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i have studied world war ii history tactics battles fortifications all of my life i was in the army i lectured on german and russian tactics and i thought i knew everything in all of the important parts of that war a war that permanently changed the world so much new world-changing technology was created then much of it in secret german facilities hiding underground and run by the ss in this series i'm trying to uncover the still classified and secret special programs run by the ss separating fiction from facts by following the documents and the credible human sources comparing it to what is actually on the ground during the war ss special projects and weapons manufacturing research was led by ss general hans kamla he had huge underground excavations going on in germany austria poland czechoslovakia an entire special research team only under his supervision and that of the ss now for the most part post-war these are labeled as basic underground factories for mb262s or rockets and some for potential new headquarters for hitler but that is too simple of an explanation and it seems to cover the truth of what was really going on in these places especially if we begin to compare the various files that have come to light since then they paint a vastly different picture of what was really going on such as wartime documents from aeg that describe special projects decisive to the german war effort as well as briefings to hitler which describes progress and expected start dates of operations of such as the risa project now this is telling me that this could not just have been another headquarters over the next two episodes i will try to break down the lisa project walk the locations and give you all a better idea of what it looks like so together we can find out what actually might have happened or was planned here certainly entire factories were moved underground and into tunnels such as the door mittelbaugh was one of such projects where the v2 mb262 production moved into existing tunnels in order to shield them from allied bombing i visited dwar midlau because it is one location where we know for a certainty that large rockets and jet fighters were produced and after the war we know that the russians blew up the ends of the tunnels leaving them looking pretty much like they looked today do make a note of how a large destroyed tunnel entrance looked like we'll get back to these later also remember the door middlebuff facility was where kamla had left a second in command to hand over the entire facility intact with all the scientists from pinamunda to the americans which happened they handed them over to the same u.s third army under general patton who also liberated pilsen and the vast skoda vaca and the yonstall tunnels just a few miles away from where the ss had developed and possibly tested several nuclear devices so what was the laser project in the mountains of lower silesia today poland they dug nine separate tunnel systems they were constructed underground by the use of huge amounts of forced labor one of them was under the castle firstenstein for each location a concentration camp was built 13 sub-camps in all and a hospital they were all drawing labor from the kohl's horse and maine camp over 13 000 slave laborers worked on the lisa project now this does not include the forced laborers or skilled laborers and construction crews an enormous amount of money were spent and resources were used here in this relatively small area local factories were taken over power plants mines and castles as well and at least 5 000 slave laborers died during the construction of the lisa uba bao laitan greece was in effect roads were constructed tunnels were dug bridges were built and according to albert speer on june 20 1944 over 28 000 people were working on the risa project making it the biggest in wartime germany the construction was initially too slow and the ss and toured organization took over under the supervision of chief engineer franz siva dosh according to witnesses in 1945 an order was given for more prisoners to be brought in deliberately to mask the work that had been done and make it appear incomplete this in the face of the war being slowly lost and the russians approaching in february some other sites were evacuated while others continued to work right up until may 6 1945 two days before the russians took over the area one of the officers in charge was named anton dolmos he was either ss or luftwaffe he remained and offered the polish government plans for the tunnels he lived in the area for a while and then he vanished to the west from him we know some of what was expected to have happened here one of the largest tunnel systems is the osufa sulfonvasa complex it is 750 meters above sea level with four large tunnel entrances internal guard rooms and some completed sections that can still be seen today contemporary witnesses describe how underground rooms and stairs had been covered up and above ground there are some very mysterious buildings that we'll look into further with the help of experts much of what we also know from here came from albert spiers ministry files one in particular describes how hitler was briefed constantly on the lisa project and he took a keen interest in this project in particular these documents also mentions adjacent secret projects and their progress and remember juan arden testified that he have installed several cyclotrons in the recent locations not to mention jacob spawnback's post-war testimony of having evacuated well something he did not even know what quite was the german reichpast was also here in force setting up underground bunkers and by 1944 431 kilometers of communication cables have been laid here do remember von arden's nuclear research lab was co-funded by the reich post as well on september 15 1943 albert spiel xeva dorch and leon muller construction superintendent met as hitler had decided to build a new headquarters in los alesia the foreign ministry was already represented here the castle firstenstein along with the tort organization and of course the ss was ever present it is confirmed by german historian professor franz w sheidler that both hitler's new headquarters and a huge underground industrial facility was to be built here in the owl mountains from 1944 ss hamstrom through a dr siegfried schmeichel architect supervised the entire works do remember the henry's location in ludwigsdorf was not included in the lisa plans and the ss had already moved into this area before germans quality yeah this was your special cement from italy high quality cement yeah standing here at the entrance you can feel the cold air it's chilly down there in it so did the germans destroy the original entrances or [Music] so this is original yeah here was one engine yeah and with with the line put the wagons from outer door here into underground so this is what it looked like or has it been filled up or i mean it's been reinforced the reinforcing is new uh yeah and that's what we're helping and then probably the first first position there's the yeah lay down fuel fire inside a bunker entrance i think you all need to remember that is rather important inside the bunker and here you have the machine gun positioned but not which is a weird place to put it when i say that because here's the other one so there you have one machine gun safety you have one garden there pointing into a wall which means something passed him there that was important for proofing all people they are coming into into undergrounds so there's a tunnel under here uh in there there would have been a tunnel yeah that is now collapsed or destroyed yeah yeah that's right because he would some he would have people have to go past him and not just run this way i'm surprised there's no one sitting facing that way or facing that way this is another exit right or is that a tunnel that's on the only technical terminal for workers um but finally it must be this time must be higher and bigger now so for this piece so people would come in from there that's the regular entrance or was yeah and then they would have to come check in with him and go this way if they had to go do something serious and then that way for technical and is there just a room in here or a second checkpoint second check what did i think [Music] here was what's must be you know um install some some gas proof doors here yeah gas proof and and air move [Music] this actually built up this is not just carved out this is built up with cement in between yeah now these slabs are interesting [Music] it's literally like seeing your pill box built inside and here you had a very serious door [Music] well this was a gas door [Music] you see the same you have the arch up here and then put in [Music] this is where the classic defensive position yeah yep straightforward very simple checkpoint with with all for grounds so the electrical cable to come through here we know so and here's again serious hinged door and we're back in this room access panel for the above steel door into into what was in there connect [Music] with the tunnel this higher part is corridor corridor for all installations water ventilation so that all ran out there and this is the third checkpoint and this here ahead of us that's so you have a small access tunnel i'm guessing or as we call it storage this is the end of the tunnel now remember spears briefing to hitler that parts of the lisa project tunnels had been completed and something could begin from that november they were already building and digging as hard as they could so what was that something that may already have begun now if you compare this to the tunnels on the wolves layer over salzburg you'll find this is far far bigger this is a completely different look and feel this is much more industrial and somehow feels more secure so here's a room now here we can see the straight part this from the other side now i get it i have no idea what the camera does but i get it so that was blown i mean you have to and you have the doors coming here there would have to be a third option in there in the dark if you can't see him [Applause] now i'm surprisingly steps upstairs why am i seeing steps up i'm very surprised this is how we found it [Music] to roll it a little bit of course here it is here for the platform so that doesn't matter i'm very confused the underground tunnels are now going out it's very unusual so my name was going on in here as well so tunnels shoot off to the side so did they mine in here as well yeah did they they do mining for material they mine coal or no thanks they only mind the stone in here i'll tell you a secret you don't need machine guns to protect people who are mining stone you really don't so yeah we're back to that again some of the original drills i'm guessing or some of the drills [Music] oh this is where the ships are for the sailing tour so all these are filled with water for the extreme stream this was really important for nazi engineers yeah yes it was and this place underground can save in in the case when russians or americans use the atomic bomb yeah they actually expected that might happen yeah that's that's what they wanted for bomb fruit at the beginning of the war so being 40 50 60 meters underground we're in pretty good shape down here [Applause] and what do we have here [Applause] will be ready will be 18 maybe 19 meters so long they were going to build rockets here was that the idea i think maybe but nothing was built here that we know of nothing was made here it was abandoned before this is something else this is something else see the bear rock up there and then the wood support there is really interesting that's uh technology and full stop for a minute we are passing triple machine gun positions gas tied doors and what looked like collapsed tunnels that could possibly lead down to underground and you have these huge huge halls and this is an enormous complex and you're telling me this is going to be a bunker for hitler i am not buying it down in another wet tunnel this is my idea of a romantic getaway okay yeah okay same construction it's a little bunker structure inside this actually look reinforced this is reinforced there's rebar in here and there's rebar parts this is uh purpose built this drain canal i've never seen before what was what was a canal but and why the wine like that this less radiation in here than anywhere so far on this entire trip i've also seen a lot of german tunnels and never any access ports like this that's holes yeah they are not typical [Music] i think they are made for special planet equipment yeah and the roof was heavy enough to carry something and the same thing here the roof is actually full of holes that are here for a reason yeah here this uh um this holes are typical huh for normal usual installation yeah yeah but here no this is another here yeah i mean could it be an access tunnel where you could have cranes or something lift i think there can be some dispatching room dispatching room for for all this object maybe for for rocket platforms this is another very large tunnel so this is what you would need to build here is uh number two and that's big enough for vehicles and when the walls will be really ready yeah the tunnel will be big uh high 10 meters yeah and white six seven meters yeah it's uh and out place from some some platforms with rocket yeah they can be goes out uh goes uh on on the position on the on on on this small tank yeah and can be ready in uh maybe [Applause] 14 minutes that's that's right that's what is this no no no no what's in here it's small yeah oh this but not this this too smaller yeah this is this is like this this still uh elements of of of walls yeah these are the these are the original and the red brick no yes yeah now certainly towards the end of the war the v2 rocket and the reinborden rocket had been perfected to the point where it could in theory be used as a battlefield weapon however moscow is more than a thousand miles away and it seems unlikely that even if you could assemble and position rockets in these tunnels wheel them out fire the rockets and potentially hit moscow with one of them even with a tactical nuclear weapon in the tip it is just not enough it seems unlikely that this much effort was put into something that would only fire small rockets or missiles and these tunnels are not big enough for what would eventually be known as the a-10 or the america architect so what were they doing here it had to be something else besides the possibility of protecting dignitaries and state departments and hitler himself there must have been something bigger a lot of industrial infrastructure have been put in place here communications but there's something else there's something missing so much resources were spent here again imagine germany is fighting england actively and they are invading the cupola only had 1400 people working on them here so much more were spent and yet i'm not seeing it in the tunnels yeah first step i was making the top cup part yeah second step in second step let's make this lower level corridor third step on this side 1943 so so all this was wartime construction nothing's nothing before so we're definitely not not buying the rock we're not buying the rock story we're not we're not buying the mining rock story that might have been a good byproduct i'm guessing i mean if you're gonna mine if you're gonna dig a factory underground that's great if you can dig a factory underground where you can use the material for other things you have double purpose make sense exist really big net of corridors like fabric dora in germany but these corridors these tunnels are lower are these tunnels the same size as dora or nora no although fedora is bigger it's it's possible to produce some parts of this rocket and they were not finished i mean they weren't finished building just because the war decided to end it wasn't their plan to be finished the final crime uh i'm playing a place for 20 000 people yeah a big bunker i'm here grand city or underground town yeah for 20 000 people that was what albert speer was planning for this year yeah albert spur right um his his memory yeah so albert spear himself was here was he must have been here since he had plans for it and wrote about it in his book small times small times he will visit this place [Music] i need to reread his book memories i know it's like 800 pages long so so there's another part of this is it built or is it is it planned plot okay and on the ground are the overground buildings from albert's pair that's these objects must be ready in the 46th yeah so maybe in the 46 hitler we are to use atomic bomb yeah okay we have information that in complex regions was died for four thousand eight hundred people [Music] [Music] your drill hole sticking diamond blast half clean out are we going up this is the only tunnel i've been in so far where all we have done is walk up this is a very new experience for me yes i am joking a little bit it's a whole new perspective when you realize how many people died building this and how many resources were put into building this and it keeps coming back to the question why they were already manufacturing munition and you could do that faster above ground you could produce more ammunition faster sitting in tents in the forest than doing this to do it so clearly ammunition is not just it and rock binding is certainly not it so yes there's much more to this speaking of much more of this um the original equipment you know from this location these are the same electrical kind of templates that we found in the film station yeah this is for [Applause] i'm guessing you still find bits and pieces all the time no original uh ones okay of course you would need them to excavate to pull mining rock and [ __ ] out that thing is still rolling yeah 75 years later i gotta say about the girls captioning not where available people are working yeah there's a lot more work going into an underground bunker that people think or underground anything anything i don't think people they understand how much it takes just to run a a pill box with air with gas suppression so italian and czech companies worked with the tool organization building this yeah yeah i know which makes sense because not prisoners uh prisoners are making very simple works yeah uh like a transport of rocks and the hard labor stuff yeah mine works i'm making with specialists yeah and they were actual civilian companies from czech and from italy yeah just like just like the truth come to the tour organization always hired local companies or businesses to come and do yeah and then of course they would offer them the use of slave labor because that's cheaper and that's kind of what the ss did and here down the road outside the caves is the very reason why i wanted to show you what do our middle bout looked like christoph always had a suspicion but take a look at what a known tunnel collapsed looks like and there's rubble strewn all over the place collapsed in front of the hole and there was two railroad tracks leading here so this is clearly where the rockets were produced and came and went but you see all the rubble that's collapsed rolled downhill this looks very similar to what we found in lower silesia for what could be destroyed tunnel entrances any tunnel yeah i'm not sure look at this fine trance yeah and that little alcove and the dig is now hidden by trees that are easily younger than 70 years uh this but yes i see i see what you're saying if this had been eroded by nature it wouldn't come down in this many pieces all these pieces is not natural now if you explode in front of something you get pieces if we will found some conquerors we we have answer yeah it's possible to found to found some some facebook i mean you know how look at this if you have something like this this just looks like a i mean i've seen these fields yeah or explosives but yeah that looks like this was tooled huh i mean of course the stone can break into but this feels like it could have been oh damn i don't know i just flat surface under this rock as well it just i see corners that looks a little unnatural and rocks that collapse on top of each other is also rather suspect it's it can be make it uh with with the toes yeah if you blew up the entrance to a tunnel it would be the pieces from the tunnel would be underneath because well that's but this looks so uh this this stroke is nice it's nice i'm gonna have to bring some and frame it it's really good this would be a good place to work from the rotations yeah any rotations i mean i would have no problem believing there'd be a tunnel in here yeah because of the way this rock been blown you have this little hole that is unnatural this is already just this is shaped as an entrance to begin with in a little u-shape and then in the middle of the u-shape you have all these smaller pieces of rock that looks exactly like they would if you stuck in a bunch of explosives from the top and then blew the entrances which means maybe there are drill marks from above they're nice as well but is that flat surface man-made it's very flat see if up here this would mean a little bit of repelling job see if you can find something this will not help me these woods are full of places like this that look like exactly what they look like i've seen bunkers blown up in many different ways and if they're up high this is usually what it looks like i can only tell you guys what i can see because a lot of these parts the polish government will not allow excavation but and granted nature makes a lot of different shapes but this is clearly a little alcove the side of the road that looks like it's been dug into the mountain and if the alcove mind expression had collapsed onto itself there would be a lot more rock so there was a little u-shape here if there were several tunnels as it looks like there's one wall and then it digs in for a good 30 meters then it flattens out about 50 meters and then comes to an end comes sticks out crops out about 30 meters again i will start working on paperwork for allowance to do more research and i'll reach out to what friends i have with the russian archives because i think that is where a lot of these secrets are to be found but in the places where so this was prisoner barracks what did they work here as well was that for work or living a living they built concrete and every uh day going from here to a soft car to work so this was a concrete footing and then wood everything else the building was made of wood when i was in poland recently and i looked at on the east wall they had prisoner barracks with foundations just like this but here we are on the foundation of one of the prisoner barracks these were also prisoners from course awesome that had been sent here to work were these technically skilled or was this more just slave labor doing the heavy work for on just simple works and do do we know if anybody survived from here yeah they did but after a war nobody was asking these people about this what what's happened here yeah all these people are going free to home and didn't want to hang around and do tours with with with this story of course not if you if you were here as a slave labor you don't really want to hang around combos oh rock rock crashes crush it oh really so they brought the rock out here and destroyed it and crushed the rock here to make it into smaller pieces that could be transported that does make sense yeah and here was going uh uh trail um small train uh rail yeah down yeah go the materials gonna going up yeah that does seem a lot more expedient than having people carry it what we're looking at here are the remnants of an extremely efficient building machine all the building materials and cement was coming up the mountain on conveyor belts processed and then transported through tunnels and holes into the main tunnels where building would take place the rocks and debris from the tunnels were being carted out in rail cards or again on conveyor belts and turn into rolled construction material like this you can see more of the history and story of her functionality how goes it yeah so this was the bottom of the conveyor belt with the engine i'm guessing um maybe the foundation of the line and then the engine will be sitting here uh yeah yeah probably mounting elements for engines it's really impressive how much was here what's even impressive more impressive is that we know so little about it and so many people died here making this and we don't even know what happened it is the very least thing we can do for all the people who died here yeah is try to figure out what happened and why now walking the lisa project locations today i'm running into a problem one of math when i see these locations and i know that on september 22nd 1944 albert speer informed hitler that 28 000 workers were currently working on the lisa project 150 000 rich marks had been spent 257 000 square meters of steel reinforced concrete and 213 000 square meters of tunnels 58 kilometers of road six bridges a hundred kilometers of pipelines had been laid however today the total volume of these facilities does not exceed a hundred thousand square meters rough calculation gives us the amount of concrete used figures about seventy thousand square meters you compare this to the data provided by spear we are missing over a hundred thousand square meters of tunnels and a hundred and eighty thousand square meters of concrete where did this go work on the balfour harbour es de lais elisa was carried out in the strictest of secrecy the 35 square kilometer area was completely sealed off spaghett you were only allowed with a special pass and the work went on 24 hours a day however there's more the germans who lived in the area before the war did later testify that certain parts of this area was forbidden entry from before 1943. mr stanislav shulga a former laborer testified that he was brought into the camp at kocha at the end of 1942 and sent to work on a tunnel excavation probably in osufka an italian mining specialist living in kluska stated that he came to the area in 1935 and was initially employed at the quarry as kuluska but in 1937 after signing a secrecy waiver he was transported along with several other mining specialists several times a week to the soviet mountains near waslaw where he worked on tunnel excavation now i wonder why the official story wants us to recognize 1943 as the starting date for the lisa when something clearly started long before that according to many witnesses that could still be found and have testified after the war according to helena putlin born in berlin she stated that in 1938 the forests on the slopes were already fenced off roads that branch off everywhere up into the woods car towers access control well this one looks so strange with the opening facing outwards that's why it's making me think it might have been placed here and on the remains of another small gauge railroad leading into the tunnel if you think that they wheeled things into the mountains hid them there trucks of gold going in then you blew up the back part of the mountain so nobody could find it that can be let me explain to you why when you dig into rock you can tell where the rock begins where it ends where it's been dynamited and cleared out or not so if you go into a tunnel and you blow it it'll be full of rubble not solid rock so anybody looking for anything they think you hid behind there they'll know this is where to look and they'll remove the rubble and find your precious tunnels and you know what they weren't that dumb they knew that if they hit it in a tunnel and just sealed it by blowing it it would be found unless of course you blew the outside of the mountain planted some grass some trees in front of what you blew dirt on top that would have been easier to hide and in 1947 cyprenev motion editor of the polish word he wrote a series of reports on trips to the area where he himself describes the underground city barracks the ss city now decaying and unpreserved together with them a huge amount of cement was deteriorating there were still 10 million paper cement bags of 50 kilograms each left on the site and the number is the best evidence of the enormity of the plan structure and by then already a hundred train wagons with 15 tons of cement each had already been taken away by the russians so clearly something was being built here that we cannot find or see today according to surviving witnesses the few there were towards the end 100 to 200 prisoners were used to hide or disguise underground rooms and stairs were after they were killed immediately upon their arrival the russians sealed off the area just like they did in ludwigsdorf and shipped out everything they found back to russia i wanted to put things in perspective more people worked here on their isa than indoor middle bow and la cupola and bear crystal and yet there's no signs of much they did except half-finished tunnels that does not add up i think there's a fairly strong possibility we're looking at a heavy water production facility [Music] now we will go and i will show you a rom for hitler [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lost Battlefields w Tino Struckmann
Views: 117,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: der rise, rise, project, project rise, tino, struckmann, hans, kammler, general, ss, nazi, silesia, lower, poland, germany, ww2, world, war, two, secret, conspiracy, bell, glocke, nuclear, himmler, secret project, war time, historian¨history, documentary, investigative, investigation, tunnels, caves, bunkers, underground, heavy water, plant, hans kammler, albert, speer, furstenstein, wolfs lair, hitler, gross rosen, kz, camp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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