The Layers Of Act I Explained (ULTRAKILL Lore)

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the layers of hell and Ultra kill each have their own characteristics a person's soul is banished to one of these nine layers of Hell depending on the sin they have committed most layers have their own unique punishment with that punishment becoming more vile and gruesome the deeper the layer in this video we will discuss the first three layers their correlating sin and Punishment limbo is the first layer of Hell known to be a false Paradise that imprisons The Souls of those who've died without knowing the word of God the souls damn to this Lair did not commit any sin allowing them to spin their Eternal damnation without any form of physical punishment however in this false Paradise Everything Is Not What It appears to be the trees and grass are artificial the walls are mere projections the water is a hologram in the sounds of wildlife are just placed in speakers The Souls of limbo are not forced to endure a physical punishment but one could argue their punishment is psychological knowing they're forever trapped in a false Paradise wishing they accepted the grace of God or perhaps they were unfortunate enough to die never even knowing the grace of God an example of this psychological torture taking its toll can be found in 1-4 here a skeleton can be found praying to a stained glass painting of Gabrielle where the words forgive me are Written in Blood just below a book found in a close by room sheds light onto what happened in this area my mind is adrift with eternal torments lurid Vistas painted in Insidious tones Hollow walls that screamed to the touch a mocking song plays at all hours even the songs of birds are fake all reminders of mine during damnation Gabrielle my dearest friend in Endless Penance I have awaited your Embrace into heaven I have been so faithful accepting of my fate but to what end what punishment is this that I am to Bear the keys to my own Doom with no hope of salvation these skulls sneer their devilish grins voices chattering tempting me to take the plunge deeper into hell I won't do it I've hidden them away amongst the Furnishings books in the very foundations of this accursed place forgive me Gabrielle through isolation and loneliness this person was driven to insanity and an about of Rage they decided to strike a mirror where they cut their hand and soon bled out any Soul guilty of sin must cross a bridge into the second layer of hell where they will face judgment by King Minos determining the lair they will spin the rest of Eternity those sentenced to the second layer of Hell the lust layer have committed the sin of lust which is intense desire for sexual pleasure here the souls are forced to endure an endless violent storm that never allows them to rest when V1 arrives at the lust layer it is after the lust Renaissance was ended by Gabrielle resulting in a deserted City in the corpse of King Minos the Grand City King Minos and his followers built was designed to protect them against those violent storms of the lust lair using extra tall walls and electric powered force fields to protect them from the storm and also allow them to live comfortably with the city being powered by Massive turbines and even a hydroelectric plant the lust layer is the first layer we come across that has its own King whom the residents of this Lair loved dearly for the benevolence he showed them but now because of Gabrielle this once beloved King is nothing more than a parasite-controlled corpse destroying the Grand City who worked so hard to build oh give me my children for I have failed to bring you salvation from this cold Dark World gluttony is reserved for the souls you have over indulged in consuming resources the souls damn to this layer are forced to be consumed and digested themselves for eternity the layer itself is made entirely out of Flesh bone and a variety of other anatomy and appears to be some type of incomprehensible living system that Echoes with a song like hum one could only imagine the grotesque stench that fills the air from the bodies being slowly digested these are the characteristics and punishments of the first three layers of Hell in Ultra kill in the next video of this series we will be covering Act 2 of ultra kill [Music] Ed [Music]
Channel: Chroma Prime
Views: 26,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chromasky, ultrakill, lore, mythology, hell, limbo, lust, gluttony
Id: aKNCd_hFvxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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