The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's dungeon design | Boss Keys
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Channel: Game Maker's Toolkit
Views: 672,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6LO8Z1DkDqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2016
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Awesome watch. I've played this game since I was a 10 year old kid, then as a young adult spent hours speedrunning it to achieve records, and spent 300 more hours playing it on the 3DS remake, but have never cognitively broken down exactly what the levels allow you to do as you get the items and how that teaches you how to play, perhaps just because it's felt like the back of my hand since I was very young. Thanks for posting.
This brings back so many memories! Lovely review, and the soundtrack is always so remarkable.
I distinctively remember that me, my brother and a cousin played this game for 24 hours straight until we beat it. We didn't know where the fire arrow was, so we had to improvise and use flames to activate some torches in the Desert Temple. Surprisingly enough, you can still beat the game without getting the Fire Arrow at all! It took a lot of effort, but we didn't and I'll always be proud of 13-year-old me for that.
One thing brought up here I really enjoy is the discussion on The Water Temple. People get frustrated by it because it's a dungeon that actually bothers to challenge the player beyond going from one room to the next. I wish that more zelda dungeons were like it.
Loved OOT. Played it again recently on my phone and although it was harder playing through the emulator I managed to 100% it. The nostalgia was unreal while playing through it. Now looking for a Master Quest rom. I can only imagine how hard it'll be on the phone. May God have mercy.