The Life in The Barzakh #4: The Fitnah of the Grave | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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Canela in Hakkari metal moo-ha-ha [Music] bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen o salat wa salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in i'm about last lesson we had mentioned some of the issues of passing away the blessings of passing away on friday dying on friday dying doing a good deed and some of the things that might protect us from the fitna and the other will cover and we're still talking about this those issues of munkar and nakir and the issues of the fitna of the cover so let's finish off those issues i was hoping to finish last week but i wasn't able to do that before we move on to the next series of issues so let's begin today by asking the question that who will the fits natural cover happened to will it happen to our ummah only or will it happen to all Ouma's because our prophet sallallahu said i'm said this shall be tested in the grave in the Hadean ummah so does this mean that only this ummah and all the other Oma's will not be tested so some of our scholars like a hakama timothy like even abdel bari they said this phrase means the previous umas will not be tested and they reasoned as follows this is their reasoning they reasoned as follows they said the number one reason for the fit senate will cover remember there's fitna and either don't get confused fitna is for Muslim and kafir knob is for only the unrighteous fitna is for the generic people all of the people are AB is for only the unrighteous so they said the primary reason for the fit natural rubber is to differentiate the movement from the munafa the fitna is meant to separate the movement from the munafiq and the evidence goes back to the Haditha munkar and nakir where the person says ah la Madrid I heard the people saying so I also said now does the kafir say Muhammad Rasulullah does the kafir say D Niall Islam no this is the munafiq that he is only following the crowd and he's not actually believing so some of our ulema said because there were really no one after corner of previous ouma's it seems to be a phenomenon of the Prophet SAW sometimes time in our Ummah so it will not be given to them and a banal pallium and others they say the fitna of the cupboard will be for all ouma's including the previous ones and instead of being asked who is the prophet system they will be asked who is your prophet and they will have to respond in the end of the day it is a theoretical question Allah knows best really there's no explicit evidence the same theoretical question is asked will children also have to do fit in a cupboard or not or the more technical term there and Micallef renoir caliph includes not only children other Micallef means they are not obliged by Allah they don't have legal obligations who is the lame-o caliph it's a number of categories number one is children number two who else the one who is mentally insane this is air McAuliffe right and others have added other categories the point is these are called Helmick Allah will there be fit enough for the hair Micallef and once again you have our scholars and it is what happens when you have encyclopedias that you write and you have to fill them with information you have to go talk about the theoretical in the end of the day Allah knows best and it doesn't matter to us whether the head McAuliffe will be or not basically and we are just concerned about ourselves so in the end of the day we are concerned about our own fitna we don't know whether previous allah's will be astronaut we don't know whether they'll McAuliffe will be asked or not questioned other than the Shaheed whom we know there will be no fitna right is there any way to protect ourselves from the fitna of the cover is there any way to make sure we answer the question correctly is there for black of a better term a cheat sheet okay and by the way these cheat sheets are hella if Allah has made them halal there are certain things if you do them you will be protected from this and that right Allah is giving us incentive do this you'll be protective is there anything found in the tradition that will help us pass fits net will cover some rule AMA have said reciting surat al-mulk is a mechanism to pass with natural cover right now this sounds really good and in shallow there's nothing wrong with reciting Fitness will cover but when you look at the hadith and you go back and you read the hadith it does not mention fitna to other it mentions either a bull cover and therefore fitna does not come so what is the hadith well we're gonna come back to this the hadith isn't almighty that imamat in media has the chapter heading what is the blessing of surat al-mulk then he has in it that one day the man came to the prophet system and said told him a story said he rasoolallah I was outside travelling and I put a tent in the middle of the desert whatever and I didn't realize that the tent was on top of a cover of somebody I didn't realize there was a cover over there and I saw a human did he see with his eyes or did he see in a dream we don't know most likely in a dream went to sleep and I saw underneath me there was a human there was an in son yahushua tabarak led via the hill milk until he finished the whole surah so he saw either a wakeful state or in a dream that the person beneath him is reciting surah milk in its entire you know 30 ayat and so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said he almani he'll mangia to ng him in a verbal cover it is the preventer Surat Malcolm it is the Saviour surah milk it shall save him from the other Bulacan the hadith says what a terrible cover now can you extrapolate and say okay the fitna is included and the response technically speaking I have is different than fitna and so there's nothing wrong with reading Quran go ahead and read Quran but we say there is nothing found in the text and Allah knows best where we are told this will help us pass the fitna to cover Allah home except one thing and that is to be sincere in our tawheed and our Colima and our class and our worship of allah and a following of the sunnah ie the only way to pass the test is to study for the exam there's no cheat sheet the only way to pass the fitna tool cover is to actually live your life in accordance with Islam to love the sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu and you send them to say or up be Allah and you mean it in ladina allah rabbun allah who so mustika mo these are the people they will pass the fifth little cover with flying colors as for anyone else I have not found anything that is going to make fitna any easier everybody will be tested with the fitting ok so we are now done with the fit in aspect ok once again for those who are coming for the first time fitna is the examination it is done for the righteous and unrighteous and it is the three questions that Monica and nakir are going to ask the people and the only people to be saved from the fitna explicitly are the Shahada and by chaos we can say the very very very righteous people obviously like the solid hoon sorry like the MBA like the Russell obviously the rule if the Shaheed is not gonna be fit enough than the ones higher than the Shaheed will be no fit enough so there is no fit enough for the prophets of Allah there's no fit enough for the Rasul of Allah and for the Sadiq as well cuz as the deal is higher than the shade and so there will be certain categories of people that they will be safe from the fitna but the default everyone even the righteous and the unrighteous will have the fitna ok we also mentioned munkar and nakir did we go over where we get the names from did I talk about that yes where do we get names from hadith okay so I went over the hadith nativity okay did I go over the meanings of their names no we didn't go over that okay so munkar and nakir they come from the same root word which is basically a Nina Cara and Nakara means in arabic it means to reject or to not know right so Nakara is something that is strange and moon color in arabic and it is the opposite of Maalouf right yeah meruna bill maher oofy way on how a little moon car and my roof are all of that which were accustomed to that which we like that which we appreciate moon car that we should be rejected that which we do not like now that's the technical definition of muñeca linguistically Nakara means to be unknown hence when you study Arabic grammar you have modify and Nakia Nakia means that which is Yanni and unknown is modifies the specific that's the proper nakkeera is the unknown so munkar and nakir both go back to the same route they main kind of they mean kind of the same thing and it means that which shall be rejected one car that which is rejected Nakia that which you don't recognize now why are these angels called munkar and nakir there's no explicit reason we have to try to derive it some Adama said that this is because most of mankind reject their existence so they're called moon Charon agir those whom he rejected no they are not rejectable they are real others have said that their appearances will cause people to reject them so when you see them you don't like their appearances because they are the examiners and even if you know your exam material do you like taking exams no even if you pass the exam and you are an A student you still don't like sitting an exam and you don't like the examiner coming and looking at your paper you start sweating even if you're doing good and you're gonna pass when the examiner comes through you're not like the examiner coming so munkar and nakir for the righteous and for the unrighteous right and this is a good a good interpretation a mammal Court will be has another interpretation and remember I told you mammal Court will be has a three-volume book which is one of the most detailed books ever written in medieval Islam about the journey of the soul and about the Barossa and about Jenna and now Imam or Cordoba said the reason why they are called moon Charon Nakia is because their shekel their manners and their looks are completely unique in the world of jinn and in sand angels there's nothing like them so they are unrecognizable as anything so you reject them simply by seeing them munkar and nakir even if you believe in them their appearances are not positive and you end up not accepting their appearances even if you're gonna pass the test in other words it's very similar to what we just said and therefore Allah knows best this seems to be a good interpretation why are they called monka and nakir because nobody likes their presence even if you're gonna pass and looking at them you want to not have them that's munkar and nakir even if you again we said except Allah and His Messenger you don't like this test even if you passed with flying colors j8 so we talked about the issue of moonkin and a kid and the fitna to cover okay we now get to the issue of the neem oil cover and either Bowl cover the issue of iLab versus Nayeem and again for those of you coming for the first time fitna is at the beginning after the fitna if you pass you get an animal cover if you fail you get a double cover now the issue of a double bubble is something that is muta water that is mentioned in more a hadith and can be counted and that is why it becomes an issue of theology when we have so many narrations about a subject that the books of hadith are filled with it our scholars of theology say anybody who denies it has denied correct theology so when you look at the classical treatises the classical them earliest books written about what do we believe right what does a Henderson awajum are but what is Sunni Creed you will find in it and we believe in a verbal cover and the Himmel and again that mean if we want to go over 15 2015 different treatise is written in the first four or five hundred years of Islam little booklets which are the classical first booklets ever written what do we believe imam muhammad wrote books and other great animal wrote books what do we believe and we find in that list at the how he has that creed and a member to how he has in it and we believe in name will cover an audible calm but it becomes a part of our Creed why is it a part of our Creed because to end up rejecting this you have to end up rejecting dozens and dozens of a hadith found in Behati and Muslim and all of these books and that is a serious methodological problem so belief in Naima common inaudible Kaaba is a part of our Creed did some groups reject it yes some of them are otezla not all of them some of the mortise Allah they rejected I double covered animal cover and as usual they use their reason and logic and they said what is not a banana double covered before heaven and hell heaven and hell is where it all begins that's where the name and the other will begin what's this interim that you will have some name and some other doesn't make any sense so because their minds couldn't understand animal life they ended up rejecting it and as I have said many many times if you listen to my talks carefully when Allah says something explicitly when the profitsystem says something unequivocally samara Nahuatl thana when they don't then we can have room and leeway available covered Naima is explicit there is no room to reject it so we begin with one of the a hadith at is one of the most famous hadith of a double cupboard and that is our share of the allahu anhu sahib our audience are Muslim what the are they aya said one day a Jewish beggar visited my door knocked on the door and I opened it she had you no children she begged me for food so I gave her some tumbler some dates and she made dua for me and she said may Allah protect you from either below cover ha ha ha said what is this a double cupboard there is no a double cover so she rejected the door I don't need this too we don't believe in either bless your belief we don't believe in it by the way this shows you it is allowed for a non-muslim to make du'a for Muslim you don't lose anything she didn't reject the concept of dua anybody says God bless you say God bless you to ie with Iman no big deal right you can make dua for each other generically and the non-muslim is allowed you don't have to make in car if he says God bless you God isn't okay so she may drop may Allah protect you from a double cover ah issue said there is no such thing as a double cover are you talking about then she said I waited for the processor to come and she said do you know what strange thing I heard today this lady came of a Jewish background and she said may Allah protect us from either blubber and I told her there is no audible cover hadith is Behati Muslim the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said washa don't you know allah has inspired me or in one version o ha Alea i have been inspired meaning this isn't from my my imagination this is from Allah Allah has given this Y to me that we will be we meaning Janna the OMA or the people mankind that there is going to be either will cover in no mati or myoma they will have a double cover and then I issue said every salah that he would say sallallahu setup I would hear him say allahumma inni who do become an audible cover now did he start saying this after this incident or did I begin to notice after this incident either one as possible but the point is he would always see kiss tejada from our double cover and another famous hadith about a double cover which is when we should know senator Timothy Ruth mana been I found out the allahu and his famous student narrated this and he said when we visited bhaktir earth man would always cry every time we visited the graveyard he would cry so much so that his beard would have his tears in it his beard would have his tears in it so one day I said to him that why is it that when Jenna and Nara is recited in the Quran when you know other things happen you don't have this level of reaction as you do when you visit the cover why is it that when heaven and hell are mentioned this isn't always the case by the way it wasn't always but it was sometimes the case with matter of the Elan we know him to be somebody with a gentle heart we know him that he was very commonly be crying when he read the Quran but his student is saying that you seem to be more impacted by the cover than by other things so he said I heard the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom say the cover is the first station out of all of the stations of the akhira in cabra allah lumens in in min Manasseh de la Fiera there's gonna be many Manasseh you go through and the first is the cover so whoever is saved in the cover saved there is gonna be punishment then whoever is saved in the cover will find the rest of the journey easy and whoever is not saved in the cover will find the rest of the journey difficult so we have an explicit hadith again to be saved from the punishment the rest will be easy to not be saved the rest will be worse and in the hadith of EEMA maha the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom said i have seen nothing in my life except that the uber is more terrifying than what i have seen and what has he seen he has been to the heavens and back he has seen the punishments of Jahannam he has seen everything is that i have seen nothing except that the uber is more terrifying than it this is our prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem saying so there is something called a bull cover as we said now there are certain things that come under either AB yet they don't come under eye that let me explain certain things will happen there are type of punishment but maybe even some of the righteous will undergo them and it's not quite there for under the category of iLab even if it is a type of punishment does that make sense we talked about the fitna that's a separate category there's another thing called the bomb matul of and this is mentioned in the hadith the dumb metal cupboard the nonmetal rubber is a squeezing that will take place that will surround the body now the one Matt will cover when will it take place before or after the fitna we do not know we do not know some have said before the fitna to recover some has said after the fitna cover but there will be something called Obama and the Dhamma or the squeezing it will be without exception for all of mankind including the Shaheed so the squeezing will be a universal incident that all mankind has to pass over no one will be safe from it but as for the believer the squeezing will be gentle and let go and as for other than that then the squeezing will be very tight and it will be a punishment and not let go how do we know this we know this from the very terrifying hadith we should really pay attention to this and benefit from it the hadith of sad even more earth who is sadly been more outside a bit more odd is the leader of the unser sighs even more odd is the one whom judged between the prophecies amendable for Allah after the incident of the the Honda remember the treachery that took place sadly been Mahad that is that one he was sick in the Masjid bleeding in the Masjid of the process M and he came on the the donkey carried on the donkey and then he did the arbitration between the profitsystem on one side and the bono querido on the other the both chose sad to arbitrate between them what a honor that he had and when he gave the verdict the profitsystem said this is the verdict that Allah wanted from above the seven heavens do you or you are correct in your verdict so when they went to bury sad even Mahad and pretty much the whole city of Medina and all the unsalted this was their leader one of the largest Genesis in the lifetime of the Prophet system was a diamond wad that when they did the janazah and they buried him and the ground was covered up the Prophet SAW some said Subhan Allah a la Cubana and he wasn't typically who would say this after the burial when he said this to panel of the sahaba are so much wanting to follow what the prophet saw some did when he said this the whole crowd subhan allah allahu akbar subhan allah allahu akbar ya the whole city of medina is now simply because the profitsystem did it once the whole crowd is now following this shows us the love that they had for our prophet sallallaahu I knew Selim then when the crowd quieted one of them said he had a su la la why did you say subhanAllah Allahu Akbar because you didn't don't typically do this after the janazah right this also shows us not only their love but their curiosity their eagerness for knowledge they are monitoring each and everything that the process um is doing and they're wanting to know what why did you do this yellow suit Allah so one of them says why did you say subhanAllah Allahu Akbar so the prophet sallallaahu Holly he was seldom said that had or a jewel he pointed to the cover ha the Rajan this man Sahib in Mahad the one whom tez el a las throne shook when he was done when he was killed and a las thrown shook that how dare somebody kills the you know in the Battle of the hundl he was killed so when he died the person said a las thrown shook at his death the one whom a lost throne shook for and foot Dyatlov Usama and the skies of the heavens opened up and seventy thousand angels Meisha far for him this person right now la dama dama he felt the squeeze that's why I said Subhan Allah Allahu Akbar laka boom Muhammad and he felt the squeeze and then thumb knew Jia then it was released for him and he said if anyone were to have been saved it would have been sad a bit more ass which means who is saved no one that's why the Prophet system was in a type of like surprise subhanAllah Allahu Akbar even side that was why he said subhanAllah lover so he said this man the one whom Allah thrown shook for and the sky is opened up for seventy thousand angels came to attend his janazah and make shafa'a this man his cover squeezed him and if anybody would have been squeezed I thought it would have been him but he wasn't but then what was it for rich oh no no J and then he was released from that so this shows us that the bomber of the Kaaba it is a one-off a quick squeezing for the righteous it happens and you let go of it even the righteous will undergo it but as for the righteous it's like the issues of this dunya on the pain and suffering everybody has a fever everybody yeah and he goes through pain and suffering it's one of the inevitable rites of passage of the cover no one will be safe from it it will happen but as for the righteous it will be a light squeezing and then let's go there's going to be just a clamping as soon as the body is put in now some have said by the way and I like this but Allah knows where some have said the fact that the profitsystem said this when they just finished burying indicates the Dhamma is before the fitna right and this actually makes sense if you think about it because when the cupboard when the body is put in and you put the the sand on it then the first thing is the hover essentially is this is the welcoming of the cover welcome to your new world it is the welcoming then munkar and nakir come so allah knows best you can make this argument from this hadith why because the Prophet system is not even moving from his place as soon as the sand is level over even though when he made dua for the other deceased when the hadith along hadith about I've been as if he stood for a long time making dua and he said ask Allah for service because your saw heavier companions being asked right now right now came maybe 5-10 minutes after the cover is finished their being done right whereas in the hadith of Saud he hadn't even moved and he says la dama dama tan so Allah knows best and even psychologically or whatever you want to say and it makes sense that the Booma or the dhamma both are allowed in arabic boom muhammad just depends on the context is before the fitna of the cover and Allah knows best now after that there is another issue weather is again after the fitna looks like so the bomba the fitna now we have the next issue and that is the darkness or the lightness of the grave the grave will either be dark or light right so the grave is either tight or vast this is one aspect right and then the grave is either dark or light that is another aspect okay and these are also mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sending them and of them the hadith of bokhari and Muslim the famous hadith all of you know that there was a lady who would clean the messages in the time of the prophet sallallaahu I think he was seldom one day the Prophet system noticed she's not there anymore so he asked about her they said ya Rasul Allah she died at night we didn't want to disturb you we just prayed a quick janazah and buried her before fragile you know and by the way this shows it is allowed to bury somebody at night even though the madad typically say that you should wait until the daytime simply because you want to get a larger group of people there's nothing wrong with burying somebody at night but just Janna you want to the news to spread people come and pray you know fragile o heard there's a larger crowd rather than yeah neither night and and 2 a.m. was gonna come but technically it is allowed to bury somebody at night no problem so she was buried at night and so the Prophet SAW said show me where is her cover so they went to book here and showed this is where she is buried so he then suddenly I lay her does what does it mean Celina her most likely it means he made dua for her Kassala also means I made the offer then he said in the hadith ilka war lunatone meli a to Nana Ali ha these who wore they are dark and dank dark and tight dark and squeezed for its people which means the default of the Kaaba is that it is dark and dank because the default of mankind is covered so the default of the Kaaba is that it is dark and it is hospitable place and subhanAllah even in our dunya on the top side of the other in every culture and society the uber is an abandoned and dark place it's something just society wise it has nothing to a religion the cover is the abandoned place the cemetery is not the place where is just the place you leave it Samantha and dark and what not in every culture in society as if what is happening there is refracted on what is happening on top so the profitsystem said these poober and the key word bulletin they are dark and they are tight upon his people and Allah Azza WA JAL will give light through my Sunnah to her right what a lucky lady she is what a fortunate lady she is that the prophecies are made to us so her color became light what does this show some covers will be dark and some couples will be light and this shows that obviously there are ways to make the cover enlightened and of those ways is the dua of the profit system and of those ways why did the processer make dua for her maintaining the message it this is the direct cause direct cause of the prophet's ism walking from the message' to bethere to show that honor to somebody who maintained the masjid so taking care of the massager donating to the massagin and this lady she didn't have any money but what did you do she cleaned the Masjid that's all that she did she didn't write a check for anything you didn't have it she simply maintained the ambience of the Masjid and because of that the only Sahabi that we know of that the process name walk to make a special to offer in the Kaaba and then walk back is this lady over here and in fact we don't even know her name because people did not record it but Allah Azza WA JAL recorded it and the Prophet system gave her the house so this shows us that that from this we can extrapolate from this we can extrapolate that certain good deeds bring about the nude in the hover because in her case she took care of the Masjid and directly the processor made dua for her in this case now we have another very interesting hadith that also indicates that there are levels of nude in the cupboard and of them is a hadith in even Maha in which the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said either will they I'll make you to fill cover when the deceased is put in the cover muthyala who he is made to sense or thinks that the Sun is about to set so when the may it is put in the cover he gets the sense that it is about to become dark but it's not quite dark and so he tries to get up and he says let me pray let me pray this is a very interesting hadith and soon an even match it is authentic and from this we can derive that the righteous person is not in utter darkness rather there is an ambience of light because when the Sun is about to set it is not dark there's an ambience of light it's not shining bright neither is it dark it's enough for you to see and feel comfortable so the the the may it muffle Allah who means it is made to appear to him because obviously there is no sunrise and sunset right no but it is as if the Sun is about to set he kind of gets the sense that also time is finishing so he is not fully maybe the first day or something he's not fully aware that he's dead maybe so he's getting up because the president said he gets up and he says let me pray let me pray which shows this is for the righteous this is the one who used to pray us and regularly this is the momentum would taki he's praying his five prayers regularly so when he's put in the cupboard the profitsystem is saying the ambience is light it's not dark there so this also shows us therefore that the Kaaba will have levels of light and that again from the general text of the Quran and Sunnah we can extrapolate the level of lightness depend upon the right the state of righteousness that is there now this also leads us to another interesting question the man is trying to get up and say that I want to pray I want to pray is there Salah in the bursa is there Salah in the bursa well what we do know is that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam told us that the prophets of allah are praying in their cover this is something that is found in a number of traditions actually even in Bihari in other books the profitsystem said I passed by Moosa the night of his royal marriage and he described how Musa looked and he said for either who have caught a moon usually fear kabadi he he was standing praying in his color I passed by Lisa I passed by so and so and they were praying standing and praying so this indicates that the prophets are in Salah now what does this mean and again all of these are theoretical Allah knows I'll call the Yahoo was one of the greatest scholars of undo loose and he wrote many books about the Sira and one of the most famous books ever written about the blessings of the profitsystem is oddly real a Shiva he hello kal Mustafa is one of the most famous and the most blessed books ever written about the blessings of our prophet sallallaahu Selim I'll call the real Shiva it's called and it has actually been translated to English you should have a copy of it and read it so I'll call they are the writes about this in this narration and he says well it can't really be silence Allah it's not Salah because there is no salah in the person salah is something the McAuliffe in do so he said Salah here means they can and doha because there will be dhikr and during the Cobra dhikr as every state on km they can understand you make dua to Allah throughout no you know no time because we know this from the other Hadees even the believer will make dua to align the cover what will the door RB o Allah hasten Judgment Day and the kafir will make the opposite o Allah delay so this is an brother it is taking place it is doing so I'll call the realtor said this is salah that no is not sila it is dora and vicar alberto be says no this is an actual salah they are praying salah and i've been higher and others they say perhaps he brings up all he doesn't endorse it himself he says some have said some have said that when the profitsystem is passing by and he sees musa standing and praying he is actually seeing musa when he used to pray in this world because in the butter sock time is all the same so it's another dimension so the profit system is not seeing Musa in the Barossa he is seeing the semblance of Musa when Musa used to pray how did he pray then he is seeing him here but the response is that the hadith is explicit murder to be a burry Musa I passed by the cupboard of Musa father who I am when you suddenly lo and behold he was standing in Salah a local Toby says and I like this this is a good interpretation Oporto visit if somebody were to say how come the prophets are praying and mirza is not the land of tech leaf Bartha is not where you're supposed to pray and fast and due to hydrogen and what not Alcor to be says the response is as follows in this world the prophets felt the most peace insula during that for a tiny fish sana and they felt the closest to Allah in Salah and so in the Barossa Allah will give to them to feel that closeness as a gift Tajima for them to pray it's not an active robada that they must pray Fajr Zuhr ASR Maghrib Isha no it's not McAuliffe Salah it is the Salah of enjoyment it is a Salah they will feel peaceful praying to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and this is a good response that it's not a sunnah of robada because there is no a vada in the bursa the Barroso has gone sorry Theravada is gone but the prophets of Allah will be allowed to pray now does this mean that others will pray and their responses there is not a shred of evidence that any other category will pray other than the prophets even the Shaheed we don't have any evidence he's gonna be prank so Allah knows best this is an exception for the prophets of Allah that Allah will bless them to pray as for the rest of the people there will be no there will be no Salah or any act of worship now the issue of the name will cover the issue of the the blessings of the Kaaba looking at all of the hadeeth and we'll finish with this initially next class we'll talk about the addabbo cover so we'll start with that up in the next next Wednesday inshallah the issue of Naim will cover if you look at the name will cover and what is mention about 9 will cover the fact of the matter is that we don't really have too much mentioned about 9 we do not have too much mention about Nayeem in fact all that I mentioned in the last two or three lectures this is all that we have to summarize of them of the nine will cover is that Allah will allowed to pass the exam that the cover will be made wide that the cupboard will be made light that the smell of Jannah the fragrance of Jannah will be given to him that the good deed will come and will calm him down that he will be shown his place in Jannah and he will say oh Allah hasten Judgment Day and he will be shown his place in joy on demand he will thank all that he would have gone through if he wasn't righteous and he will thank Allah that he is not going there and that's about it there is nothing extra mentioned about this and in fact there is one narration that really is very very deep and profound and there's as far as I have come across only one narration and is authentic it is authentic so we base our al-qaeda on it it is in soon an activity and this narration seems to indicate that the righteous person once they enter the grave and the grave is made vast and light and fragrance and decision and whatnot they will essentially enter a trance and I just live in that trance until qiyama so it's not as if and this actually makes sense to be honest it's not as if they're living a separate life of the Barza it's rather that they enter it and they are at peace they calm down they see their place in jannah they see allah has saved them the cover becomes a decent and a dignified place and then they enter that trance and this trance has been called the sleep of the cover and where do we learn this from from a hadith in Timothy that the profitsystem said after munkar and nakir for the righteous person some youths Allah who feel how buddy he said owner there are and fee submarine then the uber will be made vast for him seventy cubits by seventy cubits the fact that a measurement comes clearly indicates that there will be different levels for different people so of the highest level because we're talking about now the highest level his Alban will be 70 feet by 70 feet a massive room our rooms in our houses are twelve feet by 12 feet and that's what we live in right the Kaaba is saying 70 feet by 70 feet this is a clear indication that it will be different sizes the greatest righteous man will be 70 by 70 and then they'll be smaller and so then the prophets as I'm said from you know what Allah who fee so light will come to him so as we said the foots Hetal cover and the knurl cover will come for the righteous thumb Maya : ah who named he will then be told go to sleep now sleep and awake are something we associate in this dunya and in the barzakh the roar and the body are not directly connected so what is the gnome of the cover Allahu Alem but it is will call in English a trance you are put in a different state of mind the man will say let me go back to my family so I can tell them everything is good and fine this indicates that the man has now realized he's dead that the man is now fully aware that okay this is it now now everything is good ham the lamb a piece I know my family is still terrified I know my family is worried he will say let me go back for a good reason nothing for a bad and the angels will say go to sleep the sleep of a bride the sleep of actually a groom here is the groom here the sleep of a groom that basically the symbolism is being given that on the wedding night Jonnie after the wedding night mashallah Tabarrok a lot then you go to sleep mashallah tamata camba right that is a deep sleep so then the Angels say go to sleep the sleep of that groom who knows that the next morning his beloved will wake him up right that peaceful sleep of the night of the wedding after the wedding Allah whom Stanny what happens happens sorry but that night of the wedding we have that peaceful sleep this is a hadith by the way that NIM no matter Larousse a levy now you people who in Hawaii go to sleep that sleep that you know now that the next morning who's gonna wake me up the most beloved person in the world is gonna wake me up that gentle waking up that will happen the next morning you can look forward to that now the Angels say to him go to sleep that type of sleep now what is this sleep we don't know what it is is the animal buzzer but we can understand what it is it is a type of trance you just go and you freeze up basically a peaceful sleep and you look forward to being woken up it's not a terror it's not an either you are now in a limbo state and you will remain that way until the resurrection and the final point then we open up for Q&A and this is in fact proven in the Quran hallelujah way Elena member shanem in marketing they will say wait and I hear doesn't necessarily mean I zap so my god what's happening there's also wait what's going on here there's a state of discomfort holla we are in a Mamba asana min mark Edina who has brought us back from our place of sleep mark cut in Arabic is espuma Canon is this noun proper noun for the place where you sleep or more technically where you go take a nap this is Marat it's literally what mark cut means where you take a nap to pallulah the siesta because you know you go to sleep in in some cultures you would have an inner private bedroom then you have to have just a place outside where you just sleep for a while that's the market over there and this indicates what were the people of the Barossa asleep asleep the sleep of the Barossa that's what this hadith proves and now who is this given to it is given to the righteous person as for the unrighteous we seek Allah's refuge they will not go to sleep they will not be in because sleep is bliss sleep you just are in you forget the worries of this world and even in the bars Oh as for the unrighteous we ask allah's refuge there is no sleep for them what is it a zap and we will talk about the types of either and the categories are either and the main causes of either we'll talk about that in sha allah next wednesday whether we open the floor for a few minutes of Q&A inshaallah then we call it a day whispered layers so the brothers saying isn't there - ah that oh Allah make my cover one of the gardens of paradise and do not make my uber one of the one of the places of Jahannam and as far as I'm aware I will confirm with with with you next week as farmers aware and if I'm mistaken then I will correct this on camera this is not a hadith of the Prophet system it is a comment that is done so there's nothing wrong with the meaning of this but it's not as far as I'm aware and I will check and shall then confirm by next week each other is good in the cupboard so the brother says that the good deeds come to the person in the form of a calming and soothing presence and this is true we mentioned this 2-3 weeks ago that the profitsystem said when he passes moncada Niki's test this is after that a man will come that whose face is the face of Bashara good news in other words you know when some people come and you see serenity and peace you see this is a person that he is coming he's happy and whatnot so the man will say welcome marhaban who are you your presence is bringing me calmness and what not so that entity will say and this is a Las blessings that he has made this happen I am your good deeds I am your good deeds so the good deeds will take on the symbolic form of an actual human now the brother said will this entity stay with us or not from the hadith it seems that it's just a one-off thing that the entity will come and basically cheer us up or the opposite to those who have evil deeds that it is simply of the beginning of the long journey that the first welcomer with that will come will be your good deeds or your evil deeds and then after that the rest will happen at Allah knows best sisters any questions here's go ahead we will talk about this insha'Allah the question is the good deeds that come will we see them in the Kabul or from judgement day we'll talk about this the relationship between the dead and the living no questions right now we did even start that topic I will give insha'Allah insha'Allah one of the most detailed lectures in sha allah wahda you have ever heard because this is a very interesting topic I'm interested in it I've done research on this and everybody wants to know we'll go into a lot of detail good deeds transferring of good deeds can the dead here all of these in sha Allah you're in the right class but not right now we're still in the 90 min either but other things yes go ahead is good both of you together yellowest so the brother asks about two verses of the Quran in fact we did go over them in the very first lecture and I'll go over them again youth upbeat allahu ladina a man who built all this beautiful higher to dunya or akhira allah will make firm with the firm speech it's a bit of an amiable holy sabbath those that are believers Allah will make firm for them with the firm speech in this world and in the next world even Abbas said Allah will bless the movement to say la ilaha illallah at the time of death and Allah will then allow the movement to respond to moonkin and a kid in the hubba this is one interpretation which is a child of the most obvious one you said along with a monofin olathe bTW Allah will affirm the believer will call it habit is la ilaha illallah right in this world meaning at the time of death and in the next world meaning in the bursa as for the next verse in the ladina collarbone allah from osaka mo tetanus is lol a human male iike to Allah to half wallet as I know this is mentioned in the hadith Opera bin azib explicitly our prophet SAS a mate of seer of this ayah our profitsystem told us what this ayah means and it means that those who are righteous Allah will send angels down tetanus zel means in batches and batches not nazara not no tetanus cell they are coming down coming down and our profit system explain as far as the eye can see there are angels denison as far as the eye can see and their faces are calming faces bright faces by Allah wooju as far as the eye can see they have the perfumes of gender the shrouds of gender and when they take the rule out they will say Allah aha who don't be worried about yourself voilá times I know don't be grieved about your family that you're leaving behind hope is for yourself chosen for somebody else you know everyone will be worried who's gonna take care of my kids what's gonna happen with my wife everything the angels will say don't worry we will take care of them nah no olya welcome Phil hiya - Danny Avila we took care of you when you were alive we will take care of you now that you're with us we'll take care of them in the next world so the prophecies have explained this ayah here's good so the brother says that the righteous people will not have a double copper yet all of us we have some sins and so we're struggling between piety and sin does this mean that we will be safe from a debacle because we are believers the response is the believer is always between two emotions hope of forgiveness and fear of punishment it is a sign of Iman it is a sign of Iman to be optimistic inshallah I want our double cover at the same time to be scared what if I have a double cover this is Iman Eman your whole life is lived between these two emotions you are always hopeful insha'Allah Allah will give me gender but then you're scared what if I don't get gender I will not protect me from Jenna this is the the emotion that all of us should have between the optimism and fear is called hope and Raja sisters any questions before you yes say what are we allowed to plant the tree on the graves of people so a soil tea the famous scholar of mom Luke Egypt died nine-one-one you will always remember that date 9-1-1 that's the year he died solutely died 9-1-1 Hejira not cel-3 one of the greatest scholars have eased out his time and the student of the student of half of the been Hodja actually he might have been had shot a suity wrote a treatise on this idaho cover issue and he mentions in it that because the prophet sallallaahu ali he was seldom planted a stalk we too should plant stalks so he did that however other shaft is called as he was a chef or a scholar and other scholars at the met hems day generally disagreed with this reasoning and they said that and we're gonna come to this hadith next week actually that the prophecies and passed by a cover and he put a leaf or a stock in it and he said these people are being punished for what everything we'll talk about that next week and Allah will lift their punishment or make it less as long as these two stalks are still wet okay so based on this associate Lee said well in that case we should put stalks in all of the robbers whatnot but the response I think anybody knows is this something that the process in him did for the rest of us to do or is this something Hoss and unique that Allah blessed him obviously one of us to do it what what good will that do compared to the Prophet SAW I said oh right so the issue comes here with respect to this great scholar of Islam if this had been something that would have eliminated a double cover the Sahaba would have gone around every cover doing it themselves and the tabular would have done into the sahabas cover and this would have been something that the Ummah is doing to all the hobo but that context says how did the process of even know I mean how sorry how would anyone of us know we would not know the process and I'm new you breed or whatever told him even if we know some how will my sticking a rose or something actually how obviously not so the prophets of sums Malcolm is so high he is making Sheva he's saying as long as these are still moist insha'Allah yada they will remain without being punished you know so this is the point of shala yes going does the other will cover compensate for the adapt of Judgment Day so there are two categories of people will mention this in more detail next week there's two categories of people the first of them those that are destined to go to Jahannam they will enter Jahannam those people the available cover is a pre lute it is a teaser to a table of Jahannam in other words they will be punished in the Barzeh and then they will be punished even worse in thee in the fire of hell so for them the audible Abbot is actually just a teaser and this is actually explicitly the Quran we'll talk about this next week that were in Delhi Lydia novella Martha band Oona Danika well I connect the Himalayan a moon the people who do Allah mentions the fire of Hell then he says and the people who do this they will have a punishment that is lesser than that punishment as well but most people don't know now this is a really interesting verse the people of Jahan sorry the people of will go to Jahannam then Allah says but they will have a punishment Doon italic lesser than that as well what is this punishment it is mentioned in the Quran we'll talk about this next week as well that well how can be a difference when I dab that the family of faroan will be punished severely and now you are all donor and they have who do one weii she yeah why o matter whom was Sarah adhere to an affair inertia tallada the firown' people the people of around the family of Iran will be punished severely how the fire will be shown to them morning and evening shown shown to them your are alone they will be shown the fire of hell then on judgement day it will be said enter that fire so what is this verse this is either bow Lochaber then it is the actual Jahannam now this is the worst category cicadas refuge there will be a category that our scholars have derived from the generality of the texts and these are the fossa ha of the meaning these are the fasiq ah of the meaning the evil people of the meaning so they are not with tatin they are not solely hain because there they have no arrival cover there are those who are committing sins amongst the believers major sins amongst the believers and they have not repented these people they might be punished in the cover and they think they will be punished in Jannah and they're thinking they're punished in Jahannam is itself a punishment but on Judgment Day Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will forgive them and I've just given you ten minutes of next Wednesday's lecture this was all for next Wednesday we'll go into more detail insha'Allah next Wednesday I'll repeat all of this all over again for the lecture and with that inshallah we conclude what is our Kamala Harris aromatic ones loyal but I can't eternal fire he and I as in a feed Dona Ursula man 12 in her appearance all convenient in Yama album be no on leontyne Gemma [Music]
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 148,838
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Keywords: yasir, qadhi, official, islamic, scholar, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Muslim, Unity in Diversity, Islamic Knowledge, Lives of The Sahabas, Companions of The Prophet, Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Islamic Role Models, Prayer, Salah, Zakat, Hajj, Umrah, Islamic Lecture, Peace, Mercy, Love, Muslim Matters, Religion, Makkah, Taif, Battle of Badr, God, The Life in The Barzakh, The Trials of The Grave, Life After Death in Islam, The Journey of The Soul, Life and Death in Islam
Id: _eWmojECgdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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