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[Music] the objective of war is to destroy your enemies ability to fight and surrender to destroy his infrastructure his armies in the battlefield the second world war was one of the most destructive conflicts man has ever known and it saw the beginning of the nuclear age and the use of missiles and rockets technology that was not new to the 1940s but all held their roots in the post-world war one development from the time that adolf hitler took over power in germany in the 1930s germany seemed to hold all the cards they had the best scientists the best know-how most advanced nuclear projects and they had great rocket scientists in the making yet throughout the war untold amounts of funding and research were thrown at this problem we have been led to believe that germany somehow dropped the ball and the americans beat them to it mainstream history was established already in 1944 by the american allisos teams that declared the german nuclear program was far behind and of no threat reports history books and documentaries have since been produced to support that theses a narrative was thus created and it is most likely wrong in this series i am going to try to fly against convention by following the documents and the statements to the locations where very secret german research took place throughout the war research sites the also teams never even visited my name is tino strockman i'm a military historian i'm a veteran i'm stubborn and i want to know what happened this was a war about technology and ideology and thousands of people died to protect and create this technology and we owe it to them to discover the truth for the sake of history by now most people have come to accept vienna heisenberg's nuclear project the one found by the elsa's troops in heikeloh as the one prominent german nuclear project however towards the end of the war germany had over 11 separate nuclear projects and they were by no means unified under one command there was a lot of different projects run by a lot of very different and very very talented scientists in 1942 adolf hitler gave an order that nuclear bomb research should end since in his opinion it would not come to any fluition before the end of the war however throughout the war hitler was still updated and appraised of the information of some of the several nuclear bomb projects that still took place despite this order that tells me the nuclear project went black it was away from the public away from the mainstream scientists and of course under the auspices of the ss bernar heisenberg was one of the most prominent physicists of the 20th century and everybody knew him and then knew his research so it made sense that his nuclear project would remain fairly public it was funded by guring but not very well funded in fact it was very underfunded that left me to believe that there was a much larger much better funded much more secret project hiding out there somewhere certainly there were people in germany who understood the potential of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy and in fact the ss were very interested in that particular technology and they had means only heisenberg could dream of of the many extremely talented researchers the germany had at the time manfred von arden must be mentioned he had an extremely huge and well-funded lab in berlin it was partially funded by the german postal service which was in itself a large well-funded entity hitler would personally visit ardennes lab on several occasions and von adden died with over 600 patents to his name incidentally he also after the war ran the russian nuclear bomb project and developed their bomb he even received the order of lenin for his service his lab is still in existence today certainly ardenne knew what he was doing and during the war he was working on electromagnetic isotope separation he was looking for a shortcut trying to make fissionable material to be used in the bomb he was also the first one to make the correct calculations for the critical mass of u235 a name that is missing and often left out of mainstream history is kurdish he was originally a specialist in hollow charges one thing that might be important for an alternative way of building a nuclear bomb he ran the first functioning nuclear reactor at ghetto and he was so good that even heisenberg admitted and adopted his method he and his boss eric schumann who's the head of the german institute of physics and explosives they led another german nuclear weapons research program and kurdish wanted to go straight from testing into practice he wanted to build a bomb they were both party members which means that they had the trust of the ss another reason why they might not be heard of much today or it could be that their research actually came to fruition it seems there's so much evidence now that the germans had a bomb of mass destruction and whether it be a plutonium or a small nuclear device even von arden he said that he had made a small weapon of mass destruction that weighs between one and three kilograms and you cannot say that von arden doesn't know what he's doing he he built nuclear bombs for for the russians and he has an incredible track record there's a lot of these german scientists that has nobel prizes and whatever else prizes they have they're all incredibly intelligent people that before world war ii really were far far ahead of the game when it came to weapons and technological and science development so certainly i think there's every reason to think they did something and at this point seriously the allies won the war we won the war it's over it's been 75 years it's okay to let it out now another reason why deepness work has been left unnoticed is because they were not working on a conventional nuclear bomb they were working on a hydrogen bomb design that is much smaller by utilizing thermonuclear fission this had been realized already in 1934 by various scientists including paul harteck that by the fusion of two heavy hydrogen atoms produced helium and then liberated large pulses of energy this is the basis of the modern hydrogen bomb we still don't know how advanced human and demons research were but schuman ended up building bombs for the russians after the war now it was not until the 1950s the americans made a successful tactical nuclear weapon to be fired from artillery piece now if the germans were successful in developing a small nuclear or plutonium bomb as von arden said he did he said he built a bomb about the size of a pineapple while that's the core of the bomb several sources stated over the meeting with schellenberg in berlin stated that a bomb between one and three kilograms had been built and that would fit into the nose cone of the v1 and v2 and rhineborden rockets so now i don't have any reason to doubt that arden built a bomb he built bombs with russians he knew what he was doing and the people that worked around him they knew what they were doing and they were massively well funded far better than heisenberg was that would lend us to believe that the germans did have a small tactical nuclear type weapon they could have deployed in their rockets physicist paul harteck he headed the project for the german army and he realized early on the potential of nuclear power and weaponry he was a central figure in the development of the ultra centrifuge used to enrich uranium now we always thought that a nuclear bomb nuclear weapons project had to be huge like the manhattan project was however hartek's team of only eight men were able to enrich 50 grams of uranium a day using ultracentrifuges or double centrifuges that put things in a much different perspective the germans were looking and approaching this in a completely different manner than the extremely well-funded and large manhattan project another important person was professor walter gerlach he was a specialist in spin polarization magnetic field resonance and gravitation there's another link between him and the ss and the nuclear research initially he reported to guring's office then eventually to himmler and thus the ss had taken over the project he became head of the reich foshong's ant did you by the way wonder what an expert in gravitation is doing in a nuclear weapons project i told you this is a lot more than rockets and bombs we also have to mention walter botha who worked for the german army in heidelberg he was instrumental in bringing the first cyclotron online and from research we now know that germany had a number of these cyclotrons in use in different locations that is confirmed by a u.s air force report and von arden claimed to have delivered several of these to lower cilicia to one of the locations for the special ss projects and of course the ss had its own department for nuclear research under the direction of ss general shop the german rocket program had his birth in the 1920s at the kumastov proving grounds right next to where deepnow would build his nuclear research facility there has always been a connection between the two and it was later unified under ss command we know the top scientists such as van von braun who was involved in the rocket research from the 20s he became a star at nasa and got america to the moon and of course general walter dornberger the former artillery general now in charge of the rocket program eventually the rocket team was moved to pinamenda where tens of thousands of workers were laboring building developing rockets and missiles it was everything one would expect a rocket program to be enormous buildings rocket launch facilities here they researched and built the v1 and v2 rockets and later wore ground-to-air missiles and other things as well the first v2 rockets fired at london was in september 1944 and interestingly enough the cleanup crews were equipped with geiger counters to monitor for radiation clearly they knew something and after the war one brown mentioned to american reporters the german plans for attaching an incredible powerful warhead to the rockets certainly the ss took over more and more of the weapons production and himmler had a keen interest in the rocket program as well as the nuclear program more and more scientists and research programs came under the auspices of the ss adolf hitler was extremely impressed with the new technology and after fritz tort died the builder of the reich the architect of the hike albert spear took his place he worked closely with the ss in all the construction projects needed and ss general hans kamla was put in charge of the rocket program as well as the development of new jet fighters previously undergoing kamilar also being in charge of the labor camps design and construction he initially picked nordhausen where the central works when finished excavated into the mountain would be the largest underground factory that we know of here v1 and v2 as well as jet fighters would be built and assembled vss would provide the labor from the buchenwald concentration camp now the rocket program as we have been told was initially full of birthing problems when it went to manufacturing mass production many more problems and it was not a very accurate weapon certainly not one that would be possible for tactical use thousands and thousands of these were built and launched along with thousands and thousands of v1s some of them were air launched from airplanes and some of them were fired from mobile launchers already in 1942 the huge v2 rocket facility building and firing location of the coast of france were built almost at the same time as the rockets were supposedly entering its final stage of development as soon as they had something they started building and preparing for its mass production but what we have not been told is towards the end of the war the v2 rockets had been fine-tuned and was now possible for battlefield use after the allies had managed to cross the rhine the bridge of ramagan still stood ss general hans kamla stepped up to the plate and fired v2 rockets from 130 miles away and took the bridge down thus proving the v2 was now ready and capable for tactical use imagining what such a weapon could do with the battlefield nuclear device due to the allied bombing campaign the construction of the v2 v1 rockets and the me262 fighter jets 162 fighter jet was all moved underground but not only at the dora middlebow complex huge underground complexes were now being constructed in order to house and facilitate building and development there's becca style tunnels that were specifically built for this there was also a lot of construction going on in czechoslovakia and in lower silesia that is today poland these are very important sites which have so far not been probably researched and the documentation is completely missing and the archives are closed ostentatiously this would be rocket and research facilities but so much more than missiles and nuclear was being developed by the german scientist at the time but if we can now link the german rocket program to the german nuclear program to an entity such as the ss that had an unlimited amount of funding an unlimited amount of labor they could produce whatever they wanted with slave labor they did not need to pay not only that they had to support both financial and research support from huge german businesses such as the ig farben and aeg and many others as the war progressed the ss was setting the agenda for germany but why is it we know what we think we know about the german nuclear bomb project why has it been discounted as saab par with the invasion of france the elsa's teams were sent to europe they were tasked with finding and obtaining and documenting all german nuclear research programs they were headed by colonel boris t pash they were probably looking for a manhattan-sized project since in allied terms nuclear bomb projects were huge and expensive not knowing that hartek's team of 8 were able to enrich 50 grams of uranium a day the also teams denounced the german nuclear program before they even entered germany in fact they were in strasbourg when they did so they never did visit the factories in the east the risa locations many other ones in czechoslovakia that came under russian control and its doubt they have at the time they made this statement a full appreciation of what berkshire style and jonestalk was all going to be it was not until later in 45 they visited the weapons manufacturing plant of the skodavax and the ss secret research facilities strewn throughout germany austria czechoslovakia and now poland so we can ask ourselves why did they make such a stunning statement already in 44 that the germans had no interesting program there was no way of knowing about the full scope of the 11 different compartmentalized decentralized nuclear and research projects going on in germany and certainly they had not broken into the ss weapons research program that was all the way out hidden away in czechoslovakia the only other source of information at the time was the farm hall transcripts where all the german scientists had been locked up and recorded the initial farmhole recordings were edited to reflect the reality the allies wanted to put out and had wanted to put out ever since 1944 were the first elsa's reports that the germans didn't have a nuclear program that was worth anything they were far behind because on one hand you don't want to spread panic obviously the war is still going on at 44 and after you win the war you don't want to admit that the germans have managed to do something that you couldn't do for several months to come or maybe even you needed german technology in order to complete they certainly didn't want to admit that um also the scientists at farm hall none of them were on the kaml stop none of them were read in to the special access programs of dss of the special compartmentalized weapons production weapons research that that kamloo was running so they had no idea how far advanced he was and heisenberg already gave credit to deepnow for being ahead of him on on several points before so did the scientists at farm hall not also know that they were being recorded well they were really intelligent people yes they probably did and they were probably still be a fear of a post-war nazi ss entity that would not be so forgiving if they were talking the initial version of hitler's table talks was edited to exclude any reference to the nuclear bomb project so much have been altered before release to support the narrative that the germans didn't have a program and if that was the case why are all these files still sealed and classified and why is the austrian government still shutting down any excavation anywhere near where radioactivity or particle accelerated parts things are found that would support that the germans actually had some sort of a anatomic or plutonium bomb and another thing that must be said is boris t pash who ran the elsos teams eventually ended up working for the cia an agency that has shall we say a reputation for hiding the truth of things [Music] the ss organization originated as the bodyguard for adolf hitler it was always run by heinrich himmler it would eventually grow in scope size and responsibilities to infiltrate pretty much all parts of german life there was well-trained ss battalions that fought on all fronts alongside of the german army there was the algomind ss that handled ran built and constructed the slave labor camps there was ss intelligence services police brigades and many law enforcement gestapo police also held ranks in the ss it is an interesting side note that heinrich himmler was extremely fascinated by ancient germanic history in 1935 himmler founded the ananeb which was the nazi archaeologist historians organization that was to research ancient germanic pasts and other ancient texts they would indeed travel across the world to find but we don't exactly know what it was they were looking for modern historians have pretty much discounted the ananaba as a bunch of nazi archaeologists with guns however what is interesting about the andanava is it grew to over 50 departments and held a huge sway over himmler and the design of his castle of evilsburg was full of ancient germanic runes and symbols and it seemed strange because many of the ss managers and higher ranking officers were incredibly pragmatic people that would probably frown slightly on their boss's inclination towards the esoteric and yet i have found documentation written by high-ranking ss generals referring to meetings at wielsberg himmler's castle and conversations they had in relation to building projects of future ss cities what we need to understand is the ss was not just a militarized version of the nazi party it was an ideology the ss were taking over and their vision for germany was going to be the one that would fill german life after the war had been won in this document it is clearly noted alongside war winning projects that were incredibly important for the ss and enable projects and secret and inabid locations were also mentioned and scouted out by high-ranking ss generals in top secrecy which leads me to believe there may be more to this i don't think the last word have yet been spoken of the ananeb and joseph ferrell have laid out a great case that they were actually looking for ancient technologies thinking way outside the box of established technology and science beyond being an old-school confidante of adolf hitler heinrich himmler ran the ss and all its different organizations the ss was known for having exceptional efficient and brutal managers in key positions answering to himmler who answered to hitler the watchword was efficiency and a free pool of slave labor and well-financed research on huge german businesses like mentioned before ironically at the end of the war himmler sent a small ss task force to blow up his beloved castle american soldiers found his secrets safe blew it up and its content has never been seen and the rising star in the ss was dr hans kamla or ss general hans kamla one of the most mysterious people most people have never heard of and yet one of the most powerful people in the third reich towards the end of the war his power would rival himmler's and his ability to affect the war and events would parallel that of hitler if not surpass it so who was hans kamla in charge of rocket operations head of arms robert c of the ss weird shaft sunder behold matrix and other things and kamla he rose through the ranks within the ss and the government from the 1930s at one point he held a high ranking position within the air ministry overseeing all construction and large building projects the connection to the german luftwaffe will return in kamla's professional life within the ss he rose through various government assignments and excelled rapidly he was young and talented and extremely ambitious according to his children he was a good father and happily married with five children however two of them died at infants in a short time kamla became one of the most powerful generals in the ss rivaling himmler towards the end of the war he coordinated and oversaw all the secret weapon programs of germany he also oversaw research into nuclear propulsion weapons and rockets his secret team the camera shop researched technology so advanced it's apparently still classified today at a point where both himmler and hitler were no longer able to influence events kamala remained free to do so he ran projects so secret not even the top of the ss and the government knew of their existence he worked closely with vanna dornberger and won brown he was after all their boss he also worked extremely well and close with wilhelm voss the director of skodavaca the largest weapons manufacturing plant under german control he also held access to quite a few secret bank accounts in zurich something the allies would question him about after the war as documents have shown he was captured or surrendered to the americans in may 1945 and then he disappeared from history forever and so did his research there's 14 different accounts of how he died or committed suicide his wife had him declared dead end of story he was only mentioned at the new and back trials some 17 times now for several decades the american archives have steadily bled reports of what happened to kamla and the fact that he was in the americans care after the war his movements of the last month of the war has been fairly well documented especially since the oss had targeted him and several other high-ranking ss generals for assassination at one point they bombed nordhausen killing 8 000 prisoners and german civilians because they believed he was there so clearly he was a known entity to the allies and important enough to go through all that trouble for but what happened to his research and what was he really doing after the war dr wilhelm boss director of school to armaments works in czechoslovakia said in the last years of the war central command for the development and manufacturing of the most secret weapons and equipment was in the hands of ss openfield dr kamla and his special staff it included secret weapons equipment and proceedings which are either in use or which were not yet in use at the time as much as i know this mainly involved work in the area of atomic fragmentation the conversion of elements the atomic bomb and nuclear energy and additional rockets and the latest airplane propulsion systems and remote control on april 3rd 1945 kamilar met for the last time with hitler according to joseph gribble's diary he noted the fuhrer had a very long negotiation with uber corbin fury okamla who now bears much of the responsibility for the reform of the luftwaffe on his shoulders kamla is doing well and grape hopes rests on him wilhelm voss characterized kamala as follows he was the head of a staff of specialists who developed highly special secret weapons of war equipment whereas up to recent date each branch of the wehrmacht and its competent authorities had their developments carried out separately kamla succeeded in his field a centralized command for all branches tamla also oversaw the construction and design of the labor camps throughout germany and german occupied territories giving him a full run of any skilled laborer he needed from the labor camp system he also had a free run to scour german universities and schools for anyone talented to come work for his think tank walter dullenberger testified that heisenberg reported to him on the progress of his nuclear programs remember dornberger worked for kamla at this time he also stated that in germany at the end of the war there were 11 special technical programs all of them operated on a need to know basis high level of secrecy and compartmentalization and a note would be that very few people in nazi germany would have access to all of such programs and information in fact to my knowledge general kamala was the only one this of course also links dornberg and heisenberg rocket nuclear programs and kamla now it is known that hans kamla was able to coordinate all these scattered german efforts at the same time as he ran his own secret projects with his own staff interestingly enough remembering that both von braun and dornberger supposedly the rocket specialists were not on the camera stop in his special facility in the mountains of czechoslovakia also hans kamala and von adden knew each other well and worked together and years before himmler had recommended both he and dornberger as board members on aden's research installation in 1944 in june scientists had a conference in berlin with the baltic shellenberg ordos cosena many of the top scientists were present and notes were made schumann reported that the problem with the iranian bomb had been solved and von adden stated he had created a super weapon that did not weigh more than 3 kilograms the chief of the russian army intelligence lieutenant general elusive reported to general antonov that the germans had detonated a nuclear bomb in ordov on march 23 1945 these are the ones we have photos of this was also testified too by several independent sources and reported to stalin it was witnessed by locals and pows there is a report found in the russian archives from marshal zhukov to stalin from october 2nd 1945 in which he explained to stalin that the germans have made an atomic bomb but we have to remember the germans were not just pursuing a hiroshima size and tight bomb there are many different german scientists working on different types of nuclear weaponry several reports have come to light from the russian presidential archive one from march 23rd and one from november 44th clearly outlining german nuclear weapons tests in the ringgia furthermore the gru report specifies that this was a bomb that was 1.5 meters long the report further states that the bomb was designed by interconnected hollow spheres and had an incredibly destructive power kurchetov the director of the soviet atomic bomb project have received several alarming reports on the german bomb stating that the germans would be able to create a fission bomb from the implosion principle the report further states the germans had conducted several such tests and trees within a 600 meter radius had been flattened soviet prisoners of war had been brought up close to the site and 600 of them was pulverized in the explosion furthermore a strong radioactive effect had been observed after the blast davidorf the soviet expert on nuclear weapons examined the plans and concluded they were a well thought out plan for a nuclear bomb soviet nuclear bomb experts had to conclude and recognize some of the more modern elements in the german design such as the high voltage discharge tube not seen until later bombs lev davidorf concluded that the drawings of the german bomb was exactly like the aft war russian bomb or the russian bomb was based on the german design after the war stalin wanted to know how far the germans got in their design for a bomb martial sukhov wrote him back that the germans had completed the design and application of nuclear power and design and application of a nuclear bomb thus it is clearly noted in the russian files and archives that the germans had developed a nuclear bomb during world war ii but also files in the french archives from april 1945 notes the test of an electro nuclear bomb tested by the germans wherein russian and polish pows had been incinerated also from hitler himself transcripts of antonesco visiting in 1944 the russians were closing in and the war was coming to an end for his country and he wanted out hitler assured him that he had a new weapon a v3 and v4 and a bomb so powerful it would destroy anything within a 3 kilometer radius now whether this was a nuclear bomb or a very large coal dust bomb is unclear but it is clear that the germans had developed very powerful coal dust bombs and had been testing them in their naval vapor rocket system a system that has also been tested from submerged submarines [Music] after the war a french political memo citing that germany had been only six months from being able to full industrialized production of nuclear bombs remember the germans set up production as soon as they had a working concept just like with the rockets now before italy left the war alberto romero an italian journalist went on an expedition from mussolini to germany to take a look at what the germans had of secret weapons he also claimed to have personally visited this and several other nuclear bomb tests a 1947 cic report from 19 august operational report states that a transfer of four boxes contained in documents research data instruments and substances connected to guided missile and atomic energy was transferred by sd from tushla haida northern poland to italy the town in poland was coupled with research of guided missiles v1 v2 rockets were tested there after the russians got too close to pinamenda this report further connects rocketry and nuclear research and in the boxes were among other things ampules labeled u-234 u-235 and plu also in this report it was mentioned that a dr nils formerly of the kamleshtav now a tushla haida produced a number of atomic bombs weighing between one and five kilograms now the testimony to the turing and nuclear bomb tests are quite few claviana saw it from the castle where she was staying in march 1945 she was in a town near odorf when she saw a big slim column rise into the air so bright that one could have read a newspaper by it ordov had a concentration camp part of the buchenwald complex heinz vahmot who worked there a local excavation company told officials that the day after she had claimed to have seen the explosion he was ordered to help the ss build wooden platforms for the cremation of corpses of prisoners he said their bodies were covered with horrific burns a very well-known declassified document known as the sensor affidavit file apo 696 from the national archives in washington was summer german test pilot hunts sensor the file could be considered evidence this missile expert says he observed in 1944 a mushroom cloud in the sky during a test flight near ludwig's lust trouble uben's platz his log was submitted to the allied investigators and it read in early october 1944 i flew 12 to 15 kilometers from a nuclear test station near ludwig's lust south of lubeck a cloud shaped like a mushroom with turbulent billowing sections at about seven thousand meters stood without any seething connection over the spot where the explosion took place strong electrical disturbance and the impossibility to continue radio communication also turned up and if all this evidence was not enough that the germans had some sort of nuclear technology a submarine 234 arrived in norfolk several weeks after the war in europe ended it has been quite well documented what the submarine carried initially supposedly headed for japan it is described in detail in cardohydric's book now we also know that one of kamala's wife's friends was on board as well as the thousand pounds of uranium oxide and mb262 in boxes a luftwaffe general and infrared proximity detonators and their creator hun schlickert the us needed these to set off their bomb there are plans for v1 v2 rockets other secret designs bomb sites radars and one of kamla's pet projects the hs 293 invented by herbert egg wagner one of cumbra scientists from nordhausen at a time where it was clear that the war was lost and hitler put out orders to destroy everything and technology and everything so it doesn't fall in the hands of the allies and kamla is even writing hitler for permission to destroy things so the russians don't get them fighters without fuel and so on so forth to pack a submarine with all the most secret projects uranium oxide uh infrared proximity sensors the guy who invented them and me 262 kamala's pet projects in one submarine very very few people could have done this at that time at any time and kamla would have to be involved that submarine had did not leave with that cargo without him being involved and if he was involved borman must have been involved because he was all that money going around in assets with the with the ss borman was handling the ss and the party and the funds and gestapo muller must have known because he was providing security one of the rings of security for the countless type so borman and mulan kamla who all disappeared at the end of the war they must have been part in getting this submarine off and i don't really see any of them having a particular interest in helping japan ideologically there was a tacit corporation during the war but certainly nothing that substantial nothing that really could have been anything and german sailors were interned and mistreated by the japanese when germany surrendered so it's not like there was a whole lot of love and for tamra to send his pet projects and all his secret research to the japanese i don't see that as feasible as bargaining for it he told on spear on april 3rd that he was going to pack up everything and surrender to the americans and the americans have been in touch with kamla he sent out a lot of orders to destroy things before the russians get it including things we don't even exactly know what was in berlin a lot of interesting orders went out at the same time as he packed up orders to ship all his scientists through austria to to northhausen so they could meet with the americans and orderly be handed over with all the rocket science that would not have happened if kamala wanted to destroy all the rockets and all the scientists and kill all the scientists he would have shot them and he would have blown up all the tunnels where all the tech he didn't he specifically didn't do that and a deal was done with the americans and that submarine was almost certainly part of that deal um too bad for the two japanese officers that that were on it they weren't in on that one but same same reason where dulles would have been part of this uh certainly allen dulles that was uh ended up as head of the cia there was also a connection or a point of contact between borman and dulles and general wolf that surrendered uh italy two dollars it was part of that negotiation wolf ss general kamala ss general there are plenty of opportunities for kamla to be in contact with the americans he told his wife that the americans reached out to him and he deliberately packed up all his assets and prepared them for the americans further documentation for this comes from von braun and dornbacher themselves in late 1944 dornberger and von braun realizing the war was lost and they made contact to general electric through the embassy in lisbon it's not entirely sure how they did so but it is possible that von braun's brother sismon made the trip possibly with dornberger von braun's brother was a diplomat and became the west german secretary of state after the war kamla must have been informed of such a trip or endorsed it everything he touched was surrounded by a triple layer of security and counter surveillance the layers of security would have made it impossible for such high-ranking rocket scientists to travel outside of germany or even communicate with foreign powers friedrich freyja von weissnecker was involved in the german nuclear program from the very beginning his father ernst von weissnecker was the ambassador to the holy see an important post in post-war nazi liaison organization he also knew von braun's brother of course also he could have made a good venue for communication outside the third ice now general electric was in charge of the us v2 project hemis they visited the skoda vaca after the war both then and now they are a large military contractor after the war von braun became head of the ge project and its manager traveled to europe to pick the rocket parts and the german scientists most important to ge clearly a deal had been made and kamla was the only one who could arrange it he arranged for the entire rocket team and all the parts to be safely turned over to the americans he left his aide in charge of overseeing this event as he headed on to prague to rescue more documentation so despite post-war despairingly remarks made by dornbagger made of kamla they must have been a close team especially since at the end of the war himmler had dornberger imprisoned and kamla got him out but it's not unusual for wartime friendships to be denied after losing if it suits these individuals agenda now von braun held a secret meeting in january discussing handing over the rocket team intact to the americans and on the 31st general kamla gave the order for the rocket team to begin moving west from pinamunda to his wife tamla had stated the americans had reached out to him and to al-bashir he had said he would make a deal with the americans handing over everything he had so why the secrecy why all the accounts of his death and suicide clearly the united states and the cia had no problems making deal with various ss and nazi war criminals after all they had hired klaus barbie for years and years to hunt communists and the jungles however general kamala was different he was not a scientist he did not create all the atomic bombs or the rockets he did not have that know-how he knew how to manage and how to organize klaus barbie was an operator and ruthless man who knew how to hunt partisans and for the cia communists however cameler he knew how to get things done but hardly something that would be fitting a job at nasa alongside his old colleagues so what would the u.s do with him he handed over his documents his information and he had already handed over all the scientists and the research at dwa middlebow oss officer donald richardson worked directly under eisenhower and he was a confidant of the president my father communicated the fact that overgroup inferior hans calmer dr eng surrendered to the americans and was brought to america he lived for a short time in america most probably he died in his own hand understandably and sometime in 1947 i find that explanation absolutely plausible although it has not been backed up by anything from what i have seen kamala went out of his way to hand over his research his scientists intact to the americans he had clearly been in contact with the americans before the end of the war he traveled to prague and ordered every asset he had to protect that town from falling to the russians until he could evacuate what he had in prague which is a stone's throw from lower silesia and the risa complex towards the end of the war general kamala worked very hard to consolidate his remaining assets underground in various facilities and increase the output of his production of whatever it was he was doing more and more documentation is becoming available on this now throughout the german-occupied territories as well as in germany and austria proper the ss and the research teams has taken over castles and various locations for their various research and manufacturing they had strewn the occupied territories with labor camps though there would be a ready pool of a workforce available to do whatever they needed already from 41 42 they had begun building secret underground factories and scouting locations for these before the full brunt of the allied air force was being felt clearly they were ahead of the game and in prague czechoslovakia you had the largest weapons manufacturer in europe at the time that was run by an associate wilhelm voss clearly kamlal was represented here he worked closely with the school divacu for manufacturing of weapons and research at the final days of the war kamla ordered ferdinand schweiner and his ss division to keep the russians at bay from prague as long as possible even vos went there in order to rescue something there's something incredibly important about prague about the squad of x and about other sites that kamla had set up where he needed to rescue documents information and wartime material that was so important they both risked their lives to get them now what was this and what did kamala have in that part of the world of course there was a happy 60 miles north of prague vfg visa fluxoidal visa they were rumored to have manufactured cyclotrons for atomic research it shipped out three before the end of the war this was reported by times magazine in 1945 huge blast doors for high security inner checkpoints that we'll see later the pentagon air force intelligence division confirms that one cyclotron was removed by the russians after the war an industrial grade large cyclophone mid-1944 kripam this was the site of the camera shop they were housed in the large red brick building and can still be seen today this is where kamla's own scientists were doing their research and construction and weapons manufacturing they even housed parts here for we ones v2s lineboten the v4 the v101 a 140 ton rocket with a 1100 mile range was supposedly tested at the end of the war this was testified too by scorsena himself all this was developed without any association to von braun's team they were under the command of the mathematician and physicist wolf engel he had been a member of the german rocket society ever since 1928 he was an early associate upon brown but he did hold a grudge against dawn bagger also a rocket named hort was developed here extremely qualified technicians were brought here with no connection to any of the scientists at pina mundo or in germany proper russian paratroopers dropped to this site and got there before the allies even knew it was there so maybe we will never know what they found but we can hope the russian archives will open up to some of this research and what was this because all the rocket technology was out at nordhausen already waiting for the allies most of the nuclear facilities and testing was with deepness down in the guzman complex with berkrista so what was it that was so important that both boss and kamala would risk their life to hide and protect obviously they want to hide something and keep it's just in case the allies were going to double cross them but what was this technology because it couldn't have been the rockets and it couldn't have been the nuclear it was something else remember they had an exceptional team of scientists creating something now one thing is we don't know what tamela was hiding but we do know that he spent a lot of time hiding it in different places and it's been sought by treasure hunters ever since out near prague near tresovicia was an ss school the ss pioneer schuler disco it was run by an ss officer emile klein he had of course the mandatory forced labor camp attached to it he had made maps of hiding places that the czechs after world war ii and his capture spent 17 years trying to torture the locations out of him however it gets better in 1947 a small u.s team involving a bomb squad went back to strasovitcher under operation hidden documents it's all been released in the national archives they went to look for something and they found kamla's stash of 32 crates of something the czechs caught the bomb squad and held them back until they had the crates returned and i am certain that whatever the checks got back at that time was not what originally had been put in there by dr kamla and hidden by emile klein were after all the prisoners who have been digging around there for this ss school were all shot unlike prisoners of other camps that were just released according to historians the locations of 300 more crates were identified in this find now of course with having been discovered already once and the cold war looming above it wasn't possible to go back so this was so important that a team waited 40 some years and went back in 91. a omnipole joint expedition omnipot being a czech weapons dealer teamed up with fujamah japanese insurance company and supposedly members of jpl or lawrence livermore they went back to a place called metnic hill just around the corner from strazovich here they found underground bunkers and they excavated for several months or after they filled everything up with several tons of cement above ground surveyors have later identified a 20 by 20 round underground bunker and bunker systems now i've looked at bunkers all my life i've never seen one that is round there's no reason why you would want to make a round underground bunker way too complicated but there's something else to it and this is so important this couldn't just have been old world war ii german technology of rockets and nuclear that didn't work there's no reason to come back for something that important after that many years so clearly cummler and his team were doing something that still has an impact today which is why most of his research most of the papers pertaining him and his team are still classified everywhere oh and a final note after the war did i mention wilhelm voss he worked for omnipot oh well probably a coincidence in order to try to piece together what happened in lois alicia an area occupied by the russians after the war where after they initially evacuated everybody who used to live there and we do not know what they retrieved let's follow the documents one letter is initially interesting a letter from dr kamla to assess dr brandt a ss main office in this letter kamla refers to a recent meeting they had at weevilsberg referring to an order given by himmler in regards to decentralization of various ss departments it also refers to scouting secret special projects for the ananabi that was carried out however all of these could not be carried out important as they were until after sunday balfour hub s3 could be completed or after the war had ended so let's see what are these special building projects this was followed by three documents from albert spears ministry document files in which spear refers to a briefing given to hitler on various weapons testing status of iron and an incomplete note on the need to inform the british of something related to ot workers still i don't know what that means however it further on lists the s3 building construction projects it especially lists the key building projects of lisa and lotha in conjunction with underground facilities under fishnerstein kassick castle igor wikowski suspects that ludwigsdorf is the location for the mysterious facility named lothar where a lot of construction was taking place just alongside those nearby of the various risa complexes it was mentioned that only block 1 from block 2 and sections a b d g are carried out the remaining systems will only be built afterwards meaning that some parts of the complex would be moving into operation so it could be operated from the 11th they will continue to work at all speed the luther plant and one of the most important documents ikovikovsky found was one as a reference to a meeting from the aeg working on a project classified as the charity analogy working with hokshpanong high voltage and it cites dr schumann this from 1942 and this is classifying the project decisive for the war effort and nowhere else have we seen that designation also worth noting that von arden disclosed to four of that whilst aden had installed one cyclotron like device in the mine at ludwiger at bisinga in april 1945 the french captured what appears to have been another incomplete bell device created by swiss scientist talbach when the elsa's reached the austrian town of milk they came across another nuclear project which they have termed transformer room dr horf vitor after the war referred to the device known as an x-ray transformer which also appears to be the nazi bell now we don't really know what the bell was or what it did or how many there were or maybe it was components to projects what we do know the bell project was broken by igor vykovsky a polish researcher and historian in 97. it seems clear that the bell is a technological part of a bigger technological picture it was part of something bigger he found the information to the bell reading the war crimes testimony from ss general jacob spornberg mentions that he was evacuating a technological instrument about nine feet tall containing counter rotating spheres supposedly containing red mercury it was fed large amounts of electricity and it would spin at extreme speeds it would emanate radioactivity and possibly had a counter gravitational abilities it would emanate a humming sound which could denote electrical switches opening and shutting really fast but it would initially kill anything or anybody nearby due to radiation it was supposedly tested underground and claims have been made by post-slave workers from the nearby concentration camps that they saw a blue light hovering over or near ludwigsdorf complex where the famous henge is located and given the electrical infrastructure at that location sucks experiments are certainly possible they had the electricity to carry out high voltage experiments and the location was a pre-war munition factory and a rail link and with a note from the aeg mentioning high voltage projects and the charity analogy special projects sometimes morph into several sometimes they change names certainly something interesting was going on this is the part of the story that gets murky there's a lot of rumors a lot of different testimony that is not verified so all we can go on is by the documents and when they come from spears ministry or hans gambler himself noting specific top secret high priority locations i want to go have a look at those sites and this is where the problems usually begin after the war secrecy hovered over anything to do with special german research the nuclear bomb projects the rocket projects everything was classified hans kamla disappeared but he's not the only one who disappeared a very very important person in the third hike would be martin borman he disappeared too it was claimed that he was killed in fighting trying to get out of berlin after hitler had killed himself again borman was an incredibly smart person he had a meeting with all the tops industrialists at strasbourg in 1944 explaining how they all needed to expatriate all their assets their patents and prepare for the fourth reich is the military right had been lost interestingly enough we don't know as kamla attended this meeting but we do know the day after strasbourg a town of no military importance was bombed by the allies still martin borman disappeared they found his body in early 90s and insufficient dna testing did not prove anything to my satisfaction or after they dumped the body in the ocean gestapo who would have been instrumental in providing security for the kamla stop and all his secret research teams also disappeared and heinrich himmler the man that probably knew everything he was suicided and i'm saying it that way because i have every doubt that he killed himself i've read the transcripts of the british transporting him to the house where he supposedly killed himself he was eating on the way and he had already handed over his suicide capsule i believe himmler was killed because he knew too much he was too much of a liability so why would the same thing not happen to kamla after he had given up everything he had he would just be a liability whether he was killed or suicided or hidden in exile somewhere on a beach where he could drink pina coladas well people who know too much tend to just disappear one way or another military history in itself is super interesting battlefield archaeology is fascinating crawling through all bunkers and battlefields and trying to piece out what happened is a very interesting thing to do and it's an important thing to do for the military community to learn from what happened and just for history in general to understand people need to understand and learn from history and they can't do that if you don't write it correctly or if you rewrite it but what we're looking at in this series is something completely different because we're dealing with technology that we don't know what is i i it would take a lot of convincing er for me to believe that there was a a bell hovering around the henge in ludwigsdorf but when i then read some of the papers that has snuck out of the archive some from aeg and the decisive for the war effort and i see hitler being briefed on projects that no one has any idea what was certainly the germans were building something in preparation for some really advanced technology to move in and some of it may have moved in already and just disappeared to go to the archives did it get scattered through industry uh military industrial complex we hear that term thrown around a lot certainly what i want to do is go to all these sites and get an idea or feel for myself what could be here what could this have become and then i hope between some of those great researchers and some of the wonderful people at the archives who will of course now send me everything i'm asking for we will try to piece together what they actually did because they had incredibly brilliant scientists and i mentioned the annan amber earlier because i can't say science and military and history and esoteric and mix it together but there's a reason why so many in the ss were so caught up with old uh sans tablets and sumerian texts and i don't know what i'm looking for i really don't i'm not a scientist but i know that something was there and i know people were killed to protect these secrets and i think that's that is something we need to figure out what was because if this is at advanced technology as it could be the world needs to know and if this is a superstructure of tesla's technology when tesla died fbi came in and confiscated all his papers and that was before world war ii certainly there were german scientists that thought way outside the box and i think sky's the limit as to what they really could have come up with so in this series that will probably run me for the rest of my life i will endeavor to go to all of kamla's secret locations i want to go to the underground caves the underground bunkers the hideouts the places that has not yet been found i'm sure and certain there are some i hope you'll all help me in researching the archives in the paperworks as i crawl around on the ground and under the ground with a camera geiger counter and a shovel try to find out what was there if we can't get everything out of the archives at least we can go to the secret locations of world war ii we can go to the rocket facilities the nuclear facilities we can climb around the places like bakristal that we know where was we can look in the areas around there and excavate them just like andrea schutzer did out in austria when he found evidence of a underground tunnel system that has so far been denied he found it he found the entrance to it he found radiation he found parts of a particle accelerator and the government shut him down and declared everything heritage site for all those locations where nuclear testing supposedly had taken place that are now in nature preserve after a fire the archives that are burnt down so all we can do is go to the location with a shovel and a camera and try to judge what is there today and what could have been there then for all the thousands and thousands of victims that died trying to create these secrets or create hideouts for them that's the very least thing we can do to the archivists to those in the governments and intelligence networks it's been 75 years some of these secrets are obviously still so important that they're worth keeping today which means they may be in use somewhere today in secrecy but still we are adults and it's been 75 years and it's time for the truth to come out i hope you will join me over the next many episodes where i'm starting in lower silesia poland germany austria czechia pina mundo all the different locations where these things happened and i'll try to document them for you do you have any tips for me well let's go live and exchange ideas and find the truth you
Channel: Lost Battlefields w Tino Struckmann
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Id: WRsrx0g5ByM
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Length: 73min 27sec (4407 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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