The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | First Look | Is it as good as critics say?!!

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afternoon everybody it is me King toast we are going to be playing tears of the Kingdom from the very beginning I am extremely excited about this and we're not even gonna delay any further it's already starting with a cutscene oh all right let's get started need this the same vague side hey Christy I can see him chat already oh oh God sorry about chat have my cell phone replay there close that menu I won't speak during the cutscene don't worry enjoy strange Gloom keeps getting thicker we've been descending for a while now these tunnels are deeper than I thought what could be down here oh so we're walking oh oh God we're stunned already beneath Hyrule Castle nice hey Christy hey you're wandering how you doing more cartoony than you expected oh I can get my sword out sorry didn't mean to scare your princess carry on I don't need to know the controls chat it's all good oh are you gonna move any further no okay hey Crow how you doing bud yeah I'm streaming I'm streaming midday I am just off today due to contact just due to reasons so yeah enjoy it while it can it's almost Misty Misty rated enough to hunt weird going up from beneath Hyrule Castle if there's any audio or visual issues let me know chat let me know don't be ready for anything but I know I'll be okay with you link let's go solve this mystery [Music] okay okay I look and sound good thank you Christy sword's glowing that means we're near evil ever since the end of Calamity the castle has fallen into neglect but I never could have imagined anything like these tunnels were hiding here we must be careful as we move deeper chat when they start talking for themselves I'll let them speak but otherwise I'll just speak of it a text oh it is dark in here oh Zelda damn right Russell two seconds chat just need to do something [Applause] sorry chat there was a lot of glare on screen and I needed to fix that in order to enjoy this we all been there the zonai okay interesting a little bit more flavor text how you doing Russell oh because then I've said I've lived long ago in the time of the earliest Legend they possessed god-like powers and had prosperous civilization in the sky many history books tell us about his own eye but none gives us the full picture much is still unknown about them okay that's fair enough did they mention the zone 9 abuse game I think it was like hints but that was it do you remember the first Zelda on the Ness was I assumed the next version was first not the game boy version yeah must be yeah I'm a bit too Russell because I am old as hell this was a night they seems is this what the Zona looked like they seem so different than us and such large ears right they have to be rude about them how did the runes from a civilization in the sky end up here beneath the castle it looks like the path goes ahead goes even deeper let's continue link we can tell the archetype that's about to happen we've got Max Hearts Max stamina we've got all the great stuff we're gonna lose it all very shortly due to an event because no way we're having all this at the start are we you get your grill tomorrow do you wrestle nice ah I do love a good reel I win you're not hurt are you link uh you know I've been through worse look at these murals the written histories of the Royal Family include stories of a Great War fought long ago it was a conflict between Allied tribes and someone only ever referred to as the Demon King Nobunaga no possible hey Minnie same Legend be careful there won't be spoilers for this game in this uh stream by the way just a heads up this is similar to the statues we saw earlier a zonai cooking steak nice man look like hylians depiction certainly suggests that the Zone I descended over the game but that sucks I'm sorry about that Minnie I know you're looking forward to it as much as I was why did I not deliver the game was it just delayed or just not on time or Union with Gods who had descended from the heavens okay these murals tell a similar story and if they are accurate then the gods mentioned were the zonai oh you must have forged a relationship with the hylians of that time working together to establish Kingdom of Hyrule this figure he seems to be stealing hey rabbit the young Kingdom relies with what I've read during my studies and then this it shows the Demon King and a fierce battle against him she depicted here really does represent the Demon King then this mural must be the Great War recorded in the Royal histories this is the imprisoning war and the events that led up to it oh dang which discovery your music and tone made it sound more sinister you point don't know what the post is like there but they should deliver on Saturdays as well well that's a breakable rocket if I have ever seen one [Music] just what is this place maybe we'll find more answers farther ahead link moving deeper let's move deeper if I'm going to use my glowy sword to see through the light let's go if I run on our head with this move this forward because I know there's great things weighing ahead for your gameplay wise I can't wait to see it and rabbit I have given you permission for everything in life now so enjoy and thank you very much everything you've done it does mean a lot if you can give all the hugs and thanks to rabid because he's helped me a lot for the last few days [Music] [Music] oh Minnie I'm really sorry to hear that that sucks oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is this place [Music] okay it's not like I've got anything else to do so I don't know why that was an option what is that The Demon King I'm guessing that's a Zona his arm you don't want too many spoilers well don't worry this is the very very start so you have seen nothing so run away but don't forget to leave a like on your way out much appreciated mini much love thank you oh I love the creepiness of it [Music] oh dang oh that's a good representation that's that was awesome oh the master sword is broke [Music] what's that what's that Darkness the blue that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me oh dang snakes have gone High straight away who carries that fragile sword replaced his faith in you hey Luna say you didn't bud and that was always I'll give you a proper welcome in a second oh did I say steak I did indeed I I do have steaks so I could have steak tonight as well thank you feel free to recommend channels and chat I'm more than happy for that God dang it's crumbling oh [Music] use your good hand [Music] oh okay thank you hey Coco how you doing girl come on hit us upside me good girl sorry my dog just popped in to say hello this place is screwed Coco's now lying at the top of the stairs waiting for her mama to come home that hand is cool as hell that must be a descendant of his own eye that probably sealed away the demon king who we just saw and now we're inheriting their arm assumptions chat all assumptions I have no idea I don't know anything you haven't slept well so you're nodding off at the moment mate Don't force yourself to stay up if you need to rest rest where the hell are we ah link finally you wake I've heard a great deal about you from Zelda okay so I assume she's safe your wounds were severe I am relieved to see you escape death your arm however was beyond saving it I had to replace it thus the injury endanger you further why did you take off my clothes rest easy rest easy rabbit the master Shard of her sword the iconic sword that there you go the sword that seals Darkness its superpower has been diminished after being ravaged by the Gloom beneath Hyrule Castle okay there's gonna be a way to repair that surely you're also thinking about the clothes while you're wandering get your mind out a gutter all right not much of a weapon anymore is it I'm guessing this Sharda never breaks [Music] you live in the gutter nice [Music] jump hook no no I thought you lived in Canada got him oh jump yep that was uh that was not smooth chat not as in the game that was just my lack of uh smoothness Landing in more even from a great height will prevent you from taking full damage that's cool just neat that I assume that but good to have it reaffirmed [Music] okay like where all right tutorial bits uh don't have anything else ah Spartacus link wait is it ever closing here I just I just didn't even bother looking around I assume they'd like to give you a shirt as well but let's not make that assumption no no shirt for you link you have to be topless enjoy that chat and oh holy crap um let's do it it's like Skyward Sword but good [Music] thank you [Music] yeah I got a tower sequence a bit quicker [Music] a huge leap of faith spotted host it is indeed okay land in the water land in the water accelerate [Music] two solid dice oh that was pretty that was pretty as hell chat all right I need to get somewhere before I drowned onto the lily pad all right let's have a look around see what we can find let's go back in the water all right great Sky Island who needs clothes [Music] Coco Coco come here come do not bark at the poor old man outside if she bucks again chat she's like oh come here yeah she knows she's in trouble select take out weapon okay yeah play the old game that's fine let's beat that mushroom no not like that chat this does look epic and I think there's a a lot of land below as well oh hello oh okay I forgot no Shield [Music] my tree branch is heavily damaged give me another tree branch oh Apple okay Zone I charge and material used as a power source for constructs and other devices interesting okay construct horn oh my God I'm a bit overwhelmed I don't know where to start with this Where'd I go here what's here oh one stick it looks a bit like a sword there's nothing here grab everything we can chat is there anything uh breath of the wild has taught me it's grab everything you can be it food dang it okay I'll skip that one apple I'll skip that one apple that looks like another enemy right there foreign are you enemy I hope not that robot's like why are you topless she left sling for you a shirt this is the Pura pad oh so no longer the sheikah suite why are they always shaped like Nintendo switches oh yeah because yeah okay now that is just a Nintendo switch it's even got joy-cons on it and everything [Music] princess Zelda's price of ice it has a variety of features a central web for adventure copyright by Nintendo okay oh okay so we've got the sky island and then we've got lands beneath us as well so we need to go find Princess Zelda at that place and we are here yep sounds fair gonna grab a coffee don't die no promises wondering and there's some and there's the music my records indicate that Zelda is waiting at the location marked on this map no shiz where am I this is the garden of time not much of a garden the Temple of Time is visible from here oh okay but no more now it is a lonely place no one visits oh I'm here then I count uh I'm gonna go over to this green glue thing because I believe it wants me to go here sure hmm Apple give me an apple give me a goddamn Apple yeah I smashed apart all right uh I'm gonna take that stick [Music] uh Soldier constructs okay [Music] allow me to offer unsusited advice it's crucial to maintain a proper distance and your target and Target your opponents swinging haphazardly we will not yield results knocking on yeah that's fine I was doing that before you may want to practice on me but do not actually attack no promises worth it I am the hero everyone needed wonder how many people are going to stream this game now um a lot of people but I don't know how many in our community will purely because I just mainly see people stream PC games in our little community I can imagine a lot of people will though Minnie's definitely gonna be one definitely watch our streams okay so I need to get over there is there land below me oh there is I don't have a way of getting down there could jump but that's not meant well there was no pools of water either okay can I go this way off the ledge there is water down there so oh wait yeah this is this is a good indication earlier all of them Lunas no froggy dang it I was gonna cook you how rude oh there's more constructs nope not here surprise oh oh no he picked up the stick I was trying to pick up uh okay and you are dead give me a horn I'm gonna get another stick just in case I need another weapon uh I'm not gonna throw my weapon just yet thank you Game I would do a lot more exploring on a group on this as I would say called a great Plateau it's not a great Plateau but I feel like I want to explore once I've got a few more mechanics under my belt oh wait there's a bird there chat no you don't see me don't see me I did not mean to do that Chad oh prick oh all right he's still on the island you can't you can't run anywhere well apparently you can he's disappeared all right well shut me up chat I've got out of run for a second [Music] okay I'm running in the right direction all right there's two of them all right that's one oh you're alerting your friends are you that's one give me a smear long stick got it oh okay uh food eat eat that's it got it okay I keep forgetting I don't have any sort of uh slow down time mechanic oh and they are just kicking my ass I should just really jump backwards rather than sideways I'm so used to Jumping sideways and breath of the wild and getting this slow down time eat the Frog I wanted to eat a frog I couldn't catch it I was too slow eat apples though there's another construct there oh wait no it's a good construct because these are got a little bit of a hunchback going on so I assume they're good I don't know why oh toasty oh I should have actually reread that yeah how is your morning Christy toast wants all the horns yeah I do you know me so well I had not noticed you before that you were unfamiliar to me my apologies back did I die no but I was beaten a lot by a load of uh robots I roast ingredients were Basin beside the fire do not eat but I understand given to that it improves the taste I don't remember ever trying that in breath of the world if they're actually just putting them by the fire if it cooked them but I know they cooked in the hot environments uh do I have ingredients uh yeah I do do I have in Greens all right yeah I'm gonna hold that many apples and a mushroom uh oh yeah [Music] yeah they're cooked oh two coupled in one that's fine I was just testing the mechanic down anyway you need to ruin the lottery and retire Russell aren't you like younger than me it says 96 so I assume you're that was the year you're born if you're not I apologize I will explore once I've unlocked a few mechanics chat so I apologize wait no why am I apologizing uh this this is Hyrule I think I don't think they ever established it yet they said this is the garden of time um from the xenai ancient race like they protected it 45 Oh I thought you were oh oh have you actually got weapons oh okay all right go and hit me hit me [Music] I'm gonna get your weapon mine and it's also my shield raise your Shield yeah I'm going to and your corpse is also mine all right is there anything oh it's nice to touch grass [Music] what's twinings get out twinings is delicious tea [Music] you know you are along the elites of the tea world if you drink twinings yeah I know but for this game uh wondering I like to I always do like to explore but I know door will open only it's not worth exploring until you've got the correct mechanics I'm sorry I did not intend to startle you it was I that spoke to you earlier that arm originally belonged to me I am you're a goat man ah you are my right arm I guess you could say you're my right hand man forgive me for appearing to you their laughter is the correct audience fortunately I no longer have a physical form [Music] in any case that arm should allow you to open its door seems to have lost the power to do so okay you might be able to restore it but you would need to enter a place filled with sacred light okay can you tell me where that is of course why not visit the shrines on this island here we go power time [Music] the shrines yes I'm sure they are the key [Music] cool uh you tell me to get there to be put in the sky buddy no okay you are not along the late world of tea I didn't think it would be Lunas and yes I am still Posh toast I'll gladly accept that name select the closed door yeah that's fine uh Rory would be beside you the original owner of the arm you said you need to re-light I'm going to the shrines greenspile above each of them that's fine I I think we all had the rough idea that we need to go to the shrine so I wasn't just gonna read out the whole text for you all right need to get up there what's the best way probably go this way yeah we're fine oh right there Arrow you don't even have a bow establish guy in the back like a good British man they have a bow I'll take it and you have arrows press and holds that uh is that a release that's fine all right getting ourselves a bit of a Weaponry chat so that's good I'm gonna hit that guy in the head from up here oh the stairs going up that shrine no I thought I was gonna have to do some uh I thought I was gonna have to do some uh some Shenanigans to get up there but apparently not all right link use your master sword Don't Fear the gal inside well I've got a problem about that uh pie uh my soul oh no no that's not what we wanted my uh my master sword is decayed it is it has gone rotten to the Core can I get up there yeah I can increasing your movement speed yeah that's fine not worried about that how are you doing Pie anyway always like to see you pop in chat mm-hmm yeah I don't need to go slow trying please give me new powers okay oh [Music] this is very uh oh by the kids cutscene I was gonna say it's very Ratchet and Clank uh Refuge time wasn't it so if you hear any weird sounds in the background that's my dog sleeping being cute for a change yes I've made it here cool now let's extend your hand you want to stay in bed all day but you have to make money that is fair is this on computer um no this is on switch Coco is always cute well I guess Coco is most of the time poppy isn't Poppy's a little dirt bag grab move objects rotate them and stick them to other objects yep that's the one cool really anything you can imagine really well I'm gonna give that a try use ultra hand and received a blessing from the shrine okay I will all right hmm well this is a very uh same ballistic puzzle I think and let's go there you go [Music] I'm gonna rotate you with can I rotate it another way no that's not what I had in mind can I rotate you another way I want to uh move you up close enough nope is this gonna work let's hope chat uh oh no oh crap ow piss this boat's well for the rest of the Stream oh that didn't work either all right all right all right I need to unstick you I need to do you proper all right all right crap unstick there you go and now if I yeah there you go like doing it this way is better and then when two become one yeah I'm gonna rotate you the right way and there we go [Music] [Laughter] laughs oh chat I still can't go with that don't drop into your head well I'm surprised that didn't kill me if that he killed me that would have been funnier all right all right let's let's see what we're working with here I see some hooks Captain Hook um I feel like I want to get up there can I grab you no I can't all right all right I'm gonna grab you first of all and let's uh let's cancel you yeah I know how it's gonna go well if I just foreign well then you're just going to remain solid all right rotate I guess I have to actually put in an effort s um I'm holding the rotate but you just don't see on the state there you go now stay This Is How We Do It chat thank you link have the Schwartz is new to me what Zelda games have you missed oh you've you've missed a lot of Zelda games um the only one you need really play to play this is breath of the wild but I'll be honest with you chat story wise breath of the Wild that mainly has flashbacks so you may just want to um YouTube his memories oh [Music] last Zelda game you saw was on the Ness does Blowfish bit a lot of shoulder games since then Lunas that's some cool puzzle mechanics uh wondering you haven't seen anything yet Jesus Christ I've seen a few previews of this and um I read it well watched a couple of reviews and what you can do is insane um this is barely touches the surface you really wanted like breath of wild bit to knock Christy I'm not gonna lie I was exactly the same as you I could not get into it for like day or life of me and I was like okay I'm not a big fan of Zelda games except for Wind Waker anyway I thought okay I'll give birth I'll try bye for I just didn't want to play it with the more I played it I was like this is I know it sounds Daft but I thought this is a bit not too open but it was just it wasn't clicking for me I feel like I needed to be like have a bit more like story like spoon spoon fed to me and it just wasn't happening and I like the mechanics are cool but the weapon durability also got to me a little bit and I didn't really like it but then when I gave it another chance and did the first Divine Beast I was like okay I get it now and then it just clicked there's a certain point where you just go and it clicks with you I hope you heard that chat otherwise it meant nothing I'm decades behind Zeta last I know even a little about this to to the of time one Ocarina of Time yeah [Music] okay I'll mark the shrines on the map right so there's a bit there's one oh oh okay shaky cam marked is that one over there I think that's one that looks like one mark oh I was gonna Mark more all right oh still going to that's the one who's been in oh there's one [Music] is there another one I'm not seeing chat if you can see it and I can't let me know fire down there I've marked greatest so there's four shrines didn't they I do need a silver spoon because I am posh uh okay so where's one there's one over there did I Mark that one yeah I did it's just the light wasn't showing up all right so I guess I'm making my way over [Music] okay what are we working with here is another Shrine no it's just going over all right that's fine ah okay I see where it wants me to go crap crap oh no God damn it chat I was so I'm so unlucky and lucky at the same time I'm gonna eat a mushroom [Applause] oh Jesus Christ hmm oh that's mushrooms over there we go up we go we cover stamina I didn't recover anything there you go all right can you see what we have to do with this puzzle chat all right come here you come here can I yeah back towards me back towards me I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so messy here nope oh Jesus Christ okay yeah there you go yeah I'm gonna rotate you a little bit uh now dude yeah that'll do sure nothing bad to happen with these physics [Music] that's not gonna end well with the chat okay okay I'll unattach this wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle you off all right I have to rotate you properly don't I there you go whoo I'm taking this with me I'm gonna make a bigger one yeah they go just because I wanted to Oi move oi oi move all right if I put you here will you start moving uh okay problem chat okay oh that was wait did that just fall directly down if that falls directly down that means I would have fell and that means I would have died which I did not want to do okay okay okay okay okay okay okay uh all right I'm gonna drop you down for a second you I think ruin the um the whole mood so I'm just going to attach this here and then hopefully this can you okay I can't move if I'm on top of it got it okay I just need to be yeah there we go chat you missed the physics I did best of it oh Jesus we should hold on something there you go hello I've come to take over your land weapon breaking is dumb actually I'm just gonna catch up a chat it was insane breath pie I just gave up on the game completely it was yeah it was so open uh I have a stupid tolerance for dumb gay mechanics the game mechanics I can't stand are bad time wasters uh yeah there's it um you have a super tolerance of game of Titans uh yeah there's gonna be a lot of game mechanics in this you probably will either love or hate I can't tell which um but these ones seem a bit fun um actually let me talk to wizard first he seems to have something good to say I see they're still at work even now we originally created constructs to sit in our endeavors all of us were fond of them I never imagined they would carry out their sign tasks to this day the fact that their labor no longer serves any purpose yet they've performed still wow that just sounds like life it is disquieting to me okay well what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take your ax okay uh what you can you can give me some advice you were absorbed in wood cutting are you here for wood cutting too no not really there is an ax I no longer need use it for some wood going has a grown so late already I must have failed to notice the time Bell I will rest for today all right um where am I hmm what is there around here I can I think around here actually now I think about it having a little look there's this that almost looks like a little boat with a sail on it but I'm Gonna Catch these fireflies because I'm gonna eat them you are food now uh okay I can I assume I can go up there no this seems to be a long line of stuff over here let's have a look [Music] I see okay I get I get now it clicked go go gadget Bridge you come this way this way here boy you're not in danger you're fine uh yeah let's be safe to attach to it I assume oh that frame rate's tanking a little bit that's how you know it's a switch game oh there you go it's fixed itself a little bit um will this do you go phew that was close chat I need a bigger Bridge ah Jesus all right we've got in time chat you're not an ax no they don't want to chop that down dang it right I'm gonna move you away before I end up accidentally breaking you you over here oh there's another ax I have to grab that it's all Huey is that another ax yeah it is all right will that be enough Bridge chat it must be enough bridge if it isn't then this game's clearly bugged all right there you go perfect that's what a bridge looks like I'm gonna need a bigger boat damn right okay what are you oh can I move you uh okay what what can I do with you um can I do anything with you what are you are you anything at all right guess not gonna grab and cook some mushrooms chat I'll drop them there hunting yeah I know how hunting works I just didn't realize any of them could survive in an environment in the sky building a country workers and resources with King toast a hunter must not make noise crouching is essential for silence made no difference to me so far because every time I crouched they all just seem to turn around I'll give you the bow placed over there use it as you please time has passed 100 I seem to have failed to hear the time Bell all right ah those birds from before uh you're both on both so it makes the difference uh oh you absolute I am gonna kill those birds chat Mark oh my mushrooms yeah thanks for reminding me oh God damn uh please tell me you're oh you're absolutely fine I'm actually kind of pissed annoyed about that I almost said a bad word oh crap I think they were almost on fire scratch that they were on fire uh can I cook you now you make elixirs I'm gonna cook you though Kirk all right one baked up all day have I played workers and resources no I'd like to ha dumb bird you're no match for death raw meat [Music] okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold you you're gonna fire hopefully you're cooked nicely you are technically on fire but that should be fine lovely see it's steak um come back here hunting skills chat hunting skills was not a result of the AI being wrong okay I need to go I'm following that little market actually can I get over there and I get over here without I do need to get over there uh how do I go over there [Music] okay I'm going to the red one I assume which are probably the right direction to go so I'm gonna do that [Music] I feel like I've been Dilly dallying chat I'll get there sooner rather than later there's another hunched robot you're going to tell me how I can cook things in this bowl aren't you and how I've already cooked everything I know how that works so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let them teach me stuff I already know um is this stupid chat yes it is how [ __ ] That Bird Ruined My Life gosh I'm gonna cook a meal just just because I need some healing stuff not like you're doing a speed run enjoy it dude I am enjoying it I just wanna I know what mechanics I am going to be expecting so yeah I'm gonna I am gonna enjoy it I'm gonna hold that get a couple of apples a rush room and you are not food someone look at this Hasty meat and mushroom skewer you can pass time by the fire now all right I'll just take my uh meat and leave I'm gonna get over to that red mark shrine for those Shrine of the red mark I should say um foreign [Music] what no that's not how this works oh oh I see you're trying to hit me with arrows well I'm gonna hit you with a stick thank you I'll collect the arrow for you sir what's that oh Rusty Shield s that's fine oh chest chest chest loot Goblin uh you're expecting to rip off the Monster Hunter cooking music that's such an iconic tone well the Monster Hunter music from World The Monster Hunter music from Rise sucks it sucks so bad man it is just excuse me is there is another enemy nearby that I'm not aware of oh oh all right all right do the old-fashioned way win thank you what are you gonna give me new weapon oh a piece of opal uh that's useful in the older game I don't know how much use it is now but there's no frogs I need to reach my friend oh korok seeds I don't want to collect any more of you you ruined my life yeah that one was too high too high Wonder where's my friend oh it looks so sad with its triangle mouth that box looks like an owl it does my friend is sending up a smoke signal I can't wait to catch up you're so tired you can't move um well don't worry mate it seems like there's exactly the perfect ingredients to get you there so um allow me I'll help you my friend oh [Music] correct frond itis technically used as a fan um oh okay well I'm gonna help you by um doing this this way please thank you and you stick that should be enough I'm hoping Jesus Christ okay that's how you reset all right well that's annoying me um that's better there we go sticky right in the middle should that be enough chat talk about Luke Goblin oh yeah I am in this game you have to be a Luke Goblin actually I'm gonna put you there and oh you little dude can I move you yep there you go and then hopefully can I jump on oh did it not let it go okay there you go let's go little buddy yes I know you need to reach your friend but on a really fun roller coaster right now uh oh later friend need to shake you off get off there you go and there's your friend [Music] enjoy cheese and rice I do love cheese and rice together all separately [Music] proxies I remember collecting loads of those little bastard things from breath of the Wild okay don't try soon chat no no no no don't want to do that [Music] I'm gonna try that I know you can Shield surf but I want to see if I can do this almost ended really badly oh no no no can you toss them off the edge um yes I didn't want to because I didn't want to okay want to lose out okay okay can I do it do it here hey yeah chat oh [Music] can I fall off this I don't know all right I'm off now where am I okay the red Shrine is over there but I don't have enough stamina to swim across hmm all right let's MacGyver the hell out of this and see what we can find um oh hello oh hello I didn't see you there um you know what I'm just not in a mood oh you've got a fit you've got a fixed stick oh my he's got a thick stick chat who do you need this regular stick when bigo is always better and I write no I'm not all right that worked out getting across that railing but now how to get over there without getting myself killed there should be hopefully something to get me across I'm hope oh look it's the perfect ingredients there's an ax here too oh well hello strategy just keep swinging until the bed thank you [Music] oh I want to get the there's a certain ability you can get where you can actually fuse any item in the game to your weapons and they do really stupid things and I want that I want to get that I would say 40 on the stream but the stream doesn't end for another two three hours so we're all good hey ddg so sorry I'm getting so engrossed in this I I didn't notice you come in hello it looks green that seems like a cheat I say cheat extreme shortcut there's a lot of them in this game uh it's Posh Link in his rawest state it is bigger is always better yes yes yes it is uh okay I'm gonna chop down all this oh nuts Size Matters damn right Misty all right like around that oh Chad if you're wondering what that other symbol thing is uh that's amiibo I do have amoeba to use but I'm gonna do that on stream because I don't know it's not entertaining and I need to get the tutorial stuff done and by the way yes this is still the tutorial there you go I do yeah close enough oh need to grab that ax I'll cover any more weapons um I do not need this tree branch Goodbye old friend all right you are gonna be my boat motison Potomac boat face ah this is probably a good time to catch up a chat while I'm here freaking rotational BS Games always struggle with a simple crap I don't think it's the game I think it's me pie I I am the one that's like uh come on move picker I think once I get used to it it'll be fine I think it's just more me at emotion at the moment I say that emotion I don't have a motion who do I think I am especially on controller pie yes no considering I always use controllers I should be better at that but hey ho not really a mechanic that gets used often so I like another game so of course I wouldn't be used to it come on there we go wait why am I still here let's go ah no I'm not gonna drown here hopefully you should just get round up here hey DMC long time no see how have you been Buddy that next one's right here I'll skip the uh in like little uh opening of the door we should hopefully get another new mechanic how am I doing I'm doing good I'm doing good ah so you've made it here now then extend your right hand that's quite forward I must say good sir so I'm just doing a little turn to see if my dog's okay yep Coco's passed out on the floor on her back and Poppy is lying uh resting her head on her belly like the good dogs that they are how is everyone in chat today anyway I think I've been a bit rude and I actually asked how you are I know he'd like to be a good host [Music] ah there we go that's the one I was looking for I tap something to a weapon or Shield to enhance it you can undo the fusion but that will destroy whatever has been attached okay [Music] it's been a while not pick up the sword just ahead and Infuse it to a nearby object he's used and received a blessing from the shrine okay okay so if I say hmm I see what they're trying to say however what if I want to no no well if I wanna drop that and then I drop this steak oh I can't drop you oh do I have anything else I can drop hmm if I I can't drop you can I drop you oh wait can I hold you I can hold you then if I drop you on the floor no dragonfly come back I was gonna fuse you with my mistake oh dang it wait what so if I say my shield has a tree branch attached to it extra defense that's how it works right okay let's let's use this sword all right okay I'll take the sword first because apparently I need to be holding a weapon and then I'll fuse you with the boulder go oh wait no no yes that's how that's how physics work I now have a hammers sword all right go yeah I'm a terrifying [ __ ] does DMC stand for DeLorean Motor Company no I assume DMC stands for Devil May Cry cool attach a hook shot to your Shield ping pong small enemies you can you can actually attach a little mushroom spring to your shield and bounce them off the edge those glassy gladiator sandals look so uncomfy they do look really uncomfy Shield em at tree face um can I knock you down what was this what is it stupid pillars they know nothing uh okay there's a lot of what is this here fire fruit I feel that generates heat when stuck cooked correctly its heating properties improve blood flow and stimulate and raise attack power okay thank you for all these fruits I will gladly take them attach materials to your arrows oh okay let's try that out then shall we it's a certain material to attach pull I can attach an apple uh uh oh pew can I add that back no all right then I'm guessing buy fruit it's now on fire so okay that's cool my Apple it's behind the chest [Music] I want to enhance the power of this stick I'm gonna fuse it with I can't fuse it with the chest damn I was hoping I could do some really cool weird physics stuff better last not so much the fruit of my labor that's a good point ah my stick now has an apple on it plus one attack that's how it works right Apple stick let's go I can't I can I attach a boulder to my chest protection no but I think I can attach it to the shield [Music] uh physics I did feel like I've used much of the mechanic so far to actually get me through anywhere I just feel like I've just messed around nah I don't think towards me there I think chat knows I've been doing it right uh okay how would you feel like rushing away from me pick us they did nothing Chad oh ow okay nope should take this enemy seriously uh eat steak Apple all right [Music] okay let's uh let's go to what my uh nope nope nope Ultimate Weapon please yep Apple stick let's go oh I should just [Music] okay let's see how would you like to be on fire I missed [Music] okay he missed as well so it's just as good uh he is also on fire okay let's see what does attaching an acorn do it do uh nothing choo choo jelly uh that made him wet not in a good way hey hey buddy do you want to come over here are you gonna come over here come on come on come on over here you're not really uh all right foreign [Music] my Apple Club saved it there I don't know what you're talking about Christy I can't carry more meaty weapons well I really want that sword that has a um hmm my tree branch should now be fused of this uh so no charge this game is stupid I love it all right I can't carry any more media weapons that's fine I think I have everything I don't want all right um that's uh let's see what have I got I'm gonna no wrong weapon yeah I'm gonna take this with me instead yeah you confuse a lot of random stuff what what other stuff have I picked up actually uh it can be attached to a stick and use this fan give me one second chat promise this is gonna be worthwhile thick stick with fan okay so if I did [Music] okay it now has wind powers nice these weapons look so dumb I love it shoot his hat he had a hat I thought I was just his head you have done well to reach this place you're gonna give us um another thing in Bob we offered a slight that would cleanse you of evil yeah it's cool uh by the way chat they will map her in at the moment that's not even a portion that's just one layer so we've got still got to dive down further and then dive down further this is a huge map I loved Overlord Chris that's to say Christy I loved Overlord pie Overlord was so cool you could either be evil or really evil cool [Music] now off to the next Shrine once we get all four shrines we'll have enough power to open the door see Zelda should go oh hey and then we go and explore the real world because at the moment chat this is all just tutorial hence why I'm so excuse me don't interrupt hey hey it's me talking I like Coco no no naughty pug yeah you love arguing my dogs they always win please take it what are you giving me uh grenades oh I know what these are [Music] energy cells [Music] yeah zono devices uh yeah they are puppies but they're also pains in my ass Wonder let's see can we do anything what happens to be touchwood take this wood the wood did nothing I'm just gonna light him on fire I've got enough okay let's see we have to get the next one is oh where's the blue one um I marked something that's off map oh God I I marked saying I wasn't even a shrine oops oh well I guess that teaches me chat no there's more enemies down there um oh I just let them on fire no my future gel is I'm gonna find the flames oh uh I think I did something bad chat the crap your character is carrying solarius what are you talking about I uh I I need to um ah why is it on fire ah why is my weapon on fire that yeah uh can I just put you away get up is how to fire okay so my fixed stick no longer has hmm I said my thick stick and realized I was being dirty without realizing okay I'll attach this fixed stick to this log log stick let's go all right buddy I've got something to show you do you want to see something really impressive it's called my log stick [Laughter] come on keep going that way oh there's another guy here uh what are you gonna do come on get in the water Naughty Boys in the water you go I can't swim it's around my pretties come on in there you go come on there you go sort yourself out I killed a fish hmm how come I just drowned already there you go [Music] I can't carry any more weapons that sucks I want to get the stick off my shield [Music] how do I get this ticket oh yeah I forgot I was carrying this stupid thing no I want to drop you okay let's drop you because I do not want you I'll take the short stick because I prefer the shorter weapons for the quick Combos and okay I need to hmm I need to upgrade my shield no no I want I want to put a fish on my shield fine you can be Rock stick and drop Shield all right here we go I just made an ax that's all I did okay fair news oh treasure oh wait did I just leave my fish behind no it's fine Apple stick should be our Ultimate Weapon but I want to climb up this thing and hopefully this gives me something even more stupid to fuse my weapons with [Music] Soldier Reaper uh yeah I'm gonna replace it with I'm keeping Apple stick because Apple stick is bae um I'm gonna drop that so what probably should have kept over too but it's fine let's see so this is a solder Reaper is it oh it's a little dagger that's quite cool all right so we're going towards the yellow place um can this game give me a shirt please discovery pondside cave oh right Bloom seed a cedar often found in caves of Worlds when stuck it will take root and Bloom giving off light from a small flower hmm how do I unfuse stuff wait you're not fused or anything are you I forgot how you unfuse stuff I didn't actually did it say it did say it in the chat but I wasn't paying attention because well me special controls uh Shield surf yeah I learned that the hard way hmm that'd be all right I'll just I'll just take the seed but my dust ate my rubbers yep oh bat sword fat eyeballs fuse attack power leave some serious orbs can scan surroundings take advantage of the glaring awareness and attach to one to an arrow to Grant homing quality to the arrow oh homing arrows chat oh wait I need my uh one-way various Hammer weapons thank you mmm salt Amber fuse attack power a fossilized resin with carrot caramel-esque Sheen to it it's been valued as a component in decorations and crafting since ancient times I win [Music] I didn't even waste time to see if I confused I just wanted to kill that frog because it looked big dangerous and I wanted it I thought I knew where things didn't need to listen now I didn't know everything I just um now you're right I'm stigma nonspirish uh I'm gonna take more of these Bloom seeds I missed one there could be a lot of materials to grab oh more blue seeds sorry chat I'm literally gonna be collecting everything I probably do need a something disassemble I just unsure what and I should do it from the menu actually I never thought about that so if I say a on that I'll destroy fuse material now I'm Gonna Keep the Apple Club destroy these material that's fine um let's drop this win stick oh oh so you can quickly oh that's better oh that ease of access would have been good to know earlier on game oh my God that's cool ah this is a really fun mechanic if I still need my uh I'll keep on my Apple Club that's staying forever chat going to like deem it not funny anymore frog legs are tasty not to me Russ oh my God bats sorry I got distracted by bats wait am I not even supposed to be here [Music] finally clothes and still the game didn't automatically put them on there you go uh okay oh I think we're about to get our next tutorial chat even the ghost has got bored and started sitting down why is the character gasping like that oh cause he was out of stamina breath or it could have just been me gassing between a microphone one of the two I haven't had frog legs in over 20 years but I like them back then he's struggling with the rock on his back yeah that's true yeah I never thought a shirt would make me so happy hmm curious uh I don't need destroy-face material gonna stick maze anyway okay you're gonna have to teach me stuff because I know you're about to teach me about the fans they're asked for crossing to the other sides are broken uh transportation is on hold indefinitely this is ordinary where we send resources across the river the only silver living is that the zonite devices are undamaged solar devices ah it seems you do not know Zone devices play with the bottles it seems you did not know solar devices they are Necessities around here allow me to explain this green thing is called a zonai device the one you see here is a fan you can produce you can produce Wind by On Demand by striking it there's a joke there somewhere they are self-evidently useful we have had variety of Zona devices from multitudinous purposes multiple I'll just say multiple purposes using Zone eye devices does require energy and external energy cell will be Nessy in your case oh you have one already that is a relief but perhaps a refresh explanation is in order and energy sales stores the energy required to use Sono devices its energy will plan to automatically while Zona devices are not in use then its capacity is not unlimited use the energy contained within wisely otherwise you may win our run out of in at inopportune moments I just wonder I would say Enjoy work but if you enjoy your work good if you don't wish you the best of luck uh while you're in chat everybody uh please remember to like And subscribe if you are enjoying this content because so far all I've done is make a four of myself forget what to do I wouldn't even pay attention to that conversation really but I assume I have to make another raft and attach a jet engine to it okay I'm using the wrong power I'm trying to fuse everything with my weapons all right oh foreign oh oh okay I see you didn't want me to use the stuff that you had all right interesting I'm thinking of dumb things I can do which is all the time can I attack you like this so you go upwards it's gonna be like a Hovercraft oh yeah I can't take that one yeah they already got RC on me about that one oh all right game gonna make a little raft and you're gonna get me across there all right nope nope yep nope [Music] all right chat wish me luck because this is probably gonna not work just need to get to the other side Rock vase activate oh Apple oh I think I just want them too much to the right come on get across yeah I'll be fine I can swim the rest of the way thank God there's a fence there or else I'd be bouncing I'll be going down a raw waterfall right now uh okay that's fine unsticky old uh please please stop there you go I need you to be over here please is the shrine up there you're not into I don't want to attach you get off wait curious maybe I can skip a big portion of the game by using its own mechanics against it uh no I didn't want you to keep get off you're not my biggest fan can I not climb on top of you okay fine I'll play it your way you up here seems doesn't like boxes there you go yeah it's just me doing it wrong chat [Music] that's right wish me luck chat let's see if I can skip a big portion of this [Music] anti-climactic I guess we're not going up chat wait however good idea though all right let's go [Music] I assume there's gonna be another Shrine up here because it seems otherwise very pointless for me to be up here oh get out my way can you just drown or something no all right you're gonna have to face the pain come on or just come on just give me a pause Pro material uh so if I just said uh if I [Music] uh it just said hold material but [Music] hmm thank you no it's not let me hold it I can fuse it but [Music] so if I just say let's say hold no no I'll select material to throw oh there you go they're throwing out for you did nothing okay uh I'm not gonna throw anything that looks worth money at you so if I throw your own oh that hurt you your own water um I'm gonna throw some Flint to you yes uh you know what I'm gonna kill you flippers is in here I've already been smashing pots mate Jesus slippers like you said to me you weren't gonna be watching this stream because you didn't want to well from what I remember you said you hating me you said foreign that's what I remember I might be wrong [Laughter] uh flippers there's going to be some really interesting mechanics in this game you're going to be uh liking a lot uh example I'm going to attach an i uh that did basically damage that thing I'm gonna let hmm I've got anything where's the fly fruit oh did not knows me yet oh [Music] come on they keep fusing stuff together which I'm not a fan of um that killed him [Music] nothing is here as well you should be working get out oh brilliant okay that guy is a a lot stronger than I was expecting all right let's see no oh I threw the wrong thing okay I need to eat mushroom all right let's see I'm gonna see if I can sit fighter him uh okay gonna get a good weapon now that's got a lot of damage play it seriously now [Music] there you go log Club there we go [Music] can't carry in more those that's fine look at that yeah we're just still in the tutorial by the way uh you hit the like button now I'm off fair enough mate you've you've you've seen anything it's all tutorial stuff so you're fine oh I want to pick up my Apple Club stupid log uh no I don't want to fuse them to my weapon anymore okay let's see the straightforward thing is minecart on track fan on back of Minecart and then hit rattle Club go thank you flip it oh wait what uh uh get game there you go go what do you keep hitting oh I put the fan so far low it keeps jittering oops oh well hey look another buddy can I attach an ax to my ax no because the stone ax is already a combination so it won't let me combine it again let's have a Ganda what this guy's gonna say this cave is especially dark noches yeah the fan it was too low I did realize that do you have any blight Blossom seeds yes I do otherwise you'll not be able to see your thing and see anything as you proceed right boom seeds grow Pomeranian caves there's once a time when he grew here as well the cave has been mostly picked clean of them that is because it is dark especially dark because these are often necessary my associates often forget to bring bright room seeds I'm posting as a reminder use them to let your way ahead watch your step that's fine so what I'm going to do is [Music] I need an ax I've got two axes but I need more for chopping trees I'm sorry I've had to I've had to play seriously for a second can I oh I can't even I can't attach you oh there's because there's nothing there that's why yeah okay where's the bright Bloom seeds there's a giant one but I don't know if I want to I just want a normal one there you go one stick I'm hoping this will light up The Path uh uh chat I have learned it does not light up The Path oh oh that's cool that's a little bit cute isn't it game oh Wonder too much work so night unusual manual that has many purposes ancients extracted energy from it and refined it for crafting of weapons and armor okay I'll keep hold of that then yeah light up the way there you go give him a turn into a bunny I don't want to get bunny no oh bunny damn it don't everyone lose gems I don't know what they do yet but apparently I from interviews they're important but I don't know what for or when for there's a lot of uh survival mechanics in this game it's just a lot of um together see this is why weapon durability isn't so bad because I just want to make so much different stuff and experiment with so many stupid things that I don't think it matters so much it's just a lot of fun because you've always got another weapon right around the corner yeah I'm gonna oh all right then and yoga about tell me about what you can do with the Zone light yet so night yep are you unfamiliar with it the Zone I mentioned is unique music video that can be mined they'll Trace Apostles on the side as well but limited as cave [Music] okay so he's about to show us what He we can actually make with designite yeah take care wonder why I just said bye to you well I I if I didn't I apologize okay crystallize charges yep and bangs are not into other useful fan materials in this way School processing okay so no charges that's what power devices and constructs got it and a charge can be used in a potential energy so ah okay cool what's the crystallized ones do then we only use them as a raw material in the construction of any cells okay got it can I take all them right oh I can [Music] uh six it's a deal okay so they're gonna do stuff them later so there's nothing I can do with them for now but it may not be uh live but I can I can tell we're just saying here there you go that was a lot easier I should have probably done this first before asking to make stuff but hey ho [Music] thank you oh yeah I'm gonna make more [Music] okay so we're gonna make more over time that's fine that's cool am I on Twitter I I was previously with my normal account but then that normal count nothing to do with oh nothing that normal count then got hacked and then I don't use it anymore um because Twitter's just end up being a horrible little mindscape so I do have a Twitter account but it's just like no profile picture no anything it's just to keep up to date with news [Music] there you go so now we can actually drop and make fans and stuff like that you always carry several [Music] think carefully that's fine uh I am going to not use that one use the hand you're not in danger I'm literally lifting it right next to you all right I'm not gonna make the same mistake as last time am I chat there you go so if I say there you go they dropped the fan so they are those little constructs are hidden in little bottles and I should be able to attach it there that should do the job right pie that'd be better oh all right then I'll just hit it with something teeny like this off we go I want to try something while I'm here [Music] my throat decided you would get okay no don't work like that chat what come on go go go go go go go go [Music] there we go hopefully there should be something up here I'm hoping there's another Shrine up here because otherwise I don't know why I'm here uh that's interesting hmm can I turn you off again you side chat I'd sneeze away for a second I'm gonna get to the mute burning time so I made draft decision to just move away you need to reach your friend again oh Jesus Christ all right now where do I go from here I know there's let's have a look at the map chat so we need to get over there the shrine I've missed I think there's a shrine I've missed chat somewhere I'm gonna go over to scratch machine first because this seems interesting to me all right you thank you Christy [Music] uh uh yeah divisive Hunter Yep this it produces only capsules can by converting certain resources the resources except the contract horns and Zona charges okay interesting that you hold by dropping in the receptacle and it's similar to a cooking pot no I know what capsules are Okay so I go let's say sort and then I'm only holding five so put in oh how many do I get from this I wonder just give me one that's gonna be a bit of a pain Jesus Christ all right a portable oh okay so we can sleep and cook anywhere oh that's cool blame emitter it shoots fire oh oh my God I can attach that to my weapon oh I just got a hammy more okay give me more stuff give me more interesting mechanics please thank you Skip and give me more okay this is like a little uh dopamine fix here doing all this uh they said horns so if I go hold one horn I put one in then you should give me no just one part that's fine that guy said he wants to get to his buddy again oh there's a tower over there as well that looks like a boss or something yes I know you need to reach your friend I'm going to sort that out don't worry [Music] to rotate myself and just drop it where's your friend no just there that's fine you can't move don't worry I'll help you move and actually you can be our additional defense you can be uh you can be here all right off we go hang on tight yeah you'll be fine he's being crushed oh God I have to help him thank you I just really want to attach the fan to him to see where he goes oh do I be that mean I'm sorry chat too much fun it's not a good person and here's your buddy I got him here safely not a scratch on him yeah I did use him as a bumper Christy yeah it was worth it [Laughter] oh it made my day not gonna lie yeah you're welcome I yeah I'm a hero what's near [Music] Zoe night a lovely [Music] uh spoiler's over I mean there's all the story spoilers are over for now all you're seeing me do is interesting mechanics that we are doing if you want to rewind the video about a minute or two minutes back you're going to see me be very cruel to a korok seed a kuruk man [Music] uh what is this oh it's an upside down car okay King get your head in the game off we go [Music] oh oh crud no okay how do I get myself out of this uh I'm diving all right chat I learned nothing hmm all right Puzzle Time oh start me back here balls all right you here West fan you Fanboy here you come okay I'm gonna stick you up here and you are okay you just leaning over the one side for no reason so that's fine [Music] okay what you clearly need is oh okay I won't mess about I want to oh yeah I should probably eat I I assumed you went back a couple minutes Millie uh yeah I did I did some horrible things to a peroxide um I I used him as a bumper all right let's let's see if I can MacGyver my way out of this [Music] fan perhaps one more should do it [Music] all right foreign this is definitely not going to cause an issue oh oh you saw me uh for Mr Redding yeah that went terribly it's fine I got it now Minnie it's all good so if I go here hopefully this will provide enough balance and a cool fire head to uh sort this go oh it is using a lot more power oh the fire head was a bad idea oh no oh no hmm okay uh uh okay okay so you need to come off and also foreign [Music] okay if I wield you will you now Spitfire ah I can light everything on fire I'm keeping this forever oh it's on fire okay okay yeah you go away all right let's get let's get that off no I didn't think it worked either okay let's see chat got any ideas I think I had it right but I think I had too much power on this side oh okay get off okay maybe just like that maybe that would be enough maybe that will be enough chat wait wait wait no me being dumb me being very dumb I'm doing it wrong chat these hooks should have been a hint [Music] okay come on oh that I literally trapped you in between I don't know how I did that can I stick you in here [Music] uh okay all right chat wish me luck come on don't fall off the edge come on yes me brainy yeah did it all right cool what the hell are you [Music] are you oh I should really equip another weapon before I burn down the whole place where am I anyway [Music] another chest there I should be near Shrine because I feel like I'm doing a lot of movement but there's nothing going on [Music] portable Park yeah thanks game oh my uh car is gone so if I needed to use that that's um that's troublesome there it goes okay there's another cart here just in case I need it though but Where'd I go from here it can't be just down there can it because that just that's just nowhere um I swear I was down there before so I have literally no reason to be here [Music] is there Shrine nearby I'm not seeing chat says there's a shrine over there but I need to get over there hmm you just got done with a close to four and a half hour stream of middle of shadow of War I love shadow of War so good you gotta go again oh sorry Minnie well see you again soon always look forward to your company the temperature is low okay let's see if I can teleport to another Shrine and work my way from a different direction uh can I return ability to create cannot fast travel I thought I said I could um okay why isn't that an interesting turn of events chat okay I died from cold if I stay there so I'm not staying there that led me nowhere and there was nowhere I could really go from there so I'm trying to think where I can go from here okay I've gone across the river come from there am I literally going to be going back to where I came yet the mining cave went in the mining cave wait did I go in the mining cave from here no I didn't did I I came up there got to here but I never went in there I guess that's where we're going chat but I look silly what do you mean I look silly I look amazing I wish I had my like little hover craft have a board thing there you go we're going the right way chat I feel a lot better now uh yeah I'm not gonna talk to her because they're gonna say about how making the right foods can prevent you from actually yeah I hold you hold you and let's say one mushroom what do I make similar fruit okay so two things cancel each other doubt so if I say hold you hold you I don't need to do any big dishes because I don't have much help to make there you go cold resistance peppered steak lovely that fish I was going to try and fuse my uh with my big boulder and dragon head now I think you mean I look epic I think that's what you're trying to say hey they're using that word but still um so if I say hold I don't want I don't want to use the eye crease Oh Oh wrong turn there you go hold and then hold up uh arrows and throwing weapons fly further oh hello sorry yeah I'm good just streaming it's all right my wife just come home from work chat let's see what else can I use arowana is scary yes they are yes I also I thought I had more Monster Parts than this um well I'll try with wings if it makes an Elixir if it doesn't work then well that didn't work out that should be enough all right just have to just a little bit of climbing nothing too strenuous I like the dragon head it's stupid they nearly killed the river monster gun oh I didn't know that yeah R1 is a really aggressive fish not in this game but oh so we've just gone into skip okay so I need to go up the icy Mountainside but I need to okay that's fair hey you all right well if I make some dishes with just the peppers hopefully I might should be able to make something so say hold two thank you [Music] so that should yep there you go that's what we wanted sauteed peppers side challenge is extremely happy at the moment [Music] so Christy in charge just said hi Mrs toast puppies would be happy that you're home and they were very very happy poppy was just sitting on her ass and looking really cute oh yeah she'd probably eat before I um die from the cold they've got a little temperature guards chat to tell you if you're too hot or too cold or do you need any uh need to take anything to resist dying uh I I don't know where I go from here okay okay foreign there's no other place for me to go okay I thought I was going the right way but it doesn't look like I am oh this is this is sketchy chat I don't think this is the right way to do it so I'm gonna wing it I'm gonna wing it to see if I can do it I'm not gonna make it chat it's gonna be a tough moment there's nowhere to latch onto either oh nope oh okay no that wasn't too bad of a fool but at the same time that hasn't given me a direction to go I'll talk to the robot in here to see what advice he has got uh the Stone Mountain above is extremely cold we'll swiftly lose vitality and even die are you fortified against cold I'm all set okay so I guess I can just go up this way but I just missed something like an absolute div a because the way I was going did not seem like the right way and it's too early for big shortcuts oh there was a hole right here God damn it oh froggy go bye-bye no need for climbing when they're gonna die oh it's so alive stop it [Music] look up there we go oh got Ruby there as well Ruby is very good for explosives I'll tell you that much I know oh oh God I lost my hammer oh what did I say I said a dirty word what did I say if I did I didn't even realize uh all right I must have do I have anything that's like I guess I'd have to make a um a uh a boulder okay destroy Keys material because that's not being used anymore [Music] there you go and that's taken me back to where I started oh piss off game damn you Russell okay that hasn't taken me anywhere so I'm guessing it's still up here where I would potentially need to go keep going further up look for any other shortcuts no there's literally nowhere else to go can't even go up so I have no idea where it wants me to go from here no idea maybe there's something this way no no no oh I'm on impasse chat I have no idea where I'm supposed to go from here can I go up that mountain I probably could I probably can make it [Music] I probably can make it I get up here I'm hoping that it's got enough vertical either let me stand get here foreign no this should be the way there oh lunch is almost ready oh good man yeah my cold resistance about to run out but I can always just take some more Peppers when I get to the top that should be absolutely fine this is a lot longer than the plateau from the original game can I eat food while on a mountain yes I can I should be at the top yes I am she's the game chat cheese the game all right I have a limited amount of time get as much peppers and food as I can before the elements take me away yep I'm gonna take your [Music] yeah because it that that has cold element ah there's the next rhyme did I Mark that one didn't mark that shrine how did I how did I do it there you go oh I did that's the yellow one oh all right then well that's disappointing the solar construction is only doing their duty to protect the garden okay that's fine that that wasn't needed tree branch uh probably gonna try and take them out [Music] um let's see where's the tree branch okay ow oh I just piece of another stick [Music] that was a bad idea [Music] wow stupid I'm gonna take that uh next time baby okay so let's see hold hold me in I'm sorry did you not like what I did there how about if I uh warm you up a little bit oh son of a [ __ ] okay hold hold can I put in uh okay that's all I wanted yeah that's too much they need that much old hold there you go [Music] there you go all good should be able to get to the top somehow I do need to get more arrows because I am absolutely boned at this point there's no there's no solution to get up there in a nice way hmm oh there's a there's a cave yeah I'll take the cave uh let's see I got ax yeah I'm gonna go to Soldier Reaper there's any of the food stuff to cover my health let's find out uh that does okay so it doesn't top up oh I've frozen let's go all right the guardian they're gonna fight the choo choos so that's cool oh babies now he's now got a fire head oh they're no longer ice elements uh okay interesting uh yeah we know we can fly but it didn't seem to have I didn't seem to oh yeah I could have used a fan but I need to attach it to something uh I'm gonna sort this guy out I don't have any um yeah I was left I do but it's gonna have to be there you go he's not immuneifier there you go okay that's that's not good uh [Music] that's getting awfully close to me and that's awfully killed him [Music] okay let's um not why I wanted but right [Music] that's what I confused a bow to the ax oh wait I've lost my shield as well aren't I pause okay oh that's already a club okay that's wonder why I couldn't fuse it you can't be toast without a bit of fire no you're right [Music] bottomless cave well that sounds like a good place to be bomb flower oh I don't think I want to fall to the bottom of the bomb this cave I do want that chest though is this a trap am I gonna fall to my death seems very trappy oh it's not [Music] oh there's a there's a frog all right I guess I'm I guess I'm shooting a frog healthy likes to blow up [Music] again a lot of those I wonder how you oh can I okay no that doesn't work has to be a hammer oh no it can be anything with just a week I can fly but I just didn't think about using that stuff but I don't think I had anything to attach it to anyway I don't think the trees would have been my God you ugly what are you yeah wow that's killed out with fire it spits thing out of its mouth when it did that uh okay that's not what I wanted to do either okay what do I ever have that's the strongest foreign that's not the strongest but oh is it dead will be now give me some good stuff oh yeah the chest inside of him can you put a fan on his back ah I guess technically you can if you um I guess technically you can if you put on The Shield let's try that but I don't think I'll be able to fly with it though so let's see drop oh I said sort rather than drop wood okay there's one then okay next the way you activate it is oh but that works it doesn't move me though it'll blow the enemy back but it won't do anything for me thank you bulbas uh this did nothing that did nothing there was no need for that there's not even a hole in the wall my cold resistance is almost gone but oh Bulls all right um oh that did it okay let's go for an ax come on again again show your little giblet your uvula oh instant death chat a fan on the shield and do Shield suck that's a good point that's a good point part I don't think about that but I didn't realize that thing would kill me I don't know how much life I had I think I had less than half and I should have really been focusing on that but then again less than half is two hits oh right no no it's probably in a good place actually like literally where I just was so that's fine um we literally got to a point of saying oh yeah let's use the uh fan and um no come back stay still no no no no no no no no no okay so if I oh okay so it wouldn't even let you do that be interesting to try it in the sky be very interested to see how that works I almost saw links undergarments then sorry chat not suitable for work am I right oh yeah still with us got this guy forgot about him go and look at me all right let's do the same thing again but not get killed all right excuse me a second mate [Music] uh okay so if I do this okay I need to get a smaller weapon [Music] oh that works oh that's that's actually really cool it says it'd be stupid trying to do that with the shield but then it's like well it'd be a bit stupid to do with the shield normally anyway guys give me some cool stuff flame emitter yes I have one of those like right on my person can I cook the mushroom oh I can cook the mush oh okay well I guess I'm cooking my food uh on the go oh yeah I forgot I'd Die the shrine is above me so I just need to get up there uh let's have some more peppered stuff yeah three minutes too fine well if I heat up the ground oh it does damage to it when using it oh thank you so I have to get to the top there excuse me sir is The Shield gone for good or is it just emitter okay it's the shield uh uh okay yep all right that did thank you all right so I can't climb that I see uh son of a [ __ ] so we need to get up there via other means have a look we'll see what we can find chat hmm all right let's try cheesing it chat uh let's take out two of these [ __ ] no I don't want a piece of anything thanks so I just want to uh grab it Flip It Forward put it there no grab you there you go now if I put you know I don't need to go next to the other fans but now I should be able to hopefully yeah I'll move myself closer just in case this is a this is an omen where is Luigi asking for a friend uh Luigi is not here okay so no stop it okay all right cold resistance is wearing off oh okay good so if I don't get that one shake it off shake it get off there you go and then I don't I don't remember how I just went last time I did this but I assume it went great sure all right uh oh yeah I should really eat food hmm so if I stand uh here oh come on game [Music] oh yeah that's what happened that time nothing nothing happened last time and didn't matter because I was facing the wrong Mountain anyway because of course I was okay so I'm climbing up the mountain probably need to is that an icy Mountain it is an icy Mountain okay hmm uh all right hmm oh hi I'm gonna attach you because obviously too heavy I'm gonna try a different method because you know this worked so well last time yeah I'm sure this is gonna be fine all right go uh I shouldn't have hit it with an ax should I chat whoops well all right all right well piss um okay what have I got to make this work there's a waterfall there but that's not gonna Help Me of anything just trying to what's up there because I'm can I actually climb can I climb one way to the top of tree and just jump on to that if I can that's gonna be frustrating foreign way no there's another way around this okay so if I get all right I think I got this chat Transformers oh yeah I know I'm running really bad on cold resistance I'm gonna take the eight minute one I know it's a lot of food this will work don't quote me on this chat but I think this might work hmm that one is a bit stupid take it off oh God there's one of those annoying ones there two the annoying ones I definitely have the hmm okay let's see this is going to do a lot of damage chat so I have to make sure I hit or else I die [Music] it was worth your stick is crooked I know how dare you look at my stick Russell foreign [Music] with my uh my log yeah I heard what I said use your logs on them yep this um I sort of I know it's so simple but I didn't even think about this so I'm a little bit impressed myself come on chat you have to be a little bit impressed with what I've just done there oh the shrine's right there so I don't even need to um well you can be here for when we they're really badly for me that works but there's a shrine here chat looks for me in the end and this is just this is what this area is supposed to be part this is just to introduce the mechanics I've not even gotten to the core game yet I'm not even onto the main map like the main map is not even like where I am at the moment is probably not even like a sixth of the main map or 748 whatever like this this area is stinky compared to the main game all right what's the new function I'm going to get here thank you you're really impressed on my big stick I know the other mechanic is one that I think enables you to rewind time I definitely this would rewind time one might be I don't know [Music] Ascend oh oh it lets you travel through directly what's above you um okay [Music] uh okay that's cool chat can it return a log to a tree uh no [Music] okay so I can go up so if I just go through this one oh I can cancel that interesting was there a chest there found a chess chat [Music] oh Stone ax new weapon right foreign seems to freeze oh crap um yeah let's do this oh they were weak extraordinarily so uh okay so what I'm gonna do for now is I'm going to go to my Shields and Destroy fuse material and actually see what wow it's like I'm almost playing it serious for a second um oh I was kind of hoping it increased the defensive Shield did it uh only a little bit I think I I think it increased it if it didn't that was a waste but oh so he gets destroyed the these foreign Ty descend them uh yeah yes you [Music] you kind of send enemies because um if you have a strong enough wind current they can go upwards yeah I'm going to swap for the uh wouldn't bow do I have a stick or anything okay yep let's make fine use of that bow and make a bow stick because that is what life is uh okay and yeah truck this not gonna lie chat I didn't expect it oh it went that way on purpose all right there's a lot of use mechanics in this game oh nope how'd I go [Music] time has to freeze or else it'll glitch foreign and that mechanic is a very useful mechanic that helped me get through to other areas but I just need to see from where I am where the last Shrine is because I don't believe that's all the shrines I'm going to skip I'm going to skip this because they say the same thing every time [Music] yep May the light of blessing yeah it's fine now I just need to find the last shrine I thought they'd have been like one in each corner but it looks like there's just three corners is there gonna be one directly in the middle that I'm not aware of or did I get them all [Music] um oh never mind chat got them all I need to get to that door now [Music] well when it doesn't rain it pause imagine if it was just iced oh God I'm dying [Laughter] was ice cold [Laughter] tits all right I'll try that again this time about the death all right so let's not go over to that one well oh it took away my logs organize my new power to go up through here yeah I'm not I'm not the biggest fan of most Zelda games it's just this one no not this one but breath of the Wild like I had to really get into breath of the world a little bit I had to like it had to grab me at a certain point but this one with the mechanics it sort of grabbed me a lot more easily that was a cold cold reception yes okay I've now got clothes that have now given me cold resistance so that's good could have done that a lot earlier game I love this swimming animation uh okay climb down is there anything up here uh let me guess if I move this rock here it's gonna be like the other game where you put it here peroxide just need to put down in a properly there you go [Music] oh yeah small Croc seeds thank you uh what they did in the previous game chat just for frame of reference if you gave them to a giant weird tree thing you also got a um like more weapon slots Shield slots and stuff like that and I'm seeing wings I don't mean chicken wings I mean uh I'm gonna go up here gonna dig uh I was kind of expecting a guy here to tell me oh [Music] uh I'm fine I know what a device device Spencer is that's fine so if I go um okay so I just have to grab yeah give me some stuff [Music] is under twice I can harness lift to ride the wind try bouncing in the center of the wing okay so hopefully this will really get me to the Temple of Time but it's much easier uh do I uh the hole where's your sword is you do have your sword you just have to get it back in breath of the wild you have to find the master sword again um where is Ganon he was in breath of the wild and I'm pretty sure uh Ganondorf is the main bad guy in this game I might be wrong but judging from what I've seen in trailers it looks like that's the case and a water temple no one missed a war Temple who you kidding pie um no I'm not I'm not gonna use it I'm gonna I'm gonna move it okay so if I aim it this way jump on it can I can I what can I do uh I'm guessing I need yeah I'm probably doing it wrong here uh drop two and then as soon as I do the temple that's where I'm Gonna Leave the uh touring for today uh can I put it on top like this and just flip it over no let's hope this works Jack because otherwise this is gonna be another painful death it's about equal foreign [Laughter] [Music] yeah this feels like it's not the same Zelda even Twilight Princess are still recognizing what is related to Ocarina of Time I get that I completely do um this still has a lot of the Zelda tropes it's just done a lot it included so many survival mechanics to identify it as a like a different type of game there were people that were displeased by it but there are also people that loved it if that makes sense um I think a lot more people loved it then hated it if it might not be classic Zelda but it's been a long time I think the last Zelda before um breath of the wild to come out with Skyward Sword and that one wasn't the best I might be missing a Zelda in between there so I apologize I got that wrong chat okay so let's uh yeah you're right they did say that but I just completely ignored it didn't I you're absolutely right he did say that but I ignored it because it is me there you go that should be enough oh come on don't do this game please don't get me killed okay stop can I push you anymore hmm no you don't no you don't so much engineering for the Zelda game yep maybe I was just put on the actual other side of it like I feel like I've got the Rings in the wrong location like maybe if I put it there because it feels like I'm yeah that feels like the more correct way to do it huh it's Maybe hmm what if I attach one to the bottom of it as well as I stay on it long enough that's what it matters oh there goes my ride chat oh wait duh I know what I'm doing wrong so if I do this that should do it I'm I'm assuming that crap I should really look at designs there was some in the trailer but I was not paying attention to them [Music] maybe I should put one on the back I don't know a bit further back seems weird I know I'm not doing it right that's a that's a absolute fact I feel like more than one fan uses way too many batteries so it's trying to get that balance by the way ignore that Dragon over there in the sky not for any reason just secure it it's just dragon in it let's see what this uh ghost guy says uh yeah if you can Master devices it'll be much easier no [ __ ] okay foreign the way it looks is it especially like a Runway almost it does doesn't it uh you know what that's that's just oh if I attach it like this way to the wing yeah I know you're not gonna balance that way but let's see okay that's not gonna work get off well if I just attach one to the back would that be best gonna forget you off if I get you off oh uh what please oh [Applause] to the temple there you go okay yes I have to maintain cause and altitude and not die fine did it look Breezy chat is all Breezy nothing went wrong [Music] see and there we are foreign good I need to get more batteries so I can attach and do more stuff you can actually make mechs and stuff like on a game like battle Max almost like BattleBots so that'd be interesting to see there you go got to the door all right this should be it chat this will probably be your last cutscene that will then open up the world and then I'll probably be ending the stream there your princess is in another Castle link yep that definitely needs Zelda that's a that's an embryo okay no she's in spirit form there'd be Nintendo princess gets sick of being captured all the time did I say Disney princess I meant Nintendo princess some reason I think I said Disney I meant Nintendo okay I don't know what's I think there's one other powers just to get but I don't think there's a shrine for it he just told me to go here so I believe that's all of them I did say Nintendo thank you Christy I think this is the power to rewind time it's weird how much trailers spoil for you when showing off their main mechanics the pre-recorded message is Zelda will exploding five four three okay she didn't actually say anything at all why is my hand wet where did he put his hand okay hmm it's a reflection of herself like it almost like a hologram fair enough uh don't I go okay I'm guessing I'm a oh I guess I'm not doing that oh there's stairs here because I'm a div so if I go new power nope don't want to rewind just yet oh jump on it then rewind oh piss yes I'm too greedy rewind please thank you thank you come on hurry up I can use it again straight away there's no cooldown that's cool oh bows round two okay nope not yet there we go alrighty here we go sexy wet elf hand um got a statue Smiles upon you okay [Music] punch it ow ow ow ow ow I'm not strong enough but yet I know what's gonna happen um chocolate salty balls Spanx chef hmm there's another Shrine I'm not being made aware of is there [Music] okay make me travel back to where I just came from come on let's go I am enjoying it I just want to uh get down to the nitty-gritty of uh the big ass travel because once I get past this major cutscene I am going to be playing it a bit off stream 200 plus one hearts I'll be playing it a bit off stream as well as well can I just okay here we go it's gonna practice me all the way let's go exit back we go okay on that side there we go yeah you can stop now it'll probably be another frog guy in here as well oh that's the last shrine where's frog where's froggy McGee oh this is that chest no you're a guy to talk to I don't want to talk to you [Music] okay [Music] okay yeah so they can't do what they want to so I have to come back here for when I want to get more stuff that's fine the last Shrine what power is it gonna give me so do we have a sexy Earth giant fairy queen is fair in Zelda oh yeah even more so gigantic Queen like like huge uh yeah I I would highly recommend pie type in breath of the wild um yeah attack on breath of the wild uh fairy queen and see what pops up no not yet now [Music] [Music] okay this is quite fun this old mechanic uh yeah type it in you get what what a big ass Queen foreign what's the deal here okay no no it's not gonna work to the exact right time [Music] yeah you still get the fairy Queens in this uh Emperor was in um oh I don't know was imprint breath of the wild I don't I remember being in Hyrule Warriors like age of Calamity but I don't remember in forever I might be wrong [Music] now that statue lady should be able to give me hearts which means with those hearts I'll get more life with that more life I can then open those doors can I now teleport back there yes uh by the way uh pie Russell Christy whoever's in chat is the audio and visuals in sync because I had an issued out of Dead Island last time and I want to make sure that's all fixed it sounds like it has been all fixed and I just want to make sure as far as you look and tell it's all been fixed as well foreign [Music] did not kill me so that was good to know hmm looks and sounds good thanks Christy you're gonna go do dishes and just in case you miss out on outro uh thanks for the stream it has been fun yeah very fun see it's all good as well Russell thank you oh oh I drowned because I wasn't paying attention oh damn that sounds like a life muncher I drowned because I wasn't paying attention foreign [Music] okay time for my arch nemesis again no more physics platforming give me some [ __ ] I mean stuff oops [Music] yep so every time you collect enough of those uh Shining Light things from the shrines you can give up your blessings and um get more health or more stamina as permanent upgrades so the more you explore in this game the more stuff you do everything benefits you It's like got RPG mechanics without having RPG stats which is quite nice but that should be enough push [Music] and that's how you got the Hyrule sword in breath of the wild because um you needed enough Hearts to be able to put it out to Stone and if you didn't you'd have to go do more shrines or do more uh exploration oh hey we're hand Buddies good I see you have managed to open the door you haven't fully recovered yet but that is to be expected they were almost Beyond saving by visiting the shrines and receiving Their Blessings you have mitigated some of the corruption's effects though our time together has been brief so happy that we finally met who are exactly Zelda said oh I've done everything I can for her nah not everything you could have saved up [Music] your ears are huge [Music] this will be my last words to do buddy [Music] my shield looks dumb [Music] all right [Music] well [Music] here we go chat I think this will be the uh [Music] give me something good oh the sword's glowing again [Music] foreign [Music] turning back time before it died the sword [Music] what how far back in time is this oh wow [Music] that necklace is the same as the symbol we saw [Music] okay so I can imagine she's going to do the same and return it to us no master sword for now guys oh my shoulder's killing the Dragon [Music] go to the lands below [Music] all this everywhere you see in terms of mountain and Land Ocean you can go to everywhere there you go there's Hyrule Castle well there's the um little one you must find me okay I don't think that's the castle I think that's uh somewhere else but I guess I'm doing this everywhere you see chat and go to don't know what most these symbols mean not a clue but that's what the exploring and everything is going to be we will find out yeah that was almost too shallow I think I would have died [Music] so we've got the towers to go to to reveal areas of the map got the shrines that's the main big bad castle and yeah a lot of places covered in red horrible red fog the evil mist I guess that means more exploring for later wow for now chat I bet ye A Farewell thank you very much for joining me on this little journey I'm gonna make sure to save before I turn it off and get some food so yeah thank you for everyone being here Christy Russell pie flippers for liking Minnie for jumping in at literally I've been wondering everyone that's jumped in sorry it's been a long time since I looked at Star chat but thank you thank you for all dropping in please make sure to uh like on the way out that does help me a lot and yeah if you enjoyed the content Please Subscribe thank you everyone for being here you take care bye-bye
Channel: KingToast
Views: 5,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0kDieaoKmes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 50sec (12290 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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