 2021 this telescope has taken up residence in space Illuminating secrets from the universe's darkest and most distant Corners it's like the ultimate time machine equipped with super powerful infrared instruments that make it perfect for peeping into the past how you ask well it's unprecedented resolution and sensitivity allow it to detect incredibly old and faint objects that even Hubble couldn't glimpse we're talking about distant galaxies and celestial bodies from the early Universe those elusive entities that have been playing an epic Cosmic hide and seek with us in essence James Webb is helping us piece together the universe's Grand star-studded jigsaw puzzle one infrared image at a time now imagine you're at an art gallery strolling past Grand pictures captured by the James Webb Space Telescope also known as jwst the imagery is breathtaking with distant galaxies shimmering across the cosmic canvas yet among the astronomers and cosmologists you see shock and disbelief there's a sense of turmoil almost as if they're staring at a Picasso in a room full of realists the common phrase you hear is this is unexpected so what's the fuss all about what's rattled the very Foundation of their understanding of the cosmos although the official papers are tight-lipped about it the real issue lies with a theory they hold dear the Big Bang hypothesis this is the idea that our universe kicked off in a massive explosion about 14 billion years ago and has been expanding like a giant balloon ever since this theory has been the Cornerstone of cosmological understanding for years and now the new images from the jwst seem to question its validity sending shock waves through the community you can almost hear Alison Kirkpatrick a seasoned astronomer from the University of Kansas tossing and turning in her bed questioning her life's work why is everyone so surprised well the galaxies captured by the jwst aren't behaving as they should according to the Big Bang hypothesis they're too small too smooth too old and there are way too many of them let's try to simplify the two small conundrum if you imagine the universe as an expanding balloon galaxies shouldn't look smaller as they move away from us after a certain point they should start looking bigger because their light supposedly left them when they were closer it's a weird but essential twist in the expanding Universe concept yet the images from the jwst show galaxies that are about the same size as the ones near us it's like you're expecting your distant friends to appear as Tiny dots on the horizon but instead they're right next to you just as large as life interestingly they show galaxies appearing smaller than we'd expect even those that shine brighter and pack more mass than our own Milky Way these pictures show galaxies that seem to be two to three times smaller than the ones seen through the Hubble Space Telescope also called HST despite their greater luminosity and mass additionally these galaxies also have significantly higher redshifts which in layman's terms means they're supposedly moving away from us at faster speeds you might think well that's odd and you'd be right especially if you're operating under the assumption that we live in an ever expanding universe a while back in 2014 some scientists had already pointed out this inconsistency they analyzed HST images and found that galaxies with red shifts up to five seem to match what you'd expect in a non-expanding typical space it was anticipated that the jwst would continue this trend and it has even for Galaxies with redshifts as high as 12. in simpler words the jwst images show galaxies that appear the same size as those close to us as if the universe isn't expanding and redshift is merely a function of distance but if we still cling to The Big Bang Theory and its expanding Universe concept we're left with a pretty perplexing conclusion these distant galaxies must be unimaginably small to counterbalance the supposed optical illusion created by an expanding Universe it's a bit like imagining a grain of sand with the brightness of a spotlight take for instance a Galaxy named ghz2 that the jwst spotted it's far brighter than the Milky Way but is calculated to be only 300 light years in radius compare that to the Milky Way's 50 000 light year radius its brightness per unit area would be 600 times that of the brightest Galaxy in our local Universe not just that its density and that of several other new galaxies would be tens of thousands of times higher than the galaxies we see around us today now when you consider these tiny and smooth galaxies the notion of an expanding universe and by extension The Big Bang Theory starts to crumble and that's why these findings are causing quite a stir among astronomers and cosmologists over the years the Hubble Space Telescope images have given them a hard time the pictures suggest the existence of many galaxies dense and Powerful much like Mighty Mouse from old cartoons these galaxies are a challenging puzzle for them and with the new James Webb Space Telescope things have only gotten trickier to make sense of these peculiarly tiny galaxies theorists have put forth an idea it's as if you're playing with a tiny toy car a magical one which despite being only a centimeter long weighs as much as an actual SUV they suggest that these micro galaxies smash into each other over billions of years merging together to form the full-sized galaxies we see today it's like the toy cars colliding and growing up to be real SUVs but here's the twist the jwst has taken a close look at these galaxies and found no signs of such Cosmic car crashes you would expect these colliding galaxies to show some signs of damage right maybe look a bit scrambled or mangled like a car after a fender bender but that's not what we see instead the jwst reveals galaxies that are smooth neat spirals just like the ones we see nearby there's an overwhelming lack of Galactic Fender dents in fact one study aptly titled Panic highlights that there are 10 times more of these pristine spiral galaxies than the theorists had predicted this is akin to finding a busy highway with speeding cars but no accidents it's a pretty significant blow to the Collision Theory with no signs of Galactic mergers the idea that these tiny galaxies somehow expanded into their grander counterparts falls apart if they didn't grow in size it means they weren't small to begin with consequently the optical illusion we'd expect from an expanding universe doesn't seem to be there without this illusion the concept of expansion loses ground hence the growing unease among Big Bang enthusiasts the appearance of these small and smooth galaxies suggests that the universe may not be expanding and if it isn't the Big Bang Theory takes a major hit and there's another aspect to consider the Big Bang Theory suggests that everything came into existence following the big explosion however if these galaxies existed before that then it would mean the big bang didn't happen this could be a game changer for our understanding of the universe's Origins consider the James Webb Space Telescope as a time machine in words of Michio Kaku able to peer billions of years back into the cosmos capturing images that shed light on the universe's Origins this incredible device isn't snapping photos in our familiar visual Spectrum though instead it's focused on the infrared revealing colors of galaxies so distant we could never observe them with our naked eye now here's the fascinating part these colors aren't just beautiful they're telling a story about the age of the stars in these galaxies young fiery Stars blaze a vivid blue while their older cooler counterparts similar to our sun glow in Hues of yellow and red by examining these colors astronomers can estimate the age of the star populations in these distant galaxies according to the Big Bang Theory the Galaxy's farthest away in the jwst images represent a cosmic Snapshot from around 400 500 million years after the universe's birth however some of these galaxies appear to house stars that are over a billion years old now if you've been following the Big Bang Theory you know that's a big problem because nothing should be older than the Big Bang itself another expectation if the Big Bang Theory is correct is that as we gaze farther into space which means looking further back in time we should see fewer and fewer galaxies until we reach a point where there are none a cosmic Dark Age if you will however it seems to be a different story it seems that galaxies as massive as The Milky Way were already pretty common even a few hundred million years after the supposed Big Bang the new images indicate that there are at least one hundred thousand times more galaxies than predicted at high red shifts more than 10. so the question is how could so many large galaxies form in such a short time the answer they probably couldn't at least not under the constraints of The Big Bang Theory and that's why these discoveries are challenging the foundation of our understanding of the Universe on top of that there's this intriguing bit of information that suggests the Big Bang Theory may actually be off the mark on quite a few things Believe It or Not Recent research suggests the Big Bang Theory gets 16 predictions wrong that's right 16. the only prediction it Nails is the abundance of deuterium which is just a fancy name for a type of hydrogen and it doesn't stop there this Theory we've held on to for years has been predicting double the amount of helium and 20 times the lithium that we actually find in the universe The Big Bang Theory also has trouble explaining these massive structures that we see in the universe according to the theory these structures are simply too big to have formed in the time since the universe's Inception plus the theory gets a bit tripped up when predicting the density of matter in the universe and here's a fun fact remember those supposed non-existent asymmetries in the cosmic microwave background yeah it turns out they do exist it's like a cosmic plot twist so where does this leave us enter the James Webb Space Telescope this technological Wonder might just hold the answers to these Cosmic contradictions these discrepancies might seem like minute details in the grand Panorama of cosmic knowledge we've gathered but we can assure you they're far from negligible each Minor error is akin to a missing piece in our Cosmic jigsaw puzzle it obstructs the big picture leaving us with an incomplete understanding of the universe's nature and Origins not to mention these aren't just any random puzzle pieces they're cornerstones of our comprehension of space and matter these anomalies bring into question everything we thought we knew about the formation and evolution of the cosmos they challenge our comprehension of cosmic structures and the Very fabric of space-time which fundamentally influences our understanding of universal expansion gravitational waves dark matter and even the ultimate fate of the universe for instance if the density of matter is off it could change our understanding of how galaxies form and evolve and also alter our perspective on dark Matter's role in it similarly the unexpected asymmetries in the cosmic microwave background could influence our knowledge of the universe's initial conditions and its rate of expansion and to make matters worse these inconsistencies even have implications for our understanding of time itself you see our current understanding of time is linked to the evolution of the universe since the Big Bang if the Big Bang Theory is found wanting we might need to revisit how we perceive time its flow and its linkage with space think about it these findings could lead to a paradigm shift in our understanding of space-time comparable to when Einstein introduced his theory of relativity we could be on the brink of a fresh understanding of the cosmos where we'd need to recalibrate our Cosmic clocks and redefine our Cosmic compasses the universe it seems still has a few surprises up its sleeves don't you think let us ask you this have you ever wondered if time as we understand it actually exists or is it just a human-made concept to help us separate the past from the now we know it's a heavy question to ask but stick with us there's a theory that suggests that time is an illusion crafted from our human memories this theory proposes that everything that ever happened or will happen is happening right now it's a little strange isn't it let's dig deeper into this you'd think naturally time flows forward right but guess what the laws of physics don't actually demand that these laws work just as well whether the time is moving forward or backward if you've heard of the Big Crunch Theory it suggests when the universe finishes expanding and begins to contract time might start to run backward and as the universe shrinks it'll get hotter sort of a big bang in Reverse you might wonder what comes after the Big Crunch it's a question that has puzzled us all some theories suggest that a new universe may emerge from a fresh Big Bang While others propose that our universe might reappear somewhere else entirely like a cosmic bubble popping into existence there are even theories suggesting that this cycle might repeat itself over and over leading to countless universes this strange possibility of time moving in a forward or backward motion has led some scientists to a bold conclusion time as we understand it is just a human construct they argue that we live in a block Universe where space and time are interconnected an idea supported by Einstein's theory of relativity in this scenario all events past present and future have their own coordinates in the four-dimensional space-time what does that mean for us well it suggests that everything is as real as the present moment the past and the future are still out there existing somewhere in space-time MIT physicist Max tegmark explained this concept beautifully he said we could view our reality as a three-dimensional place where stuff happens over time or a four-dimensional place where nothing happens everything just is if it's the latter then time is an illusion because nothing really changes everything past present and future is always there it's certainly a lot to wrap your head around but isn't it fascinating to ponder such questions it shows just how frighteningly magical and mysterious our universe truly is then we have Julian Barber a British physicist who has quite an intriguing perspective on time in his view our reality is a sequence of distinct now moments like individual snapshots imagine flipping through a photo album where each picture is its own unique now that's essentially how Barber views the universe Barber argues that our perception of the past is simply a construct of our brain's memories that is we only feel like we have a past because we have memories of it the actual concept of the past according to Barber might be an illusion he further elaborates on this concept through his spatial theory in this Theory each now moment exists in a place within a vast landscape which he whimsically calls plutonia every point in plutonia represents a now and this landscape itself follows perfect mathematical rules making it Timeless in nature this perspective connects back to a much more familiar name Albert Einstein Einstein's theory of space-time is Central to our current understanding of the universe however its implications and our comprehension of it have sparked some critical questions what if Einstein's space-time concept was erroneous could discarding it entirely provide us with a clearer comprehension of the universe this idea may seem startling but it's important to understand that the realm of science thrives on such revolutions theories are continually being challenged refined and sometimes entirely replaced it's through this Perpetual cycle of inquiry and discovery that science progresses a look back into history would show us how this process has unfolded over time the geocentric model which posited Earth as the center of the solar system was widely accepted for over a thousand years then came Nicolas Copernicus who proposed a radical idea that Earth is just another planet orbiting the sun eventually replacing the geocentric model after Copernicus Isaac Newton introduced a new understanding of gravity he proposed that all objects with mass have a gravitational attraction towards each other in this framework the reason Earth orbits the Sun and the Moon orbits Earth is because of their Mutual gravitational pull Newton's gravitational Theory held sway for around 3 centuries then in 1915 Albert Einstein presented his general theory of relativity which redefined our understanding of gravity and space-time Einstein suggested that massive objects like the Sun cause a curvature in the four-dimensional fabric of space-time Earth orbits the sun because it follows this curve which we perceive as a gravitational pull the transition from a geocentric model to copernican heliocentrism from Newtonian gravity to Einstein's general relativity highlights the evolving nature of scientific understanding despite the solid foothold of Einstein's theories today physicists continue to question investigate and push the boundaries of our understanding of time in the universe Einstein's space-time theory has held its own for over a century fending off all Challengers a significant victory for it came in 2015 with the detection of gravitational waves however no theory is immune to challenges one significant issue arises when Einstein's general relativity which includes the concept of space-time comes face to face with quantum physics the two seem to operate on entirely different rules and this creates a bit of a problem in the quantum realm things get a bit quirky for instance a single particle can exist in two places at the same time Irwin Schrodinger famously Illustrated this with a thought experiment involving a cat a poison vial and a Quantum particle tied to a hammer the Hammer's action whether it breaks the poison vial or not depends on the quantum state of the particle the catch until we measure it the particle is in both States at once implying that the cat is simultaneously alive and dead this mind-bending idea seems irreconcilable with Einstein's vision of a smooth continuous fabric of space-time Sabine hasenfelder a theoretical physicist at the Frankfurt Institute for advanced studies pointed out this incongruity she noted that a gravitational field can't be in two places at once as per Einstein's theory but quantum physics insists that matter and energy can be in multiple States simultaneously this disparity leaves a baffling question about the nature and location of the gravitational field hosenfelder explained that combining general relativity and quantum theory tends to fall apart at certain energy levels the math leads to probabilities greater than one which is a no-go in physics because one implies certain and sometimes it even throws out the answer of infinity which doesn't have any real world physical meaning so there's a clear tension between these two Monumental pillars of physics general relativity and quantum theory now in the world of physics there's a race to find a theory that brings quantum mechanics and gravity together like a harmonious reunion of two feuding royal families and the search has led some theorists to consider some pretty exotic ideas take string theory for instance it's probably one of the most well known in this area this theory proposes that the tiniest subatomic particles like electrons and quarks are composed of minuscule vibrating strands or strings this idea can be visualized by considering the strings on a musical instrument different vibrations or notes result in different particles what makes String Theory appealing is that at least theoretically it marries general relativity and quantum physics but there's a catch to make this unification happen these strings need to resonate across 11 dimensions that's seven more than the four dimensions three of space and one of time we're familiar with from Einstein's theory the issue is as of now there's no concrete experimental proof that these extra dimensions exist partly spurred by these concerns about String Theory some physicists have ventured towards another alternative called Loop quantum gravity lqg this Theory can bring the two rival theories together but it requires a significant rethink of one of General relativity's main premises that space-time is a smooth continuous fabric again instead lqg suggests that space-time is composed of a network of Loops implying a structure even at the tiniest scale picture a piece of cloth at first glance it looks smooth but look closer and you'll see it's woven from threads or think of a digital photo zoom in enough and you'll notice it's made up of individual pixels the challenge with lqg is the scale at which these structural changes in space-time become noticeable the plank scale this is a mind-bogglingly tiny scale around a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a meter at this scale there would be more Loops in a cubic centimeter of space than there are cubic centimeters in the entire observable universe proving this with current technology seems near impossible according to physicists to test such a minute scale we'd need a particle accelerator a thousand trillion times more powerful than cern's Large Hadron Collider for scale that's roughly the size of our entire Milky Way galaxy now that's a big ask isn't it while building a particle accelerator as large as our Milky Way sounds a bit like science fiction a group of physicists from the UK France and Hong Kong might have another way to explore these big Ideas their hope is to use an incredibly cold gas made up of billions of cesium atoms in a state known as a Bose-Einstein condensate to check if gravity might have a Quantum site as well interestingly the universe itself might offer another way to detect these minuscule space-time structures consider this light that we see from the farthest corners of the universe has journeyed through billions of light years of space-time if there are tiny defects in the structure of space-time the light could interact with them each interaction would be minute but add them up over such huge distances and we might just be able to observe an effect in fact for the past decade astronomers have been using light from distant gamma-ray bursts to search for evidence that might support Loop quantum gravity these intense flashes of light result from massive stars collapsing when they reach the end of their lives intriguingly there's a consistent Distortion in the spectrum of these far-off gamma-ray bursts that we can't currently explain as Sabine hassenfelder pointed out we're not sure if this Distortion happens during the light's journey to us or if it has something to do with the source of the bursts themselves it's an ongoing mystery but to truly make progress we might need to take a step Beyond Einstein's idea that space-time is a smooth continuous fabric Einstein viewed space-time as a sort of stage a backdrop that would exist even without the actors the stars and planets but as we delve into the world of quantum gravity we may need to fundamentally rethink this concept it's as though we're not just changing the script but the stage itself Laurent freidel Robert Lee and George hermanic three forward-thinking physicists are shaking things up they argue that the way we think about space-time might be limiting our understanding to them space-time doesn't exist separately from the things within it rather it's defined by the interactions between objects this flips the script suggesting that space-time isn't something that needs to be merged with the quantum world but that it actually emerges from the quantum World itself it's a shift in perspective that says groundbreaking as it is precise this new take on space-time Theory could be the key to solving a notorious conundrum in theoretical physics the mysterious entanglement phenomenon this is a situation where two particles are so intimately connected that a change in one triggers an instant change in the other no matter the distance between them this seems to violate relativity as it's like information traveling faster than light Einstein found this so concerning he dubbed it spooky action at a distance but if we look at space time through the lens of this modulus Theory Things fall into place if space-time is born from the quantum world then closeness in a Quantum sense takes precedence over physical proximity as herminic put it it's like feeling closer to a loved one who's far away than to a stranger living next door in the quantum World these non-local connections are totally plausible freidle Lee and hermanic have been diving into this groundbreaking idea for the past five years and they're cautiously optimistic about their progress the appeal of their approach is that it envisions a Quantum world with gravity instead of trying to apply Quantum rules to gravity as Loop quantum gravity does the next big step for them incorporating time into their model while all this might seem a bit abstract and purely academic the implications could actually transform our daily lives our understanding of space-time affects our grasp of both gravity and quantum theory as hosenfelder points out our current gadgets all rely on quantum theory so a better understanding of the quantum structure of space-time could pave the way for advanced future Technologies the reigning theory of space-time I'm like any long-standing Monarch might soon be dethroned and it's high time for fresh contenders however it's tough to predict which of the many theoretical contenders will eventually Triumph but when the revolution does happen it could Herald a new era of discoveries for theoretical physics so what's the next move for astronomers scientists and physicists what are your thoughts about this do you think James Webb Telescope might be the solution to our problems or might just be leaving us to question even more let us know in the comments stay tuned for more mind-bending videos
Channel: Future Space
Views: 304,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james webb telescope, james webb space telescope, space, james webb telescope images, nasa, michio kaku, future space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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