The Invincible da Vinci | Full Documentary

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[Music] [Music] most of his works and paintings were never completed only a few authentic works are extent he lived in turbulent times in Italy amid intrigues of court in church but never fell out of favor his manuscripts include thousands of pages of research but the mystery surrounding him remains [Music] Vinci means vanquish in Italian and Leonardo da Vinci born out-of-wedlock in the town of Vinci Florence eventually became the artist who vanquished all the others as in the point [Music] however when a name becomes a symbol its glorious presence can blind people to the other facets of the person [Music] da Vinci known as a polymath and the quintessential Renaissance man is said to have bought caged birds just to set them free [Music] he wrote in despair tell me if anything was ever done he would leave his books behind and study Anatomy on real bodies trying to find where the soul is located [Music] as great as da Vinci was he had weaknesses unfulfilled dreams and moments of doubt these confrontations do not seem worth mentioning but it is in these moments that once Humanity is sharpened and one's brilliance shines [Music] Mona Lisa smile is wonderfully Dignam addict but more puzzling is why da Vinci chose to paint a merchants wife and spared no efforts to turn her into a timeless legend the Vinci's contemporary the Chancellery official Augustine lavet speech she recorded that from October 1503 da Vinci started to pain a lady Lisa del Giocondo [Music] at the beginning of the sixteenth century people in portrait paintings were almost always rich or powerful but since da Vinci was extremely popular at that time not every dignitary could have a portrait painted by him Lisa was from an old aristocratic family the Guerra Theni family that used to run several farms enchantee but later fell on hard times at the age of 15 with a small dowry Lisa married Francesco del Giocondo a modestly successful cloth and silk merchant according to Giorgio Vasari the 24 year old Lisa was very beautiful in order to make her smile da vinci hired musicians and comedians to entertain her but the lady portrayed in the painting looks much older than 24 and can hardly be called beautiful [Music] her dark-colored dress was influenced by the Spanish style delicate and elegant probably not her usual dress [Music] the painting in an ambiguous mood is both the misty landscapes in the distance and Mona Lisa's mysterious smile in the corners of her mouth the undefinable atmosphere engrosses the viewer and smile as all that one can see [Music] according to Agostino Vespucci and Giorgio Vasari da Vinci spent nearly four years on this painting from 1503 to 1506 and it was still not finished in 1516 the painting went to France with the artist even decades after the death of da Vinci and Viserys two editions of the lives of the artists this well-informed writer never changed the unfinished status of the painting [Music] in 1504 Raphael studied under da Vinci he painted a copy of the original Mona Lisa with columns on both sides of her and the lady looked younger [Music] however the column 'less roof version of Mona Lisa has never been cut down from a larger size furthermore no younger figure is hidden underneath the paint such discrepancies and other proofs have led many critics to speculate that da Vinci may have painted two Mona Lisa just as he painted two virgin of the rocks-- this unfinished work actually matches the accounts of Agostino Vespucci Giorgio Vasari and Raphael in 1913 the English art collector Hugh Blaker discovered it in an aristocratic mansion and brought it back to his studio in Alworth London since then it has been known as the owl worth Mona Lisa [Music] today an increasing number of scholars have proved that at least the face and hands were painted by DaVinci if the Isleworth Mona Lisa is indeed authentic the original question becomes even more complicated why did da Vinci portray the merchants wife once again in his late years and why ten years later in France did he paint it again from memory [Music] maybe it was simply what the Commission requested in any event da Vinci managed to portray the effects of time on her beauty with her grace unchanged [Music] not long after da Vinci first painted the Mona Lisa he was also commissioned to depict the Battle of Anghiari on the east wall of the salon de cinta gentle in Plaza Vecchio honoring the victory of the Florentines in 1440 meanwhile Michelangelo was also commissioned to paint the west wall to commemorate another victory of Florence the Battle of Cascina Michelangelo though 23 years younger than da Vinci had completed his best-known work David by 1504 the statue was eventually placed at the entrance to the plateau vecchio florence is town hall before its position was decided da vinci had hoped that the work would be placed under the loggia dei lanzi but failed to convince a majority of the committee in charge [Music] as a result from 1504 to 1505 Michelangelo and DaVinci would walk past the striking David to go to the salon dei cinquecento and create frescoes in the same hall this was the only side-by-side competition between the two Renaissance masters though neither of them managed to complete his commission Michelangelo's draught depicts soldiers bathing by the river when they were raided but the well-shaped male figures painter showed off his expertise on the contrary da Vinci's fresco shows the scenes of war with disorder and brutality it was later copied by many other artists da Vinci only completed the central same weapons intersect a fight to the death for an army flag riders and horses clashed and twisted anger and hatred honor and bravery collided on the battlefield each soldier was depicted with uniquely designed clothing and helmet bodies and muscles of humans and war horses were illustrated precisely following rules of anatomy however the fresco of the Battle of Anghiari was joined because of a new painting method that he tried out use lis frescoes were painted on wet lime plaster walls with alkaline resistant pigments since it requires a painter to paint fast the finished work usually lacks details and is difficult to change da Vinci took the risk and painted it with oil paint he even added wax to the primer hoping to achieve a more delicate treatment however by the time the central part was completed the paint had already started to deteriorate so he simply gave up the project [Music] perhaps for da Vinci it did not matter a failed experiment is nothing to be ashamed of as he wrote in his notes time will destroy all things and devour all things with the relentless teeth of years while time eventually defeats everyone one must aim at nothing but victory from the beginning even thwarted by near endless failures when one does win over time however temporarily that victory is cherished for eternity confining against time the artists competed with nature he created everything with his brushes including human emotions the Last Supper completed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1497 is housed at the refectory of the convent of Santa Maria delle grazie in Milan it is Leonardo's largest fresco but took him just three years to finish taking one of the most important biblical stories da Vinci chose its most dramatic moment who with a clever design heightened its tension to the extreme [Music] the 12 apostles were carefully arranged into four groups by the painter they were caught up in this situation unprepared revealing their most natural reactions [Music] Jesus sits in the middle the vanishing point in the perspective is behind his right temple through the inverted triangle between Jesus and st. John distant mountains and blue can be seen natural perspective and a balanced composition set these figures apart and created an animated but uncrowded scene [Music] before da Vinci's first Milan period he was an artist's apprentice in Florence for more than a decade [Music] in 2019 a special exhibition for Akio master of Leonardo was held at Palazzo Strozzi da Vinci became an apprentice of Iraqi Oh at the age of fourteen who undoubtedly served as a role model for the young da Vinci in the pre marina cemento prima di Bernardo Michelangelo Raphael o es Oprah to toe la sua época a al internally questa época be Sonia capira la Regina di Bernardo que debe multisim Eau de Rocio say for mitakuye Rizzo de lui deep in German chaos superior far l architect o Azhari engineer del mundo requested on artista Universal açaí peu de quanto fine or are non è stato capito a universal eita dylan our dough viene de la Mer sorry today Rocio Braccio had trained some of the best artists of the Renaissance such as Sandro Botticelli pa da Buddha Gino and Leonardo da Vinci Verrocchio's works increasingly revealed authentic human emotions also on display is an early terracotta sculpture that may have been made by da Vinci [Music] Leonardo Quinn dc:format Oh Sakura mentaiko me artista delle arti plastique a condor Akio a noise a PMO da Vasari K fetch a Videla terracotta Adira Churov a sorry DJ della Terra Cotta did own a caesura davon Eau de pute chicusuri Devin OS Atta meant a comer la Madonna de londres abbiamo cui in mostra la Madonna di Alondra uno para una caja mondo SIA nello steal Akane Ella quality' a new nanny soon report o con Antonio Rosaline o que los putt or a aqua DNA traditional meant a trevita reporte so no astray momenti genera si Senora por TD chronology ax Deacon tempra Netta main tree nel duccini diginity design Leonardo any poking amazi Pinta cambium de nuit Citro bono numeracy see me confirm quiere que con la Madonna de l'ordre [Music] according to Vasari da Vinci surpass varrock EO and their collaboration of the painting housed in hufa see the little angel on the left was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci and the angel on the right was painted by Vera Keo da Vinci's angels seemed to be distracted while having a conversation he turns over looking towards his right while his hairband floats in the air two other early works of da Vinci housed in the Uffizi gallery Herald the artists later style the unfinished adoration of the magi depicted crowded people chatting and an army in the background it's dramatic and dynamic composition for shadows The Last Supper in the painting Annunciation the distant landscape and blue colored aerial perspective is similar to that found in the Mona Lisa the wings of the Arch Angel are clearly based on da Vinci's observation of bird wings flight was a lifelong obsession of Leonardo da Vinci [Music] Milan's biblioteca Ambrose IANA houses his largest set of notes the 12 volume Codex atlanticus Leonarda the polymath who is actively involved in urban planning science mathematics and music made little mention of himself however in his notes he wrote down incidents from his childhood as I lay in my cradle a kite flew down to me and opened my mouth with its tail it seems to be my destiny in da Vinci's notes the signs of flying machines are abundant they were not practical designs but only the expressions of his own fertile imagination [Music] even when da Vinci had become a well-known artist sometimes in the streets people still called him a bastard his father did not leave him any inheritance and never legitimize da Vinci da Vinci never signed his name on his works instead he drew convoluted knots as he did in many of his notes the word Vinci is similar with the Italian infinitive meaning to thread and knot so some art historians have come to see that as a sort of signature by imagery [Music] perhaps da Vinci was always a reckless genius for whom neither the completion times of his art Commission's nor their themes with a number of works were important he was only loyal to art perhaps in the heart of the Vinci there was a knot that was never revealed nor unraveled the concerned his own transient presence in the world and stood for the confines he sought to break free from the knot may only occupy small corners of his works but from it the intense aspiration to fly was born and from it his pursuit of perfection was issued if not motivated by hidden ambition if not afflicted by unfulfilled dreams and if not spurred on to hopes of glory how can one reach the peak [Music] it is not as fame but his attitude of never compromising and his indomitable will that made people call him the invincible DaVinci you [Music]
Channel: Hantang Culture
Views: 37,632
Rating: 4.8816199 out of 5
Keywords: Leonardo da Vinci, da Vinci, Unlock Sensational Italy, Italian art, Milan, Florence, Vinci, Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Master of Art, Artist, artwork, Mona Lisa, Last Supper, Uffizi Gallery, Renaissance, verrocchi, Vasari, salone dei cinquecento, Vecchio, lady with an ermine, virgin of the rocks, Annunciation
Id: TBBZgm1d5qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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