The Last Gaming Laptop You’ll Ever Need? Framework 16 Review

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The Framework 16 is the most unique laptop  I’ve ever tested! It offers an unprecedented   level of customization, repairability and  upgradeability. Take this for example. This   is a Radeon GPU that you can just slot in the  back, making laptop GPU upgrades fast and simple. The design looks professional and the finish  feels nice and premium. The bottom shell   is magnesium alloy and although the lid  is CNC aluminum, that didn’t stop there   being more lid flex than I was ready for.  It felt kind of floppy when twisting it,   so I guess just don’t do that, because  it was perfectly fine using it normally. There’s no screen wobble, even when typing hard,   and it feels perfectly fine when opening the  lid, so yeah, it’s not a problem in practice. There is some keyboard flex when pushing down  hard, which isn’t that surprising considering   you can remove the keyboard, more on that  shortly, but it didn’t seem too different   compared to many other laptops I’ve tested. I  seem to have a similar amount of flex underneath   the keyboard as Alex in the LTT review, so  maybe it just doesn’t bother me as much. My configuration has AMD’s Ryzen 7 7840HS  processor and the optional Radeon RX   7700S graphics module. This costs an  extra $400 USD and isn’t required,   but it’s an upgrade option if you  ever want to add more GPU power. Installation of the graphics module is as simple  as taking off the magnetic keyboard, undoing   some screws, sliding out the expansion bay and  slotting in the graphics module - all of which is   documented in-depth on Framework’s website. From  start to finish I was able to go through the whole   process in just over 2 minutes, and I had a camera  awkwardly sitting between me and the laptop. It’s a little thicker at the rear  with the graphics module installed,   and overall it feels a bit bigger compared  to most other 16 inch gaming laptops I’ve   tested. It’s heavier with the graphics  module installed too, as it contains   extra cooling for the GPU. Fortunately the 180  watt Type-C GaN charger is on the smaller side. Alright here’s where things start getting fun.  You can pick where the keyboard and touchpad go   based on your personal preferences. Basically  you line it up with the dotted lines and just   slide them into position and let magnets do  the work, it’s super easy to change any time,   even with the laptop running. Everything  connects with these 8-pin connectors,   which use USB 2.0 and are rated  for 10,000 cycles, so change away. You can put the keyboard in the middle  with some spacers on the sides, or you   can put the keyboard on the left or right. You  can either put the spacers in the empty spot,   which are available in different colors,  or even with LED lighting strips that   can be customized to show things like  battery life, current time or alerts,   or you can add in a numpad or RGB macropad based  on whatever you prefer. The software for managing   the light strips feels super early. It didn’t  work very well, but I assume that will be updated. The same goes for the touchpad. You can put it  on the left, right, or in the middle based on   your preference. I think it works best having it  centered with regards to the letter keys, but the   fact that you can decide for yourself is a whole  new level of customization I’ve never seen before. My only complaints are that the numpad has white  backlighting only, so if you spend $50 extra to   upgrade to the RGB keyboard that mine has then  they don’t match. The Macropad does have RGB,   and by default the keys are mapped to a numpad,  but the keycaps are clear so it can get quite   bright. And sometimes the fit of the spacers  is a bit janky and not perfectly flush with   everything else, but it’s not really a  problem unless you’re a perfectionist. Keys can be customized with via, so through  a browser without any software needed,   but there are also a number of shortcuts  built into the keys for cycling through   effects and granular adjustment. Possibly too  many to remember, but they’re listed here on   Framework’s website. There are a number of built  in effects for the RGB keyboard with much more   customization compared to most other laptops,  and all keys and secondary functions get lit up. Key brightness is adjusted between three levels  by holding function and pressing the spacebar,   while the numpad is adjusted separately  by pressing enter with numlock off,   but it’s far dimmer in comparison to the RGB  keyboard. You can’t customize both together. As for functionality, typing on the  keyboard worked well. It has 1.5mm of key   travel and I had no problems with it, though  I prefer keys with a slightly clickier feel. The glass touchpad might not be  as big as some other laptops,   but it was still nice to use,  worked well and clicks anywhere. There’s a fingerprint scanner  built into the power button,   which I found to work fast and accurately. The  power button was kind of bright by default,   but you can customize it between three  different brightness levels in the BIOS. The ports are super interesting, because  Framework has an expansion card system that   allows you to pick the ports you want  and customize the layout, to a degree. Basically you pick up to 6 expansion cards which  connect to the laptop with a Type-C connection.   They’ve got options for USB Type-A, Type-C, HDMI  2.0b, full size DisplayPort 1.4, MicroSD card   slot with normal full size SD slot option coming  soon, and 2.5 gigabit ethernet, though that one   sticks out a little. You can even just straight  up install extra SSD space with these modules. This image from frameworks website  shows what all the slots support. So   you can have Type-C charging with  up to 240 watts on either side,   you just have to use ports 1, 2, 4 or 5. The  display outputs are also closer to the back,   but the tradeoff is only the rear ports have  faster USB 4 if that’s something you need. So you can use Type-C to charge the  laptop on either side, which is great,   and I confirmed that you can still charge the  laptop even without the Type-C expansion card   installed. Yeah, it’s a bit more awkward  to connect the power cable for charging,   but hey this does mean that you can still  charge the laptop without spending $9 USD   on a Type-C expansion card. And same goes for data  transfer, I could install a really thin USB stick. If you’ve got the discrete graphics expansion  bay installed, there’s an additional Type-C   port on the back which can be used as a  display output, and it’s the only one that   connects directly to the discrete graphics.  I confirmed data transfer works on this,   but Framework don’t seem to specify what  version of USB it uses. You can also   connect the expansion cards to it if you want  to use HDMI or DisplayPort instead of Type-C. All of the expansion cards on the side,  whether you’re using DisplayPort or HDMI,   always connect to the integrated  graphics of the processor. As HDMI is 2.0b, we were limited to 8-Bit 4K 60Hz. I also had a problem with the monitor and HDMI  cable I’ve used to test hundreds of laptops   without issue. Basically the expansion card keeps  appearing and disappearing in device manager and   the screen doesn’t get a signal, and this happens  with both the latest drivers from AMD, and the   slightly older package provided by Framework.  Other monitors and TVs I have worked fine though. Getting inside is easy and requires taking off  the keyboard, touchpad and spacers. Then you   simply pull out the cable listed as step number  1, loosen 16 screws in the labeled order with   the included TR5 screwdriver and pull off the  metal mid plate, as documented on their website. It’s cool that you don’t need any fancy pry  tools to open it up, and that there aren’t   any screws visible externally, despite  how much customization is on offer. Inside we’ve got the battery down the front, two  DDR5 memory slots in the middle towards the right,   Wi-Fi 6E card up the top on the left,  and the 2 M.2 storage slots below that. There’s room for a shorter 2230 M.2  SSD underneath the longer 2280 slot.   I confirmed my 4TB 2280 SSD with  chips on both sides could fit,   but that was with the 2230 slot empty,  as I don’t have a drive that size. Considering that the expansion  bay design is open source,   I’d expect someone to make  an M.2 expansion option,   given that there are 8 lanes of PCIe Gen 4  connectivity available for the GPU module. The speeds from the installed 512GB PCIe  Gen 4 SSD were great, but this will vary   depending on the SSD you choose when ordering  or install yourself if you buy the DIY version. Wi-Fi speed was excellent, the  second fastest result I’ve ever   measured and only beaten by Lenovo’s  more expensive Legion 9 gaming laptop. Alright, so I’ve got this graph where I attempt to  give points based on how upgradeable a laptop is,   and if we go purely based off  of my normal scoring system,   it ends up about the same as most other  laptops, slightly better. This is kind   of arbitrary though. For context I give a  point per M.2 storage slot and RAM slot,   which is why MSI’s Titan is up the top. Framework  gets an extra point for the upgradeable GPU,   but loses half a point for one of the  M.2 slots only supporting smaller drives. But perhaps something like this is more  accurate once you account for everything else,   like the option to upgrade from a white to RGB  keyboard in future, or change the ports, or easily   swap the screen to some future panel. There are  just too many options and it’s difficult to do   a fair comparison based on past metrics, because  the Framework 16 is in a league of its own here. The speakers are found on the left and right  sides towards the front. I thought they   sounded ok. There’s some nice bass, but they’re  a bit muffled and weren’t as clear as I’d like. The latencymon results were excellent. Most gaming   laptops I’ve tested in the last  few years failed poorly here. The Framework 16 is powered by a 85Wh battery. There’s no built-in software, but with a  dynamic refresh rate set Windows should still   automatically lower the screen’s refresh rate  when you unplug the charger to help save battery. Battery life was great, lasting for  just over 9 hours in the YouTube   video playback test without the graphics  module installed and the screen at 60hz,   though I’d expect it to be much the same as  that workload shouldn’t run on the discrete   graphics anyway. The battery test with the  game running used the graphics module though. Framework notes that the battery will drain  in heavy workloads due to the smaller 180   watt Type-C charger. After our game benchmarks  it lowered about 5% over a couple of hours,   but with idle periods in between games  to charge. During my thermal testing,   so a heavy combined CPU and GPU stress test,  it lost about 15% after a couple of hours,   so not ideal, but not an issue  with multiple hours of heavy use. Let’s check out thermals next. There are three  heatpipes over the Ryzen processor which is   covered by a liquid metal pad. There are two  cooler master fans in the expansion bay shell,   and they’re a little bigger in the graphics  module. The graphics module also has some   heatpipes covering the GPU, which are  physically separate to the CPU cooling.   Most gaming laptops share heatpipes between  the CPU and GPU, but that’s not the case here. There are holes directly above the air intake  fans on both the shell and graphics module,   as well as vents above the keyboard at  the back. Air gets exhausted out of the   left and right sides, but also out the  back with the graphics module installed. Right now in February 2024, the Framework forums  seem to indicate that they don’t plan on making   any special software in order to customize things  like fan speed or CPU and GPU power limits. But   I’ll be extremely surprised if we don’t see some  sort of community software option coming soon. Instead they’ve suggested changing the  Windows power settings, so we’ve done all   testing with best performance enabled for  all tests that had the charger connected,   or best efficiency to improve battery life. I’ve got the temperatures with the expansion shell  installed below, so without discrete graphics,   and the results with the graphics module  installed above, so with the RX 7700S GPU. The internal temps were fine at idle, but warmer  with the discrete graphics installed and actively   driving the screen. The rest of the results are  from combined CPU and GPU stress tests which   aim to represent a worst case full load scenario.  Running with the lid closed in a docked scenario   was only a little warmer on the GPU, but otherwise  there aren’t any problems if you want to dock the   laptop and load it up. The cooling pad I test  with, linked below, was able to lower temps   by almost 3 degrees Celsius, and as you’ll  hear soon it also resulted in less fan noise. These are the clock speeds during the same  stress tests. There’s barely any difference   with closing the lid or using a cooling pad,  because thermals were not a limitation in this   particular workload. The CPU clock speed is lower  with the integrated graphics loaded up as they   share a power budget. If I stop the GPU workload  the CPU would max out at 4.6GHz over all 8 cores. We can see here the processor was using  54 watts with the CPU and GPU under load,   but it lowered to around 40 watts when I  paused the GPU load. The RX 7700S runs at   around 80 watts with the CPU under load at the  same time, but if I stop the CPU load then a GPU   only load is able to run at 100 watts, which  is what AMD’s spec sheet says is the maximum. It’s possible that thermals will be  even better than what I’ve shown here,   because I was told a few weeks ago that  Framework’s thermal module supplier has   improved their soldering process on the vapor  chamber, which lowers thermal resistance.   Apparently the change was only intended to  improve manufacturing yield, but it actually   ended up improving thermals a bit too. Now that  said, although this is a slightly earlier model,   it’s still what Framework considers to  be a representation of what you as an   end customer might actually buy because it  performs as expected. But yeah, basically   it’s possible that you might get something that  performs a little better in terms of thermals. The CPU settled in at 54 watts in  a CPU only workload like Cinebench,   with the GPU now idle. It’s scoring about the  same as a number of other Zen 4 laptops that we’ve   tested. The higher tier Ryzen 9 7940HS is much  the same when it comes to multicore performance,   only seeing a small boost to single core  performance for the most part. Multi core   performance depends on how much power the  chip gets fed. Framework also offers this   laptop with that chip, but it’s a $200 USD  upgrade, so based on what we’re seeing from   other 7940HS results here, I’d say that’s  probably not worth it for most of you. CPU Performance lowers if we unplug the  charger and instead run off of battery power,   but it’s now one of the better results out  of the same selection of laptops. In fact   many of the 8 core Ryzen laptops are now on  the upper part of the graph, ahead of Intel   options with more than double the core count.  Basically this means that generally speaking,   AMD laptops are more power efficient and  offer better performance while running on   battery power. Of course that’s not  always the case, as we can see here,   but the Framework 16 is doing a  good job compared to most others. Most laptops I test are in the low 30 degrees  Celsius range on the keyboard at idle, and the   Framework 16 was mostly below this with just  the expansion shell - so no discrete graphics.   It’s a little warmer with the discrete graphics  connected, but not by much and still cool. There   appears to be a hot spot near where I’ve plugged  in the charger, but it barely feels warm. It’s   only a little warm to the touch If I run a CPU  and GPU stress test with the expansion shell, not   bad at all. But it’s actually cooler in the same  workload with the discrete graphics connected,   and that’s because the fans are doing more  work now to keep it cool - let’s have a listen. The fans were off and completely silent when  idling, with or without the discrete graphics.   It’s a fair bit louder with the stress tests  running with the discrete graphics connected,   but it’s still inline with most other gaming  laptops tested, normal stuff. Along with   lowering temps slightly, the cooling pad also  allowed the fans to run a bit quieter too. The Framework 16 is using a taller 16:10  screen, which means more viewable screen   space as there are more pixels vertically  compared to a standard 16:9 panel. Most other laptops that have gone the 16:10 route  don’t have this thick bottom chin down the bottom,   but this might just be required in order  to accommodate the extra depth of the   laptop to get the GPU in the back. I don’t  know, I’m sure some of you won’t like it,   but I don’t think it looks that bad.  And it also means that the screen is   actually raised up a little, which is  beneficial if you’re staring at the   screen for hours on end you don’t have  to tilt your head quite as far down. The screen looks great. Color gamut  and screen brightness are excellent   for both gaming and even content creation.  Framework advertises it as a 500 nit panel,   and we hit this at full brightness, which  is a great result compared to a lot of   other laptops. 300 nits is the bare minimum I  want to see, but 500 definitely looks better. Backlight bleed was fine in my unit,  but this will vary between panels. Framework’s spec sheet says the screen has a  9ms rise and fall response time. I measured   closer to 11ms if we’re talking about going  from white to black and then black to white,   but 7ms once accounting for more data points. It’s only beaten by other laptops that either have  overdrive modes or use OLED, but it’s not bad at   all either. Ideally we want 6ms for transitions  to occur within the 165Hz refresh window,   but we’re not far off. Honestly, for most people  this is perfectly fine for gaming, no problems. The total system latency is the amount  of time between a mouse click and when   a gunshot fire appears on the screen in  Counter-Strike 2. This is our first time showing   CS2 results after moving from CS:GO, but it’s  the fastest result that we’ve recorded so far.   Despite not having a super fast screen or top-end  specs, Framework excelled here for some reason. The Framework 16 has Smart Access  Graphics - which is AMD’s dynamic   MUX solution comparable to Nvidia’s Advanced  Optimus. The Radeon software lets you use it,   or the standard hybrid mode aka optimus on.  We couldn’t find a way to force it to always   only use the discrete graphics. This works  ok for the most part, but it feels a little   more clunky compared to Nvidia’s solution. It  took longer to swap between GPUs and there was   just less stability during our testing with  more crashes or things not running properly. There’s a 1080p 60 FPS camera above the  screen with privacy switches for both   camera and microphones, but it does not  have IR for Windows Hello face unlock. Here’s how the camera and  microphones look and sound,   and this is what it sounds like  while typing on the keyboard. Alright let’s find out how well the Framework 16   performs in games. All testing  has been done with the RX 7700S. Cyberpunk 2077 was tested with our own custom test  run, and I’ve got the Framework 16 shown by the   red highlight. At 1080p it’s similar in average  FPS compared to a number of RTX 4060 gaming   laptops. That’s still the case at the higher 1440p  resolution where we’re more GPU bound, and the   7700S in the Framework 16 was 16% faster compared  to the lower tier 7600S in ASUS’s TUF A16. Red Dead Redemption 2 was tested with  the game’s benchmark, and this is a   game that I’ve found to prefer AMD’s Radeon  graphics over Nvidia’s GeForce. This is why   the 7700S in the Framework 16 is able to  beat a number of RTX 4070 gaming laptops,   and even come within range of Razer’s far  more expensive Blade 16 with RTX 4090. The   Blade is further ahead at 1440p as the GPU  does more work with more pixels to produce,   but the 7700S was still beating a number of  RTX 4070 gaming laptops - a great result. But then on the other hand, some games  like Control prefer Nvidia graphics,   which is why the 7700S in the Framework 16 was  now beaten by the RTX 4060 laptops. At 1440p   it’s quite close to the RTX 3060 from a few years  ago, granted that has less VRAM, but just goes to   show that some games prefer Nvidia and others  prefer AMD, which is why we test a mixture. Here are the 3DMark results for those that  find them useful. As for content creation,   like the games it’s close to RTX  4060 and 4070 laptops in Adobe   Photoshop and DaVinci Resolve,  however as is usually the case,   Radeon graphics generally don’t do as well in  other workloads like Adobe Premiere or Blender. It’s using Insyde BIOS, just like a Clevo  laptop. There’s a little customization available,   but not a whole lot in the way of tuning. I  was surprised that there wasn’t a MUX option to   force the laptop to run only on the discrete  graphics. If I had to guess, that might be   problematic to handle if you’ve got it enabled  and then remove or swap the graphics module. Linux support was tested with an Ubuntu  23.10 live CD. By default the keyboard,   touchpad, camera, speakers, and Wi-Fi all worked  fine. Keyboard shortcuts for screen brightness,   key brightness and RGB effects and  volume all work. A great result,   and not at all surprising considering  they designed it with Linux in mind. Pricing and availability will change over  time, so check the link below the video   for updates. And if the Framework 16 has a  good sale, we’ll be sure to add it to our website. We update that  everyday to include all of the latest sales,   so make sure that you check it out regularly  to save money on your next gaming laptop. At the time of recording, the do it yourself  version without any SSD or RAM starts from   $1399 USD, with an extra $200 getting you  the higher tier Ryzen 9 7940HS processor. But honestly, from my personal experience,  I don’t think it’s worth spending that much   money for most people, unless you really want the  slightly better single core performance. You’d   probably be better off saving that money today  and putting it towards a CPU upgrade in future. The graphics module adds an extra $400, but if you  want both to have the option of swapping between   them then it’s $500 to get it in addition  to the expansion shell. The 180 watt power   adapter costs an extra $79, but given a lot of  people already have good Type-C chargers I think   it’s good to have the option of not being  forced into buying it if you don’t need it. And hey, considering the combined CPU and GPU  workloads could drain the battery with the   180 watt charger, maybe you might want  to look for a 240 watt charger anyway,   as this laptop can apparently support that. The pre-built option costs  more as it comes with RAM,   storage and Windows installed. If I spec  it out to what I’ve tested in this video,   at the end of the day we’re looking at  close to $2200 USD - definitely not cheap. I mean for that amount of money it’s  possible to get a much better performing   gaming laptop with RTX 4080 graphics  and nicer feeling build quality. So   with the Framework 16 you’re really paying  a premium for the customization and promise   of future upgradeability. If you’re  just after good FPS for the dollar,   then you’d be better off spending half that amount  on a similarly performing RTX 4060 gaming laptop. The Framework Laptop 16 is  certainly unique, offering   levels of customization and repairability  that I’ve never seen from any other laptop. If these things are important to you and  you want the option of adding in discrete   graphics for gaming or other workloads, then  this is by far the best option right now. Future CPU, GPU and even port upgrades  are definitely promising, but this isn’t   the first time that we’ve heard of laptops  attempting to provide this. Now to be fair,   Framework does at least have some track record  with the Framework 13, as they’ve been providing   CPU upgrades for that. So if we will see next  gen CPUs and GPU just slot right into this laptop   then yeah that’s going to be awesome. This just  might be the last laptop that you ever need to   buy if all goes to plan. Just be ready to pay for  those benefits, because they do not come cheap. And there are plenty of other new  gaming laptops coming out this year,   check out this video next to find  out everything that’s on the way!
Channel: Jarrod'sTech
Views: 111,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JarrodsTech, Framework, Framework 16, Framework Laptop 16, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon RX 7700S, 16 inch gaming laptop, upgradeable laptop, repairable laptop, gaming laptop review, gaming notebook review, game benchmarks, battery life, MUX switch, advanced optimus, temperatures, thermals, overclocking, fan noise, build quality
Id: ojgYXaf3Tu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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