The Life of Leonardo da Vinci - TV mini-series (1971) Part 1 of 5

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open number yes maestro maestra I can drink it myself Francesco yes maestro this priestly way there there the speak a bit is she what's going on 10th wheel out hey wait hey crate with a king oldest make way there make way it's the king go inside the king help me okay how are you my friend majesty no no just lay back you don't have to talk my strong side don't talk save your strength I've been thinking about what still undone so may things started unfinished and what of all the things you have finished maestro Leonardo I think of him so much to learn to study so much under my experiments with weights and motion by volume one painting not finished you've done more than most men even dream of no God gave me the ability so much left undone so much such was the scene at the deathbed of maestro Leonardo da Vinci the monarch of France sitting by his bedside his most royal Majesty King Francis the first Leonardo remark he offended God and man failing to accomplish in the end all that he should have in life then he was struck with a convulsion the harbinger of death so much so he died in the arms of the king at the advanced age of 75 those words belong to George Oba sorry but it's pure fiction however Leonardo didn't really die in the arms of the King probably in the 50 years which had passed when those words of our Sarris were written Leonardo was already a legend and Vasari created a myth it was suitable legends die hard but the genius of Leonardo da Vinci wasn't merely legend alone he was a Superman painter sculptor physicist architect botanist anatomist writer musician master mechanic he may have accomplished more than any other man they have very little is known of him we have some records like these his personal notebooks in which he wrote his observations and there are other sketches and notes to be sure unfortunately much has been lost over the centuries the most brilliant mind of the Renaissance in history some say has left us too few of his writings and but one sketch of himself a self-portrait of a very old man Leonardo da Vinci master genius of the age of genius the Renaissance complex contradictory solitary a dream dreams never before dream saw visions the world never dared see yet five hundred years later so much is veiled in mystery wrapped in shadow when the layers of legend are stripped away who was this man Leonardo da Vinci for centuries the earliest documented evidence relating to Leonardo was a statement sent to the land registry office in Florence it listed five year old Leonardo as one of the mouths to be fed but 30 years ago a German scholar discovered a note written by grandfather antonio referring to the birth and baptism of Leonardo the birth of my grandchild son of my son say Piero da Vinci and Saturday the 15th daily April at 3:00 in the morning and call Leonardo he was born and baptized in a small Tuscan village near Florence called Vinci from which his family took its name thus Leonardo da Vinci a number of people were present at his baptism each of them carefully named but one his mother you all that is known of her is that she was a native of Vinci named Katarina who was this Katarina and why did Leonardo's father never marry her even though he acknowledged their son and raised him it may have been because of her social status there is speculation that Katarina was a humble peasant girl not acceptable as a wife to ser Piero The Da Vinci family were among the wealthiest and most influential in their little village and a simple peasant girl would not be a proper wife or mother whoever she was Katarina was the first and perhaps the most insistent specter in the life of Leonardo a few months later sir Piero did marry a girl not yet 16 but of his class and therefore socially acceptable our Ghirardelli Amadori and leonardo was brought up in the da vinci household don't cry little don't cry the marriage of RB era and ser Piero was to be childless some say that I'll be era love Leonardo and raised him as her son others believe that may have been true at the beginning well a notary like his father before him sir Piero had all the virtues and vices of the hardy rural stock of Tuscany sly obstinate greedy for money and sensual wolf the complete opposite of what his infant son was to become the family continued to live in Vinci until Leonardo was five years old when business drew him to clients and I want those Chancery idiots to send back the entire list this child don't let them get away with anything understand and don't forget the stamp duty do you have to sit his play on the cobbles trousers are expensive to buy they made him call thin a bit of lever they wear out throw a trees with his business expanding sir Pierrot found little time to devote to his son in fact the only member of the family to show interest in the boy was uncle Francesco Piero's younger brother he was a carefree young man with no ambitions no wish to study then worst of all no desire to become a notary but to Leonardo his uncle Francesco was a wonderful man who gave him love and affection but as the years went by he remembered all that Francesco had said of life and the world perhaps this young man who sat home and heard Nolan II was the one who first set in motion the wheels of Leonardo's mind hey you wait come on it's time you started learning something see these herbs I'm picking some of them are good for you this one makes you drowsy and this is for when your stomach's upset this is called mallow it helps you pass water you know why God gave people eyes so we can see how he made the world the world everybody in it animals plants men the more you see the more you learn esterline oh I'm afraid it's dead poor thing well is still pretty you want her in something else tell you what let's cut him open and find out what's inside all right perhaps this is how Leonardo was introduced to Anatomy the beginning of that intense desire to know how things are made inside a desire some felt bordered on the diabolic his mother Katarina still lived in Vinci and she silently watched the child they had taken from her as he grew where are you what do you want Ryu Sanada why do you always watch me ah there you are Joe woman uncle Francesco what woman that one is not there she's just a woman you want to bring all these books with you didn't think I was gonna leave them did you books are expensive in 1456 as near as we can determine the Vinci family decided to move to Florence all the Vinci family that is except Leonardo and uncle Francesco who is to look after him until the boy was sent for Piero the boys watching by this time sir pierrots first wife our B era had died and he had recently remarried Leonardo's new stepmother was francesca d salon for a demon not having a banks on the stone salute none for me so is that one ready to go in the cart we're taking it out now Leonardo do you have to rub your trousers of a stone like that act mmm oh you'd like that I read about Francesco make sure that's tight though do you want these two cause I want them love them later you'll be good till I send for you no mischief terror here so you always have to do that you don't know how much new trousers cost to buy young man do you I don't intend to spend money every day on new trousers for you so you began that's gone right all right Francesca get in the car let's not waste all day as had been the case with our bearable for her Francesca was to bear no children or ser Piero but they were newly married and still young and certain that children would come a great adventure with our day sir Piero is soon to be appointed notary to the Republic of Florence and a little provincial town of Vinci was to be left behind forever an era had ended and a new one was beginning all right let's go right the departure that day must have been happy for everyone except perhaps for the boy left behind Oh do you always have to do that you don't know how much new trousers cost of Iron Man do you I don't intend to spend money on new trousers for you every day so you'll be careful as an adult Leonardo enjoyed robust health the years at Vinci laid those foundations for him and provided him with a passion for nature nature was a comfort when he was lonely and a sanctuary when he needed to be alone a stone thrown into the water creates motion concentric circles expand outward from the hub of a disturbance the same motion occurs only there when a sound disturbs it where do you been all morning I've been for the whole countryside looking for you what's the matter uncle is something wrong your father's here he's waiting for you up at the house he's come to fetch you you're going to Florence Oh Katarina I'm taking him to Florence he's growing up like a wild animal you learn something in Florence say something to cut him say goodbye at least goodbye goodbye Katarina in the intervening years Katarina had married a cutter Brigid Elma Lea do out there all the time come inside of whom we know nothing but his name only Jake Bobby got her another wife a parka I don't mean that why does she watch me every day and should learn not to ask too many questions why not bother because sometimes he might not like the answers Florence was a high-spirited sometimes quarrelsome gossip ridden city governed by a family of farsighted and brilliant bankers the Medici Leonardo's first years in Florence had been spent in a School of Music and Letters where he made great progress such progress in fact that Vasari writes he acquired so much knowledge that he often confused his tutor it's not worth it I do it I know he's doing well in school what I want to know is how is he for her living you say he knows more than the tutors you hired huh that doesn't put bread on the table here listen what's the good of all the schooling and what's the boy going to do can you become a notary like you and me he can't he's a bastard you know as well as I do a bastard has never appointed a notary of the Republic and never will be shall I set the table numbers yes if I could still afford to eat when I get through with my Texas Francisco illegitimate son of my wife lives with me earns no living age 24 there nada grandson age 9 lives with me burns no living illegitimate and there lies our problem legitimate huh 6 miles to feet in Texas of skidding us alive you take my advice Piero teaching him blood music whatever doesn't serve any purpose now that the years over apprenticeship to someone you learned something useful the best thing to the boy right now is to be taught a trade you can earn a living at least taxes taxes taxes come and help me make up the beds now Paulo yes together I want to clean all the bedrooms today they say the left hand is the hand of the devil well did the devil design clocks I doubt it don't the hands go left to right on a clock and all the spirals and seashells start on the left here look I've been collecting shells I've been studying them you know too much a man come at me what is the father he just sketches I haven't done anything wrong too much I've never heard anybody talk so much father where are we going we're there I'm going to apprentice you to my spoon Rocio if he wants you and you have bertocchi oh good morning maestro I've got some business to discuss with you always willing to talk business come in drink come in I brought some drawings for you to see I want to know if they're any good all right let's spread them out and have a look there's not much resemblance between a 15th century studio in the way we think of them now it was more of a workshop actually an artist didn't just paint pictures he had to be a lot more versatile versatile impractical the things he may be used every day they fashioned utensils for the tables of the wealthy and they're not so welcome although designed by maestro by Rocio the work itself was carried out by the young apprentices for sons work yes quite good where's your son he's right outside laid out oh this is my stupid okie oh you're left-handed aren't you yes you mean you can tell the stroke is different all right you pay thriller a month for lodging he can begin want to begin tomorrow let's begin today you lean it Lorenzo Lorenzo rush up bring this young man an apron yes mush well try to learn something where do I live you live right here with us freely Ramon don't forget you do your best now hmm goodbye you try this sure Nate Leonardo what's your Reza I'm working understand oh you are huh you want to trade alright are you hungry a little bit what's for dinner oh he is your fight state unless Leonardo began his long stay under the roof of Maestro barrel cure it was a system that benefited everyone the apprentices could learn from the maestro and he had a labour force five years went by and young Leonardo was still learning his trade I think I caught the feeling some of it anyway you see that Punta more of these usual fried things with every sea tradition has it that maestro porochial used young Leonardo as a model for his David certainly the face of David brings to mind features seen in some of Leonardo's own drawings including an early painting said to be a self-portrait before long Leonardo had proved himself to be the most gifted of the maestro's apprentices and as a result was allowed to paint one of the angels on an altar panel for which baroque EO had been commissioned in fact he was the only apprentice permitted to work on that panel the baptism of Jesus the girls are here hey hey don't wash you a minute back let's have a look I'll leave it to Barataria to find you he hasn't hurt anybody else not here lovely mind your own window with a lovely sight to inspire an artist huh Oh Antony don't be late it's beautiful I've never seen an angel more beautiful get what it's a hundred times better than the one maestro of Rocio painted himself thank you weren't you good for no these are all of you Agito I'm tired of your troublemaking thank you lunch is over do some work and that is now my back is turned alright alright just a minute you think it's better huh better than mine hundred times better than mine go to work ah sorry reports that after that day Andre of a rope you'll never touch colors again out of pure disgust with himself perhaps I sometimes Lorenzo's an ignoramus but he's right well so he's right go back to work I will then Forge hot five minutes the Medici family like all intelligent tyrants amused the population with festivities fairs and tournaments and maestro Verrocchio's workshop was commissioned to do much of the decorative work in that year of 1471 Valley on so Maria Sforza Lord of Milan paid a visit to Giuliano and Lorenzo de Medici Lords of Florence hey they're starting to pass by now hurry everybody come on we can see everything at this window in 15th century Italy local Lords ruled almost every city with sovereign power and this visit was meant to solidify a political alliance between the two reigning families Leonardo Leonardo come over here the Magnificent Lorenzo's riding by with Duke smart sir did you ever see anything really spectacle did you see the card still the gold cloth who's that riding by oh that's what the vehicle sports he's the Dukes brother he's a nobody his skin so dark he looks like an African they say his brothers call him load of Eagle two more within the period of the next two years there were popular uprisings against both the sources and the Medici in Milan Galeazzo Maria Sforza was killed and within hours it was the nobody lot of eco the more who came into power in Florence Giuliano de Medici was murdered to his brother Lorenzo Lorenzo the Magnificent managed to flee and when he returned he avenged his brother's death the Renzo's revenge was merciless he hunted down the leaders of the revolt and the murderers of his brother they were dragged back to Florence from as far away as Turkey and hanged in the public square they were meant to serve as an example all uprisings and assassinations would be dealt with in the same manner hold on go back girls it's all over one move really square it's all over what are you writing like silk jacket Fox had light color of jacket capably satin for a lie dark fool beard it's strange I wonder why he's still dressed as a Turk it's true the left hand is the hand of the devil it's not easy to reconcile in our minds the painter of angels with the cold cynical observer but if we try to remember that beyond painting Leonardo was also a man with an insatiable thirst for knowledge we can then begin to understand the wide range of interests which were to make off his life in many of his notes Leonardo seems completely dispassionate and cruel I'll try to make that clear with an example it was an episode that happened more than 20 years after that day of a hanging for years he had been intent on solving the mystery of a human machine that complex mechanism of muscles bones and blood so in order to gain first-hand knowledge of the body in life and in death he was a frequent visitor at the Santa Maria nuova Hospital in Florence I will tell you my friend oh we have 7080 oh hush one man mother mom tell me how much more my grandson died at 68 a picture over 100 leonardo wrote the old man told me that he felt no pain no sickness nothing but a general weakness in his body we talked for some two hours as i sat there next to his bed without movement without incident he quietly passed from this life those words seem almost melancholy from Leonardo only then he goes on to say without even a break in his thoughts I immediately moved the old man so that I could cut open the cadaver to find the cause of such a sweet death one has perhaps a certain feeling of horror reading this episode he's frail remains which only an hour ago represented a warm friendly old man for now in fact only a source of information I conducted a second anatomical dissection wrote Leonardo this time a child a boy of 2 years Oh what's wrong he comes look Carla after all these years Leonardo had a brother or rather a half-brother sir Piero had married a third time at his new wife margarita DeFrancesco had borne him a son lena bring the wine what are you doing at 4-4 st. Joseph what's wrong with you you Sydenham use yourselves for Sun catches cold he's right next to the fires not going to catch cold maybe she's right I don't know yeah whim bureau are you getting deaf in your old age come in here I want to talk to you right now all right I'm coming I'm coming well what are you so angry about because I want to know why you're always inviting that bastard of yours I can understand your wanting to have him around when other wives couldn't bear legitimate son for you yeah you have no reason for it now don't you see how your wronging our son by having him in this house Oh Oh your exaggerated I don't want him here do you understand the Madonna and cat which Leonardo outlined was never painted actually although several sketches remain intact Leonardo always remembered his stepmothers petty bitterness her death held no sorrow for him Sir Piero continued as a willing slave of his stomach and the lusts of the flesh so he married a fourth young woman who bought ten children for him and when ser Piero died some 20 years later the child sketched with the cat joined with his other brothers and sisters to claim what had been left to Leonardo insert arrows will stating as their reason is illegitimate he made note of his father's death in one of his notebooks dated July 9th in the year of our Lord 1504 at seven o'clock this evening turkey ro da Vinci notary my father died suddenly 12 children survived his death ten of whom are male to female he had nothing more to say nothing at all following his father's death and his estrangement from his brothers and sisters Leonardo was truly alone in the world it was what he wished for and what he strove for the rest of his life he wrote in his notes free is he who is saved although alone he wasn't lonely for at this point in his life nature fascinated him more than ever his enquiring mind delved into its mysteries probing searching ever questioning the leaves of trees follow their cycle according to symmetrical and precise laws why the fruits the seeds contain an embryo of a new plant of that plant only have no other why why why but while finding refuge in nature he didn't avoid the company of men Leonardo often joined the Assembly of artists philosophers and men of letters gathered together from throughout Florence at the home of Lorenzo de Medici since Leonardo's education had been interrupted when he was apprentice to moisture / Rocio he tried to make up for lost time by studying on his own he taught himself Latin he talked incessantly with the educated men he met at Lorenzo's house absorbing everything they had to offer it was a fascinating era for the Arts and Letters and he was in the midst of it ancient statues were being excavated the dusty libraries of monasteries were being searched for the writings of Greek and Latin authors which had remained buried during the long medieval period but often Leonardo's practical mind would rebel against the sterile discussions of the philosophers who would argue for hours on end concerning the nature and essence of the soul well it's all very well to stand here and discuss the nature of the soul but it adds nothing practical to the world we live in it's more important to know the nature of man's world than the nature of something that may or may not even exist the soul is problematic you can't analyze it mathematically or chemically can you yet despite his never-ending search for more knowledge he was still a painter and while he studied and learned he didn't neglect his profession that period was one of his most productive he painted the Madonna del got off on off the madonna benoit the madonna Lita now at Leningrad the portrait notice Legionnaire prevent she and to enunciations one of the louvre and the other india feet see in Leonardo's Giglio del angelo nature is used as an envelope of atmosphere these are the landscapes of Leonardo you should have seen this Leonardo's great strength was legendary among his contemporaries and so with his active imagination in the words of Vasari God had graced Leonardo with genius his fertile mind never ceased creating new designs and models he claimed to have designed a model which when reproduced full-sized could lift the church of saint john off the ground so that Stetz could be placed beneath and his reasoning was so convincing that everyone believed him so many times admiration and envy accompanied each other in April of 1476 an anonymous letter was sent to the magistrate of night vigilance who is responsible for law and order in Florence it made accusations against a group of young Florentines of which leonardo was a member they were brought to trial statement accuses the following who are present our fellow mayor de pastino goldsmith of a carriage they own are the son of Sir Piero da Vinci apprentice to Andrea del Barrow moment a moment please the records are sketchy the exact accusation is not known to us and probably never will be known shall I proceed yes go on Pacino files the tile up or tosod miquellee they are now docked or not born did you hear that Julian is one of the toilet forties a turn of warning as it happened one of the young men accused along with leonardo was distantly related to Lorenzo the Magnificent a cousin on his mother's side of the family unwilling to irritate the Medici with a scandal the court reasoned that a little discretion was in order I recommend suspension I agree do you agree completely anywhere gates suspended while awaiting further evidence thank you thank you you may call until this Court is reconvened I want all the documents relevant to this case in my personal chamber statements inquiries reports they were all buried in the archives the trial was never reopened the anonymous accusations never confirmed but circulated freely burned deeply into Leonardo you if only men were as free as the birds to be able to fly to fly and be free a bird is able to fly because of the air which supports it perhaps his state of mind gave Leonardo his first ideas about flight there are precise mathematical forces at work which allow a bird to fly the wing exerts as much pressure against the air as the air exerts against the wing theoretically then man should be able to reproduce the conditions which enable birds to fly Leonardo would work toward that end but meanwhile he would develop another means to be free of the envy and jealousy and the prying eyes of men he used a simple technique yet ingenious he wrote backwards from right to left so the only way his notes could be read was in a mirror he wanted to hide his thoughts his ideas he wanted to hide anything that might reveal his real personality in the private man he kept his notes secret in this way always but new forces were beginning to take hold forces which were to shape the pattern of a whole future for Leonardo the fact is from this point on the brilliant art of Leonardo became rare and the time spent in study in other areas of interest increased oh he hadn't finished him there was still pavings to be done he loved it a much longer years some of them there were others he never finished he was constantly moving on from one project to another as though by showing a completed work he might also be showing the world some imperfection which ought to remain hidden so there were the two major drives in Leonardo he coveted both they were basic to his life solitude and perfection although he was never again prolific in his painting the works he did complete stand along their monumental the works of genius in 1481 Leonardo was commissioned to paint an adoration of the Magi for the monastery of San Donato it's capetto he worked on it for over a year a year which included timeout for other studies and several changes of mind about the composition of the painting a copy of his contract still exists drafted an equivalence tile by his father ser Piero it contains clauses which give definite advantages to Leonardo perhaps the contract in addition to the time wasted was the cause of the monks growing impatience leonardo my son you've been painting the saturation for months now but I see very little progress there is progress but I'm striving for perfection perfection is not of this world show a little you really I do my studies are making me more humble every day I gave you four lira and six Olli in June am i correct correct and I gave you 20 Florence in July am i right yes besides that you were given flour and wine you are forcing us to find someone else perhaps less talented at least the painting will be finished sometimes when he was dissatisfied or under great stress in his work he would go back to the workshop where it had all begun there he could hear the harsh decisive voice of his old maestro Andre Adel Viroqua and watch others learning the craft modeling and play most of his old companions were no longer there of course their places had long been taken by young apprentices who considered him old all but one Leonardo it's been a long time since we've seen you something's bothering what's wrong Oh discontent discontent didn't work but myself were they who oh they're from Venice I heard them talking about a commission for an equestrian statue and they've got a lot to spend I can use that port for the smaller work now this is the area where the apprentices learn to paint a table with clay most of them stay about five or six years except for my friend Lorenzo he spent quite a while here with me this one used to work here he's too good for me now well anyway there's more than of room as you can see this is where we'll model a clay there's more room there the casting of course will have to be done in Venice you'll need much more room than this it has to be bigger than the one by Donatella by half by more than half 10 cubits high that's 12 in fact but mother lode here yeah here the courtyard ah I see I think it will suffice yes there'll be room enough here for our purposes I believe but a woman what if it rains it's simply get wet my suppose had to deal with this before he builds a covering for the courtyard I see you use a covering to protect the model that'll be fine on top as far as advance payments we sure can and discuss that with you tomorrow you understand that our city requires a statue to be worthy of basement in the masturbation well it must be worthy of Venice which will pay you commensurately and even day's work for all of us for over a year and this commission is more important than anything we've done it will be on my stores greatest piece of work and those vanished okay very well come with us man well they're very rich visitors from Venice bringing us money Matteo more than we've ever seen work no no no more work today work tomorrow and celebrate today Giovani one buy cheese salami and Gregoire three juju and wine don't forget mine get some tables inventions near this patient put the deer Lorenzo oh just my stuff somebody prove that clay bags ever born balls get those paints all the tables careful don't break anything I'll send you all back to work here comes the food why are we together oh it's a bit least 1200 you're taller than that but you're big enough to you you can make one of them but not their money after I get that sign commissioned it was strangely coincident with maestro Pirozhki oh I had been commissioned to do an equestrian statue at this time Leonardo himself had been sketching horses for months planning to include them as part of the background in his adoration of the Magi but unlike porochial he was not content to simply capture their shape and movement he had to know why and how they moved why did they rear up on their haunches what made their nostrils flare there had to be a reason for each muscle movement it was all part of his fascination with anatomy and his endless probing into the nature of the world which surrounded him he sketched them for hours at a time endlessly recording every movement every expression capturing in detail the workings of each set of muscles dozens of his drawings have come down to us fortunately and together they make an almost definitive study of the anatomy of the horse meanwhile his painting for the monks of san donato showed practically no progress good morning to maestro good morning you're not finished for the day I am may I look of course they're patients at an end the monks terminated Leonardo's contract the adoration of the Magi was finished by filippino lippi hey know that those roll-top against it don't carry the ladder that way it's liable to fall yes my hand you too hey you you watch where you're walking is not made of bronze yet while leonardo carried out his anatomical studies of horses parochial with far less preparation had finished the model for the commission statue done in gesso a kind of plaster it was being dismantled for shipment to Venice where it would be cast in bronze it's very good that's right they're both ready come and have a closer come on it's beautiful it really is it's all being created piece by piece first we're taking it to pet shenzhen by wagon after we get there we're transferring the crates onto barges sail up the pole the rest of the way to Venice you should have seen the crowds right here last week I think half of Florence came to see the horse and they all trip through the workshop pity you didn't see oh I did see it Lorenzo what early last week I came into the courtyard I didn't see you you were evidently busy and back talking with the maestro he going to Venice yes maestro wants me to help him with the casting it's going to be a big job you're all deserting me one by one you'll better change that perigee no and what the Chile already in Rome they're working on the Sistine Chapel can't you move any faster packing those crates some of that wood over here hey Ronnie time passes it cannot be stopped for an instant minute-by-minute today becomes yesterday the water which flows in the river is the first to go and the last to arrive it is like a moment in our lives Leonardo had passed 30 now this particular period of his life in Florence is somewhat mysterious the fact is almost nothing is known of his whereabouts for close to three years there is some evidence that he travelled others say those three Lost years were spent in prison this theory is largely supported by a series of sketches which he titled how to escape from prison and some rather enigmatic words in a notebook you cast me into prison the years in Florence were years of intense study that we do know as a painter his talent was fully established but his productivity was sadly deficient this period was prepare Atari he began designed for work he was never to finish they were years forever gone years which should have produced so much rather than an entire body of work he completed only the Annunciation now in the Uffizi gallery in Florence and possibly to Madonna's which hang in the Hermitage at Leningrad there may have been other works which have since been lost of course but still it is sad to think that ten years in Florence produced so little perhaps he did travel as some what happened or did go to prison as others speculate those theories might account for much to other major works were begun in Florence the adoration of the Magi for the monks and this one a monochromatic study of st. jerome which now hangs in the vatican neither of which was ever finished so much of the man has been shrouded in legend but the real Leonardo is difficult to find it's as though a veil separated us we can see out lines and shapes behind it but not for details and that makes it even more tantalizing perhaps he felt stifled by Florence this highly civilized but strangely provincial city may have begun to Paul after 10 years perhaps the gossip and pettiness of which he had been the subject became unbearable who knows the anonymous accusation which had brought him to trial was surely still on his mind perhaps he was just Restless these and other reasons all contributed to his decision to leave Florence he would find another city in which to work one that might satisfy his eternal discontent he chose Milan and it was common knowledge that Lodovico the moor was seeking talent which would add lustre to his court without warning he left his notes do not include his reasons for leaving but do include a detailed account of his luggage the year was fourteen eighty two in fact we're able to pinpoint his departure because of a letter he sent earlier that spring he wrote Auto V Co the more offering his personal services when he left he took two people along not friends exactly but rather professional acquaintances one was a talent Emilio rock musician Leonardo's other companion was Tommaso masini tomorrow Paula whom he called Zorro Ostrow in his notes a skilled workman duro Ostrow in the coming years would play a large role he would build the mechanical models Leonardo design among them the flying machines it was the spring of the year a new beginning Florence the past was behind him Milan the future was waiting what would it home you you you
Channel: Guyus Seralius
Views: 131,193
Rating: 4.8845835 out of 5
Keywords: Leonardo da Vinci, documentary, docudrama, painter, inventor, renaissance man, biography, art, master, genius, maestro, Mona Lisa, TV mini-series, Italian artist, Philippe Leroy, 1971
Id: dJ-R2c73KwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2016
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