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[Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] one of ancient egypt's most renowned royal women but is almost unknown by non-egyptologists she was known as one of the most beautiful and intelligent queens in the ancient world her husband built a temple for her she may have even been the power behind the pharaoh her name was nefertari the beauty of the beauties but who was this mysterious woman we don't know much about her but through years of research but putting together various sources of information we can now possibly tell a more complete story of her life [Music] nefertari lived during the early 19th dynasty she was married to ramses ii when akhenaten the heretic king died he's the one who favored one god above all others this was extremely strange for ancient egyptians when he died his son became the next king and he reinstated all of the gods as we know from the restoration steeler i have restored what was in ruins as monuments of an eternal age i have dispelled injustice throughout the two lands after the untimely death of jatang carmen his vision i became pharaoh i who had been married before and who was the possible father of nifiti and muthmed and furthermore the possible father of [ __ ] of him i who is the supposed brother of green tea grandmother of tutankhamun was married to another woman named thai their son was called back me int's brother would then be amy as mentioned on their parents coffins i married tut's sister ankus narman and became pharaoh however the old and ailing man died almost two years later angus and almond disappeared or died became the rightful pharaoh horam hepp married his sister moot naj met and had a statue made showing the sibling couple at his coronation forum heb had another wife known as armenia however both wives could not bear him [Music] children the end of the 18th dynasty is nothing more than a mess with tut having no children and [ __ ] and hip having no children the family lines were nearing the end you may be asking why are we having this short recap but the family line of eye may come back later on in this documentary as for now we focus on who became the pharaoh after hallam heb ramses the first was of non-royal birth and was born in the former hixo's capital region of avari's on the border of sinai and israel his uncle married a priestess of ahmed and using the rank of priestess of ahmed through the family connections became friends with harem hemp having served in the army with ramses the first aurum had promoted ramses to high priest of ahmad and even later on to the title of vizier rams is the first was old however at the time he had a son sethi and a grandson ramses the second purim had could see a strong line of successors within the rimicide family he announced that rams is the first would be the next pharaoh by making him co-regent this move was to end the 18th dynasty and start a new vintage [Music] when ramses the first died his son seti became pharaoh said his son ramses would have been around 10 years old at the time nefertari would be around a similar age and in only a few short years she would meet her future husband [Music] the 19th dynasty paid particular attention to women and producing many heirs to the throne seti's wife for example was moot toy she was held in very high steam even into the reign of her son ramses ii toy and seti had two definite children ramsay cynthia there is a mention of the second sister to ramses known as pennamitra she is shown behind a statue of mutoy although ramses married hendra she was not his first wife seti a mood toy married before he became pharaoh and this trend would follow onto ramses and nifitari in ancient egypt it was not uncommon for kings to have harems of women but by the age of 12 ramses was appointed co-regent with seti accompanying him into several battles ramses was given a harem on behalf of his father seti as a gift for becoming co-regent some egyptologists believe that ramses and nefertari met in this hurry nefertari was an incredibly interesting person she was not born of royal blood but actually came from the household of one of the nobles in probably in thieves which is in southern egypt now ramsay's family is from the delta which is in the north so this would kind of strengthen political bonds between the north and the south and nefertari when she married ramses when she came to the royal court she was actually given as a gift um a gift of royal marriage to the king now if this weren't strange enough seti pharaoh seti the father of prince ramsay's did not just give never tari to prince ramsay's he gave a number of wives uh to prince ramsay's around about the same time actually i think they're at the same time along with um a parcel of land uh and a couple of places for the women to live that was comparable to the palace in this really unusual situation we have a group of women who are all in our modern parlance sister wives moving in [Music] then i imagine it would have been really interesting because ramsay's is a teenager nefertari and the other women probably around the same age then nefertari becomes pregnant and actually has the first male heir which is an important event if you're looking to secure the lineage of the kingship nefertari becomes great royal wife we don't know if this is just because she had the first male heir or because of the many other really interesting and fascinating facets of her personality although due to little evidence egyptologists are divided on how they actually met nefertari would remain throughout the reign of ramsey ii his most favorite wife the apple of his eye you might say despite the fact that ramsay's had over eight known wives and many many more as he was the father of a hundred children boys and girls [Music] as his father and his mother had met and married before becoming royal it is probably that ramses of nifitari met under similar circumstances we know that ramses and nifitari met at the age of 14 and were married at 16 well before ramses became pharaoh we do not know who nifitari's parents were yet she was described as a noble woman i doubt that the daughter of a noble family would have been placed into a harem they probably had a chance encounter where they met and became extremely in love nefertari was indeed a very well educated woman who could read and write several languages and it would not have taken her two years to have agreed to the marriage if she was arranged from the hareem nefertari came from a noble background and this would have been quite beneficial to the remission family as they were not noble in that sense themselves although some experts are divided on this opinion that she was arranged some like myself can interpret a deep intense love between teenage ramses and nefertari ramses after all could have had whichever woman that he chose from his harim whichever that he wanted at all so i think it was quite a special choice that he made with nekotari if we look at nefertari's tomb we will see just how much ramez is the great worshiped her as a woman and mother and a partner and through them as a couple we can see that not every marriage was based on matching for politics and for power she was truly and genuinely loved by her husband one of the many titles he gave her was the one for whom the sun shines how lovely is that and he had built in her honor it abu symbol a temple and unusual for those times her statues are equal in size to his but yet it took him two years after meeting nifitari to finally make the move a few years later did ramses through his love and respect elevate nefertari to the status of the goddess once they were married ramsey's mother had taken personal care of coaching nifitari into being the ultimate queen we know of the close relationship between nefertari the moon toy from a procession at arbados showing satan rude toy with ramses and nefertari behind [Music] it is likely that mutoy would have enforced the idea to nefatari but continuing the family life to not end up in disaster like the 18th dynasty as this became one of nefertari and ramsey's biggest ambitions at the great temple of abu simba ramses showed the two most important women by his side his great royal wife nifitari and on the other side his mother [Music] nefertari paul ramsey's six children although there is the possibility of three more the six that we know of bear with while i try and remember the names a moon hair kept chef meri atum meri merit a moon the other three princesses that we possibly think of from nefertari are nibeta bucket moot and sharing the same name as her mother nefertari [Music] probably one of the largest if not the largest royal family in ancient egyptian history ramses is prolific uh he has approximately 100 children so these children of nefertaris have 90 plus step siblings uh another really interesting facet of nefertari's home life and kind of the dynamics of her family is that one of the original wives who came into the royal palace when ramses was a prince before he had ascended to the throne i said no for nofrit and asset no fret also bears many children to ramses the great uh she actually has his second male heir and she goes on to live um for essentially nefertari's whole life now we never see this in images we always see just nefertari depicted as she served that vital semi-divine role nefertari is one of the greatest queens of ancient egypt known for her ravishing beauty beloved wife of the great pharaoh ramesses ii and a god's wife of amun she eventually ascended into divinity and was worshipped as a god herself ramses did of several wives who bore him around 100 children yet his chief wife was nifitari she was given many titles including the great royal wife we can deduce the fact that it was indeed nifitari who was giving the final say on which women ramses could take as his wife [Music] an inscription about her position translates as rich in affection fear of face chief of the harim of the god king master of the palace she need only speak and her wish is fulfilled mistress of the two lands their fertari [Music] this inscription suggests outright that she was in charge of choosing the other consorts for her husband as her full name suggests nefertari mary moot the merrymood part of the name literally translates as the one who has pleased the mother goddess [Music] god's wife this title was held in high regard and equivalent to that of a high priest within the temple hierarchy the responsibilities that charge and were strict and divinely important to be a god's wife of say amun or ra was to be a consort of that deity some of her duties were not only of the religious type such as the procession of priests for the daily liturgies of our moon entering exclusive parts of the temple which only the purest of bodies could enter or even offering food dinner lunch and breakfast to that deity a practice revived 200 years after pharaoh had shep suit by marrying a god's wife it would elevate his own position and thus make him a god himself the white dress and the golden vulture headdress are the distinctive garbs of a god's wife of the moon it also shows them offering gifts to the gods with wine incense oils fruits and grains which were conducted by the pharaohs or the god's wife before any rituals they would conduct a purification ceremony with water so that they were cleansed beforehand this is depicted by the pictures shown in tomb tt49 in the theban necropolis of egypt moot was the wife of the god army therefore by nifitari sharing the title with mood she was instantly connected with the chief god and his wife furthermore making ramses as almond himself the couple with the earthly embodiment of armin and moot nefertari is also only ever shown wearing the vulture crown the vulture crown was connected to the goddess moot we also know that nefertari was only ever depicted wearing very fine transparent linen this finery was only reserved for the most important woman in egypt and ramsay's other wives were not given access to where this finery only methadone [Music] the god's wife was the highest rank of a priestess nifitari was awarded this title and would perform daily rituals at karnak temple dedicated to the goddamn once a year the festival of opet would be held to join the two temples and the two gods our moon and his wife this procession would have been led by the earthly embodiment of a moon and moot ramses and nifitari [Music] it is at luxor temple that we can find some of the best wall inscriptions of nifitari and some exquisite statues of the pharaoh with his wife supporting her husband symbolically shown at his knee even on these statues we get the idea of the beauty of nefertari as well as an idea of her fine linen dresses that delicately reveal the regal woman's soft curls [Music] so far it is clear how important this queen was toward her husband but soon into ramsay's reign when he began campaigns against the hittites would this queen be put to the ultimate test she would have to use her intellect to become the ultimate civil politician and maybe even co-regent seti the first had trained ramses extensively on the importance of strong military powers he accompanied his father into lebanon libya yubia and the assyrian hittite region stirring up much resentment to come back during the reign of seti's son ramses trained his sons that led them into several battles including canaan palestine and several islands like cyprus ramses even ventured as far as sardinia where he captured the population known as the surdan the surdan would come in helpful in ramsey's biggest battle ever at kaddish we do not know for certain but it seems greece and egypt were allies in 18th dynasty tombs we can see greece arriving in egypt with gifts it appears that they had a good relationship as every other mediterranean country caused war with egypt apart from greece even if atari received several gifts from the queens of greece such as her round silver button earrings a typical royal jewellery item at the time in greece a gift that impressed nefertari so much she is shown in her tomb wearing them along with several statues throughout the land she may have handed them down to her first daughter merit ahmed as she is seen wearing the same ear rings on her statues war was upon egypt ramses went into asia minor to go and conquer cities on his way north to the hittite stronghold of kadesh ramsay's vizier at the time parser was not promoted to the overseer basically of egypt at that time it was nefertari one could say that if atari was even co-regent while ramses was away she was running the country on his behalf so we get the idea that she might have been co-regent as this is evident in her temple at ubu symbol where we see in the inner sanctuary nefertari and ramses on the throne of egypt as equals however by ramses being away mkhitary's life became ever more in danger brief papyrus documents mention a scary situation where several hip-tight soldiers secretly arrived in thebes on the west bank of the ramessian construction an attempt to kidnap nifitari was made during the battle of kadus or while the battle of kaddish was taking place some of the heights managed to sneak to the royal palace and the queen was rescued and was not abducted by the haters luckily one of her ladies in waiting was able to alert the guards in time this event would have infuriated ramses upon his return the battle of khadesh had been fought ramses records his victory throughout the land on almost every temple war some experts say it was more of propaganda than an actual tribe yet the hittites documents say that they won and the egyptians said that they were the winners who actually won we may never know although i am more likely to believe the egyptian side of the story there is a cuneiform letter from the hittite queen to nefertari and ramses where she refers to herself and the king as your servant now if the hittites had truly won the battle of kadesh why would the hittite queen refer to herself as lower than the egyptians by referring to herself as a servant so we can start to get an idea of how the politics was working out at that time nephitary knew what needed to be done egypt needed resolution and the insurance that egypt would not again have such a big war nefertari actively participated in the egyptian idiot peace treaty that ended the best no conflict of the ramistide period we have one letter that survives in a clone tablet and was found in modern day turkey this letter is composed over few lines and addresses the queen of the hitachs she was a true partner to pharaoh ramses using her skills and charm to build a strong diplomatic relationship with another powerful and influential woman she's one of the only queens of pharonic egypt who engaged in a diplomatic correspondence through her diplomacy she wrote several letters to the hittite queen puda hippa some of these letters remain and they show great affection from nifitari to the hittites she often even refers to herself as your sister whether she actually was the sister of puda hippa or if this was an affectionate gesture nifitari managed to charm the king and queen she suggested peace between the two empires a request that was greatly welcomed by both sides the peace treaty is recorded at karnatak temple as well as on a hittite silver pallet on several steely and tablets the treaty meant either party would assist to protect their best interests the entire nation of egypt admired nifitari for this [Music] the result of her political efforts was a peace treaty to demonstrate the importance of that peace treaty a replica of it is on permanent display in the u.n building in new another offer was suggested by nifitari that the hittite king was to send the princess for ramses to marry this marriage would ensure peace through family bonds the letters were sent in person by kemwe said the son of ramses to the hittites the idea pleased the hittites and they sent back a princess for ramses to take as his wife [Music] not only a pretty face nifitari probably saved egypt from any further decline the great queen nefertari of the land of egypt speaks thus to my sister puder the great queen of the hittite land i your sister also be well may your country be well [Music] to [Music] now i have learned that you my sister have written to me asking after my health you have written to me because of the good friendship and brotherly relationship between our brother and the king of egypt the egyptian sun god and the hittite storm god will bring about peace and he will make the brotherly relationship between the great kings last forever [Music] i have sent you a gift in order to greet you my sister for your neck a necklace of pure gold composed of 12 bands and weighing 88 shekels blue colored linen for one royal dress for the king and a total of 12 linen garments after her attempted abduction ramses took nephitary on at least two campaigns where she was protected by her own set of bodyguards at her temple she is shown standing next to ramses as he is in battle shortly after these two battles ramses took a step back [Music] he would be dedicated to more religious roles at karnak his sons who were well trained by their father would now become the military force ramses set out to make himself into a living god he commissioned two temples of abu simber on the border with nubia one temple would proclaim ramses as a real living god the other would be dedicated to the love of his life on the northern or smaller temple of nofotari simbel there if you go inside and read the inscriptions on the ceiling you find that it is she who created this beautiful house or temple in the pure mountain and it is there that the celtic role of novotari is actually articulated because among her epithets are she is the one for who sake the sun rises that means she is the embodiment of the female principle who acts as the trigger in order to um activate the regenerative powers of her husband ramsey ii so that he can appear each day as the radiant sun shining his bounty upon the prosperity and health of ancient egypt many scenes in both temples show the couple performing several religious rights we can see many scenes dedicated to the goddess of love hathor ramses and nefertari's story and relationship are shown throughout the temple from nefritari and ramsay's as young teenagers with nefertario with exceptionally long hair all the way to nefertari being crowned as great royal wife by the two goddesses of upper and lower egypt [Music] at the inner sanctuary of nifitari's temple she is shown at the very center the most important person in this temple inside nefertari's temple which is the most beautiful temple that will symbolize my opinion we have the innermost sanctuary where we have a little bird flying in with its babies cute that's that's love right there but love here is about his abundant it's hapo the cow buddhist and she is here with nefertari in front of her and on the side not in a statue in a carving is ramses ii worshipping hathor and his wife nefertari now ramses is shown here very clearly worshipping his wife no other king worshipped his wife no other queen had a whole temple dedicated to herself from the king she was shown on the same scale as ramsay's on the carving and on statues from this point on on one wall we even see the royal couple in a moment before a passionate kiss nifitari shown as the goddess moot and rams is shown as our moon for me she epitomizes the perfect woman why because she was highly intelligent powerful loyal loving and beautiful and because she was recognized as a true equal to her husband today many women are still striving for equality over 3 000 years later the temples were to make ramses into a god and in effect of elevating his own wife he would give her the status of a goddess the temples were inaugurated in year 24 of ramsay's reign but the entire temple complex would not have been fully inaugurated until year 36 the inauguration the initial inauguration was rushed ahead of time by this time nefertari's health had began to decline we know this from the inside of the temple side chapels however a very sad account exists on a stealer from the viceroy the stealer is actually on the side of abu simbel and what it shows is the initial inauguration taking place with on the upper side ramses and merit presenting before the gods inaugurating the temple however in a lower side of the steeler we see nefertari on a platform and on a throne that is usually reserved for a barge the placement of nefertari on this section of the steeler has a very striking meaning by this time nefertari had died ramses rushed the inauguration of the temple as a last sign of respect for his wife where she would be able to see the temple being too ill she did not get off the boat but she did see the facades upon her journey back she passed into the next world nifitari was 30 years old the lady for whom the sun shines had now gone from the land of egypt [Music] the death of nefertari must have been extremely devastating for ramses we get the sense in his later inscriptions that he must have gone into a form of depression he lived into his 90s and outlived many of his family members although he had other wives it appears that no one could replace nefatari before her untimely death ramses began to prepare an extravagant tomb for nifitari no expense was spared in the creation of her tomb even the artists who crafted the tomb must have been in love with the queen as the art does not only show religious rights but it exudes love from the people who made it in the tomb ramses left a poem dedicated to nefatari and listening to it the words convey his true feelings of love and sadness now that she was no longer by his side [Music] my love is unique no one can rival her for she is the most beautiful woman alive just by passing she has stolen aware in my heart she who fills the colonnaded halls with her her perfect breasted red in the finest white lemons slender neck gold did nothing compared to her arms her fingers are like glutes petals her waist ignore brown buttocks [Music] beautiful face my love for hair is unique no one can rival her she is the most beautiful woman in the world beloved of moot never die the beauty of the beauties leftovers ii was discovered in 1904 by italian egyptologist gabrielli it is regarded one of the most beautiful tombs in the whole of egypt and it's truly mesmerizing and a testament to ramesses love for his beautiful wife he referred to her as the one for whom the sun shines years after the death of ramses egypt went into a decline anton robbing was rife we know that the tomb of nifitari was not robbed by egyptians as the priests had moved all of the bodies from the valley of the queens into one hidden tomb [Music] that of prince hemway said son of ramses iii nikitari's body was not moved her tomb was later plundered by a new group who had come to egypt 1500 years after nifitari was laid to rest the coptic christians tombs that were not robbed by ancient egyptians were then plundered by the christians and even used as hideaways if atari's worldly goods were stolen her granite sarcophagus was smashed to pieces her mummified body ripped apart and burned as firewood only two parts of her body remained the parts of her legs as discovered by italian explorer ernesto scapiorelli in 1904 in the tombs the mummified human remains were discovered these were in three fragmented pieces all belonging to the legs so one piece appeared to be part of a femur a patella tibia the other part of the femur the third part of a tibia now the question was do these mummified remains belong to queen of atari so over a century later in 2016 a team of international researchers put this to the test with some fascinating results they found that the mummified remains did indeed belong to a female she was significantly taller than the average egyptian woman slender and probably died between the ages of 40 to 60 which does correspond with the age that we think nevatari was when she died we know she was probably in her late 40s perhaps even early 50s but what caused the queen's death in 2019 new evidence may have been uncovered her mummified legs were sent under a ct scan to see a possible cause many experts suggested heart disease some others have suggested malaria ramses adored her he called her the one for whom the sun shines she's here in kansas city on loan from the italian museo ego in turin for an exhibition at the nelson atkins museum of art and we're going to look at life in egypt it's not about death it's about how people lived three thousand years ago these scans this is the environment and reconstruction of the legs will be analyzed by cardiologist and internationally recognized mummy research expert dr randall thompson his team will try to determine whether or not nefertari suffered from heart disease thousands of centuries ago one of the main things we're looking for is whether there's any arterial disease in the leg it's amazing that if there's calcium in the arteries it lays down and three thousand years later you can still see with the ct scan what's also interesting is that the embalming material was chemically analyzed using gas chromatography and the chemicals that had been used during the mummification process were consistent with those used in the new kingdom period but can we tell how she died this is very difficult but the x-rays did reveal cortical thinning and some porosity which is a sign of osteoporosis which is a disease in which the bones become so fragile that they can easily fracture another significant find of the x-rays was arterial calcification which is an indicator of arterial disease so to look at this in more detail the latter part of 2019 she was ct scan in sam luke's hospital in kansas city and cardiologists dr thompson's initial thoughts were that does indeed appear to be arterial calcification so perhaps she was suffering from atherosclerosis which is a very serious condition that can ultimately lead to a heart attack or a stroke into even death the few remaining artifacts from her tomb include an alabaster and gold perfume jar an ivory container used for face creams topped with the finely carved goose with some of the content still inside analysis shows her face screen contained frankincense almond cedar and argent oil extracts an exquisite gold and red jasper stone ring with the cartouche several shadties alabaster jars linen broken wooden boxes a pair of sandals and most interestingly a tip of a walking stick with the cartouche of pharaoh eye [Music] why would an item belonging to the eighteenth dynasty pharaoh i be present in nephitaries too we found in the tomb of nephitary the name of i and that's why people started relating that's why archaeologists and egyptologists started relating uh i or nepatari to i that maybe she is the daughter of i but that's really when you look at the time frame between the time by and the time of nephitary this is really hard to believe he would have been extremely old to have a daughter at that time and probably maybe he is the grand father but nothing is solid nothing is confirmed at all some suggest it was placed there by accident during tomb raiding but that is unlikely is it possible that she was buried with an item that belonged to a former pharaoh an item that she wanted to keep close to her an item that could even prove nifitari's true noble heritage i and his first wife of the son named macmillan he was married to ui he is mentioned as viceroy of kush during the reign of tutankhamun and was succeeded by parser the vision under ramses ii nakhmeen was the chosen successor after i however he died leaving his wife and their son also named i behind i son of an act mean was to become the high priest of moot and as we know nifitari's full name was ended with the words mary moot a title that would have been handed down due to a family member working as a priesthood the connection between the walking stick fragment with eyes name in her tomb and the family line of pharaoh i surely all start to point towards the answer nifitari is noted as coming from a noble family after all we already discussed how nifitari called the hittite queen her sister this may be true this may also just be a gesture of friendship however another family has come up in july a noble man from the late brain of seti and early reign of ramses is shown on a statue with a woman this statue has been identified as a marriage statue but is it the man and the woman are shown holding each other by the shoulder in egyptian art a marriage statue would rather be shown holding at the waist a statue of support for showing family would rather show holding the shoulder [Music] a steely from dirham dina reports the wife of pindula as tear the woman shown with pendula is titled as nevertheless is it possible that because of nifitari's high status her possible brother hindura could have commissioned this statue or is this nifitari's one daughter with a husband although the timing is out then although the likelihood that nifitari was rather related to ai is better her images adorned temple wands throughout egypt she was shown on the same scale as her husband she appears alongside ramses on so many statues she had her own temple she was the queen of egypt her tomb is the most exquisite example of egyptian painting but it was almost wiped out completely it was closed for a good many years about 20 years and the getty foundation went in and spent millions on restoring this tomb nephitari's tomb was unfortunately built above assault flat because her tomb was created in a unique style with wet paint being applied to wet plaster in a more fresco style the sword was able to grow forming crystals under the plaster which pushed the paintings off of the walls in 1986 an italian team stepped in to save nifitari's tomb the walls were slowly taken down and the salt was removed after placing back any small damaged areas were touched up with fine lines that appear solid from afar the tomb was opened again to the public in 1994 but after testing it was closed a few years after in the early 90s the humidity from tourists could activate the salt to grow again and conditions need to be controlled to preserve the tomb today you can enter the tomb but not as a general public member you need a high priced ticket or special access to this sacred site ancient egyptians were still as human as we are today to think that there were any different to us would be great mistake the societies come and go human nature changes yet emotions still stay the same they loved they hurt they aspired to do better they prayed when times of crisis struck nikitari has been made popular in the early 1900s with movies like the ten commandments however these films are mere fiction with nifitari being portrayed as some sort of victim who double times the pharaoh this is not true and these movies should only be seen as simple entertainment and not fact the movie ten commandments made in 1956 by cecil b demille depicted nefertari far from her reality in the movie nevatari had a love affair with moses her character's motive was to do anything to be with him even if it meant killing a servant who revealed moses's true slave origins to protect him from the pharaoh's wrath in my opinion she was portrayed as shallow cunning and love-struck it may be argued that this is the point at which nefertari becomes an icon of popular culture certainly the character is third in the cast list and is played by an actress at the height of her ability anne baxter had received an academy award in 1946 and had been nominated for an academy award for best actress in 1951 with a large eyes and mobile mouth and baxter resembles in many respects a character from the archie comics [Music] and yet she is more than just a glamorous actress she is an actress of considerable ability and nuance the suggestion is that rather than whomsoever wins the throne of egypt also gains the hand of nefertari it's demille's suggestion that it's the other way round and that's one of the reasons why we have the difficulties between the relationship of ramesses and nefertari she becomes and men respect almost lady macbeth to his ramesses ii the character of nefertari referred to throughout as nephrotiri is actually a strange amalgam of the vamp created by fedobara back in 1917's cleopatra but also the sort of nwarish monstrous woman portrayed by barbara stanwyck in double indemnity it is an interesting mix of characters it's a very interesting way of perceiving the character and of entering her into a plot where otherwise she would be absent in this movie the mummy returns she's even presented as a powerful fighter which shows her in a completely new way connecting the past and the present nefatari is of great potential to experience the egyptian era really up close to ourselves i hope that we can resurrect the iconic aura of nefatari together and show to the world the magnificent person she was now recent dennis was an exotic dancer with an artistic event and the story goes that in 1994 she was touring with her group and she saw an advert for the cigarette brand egyptian deities and from then on she became hooked by ancient egypt and ancient cultures in general of course 1904 is also the year that nefatari's two was discovered so obviously there is that link there too now by 1910 recent dentists had created series of dances called egypta and you can see in my opinion the influences of nefatari's tomb and neftari in general through their dances from the elongated eye shape to the sheer dresses that ruth and dennis and her group of dancers were all wearing now i love this because for me it is an example of nefertari's beauty and grace reaching out across the centuries and because recent dennis is credited with creating and defining modern dance i think it's a great example of how nefertari is still with us and still influencing us today [Music] at some point we need to stop looking at these people as scientific reports in a book we have to stand back and look at their human emotions and by doing this we might be able to see and understand their history in a more personal way i have visited nefertari's tomb a couple of times and each time it is an overwhelming [Music] experience nefertari truly was the most beautiful woman here in egypt for me i am so overwhelmed to be in here it's amazing [Music] something interesting you'll notice is that in her2 there's not one depiction of her husband ramses ii and i like to believe that she is shown on her own here because ramses loved her so much that he wanted to pay tribute to his great wife by dedicating this to this incredibly magnificent two to nefertari [Music] now let me tell you about the real napatari she could read and write hieroglyphics for me nefertari is a very powerful woman i am passionate about natalitari for several reasons an incredibly interesting person ramos is the great worshipped her as a woman he built a temple terror the one from whom the sun shines the lady of greece never tired the most beautiful of them becomes an icon of popular culture nefertari mariam forever and ever remember that name nefertari nafitari was [Music] quite perfect a most unbelievable woman that you should know more about there have been hundreds of queens throughout egypt's history but for me no other compares to the splendor the grace the elegance and the beauty than that of nevada [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Curtis Ryan Woodside
Views: 171,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, discovery, curtis ryan woodside, egyptology, history, ancient egypt, tutankhamun, ramses II, nefertari, travel, mystery, the great pyramid, national geographic, TOMB, DISCOVER EGYPT, EGYPT DOCUMENTARIES, NEFERTITI, cleopatra, Egypt's Ten Greatest Discoveries, expedition egypt, Salima Ikram, history channel, egypt documentary, full film, timeline world history, Egyptian Secrets At Pompeii, The Mystery Of Egypt's Pharaoh Queens, Egypt's Lost Queens, absolute
Id: bEr1vWsobDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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