The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 8 'When We Are in Need' First Time Watching! TV Reaction!!

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[Music] thank you hey everyone welcome back to the channel my name is TBR Schmidt this is my wife Samantha hello and today we are watching episode 8 of The Last of Us what'd you think of the last episode of The Last of Us feels like so long it definitely since we've seen the last episode yeah I mean so technically we're a day behind today's Saturday whereas this would have gone up on Friday but even then we've been one week behind anyways so the show's been over for a little while I know certain things but I think you've been able to avoid anything I know nothing good and I haven't told you anything it was maybe two episodes ago that I kind of surpassed what I know from the video game so I thought I was way closer to the end than I probably was but I still know certain spoilers for the ending of this as well as certain things for the future of the story but that still means that there's a good amount that I'm unfamiliar with I don't know how we get from one point to the the other even if I know what those points are so I'm really looking forward to seeing how this wraps up I think this has been an excellent show so far and where we left off last time I think Ellie was like stitching Joel up yeah I mean Joel did not look good but I think he had like that little bit of hope that he told Ellie to go back and she stayed with him and now she's trying to help him she's sewing him up so I'm hoping that that's like enough for him to like at least be able to make it to whatever the next step is for them right um but I don't know what that is so I'm nervous for Joel I'm super excited to see you see how this plays out so as much as I'm excited to watch this myself I'm equally if not more excited just to see you because you truly don't know what the hell is happening next no so I can't wait ah I'm excited so if you'd like to see the full length reaction of this as well as everything else that we've reacted to the link to our patreon is in the description if you like to interact with us on our twitch and Instagram or Twitter all those links are in the description as well and with that let's get into the episode also with that we are still very much sick so we apologize for coughing or nasally voices whatever the sickness may be it's been a while and we're still not over it so hopefully soon but we're powering through I think they're probably tired of us saying this at the beginning of every video yeah we sound horrible [Music] was that the United States oh I don't know I only pay attention to this head so I'll have to look at the next intro probably like whole articles about the little Easter eggs in the intro Revelation 21 and I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth doesn't sound like Joel or Tommy huh new group of people who can we bury him oh yeah it was a funeral the ground is too cold to dig we'll bury your father in the spring a lot of people and it doesn't look like they have like a cordoned off no it's not it's not like gated or anything yeah oh [ __ ] that's um that his name's Troy Baker he's the voice of Joel in the video game oh maybe a week two the best two weeks two weeks of food I sense doubt in there they hadn't lost faith in you David you're just scared not from them ah I need to know you're with me yeah it's cool that he's in this oh you thirsty he's trying [Music] yeah they need food too he taught her how to shoot a little bit she needs to find something to shoot I wonder if they're nearby to that church yeah it's like the church town area oh is this overkill for a bunny oh starving oh I just meant it would just like explode the bunny and not be able to be eaten uh oh that sounds like a like a clicker oh [ __ ] that sounded like a clicker though right oh man oh I think she got it but yeah not enough to kill it [Music] damn Ellie well what do you think whoa they got one too I don't see anybody oh they found hers quickly whoever shot it's probably nearby don't drop your rifles actually trying to sound deeper oh no that's just her any sudden moves I put one right between your eyes we're from a larger group and we're all very very hungry I'm from a large group too all so hungry you can't drag this back on your own oh damn what do you need we have boots medicine oh look in our village you're welcome to follow us I'm not following you anywhere anyone else shows up I put one right now bring back two bottles and a syringe it's not code James do as I said ten steps back keep going Ellie's doing great so far she's pretty lucky that only the two of them came out that's why you're out here on your own look at that taking out the bullets I have some oil and matches in my pack we could take shelter bring him with us it's a lot of food you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own from where I'm sitting you shouldn't be out here on your own there's room for you in our group you're inviting me to your hunger Club it's true we're hungry but we're still here yeah I made it this far it wasn't my choice weird cult thing pretty standard bible stuff the whole world ended and you still believe that [ __ ] I actually started believing after the world ended so you went from teacher to preacher because what it [ __ ] rhymes only a look had to run out sooner or later I believe everything happens for a reason I can prove it to you okay let's have four of our people to a nearby Town only three of them came back and the one that didn't was a father oh [ __ ] he was murdered by this crazy man oh that crazy man was traveling with a little girl oh [ __ ] [ __ ] see everything happens for a reason James lower the gun she didn't kill anybody lower the gun oh [ __ ] man so those are the four people at the university did you bring the medicine yeah throw it to her back away but those guys they jumped on Joel he won't survive for long out there they attacked first I can protect you but now they're gonna know yeah they close behind I have no idea how much to give this job yeah where do you put it Joe where the [ __ ] do I put this right in it little G she did good yeah no I mean she got a deer and traded it for medicine not exactly what she was trying to do but likely it will save Joel I'm sure she's like now like okay we gotta get you better so we can move yeah we gotta get out of here so sad bunch of deer it's a ton of food I mean there's a ton of people but what is it venison oh that wasn't even the oh so what the [ __ ] was that then he said venison but clearly not people not happy that they just got a deer yes we found a girl who was with the man who took Alec from us oh when the Sun rises I'll lead a group out to pick up her Trail we bring that man to Justice you should kill both of them he attacks first whoa this is a preacher man break them down and bring them back up I guess I know you think you don't have a father anymore but the truth is Hannah you will always have a father the Lord respect when he's speaking all right true colors are coming out and they're not eating venison yeah are they eating people they might be eating her dad because I don't know how they're gonna keep him until spring I think he's already cooked bless us with Christ The Living bread damn these people are gonna freak if they find out they're eating their own oh just devouring him oh he knows [Music] she's literally eating her dad Hey look a little better it doesn't sound like he's wincing less sweaty right doesn't look as red yeah just give them all of it and she keeps having to use the same syringe definitely not good but at least the syringe is putting in antibiotics I mean they're coming now oh motion back inside yeah don't go towards it damn there's your party is this man's not already dead he's dangerous about the girl we bring her back with us once we're alive it's just another mouth if we leave her out here she'll die yeah maybe that's God's will he does not like being questioned to wake up yo wake the [ __ ] up half awake and she just wrap him up and pretend he's dead anybody makes it down here you [ __ ] killed them you got it don't you not fall asleep them away [Music] trying to move this is so much noise [Music] oh well she definitely caused uh some chaos damn took out the horse do it it's gonna be pissed two of you with me drag the horse I guess horse meat you so hungry for vengeance deliver it damn can two guys drag a horse I just don't really know what his like deal is with wanting to take Ellie back with them because I really don't think that he cares if she dies out there he's like half righteous half not so I'm assuming she covered up the door to the basement yeah the house oh [ __ ] hi Joel oh God he moved oh it right in the back of the neck oh my God that was so brutal I had to have taken like all of his strengths oh yeah he can barely move oh I'm glad they were only going into each house one at a time I'm glad Ellie gave him a knife to begin with well that's certainly the goal hungry don't eat the others they want me to kill you for all that's happened but I stopped them [ __ ] you [ __ ] you why don't we just start with your name let me protect you I'm not on my own you gotta face reality that part of your life it's ending this guy's so creepy I mean as far as she knows Joel was still unable to move sound like a body falling oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] got some strength back where's Ally leave him alone oh you're next oh [ __ ] oh you focused right now wrap up your [ __ ] kneecap off ah the town what town oh geez it's a resort a resort oh my God I went to where we are and where your Resort is [ __ ] did you do that he told you what you wanted so he's useless now I ain't telling you [ __ ] okay no I believe him no oh my God they took his Ellie what'd she see don't eat that oh it is him it just watched it this is just dear meat I swear what you're gonna chop me up into little pieces please just tell me your name just Jane [Music] there are only a few of us that know but I would have told you uh-huh it was a last resort you think it doesn't shame me maybe give them the option yeah to a vote didn't he take another man's life to save yours he was defending himself he got attacked you know what I see when I look at you me you don't know anything about me if I let you out of that cage right now you just took me in a second yes you have a violent heart I've always had a violent heart as a math teacher but then the world ended and I was showing the truth my cordyceps feeds and protects its children with violence if it must so you're taking inspiration from the infected they need God they need a father you don't all I want is an equal a friend what about my friend they'll spare him really if he leaves us in peace they will just let him go he's not leaving anyone in peace think of what we could do together we'd make this place perfect imagine the life we could build okay oh [ __ ] almost got the keys Ellie is a little girl who broke her [ __ ] [ __ ] tiny little pieces damn Ellie so that's why he wanted her alive because he wanted her specifically yeah a freaking creep oh the horse probably exactly yeah it might be Ellie's bag oh how many people have they been eating I thought it was just the one guy in desperation oh damn Ellie you had your chance so smart I'm sorry are you roll up my sleeve look at it oh [ __ ] anything happens for a reason you're right dang no she would have turned by now he's gone sorry old Joel oh what a weapon oh I don't know if you're ready to fight fires there's no way out Ellie the doors are locked and I have the keys that is going up quick yeah you don't have much time oh what if you'll see the smoke yeah so Snowy out there though no one infected fights this hard to stay alive what's the secret or are you just that [ __ ] special yeah kinda you don't know what I could have given you I'm going to keep you and I'm going to teach you [ __ ] this guy oh oh got him get it we faster than that Ellie the fighting is a part I like the most Jesus yes [Applause] oh my God that was insane [Music] okay it's okay baby girl jeez all right that was episode 8 of The Last of Us what'd you think holy [ __ ] like what the hell did we just watch that was so traumatizing for Ellie I don't I don't even know like I don't even know that's a real rough episode obviously you know we primarily focus on Ellie being by herself and alone you know hunting and stitching up Joel dealing with these two guys and you know making the trade or the medicine even though we get this crazy reveal that the four guys at the University who absolutely attacked Joel without any sort of instigation or anything that one of them was the father that they supposedly had like a funeral for at the beginning so like there's already this massive tension between Joel Ellie and this new group of people and Ellie's just trying to navigate all of this on her own trying to get them to follow her and moving bookshelves to try to give Joel just enough time for the penicillin to kick in and arming him before she leaves like this was such a an Ellie episode even with her interactions with what were their names again James and like David or something like that I think so I'll just go with James and David for now but um one of them I think James uh was Troy Baker so interesting to see him play a bad cannibal guy but um you know I mean Ellie was just so like strong and tough to get through as much as she did even to fight off the two guys at the end and like the whole trick of like telling them that she's infected just to buy enough time for her to kill James and get out of there like all of this was just spectacular for Ellie for her ability to like survive but my God was that traumatizing for her yeah I mean I feel like we have to remember every time we go into this series and were like in the mindset of just Ellie and she doesn't know anything outside of this world so as much as she's had like a good amount of experience and stuff in the last couple of months with Joel like she's had Joel this entire time other than that she was in the qz yeah there's uh I mean she was going to school yeah you know like there's still some sort of like relatively safe like Comfort or something of at least the qz that they were in to a certain degree obviously we saw like explosions and Firefly and stuff but compared to you know the world outside it goes back to that conversation of like like a microphone like a radio or something like that and the guy was like are you sure you want to go out there there's worse things than infected well Ellie's experiencing the worst and affected part all on her own right and we've talked about this I think probably at the get when we started this show that I did or zombie or whatever type of shows or movies we referred back to like 28 Days Later Walking Dead like it's always the other people that are the biggest issue here yeah it's like what do people become once everything else is Stripped Away right like this is the worst of people it's gonna bring out the worst in them and it brought out the worst in this guy who clearly is a violent pedophile who was hiding for all of his life as a teacher of people Ellie's age and the world collapses and he finally gets to be himself and sees the light and it's not God it's cordyceps and infected and violence it's just a nightmare world and this was a rough episode to see Ellie go through it alone as great as she did I mean she saves herself but that face of Ellie Bella Ramsay amazing the last minute of this episode was so insanely powerful with her just hacking this guy to bits and it just focusing solely on her face and her screaming like and with every emotion like Terror and anger hatred like everything was on her face and then when she like walked out and Joel kind of grabbed her and she's still kind of like fighting back even when she like sees Joel's face she's still kind of like in her head gives him like a few more like hits and stuff and then you can just kind of like see this like light almost like this relief I mean it was still very very sad and traumatic but like just for her to be in Joel's arms again and then for Joel to just be like I got you baby girl or something like like me I think both of us cried right there in the last like 30 seconds of this episode the entire episode was fantastic but that last couple of minutes yeah was incredible I mean this show is so good but I mean Bella Ramsay holy hell like this entire episode she was fantastic I mean Ellie is just like such a badass and you know she continues to be herself like there was no no faking any of it but every conversation that they have and she's just like [ __ ] you like well even the one where she was faking it when she like slowly starts to like touch his hand I mean you were immediately like oh what's she gonna do yeah you weren't like oh like is she like going with this like you knew no she's gonna [ __ ] this guy up yeah I mean you know her yeah and going back to I mean you touched on it already but in the beginning first she's just out there she's just hunting she's doing everything that she can to save Joel her best attempt to save him is arm him and to cover up that door yeah and just throughout the entire episode like she's just every step that she's taking so calculated so smart it's like it was just so impressive to watch her I mean she was always very smart and impressive and stuff even like that one good qz principal guy recognized in her like her ability to be a leader it's crazy that like you can have the same thing said to you but who it's from matters so much because the creepy David I think that's his name guy was like I see you as a great leader but it's like whoa what the [ __ ] you creep and then the principal guy can say the same thing of like oh you're a leader and stuff it's like oh yeah she is like a leader but Ellie has had this potential but you also can see how much she's just learned from Joel on this journey and she you know put everything to her knowledge into effect this episode traumatic and beautiful in terms of reunion and stressful it was also like very clever on a lot of reveals obviously the reveal when he's like at the fire and he's telling Ellie the story of how this person died and stuff and how it connects and just like the realization on Ellie's face and yeah how everything just kind of shifted that was fantastic this reveal of you know bringing in the food but it's right after the scene where they got the deer so you're like oh they got the deer but then the next scene is then coming back to town with the deer and it's like wait a second they didn't yeah what are they eating yeah what are they eating because the deer's right there and it's untouched the reveal with like the ear underneath like the Butcher Block Ellie's just like shock yeah at least you're shock of like seeing that and realizing that these people are disgusting obviously the reveal of kind of what David really feels and how he views the world and he's using religion as his prop for everyone else but he doesn't give a [ __ ] about that there was just so much I mean the whole infection scare and stuff that saved Ellie I mean there has to have been like half a dozen or more like shocking moments in this episode yeah I mean the writing in this was just fantastic I mean you can speak on it since I don't know I don't know how close this is to the game I don't know this of the game okay so you're done at this point there's still more that I know that is yet to happen we haven't played it but I haven't played it but as far as this episode I don't even know any of this I do remember seeing like a scene on like social media or something of the video game of like Ellie hacking someone up I didn't realize that was from the first game I thought that was maybe from the second game but I had no idea about this whole cannibal storyline or this other group of people right so this was a genuine shock I never knew that Joel was like injured again or anything like that so I definitely have not gotten to that part but I assume it's probably very faithful I mean the rest of the show has been there has been a couple of Divergent storylines but that hasn't affected the main storyline it's more of just additional storytelling and everything else has been very faithful yeah so this was just incredible and I think you learn how badass Ellie is and how much she has grown but you see a side that I think you're shocked to a certain degree to see for Joel yeah I don't know if I would say shocked I think my shock Factor came from strength okay to do that yeah Joel's always been a badass and really it comes down to his love for Ellie yeah it's like that father-daughter parent strength I know they it's usually like they say like Mom strength I'm sure there's Dad strength too yeah so just like parent strength and that nothing is gonna get between you and your kid and just knowing that she was in danger I mean the moment that he saw the blood on the ground um and he had to go in there obviously was the horse but then to see the bodies up like he is in full-blown panic mode obviously prior to that all he wanted to do was find her but holy crap like that whole scene where he's just like torturing those two guys which it wasn't even like torture because it was so fast oh he tortured the first guy for a little bit damn like he will literally I mean both of them they'll do anything for each other and it's incredible to watch this relationship grow yeah I think that was so spectacular of an episode I mean so many just memorable moments and my God I mean this is uh I guess the penultimate episode we only have one left and I think it's a relatively Short episode this was uh crazy cap for like how we got here like this whole idea of like everything happens for a reason the fact that it's essentially started with Joel getting stabbed with like a baseball bat yeah and it goes down this crazy path of Ellie having to fend for herself against this cannibal tribe who what the hell is going to happen with that that was another crazy reveal is that okay obviously cannibalism terrible but you have like that one story I think it's a true story of like a plane going down in the mountains and it was like a soccer team or something like that and they had to like eventually eat some of the people who had already died on the plane crash you've never heard that story it's a real story and they have a movie about it but obviously that's like a situation where it's like are you going to just die or eat the people who are already dead so it's like for this the guy died they didn't kill him they're running out of food their star there's some sort of justification for them to be like what are we supposed to do just die or eat this one guy who already passed crazy no but what what the crazy reveal is is that when Joel goes into the barn and you see three dead bodies hung up where the [ __ ] those people come from that's what I was thinking like the dad and he didn't die at any of their right they didn't kill somebody to eat them on purpose but then when you see those other bodies it's like no they've been killing people to eat them on purpose for a while right and there's like a very tiny limited group of people there that know what they're doing which is also crazy the fact that they've been killing people eating them for a while and the fact that only a few of them know even just like that scene once we do really know what's going on and everyone's just like chowing down and they really highlight it and then they show the girl like Highlands like that's your dad most likely that you're eating that was another crazy reveal I forgot where my point was before that but uh this episode was just spectacular it had everything in it and this must have been crazy to play in the game if it was in the game definitely in my top episodes that we've seen on the show so far I don't think I can pick a favorite yet but it's up there I would say top three and I think it obviously shows I mean I would say that this episode does a very good job showing like the bleakness and violence of this world but honestly every episode has done that because I don't know if there's a show that exists that introduces more people at the beginning of an episode just to have them get killed at the end most of the time there are people that you fall in love with throughout the course of this episode and then they die at the end it's like Jesus Christ again uh this one was an introduction to a bunch of disgusting people even though I guess a lot of those people don't even realize that they are disgusting people yeah I mean I don't a lot of people don't know that they are cannibals are they gonna like put out this fire and find a bunch of dead bodies that were butchered up and stuff and put it together or something I don't know or all of these people they're just gonna collapse and eventually starve and die and turn into infected for something like that right but yeah so I was gonna say that this episode really showed how devastating this world is but you could say the same thing for pretty much every episode of The Last of Us yeah I would say definitely the darkest in terms of bringing in new people um we've seen little highlights of it here and there but this was just a whole other level so I'm super excited there's only one episode left I do know certain events that are likely to play out and uh I can't wait to see your thoughts and opinions of that I'm not ready after this episode so if you'd like to see the full-length reaction for this as well as everything else that we've reacted to the link to our patreon is in the description if you'd like to interact with us on any other types of social media all those links are in the description as well and with that peace everyone bye bye
Channel: TBR Schmitt
Views: 23,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movie reaction, film, tv, first time watching, first, time, watching, reaction, movie commentary, tv commentary, movie review, tv review, movie discussion, tv discussion, tv reaction, Samantha Schmitt, Daniel Schmitt, The Schmitts, last of us, the last of us, the last of us reaction, the last of us tv, the last of us tv reaction, hbo, Bella Ramsey, ellie, joel, Pedro Pascal, Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, Craig Mazin, Neil Druckmann, naughty dog, the last of us 1x8, hbo max
Id: rWhzp7O967M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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