The Greatest Lie Ever Told About Africans

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in a previous video i talked about what i considered the top 10 lies told about africa the biggest being the disingenuous idea that black people sold black people into slavery i frequently speak about this oversimplification as we cannot apply 21st century pan-african concepts to 17th or 18th century peoples the overwhelming majority of african people back then identified in full with their own culture and linguistic group and not skin color or even phenotype so what's been implied by that statement is ahistorical at best but this lie about african people is only a subgroup of an even bigger lie one of the first lies ever told about our ancestors [Music] what about from world it's home team here and welcome back to another video of african history culture and world view by supporting this channel on patreon you're helping in the creation of these videos and supporting this content if you'd like access to full courses and sources or you simply want to show your support you may do so by clicking the patreon link in the description box below before we get into the greatest lie ever told about africans let's not forget some of the more well-known ones the dark continent trope really became one of the most popular lies told about african people the idea was that africans were backward savages with no civilization with the exception of egypt which they consistently place outside the sphere of african cultural achievement civilizations like ancient ghana in west africa weren't privy to much observation despite it being known for its vast wealth and powerful military which muslim writers wrote about archaeological reports highlight ancient stone settlements that are believed to be a precursor to sudanic civilization in the region not to mention the art of the europa people who single-handedly forced the world to acknowledge african ingenuity and intelligence as some tried to assign the development of such works to ancient european travelers there's just too much to ignore when it comes to african civilization the dark continent trope doesn't have any ground to stand on when we consider ancient merootic civilization and the great cushite rulers who started what some scholars call the african renaissance which was perhaps the first renaissance in human history and let's not forget the largest stone structure south of the sahara great zimbabwe is just one of many stone structures in the southern african region revealing the glorious era of shona civilization another lie that consistently makes its rounds in our western consciousness is that africans had no writing systems and that they relied on oral communication africans use diverse methods to communicate oral transmission simply being one of them one of the more popular writing forms in west africa is called incibity believed to have originated amongst the ikoi people of nigeria this writing form is largely viewed as idiographic or pictographic conveying messages through symbols it's interesting that many writing forms in africa were originally invented for a specific class of people and not intended for public dissemination for example egyptian hieroglyphs were originally only known amongst the priesthood this is also true for the secret writing form of the songai people who use idiograms to communicate amongst a secret society or religious group interestingly enough this writing form was only revealed to the public in 2010 by a song guy scholar named hassimi maiga when dealing with african scripts we can point to the meroidic script of the cushites which to this day has not been fully deciphered and that's really disappointing as it would have been incredible to decipher queen amanorina says stella concerning her triumphant interaction with the romans in which her primary objectives were met in a treaty even southern africa has some hidden gems when it comes to writing forms joao de barros a distinguished portuguese analyst of the mid 16th century upon his visit to zimbabwe wrote a very important description concerning the discovery of a writing form in one of the vassal kingdoms of the muenemutapla empire called batua de baros writes over the gate of the building is an inscription which neither the moore's traitors who were there nor others learned in inscriptions could read nor does anyone know in what character it is written we really don't know what joe debarro saw but from his perspective it seems clear that he viewed what he saw as a sort of writing form which was indigenous to the region not even the swahili traitors that accompanied him could decipher it unfortunately we really never hear about this again anyway all this babbling i'm doing is for a reason the lies told about africa are many and i really want us to understand the full scope of it and how grossly inaccurate they are what may have started out as innocent quickly turned into an agenda that we have yet to undo but by far the greatest lie told about africa has nothing to do with civilization writing or any of that the greatest lie told about africa actually came from a religious idea and as we all know religion has been one of the most powerful forces in human history it's no wonder that this particular lie affected african people so greatly it's nearly impossible to ignore the abrahamic religions when speaking about afro-descended people because these religions are a big part of our history whether we like to admit it or not they greatly influenced our spiritual paradigms and worldviews this lie originating amongst the abrahamic religions as many of us know is called the curse of ham i don't want to distract with theological history or debate but in short the curse of ham is a misnomer because the curse was really bestowed upon kanan jewish scholars believe that ham was the ancestor of all black or african people and this idea was adopted by arabs and then it was strategically broadened by europeans to justify the enslavement and demonization of african people this is the greatest lie that has been told to our people because it didn't just have physical and psychological repercussions it also added a spiritual component because some people within our community actually believe that it's true and in our attempts at lifting this curse through achievement acceptance or spirituality we turned into concerned aimless wanderers heightening confusion and self-hate within our community it's one of the most powerful invisible enemies we have as afro-descended people one that cannot be tangibly debunked and although the belief in it has diminished greatly the residuals may still be felt because no matter our spiritual beliefs today many of us were raised with this dark paradigm and so i think it's important for us to speak on it especially so that we won't pass this baggage on to the next generation anyway guys i'm all out do you think this is the greatest lie that's ever been told about african people let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you like these videos and want to help in its continued production consider supporting the home team on the link is in the description box below know thyself remember your ancestors [Music] peace
Channel: HomeTeam History
Views: 543,628
Rating: 4.8788729 out of 5
Keywords: African people, African civilization, African history, Racism, Black History
Id: Hs5yXgus0VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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