The Life Of Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto)

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this video was made in collaboration with narutopedia for more information check out the link in the description the life of kiba inazuka from naruto kiba inazuka is a member of konohagakure's unozuka clan and a member of team korenai despite his head strong and at times egotistic attitude kiba is loyal to his comrades and will do anything to protect them with his trusted canine companion akamaru by his side welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of kiba inazuka before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos background at a very young age akamaru was given to kiba by his mother sume and the two became very close soon afterwards before entering the academy kiba and akamaru played together a great deal resulting in sume getting angry because they weren't training enough during kiba's time at the academy he often cut class with akamaru stating that he wasn't suited to sit still at a desk or otherwise getting into trouble along with choji akamichi shikomaru nara and naruto uzumaki together these four would skip class and go to the practice hall not to practice they thought it was fun to also test the patience of irika umino their academy instructor one day cuba fell asleep during class and upon waking saw naruto attempting to use the transformation technique to turn into the third hokage for the first time and failing twice this caused kiba to find naruto incompetent and he became among those who ridiculed him at some time in the past kiba knew his father but because of his mother's attitude sume scared him away leaving him with just her and his sister hannah inizuka despite this kiba stays in a close relationship with his mother and sister although he seems to agree that sume is rather frightening tuning exams during the first phase of the tuning exams kiba used akimaru to spy on the other examinees tests and tell him the answers during the second phase of the exam while team 8 easily took an earth scroll from a rival team kibo wished to acquire yet another to narrow down the competition despite shino and hinata's reservations while investigating a confrontation between two teams they witnessed gara killing three amigako regenin with akamaru being traumatized by the amount of power he sensed from gara kibo was matched against naruto in the seventh match of the preliminaries kiba thought that he would easily win since naruto had been the worst student at the academy naruto then became extremely annoyed at kiba's low opinion of him while kiba initially had an advantage due to his superior speed and strengthening akamaru with the military rations pill naruto tricked him into knocking akamaru unconscious and then after farting in cuba's face overwhelming his sense of smell and disorienting him defeated him with the naruto uzumaki combo kiba regained consciousness on the stretcher and urged he nodded a forfeit if she was matched against gara or neji huga a month later at the finals kiba watched the match between naruto and neji with hinata he appeared to have gained respect for naruto at this point as when he heard izumo and kotetsu doubting naruto's abilities to win kiba remembered how he had thought the same thing during his own match with naruto and it ended up losing he also loudly cheered for naruto during the match after kabuto healed hinata when she began coughing up blood he rendered kiba unconscious in the anime he was about to recognize him leaving him unable to assist the konoha ninja during the invasion konoha crush kiba can be seen at the third hokage funeral alongside the other villagers that are mourning his death sasuke recovery mission as a request from shikamaru kibo was the only member from his team to participate in the task of stopping sasuke uchiha from defecting from konoha kibo was lined in front of the group due to the fact that he knows most of the land of fire's terrain and with a sense of smell he could not only track sasuke's scent he could also detect the enemy's scent to avoid any traps in the way kiba smelled the sound for and proceeded to attack but they were trapped by jirobo after escaping neji and choji stayed behind fighting their corresponding opponent kiba and the others continued their pursuing for sasuke and soon they caught up with sakon and tayuya and engaged them in battle after naruto seized the container holding sasuke akamaru set off a bunch of exploding tags but one with the result of knocking kiba along with sakon and ukon off a cliff kiba and akamaru started fighting them but when sakon and ukon pushed their cursed seal into level 2 their power increased in such a huge way leaving kiba and akamara with the only option to use their new technique human beast combination transformation double-headed wolf despite using this technique and their fang wolf fang the brothers were able to block their attack with summoning rashomon with the wolf transformation dispersed akamaru was attacked and left heavily injured along with sakon for the meantime who khan merged himself with kiba's body thanks to his special technique not having any options kiva stabbed himself in the stomach causing him and ukan to start coughing up blood kiba found akamaru and retreated frantically fearing for their lives hoping to escape the brothers kiba smelled three other individuals which were later shown to belong to the three sand siblings kiba and akamara were saved by conqueror who trapped and killed the brothers with his puppets kiba was wounded with severe but not life-threatening lacerations but akumaro had suffered much harsher damage tendons and all four of his legs had been ripped and his sister hana inazuka told them he wouldn't be able to take walks for a while after akamaru recovered kiba swore to never let anything happen to him again bikochu search mission in the anime kiba hinata shino and naruto were sent on a mission to find a bikochu beetle which could be used to track down sasuke uchiha they went to the forest where the bikochu was but there were some ninja of the kamizuru clan watching them who wanted the insect too after hinata was able to locate and capture the insect she was taken prisoner by the kamizuru klansman to be used as an exchange for the bikochu kiba and the others went to rescue her but tried to trick the kemi zuru into giving him hinata before they gave up the bigochu they were tricked too being attacked by the kamizuru when they met and subsequently trapped in a cave hinata was able to rescue them but the mission failed when naruto farted and the smell made the beetle attracted to naruto's behind academy student-led mission in the anime kiba was assigned to lead a team of three academy students on a survival exercise his time with them was not covered much except that he was doing better than naruto gosun kugi capture mission in the anime kiba hinata and naruto were assigned the easy task of capturing a crook in searching for information about the crook they met sazanami who was pursuing the thief too sazanami told them that the thief gosunkoogi was a dangerous killer and also a skilled ninja sazanami said he didn't want any competition and rendered them all unconscious when he was later wounded fighting gosun kugi they took him to safety in turn discovering that he was also a wanted criminal the bounty hunter revealed that he had been framed for murdering a family and that the thief that he and kiba's group were hunting was the culprit kiba naruto and hinata located the thief in a nearby city in the process of attempting to steal a valuable bell sazanami arrived and the four began fighting with the allies of gosunkugi which actually was just a trap to capture them while the thief stole the bell sazanami captured the thief but he was suddenly captured by another hunter only for sazunami to be proven innocent in the end despite this kiba's group failed the mission because they did not capture the thief buried gold excavation mission in the anime naruto kiba and hinata were once again teamed together this time to find a treasure chest they were given a mission to test their teamwork and told they would return to the academy if they failed this mission like they had their previous ones they were ambushed during the mission and were trapped by three people who could copy their identities smells and thoughts working together the group escaped from a cave in with the treasure but discovered that hinata had injured her leg after realizing that naruto and kiba argued too often while he now worried for the others too much they headed into town to stop their copies when they arrived at konoha kiba defeated his and hinata's copies but the one of naruto was still on the run and causing a lot of trouble the three gending learned that the mission was a test to see if they could work together as a team and they passed it with honors akamaru monitoring mission after akamara was infected with a biological weapon that caused him to go berserk kiba believed that naruto was trying to find and kill akamaru and attempted to take akamaru out of konoha kiba eventually stopped resisting when he learned of naruto and hana's true intentions but was paralyzed by the prospect of their plan might still require them to kill akamaru he eventually regained his senses and appealed to akamaru and when akamaru lunged kibo was able to administer the antidote kiba ended up severely injured kiba later noted that akumaro had tried his best to miss anything vital and avoid killing kiba lady daimyo's search mission in the anime kiba hinata and naruto teamed up to find kaio the wife of the land of hani's daimyo they find themselves investigating a mysterious haunted castle they're ultimately successful in finding the daimyo's wife prized artifact escort mission in the anime kiba and naruto are paired to escort shin aemon and his artifact this mission is successful yakumokorama rescue mission in the anime kiba provides backup for kuranai tsunagakure's support mission in the anime when some ninja tried to steal gara's power kiba and the rest of the konoha 11 minus 1010 who was away on another mission at the time were sent to help the tsuna nin hiba and choji went to help conqueror and thanks for helping in the fight against sakhon and ukon kiba defeated the enemy and then they went to gara's aid after the konohan nain completed their mission and returned to the village naruto soon afterwards left to train under jiraiya of the sainin kiba found himself feeling jealous at naruto's continued recent luck refusing to let naruto beat him kiba became determined to outdo naruto when he returned taking inspiration from naruto's high proficiency in multiple shadow clones kiba decided to improve his combination transformation with akamaru through usage of clones to increase its power while soon realizing he didn't have enough chakra to maintain even a single clone while also uniting with akamaru kiba strove to overcome this shortcoming working on his taijutsu skills and stamina to build up his chakra level kiba soon found an area naruto had recently trained in covered in his scent kiba began using that area as a measuring stick for his training deciding that he wouldn't stop training there until he covered the area with his own scent eventually kiba and akamaru succeeded in perfecting their wolf form shadow clone combination in naruto's footsteps the friend's paths in the anime about two years after naruto left the village to train with jiraya konoha decided to host an early tuning exams alongside tsunagakude entering the exams kiba and his teammates were randomly split into three different rooms to take the written test he was placed in room three with sakura and tenten on a monitor shikamaru as a proctor explained that everyone only needs to answer one question on the test but their team's combined score must equal exactly 100 points to pass after hearing vibrations through the wall kiba with the help of sakura and tenten figured out that someone was trying to deliver a message of what question to pick by the number of vibrations after time was up shikamaru revealed a bonus question asking the individual which teammate you would sacrifice as a decoy the answer had to be unanimous with the person picked being disqualified leaving the answer blank like his teammates they ultimately passed the first round due to the many participants however a preliminary round had to be issued which involved a race to sunugakure where only the first 30 teams to arrive at the destination would qualify for the second phase ultimately his team were among the first 30 teams to make it the following night as all the ghanian were ready to eat dinner everyone grew nervous about the overly sweaty barami ruining the food which caused the gany to quickly try and stop him resulting in neji using the eight trigrams palms revolving heaven and accidentally destroying the food as tension grew between everyone over the recent event and all-out brawl began eventually everyone lost their desire to fight when fu arrived with their optimistic ways the following day the second exam began like the last exam in konoha the teams were each given either a heaven or earth scroll and were required to obtain the missing scroll within three days they were then required to bring the set to the main building in the center of the demon desert following a simple plan by kiba team kore and i began talking loudly for all to hear waiting for someone with a heaven scroll to come after them ultimately the kusun-nin team came after them kiba faced off against borami whose obese stature was used to his advantage absorbing and repelling all of kiba and akamaru's attacks soon the enemy realized kiba had the earth scroll and together were able to steal it from him before retreating as team kuranai attempted to stop them borami blasted them with a foul smelling smoke screen impairing kiba and akamaru's sense of smell while the enemy got out of hinata's biakugan range shino set one of his female insects on the enemy to track while pursuing the enemy kiba and his teammates fell into a quicksand pit akamaru however was able to use his dynamic marking to solidify the sand enough for the team to escape once recovering team code and i resumed their pursuit of the enemy as kiba and akamaru continued following the scent they soon found it multiplied and scattered throughout the area when shino's bugs failed to find the enemies as well and suggested going after other enemy scrolls kiba finding his annoyance thinking about naruto again became determined not to fail then realizing that barami's scent was his clothes from their earlier scuffle kiba used it to find the real enemy while back on the trail again the enemies ambushed team kurunai while initially overwhelmed the team swapped out of the predicament with shino's insect clones allowing them to regroup seeing through the enemy's tactics team korunai quickly pressured the in before kiba finished them off with his three-headed wolf technique earning team kuronai a heaven and earth scroll later team kurenai was caught in a massive sandstorm ultimately the team was rescued by these sunanin proctors and brought to a building to wait out the storm before resuming the exams after the storm passed and the second exam was concluded it was learned that the tuning exams were ended early due to controversy happening in the second exam instead it was decided by gaara that a report on each participant would be sent to their respective village leader for them to decide if they'd be promoted upon returning to his village kiba and his team were all promoted to tuning status to which kiba voiced his joy at officially surpassing naruto tenshi bridge reconnaissance mission when naruto returned to konoha after rescuing gara kiba appeared riding on a much larger akamaru but said he hadn't noticed akamaru's growth due to him spending so much time with him when naruto asked kiba to go on a mission with him kiba was forced to turn him down due to a mission he and his team had already been assigned 12 guardian ninja in the anime he got into an argument with sora a ninja monk in training from the fire temple who was visiting konoha after being calmed down he sora and the other konoha 11 boys excluding neji joined asuma for lunch later kiba assisted in the defense of konoha when kazuma's army attacked he was shown fighting alongside rock lee and shoji and was eventually joined by shikamaru and ino as the battle came to a close kiba led the team to where naruto was confronting an enraged sora who revealed to be a pseudo-jinchotiki there they tried to stop sora but all failed in their attacks kibo was healed by ino and along with choji they tried to attack sora again however he along with the others were only able to watch until the battle ended akatsuki suppression mission in the anime he can be seen at awesome's funeral mourning his death three tails appearance in the anime team 8 led by kakashi headed out to find one of orochimaru's hidden bases due to the possibility of them encountering sasuke they were forbidden to tell naruto about this mission kibo was more than determined to showcase his skills as his other comrades did against the powerful enemies such as akatsuki when they arrived at the base it soon began to collapse on itself because of akamaru they were able to escape in time and began looking for survivors kiba and akamaru used their sense of smell to search the area picking up on a high-pitched whistle although initially suspecting that the enemy might be using dogs since normal people couldn't hear it kiba realized that it was an ultrasonic sound used only by bats which were spying on them with their location exposed they were soon ambushed kiba and akamaru attacked norari believing him to be the weakest member but were quickly robbed of their sense of smell and vision by kigiri's smokescreen letting hinata take over since her biakugan came in handy he and akumaru blew the smoke away with repeated fang passing fangs his team were then trapped within a large prison set by guren while inside kiba fought several clones of guren until naruto and the rest of team 7 arrived to help them escape upon leading the others to goren's location by following the bats they were overwhelmed by a tidal wave created by the three tails having lost track of guren and her forces the team regrouped a new mission was ordered to seal the beast and three teams were formed with cuba being added to team two alongside rockley and tenten who were led by yamato when each team left to accomplish their tasks kiba explained to his current teammates about guran's henchmen's abilities reaching the lake the foes rose from the water though last two attack kiba finished them off with fang passing fang after marking them with akamaru's scent to bypass the inconvenience of the smoke screen kiba later left with yamato to help kakashi's team unfortunately the attempt of sealing the three tails failed after learning that naruto was inside of the three tails kibo was assigned the job of guarding the area from the attackers with the enemies they faced earlier returning they battled to his surprise their capabilities improved tremendously with the enemy's new enhanced powers kiba along with the rest of the team were defeated and nearly killed surviving by burying underground after another failed attempt to capture the three tales they retreated back returning to the village under tsunadi's orders to formulate a new plan for dealing with the three-tails itachi pursuit mission later kakashi formed the eight-man squad which team korunai then became part of in the hunt for itachi uchiha when the mission was sidetracked due to them being close to sasuke's trail kiba managed to pick up on sasuke's scent after kakashi's nin ken proved unable to faded battle between brothers while on the way the eight-man squad encountered toby of akatsuki and proceeded to do battle with him after shino's attack missed kibo was the only one able to sense him and tried to hit him only to miss too embarrassingly toby just stepped to the side to avoid him they fought him together but no one was able to land a single blow before toby disappeared with zetsu kiba and the others noticed toby sharongan to their shock they started chasing both of them but as soon as they arrived sasuke was already collected by them kiba told naruto that there was still a little trace of sasuke's scent however it was already too late because of this the mission ended in a failure six tails unleashed after the mission to locate itachi failed the eight man squad is intercepted on the way back to konoha by katsuyu who had a new mission for team yamato team koronai and kakashi returned to konoha payne's assault during the assault and the chaos created by payne kiba was together with his teammates watching the disaster kiba then joined his mother in fighting the predapath because of the advantage he had on it thanks to his proficient taijutsu the predopath flees in the anime before the predopath escapes kiba and akamara use the dynamic markings that they could track him before they leave kiba worries about the injured medical nin but as katsu tells him she will take care of them tsume and kiba then continue chasing the path just as it was about to be caught it was summoned away by the animal path so that payne could use shinra tensei kiba his mother and their dogs were caught in the shinra tensei that destroyed the village he appeared to have suffered significant injuries because of a giant column that is about to fall down on him his mother told him to hang in there until help arrived but he's able to get it off by pushing it away with his legs he was later seen again with katsuyu watching the battle of naruto against payne noting that the konoha ninja should just put their faith in naruto kibo is next seen along with all his friends thanking and celebrating naruto's victory five kage summit afterwards he was seen rushing to naruto sakura and kakashi informing them that tsunada had been dismissed as the hokage and that donzo was now the acting sixth hokage he also informed them that donso had given permission for sasuke to be disposed of as a missingnin kiba is then seen along with all his friends in a reunion but because of ino's crying over sasuke's status as an international criminal kiba gets upset and tells her to stop when 1010 defends eno he stands his ground and states that crying will not change the established facts including that they must personally be the ones who end sasuke for good to prevent a devastating international war much to his and the others dismay as a request from sakura kiba and akamaru accompany her along with sai and rock lee to the land of iron in order to search for naruto and confront him he comments to lee that compared to ino sakura looked so determined kiba also states that because this is a top secret mission it is all on him to not only track naruto but also to make sure they're not being followed by root agents or other enemies kiba and the others immediately arrive in the land of iron and find naruto for sakura to speak with him kiba stays present in sakura and naruto's talking but as promised to her he or neither their friends would interfere however he became increasingly irritated by what sakura was saying to naruto knowing full well that she was not telling naruto the truth in their talk and that she lied about telling naruto their plans about sasuke yet still did not speak against it kiba questioned naruto about why sasuke was with akatsuki if hitachi already died but received no straight answer at kakashi's urging he then quietly asked sakura if they should tell naruto the truth but sakura stomped his foot and announced their returning home immediately after sakura asked kiba for help with a new job tracking sasuke and going after him however he became angry that sakura had been lying to naruto despite her protests he then proclaimed that she takes naruto far too lightly before finding sasuke and toby and telling sakura their position kiba then became stunned at sakura and sai's betrayal as sakura prepared to knock them out to fight sasuke herself annoyed he stepped back with lee to allow the two of them to fight it out as sai revealed kakashi's orders for them to stop refusing to listen kiba attacked sai with lee yet were quickly restrained by size ink snakes but before kiba could free himself they all got knocked out when sakura took advantage of the situation to unleash powerful smoke bombs so that she could face sasuke alone kiba and the others were soon found by kakashi kiba still barely conscious told kakashi which way sakura went kakashi then moved the young ninja to a safer location before pursuing sakura soon after being awakened kiba reproached how sakura and sai's actions enabled sasuke to escape again opting to return to their village they met up with the rest of the konoha 11. naruto then explained to them what happened at the summit acknowledging how naruto practically became a legend after defeating payne kiba believed naruto let sasuke slip away even though naruto continuously denied the claim naruto also reinstated much to the konoha 11's discontent that he was the only one allowed to fight sasuke power in the anime as one of the konohan nin who came as backup for team kakashi kiba battled kabuto's reincarnated ninja kiba retreated after naruto's snake version clone went on a rampage he later fights kabuto's reincarnated shinobi once again after the situation was taken care of he and the others returned to their village fourth shinobi world war confrontation kiba alongside hana shino and ino is placed in the 5th division to fight in the 4th shinobi world war joking that if he does a great job he might become hokage he is reprimanded by his sister who tells him that he should not take the war so lightly kiba leaves with the rest of his division but soon enough mifune sends him along with other ninja to back up kitsuchi's division as the zetsu are taken from the earth kiba rushes along them alongside his sister using his fang passing fang after the first day of fighting kiba is seen alive with akamaru along with shino hinata and neji after nightfalls kiba along with neji act as lookouts for enemy attacks neji later collapsed due to his overuse of his biakugan worried kiba told him that he should visit the medic compound to get treatment and that he would take over the watch nedji however refuses to go claiming that he was fine kiba told him that injuring himself on the battlefield wouldn't impress anyone to which negi retorted telling him to shut up again but faced akamaru when saying this kiba then tells him that his state was so bad that he isn't even capable of differentiating him from a dog the next morning kiba and the other shinobi resumed fighting the white zetsu army clones amidst the confusion due to the latter's transformation and the infiltration into their ranks during this time he and neji both fought their newly reincarnated opponents sakon and ukon and kiromaru respectively the power he gained over the time skip kiba easily managed to destroy summoning triple rashem on and defeat sakon and ukon however kiba neji shikamata and choji were trapped in a strange technique that the sound 4 unleashed before they could be sealed kiba's body was left in a comatose state while his soul was sent to a new location where it would re-animate within a large barrier inside the inhabitants are able to battle normally however the sound 4 informed their enemies that in time their actual body's halted chakra flow will eventually cause them to die in addition killing the sound 4 will not undo the technique despite the initial sail mate the sound 4's enhanced cursed seals grew even stronger from the accumulated malice quickly overwhelming the konahan ninja seeing that shikamura begins to intentionally provoke them knowing that naruto's new senses would pick up on it eventually naruto finds them and breaks through the barrier allowing inuichi through a telepathic connection to release the technique and restore akiba and the others to their bodies upon awakening kiba thanks shino for his efforts in saving them later calling out to neji in the heat of battle kiba told him that hinata was in trouble nenji failed to save the nearest hinata from an iwo nin only to discover that hinata was a white zetsu clone as kiba continued to ward the real hinata he chastised neji for going the wrong way and told neji to follow him they arrived in time to see a naruto clown say hinata he and nudgie were initially suspicious of the clone because he smelled and looked different than before hence why cuba didn't notice him kiba criticized neji for not mentioning naruto sooner but neji claimed that even naruto's chakra signature was different hinata convinced them that it was indeed naruto and naruto then mobilized with them to finish off the rest of the white zetsu clones after being informed by inuichi from hq that naruto and b were fighting the masked modera kiba and the rest of the konoha 11 rushed to his aid as he runs he states that he had marked naruto as a rival a long time ago and that he should handle things there until he arrived 4th shinobi world war climax finally arriving on the battlefield kiba told naruto not to start acting tough just because hinata was there after he echoed hiyashi hyuga's praise of the fact that ino was able to veer the tailed beast ball off course with that kiba and the other members of the allied shinobi forces stood to face their opposition later as the alliance's counter-attack was launched kiba and akamaru are buffeted by the ten tails who had just reached maturity and was emerging from the hole that had been trapped in this caused kiba to exclaim that the situation was getting frightening after learning of neji's death kiba later stood alongside choji and ino and was shocked by choji's rapid gain of weight after receiving koram's chakra he later caught eno after she performed the mind body switch technique on obito chiha surrounded by his own veil of kurama's chakra and asked ino if she was okay to which she confirmed after she regained consciousness kiba and akumaru later charged at the uchiha and the ten tails where their combined effort was enough to sever moderate and obito's connection to the beast and force them to retreat to the ground kibo was later shocked by munito's appearance on the battlefield and later sasukes he and the other konoha 11 shinobi surrounded sasuke and kiba asked what he was doing here when sasuke declared that he was going to be hokage kiba chastised sasuke asking him what he thought the title of hokage was with the reunion of team 7 kiba yelled that he will be the one to become hokage shino declared that nobody was listening to him due to sasuke's words having made too big of an impact he then rushed towards the ten tails with his friends not to be outdone by team seven kiba led his team forward revealing that he can perform the shadow clone technique naruto saw it as no big deal as he was able to do it years ago but then he observed that the clone akamaru and kiba himself had transformed into a giant three-headed wolf in his transformed state kiba performed the tail-chasing fang fang rotating fang technique completely ripping apart rose upon rows of ten tails clones apart he'd then witnessed naruto and sasuke's combined attack on the ten tails as he urged them on birth of the ten tails jinchuriki with the situation looking grim as the alliance was trapped in a barrier with a tailed beast ball firing tree kiba and the other shinobi soon found themselves shrouded in the previous version 1 mantles again he and the others subsequently found themselves on the outside of the barrier escaping the near fatal attack thanks to naruto and minato's action the ever competitive kibo was irritated by the fact that naruto could achieve such a feat even though hinata tried to explain the situation to him as obito unleashes the tree form of the ten tales it begins decimating the battlefield killing countless ninja hashirama senju has ino yamanaka link everyone up telepathically to try and rally them while hashirama's words fail to inspire anyone naruto's senchutsu enhanced tailed beast mode combined with enos telepathy causes his emotions and personal memories to be transferred to everyone kiba is surprised to see how much naruto is still affected by failing to bring sasuke back from their mission three years ago when shikamaru later recovered kiba rebuffed shikamaru's statement of becoming naruto's advisor believing that shikomaru would become his if he takes the position of hokage himself responding when naruto called for them telepathically kiba the other konoha 11 shinobi and sai are shocked when naruto's tailed beast mode mantle forms around them as well when he enters one of koram's tales with his directives clear kiba and the others used the rescengon which naruto had formed to break down obito's defense and give sasuke and naruto a clear shot at attacking their opponent kiba and the others who had all reverted to their version 1 mantles aid naruto and the others in resting the tailed beast's chakra from obito's control as cuba boldly stated that naruto wanted to help them so they would do so until the very end though they are able to defeat obito another threat soon arose as kiba and the rest of the alliance was confronted by toby who overwhelmed them with a massive animate statue as the alliance struggled against this new threat kiba smelled naruto close by realizing naruto was in danger he asked hinata to take a closer look with her biaku gone later the revived moderate now the ten tails jinchotoki finally casts his infinite tsukiomi on the world making kibo one of his victims inside the genjutsu kiba dreams of being hokage and decides to make a holiday for dogs kaguya otsotsuki strikes later kiba and the rest of the world were freed from the genjutsu by naruto and sasuke after they ended the war kakashi hiden lightning in the icy sky kiba is part of the team of konoha ninja assigned to provide security at the blood prison when the ryuha armament alliance stages a prison break kieva helps round up the escaped prisoners the last naruto the movie kiba makes an appearance in this film set two years after the war he is seen amongst naruto's fans eating ramen wishino at ichiraku kiba and shino were later seen evacuating villagers from the meteorites breaking off from the moon though he seemed rather upset about the fact that no one was appreciating his efforts he and the others later celebrated after hearing the worldwide announcement of the moon crisis being averted along with many other villagers in the novel his role during the movie was further explained stating how kiba was extremely depressed about the fact that his name wasn't on the list of those selected for the mission to rescue hanubi even though he was one of the most suited for the mission due to his keen sense of smell though kiba was put on the life-saving team in the village by the sixth hokage giving him the mission of quickly finding and saving the people who were buried under the rubble of buildings which was also a mission only he could do due to his keen senses and kiba fulfilled it with all his might kiba went running around the village with akamaru saving many people's lives and even protecting ichiraku ramen furthermore he refused to take refuge in shelters and instead stayed outside to help the people who still believe that tomorrow was going to come even boasting about how if any meteorite came falling towards them he'd destroy it with his new jutsu though nobody was able to hear the name of it when he finally used it since the sound of the meteorite being destroyed had been too loud konohahiden the perfect day for a wedding as the rest of his friends began searching for a wedding present for naruto and hinata kiba and akimara united with shino to find the best wedding present but realize they cannot collaboratively decide on a gift and request the aid of kurunai while at her house kiba constantly corrects the toddler mirai about what his and akamaru's names are as she calls them kibamaru and akakiba respectively as kuranai convinces them to get the newlyweds mead of the senju clan kiba however immediately reminds kore and i that neither naruto or hinata drink alcohol but he is convinced when kurunai tells him that mead can be used for cooking purposes and that it has low alcohol in it kur and i informed them that only soraku had it and requested that they pick some mead up for her as well while at soraku kiba and akamaru are harassed by the niniko momo and many others instigating kiba into a humorous chase however tamaki's presence defuse the situation and puts kiba in a love struck stupor as kiba proceeds to successfully woo tamaki he is reminded of his mission but continues his own personal mission as tamaki leads them to the enigmatic beekeeper kiba doesn't notice the dirty looks that the ninoko give him for his relationship with tamaki upon arriving to their destination tamaki warns him that the bamboo forest and its fog are magical in nature and those who enter never leave but kibo once again boasts his abilities giving her ease with her departure shino and akamaru both humorously tease kiba about his obvious deep infatuation for the cat lover inside the bamboo forest kiba akamaru and shino quickly realized they're going in circles and as akamara disappeared kiba began to panic and runs into the fog without thinking hours later kiba saw through the purpose of the magic fog and he escapes with akamaru only to realize that shino has been free for hours and has already retrieved the mede embarrassing him as they leave shino theorizes that kiba escaped due to his love for tamaki and once again teased him about it during the wedding kiba boasts about how he and shino's present is the best among the gifts but as he's asked about it he realizes he knows nothing about mead and looks like an idiot he quickly pressures kurr and i to educate him on the mede to seem intelligent but he doesn't really pay attention to her lessons as he tries to stop mirai from riding akamaru and attempts to make her get their names right for once rai no sho during his many walks with akamaru kiba noticed a young girl with a dog and tried to flirt with her only to fail miserably annoyed kiba told akamaru to mark their territory all over the park exclaiming that any girl who dumped him would regret their choice once he became 7th hokage when he heard two other girls admiring the future 7th he assumed they were talking about him only to realize they were looking at naruto who was on a date with hinata much to his annoyance and depression since he didn't have a girlfriend yet later kiba went off alone to meet a vet in order to get sleeping pills for akamaru's immunization shots however he didn't realize akamaru had followed him and noticed him with the girl so he had to hold akamaru down for his much hated shots as they began another walk kiba ran into tamaki and the two had an immediate strong mutual attraction to each other as kiba walked with her he was stopped by akamaru who fruitlessly tried to drag him away from her in a fit of overprotectiveness new era in the following years kiba began living with tamaki as lovers who moved to konoha where the two have many cats and dogs as pets his talents for raising animals became well-known and recognized as the top breeder even becoming a promoter for various products on tv at some point he joined the konoha military police force and became regarded as an outstanding investigator for the organization konoha shinden steam ninja scrolls kiba and tamaki attend the quarrel festival to visit the local hot springs while arguing over which hot spring to visit first they were quickly recognized by the townspeople for their respective reputations as animal breeders kiba quickly enjoyed all the praise he was getting from the dog lovers which began to cause a rift between kiba and tamaki as both began getting competitive as the town over which animal was better the two were later approached by mirai saratobi who was acting as bodyguard for gai and kakashi wanting to help the couple but seeing kibo was too cut up on all his fans mirai gave tamaki an apology letter disguised as written by kiba the effort backfired from her lack of understanding in cats which kiba would have causing tamaki to join the cat-loving villagers in a fight against the dog lovers mirai then used a genjutsu in the form of a cat dog spirit to calm the town's people making them think it was a sign to stop fighting with the feud over kiba and tamaki made up deciding to go to one of the hot springs as they originally wanted later it was revealed that kibo was helping in an investigation of missing girls from the land of hot water by helping kakashi and gai gather intel biakia gang arc upon robbers attacking konohaka kurai's central department store lee and kiba quickly stopped them after their arrest konoha tv interviewed them leading him to saying he's just won over more female fans later when the biakia gang began gaining support from several villagers the citizens began acting out against companies accused of corrupt actions kiba joined his fellow ninja in working to pacify the situation at the entrance of the kaminariman company ultimately it was discovered that several of the protesters were under genjutsu kiba helped in dispelling the genjutsu this along with naruto's speech was able to peacefully end the riots naruto shin dan parent and child day kiba along with akamaru and akamaru met naruto and himawari it was amaki outside the opening of a toy store where they all looked to purchase a limited edition quran doll kiba hoped to surprise tamaki with the gift as he joined naruto in the rush of the store opening but both failed in finding the doll kiba suggested he and naruto split up and search other stores so they could hopefully find a doll for himawari naruto was unsuccessful in his search but kiba did succeed in finding the last toy in a kiosk they realized the toy was stolen whilst akamara was in possession of it and naruto gave chase to the culprit who is successfully detained vs momoshiki arc kiba later watched the tuning exams in konoha beside tamaki and akamaru time slip arc in the anime after kiba and shino stopped a shoplifter from escaping they bumped into boruto and sarada who were hoping to find the icha icha books by jiraya in hopes of understanding his influence on naruto concerned about such young kids reading such an adult book the older ninja tried to get them off the topic by telling them from his own experience the kind of manchuria was when that failed they simply told the kids that they were too young to read the books later when urashikiyotsutsuki was spotted in the area kiba joined several other konohanen in pursuing him however this turned out to be a diversion by the alien who placed a genjutsu on them to let him sneak back into the village meanwhile the grown-up sasuke and boruto were sent back in time to shortly after sasuke's defection there the two pretended to be traveling performers but were put under watched by naruto during which past kiba and his friends helped boroto and naruto clean up a bath house after the commotion naruto and jaraya caused days later konohamaru moegi and udon approached kiba and his friends for help telling how naruto and boruto were battling a dangerous foe they quickly agreed to help by the time they arrived however urashiki was already defeated the group then escorted their injured friends to the hospital days later after sasuke and boruto recovered and prepared to return to their time sasuke first used his sharingan to erase the memories of everyone he and boruto came into contact with to protect the timeline kara actuation arc in the anime after learning about kara and how there could be a spy in the village naruto met with kiba and other officials on whether or not they should close the gates to the village kiba noted that the train system was an easy way for a spy to move about au arc in the anime kiba attended the memorial service for the fallen people of the 4th shinobi world war did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 185,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiba, Inuzuka, Akamaru, Tsume, Choji, Shikamaru, Nara, Naruto, Sai, Yamanaka, Anbu, Kakashi, Sasuke, Danzo, Shin, Orochimaru, Obito, Sakumo, Minato, Kusa, Mahiru, copy ninja, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Konoha, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Madara Uchiha, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, uchiha, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first
Id: 8ta6V9CcHmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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