The Life Of Killer B: Eight-Tails Jinchuriki (UPDATED)

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[Music] the life of killer bee from naruto killer b is a shinobi from kumogakure he is the most recent jinchuriki of the eight tales though unlike his predecessors he was able to befriend it and hone its power for kumo's benefit despite being responsible for the village's protection b aspires to be the world's greatest rapper welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of killer bee before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos if you enjoy the video please check if you're subscribed youtube sometimes unsubscribes users from channels so even if you think you are subscribed you might not be the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background at a young age he was among several other children who were gathered by the third reikage and dodai in order to select a partner for his son a out of all the children gathered he was the only person able to successfully perform the lightning release double lariat with a as such he was given the name b and a stated they would be brothers from that day on since the age of five b has been best friends of motoe whom he'd always greeted with a fist bump after a's cousin the jinjuki of gyuki lost control and killed motoi's father along with seven other ninja on that day b was chosen as the next jinchuriki soon afterwards b suffered from similar prejudices against inchuriki not too different from that the villagers of konohagakure and tsunagakure had against naruto uzumaki and gara respectively however he kept smiling and pushed himself to be the best jinchuriki that he could be so his brother wouldn't be politically hurt as the fourth reikage after his father's death motoy tried to kill bee believing that bee's death would also kill gyuki and avenge his late father but b disarmed him easily and despite the attempt on his life bore him no ill will which led motoi not to speak to be for 30 years out of shame b would later train with his brother on an island in the land of lightning where there he would find the falls of truth there he learned how to control gyuki in an amazingly short period of time sometime after this training bee alongside a and other kumo shinobi confronted minato namakazi and his small squad when minato moved to counter a's attack b used a tentacle to push a out of the way causing shocked the konohashinobi that he was gyuki's chinchuriki the two from this encounter minato would come to have much respect for b in his abilities minotau even stated that bee acted as a true shinobi killer thus giving him the title of killer sometimes since then much like naruto b had become beloved in kumo as the village's hero or as motoi called him the hero of heroes when a became the reikage he forbade b from fully transforming into the eight tails and restricted him from leaving the village saying instead that he would become the guardian of the village and attack from within its walls to protect him from meeting the same fate as his adoptive father some time later when b learned from pestering darui that konoha and tsuna were hosting together in impromptu tuning exams bee saw this as an opportunity to give a show for the attendees a however anticipated his young brother's actions and had darwi and c stop him payne's assault while leaving the valley of clouds and lightning after training bee was confronted by taka he was immediately attacked by sweetgetsu whose sword b took and used to overpower jugo sasuke ochiha then stepped in and used his own sword to take back suigetsu's impressed b brought out his seven swords and attacked sasuke his unorthodox fighting style preventing sasuke from tracking his movements with his sharingan sasuke tried to gain the upper hand by channeling lightning through his sword but b did the same with one of his swords removing the advantage and plunged the other six into sasuke's torso dealing him a critical wound before he could finish off sauce case wiigetsu and jugo came to his defense while karine retreated with sasuke and healed him bee was able to damage sweet getsu's sword but taka was also able to force him back sasuke was healed by karine and the fight continued b became bored with the fight and tried to leave but was tracked by kareen with escape not an option b entered his version one form and attacked taka taka was able to elude him and sasuke caught him in a genjutsu which gyouki helped b break out of allowing b to hit the unaware sasuke with a lightning release lariat blasting a hole in sasuke's chest again mortally wounding him deciding to finish things off b fully transformed into his tailed beast then he fired a tailed beast ball which suigetsu was able to protect the rest of taka from by using himself as a shield sasuke specially healed by jugo used amaterasu on b b rampaged in pain and almost crushed karine with one of his tentacles sasuke severed the tentacle and b used the opportunity to escape and fake his capture by substituting the severed tentacle and leaving behind a decoy taka were unaware of this and delivered b to the akatsuki while the real bee left the village to go on vacation while later trying to extract yuki from this bee's body akatsuki discovered that it was a fake five kage summit free from his confinement to kumagakurei b sought out sabu to advance his music career in the midst of training b was found by kisame hoshigaki who tracked his powerful chakra with his samehara while sabu attacked him b struck from behind with one of his lightning imbued swords not only was kisame able to block their attacks with samahara but b's lightning disappeared when it makes contact b entered a version 1 form in attempts to headbutt him but his chakra shroud disappeared too sabu realized that samehara was absorbing b's chakra b entered a seven-tailed version 1 form and attacked kisame again but samehara absorbs most of his chakra upon realizing that samehara could only absorb 6 tails at a time b entered a version 2 form and created chakra bones to use a more powerful lightning release lariat kisame was badly damaged and samehara was only able to absorb his version 2 chakra returning b to a version 1 form sama how to use the chakra it absorbed from b to heal kisame who quickly merged with samehara and created a dome of water around them bee tried to get sabu and ponta out of the dome before they drowned but the water dome moved with kisame b drew kisame away from sabu and ponta in order to force him to release them and pursue b once they were free b confronted him only for kisame to render all of b's counter-effects ineffective and slowly absorb his chakra all the while when b lost consciousness kisame dissipated the water dome to prevent v from escaping kisame tried to cut off his legs with samehara however samehara had grown fond of bee's tailed beast chakra during the battle and betrayed kisame in addition to not letting him harm b it transferred some of the chakra it stole back to him kisame kicked it away and tried to cut off beast's legs with one of b's own swords but the reikage and his bodyguards arrived to stop him having noticed kisema's water dome samehara continued to replenish b's reserves allowing b and a to perform a lightning release double lariat to decapitate kisame a then reprimanded beef for running away from the village when they returned to kumegakure be now carrying samehada they were greeted by the villagers at the main gate b's students omoe and karui asked about samehara they and b were unaware that kisame having faked his death was hiding inside samehara to gather intel on kumo and the shinobi alliance during the meetings bee later attended and didn't pay attention to fourth shinobi world war countdown shortly before the fourth shinobi world war began the alliance decided to send the remaining jin chudiki to kumagakure's island turtle to hide bee arrived there first allowing him to defend fellow ginsuriki naruto uzumaki from the island's giant squid when he arrived shortly after this naruto approached b to help gaining control of the ninetails b refused having noticed an evil within naruto and also due to naruto accidentally insulting his rap later when the squid attacked motoy b came to his aid after the squid was subdued motoi asked b why he saved him despite surely knowing about motoi's earlier attempt on his life bee's reaction was to act like it had never happened and did not hesitate to reconcile with him after observing the reunion between b and motoi naruto was able to overcome his inner hatred with it vanquished b took him to the secret temple behind the falls of truth to allow him to battle the nine tails for control of its chakra when naruto first opened the seal and released the nine tails b tried to help him contain it his abilities were limited while in naruto's subconscious and he was only able to block a tailed beast ball from the nine tails before being knocked out of the fight naruto eventually emerged victorious and communicated all that he went through to b with a fist bump naruto then demonstrated his new control of the nine tails allowing him to expose kisame's presence kisame fled with samehara and b pursued him samehara tried to return to b allowing kisume an opportunity to absorb his chakra when he recovered b flung might guy after kisame guy was able to capture him but kisame committed suicide to prevent the group from interrogating him they tried to check the intel kissimmee had with him only to be imprisoned while a shark swam away with the intel b tried to catch the shark after he freed himself but was unsuccessful fearing an imminent akatsuki attack the island's animal population was moved indoors because naruto was not allowed to know about the ongoing war b helped keep naruto distracted while the other members of the group fought the igotsky outside naruto the movie blood prison a had b summoned following a failed attempt on his life by an assassin disguised as naruto uzumaki and sent to the aid of the real one at the hozuki castle when he arrived b saved naruto's life from satori's attack and repelled the beast with a punch before engaging it with the other allies sent his backup after satori was eventually defeated b lifted the box of ultimate bliss and dropped it in the ocean before going home fourth shinobi world war confrontation to keep naruto occupied b started helping him gain control of his new nine tails chakra mode first by having him use his chakra arms to stack blocks in a perfect column when naruto mastered this they moved on to transforming into the nine tails the nine tails would not cooperate with naruto on this leaving him unable to use the tailed beast ball they instead decided to practice the naruto's standard techniques to see how ninetale's chakra affected them naruto began with his resengan which b recognized as being based on the tailed beast ball b encouraged him to focus on mastering this in this new form during training naruto sent some of the ninetales chakra elsewhere b tried to convince him that it was nothing determined to keep naruto in the training room so he couldn't find out about the war he nevertheless let naruto leave to go to the bathroom unaware that it was a lie from naruto when naruto didn't return b went looking for him but instead found irika umino naruto having found out about the war and headed off to try and stop it irika requested that b protect naruto and after recognizing iruka as a positive influence from fist bumping with naruto b agreed and went after naruto when the eight tails protested b reminded him that they were still training and stated that real-world experience would always be faster than training he caught up to naruto and the two teamed up to break through these self-repairing barrier to escape from the island they then headed for the battlefield when on route they were intercepted by a and the fifth hokage b stated that he thought tsunade was attractive b tried to convince his brother to let them pass promising to keep naruto safe for makotsuki a was not convinced by his words and when naruto promised to use force to escape the reikage threatened to kill him b blocks the latter's attack and informed his brother that he must be willing to kill both of them a claimed to have no problem with this but b unbelieving bumped fist with him to remind him of all they had been through together b further stated that since a became the reikage he had failed to see b's development in strength and had therefore underestimated him still unconvinced both he and naruto tried to combat him but struggle doing so as a manages to fight them off b and a later simultaneously hit each other with respective lightning release lariat with b overpowering his brother b explained how he overpowered a with his lightning release lariat his true strength along with naruto's came from the people that believed in them not just the beasts inside of them a eventually pushed b out of the way and activated his lightning release armor again seemingly intending to kill naruto naruto dodged a who revealed that he had attacked in order to test naruto impressed he and the hokage let them pass well on route with naruto the two encountered hitachi uchiha and nagato as the battle commenced suddenly with itachi being forced to use fire release great fireball technique b used samehara to slice through the attack effectively saving both him and naruto although samehara was unhappy about being used to cut through hot flames as hitachi appeared behind b suddenly and used the fire release phoenix sage flower nail crimson technique b countered with his transformed arm b then used a tentacle to grab hitachi but only for him to disappear in a flurry of crows as hitachi told bee not to look into his eyes gyuki broke b out of the genjutsu that he'd already been caught in he then charged hitachi using his seven swords itachi retreated onto nagato's summoned bird as hitachi activates his mangekyo sharingan b tries to stop him by throwing his sword but it was repelled by nagato as a result of the sharingan use hitachi activated a crow he had stored in naruto earlier which was able to free him from kabuto's control itachi now on naruto and b's side explained to naruto and b why the crow had a mangakyo sharingan and how he got it nakato after recovering from itachi's attack and being completely controlled by kabuto snuck behind them with his chameleon summon and use shinra tensei to attack killer b and naruto nagato appeared behind b and tried to attack him but b went into his version 2 transformation and countered nagato's attack with a lightning release lariat nagato used the predapath's ability to absorb bee's chakra causing him to regain a youthful appearance seeing naruto in dire straits with his own soul being removed b moved to attack nagato nagato sharing vision with his own chameleon summon and the king of hell intercepted b by using his asura path abilities before nagato could fatally injure b and remove naruto's soul they were rescued by itachi susano as nagato used chibaku tensei in an effort to trap them itachi told them to attack the center of the sphere in an attempt to dispel the technique with a combined force of bees tailed beast ball hitachi's yasaka magatama and naruto's wind released rasen shuriken the sphere was dispelled b watched on as hitachi's sword of tatsuka began to seal nagato who passes on his final words to naruto before passing on into the afterlife after hitachi claims that he will stop the summoning in pure world reincarnation technique b voiced his doubts and recalled they're not able to kill the reincarnated ninja just seal them away itachi reminded them again that no matter how infallible a technique may seem it always had a weak point as naruto stated that he would end the war and attempted to create shadow clones he reverted to his normal self having used up too much of the nine tails as chakra after hitachi told naruto not to try and shoulder everything himself b told him that he'd made it promise to irika to protect him b was later scolded by gyuki for taking too long to urinate and for letting naruto go ahead of them while naruto's clone contacts them mentally wanting help for fighting the reincarnated third reikage he asked b to let them speak to gyouki which be refused while hearing aiding however the clone still got to speak to the beast because it could overhear mentally later in the anime b was met by motoy on orders by a to aid b soon afterwards they were met by the surprise appearance of the reincarnated blue bee to their further surprise blue b still possessed the ability to access gyuki's demon cloak and enter version 2 mode caught off guard by this the controlled blue b launched a tailed beast ball at them samehara however acted first and consumed the blast b then entered version 2 and clashed with his predecessor not understanding how this was possible gyuki asked bluebee how he could still use the demon's power bluebee explained that his sudden rampage from 30 years ago was in fact orchestrated by rochimaru who harvested some of gyuki's severed horn during the chaos bluebee also explained that said genetic material was used as a medium to recreate gyuki's power seeing that bluebee's demon powers and immortal body were too much for him to handle alone b decided to retreat motoi tried to help only to be defeated quickly seeing motoi in trouble b quickly counter-attacked to save his childhood friend shocked that bee had actually found true friends who accept him for who and what he is bluebee realized that bee had in fact found what blue b could not to become a fully realized ginchuriki happy to see that bee had found his own happiness and succeeded where he could not blue b was able to break the summoning contract and return to the afterlife fourth shinobi world war climax after catching up to naruto the two jin churiki ran into toby with his six paths of pain after a short skirmish with the other genchuriki and conversing with gyuki about the jinchuriki and yugito's fate be inquired about the other mathera that naruto is speaking of looking on smiling as naruto told toby that it wasn't all bad living with a tailed beast inside them he declared that he would go first before staring in shock as the other jin churro key began their tailed beast transformations shocked they still had their tailed b skills b attacked fu head on nonetheless after she dodged several of his and samehada's attacks naruto informed him of the shared field of vision that the six paths of paint possessed using the rinnegan catching naruto b fled the vicinity after seeing yugito unleash her mouse hairball technique clashing with her while escaping he was able to land a somewhat shallow attack on her that immediately begins repairing the opportunity however allowed b to see where toby had implanted the black receivers in his six paths after naruto's attempt to destroy the receivers and roshi's chest was thwarted b agreed with gyuki that the forest was much too much of a hindrance for them and transformed into to level the entire forest b immediately moved to seal the revived intrudaki with his octopus hold technique but it was unsuccessful as toby caused the genjiriki to enter version 2 like states as the began counter-attacking b and naruto tried to fend them off but began feeling the pressures of fighting six powerful opponents b was attacked by a fully transformed han who gored him with his horns and sent him flying seemingly knocking him unconscious after b came to he asked yuki if it was alright to which it replied they were both wounded after toby lost total control of the five tails and restrained it with a chakra chain b attempted to crush him within gyouki's fist but toby simply slipped through it as the five tails was being subdued b and the eight tails asked naruto if he had also heard fivetail's voice and the eight tales then lamented that seeing other tailed beasts treated that way naturally annoyed the rest of them while gyuki and the ninetales were talking telepathically naruto suggested using shadow clones to create a diversion and allow them to strike toby b urged naruto not to as he would die due to the nine tails sucking away his chakra however gyuki revealed that the ninetails had seemingly stopped doing this for some time now due to naruto's stable condition after using so much of the beast's chakra he then got tossed away by a fully transformed roshi bee was later impressed when naruto managed to escape son goku's stomach using shadow clones after naruto successfully removed the black receiver b watchdown was shock as the beast was re-sealed into the demonic statue of the outer path in the blink of an eye as naruto rallies telling the beast and b to get ready it told him that he and b would take the front line while naruto acted as support because he was still unable to transform into the nine tails after naruto told them it would be fine because they were a pair of duos he wondered whether kurama had finally come around as the battle began to be's astonishment naruto assumed the form of his tailed beast before joining the fray during naruto's attack gyooki stopped the three tails from attacking him and also repelled another attack from the five tails after the three tails freed itself from gyuki's tentacles they watched on as the five beasts prepared a collaborative tailed beast ball and naruto prepared to negate the attack with one of his own as gyuki wondered if naruto would be able to do it b told it that he almost did during his training but he was sure that naruto would be able to do it now as the two-tailed beast balls collided b grabbed roshi's body and protects himself from the after effects of the attack as he noted that naruto hit the base of the other attack allowing it to fly into the air he later congratulated naruto on freeing the other beast before advancing behind naruto gai and kakashi prepared to fight toby directly later as naruto mocked toby with the information he had just learned b looked on smirking after the jin shiroki's corpses are enveloped in a light of sorts as the impure world reincarnation technique is released b told naruto that they had to pick up the pace to compete with hitachi's contribution he's later seen mobilized beside naruto kakashi and guy as they prepared to assault toby and the demonic statue of the outer path while the shinobi regroup and discussed the gash and toby's mask b uses the opportunity to attack the statue moving in with a punch he declared the statue was wide open however this attack was deflected by toby's uchiha flame formation barrier which burned his hand telling naruto that he was okay be prepared to launch the strategy that kakashi developed holding all the shinobi in his hands b threw the trio towards toby when they regroup after toby's arm is hit by a seemingly unseen attack b listened to kashi's explanation of toby's technique and then inquired if all space-time ninjutsu shared the same dimension when told no b told naruto that it would still not be easy to land an attack on an intangible person while kakashi stated that their belief that toby was becoming intangible was incorrect b inquired once again how it was possible for the two sharingan to share the same dimension as the battle against toby continued toby shot multiple stakes at gyuki and b which are made to bind and suppress a tailed beast's power using his space-time ninjutsu incapable of assisting because of the stakes b is left to observe as naruto successfully breaks toby's mask revealing his true identity as obito uchiha when the real madra arrived to the battlefield b asked naruto what this could mean for the kage distressed the possibility of something happening to his brother when matara casually disregarded the situation naruto used his tails to free him of the stakes and threw him at the uchiha however matara easily blocked the stakes with a barrier matara then told obito to handle kakashi and mike guy while he dealt with b and naruto as the battle with matara ensued b was seemingly knocked to the ground leading the beast to comment on moderate power when an injured guy told them that was why moderate was worth fighting the beast told guy he shouldn't be pushing himself so hard as the battle waged on he and guy were restrained by matara before the uchiha could land the finishing blow he is intercepted by naruto after mike guy's daytime tiger sends the legendary ninja flying away from them b noted that guy wasn't just acting tough after breaking free of his restraints b warned naruto that the wood could suppress a tailed beast's power before turning his attention to the statue forming a collaborative tailed beast ball with naruto beef fires it at the statue and believes it to be destroyed their celebration however was cut short when the smoke cleared and the ten tails appeared on the battlefield asking kurama if it really wanted to fight that gyuki is told that it could not hide from the beast handing over guy as per the fox's request the two beasts were attacked by the ten tails surprising them with its speed ending up on either side of the beast b signals to yuki to fire the continuous tailed beast balls at the beast when the smoke cleared yuki was nowhere to be seen it was later revealed as bee announced their strategy that kakashi had warped them right above the ten tails to launch a tailed beast ball at point-blank range the ten tails flicks his tailed beast ball back at him with b's full transformation now having reached its limit gyooki tells b to buy some time while he generates more chakra to use as the ten tails fires a tailed beast ball the attack is misdirected by the timely arrival of the entire allied shinobi forces with the alliance having bought enough time bee flew towards the ten tails on the back of one of sai's birds with his chakra now replenished as the beast prepared to launch a tailed beast ball towards the shinobi bee transformed into the eight tails and prepared a tailed beast ball of his own recklessly stuffing yuki's head into the beast's mouth bee was able to stop the attack as well as harm the ten tails as both the tailed beast balls detonated inside of it casting aside omoi's words of caution he noted that when it came to protecting everyone he was fearless with the chakra shrouds protecting them dissipated naruto being healed and kuruma needing more chakra b and gyuki announced that it was time for them to take center stage once again to buy the duo some time to recover as gyuki noted that ten tails would become unstoppable if it underwent its final transformation with shikamaru's strategy initiated and the shinobi beginning to construct earthen albeit feeble defenses b intercedes and attempts to throw the attack off trajectory however with none of their combined efforts seemingly working and the situation looking dire the alliance is saved by the arrival of the fourth hokage unbeknownst to them as b looked unpuzzled as the attack had seemingly just vanished birth of the ten tails jinshuriki as obito emerged within the barrier sometime later after stealing the beast inside himself b asked yuki whether or not that was the beast's final form gyuki told him that it was not and from all appearances it seemed that the beast had been sealed before reaching its final form with the situation later turning grim as the alliance was trapped in a barrier with a tailed beast all firing tree b and the other shinobi soon found themselves surrounded in previous version 1 mantles again he noted to gyuki that it had also must have felt kurama's yin and yang habs merge he and the others subsequently found themselves on the outside of the barrier escaping the near-fatal attacks thanks to naruto and minato's action when obito later extracted the ten-tails which began transforming into a giant tree gyuki informed b that the ten tails had assumed its true and final form as the roots of the tree chased speed down who complained about the volume of the roots that had come after him alone gyuki noticed that it was more likely because the tree sensed that he had more chakra than the other shinobi ultimately while worn out b with somehow his aid was able to destroy the roots that he confronted him when the kage re-entered the battlefield then a made his way over to where b was and exclaimed that they should get ready to fight and excited b noted that it was time for the lightning release double lariat duo to fight after naruto and sasuke combine their power landing a critical hit on obito and weakening his hold on the ten tails naruto begins to use the accumulated chakra he got from the other tailed beast to remove the ten tails from obito stopping the flower atop the tree from blooming though successful in their venture and as obito lay defeated a new threat reared its head against the extracted tailed beasts a revived matara uchiha reuniting with the other tailed beasts after having evacuated the wounded shinobi to a safe location the uchiha was able to bind the beast with the demonic statue chains and began dragging them towards the statue which he had extracted from obito struggling against his confines as he's dragged even closer to the looming threat b severs one of his tentacles gyuki apologizes to be as it's extracted and sealed within the statue among with the other tailed beasts despite having suffered the extraction of his tailed beast bee was later shown to have survived by using the chakra of gyuki's previously severed tail later with matara having succeeded in obtaining the rinigon power of both his eyes and becoming the ten till's jinjirki the revived uchiha finally cast infinite tsukiomi shocking bee in the anime killer bee dreamed of a world where all jin churiki were either wanted fugitives or confined their villages if not imprisoned and their respective tailed beasts were manifested as chibi familiars of themselves but their respective power was diminished following a personal mission bee teamed up with yugito to save gaara from upon making gara agree to help they saved and recruited naruto from konohagakure upon reaching takikakura to save foo they were intercepted by hitachi saseri and deitera after fu arrives to help and hitachi suddenly decides to defect from akotsuki the remaining enemies retreat fu then agrees to join the other genchuriki b then explained that the ten tales was partially resurrected by the akatsuki and stole most of the jinchuriki power planning to use the creature to attack a princess with yagura still missing the newly formed team split up with b paired with han the duo managed to find yagura in time to complete their team and fight off the akatsuki destroying the demonic statue kagia otsotsuki strikes ultimately he and the rest of the world were freed from the genjutsu by naruto and sasuke after they ended the war ultimately gyooki decided to return to b where the tailed beast was later resealed in to be in the anime having arrived in konoha on the day kakashi became hokage b and the reikage's entourage met with naruto leading him to bumping fists with a battered naruto the last naruto the movie two years following the fourth shinobi world war after meteors began frequently hitting the planet a kage summit was convened killer b accompanied his brother to it killer b and his brother later use a special chakra weapon to destroy the fragments heading towards the planet during naruto's fight with tonerio totsuki a instructs b to destroy the moon to ensure it does not fall to them once the hour time limit is up b refuses stating he will not kill naruto and his friends luckily naruto defeated toneri and stopped the moon in time konohahiden the perfect day for a wedding killer b is one of the many visitors that attends naruto and hinata hugo's wedding new era 13 years after the moon collision event b complained about how bored he was and considered going to see how naruto was doing only for gyuki to note that naruto was probably busy unlike bee vs momoshiki arc approached by members of the yotsotsuki clan in their search for kagi's scattered chakra they attacked b prompting him to transform into gyuki during the fight he was immobilized and attacked momoshiki and kinshiki with a tailed beast ball which momoshiki absorbed and redirected at him after amplifying its strength unable to dodge bee was engulfed in the blast during which he made an octopus leg clone upon the clone being captured by the clansmen it fooled them into thinking it was the real bee leading to its chakra being extracted and converted into a few pills before they continued their search the ordeal left yuki unable to contact the other tailed beasts afterwards b returned to kumagakurei abilities as the guardian of kumo and having long since mastered his unique powers killer b is an extremely powerful shinobi able to single-handedly overwhelm the entire team taka consisting of other dangerous fighters as a child he accomplished missions by himself that were meant to be executed as a team with his partner a causing him to note that his younger brother was more talented than he was even minato namakazi stated that b was a ninja with a great power rather than simply agent cherokee b could hold his own against kisame hoshigaki of the akatsuki and later two-tailed beasts during the fourth shinobi world war jinchurki transformations b is agent cherokee of gyuki even more he is one of the few individuals to achieve complete control of his tailed beast because he has a strong relationship with yuki it can aid b by distributing his chakra to dispel genjutsu or granting b more of its chakra making it more of a willing partnership than actual dominance while b can easily access and utilize version 1 and 2 transformations with all 8 tails and even his most powerful form is detailed beast mode all of which while retaining complete control of himself in this state he can fire multiple tailed beast balls and generate powerful tornadoes by spinning its tentacles rapidly b can also regenerate any of gyuki's tentacles if they're lost this ability however does not extend to its horns as one of them was cut off by a b can also partially transform parts of his body into those of gyuki's such as his own arm or quickly forming all eight tentacles on his back these partial transformations can be used for various purposes stemming from gyuki's octopus trait bee can produce ink from his mouth to write lyrics as a makeshift pencil blind his enemies or form ink clones that can immobilize and seal his targets chakra and physical prowess as age in cherokee killer bee possesses a massive quantity of strong chakra and stamina enough to fight throughout an entire day even while fully transformed he could quickly recover and return to battle with no ill effects shortly after being hit by his own tailed beast ball his tantalizing chakra even caused samehara to betray its master kisame to join b even the shinju was attracted to b's reserves and chased him with far more roots and branches than other shinobi in the area b's fighting style consists of fast unpredictable movement actually named disturbance taijutsu like his brother b generally makes use of wrestling moves instead of standard taijutsu which is supplemented by his immense strength he could successfully perform a lightning release double lariat with a as a child and defeat a giant bear in a sumo match as an adult during the 4th shinobi world war b's natural raw strength had surpassed his brothers even in his fully powered state he's also durable enough to withstand being electrocuted by sasuke punched hard by jugo and even hit by a with no physical damage he has also shown remarkable speed and reflexes able to surprise the yellow flash when they fought kenjutsu while carrying only two swords in his youth bee has greatly developed his kenjutsu in adulthood combining kenjutsu with his unique fighting style disturbance taijutsu b can make use of another technique acrobat a unique style in which b holds seven blades in between his left armpit both elbows right leg stomach the right side of his neck and in his mouth as strange as it appears b is very skilled in this style easily pressuring his enemies with his unpredictable swings from various angles in a manner similar to hip-hop dance when he finds an opening he can quickly impale his opponent with several blades his ability to impale his opponents is extremely pinpoint accurate often hitting vital spots killer b mentioned sasuke only survived being impaled by him because he used his chidori current to deflect the blades that impaled him b's kenjutsu could overwhelm even the most trained swordsmen some of whom possess the sharingan he can also use the blades as mid-range projectiles create an eighth sword by using gyuki's chakra and quickly slice rocks into various shapes after acquiring samehara as his main weapon bee has integrated it into his fighting style by using the sword's ability to cut chakra b can also coordinate attacks with samehara and use it to store some of the swords while not in use he is also a talented teacher in kenjutsu having taught omoi and karui tactics like faint attacks and deceptions with shadow clones or the body replacement technique as setups for a final blow nature transformation b is capable of using lightning fire water and yang release nature transformations with lightning he has displayed the ability to flow lightning-natured chakra through his blades to increase their cutting power or clad himself in it to increase his strength and speed b's skill with lightning release can even charge a pencil to pierce straight through a large tree trunk and even through the ground as stated by kisame b does this by increasing the vibration frequency of his lightning chakra high enough to surpass the penetrative force of wind release techniques intelligence despite his carefree nature killer b possesses sharp wit as shown when he used the body replacement technique to switch places with one of yuki's tentacles so he could escape sasuke's amaterasu he can also be very persuasive and deceptive as he quickly turned naruto's attention away from leaving the tailed beast temple by offering to train him he also has the ability to interpret someone's heart as well as transmit his own feelings merely through touching someone which is usually done through a fist bump this ability was first demonstrated when he was training with naruto in the tailed beast temple again when irika expressed his wishes to protect naruto to him and when he stopped his brother from attacking naruto b is quite knowledgeable in funjutsu being able to distinguish between the superiority of the four symbols seal and his own iron armor seal personality killer bee is very proud of his own power and by extension of who he is regardless of his status and upbringing as agenchiroki like naruto uzumaki who has great overconfidence at times killer bee can be quite cocky and stubborn especially in terms of his own strength demanding respect from others and asks to be called lord genchiriki and his tailed beasts be called lord eight tails b has a special way of expressing his pride through song more specifically in rap style he tends to use bakayaro konoyaro when referring or speaking to others he will even write his rhymes in the middle of a fight or during an important meeting even if they're no good which is usually the case he gets his rapping ideas from his opponents in battle he sometimes causes the people around him to become greatly annoyed by him b thinks very highly of his rapping skills and doesn't respect anyone who would make fun of his rap or his lyrics the reikage has noted that killer b is not the type of person to work with strategies created by people and he would only bring chaos to a battlefield in his youth he was already seen completing missions that were supposed to be assigned for both him and his brother without a's knowledge the reikage also notes that he is the only being that b will listen to as he's able to keep him in check despite all this bee knows talent when he sees it and respects those with it the primary example is his fellow kumo jinchiroki yugitoni who he looked up to for her extreme skills he also praised sasuke uchiha after their fight stating he was one of the strongest shinobi he had ever fought b has a very close relationship with his older brother the reikage according to motoy the reason behind to becoming agent churkie was for the sake of his brother even if it meant being shunned by the villagers he didn't complain and was always cheerful and determined due to the fact that he was confined to the village very soon after his brother assumed office and made the village's guardian bee desperately wished for a vacation and was even ready to fake his capture for one when the fourth reikage darawi and c learned that b was not captured by akatsuki they immediately guessed his intentions and were not surprised by it though they were very displeased this leads to him receiving his brother's iron claw as punishment bee also tends to fist bump with others this ties into his rapper personality and also serves as a means of communication of sorts with others without the need to speak however when someone close to him is in danger killer b has no qualms about putting himself at risk to save them if necessary as seen when he prioritized the safety of his singing masters sabu and his pet ponta over confronting kisame hoshigaki head on when the ikotsuki confronted his entourage this caring nature differentiates him from a typical jinchurki most of whom are cynical and uncaring towards others due to their circumstances however it was hinted that his past as ajin cherokee may not have been unlike naruto's since motoi claimed that being a fellow jinchuriki b understands what naruto went through he has a casual relationship with gyuki frequently engaging in friendly conversation with it even sitting upon its nose when not in combat he was also completely unaffected by naruto's harem technique resisting lustful advances and even appearing indifferent however he's not completely unaffected by such things as he noticed tsunade's chest which his brother reprimanded him for and he later stared at yugito's own chest when it was shown during his fight with toby's six paths this is later explained as having a preference towards older woman at one point confessing it during the fight with toby much to his tailed beasts surprise and chagrin from the time of his debut to the 4th shinobi world war killer b is shown to have matured a great deal a as well as darwini and c believed having killer b on the battlefield would be chaotic both from the battlefield and from the chaos he himself would create however this would end up being proven wrong as he was a good mentor and role model to naruto matured a great deal too with his help and together ended up helping the allied shinobi forces b is also very kind and compassionate having befriended all the giant animals on the island turtle which may indicate that he is a liking for animals as well as never expressing any ill will towards motoi who tried to take his life nor against the villagers who used to shun him b is shown to have taken a liking to naruto during their time together even supporting his desire to join the war after getting past irika based on what he learned about naruto while training him and knowing that there would be no point trying to stop him if erica couldn't b even wanted to visit naruto in konoha after the latter became hokage even though gyuki talked him out of it stating that naruto had little free time on his hands unlike bee did you enjoy our video make sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 47,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Killer B, Killer Bee, Naruto, 8 Tails, Eight Tails, Eight-Tails, shinobi, Kumogakure, jinchuriki, Raikage, Dodai, Lariat, Gyuki, Gaara, Uzumaki, Fourth, Sunagakure, demon, kurama, tails, beast, beasts, Minato, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Konoha, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Kakashi, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Hinata, Itachi
Id: mYi6L4u5tDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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