The life story of Princess Caroline of Monaco

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In previous videos, I introduced the  story of Princess Grace of Monaco. Today,   I will tell you the story of her eldest  daughter, Princess Caroline of Monaco. Princess Caroline was born in 1957. Her mother was  the renowned Hollywood actress Grace Kelly, and   her father was the reigning Prince of Monaco at  the time, Rainier III. The marriage between Grace   Kelly and the Prince of Monaco was one of the  grandest weddings of the 20th century, and there   was great anticipation for the arrival of their  first child, Princess Caroline, who was born a   year after their marriage. She grew up in a lavish  palace, and some might say that children like her   are born with a silver spoon in their mouths.  Indeed, the princess did grow up in opulent   surroundings, but as she grew older, she felt that  her childhood memories were filled with sadness. Princess Caroline claimed that she never  felt close to her mother, Grace Kelly,   who dedicated her life to royal duties and  entrusted the upbringing of her children to   a nanny. The princess later revealed that she  didn't even want to sit down for a meal with   her parents until she was 14 years old.  She said that their nanny, Maureen Wood,   was one of the most significant adults in her  childhood. "When we're little, we may be closer   to our nannies than our parents," Caroline  once said. Her relationship with her brother,   Albert, with their nanny was incredibly  close, to the extent that once when the   nanny intended to go on vacation, she and  her brother begged her tearfully to stay. When Caroline was 8 years old, the family welcomed  their third child, Princess Stéphanie. As is   often the case in large families, the mother  tends to focus her attention on the youngest   child. Therefore, Grace Kelly and her eldest  daughter Caroline did not establish a trusting   relationship. Grace Kelly also couldn't persuade  her eldest daughter not to marry Philippe Junot at   the age of 21, a marriage that later officially  ended in divorce. Philippe Junot was a French   venture capitalist and real estate developer,  17 years Caroline's senior, with a reputation   for philandering. Grace knew Philippe was not a  suitable match for her daughter and opposed the   marriage, but Caroline decided to proceed, and the  Monaco royal family had to accept her decision. In 1978, Caroline and Philippe Junot had  a grand wedding celebration. The event was   attended by 650 guests, including many famous  Hollywood stars such as Ava Gardner and Cary   Grant. Princess Caroline wore a gorgeous white  wedding dress adorned with a diamond tiara,   radiating extraordinary splendor. The  wedding festivities lasted for two days,   beginning with a civil ceremony and  concluding with a religious ceremony. Grace Kelly's concerns seemed to be  justified. After just two years of marriage,   the couple divorced, without having any children.  In 1992, the Catholic Church officially annulled   the princess's marriage. Caroline hinted at  familial pressure forcing her into marriage,   saying, "Everything happened too quickly.  Since I was little, everyone wanted me to   get married." Princess Caroline found love again  in 1983, just a year after Grace Kelly's death. She married an Italian businessman, Stefano  Casiraghi. Due to Caroline's previous divorce   not being annulled, the couple couldn't have  a traditional Catholic wedding. Instead,   they held a civil ceremony in the Mirror Room  of the palace, which was simple and intimate,   attended only by close family members.  Princess Caroline was already three months   pregnant at the time. A palace spokesperson  stated after the 15-minute civil ceremony,   "Happiness has returned to this family,  despite some recent personal tragedies." It was a period of blissful matrimony. Their first  son, Andrea, was born in 1984. Two years later,   they welcomed their daughter, Charlotte, and  another year after that, their youngest son,   Pierre, was born. Princess Caroline  finally found happiness in her family,   but this happiness only lasted for seven  years. In 1990, Stefano, aged just 30,   tragically died in a powerboat racing accident.  Following this, Caroline decided to retreat with   her children to a villa in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence,  France, to escape the public scrutiny and gossip. In 1997, rumors surfaced that Princess  Caroline was romantically involved   with Prince Ernst August of Hanover. However,  this relationship sparked controversy because   Prince Ernst August was still married to his  wife at the time, with whom he had two sons.   After he divorced his former wife, Princess  Caroline married him in 1999. That same year,   Princess Caroline gave birth to her fourth  child, Princess Alexandra of Hanover. After marriage, Princess Caroline was granted  the title of Princess of Hanover. To this day,   Caroline and Prince Ernst August maintain their  marital status, although they have not been living   together since 2009. Reports suggest that they  have been leading separate lives with limited   communication. Caroline moved back to Monaco,  distancing herself from their family castle in   southern Paris. While the exact reasons for  their separation have never been disclosed,   it is purported that the prince's alleged  infidelity contributed to the split. Despite facing romantic setbacks, Princess  Caroline has devoted much of her life to   charitable endeavors. Following the  death of her mother, Grace Kelly,   Princess Caroline assumed the  role of First Lady of Monaco,   overseeing organizations such as the Red Cross  and the Princess Grace Foundation. However,   her responsibilities changed with the  marriage of her brother, Prince Albert,   to Charlene Wittstock. In 2011, she was  relieved of many of her duties. Like many   members of the Grimaldi family, Princess Caroline  has not found happiness in love. Some attribute   this to the supposed curse that has plagued  the family since the 13th century. Clearly,   even with royal titles and opulent palaces,  true love remains crucial for a fulfilling life.
Channel: Royal Fashion and History
Views: 170,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal family of monaco, Rainier III, Prince Rainier of Monaco, grace kelly, Princess Caroline of Monaco, prince albert of monaco, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco, Andrea Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Tatiana Santo Domingo, Beatrice Borromeo, princess charlene of monaco
Id: -hjlVxwm2AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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