The Last of Us Episode 8 Recap Breakdown Review

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[Music] foreign [Music] this is my good friend sometimes lovers sometimes hug her sometimes snuggler that Frank the hello tie hello Ty Ty this might be the best goddamn episode of the Season as I said last time this is my favorite piece of the game and I loved it I thought they did a great job with it and I still feel the way I felt after the last episode that I wish they had given this chunk two episodes rather than just one so the game I have all of these storytelling elements in it it had it actually had quite a bit more Jesus Christ yeah we've came a long way since Mario Brothers yeah yeah so they they added a couple of little elements to um to David to flesh him out a little bit the the preacher um they did add some stuff for him in the show that I thought was that I thought was good I I liked that they added it uh but so in the game I mean obviously this is this is not a podcast about the game this podcast about the show but to set up my comment in the game what happens is Joel gets hurt and everybody knows spoilers yeah spoilers for everything spoilers for the game spoilers for the show spoilers for what's in West's Underpants all of it hopefully it's not stinky [Laughter] but in the game what happens is Joel gets hurt and it's I mentioned this last time he gets hurt and it's the fall and then when we cut back to them it's the winter so we know months have passed and there's snow on the ground so when we come back to him he's recovering but he's been in recovery for at least weeks and maybe months and Ellie is out hunting uh for food just like she does in the show so she goes out and she hunts and the same thing that happens in the show happens in the game where she runs into the David and the other guy oh by the way the other guy is the guy who is the voice of Joel from the game she says go get me some penicillin and I'll give you the meat just just like in the show and so all of that stuff is the same now where it diverges and this is this is the point of getting to is while the other guy is gone Ellie and David have a conversation and while they're having that conversation they're hanging out in that sort of like Factory warehouse thing that they take shelter in and it turns out that there's infected in there and infected start attacking them and so that so you wind up you're playing Ellie during this you wind up cooperating with David to defeat the infected that attack and so you get much more a sense of like being on his team and you guys you guys protect each other you save each other's lives multiple times during that sequence and so it really builds up this connection between it too anyway so you get this much more it's much more connected thing and then when when they track Ellie back to her hideout with Joel like like it happens in the show there's a much more extended sequence of her escaping on the horse and trying to draw them away from Joel and when she gets captured now once she gets captured and she's in that freezer and breaks out and has to fight David in that burning restaurant that is very s that is very much like the game that that whole sequence is very much like the game the piece that they've cut out which I think was a smart move so there's another gameplay piece where Joel wakes up you have the sequence where he kills the guys who are coming after him and that he goes through the town to find where Ellie is which is much more of a gameplay sequence where he's actually fighting people in the town and a bunch of that and they cut almost all of that out which I think was the right thing to do but the pieces that I missed the piece because getting to play as Ellie was such a big deal in the game and really gave you much more of a connection to her and and her survivability and and much more built up that sequence at the end where she has to fight David all by herself now all of this was great and let's we'll go through the whole episode and stuff so I'm not you know I'm not bagging on the episode the only thing I wish is that we had done the first half of the story in one episode and the second half of the story in a second episode like if if we had done the story if we had Ellie and David fight against them infected together and then the end of the first episode is her taking off on the horse and them going after her trying to draw Joel away and then the next episode was all the stuff with Joel in the you know in in his recovery and her evading the guys and then eventually getting captured and all that stuff I I I would have preferred that but the episode we did get is [ __ ] great like I know we'll go back from the beginning go from the episode but I just want to say in the game when they are when her and David are fighting zombies does he gain her like trust because she's sitting there with a gun on him yeah and then yeah they they wind up having to trust each other and so that's kind of so yeah and because in the episode it was more it was more his skill at manipulation to kind of get in there yeah this was extremely well written well directed and extremely well acted every moment had tension had mystery you didn't know what was going to happen next there was a constant reversals and then the reversals when you look at it you're like oh yeah it was there all along yeah it was fantastic this was my favorite episode of the season and and I knew and I knew it would be because I've been saying from almost the beginning of us doing this podcast we're coming up to my favorite part of the game I I knew this would be a great episode I knew this would be one of your favorites because when you're playing the game this is one of the best parts so my question is and what I was going to say to you is because it's so good and it's so well done that so story point from story point and all sequences are saying the same as the game no well I mean no it's not exactly the same but it is I would say 80 and what if I got to play this [ __ ] game it is as I have said multiple times it is the best written game I've ever played it's the game that most felt like playing through a movie or playing through a TV show right it's incredibly well written which is why when when I saw that they were making the show and I saw that Neil druckman had been part of the writing team on the show I was not surprised at all because my reaction to that was yeah he's a [ __ ] great writer I'm glad they included him right yeah you know when we start off uh on this Barren landscape it's like the uh the winter of our discontent and we're going in it's [ __ ] Co you know sometimes you watch films like uh the Revenant and you're like it makes you cool like you know that it's [ __ ] cold I'm I'm imagining it and I'm actually feeling cold right now it's like the ground is just cracking with cold and you can tell when actors are [ __ ] cold and the actors in This are [ __ ] cold well they're up north of Calgary somewhere in Canada and it's they're buried in snow so yeah I bet it was [ __ ] freezing up there officially there in Colorado right yeah okay you know it's like it's like the the apex of the of their greatest challenge this episode it's like force shadowing their bleakest challenge within this episode Joel has been sewed up but you don't know whether he's alive he's kind of coming in out of Consciousness and everything like that and the roles have reversed a little bit where Ellie is the one caring for him yeah she's protecting him now yeah she's protected which is why I loved this sequence so much in the game and I think it works really well in the show too because we get to see Ellie being tough on her own and being tough enough to take care of him when he's hurt yeah yeah but it's the contrast of how vicious she is and taking care of him but how gentle she is with him how she's you know putting just dripping water in his mouth just to get water with their hands and like feeding and you know all these things it's like the most you know we've seen her um what you know and the the one of the things that I love about Ellie as a character is she's generally kind of pushing people away everybody's at Arms lean she's like you know has this tough vicious attitude but once you're in and I've only in and it was uh uh the um Riley yeah it was Riley in the last episode and it's Joel yeah and once you're in she is a f she is a wolverine with loyalty like she will protect you she will do you know whatever it takes in that way she and Joel are very much the same in that way they are very similar and then you know so she the all the challenges of freezing to death trying to keep him alive she needs food now it it when she goes out is she going out just for food or does she know at some point she's got to get you know medicine too well I mean they don't really say but I I think when she sees the infection on him she knows she's going to have to find something so she's gonna have to go looking for for penicillin or something the only false beat uh in this episode and because I I really praise the violence in this you know like uh and I will get to it when we talk to it but like it's such it's so realistic it's so grounded and it's so consistent with the character and the thing around me and you remember how we always talk about fight consistency yeah and how it really bugs me I'll get into that when we get to those scenes whatever but the only misbeat is TV show hunting like in every TV show it's like oh we need food so I'm gonna get a rifle and I just randomly just trounce in the woods somewhere and I just see all kinds of animals and she's just walking in a straight line and she sees a rabbit she would be nowhere near that rabbit she she would be that that buck that she saw she would be nowhere near that thing would have been gone before she got any more close to it but in TV show hunting I agree I I generally agree however I live in the counter argument to that the deer and rabbits that live all around my house we just had a family of four deer walk through my front yard um they're not scared of us we can go outside we can practically walk up to them and I and what I'm wondering is given how long the world has been in pose zombie lockdown uh that's a good are the animals starting to lose a little bit of Their Fear well so the thing is is the reason that the animals aren't afraid of you is because humans they've been around you guys you guys haven't been a threat over time maybe some of them leave food out for the deer or whatever but you know the reality is is the more wild they get the more apprehensive they get and if it's a if it's a random thing that there's a human walking through the woods they would hear that coming forever if for a mile away and they would be gone but that is it that has a good Counterpoint because there are times you know there are times of situations but I always find that that's when deer have become socialized anyway the real you know I just think like every time I've seen TV they're like throw the rifle on just through the woods there's a deer it's like going to the supermarket right it's like oh I gotta go get food and get the deer anyway but watching watching somebody stalk a deer for 40 minutes is not good television you don't even have to like be that but like just have you know anyway uh and then so then we we cut to and we get to see Silver Lake and we get to see David um and he's giving this prayer now you were once a Bible scholar do you know what this passage is and like what what the meaning behind it is what is it I mean I I don't remember the exact chapter and verse uh-huh but I recognized I recognized the the scripture when he was when he was reading it yeah and was do you know what the meaning behind it is the meaning the meaning that he was applying to it is that God knows what you need and will provide it for you okay he's comforting them that even though the winter is very hard they're running out of food all of those things and that apparently that girl's father has died that they just have to stay faithful and God will provide what they need Faith maintain faith of course we realize later the reason he's doing that the sort of manipulation that's happening there yeah but yeah that that's not David was played by an actor named Scott Shepard and he was very good this was a very good sophisticated complex performance that he gave was the David in the game did he have that same was he more fleshed out in the show okay so the piece that they've added for the show um which I actually didn't mind is is this thing of him being a preacher so in the in the game David is just the leader of the community but they don't give him any sort of that that preacher piece isn't part of it he's just the leader I would say that he is much more nuanced in the show in the game he comes across as a little creepy yeah just the performance he comes across is a little creepy you know when somebody is so obsequious they become off-putting yeah he's like that he's so obsequious that you're like ah there's something going on here and then when it's what the reveal of what he's actually after comes out you're like yeah yeah I knew it I knew what this [ __ ] guy was up to yeah and you know that that's the sign of a smart actor because you can make two choices you could go like I'm creepy guy you know twist and mustache or you can play the thing that covers that up or you could just go full on you know sweetheart of a guy and then you'd flip but there's no it there's a false note hit it was almost like you know where where you there you weren't playing all things at once right yeah and the difference is in the game he can be a little creepier because they're going to force you into a Cooperative situation with him which is going to have the effect of making you ins trust him more they don't have that moment in this show this one you have to trust him because of his personality because of his Personality yeah but what's in what's interesting is he's giving this uh he's giving this sermon basically somebody just died uh the little girl's crying he's comforting this little girl but it's a contrast this this uh town is like a contrast from I think it was called Jackson town the other town that they were in Jackson and it's almost like I always think that we were talking about leadership in the last show and how important it is and how it filters down it's on like you go through Jackson town and you get a feeling of like wholesome like this is a normal place they got their [ __ ] together food's coming it's a bustling Town walls you know they got [ __ ] working on Schools they're teaching their kids pools and like horses in the thing and they're you know fires and like warm and then you're here and it's like something is off yeah something is uh underneath the surface is ominous and there's a a bit of like tension and Mysteries that people look a little scared yes they look a little scared they look unhealthy and there's something off-putting about him now there's moments where you're like well is he a good guy like he can he kind of leans into that but it's you it's always Shifty it's it's a it's a performance but he smacks the [ __ ] out of that little girl yeah yeah that's like don't jump ahead yeah yeah but you know what's interesting is like were they in the game were they like a white supremacist kind of because you think about the the the Jackson town when everybody's there it's like all multiple diversity ethnicities everybody's living there men women and everything and this one is like it's all sickly looking white people in the game they are not and I don't know that they were implying that this community was in the show but it definitely was noticeable how monochromatic Community was and I don't know if that was a deliberate choice or or was implying something else I feel like everything in this episode there's everything has been everything has a choice everything is there for reason that's like it's very well designed in that way it's saying something like there's a there is a system in Jackson that is thriving and then there's a system in this town that is not thriving and you're you're connecting the dots and figuring out what it is well and the the other pretty dramatic difference is you get you get the sense in Jackson that it is a community that is as Democratic as it is possible for a post-apocalyptic Community to be that clearly decisions are made by consensus with multiple leaders meeting to talk about things and come to come to a consensus on things whereas in this community it is it is one guy he's the cult leader it's a patriarch yeah yeah yeah he's the guy who decides everything for everybody yeah and yeah it that feels very different as well right yeah and he he says to you know in you start to kind of be tipped off when they go out uh I think his name was James is that uh the guy David's uh right hand man is that is his name James uh I think that's right oh so he's Jane that's the guy that plays Joel in the yeah that's Troy Baker yeah he was really good yeah very good yeah um and so Troy so when they when they made last of us the game they hired real actors to voice act the parts which is part of part of what made the game so good is it was very well voice acted so it doesn't surprise me that when they're putting people from the game in the show they're good in the show too yeah because you know that that other episode The the guy Perry is one of the voice actors from the game uh yeah so like that's not surprising me at all yeah and I I didn't say it to imply like I was surprised that the guy I was saying it to just acknowledge like he's very good in this like he you know the the conflict that he had he was informing me that something is off with this leader because he was carrying around a lot of Doubt with about this guy and you see it through him that okay and that creates mystery and I love that I love when the mystery and suspense is pulling you through in every moment within this is reversing and going back and forth and there's mystery and suspense drenched in every moment going forward well and I felt like I felt like uh the character James gave me two conflicting perspective which I thought was good I got the sense that he is having some doubt that he is not entirely feeling like this guy is is doing all the right things but I also got the sense from him that he believes that the only reason the community has survived as long as it has is because of that guy and so you have you have this this loyalty twist it up with doubt yeah and I felt both of those things coming off of his performance which is a really really subtle performance yeah I mean look the the the the character development and the way that this is written it's so complex so interesting but everything is clear you understand it and you're as things are evolving and as things revealing themselves you were captivated along with the ride you know we talk about all the time like a great dramatic situation to be in and this was this was a really good situation I love those situations that just story pours out of it and it just propels you forward so she shoots a deer David and James are out hunting they get to the deer before she does and they're about to take it she puts the gun she draws the gun on them and they need the food and then she finds out they have that they have medicine yeah and uh which is which is penicillin by the way which is a fungus which is kind of yep there's an irony to that right um and I just I I was eating I mean I was I was really captivated by this whole situation you know and in retrospect like looking back I feel as if David wanted her right away he saw like the fierceness what was that thing she said uh you know I'll put one between your eyes and you too buddy boy or something like that she's talking about her the guy next to him and you can see him respond to like look at the Spirit like look at this he makes that decision he says go get the medicine yeah and I like I like that he says this isn't code actually go get it and my and one of my favorite lines in the whole show and and Ellie line is she's sitting there she's got the gun on him he says you know you shouldn't be out here by yourself and she says from where I'm sitting you shouldn't be out here by yourself I'm not the one with the gun pointed at me yeah right and that was a uh a masterful build up to the climax of then him revealing that she he knows who she is and that is almost a line for line from the game when it that moment in the game is is a chilling moment and I love that they brought it into the show too where they're sitting there and he says I think everything happens for a reason and then he tells the story about the four guys who went out looking for supplies and how one of them was killed and and that the guy who killed him was traveling with a little girl and when you're playing the game you're like [ __ ] like it's just about to pop off now and they and they played it perfectly in the show and it is just as chilling even though I knew the story from the game watching it on the show was just as chilling that moment and she realizes she's in big trouble right and everything is going they sit down they have this conversation and he's so good and warm and you're like well maybe he isn't a creep maybe he is a good guy maybe he is this and then he builds up to that moment and then the guy comes in with a gun and then you're like [ __ ] they got her but he's like Put the gun down Put the gun down um how did she Escape that situation again she takes the medicine yeah she leaves the deer she takes the medicine and she runs off so they get they bring the deer back and there's just this subtle moment where they bring in a a big glass container full of meat and he goes it's Venison and you're like yeah it's venison they just had the deer but then they cut to they're dragging the deer through the foot through the front thing and so in my mind I was like I was it was just something that was like off and then I just went through it I was like okay you know I did I just kind of noted it but I just went through it which is so which is so great how you subtly you know introduced that thing and then and then it goes because later when she's in jail and she sees that ear you immediately flash back to oh my God they're eating people you don't even need to explain it it's been tipped off when she just sees it yeah and and your mind also flashes back to that other girl saying can we bury my dad and David's David's saying no it grounds to Frozen will bury him when the when it gets warmer yeah I mean like all of that now now here's another difference between the game and the show is in the in the show they imply that only David and a couple others know about what they're doing with the cannibalism in the game they definitely make it seem more like everyone in the community just knows and is just a cannibal um and I think the reason for that is because you're going to wind up fighting and killing a bunch of people in that community in the game they want to make you feel okay about that since in the show they're not going to have you killing everybody in that Community I like that they kept it like this was David's decision he included a couple of people in it but he's trying to keep the rest of the community in the dark yeah that's it it's a smart choice and then when in another thing you flash back to is when he's sitting down with that big old plate of food uh around everybody knows what it is but he doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah he just [ __ ] chowing down you know and he's the one guy that knows what it is in in the whole group and so she makes it back to Joel she gives him the the penicillin she doesn't know what the [ __ ] to do so she's and I mean you know like the emotional rollercoaster she's starving she's freezing the one Lifeline the one connection that she has in this world is dying and she it's on her shoulders to try to keep him alive and she has no [ __ ] idea what she's doing it gives him that uh penicillin and I like I love the moment when she's outside and how to signal that they're coming is these uh birds get spooked they fly out of a tree and you know right then and she didn't make any attempt to hide her Trail she just ran back because she was so focused on getting the medicine to Joel that she's not taking those other precautions you know so of course the minute she sees that people are coming she knows who it is she knows it's them yeah and when you know right before dinner uh when David is right before dinner and uh he brings in the thing and he goes look I know you you guys heard the rumors we found the girl we're going to bring the guy to Justice and she was like you should kill him both and he slaps the [ __ ] yeah out of that little girl slaps her out of the [ __ ] chair and I mean you're like whoa and I thought about this because when I first saw that I was like do you tip did that tip it off too soon but I think it's pretty smart of what they did because is you're just tipping off just enough that's that something is off with this guy but there's many layers to how [ __ ] up this guy is and you're just seeing that first layer and when he slaps the [ __ ] out of that girl then you now fear for what he's going to do to Ellie so then it adds that tension of when they're coming to get her because if it if they didn't tip that off yet and you're like well he's not that bad of a guy you know and then he's but now they're they're Trucking through the uh Trucking through the street and I like that you know these are these are amateurs these are not soldiers I like how they're just like just Trucking through walking down the road like they're going to get a guy that just murdered one of their guys they're wide open in the daylight walking down the middle of arrows yeah these aren't Commandos and Ellie gets the sees it and gives it gets the jump on them and then there's that and then she goes back and again you know this is like you know starting off with the winter and their bleake is challenge and and really pushing to the very limits of of what they're going to go through and when she goes back it's like Jesus Christ like the [ __ ] that she's going through right now and she's like gives him a knife and like if they come in here you [ __ ] kill them you know gets on her horse and at the time you're trying to figure out what did she do when she goes out she just starts blazing at them to get to to take them away from Joel and that like amount of loyalty and toughness and like Fierce protection of Joel it just endears you to her yeah and this is janae's least favorite part because she she's watched me play the game too she likes watching watching the game uh because it is so very cinematic you know her least favorite part is when the horse gets shot and she she gets when I was playing the game and she was like they're not gonna shoot that horse are they and I'm like and I know it's coming you know I don't say anything and then when the horse gets shot and Ellie goes flying off she got so mad she's been so mad and when we're watching the show she's like oh my God it's that part I remember this part they're gonna shoot the horse aren't they she was so mad you know but you watch that and you're like Ellie just take the rifle and pick them off you you know where they are they don't know where you are just she's not a great shot though she was surprised she hit that deer yeah like when she hit the deer she was like oh no yeah and and it obviously wasn't in the right spot because the deer ran for a long time but she just she just started shooting at them and drawing them off they shoot the they shoot the horse and they take her away and then we get to you know he saves her he he brings her back now these guys are going after Joel and what's great about this moment for me I kept hearing you would hear stories about like you know Joel's done bad things Joel can be a bad guy Joe is this but I was looking at this and I was like I haven't I don't I haven't fully saw that side of him yet and I haven't seen what is it about him that he survived so long when so many hasn't and what are people referring to well you see in this episode and you know there is you know some people were talking about Amos and I can understand it because he is definitely in that place so what I love about this it's not like John Wick right it's not like John Wick where he's like yeah he's not a jiu jitsu Gun Kata guy yeah gone fight he's he is what Gene Hackman was talking about and Unforgiven when he's talking to the reporter and he was saying you want to see how fast I can draw my gun does it pulls it out he's like it's not that fast but there are some people that have another gear when the [ __ ] goes down and that when the violence hits the fan where they can stay calm and cool and they they go into doing whatever they're going to have to do to survive they can do the math quicker than people that are emotionally uh flooded in the brain there's a thing with they talk about with Fighters where there's some Fighters that are just gifted extremely talented when they're in the gym they call them gym him Rose they can [ __ ] everybody up but then when they're under the lights and they're and the people are watching the people cheering and when they get tested when they get pushed to the Limit and there's something in them that folds that breaks and then there's some people that aren't that great at the gym they're not that disciplined they don't work out that hard but when they get under those lights and when they get tested they have a fifth gear where this [ __ ] animal comes out and Joe and Ellie have those animals and David recognizes that animal and Ellie and that's what he's also a creepy pervert who likes like some young yeah yeah which leads to my which leads to my second favorite line in the show when we get to it but yeah and and and Joel isn't Joel isn't like karate that guy who comes down into the basement no he stabs him in the [ __ ] neck like from behind he got to jump on him yeah which is real which is like we you and I talk about all the time like fight consistency like be consistent to your character and be consistent to the world that you're in this is very raw realistic violence besides the fact that they're zombies and [ __ ] like that but you know what does he do he hides he gets to jump on him he's not fighting Fair he stabs him brings him to the ground the other guys he gets that he he fakes them out gets to jump on them and he ties him to the chair and then he was I like he was Stone Cold ruthless in these moments and and this and this sequence is pretty much directly from the game where he sticks the knife in the one guy's knee and he goes tell me or I'll pop your kneecap off yeah that is that is straight from the game and and the the the moment that it builds up to where he stabs the dude in the chest and then comes over the other guy and he's like he's like you haven't asked me anything he's like it's all right I believe him Joseph was saying at the beginning it's the it's it's like I am that guy moment in the uh in the thing but it's it I I agree with what you're saying about Joel is the thing that has happened to Joel is that the the heart of him got burned out right when his daughter died in his arms the piece that made him human got charred into a little Husk in that moment and the reason he has survived and is able to be so successful in this world is the ruthlessness that that left behind when when when Joel stopped being like a human because you know his Humanity got burned out in that moment what was left behind was an utterly ruthless husk and that's what and that's what Joel is and now that Ellie's threatened that she's been grabbed he thinks these are the guys who grabbed her that ruthlessness is all over the sequence he doesn't give a [ __ ] and now you know what people are talking about yeah when they talk about Joel yeah now you know I'm like how would that guy be your enemy would be very scary yeah and you know now it all it's all clear to me it all makes sense to me so when so Joe sets out to finally he knows where she is and and she's in this little jail cell and David sits down and he just puts the full court press on him with his manipulation this weird paternalistic charm all of these things and he really wants to know her name I think he asked her like four times what is your name and she wouldn't give it to him because it was almost like his access into her it was almost like there was some like he couldn't get through and he's like if he could just get a hold of that name just get something personal from him and they're you know their back and forth was great but once he revealed what his interest in her is you know she's a 14 year old girl and he's a grown man and you see him put it's like even though you're kind of it's hinting towards that yeah again when we talk about great writing whatever then you flash back to all these things and I flash back to him talking to that little girl and he's like I'm your father like and then you're like what has he been doing to these you know yeah what did he do to that girl what is the relationship with her and why is James like thrown off by him and by that exactly yeah and and you can see where some of that doubt is coming from yeah where yeah you see one of that doubt and like what this thing is and what you come to find out is like he's like he doesn't respect these people no he thinks they're beneath them well he's playing a role to manipulate them that he doesn't actually believe yeah he's like you know they they just need that religion stuff you know and he's like that whole Pastor thing is an act yeah but you you see me and I see you and you're like me you have that monster in you yeah this list all leads up to my one of my favorite lines in the game which I'm so happy that they kept it in the show where so now in the game it's a little different he comes up he puts his hand on the bar like he does in the show and he says you're a very special little girl or you're a very special not little girl he said you're a very special girl and she comes up and she puts her hand on his like she does in the show and then she grabs and snaps his finger she says you go tell him I'm the special girl that just snapped your [ __ ] finger so happy they kept that moment in the show where like he's right she seems like she's fallen for it she seems like she's going along with it she comes up she she puts her hands on his hand and and there's that that moment where you're like is he getting through to her and then just snap you can tell him I'm the [ __ ] that just snapped your finger and then she's like grabbing for the keys you know but what I loved about it is in both the show and the game she's not doing this to just break his finger and prove some point she actually has a plan she breaks his finger and then tries to get the keys right she's trying to get out of there which I which I loved and again so it goes back to the whole fight consistency thing that we're talking about so you know we've talked about other films or movies where it's like they fight in a way that's inconsistent with their character and their skill level kind of vacillates between whatever their challenge is so they they take a fight scene in that fight scene becomes like the more more important than the consistency of the character they want to draw it out and it'd be you know what was great about this is that everything comes from their character everything that we know about them and the fact that she grabs his hand and throws him down because she has a plan to get the key like her uh fierce Scrappy intelligence and it and it comes that is her survival mechanisms that under intense pressure she out thinks everybody involved and which brings me to like I think the greatest moment in the episode is when they layer down and he even when he was walking out he says you know his little pieces chop you up in little pieces that we see so now you know they eat people now you see the [ __ ] ear on the floor and they're like they're gonna chop her up and they're gonna eat her and they're holding her down and she says and she bites his hand and she says I'm infected now for me you know it's like it's another thing of like oh [ __ ] like how like I did I wasn't thinking like they I couldn't I didn't predict what that was going to be for her to escape and it was so smart so you know and it's something that's been there the whole time you forgot about it and then you see his face and there's something so delicious about him being like oh [ __ ] like about the fear that he has uh and then she takes that [ __ ] Cleaver and just Rams it through uh James's neck and he hits the ground that's that is great [ __ ] writing and and again taken almost exactly from the game that that that is how you that's how Ellie gets out of it in the game too is she she bites him she says I'm infected he freaks out she takes the Cleaver and hits James with it and then and then the sequence that follows that is almost directly from the game as well which it's this is the moment of the show where she flees into the restaurant The Lodge and he's following her with that cleaver looking for her and she's hiding and trying to stay away from him because that you know talk about fight consistency that's the other thing Ellie's a badass but she's still a little girl and she cannot physically overpower a grown man she can't like you saw when she when she broke his finger and was reaching for the keys he just grabbed her and banged her into the bars he's bigger and stronger than her there's no way around that right and so the the sequence in the game is very much like the sequence in the show which is the building is burning down she's trying to hide from him he's looking for her and what you're doing in the game is you're sneaking around to try to get behind him so that you can stab him when he's not looking because if he sees you coming he just kills you and they they do the they do that sequence great in the show where she's in this building it's on fire she's hiding he's walking around looking for her he's talking like how did you do it how did you survive you need to teach me how you did that like he you know he see now he sees her as like a an asset because like if he can figure out how she survived being bit then that becomes like a tool for power right and then that moment where she she did stab him but he overpowers her and he's holding her on the ground and she's trying to crawl and get to the knife that's all straight from the game it's and and that and the ending of the sequence where she gets on top of him with that Cleaver is that in the game just [ __ ] him up oh yeah and but you're right because there's something there's something about him and when he's looking for his fascination with the fact that she didn't turn that she's been bit and also there's her fierceness and the panther that lives inside her like it's somehow it's exciting to him there's something very attractive to her for him and then she kills the [ __ ] out of him just [ __ ] chopping him to the point where you know you you like okay you know he he's dead and then she starts to slow down and then she just picks him back up again it's like cutting this [ __ ] head up and like and then you just want to see like what what does that face look like because it because at this point you just want that guy to hurt you want him to be dead you want him to rearrange it and it just it's such a cathartic moment and everything that she's been through before the series started all the way to the series losing Riley losing the the tension everything it was just [ __ ] just exploded in that moment and her strength and her spirit like defeated this guy yeah and as you pointed out which I think you're 100 right is her as she beats him with her cleverness she doesn't she's not she doesn't karate him she doesn't Jiu Jitsu him she's not stronger than him or or any of that she doesn't overpower him she's clever she's smart she hides she waits till she can get behind him and stab him and decide with her knife and even then you know he knocks her down and and she beats him because he keeps underestimating her yeah he he never really takes her fully serious but one thing that uh they did which I knew that they would um and you know because how smart everything else is is they didn't have Joel like bust in and save her and that is a really good point I'm glad you brought that up I wanted to talk about that that's true in the game too you know you have this moment when the game where you're playing as Ellie and when she gets captured you definitely it cuts back and forth with Joel going through the town trying to get to her and so it definitely sets you up that oh Joel will save her but then you play out the sequence in the burning restaurant where you save yourself and then Joel comes in at the end and I loved that they did that that that they don't take that moment away from Ellie right that this is her moment this was her challenge this was her struggle she gets to be the one who who sees it through for herself and I loved it Joel alive she found a medicine she sewed him up she dealt with all of these guys on her own and she survived for Joel and she never once when she was in jail you know when he was like you know you're alone she's like I'm not alone like her Fierce devotion and loyalty so when she busts out of that house and she has a thousand yard stairs she's just been through the worst thing she's ever been in her life and Joel comes up behind her there is an emotional response when you're watching it because that is a relationship that is well earned and his tenderness to her it was the he called her baby girl it was like the most tender that we've seen him since he's with his own daughter and it's like they have crossed through the they've they've stepped over the abyss and they've found like a true connection and love for each other and that's like pure love that they have in that moment for each other and it's beautiful it's it's not the creepy no pedophile love this is the people did it sound like I was saying like oh no no I'm saying in contrast to the oh yeah yeah yeah no no this is like true respect father and daughter um you know I can we can rely on each other in this vast Wasteland of the apocalypse and it's you know so many it is rare to see a proper relationship go through an arc where you're where you're fully moved by it because it's yeah how many times have you seen something and and you know it's like oh this relationship's supposed to grow and it just feels like paint by numbers like they're just kind of growing and then when they get together at the end you're like ah you know okay you know they you know but you could see them making another Choice it doesn't really this one was so honest and authentic and their relationship built out of the their character and the circumstances that it's just it it just full movie you're fully moved by it you know yeah and and and I'm definitely not doing any spoilers here but they needed to have this elevation of the relationship in order for the next episode to work so this is such smart writing um and and give credit to the naughty dog team that that originally wrote this story you know Neil druckman and history I mean Jesus Christ these guys are fantastic just really yes and and this moment with Ellie and Joel where he's hurt and she has to save him and where you know she goes through like you said you know she goes through the worst things she's ever been through in her life in this moment with David and they come out the other side of it with Joel finally letting his last barrier down right he's I agree when he says baby girl that's what he called his daughter that's the last barrier is gone she has she has now he has fully accepted her in that role as a daughter figure I mean obviously you can never replace a lost child so it's not like she's a replacement but allowing her to occupy the same kind of space that that his daughter did that last barrier is down and that will make the next episode have you ever seen a zombie show or movie that had this many emotional moments in it where it's like uh I mean I don't know like we have a lot of pollen in Georgia right now so you know there's just a lot of pollen in my house every there's so much fun every time I watch Last of Us I'm like yeah you know I watched it with Jen and I'm like God this pollen is just getting to me she's like the doors are shut yeah this is pollen it's just so whatever yeah you're like you're like tomorrow um but yeah that's that's uh that was the last of us this has been my favorite episode so far I thought it was fantastic I thought it was great I I agree and and it is both my favorite part of the game and now my favorite episode of the show and I'm not surprised by that I I expected that and I'm paying at the highest compliment when I say I wish it had been two episodes because I love this story so much I just wanted it to be more I just wanted it to be longer that is that is not a criticism that is that is uh out of love please like And subscribe every time you ring a bell tag is his wings say goodbye goodbye Ty [Music]
Channel: Ty & That Guy
Views: 6,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Expanse, Wes Chatham, Ty Franck, Ty & That Guy Podcast, Ty & That Guy, Amazon, Podcast, Ty and That Guy, Amos, Amos Burton, James S.A. Corey, Expanse, ExpanseOnPrime, Attershow, Expanse Aftershow, the expanse season 1, Film Critic, Film Review, Film Reviews, Movie Critic, Movie Review, Movie Reviews, movie explained, cinephile, The Last of Us, HBO max, spoilers
Id: ASmVXc4dzh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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