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There is a very squiggly line between Tom Ford the man and Tom Ford the brand When you're starting to design your own company you have to look inside yourself, and you have to say well What am I about I like to build things? I like to make things so whether it's building a company, or building a store or building a brand or building a movie That's what makes me. Happy. That's what I'd love to do I Was designing 16 collections a year tom Ford for Gucci Tom Ford for Saint Laurent But yet, something was missing from my [life]. I was really burning out and so I hit a real low He's the king So bold and brave to turn your back on I remembered my calendar It was usually so full and it was just nothing And I didn't know who I was I didn't know what I was supposed to be You've got to figure out what you love in [life] sometimes. I have moments where it's sort of like everything's frozen And everything's absolutely clear and you can feel rather than think I'm more wired, and can you hear me maybe I should close this door so we don't hear any sound from outside Good idea bad [idea] would you like me to walk through the door? um I Did that purposefully so you wouldn't use it? Now you use it. You know. I've never let anyone film me like this before other people tried to do it and [I] just never ever allowed it, so Um where we are now is a new design studio in London. We just moved in When I set up my [own] company [I] Just decided to set up the design studio here because it's amazing england seems to turn out You know great designers, and it's relatively small. I like [a] very tight team. I like everybody in one room ideas you know feed off of each other and and You know something we're doing in shoes might feed into handbags and a mood that we're doing in women's ready-to-wear might Spillover entenmann's ready-To-wear To our men's team is here [we're] gonna do men's fitting first the Ohana cesare fit model Johannes Gonna. See a walk So I think we wanted to take these off First fittings go off and do things that are super extreme We have a beautifully made thing and you just hack it up can she walk again Don't you think it's better much better my creative drive is obsessive perfectionism is almost an illness with me I Think I'm getting better at it Uh you can only control so much you have to just let go you know you do not in control of anything You know really in control of life. You're not control of the thing in the world [and] as I get older the [more] and more [I] see that We're just really trying to get the width of the lapel Exactly, right. I like a big lapel I've always hated little skinny lapels doesn't mean I haven't ever done them before but I've always felt they feel a little sad like you don't have enough fabric [you] know to really have and our look is about that. It's about you [know] feeling [that] you have plenty of fabric, but Perfectionism is something you're born with I Remember as a kid [while] [my] parents tell me as a kid that you know even at 3 and 4 I was very Picky I wouldn't wear this I wouldn't wear that. I wouldn't put that on that wasn't good enough I remember telling my mother your hair's wrong. This is wrong. I hate those shoes you shouldn't wear that That's sofas ugly whenever my parents would go [to] a movie or something leave me with a babysitter I was tiny, but I was pushing that furniture around rearranging the living room [I] remember looking at a pair [of] my shoes when I was 6 or 7 years old I remember it so [vividly] as riding the back the car. I'm staring down at these [Brand-new] shoes and there was just the bump of the toe was like off by you know I didn't know what a millimeter was then but it's just Just wasn't quite the right shape and [when] I got how much it though. She's off. I just wouldn't put them on again They were wrong. They [were] just wrong, so I think you come out that way So let's slip this on I see walk. Oh, it's not too short. It's way too long still can we rip the basting out? It should be like that short. I think don't you it's not perfect in the front Let me see you walk just to get an idea It's a lot better as a jacket than it is as a coat. It's still too long in the front when I was growing up in Texas in New Mexico I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to escape Texas and New Mexico know that they're not great places. I still have a house in New Mexico. I love both places probably through watching movies You know you imagine that there's this Glamorous life happening somewhere that you're not a part of I had kind of imagined a certain life for myself So when I was 17, I moved from New Mexico to New York could we see you walk. I? Hate the back in the stress [now] this was the question do you think we should throw it out? Do you think it would make a good top? I don't know what to do with it [I] Secretly had a desire to be an actor so I was taking acting classes on side of my art history classes at Nyu And then I started working a lot in television commercials, but I quickly realized that acting wasn't for me And it drove me crazy [I] realized I wasn't in control, and I didn't like that So I thought well what am I gonna do can you yank the front him down? [I] had always been interested in architecture, and I thought well I'll go back to school and study and become an architect, [so] I enrolled in parsons and I kept Finding a way to kind of fit fashion into whatever project. I was working on You know back in those days, and I don't know whether it still happens We had to make full-scale architect or not full scale, but scale architectural models And he'd spend days and days cutting little pieces of balsa wood and making it all perfect and I would often spend more time Figuring out what? the little figures I was putting in we're doing we're wearing I realized that I was working fashion into my architecture a lot and that architecture was perhaps too serious a discipline for me I Think it's still strange. Don't you I think it's really scary Let's cancel it, but I realized fashion This is exactly where I should be it suited me [it] suited the speed with which I became bored with things I think I'm sick of nude. I think Ivory's gonna look like a bride So I drew up a fashion Portfolio it went around on Seventh Avenue Showed my Portfolio and said I just graduated from parsons Parsons is very well known for fashion [I] didn't say I graduated an architecture And I really have never taken very many classes in draping or fashion, and maybe don't quite know what I was doing So it was a little misrepresentation, but it worked The clues to everything that's going to come next are here now and either You're a sleuth, and you are thinking that it's cerebral [e] or you feel it there are no right or [wrong] answers It's intuition and luckily. I'm someone who seems to have Mass tastes even though we did French last season I still love the fringes these are beautiful, and I'm wondering if we shouldn't start trying some of these things on stretch jersey And I'm just lucky in that way that throughout my career up in sort of right there Just a step ahead of what people wanted so when they see it. They want it this scares the hell out of me I mean [that] really scares me to death I'm gonna actually rip that one off the board you [want] a design It's intuitive, but yet. I have to say what I learned Studying architecture has been incredibly useful to me in in everything that I've ever done in my life You start to learn that there's a language to [architecture] Meaning that there's a language to the human body which is composed of cells and because [of] that it looks a certain way There's a language to a building depending on what materials you use. There's a logic There's a reason if you painted or read. There's a reason that it's red. Why is it red? What door is it? I think these are too thin [I] mean to introduce a new shoe to work with the Fuller pant silhouette When I start out designing a shoe I'll look at the balance of the heel to the toe all question is the weight balanced if this is my Vocabulary and the type of curve, I'm using in the heel should that not carry through the entire thing so that you have an integral Sculptural thing I love the shoe. I think we need to score these you have to look inside yourself And you have to say well what am I about? Why does anyone need this? Why does anyone need a tom for jacket? What do I believe in I love that if other earrings this works quite perfectly on these we drop the yellow lenses correct I've always liked Makassar which particular type [of] wood have always liked gray. I've always liked velvet inside the pocket That's a good color I think this is absolutely beautiful, and you start to put all those things together, and you start to vote develop a vocabulary That is a personality and the brand and takes on a personality based on your personality. [I] like the simplicity of it I like the severity of it. The shape is good. It's old-fashioned in a way. It's also very modern in a way I love to work. There's probably not an hour in the day that I don't work if I'm awake. I'm working uh But working for me isn't working Working for me is just the way. I am it's fun. I think the fur is just a little too much [right] here It's this weird piece that's hanging down. It's like she's got forgot to Wax um Actually, I guess there is something I do that's not work. [I] take about three baths a day sometimes five Not for cleanliness. I take a bath first thing in the morning. I do the same when I go home I'll take [a] bath moment. I walk in the door. I'll take off my clothing in the bathtub I take another one [before] bed um and on a day where I'm particularly stressed I might take a bath every hour or two just blonde in the water and kind of thing or not think Let's intensified as I've gotten older. I don't think my mother would have let me take five baths a day of - like What are you doing? You know get out of the bathtub and go do whatever. So it's probably something that's evolved I've known him fake years when I first started modeling when I was 17 I did is one of these Gucci shows [he's] [uh] Really the best women's wear Designer in the world and he hasn't done this for a while, so I'm so excited to [be] back doing what he does hello, Miss Murphy How are you? It's a really good dress when Tom walks in the room. I still get Jittery in my stomach hi. How are you? Oh you look so good I've been down to kiss you, but I can't get through all that hair [I] love an afro nobody has like a real proper afro any more you almost there. No are you in manual? Hello, you look gorgeous? I'm about two hours late, so I feel kind of badly. Yeah her eyes are beautiful. I love that color keep going more more When I decided to come back to fashion first I came back to men's But I wasn't sure I was gonna come back to women's fashion what I was doing before was pretty grueling I was doing 16 collections a year shuttling back and forth between Gucci and Stella hall, and I thought you know I'm not gonna ever come back to this unless I can go back to it the way I want to unless I can come back to it in a way that [changes] the system where I have fun with it again Because if I have fun when I'm designing something, and I love it, and I'm passionate about it You can actually transfer [that] to whatever it is you're working on a woman flipping through a rack Will stop and say wow oh, it's cool. I want to try that on. How are you? I'm sorry We're so tight in here does this remind you of the old days exactly exactly young again young that's really been Fun, it's great good. It's Gonna be fun. I think good I look [home] on the [outside] But I spend months and weeks and hours not sleeping thinking rethinking everything every dress is designs Everything's pressed hung every piece of jewelry every look everything is put together. It's in a bag. It's hanging there. It's been fit It's as perfect as it's gonna get who's next to carrying. I'm glad bart's coming This is gonna be a lot brighter in there, isn't it because of my past reputation at both Gucci and Saint Laurent there is enormous expectation of Of me designing the women's collection, and I would be expected to perform at the level of houses like Channel and Vuitton And we tone with much more money. What time do you think we're gonna do real rehearse? [Beyonce] and so because the expectations were so high I thought I should really push it down make it quiet downplay it I've learned over the years that you should do something first, and then talk about it not talk about it Talk it up because [then] you talk things up to a level where you know they can't possibly live up to people's expectations So hopefully the audience is arriving thinking they're going to see a small showroom presentation And I hope that they're surprised by what they see and excitement Specially for us. Because we're all nervous. The fact that we're doing shows with Beyoncé, Julianne Moore How's everybody going in here everybody happy everybody relax? [if] there's something you don't like when you get done. Yeah, we'll fix it Make it will take two seconds on there That's cuz you're perfect. [are] you [tellin] I've been friends for a long time and we made a movie together and he said You know if you're available in September? I really love it. If you could do my show and and so I said yes, this is obviously very first And probably the last time I'll ever do every TV could tell me there's a lot of fun He's assembled a really incredible group of people People often ask me who or what inspires you? How are you inspired? For women I'm inspired by all my friends [who] are women who I think have great style, and when I'm with them I'm looking [very] carefully what they're wearing. I'm listening to them. I talked to them sometimes. You know like are you sick of bags? They're like this or you and those women I find very inspiring And these are women with jobs kids lives [ok] I think we're all here correct cast is all here Julia You were the last girl in class And Beyoncé as well learning who the bad girls in school When I started working on this last collection [I] was looking for women who had character and so many of those women are in the show Lauren We have this style as well. They're tighter because they don't have the same front I chose iconic women, I chose great friends of mine, and women who have terrific style who I always look to as Muses hi darling Gorgeous herd diverse, you know we have different ages different body size It's about individuality [okay], so we're gonna run a full rehearsal. I'm gonna be actually Talking which is not normal at this kind of fashion show. It's very old-fashioned. I'm calling your name you're then walking out You're walking straight to the head of the runway You will turn? Then start walking feel the room I don't [think] any of them are gonna be bored at all so I think you could take your time right about here Terry's Gonna jump out Terry's Gonna Say look this way Give me that let me see the back turn to the side so [don't] feel don't feel at all Embarrassed or ashamed about standing here because then you got a move life inspires me I'm not gonna say that if I read in the newspaper the wall Street crash That I decided I need to do a collection in black That's too literal now I might ultimately a few months later or start to be designing differently because there's a different mood in the world And I'm just sensing that picking up on that or feeling that the cameras will call to you give everybody a gray Face what a great neck it's important if your fashion designer to be in the world to look at art See every movie you can read every magazine you can even watch junk television Just go straight to [Fresh] Okay You have to know where culture is today to react to it to be contemporary and to to respond to it How are you john? Do [you] [want] to take those black cords? Yeah as soon as they're ready [to] go they can go I have to go back downstairs right now. Let's go Is Lauren in hair or makeup wonderful! Thank you! I think probably the 90% of my success is my [drive] a Lot of designers who are maybe more creative, but maybe they don't work as hard maybe I don't have my drive when I was hired in 1990 at Gucci the company was in such bad shape by [1993-94] we were almost bankrupt By that time I had assumed the role of design director and the [businessmen] who were running the company at the time We're spending all their energy focusing on how to break the company apart what to do with it [so] I had this moment where I was in complete creative control And I could do whatever I thought was right for Gucci, so I designed a collection [that] was very very different [than] anything Gucci had ever done I also had at that time in my contract the Stipulation [that] I was not allowed to speak to the press that I was not allowed to Publicly be a face of Gucci that I was not allowed to step out on the runway I Broke all those rules. [I] did a collection [that] I believed in sent it down the runway [and] at the end I stepped out on the runway It was a huge amount of excitement, but in the press and from Buyers and buyers started buying the collection so immediately six months later those clothes were in the store, and they started sell and Denied another collection luckily it was a hit [man] another collection luckily It was a hit and our sales really started to take off you know they were doubling and doubling and doubling and doubling By 1999 we were very successful, and so we bought if selling wrong at that time I then started designing By the time I left 16 collections a year I would shuttle back and forth between the lawn and paris where my design studio for [celeron] was and I was really burning out and quite exhausted, and when I left Gucci. [I] had a terrible Low, I didn't anticipate it How are you Mrs., Eisner? Good your brows look good Intentions are always just to fish himself and to Be creative when he put himself on the line can you imagine? You know when he left [Gucci] and [wire] [sound] to make movies how much pressure that man had I can use the [king] of fashion There's nobody better than he so bold and brave to turn your back on I remember the day that I left Gucci my last day. Which was in April I came home, and I remember I just got in my bed pulled all the drapes [I] would sleep and I woke up the [next] morning and my calendar it was usually so full you know London here Paris here Milan here La here the appointment appointment appointment appointment appointment And there was just nothing there was nothing, and I didn't know who I was I didn't know what I was supposed to be I think because I had everything happened so young and I became Successful both financially and creatively and felt very satisfied and fulfilled in my 30s early [Thirties] but by the time I turned 40 I was becoming really a bit burned out with what I was doing and I had every material thing that anyone could want I had houses all over the world and really could you know had great paintings and I had a Wonderful person that I lived with Richard Buckley we've been together 24 years now I had you know dogs that I loved and horses. I loved and I had everything But yet, something [was] missing from my life and I realized also you know 40 years have gone by and That's half your life if you're lucky, and where's the rest of it gonna go and so I hit a real low but I had always been interested in film obsessed with film and in the Mid-90s Decided that at some [point] in my future when I had the time when I left Gucci as I retired [I] was gonna make movies Which I didn't realize people were laughing at until later When I actually made a film and they said wow I we didn't think you could make a movie. You know How did how did that feel when everyone thought you were just you know crazy and that it was a joke? And I said he thought it was a joke. [I] had no idea that people really thought this was a ludicrous notion waking up begins with saying ham and now my movie my film a single man was Very much my midlife crisis on screen [I] was thinking about this book by Christopher isherwood a single man [that] I had read years ago And then I thought about it often and I thought about the character George often for the past eight months Waking up has actually heard Cold realization that I'm still here slowly sets in I was never terribly fond [of] waking up I realized it was actually a very spiritual book and an intuition said this needs to be my first project So I took the book which is an interior Monologue [that] as I started to break it apart and work it into a screenplay does not work at all as a film because there is No plot Nobody does anything nobody says anything it's this wonderful interior Monologue And I had to then take it break it in scenes Give it a plot in book George is not Gonna kill himself lots of things don't happen and I Took a great liberty it takes time in the morning for me to become George Time to adjust to what is expected as George and how he is to behave That particular scene where George is dressing in the morning [is] not something. That's in the book but George is distraught He's in a terrible terrible deep Depression when I am in a terrible deep depression one of the things that I do is Put on a suit it might be false But I feel like if I shine my shoes I put on a tie I make myself look as good as I can possibly look that I feel better that somehow its [armour] It's a ritual with that I go through so I grafted an enormous part of my own personality and my own Things that have happened in [my] [life] the suicide in the books the suicide from my family the relationship between Jim and George's direct Conversations out of my own relationship [with] Richard the two dogs in the film car my two dogs And I grafted myself [onto] the character of George and in a sense that is my midlife crisis on Screen and anytime anyone asks me you know, what are you about? Watch this movie Everything you need to know about me is [in] that film and so it was very personal experience I threw all [of] that Kind of came to a real piece of life Let's go kids. It's show time Michael go Kid I wrote the line in my film then a few times in [my] life. I've had moments of clarity Where the silence drowns out the noise and I can feel rather than think? You see the view? Carre, we're Gonna start in the little library, right? Yeah, I'm guest editing French vogue And I have 80 pages to fill some I'm photographing myself in Orlando's her hair kind of what you're thinking Yeah, I think she was right in today's world what everyone aspires to do is to be exactly the same She's a cougar She's a yoga girl [we] have all these people getting all this cosmetic surgery all the breasts are looking the same all their lips are looking the same young girls are growing up thinking that they [need] to have Collagen in their lips because their mothers have collagen the lips because they used to looking at this So we've put these prosthetics on her these aren't her real cheeks [and] this really fake mouth she's got two very young boyfriends They're taking care of her and everything in her life is too much her clothes of too much, and it's excess She needs more breasts like a lot more. Oh, well. I don't mean in real life I mean for the story And then I'm writing a piece about our beauty standards and why in our culture right now were obsessed with with youth Fabulous you look really sick you have to say I like that one a lot like system. She looks freaky [who] says that in a good way? but really freaky Fashion for me isn't just close it can be a mirror of where we are culturally at a moment in time [or] it can be an indicator of Where we're going if you look for example at a film from the 1950s And you look at the shape of woman's breasts pointed And you look at the cars pointed there was a look to that beer There's a look to every period for example what I was doing a gucci in the 90s was sexy for a reason We had come out of the 1980s Devastated not only financially with financial crash in the late eighties, but also by [Aids] It was reflected in all the arts because the exuberance of life and what we had in the 70s Which was a very approachable form of beauty? Women looked kissable they looked soft he felt. He could slip your hand inside [you] know their blouse breasts hadn't become all fake and pumped up it was a sensuality and a friendliness to the 70s in sexuality by the 80s sex had become quite hard because It was [dangerous] there was an off-putting quality to it and in the mid 90s um I have been credited and responsible somewhat for bringing that sort of exuberant sex back a Certain happiness and joy to the fact that we're physical and there were sexual and uh you know Male bodies beautiful and female bodies are beautiful And why not see them and want to show them and I? Used it in a sense as a marketing tool and at that moment in time. It was effective because it was fresh today We're in the pumped up period Which I'm not sure I like women's breasts are pumped [out] lips Couldn't get any more pumped up Everything in our world right now is pumped up That is fashion that is what happens to be the [look] the fashion in 2010/2011 where's that come from culturally? Why is that happening? What does it mean and those are all very interesting questions? Where are we going next? Karen, I'm just gonna shoot and then we'll look at the cropping That's was very good the way you did it was [very] elegant The focus of this issue is a little bit on age you know I'm getting older but [also], I work in an industry that I have sometimes mixed feelings about what we do because we Convince people that they're not perfect enough that they need this and they need that And but we promote materialism, which ultimately really is not the thing that brings you happiness in the [world] So do we have any image on the left? We do live in a material world? velvet feels good cashmere feels good colors excite us because we can see so there's a certain enjoyment to be gained by Materialism and the material world, but you have to keep it in perspective because really it's nothing we don't own anything in our life We don't own anything in the world I usually [think] of it as [just] a bunch of stuff that I'm kind of swimming through in this life to go from here to wherever I go afterwards But I have to say I do struggle because I'm attracted in some ways to beautiful things yet at the [same] time I am actually very aware of in some sense Their lack of value and the most important things in [life] are your connections to other people so [it's] a bit of a struggle Fashion is a business Fashion is Something that is deemed by popular culture at a moment in time to be the thing that you [should] Be wearing or you should have but Everyone lives in their own world there isn't one world. There's your world Your own world. I'm my own world everyone is their own world so beauty really is in the eye of the beholder style For me is something [completely] different. [you] [can] be What we would consider in our culture unattractive and have great style you can have no money and have great style You can have a lot of money and have great style more often you have a lot [of] money And you have terrible style, and you just plaster yourself in what you think you're supposed [to] be wearing and you've lost yourself [I] love the color of this [classy] walk I don't know what this is gonna turn into I think the handkerchief hem We shouldn't do but I love the color of this. It's probably be a dress actually underneath the jacket [I] actually hate to see my designs worn head to toe the way. I showed them on a runway I like when women take a piece of this and a piece of that and they break it up And they personalize it you know they bought that jacket cuz they love that jacket. I'm not sure what to do with these things I'm drawn [to] them, but I don't know what the hell. They're Gonna be Style for me is someone who figures out who they are What works on them what they feel good in and? develops that develops their character and The outer expression of their character is what is style, but I think this jacket is great And I think the jacket and the color combination is really good For me. I wear my shirt open because ties give me a headache I Turned it into a my style although. [I] were ties sometimes too, but I can only wear them for a few hours and then I start to get a migraine [I] believe an enhanced reality with fashion fashion creates a bit of a dream That's the whole point. I think I'm dressing up is is you feel better about yourself? It's an enhanced version of who you are and when you buy something You know you often do believe if I have this I'm gonna put it on I'm gonna look great I'm gonna go out this girl. She's gonna. Love me and everything's Gonna come together [now] that may or [may] not happen, but just your feeling that it might happen might make it Happen or help It happen because you're feeling good [too] showing a pot a side of yourself that maybe You wouldn't be showing if you were sitting [there] feeling Bad can we look at that fur coat [that] came from [woman's] and talk about adapting it for Mitchell can we see Walk-ins I? Love the idea of a big fur anorak which used to be really something quite Masculine if you go back to the 1920s men used to really wear furs it depends on how the cut [the] shape cetera [I] Love when people are extravagant. I wish more people Were extravagant you know when you look at period Costume you go back to other periods of time People were much more brave with fashion tribal clothing is insane in the lengths that people stretched their necks or pulled out their ears or transformed their bodies or Adorn themselves, we're very safe today. We don't put much energy or effort into it at all I would like to see more of that really more individuality and more Security and feeling that you're you know it's okay to express yourself through your clothing I Hope your clapping like that one. It's [over] Thank you very much, and thank you for coming tonight um [for] years when I was designing at Gucci and [excel] Yves-Saint Laurent I had a recurring [nightmare] that the clothes didn't derive that something went wrong that the Italian burn down and then I had to stand up in front of all [of] you and talk for 20 minutes And you're tough crowd I'm happy to say that tonight We have I think some wonderful clothes to show you and we also have many of the world's most Inspirational women to model them [for] you, so I'd like to present to you now my spring 2011 women's Ready-To-wear collection [ladies] Gentlemen Miss Lauren Hutton Barn is wearing an ivory silk and viscose trouser suit ivory Fedora with grow Green and feather trim I've read crocodile metal spikes pump for the black crow Green Bow You've got to figure out what you love in [life] You've got to do what you love [miss] Beyoncé Knowles, Beyoncé is wearing a black fishnet silver and Gold quiet python Pattern short evening column I Love communicating to people through what I create But also enhancing their lives giving them something that should bring joy and fun this Julianne Moore [except] Georgette and embroider Fringe Column dress [handmade] to the feather [Tim] It doesn't have anything to do with trying to reach a mass audience or not a mass audience when I made a single man I tried to make the very best Movie I could make I tried to make a movie that I would want to watch that spoke to Someone like me when I design I want to make the very best thing that I can make with the most beautiful fabrics put the most beautiful stitching something that I would want Moving fashion forward used to be one of [my] chief goals. It's not necessarily anymore fashion needs to change when life changes You only need to move fashion forward when there's a reason to move fashion forward I know one day. I'll be irrelevant Because no matter how hard you try there is a cultural window where it is your moment, [and] you're in that [space] and you Can cling to it and cling to it and cling to it, but eventually? Your windows gone your time on Earth [is] finished. [you] might as well leave I'm one of those people and this is maybe something I came to the realization of a Few years ago Or even recently I could absolutely die tomorrow. I would not care Because I feel like I've lived I feel like I had a great [life] I feel like I've experienced everything I could have experienced in my [life] I want to die there are lots of other things I'd like to do I'd like to think that my windows not quite gone yet but I'm comfortable enough and a peace enough with Having lived and having experienced that death doesn't freak me [out] at all Thank you very much Nothing nothing lasts And that's in a way the beauty of it all once you can accept that nothing lasts And at this point in my life. I'm not gonna do anything. That's not fun You know I only have maybe 30 years left if I'm lucky 40 Maybe only five maybe tomorrow, so I'm not gonna waste any more time if it's not fun. I don't want to do it Your mommy was terrific everybody I hope I'm staying till [it] drop down you
Channel: Art In Fusion
Views: 571,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ocBKgr4N9Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 11 2015
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