The Legendary Hajj of Mansa Musa: The Richest Person in History

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what do you think it takes to be the richest person in history many people might assume it's a modern day billionaire like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates but the title actually belongs to a man who lived almost 700 years ago Mansa Musa the emperor of the Mali Empire in West Africa in this video we will explore the fascinating story of Mansa Musa from his rise to power to his famous house to Moka and his enduring Legacy in the history and culture of West Africa the Mali Empire before we can fully appreciate Mansa musa's story we need to understand the contest of the Mali Empire which existed from the 13th to the 16th century in what is now Mali Senegal and Mauritania the Mali Empire was one of the most powerful and influential empires in West Africa and it was built on the wealth of its natural resources particularly gold and salt the Empire controlled the trans-schehran trade routes that ran from the West Africa Coast to North Africa and the Middle East and it used its control of these roots to amaze a great deal of wealth and influence the Mali Empire was also notable for its complex political structure which included a centralized government and a system of appointed officials the Imperial or Mansa Health supreme authority over the Empire but he was advised by Council of Elders and appointed officials who oversaw various aspects of government including trade Agriculture and Military Affairs religion played an important role in the Mali Empire as well Islam had spread across West Africa throat rate and commerce and many of the ruling Elite in the empire were Muslim however the empire was also home to a variety of traditional African religions and there was a great deal of syncretism between Islam and traditional African beliefs the rise of Mansa Musa Mansa Musa was not the first ruler of the Mali Empire but was one of the most famous and accomplished rulers of the Mali Empire coming to power in 13012 after the death of his predecessor Abu Bakr II he was a default Muslim and his faith was a central part of his life and Reign he commissioned the construction of new mosque and religious schools throughout the Empire and encouraged Islamic scholars to come and teach in his quotes under his leadership the Mali Empire continued to expand its borders and consolidate its power controlling much of West Africa including modern day Mali Senegal Mauritania and parts of Ghana and guinea Mansa musa's military campaign brought new territories and wealth to the Empire including access to the gold mines of the akan people in modern theghana but Mansa Musa was not just a conqueror he was a builder and Patron of the art he also brought in Architects scholar and Artisan from across the Islamic world built and decorate his capital city of niani which was said to be a Marvel of engineering and design foreign began in 13024 when he set out from the Malian city of nyani with an interest of thousands of people these interests included soldiers merchants and slaves as well as musicians storytellers and other performers Mansa Musa himself was dressed in gold rocket and wrote on Horseback at the head of the procession as he traveled across the Sahara Desert Mansa Musa encountered many different people and cultures he stopped in various cities and towns along the way including GAO and Timbuktu both of which were important centers of learning and trade in West Africa in his place he visited masamusas was greeted with a great ceremony and respect and he often helped lavish Banquets and receptions one of the most famous encounters on Mansa musa's Journey was with the Sultan of Egypt al-nasir Muhammad when Mansa Musa arrived in Cairo he was greeted with great Fanfare and was invited to meet with the sultan According to some historical presented the Sudan with a gift of 50 000 goldenars Islam that was worth an estimated 1.5 billion in today's currency Mansa musa's wealth and generosity were legendary and they lived a lasting impression on the people he encountered on his journey on chronicular who witnessed Mansa Moses arrived in Cairo Road the sultan was astonished at his visitors magnificence and the great retinue which followed him he gave arms to the poor distributed present among the Reese and showed such munificence in his gift and Charities that his visit left a lasting impression on the people of Cairo Mansa musa's genericity extended to the Holly site of Islam as well during his house he donated large sums of money and give to mosque and other religious institutions one of the most famous example of his generosity is the mosque of Mansa Musa in Timbuktu which he had built on his return from Makkah the mosque which is still standing today is considered one of the greatest architectural achievements of the Mali Empire the impact of Mansa musa's has has had a significant impact on the economics of the reasons he passed through According to some historical accounts Mansa musa's lavish is printing on gold and gift cost inflation in Cairo and the value of gold in Egypt reportedly dropped for a decade after his visit Mansa musa's genericity during his horse also helped him gain recognition and respect from other leaders in the Islamic World his meeting with the Sultan of Egypt also particularly notable as the sultan was reportedly impressed by Mansa musa's wealth and generosity Mansa Musa also made donation to several mosques including the great Mosque of Genie which he had rebuilt in the Mali Empire's distinctive sudano shahelian architectural style his support of education and scholarship also helped spread knowledge and culture throughout the Empire the influence of Mansa musa's Journey on the spread of Islam had a profound impact on the spread of Islam in West Africa as a devout Muslim Mansa Musa was deeply committed to promoting and supporting the religion he brought back his Scholars and architect from his travels to build mosque and school in the Mali Empire and he also established religious Center and libraries to promote Islamic education masa Musa Janu also helped spread knowledge of Islamic scholarship and culture to other parts of the World Scholars and intellectual from across the Islamic world were drawn to the Mali Empire attracted by the pentunes and support of Mansa Musa they brought with them new ideas knowledge and culture which helped enrich the intellectual and cultural life of the Empire overall Masa musa's house had a significant impact on the spirit of Islam in West Africa helping to establish it as a dominant religion in the region and promoting trade and cultural connections between West Africa and the Islamic World Mansa Musa was a remarkable figure in the history of West Africa and his story is a testament to the power of leadership generosity and Faith he lived an intelible mark on the history and culture of the reason and his legacy can still be felt to this day from his rise to power as emperor of the Mali Empire to his journey to Makkah and his encounters with other rulers and leaders along the way Mansa musa's story is one of the most fascinating and inspiring in the history of Africa it served as a remainder that great leaders can come from anywhere and that their influence can be felt far beyond the borders of their own Empires and kingdoms thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe for more interesting videos thank you foreign
Channel: Reason & Reality
Views: 58,691
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Keywords: Science, Reason, Reality, Education, Learning, Knowledge, Mansa Musa, the richest person in history, Mali Empire, Mecca, pilgrimage, West Africa, Islam, education, scholarship, history, culture, economy, hajj, gold, wealth, trade, commerce, richest man, richest person of all time, mansa musa richest person in history, richest person ever, richest man in history, ancient history
Id: EwiBpQ3f0Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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