The Last of Us 1x8 Reaction | When We Are In Need

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welcome back to the Lip Smacker YouTube  channel it's me lips and today we are   watching The Last of Us season one  episode eight on HBO Max and I am   so excited um I cannot believe this is our second  to last episode and where has the time gone I'm   eternally grateful for all of the support  um that I've had on this reaction series on   YouTube so far and excited to see what happens  next hi mojito thank you for joining us today um this week we get Troy Baker which is  very interesting I just also finished the   game death stranding on over on Twitch last week  and so Troy Baker has been in my life as a as um um a bad boy villain villain bad guy villain  uh recently so I'm excited to see him in this   character for those that don't know Troy Baker  is the original voice actor for Joel in the games   um so very interesting we'll get a little a little  taste of him I'm also very excited to see the   uh see Pedro and Bella again  I think last week was such   an amazing episode for Bella  I still have literal chills   like Goosebumps that pop up when I think about  her acting and her performance in episode seven so let's Dive Right In yeah where are we and I heard a great voice out of Heaven  saying behold Tabernacle of God is with men I wonder why she's crying God will  wipe away all Tears in their eyes   that there will be no more death sorrow nor crying  there's a lot of death do you know what that means oh oh who died oh probably her dad oh my God I wonder hmm the life of a religious  leader in the time of an apocalypse has surely got to open the door for a  lot of manipulate easy manipulation James yeah yeah I sensed out in there they had a lot of faith in you David they're  just scared not from that oh for me from I've been friends [Music] I was shouting though hmm good I don't know which  one I'm creeped out by more I want to say it's David that that's  giving me more heapy-jeebies all right that looks infected what's that oh she's hungry I thought she was  about to baby bird him for a second oh girly she's going to get us some food that is the beauty of being  young is also being naive hmm also she does have a certain amount of  training that I think obviously makes her   more capable than than others would be do it oh relatable she hesitated didn't she oh that's the wrong kind of noise you want oh no if you shoot that gun they're  oh no okay this is this just got   even less ideal she knows this though  she knows she knows the risks so she can hit a shot now oh Rick oh no huh [Music] think we can just  take it wow what unlucky timing [Music] I would have the same reaction that  Troy Baker is having right now James ditto for buddy boy that is tried that's so  not intimidating we're from a larger group   women children and we're all very very  hungry well I'm also very very hungry also hungry we can trade you we have  boots medicine like for infections   we do he's smart I'm not following you anywhere   uh so smart we're all only referring to  Troy Baker As buddy boy now [Laughter] it's not code James do as I  said hmm hmm James seems suspect   what am I in David he's being really nice one of us has the gun the  other doesn't that's true great question Ellie got me hey you know I appreciate that answer well I found  God after the apocalypse which is either the best   time or the worst time to find him well I feel  like within an apocalypse you're either going   to lean into religion are you going to denounce  religion well it just depends on which one at   that time makes you more comfortable maybe oh  you look at you enough sooner or later look no such thing as luck no I I believe  everything happens for a reason   wrap that was creepy this game's been hard to  find creepy so I sent four of our people to   a nearby town to to scavenge what they  could and only three of them came back   and the one that didn't was a father you know  daughter just like you that's how the dad died turns out he was murdered by this crazy man   and get this that crazy man was  traveling with a little girl you see everything happens for a reason I knew  that line was creepy James lowered the gun of course she didn't kill anybody lower the gun oh a preacher a preacher with no morals why are you so ready to kill a girl you're a group  he won't survive for long out there I can protect   you nope leave us alone please that's how you can  protect me we're not giving you access to Joel that is uh oh I don't think that's the last time we'll see them wow wow he was so   calm and easy there and that is so much creepier  than someone being like filled with rage when   someone is so calm and mad at the same time it  is since chills down my spine evil evil evil evil I was sure I was trying to  figure out who he killed   it was at the University wasn't it  the guy that stabbed him obviously hmm well whose fault is that probably  not the fault of anyone's really   it's like the fault of the world  the fault of the circumstances oh so are they gonna come hunt us down I don't  want to be hunted by these Looney Tunes what is it something about that guy gave me pause oh I think  I just realized what if you've heard a rumor   yes we found a girl who was with  the man who took Alec from us   what do you mean a rumor who's out here  spreading rumors you should kill him   kill both of them here we get another  Revenge you know a desire for Revenge oh uh I feel like uncalled for she's a child that  just lost her father and you're out here saying   you want to go kill the guy now see this is  [Music] he took this position of power and he's   using every little bit of power he can have and  then some in what world would that be okay [Music] no don't you dare say God and you will  show him respect when he's speaking   that was worse than saying God I would stay inside oh she still needs  food dude okay water oh that's so smart that's really smart I would go inside this is so tense oh my god oh [Music] stay alert this man's not already  dead she's so aware about the girl   to bring her back with us she heard those birds  and she was like something is coming I mean the   question your sense of Mercy David we can  let her go we bring that girl back with us   she's just another mouth if we leave her out  here she'll die yeah maybe that's God's will James I don't think David believes in God [Music]   I think he only believes in himself we have to go we must exit this scenario don't you not fall asleep oh no oh my God what do you think  would be going through his head   how much of that do you even think he'd took in [Music] that was so cool you said I am pulling you away from me or no  okay away from him I'm leading you away from him   there it is her intent was not to kill anyone it  was to get their attention it's so smart [Music] it's always worse than  anything I could have imagined David where are you David you're our only hope what I thought he said you're  not gonna kill that child oh is this guy going to be smart enough he is because we left a trail would  you consider that a trail left yep okay he's smart Ellie was also smart but he's smart  no if you can stand now is the time to move okay good good this is good this is great even oh man they're gonna be real  mad about this one though you think that Joel has enough strength to get  up or are we just gonna have to sit next to this   bleeding body for a minute that was the creepiest  face of every yep nope we're just gonna roll over   real fast yeah that's what I thought oh my God  please don't wake up oh my God please don't have   any life in you because can you imagine that would  be so terrifying like someone so dead killing you well that's good that's certain hungry the  gold because I'm afraid of you you're a   dangerous person you've certainly proven  that wow you're afraid of a child huh but even so you gotta face reality  mm-hmm that part of your life it's ending   and what I'm offering you is a beginning   but if you can't find a way to trust me  you put me in a cage yes you are alone this would be my version of of hell in an  apocalypse in so many ways you I would want   to like I would want to live the bill and Frank  life you know maybe a little bit lonely but could   be worse could be so much worse honestly great  life uh that guy would even take the you know   Tess and Joel life in a qze I mean obviously the Tommy  life would be the best uh-oh   we've killed what where did  that energy come from Joel I don't know any girl oh oh oh that is a place to stab someone oh that  is a place to stab someone oh I have a new fear what town   Silver Lake is anyone else grabbing their  kneecaps right now because I am not a real town Resort [Music]   it's where we are go ask him he'll tell you I'm not lying I would have waited to maybe do  that I would have waited [Music]   because is that other guy really gonna help  you now he told you what you wanted oh he   didn't care he wasn't going to give the other  [ __ ] [ __ ] you I ain't telling you [ __ ] no okay we I see what he did there that was so  brutal that we that was the best Showcase of   how bad of a guy Joel has been  in his life because he did all   of that without a second thought he  knew what to do he knew what to say foreign what did we just see what's oh I knew it I knew it  I remembered that from the game   but I didn't want to spoil it for you  guys taught me up into little pieces I'd rather not please just tell me your  name so he is in on the cannibalism   of course he is if you judge me judge judge yes smart I wouldn't eat people I would  not even if he's going to tell me that's the deer   there are only a few of us that know  but I would have told you oh sure okay   nope he's a manipulator he's yeah but what  was I supposed to do let them starve these   people who put their lives in my hands who  expect me to keep them safe who love me yeah   yeah love me that says a lot that line says a  lot you remind me of me no manipulation 101 loyal violent you have a violent heart and I should know I've always had a violent heart and I struggled with it for a long time  but then the world always found the truth   right what you're using an apocalyptic world  oh my God he says I've always had a violent   heart and oh and the world was ending and I could  just lean into the violence I saw it as a sign   to be violent be a bad guy  no that's so messed up what they need God they need Heaven they need  manipulation I need a father he's trying   to be everyone's Daddy we grow spread out  we do whatever we needed for our people imagine the life we could give them I'm so nervous Billy I'm proud of you tell them that you broke your [ __ ] finger say something for us Joel you've seen better  days you're looking oh follow the blood oh my God oh my God she bit him she's gonna  be like you're infected now you little freak   you had your chance thank you God yeah right what did you say anything happens for  a reason you're already a cannibal so   you'll enjoy biting people for eternity  I guess if you really are infected [Music] I've never loved anything more in my life [Music] that's smart because that would hurt huh and it's all gonna go  down in flames down in flames [Music] live that is smart now they're better bee pieces of  Glass on the ground that she steps on on accident you don't know what I could have given you yeah  you're terrifying neither one of us is dying today you see I changed my mind decided  you do need a father oh wow   okay Mr manipula do you think she's dumb   do you think she can't see through your [ __ ]  like at all oh my God and Joel please get here oh please tell me he doesn't still have the cleaver  please tell me he doesn't still have the cleaver   I can't believe she stabbed him in the stummy  though right where Joel was stabbed oh my God   calm down take your ears away from your  your shoulders away from your ears [Music]   you are evil you are an evil evil man  oh my God I thought you already knew   fighting is a part I like him there's no fear in love there's no fear in love there's a lot of fear and love wow he could not have been  more wrong oh my God go Ellie Ellie Ellie oh it's okay baby girl oh my God oh Ellie [Music] oh my God well he couldn't have been more wrong David [Music] there's no fear in love I think if this show has  taught us anything about love is that there is   so much fear and love so deeply is  there a wide array of fear in love oh yeah that's a great point anything else  and now I can look at that part either yeah   phenomenal performances though right right you're emotionally distraught  yeah me too um what an episode actually what a phenomenal  episode I can't believe we   only have one more left I don't how  do you how do you finish the story or maybe you don't I was thinking about this while   we're watching this and we've had  a nearly two episodes without Joel um without Joel speaking I mean he said a little  bit last episode and and obviously we hear him   speak at the end of this episode but we I mean  really this with these two last two episodes were   Ellie's episodes Ellie's Journey Ellie's Ellie's  growth something so so so so so so so so important   that episode seven did for us in  terms of character development was   showing Ellie not even that long ago showing  how innocent and how mild Ellie was as a person   um she didn't know a lot of loss um well we're  assuming we don't really know how Ellie became   an orphan you know that she was one but it doesn't  seem to be like it it definitely has left her with   feelings of Abandonment and issues with feeling  abandoned and moments that trigger her abandonment   but compared to Riley's character who very  clearly experienced the depth of their parents   um in a way that they could remember it Ellie  doesn't seem to hold any sort of like loss   big traumatic loss um there just abandonment  abandonment which is a type of pain versus like   the love pain of death and we see This Ellie  before being bitten and then obviously we know   mostly the Ellie after they've been bitten and  how their life changed since that which obviously   losing Riley having to step away from school which  they genuinely seem to at least find comfort in   what they were being sold within the federal  school finding an open space in their heart   to love again um and that person  that they're loving is Joel   and Define this paternal figure  in their life this protector um something that this episode showed  us is Ellie doesn't need a protector   um I think I I how many times did I say oh my God  she's smart she's smart that's smart that's smart   that's really smart so many times this episode I  was just like wow Ellie is so smart Ellie is so   smart oh my God that's the smart that's so smart  Ellie like things I would have never thought and that's such a crucial thing to see Ellie  do in such a a wild and Evil episode   I think David and James might be two  of the most evil people we've met it's   maybe it's hard to say that um because obviously  we get a little taste of of Revenge desire for   revenge in this episode right which I know we've  talked about from the Kansas City quarantine Zone   and and whatnot but David is not driven to Revenge  by love Kathleen was driven to Revenge by love   David is driven to Revenge and violence by  something evil within him self-admitted evil   because he said he'd always had this violence  within him before the Apocalypse and then he   just was able to embrace it it became almost a  worthy or not worthy it became like a desirable   trait in the apocalypse oh someone who's able and  comfortable being violent we need you would you   like to be our leader and that's terrifying that's  terrifying and then he says he sees that in Ellie and I think I do have to come to terms with  the fact that Ellie is not this helpless young   character um she really isn't I think in the game  maybe she is a little more young and helpless and   and I think that the goofy side of Ellie makes her  seem even almost more helpless than she is because   I do see I do see moments when Ellie is super  naive and super not always thinking ahead [Music]   um running into things without thinking and  to me that's a very naive and young trait   versus Joel's always looking over the corner  he's always thinking people are bad he's always   checking behind him he's always you know but  we see that she is incredibly smart and she   is incredibly capable of doing things to keep  yourself alive in those things are sometimes   evil and bad Joel didn't Joel was coming to save  her Joel would save her Joel would do anything   for Ellie and he doesn't want to he doesn't  want to feel like he's incapable of saving he's   lost a lot of people that he really cared about and like it or not he cares about Ellie   and then he calls her baby girl and that's  will break your heart he can't he couldn't   he if he had gotten there at a time and found  them and and been able to get in there yes of   course he would have shot his gun he would have  he would have killed David he would have he would   have saved Ellie but Ellie was able to save  herself right she's saved herself physically   but emotionally there is something  much bigger happening with Ellie here   emotionally Ellie is not a kid and this is  something that she'll I don't think she'll ever   be able to heal from but we but we we've gotta  keep moving we've got to keep growing up right so that was a banger of a second to last episode  I will see you here next week for episode 10.
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lippsmacker, lippssmacker, gaming, girl gamers, girl gaming, the last of us, the last of us episode 8, the last of us hbo, the last of us reaction, bella ramsey, pedro pascal, the last of us explained, last of us, episode 8, the last of us episode 8 reaction, the last of us 1x8 reaction, the last of us episode 8 breakdown, hbo max, the last of us series, joel and ellie, when we are in need, troy baker, the last of us when we are in need, the last of us hbo reaction
Id: CzPscunUCvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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