The Lian Li Q58 is BRILLIANT!

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we're taking a look at one of the most anticipated cases for 2021. i think we've had more comments about this case than any other case on the channel probably ever it's the brand new 14 and a half liter leon lee q58 it's a brand new small form factor case from laylee with loads of features we're going to do the regular gear seekers thing we're going to take a really close look at it so let's dive in all right ladies and gents what you've been asking for the leon lee q58 as usual we'll start off with panel removal this one is not what you're expecting the top of the case needs to be removed first via this screw here if you're wondering what that is on my arm i had a blood test the other day and it's got a weird bruise so yeah i know someone will comment about it but yeah i had a blood test uh i'm okay i'm all good it's just routine right anyway pop the top off loosen up that screw there and push up the clips are quite tight i have opened this already and the top panel just lifts away to get access to the case it's there's a couple ways you can go about it you can remove the panels completely or you can flip them open we're going to be removing the panels completely here this panel removes just it's magnetic so it just flips down and then you can kind of slide it off and pop it off the glass works in a similar fashion but you need to remove this screw here right this one comes out all the way and then you can slide the glass panel off they've done this so the glass panel can't accidentally come off and get smashed it's a very small glass panel there's no tint but yeah that's that's the reason why they've done it that way lastly front panel removal this is optional you might not even ever need to do this if you're building in this case but it's the same mechanism you basically just push it and it all pops off so yeah front panel solid front panel i mentioned in the intro that this case has a lot of different customization options here's one straight off the bat now if you wanted to have let's say slide in the tg panel at the bottom and you can get the other tg panel at the top and then you have one whole side that is this cool little split tg panel so you can do that for customization you can do the opposite of that as well let's say you wanted to go all mesh on one side so you can go all mesh don't know why you'd want to do this on this case we'll we'll get to that later but see all mesh you can do the opposite of the default configuration so you can have the mesh at the top and then you can have the tg at the bottom so it's completely up to you that's why they've done it like this so if you're having a not regular type of application and setup you can just mix and match these panels in any way you like one of the first things you're probably noticing with this new case from leon lee is that the internal layout is very very similar to the icunix zx1 the case that we checked out about a month or two ago so it's got the same type of sandwich layout with the motherboard that sits on this side the case supports regular itx boards and it is an inverted mount so the board is technically upside down but that doesn't affect anything in the way of thermals or performance or whatnot it just is a nice and elegant way to set it up and mount it the difference between this and the icunix case though is the included riser cable depending on the model that you purchase so from leonle you can get a version of the case that has either a pcie gen 3 or gen 4 riser cable we're lucky enough to have the gen 4 version so we don't have to do any bios tricky we can plug stuff in and we should be good to go here's something you may or may not know about pcie gen 4 riser cables but here's something to kind of figure out whether or not it is or it isn't out of the box if it's not labeled most of the time this cable here will be more of a ribbon cable and that is for pcie gen 4 signaling so that's usually the dead giveaway when it's like that as for power supply support this supports sfxl sfx and regular atx power supplies there's an included bracket to convert this for a regular atx power supply the way this works is you remove the sfx bracket with the four screws and then you remove the top of the case and with this included bracket that comes with the case you remove the ability to mount a full radiator at the top but you gain the ability to then mount a full-size power supply if you remove that sfx power supply bracket internally again yes you can install an atx power supply but with one hand they taketh away and they give it with the other or vice versa or however you want to say there's also an included internal power cable as well so this will plug into your power supply inside of the case because the power connector is on the rear of the case much like most small form factor cases anyway there's a few hard disk and ssd mounting options on this case so you can mount additional drives to the top if you're using a 120mm rad so you've got a mount that's pre-installed here on the case the other ssd mount that i think is absolutely brilliant is there's a sata connector in here and all you do is you just drop in your ssd and there you go sse is installed if you're going to pull it out you just give it a gentle wiggle and yank it out but look at that it feels like a mobile rack but for ssds in a small form factor case that is brilliant and lastly there's another ssd mount on the bottom of the case which leads me into something else about the bottom of the case if you don't want to fumble around inside of the case they've almost thought of everything here they have a thumb screw on the bottom you loosen up that thumb screw you slide out this panel and then you can mount the ssd to the panel outside of the case and for building you can get access to the bottom of the power supply to plug stuff in with a modular power supply that is brilliant and i mean there's a whole lot of other uses for it too but it is very very clever not only is it a panel for you to install an initial ssd and for easy cable management you'll notice there's some holes in each corner now these are for a 120mm fan because you can mount an intake fan on this panel and the way this works is you'll notice that that panel actually hangs lower to account for the thickness of a fan as well so a lot of detail has been put into the design of this case as for front panel connectivity we've got our usb type-c front panel connector usb 3.0 there's also front panel audio which is a combined headphone and microphone jack and also a block with all the lights and all the switches so you know your system is on but you don't have to go and figure out what it all is the q58 has a really cool trick up at sleeve which is something that i think should almost become a standard on small form factor cases right so you'll notice the leon lee logo on the back and there's this kind of little flap looking mechanism if we pull this down you'll notice that there is a pwm and addressable rgb fan hub that is integrated into the case and what they've done is they've kind of externalized it so you don't have to go fumbling around trying to plug stuff in you can quite literally plug it in outside of the case this is absolutely brilliant i should be doing this for every small form factor case and when you're done with it you just fold it away and it's magnetic and the magnet's really strong i can basically drag the whole case with it on the other end of that rgb and pwm hub we have a three pin fiber addressable rgb connector that plugs into your motherboard and a pwm fan connector that also plugs into your motherboard as well the top of the case allows you to mount a 120mm fan a 140mm fan two 140s two 120s a 280mm aio as they're saying i don't know how true that is but i mean it's probably going to be that way if they're saying it is a 240 mil ao 120 mil aio not sure why you'd want to use a 120 ml aio in 2021 and this whole bracket can also be removed for easy insulation so there's four screws in total that hold this in and i reckon all small form factor cases need to follow this right so if there's any way to mount anything at the top of the case the panel needs to be removable the iq next case is like this a bit more fiddly though but it is you know it does follow a similar principle so you can kind of mount the whole aio whatever cooling you like outside of the case and then you can just lift the panel up and away you go as mentioned a little bit earlier with drive mounting you can mount it to this bracket that's pre-installed here but i would probably suggest removing it i don't really see a use case where this drive mounting bracket would be used too much taking a look at this bracket now that we've removed the hard drive mounting option probably gives you a better understanding of how this bracket actually works as well on the off chance of you considering air cooling in this case the maximum cpu cooler height is 67 millimeters so there's a few options for that but there's not a lot i would recommend a liquid cooler for this case now the moment you've been waiting for gpu clearance you've got a maximum gpu clearance of 320 millimeters but let's do the rog test we always use one of these really massive gpus to test fit and i've already test fit this and guys i'm sorry to say that we're just a couple mills of making this fit inside the case if you wanted to remove the power button at the front of the case you could probably make it fit but you wouldn't be able to turn your system on but yeah 320 is the max 30 series reg cards are a hard pass they do not fit ouch and i just sliced myself trying to make this fit but this will not fit the only included accessories worth mentioning other than that optional power supply bracket that mounts at the top of the case is there are two included magnetic fan filters which you can strategically place around the case but yeah it is nice that they did include this as an option to use anywhere you like i think that's basically everything you need to know about the q58 for now in terms of its functionality but let's do a build in it let's test the thermals and then i'll let you know what i think of the q58 [Music] all right ladies and gents i hope you enjoyed our very first build in the leon league q58 this definitely will not be our last build there's a couple more things i want to do with this case and experiment a little but before all that let's take a quick look at the thermals what you're seeing on screen right now is the thermals are quite average they're they're not the best with this configuration there's a few reasons for it 1100 900k with the 240mm aio typically doesn't do too well as well as having the glass panels at the top i noticed also affected those thermals as well i think probably the optimal way to set this case up would be to have the mesh on this side for the gpu and the mesh on the top on the other side for the cpu all right let's chat about some of the parts that we use for this build the cpu is the intel core i9 11 900k we put that on the msi b560i gaming edge wi-fi to cool the 11900k we use the fantex glacier one 240 mph in white the ram is 16 gigs of g-skill triton z royal at 53-33 megahertz the gpu is the msi rtx 3070 ti gaming x trio all of the fans are the leonle sl120 uni fans i have two on the aio and i put one in that fan mount in the bottom as intake i did test this in exhaust and it is much better as an intake so there's that too and if i miss any other parts i'll put a pc part pick a list down below in the description but let's chat about the q58 now the build quality of this case is really quite good it's again very reminiscent of the meshlicious uh again and i said this in last week's video and we checked out the 011 air that because sapdi or sunnyside up is a sister company of leon lee it only makes sense that they use some of the same tooling like this panel here this is basically exactly the same as a meshlicious down here so i i can see why they went with that approach building in the case in the order that we built in it is the optimal order to build in it and building in it is very very easy cable management can be a little bit of a challenge but that's the same story with every small form factor case so you know what you're getting yourself into if you're buying a small case like this it's no surprises but other than that the execution here from leon lee is phenomenal they quite literally thought of every single little thing even creating tiny little cutouts for your screwdriver to get into certain parts of the case that little rgb and pwm fan hub on the back is brilliant i don't have heaps to say about it because i think leon lee absolutely freaking nailed this case this is one of the best small form factor cases next to the nr200p it is it is really really good and the funny thing is when the box arrived we've had this thing sitting here for like like three or four months and the box is bigger than i thought it was going to be and i pulled down i'm like this thing is tiny it's quite literally the size of a regular shoe box it is very very small my initial idea was to have all white components in here but here's where my expectations were a little bit let down but again i don't want people to take this wrong way because this is the story with most small form factor cases as it is you do make some sacrifices when you shrink everything down so i didn't look at the specs of the case i had all the specs but my idea was you know this is a modern small form factor case that white rog 3080 would fit in here it doesn't the msi card that i use here with the gaming x trio this is the same size as the 3080 and 30 3090 gaming x trailer this being the 37 eti and it it fits technically but it sits all the way up against the back of the front panel connectors and everything now i i didn't mention this earlier but we actually received a different front panel set of wiring or whatnot with the case that shipped because it was like the prototype pre-production sample they sent us everything to change this to a retail version and they actually added a couple mil of extra clearance in the front with the new front panel stuff but even still like they said that this gpu should fit you can see it in there but if you're not confident with uh really forcing something in there then i would say use something slightly smaller than this it is it is it's literally sitting right up against there so yeah you probably saw it in the clip that i showed anyway the other thing that's worth mentioning is leon lee said that it will support a 280 mil aio at the top that's not exclusively true i think some 280 mil aios might fit but the ones that i have that have slightly larger end tanks nowhere near fitting in here not at all i suspect acertech ones will fit because they they typically have smaller end tanks i don't have any asotec 280 mil aios at the moment to test so that's a bit of a bummer and a bit of a letdown i would have actually gone that way if i had one that fit i tried feeding a deep cool one but the end tanks are longer and there was no way that was going to fit so we'll come back to that in another video if i can get my hands on an asetek 280 mil cooler because like i said the end tanks are typically a lot smaller than the deep cool ones so as far as 280 mil from my experience with what i've got on hand it doesn't fit but again overall the q58 is really really good this one is a definite yes for me like yes i love it it's brilliant it is it is really really good so good work leon lee this is a very very nice case highly highly recommend if you're looking at a small form factor case as far as pricing for the q58 there's a bunch of different pricing depending on your configuration so this is the white one with the pcie gen 4 riser cable i'll put that price on screen right now i think it's 159 us dollars including tariffs and all that stuff that countries do when they ship stuff to each country i i don't know what it is from the top of my head but i think that's pretty much everything i've got to say about the q58 for now but as usual it's time to take a bit of a different look at this case so let's do that thing that we always do at the end of build videos and case reviews [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Gear Seekers
Views: 184,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lian li q58, lian li q58 review, lian li sl120 fans, lian li q38 chassis, lian i, lianli, lian li, lian li lancool ii noise, lian-li, lian li xl, lian li o11, lian li 011, lian li rog, lian li v 70, lian li v70, lian li q38, lian li tu150 thermal testing, the world's best sff chassis? lian li q38 review!, lian li case, case lian li, lian li fans, lian li tu150, lian li al120, lian li o11 air, lian li pc case, lian li uni fan, lian li review, lian li o11 mini
Id: W9VkQAtG9Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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