The Lies We Tell Ourselves To Feel Better

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this video is sponsored by better help by using the link to better help in the description below you'll receive 10 off your first month of affordable and convenient online therapy the summer was beginning and things were going well in the small but quaint city of dagny a bustle of summer activity flowed the streets and an untroubled joy filled the air but things were about to change quickly and dramatically suddenly and without much warning a weatherfront formed and moved over the city bringing with it intense heavy concentrated rain water soon began to inundate the city's drainage systems and fill the city's impermeable streets a flash flood would ravage the city tens of thousands of people evacuated thousands of others who either purposely stayed or didn't evacuate in time became trapped a young woman in her mid-20s named renee evacuated the city almost immediately after receiving the flash flood warning coming from a rural town about four hours outside the city she had only lived in dagny for about two years and this was her first time experiencing something like this on her own in the city promptly and in a panic she left and drove to the rural town she grew up in where her parents still lived a town that was not expected to be as affected by the storm and would not be subjugated to the increased effects of urbanization several days would go by renee was safe but the duplex she was renting and living in in the city would not make it the flooding caused severe structural damage beyond repair soon her lease was mutually terminated and she was suddenly faced with the need to find a new place to live rather scarred by the whole experience she decided she was done living in the city and wanted to move back into a more rural town outside of it and so that's what she did several months later renee moved into a townhouse in a town about an hour and a half outside the city about halfway between where she grew up and dagny while moving in while carrying some boxes renee happened by one of her new neighbors a young man in his mid-20s named steven steven noticed her moving in and introduced himself he was both somewhat awkward and very handsome renee found his awkwardness kind of endearing though surely influenced by his handsomeness the two talked for a few minutes and then renee continued on about her day and finished moving in later that day she found a note on her door the note read if you ever need anything feel free to reach out and then underneath there was a phone number and steven's name two days later renee decided to text steven she didn't need anything but she kind of wanted him they hit it off almost right away in a way neither had ever felt or experienced before they seemed to almost automatically click sharing similar senses of humor and ways of texting and thinking and so on two months later they were dating as the two spent more and more time together it almost felt as if they shared the same path in life the same origins of the same star stuff destined to reconnect and rejoin like cosmic arrangements of matter and energy faded to find its way back to itself soon they fell deeply in love two years later renee and steven were married renee's life was for the first time in a long time going extremely well her and stephen would form a life and relationship together that was the kind in quality that most people simply cannot and will not ever find in life on their one year wedding anniversary renee and steven were out at dinner celebrating they sat reminiscing over their past and expressing their excitement for their future while talking about how they first met renee said i always used to say it and now i know it's true everything happens for a reason the fact that i met you when i did after going through everything i was i really was honestly just at the right time in my life to meet you and the fact that i was pushed toward you by a literal flood it's some kind of sign i know that that flood was the universe's way of pushing me onto my life's course to find you to find this life it's crazy but i'm so happy it happened i love you so much steven renee's eyes watered and her face clenched with a soft happy sad smile i love you too babe steven said as he reached out with his glass the two toasted each other both with watering eyes rewind about three years another individual affected by the flood was a 32 year old single man named gustavo unlike renee gustavo didn't make it out of the city before the flood he figured the flash flood warning as it typically was in the past was not something to be all that concerned about so long as he just stayed put in his home he had lived in dagny for a while and floods were quite common and so he was relatively unfazed by the situation assuming it would come and go in a day or so he was of course wrong as soon as gustavo realized how serious the flooding was it was too late he was trapped his home which he had somewhat recently bought suddenly began filling up with water as it flowed in from the doors and windows and spewed out through the vents items in his living room began floating as his home filled with water while scrambling to try to rescue some of his important items a large glass piece from his coffee table when rushing toward him smashing into his ribs and slicing the left side of his abdomen gustavo remained stuck in his house for three days injured alone exposed to the flood water and soon to become ill as the flood began to subside and the water in his home began to recede he was reached by paramedics and rushed to the hospital gustavo arrived at the hospital in rough shape after running several tests it was determined that he had a bad infection and a fractured rib however it was determined that he would be okay and make a full recovery from both however the news was not all good something else was very wrong in an x-ray of his chest and ribs it was noticed that gustavo had something on his lungs a tumor gustavo was a regular smoker which was likely the cause of what was now being discovered as lung cancer the tumor was still in its relatively early stages but it appeared to likely be aggressive and quickly developing the doctor told gustavo that it would likely lead to bronchial obstruction or respiratory failure fairly soon if it went untreated he told gustavo that if they didn't catch it then it would have likely been caught too late and led to his early death gustavo was scheduled for surgery two weeks later to remove the cancerous tissue before it was too late several months would go by gustavo was at a doctor's appointment for the first time since the flood he was receiving a clean bill of health the surgery was a success ultimately saving and renewing his life he was no longer smoking and he was living his life normally and vibrantly to celebrate the news gustavo's family threw a small party form at his favorite restaurant after the drinks were passed out his family playfully pressured gustavo into making a little speech he was a bashful man and was a bit nervous but the emotions and intensity of his recent situation allowed him to tap into an eloquent poignant part of himself that he rarely expressed holding up a glass of champagne gustavo said you know when i was sitting in my attic my entire house was filled with water i was bleeding and i felt sick didn't know what was going to happen i thought i was going to die at some point i remember thinking to myself why me i prayed and i asked god i asked him to save me to make sure i would be okay i begged him but as time passed and things got worse i wondered why he wasn't answering my prayers why he was doing this to me i wondered to myself what i had done wrong i asked him for forgiveness and for mercy and everything but now i see he was there all along he was saving me he was answering my prayers i just didn't know it yet god has a plan for us all and everything happens for a reason you just have to wait and trust in it gustavo paused for a brief moment and raised his now sunken glass back up thank you all for being here with me today to celebrate to family good health and faith in god cheers the crowd covered with soft smiles raised their glasses and let out a soft earnest synchronized cheers about three streets away at a different restaurant another person who was deeply affected by the flood was also out at dinner it was a young woman in her twenties named alethia she was getting together with a few friends from high school whom she hadn't seen recently and only kept an occasional loose contact with alethia lived and worked outside the city she was physically fine she was healthy her house was fine her job was fine but the flood devastated her life her older brother aaron who lived in the city like gustavo didn't evacuate in time unlike gustavo aaron tried to get out after the flooding had started while trying to drive out his car was washed off the road into a flooded culvert he suffered a head injury in the process he would not make it out alive alethia was extremely close with her brother their father passed away when they were younger and they had been there for each other and bonded during and following that loss and everything else they had been through since now the void of her brother also weighed heavy in her head every day it's strange he thought how the void of something can weigh so much more than its presence about halfway into the dinner with her friends one of the girls alethia was with named rebecca began talking about her recent breakup with her boyfriend while explaining how she felt about him breaking up with her she said but you know i just try to always remind myself everything happens for a reason alethea wasn't a confrontational or argumentative person but between the timing proximity and her mood in that moment likely facilitated by her several martinis that banal obscene line everything happens for a reason triggered something and heard that she couldn't hold in how alethia said looking up from her meal and interrupting rebecca a pause filled a table how what rebecca responded how does everything happen for a reason i don't know i mean i believe that the universe or god or the way our energies interact with everything or whatever you want to call it i guess always has a plan for us things have a funny way of working themselves out there's been so many times in my life where bad things have happened and then they've actually led to good things for me that's just proof that those things happen to me for a reason another brief pause filled the table what if what happens kills you alethea said abruptly or someone you love someone who is a good person someone who does good in the world someone who is young and has their whole life ahead of them did god do that if he did god is a special kind of evil if he didn't what kind of god is he if the universe did it which of course it did in some way it did it because of a reason like a cause but not for a reason i know it's easy to think that things happen for a reason when they work out for you we all love the comfort that someone or something is looking out for us and is making sure we are okay but for every event that people claim happen for a reason a good reason there are innumerable other people affected by the exact same event who aren't okay and wouldn't say it happened for a good reason because there's no one left to say anything at all things just happen and if you're lucky enough to still be alive after they do i guess you can look for a reason or try and make one up but that's as good as it gets another pause filled a table this one was much longer then rebecca said well if you are alive is that not enough [Music] thank you so much for watching this video was sponsored by better help it is truly an accomplishment in it of itself to stay sane in this world pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart wrote novelist theodore dostoevsky those among us who think a lot and intensely are blessed with a unique and deep perspective but are also often cursed with an anxiety overwhelm or despair that is especially heavy there is a point at which these feelings can and do exceed the weight limit we ought to reasonably carry on our own betterhelp is a platform that offers licensed therapists who are trained to listen and help you carry that weight by either helping you to reduce it or develop the strength to better carry it seeing a licensed therapist provides something that nothing else quite does dedicated in open support on the aspects of your life that most conversations will never quite touch one of the things that makes betterhelp so great is that they take out the additional stress and anxiety of locating changing and dealing with the therapist's office when you're already feeling overwhelmed this makes a big difference with better help you talk to your therapist privately online through video or phone calls as well as exchange unlimited messages whenever you want wherever you want meaning if you don't want to see anyone visually you don't have to and if the therapist you're matched with is not quite the right fit you can easily request a new one at no additional charge anytime betterhelp has over 20 000 therapists in their network covering a wide range of expertise which also provides you access to a greater pool of therapists you wouldn't have otherwise all you have to do is fill out a questionnaire and then you'll be matched with an appropriate therapist in under 48 hours whether you're experiencing overwhelming ruminations stress sadness or simply just want some help keeping your head on straight better help that's better help makes it easier to take charge of your mental health by visiting pursuit of wonder or using the link in the description below you can sign up and receive a special 10 off your first month and of course as always thank you so much for watching in general and see you next video [Music] you
Channel: Pursuit of Wonder
Views: 317,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GyViADmhOx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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