The Knockoff Logan Paul (Rodney Petersen)

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good morning no good morning good morning L gang what's a popping this is Ronnie Peterson better known on his social media says n Logan Paul and without me needing to explain further yes it is because he looks just like Logan but there is a deeper story to tell with this working family man as to how he has now had his entire world be flipped upside down once people started to note the similarities to the controversial YouTuber so Rodney born August 25th 1988 coincidentally 30 years to the day before Logan will have his first ever boxing match against KSI Ronney will be born on that day and grow up to be an MMA fighter around the early 2010s where his record on this typology site currently shows him being 0 and six in the sports but after looking for footage of Ronnie's fights two Graphics popped up showing that he has had even more matches in the past and also more at around that time and another unreported one that I managed to come across was this super early match up here that was uploaded in February of 2009 hey post that of Kevin here so when Ronnie was doing some promo for his recent fight at misf 12 he was asked about his MMA record and Ronnie set the record straight with him saying that he actually has 25 fights tapology does uh back to 2014 there's a few other sites that go back to like 2012 but my first cage fight was in 2008 my current record is 11 wins 13 losses W no contest and I'm on a seven fight losing streak because my ground game sucked so there's the clarification on that now back to the video but even with the multitude of matches in his MMA career Ronnie wouldn't find huge success in the sports as he would constantly take losses and have to leave that professional part of his life behind with his last reported match here taking place in 2015 Rodney will lay low in the eyes of the public for the next several years up until 2020 when his wife introduced him to the rising app Tik Tok Rodney after posting content on the platform for a while people started to say in his comments that he looked like Logan most specifically in this one video that blew up for him all right let's do it no come on that looks fun no let's try once more and more comments will start flooding Rodney's page noting the similarities to Logan and Rodney will poke fun back at those comments and play along with them with videos like these thank you all for blowing up my page but I'm not impersonating Logan I'm just being me if that's something he wanted to do we could do it but there's other things that we could do I mean we're double gangers okay there's possibilities are endless yeah well anything for money dude this last video here being the most interesting of the bunch has not only did it receive a ton of likes but it also got the attention of Jake Paul which many of you know is Logan's younger brother Jake will comment on Ronnie's post here jokingly asking bro why Haven you texted me back to which then Ronnie will poke fun back at with this video response right here why am I not texting you back dude you know why I'm not texting you back been talking all sorts of mad [ __ ] tired of it dude so after that Ronnie kept making his contents of him his family his work of building fences which which he frequented in using that machine there to smash things and also started upping his content a bit more with the Logan imitation even collabing with Kaden boof here to have a little fun campaign of non Prime hydration drinks and with all of that happening Ronnie starting getting even more and more attention and had even done an interview with Insider where in their documentation of the Creator they went over his recent Beginnings in the social media game his discovery of Logan Paul and how he had felt when people compared him to the massive Creator in the comments to that Ronnie said I often receive comments from people calling me Logan Paul after drugs or the cracked out version of Paul while these aren't exactly flattering it doesn't bother me and I've learned to let these Comics go straight in one ear and out of the other I know that my Tik Tok videos are going to be up on the internet for a long time and if my kids were to see them one day I want to have set a good example for them by responding kindly to everyone as to what he had to say about Logan though during the time of the article in October of 2022 Ronnie said that he's grown to like Paul and doesn't necessarily think that it's fair to judge anyone solely on their mistakes and then the unexpected happened Logan Paul took notice of the article and was finally made aware of Ronnie's non Logan Paul AR Logan took a screenshot of The Insider article and then posted it onto his Instagram story saying unbelievable while having a laugh and then posted another screenshot of where he had dm' Rodney saying that they had now made contact and in the messages shows that he was looking to send some prime over to the doppo ganger but that wouldn't be the end of Ronnie and Logan's interactions there no no no because a couple of Weeks Later Ronnie will come out to watch the Jake Paul versus Anderson Silva bout and then have a meet up with Logan Paul himself in person to which Logan will make a post about it on his Twitter and Instagram calling Ronnie the third Paul brother on Halloween nonetheless the two would take the opportunity here to make some content around the Meetup and have some fun with it meeting my doppo Gander for the first time shut up yeah that's nuts you're me dude nuts we're like look at this all right take it off all right look holy that was trippy as hell you so much life you're the best brother I've ever had what the and it wouldn't just be limited to those short videos there Rodney would also make an appearance on the impulsive podcast and sit in for Logan in character for the intro of the show and I was like damn I want to party with my brother he's like oh I'm going to sleep takes a lot to make this work okay it's the number one podcast in the world right now and that's not by chance so what's going on KSI are you guys really friends or is it just from money and clout what you talking about yeah yes he's my friend and business partner and with that meet up and collab there being all said and done it was then time for Ronnie to go back home to his place and continue his grind as a working father and now social media personality SLC content creator but Rodney wanted to do more Ronney wanted to do something new in the public eye that would showcase some of his combat skills to a new set of eyeballs Ronney wanted to get back in the fighting aame but this time with the sport of boxing as 2022 was coming to an end Rodney will make the surprising announcements that he was going to be partaken in a celebrity boxing match as non Logan Paul and be facing off against a Snoop Dog lookalike named Lawrence dog Johnson and for what the card was worth Blake Hall AKA not Jake Paul was also going to be fighting on that night so Rodney's fight was then set on March 11th 2023 and on that night The Confident Fighters showed out in his performance as he even had time to showbo a bit and get a Throwdown against dog thus eventually coming out with a unanimous decision win in the endend as Ronnie celebrated his victory here with his counterpart not Jake Paul one had to wonder what was next for him Miss Fitz boxing maybe well that would seem to be the case as on the following month in April Ronnie would attend a misfit 6 event where he met several of the fighters from the organization and make connections to perhaps partake in a match in the future in the rising company during the event the MMA fighter Nate Diaz would attend the show to support one of his boys during one of the matches and while doing so he would get into with one of the fighters from early that night that being chased the more after the Mis fist six events ended animosity between the Diaz and the more parties would continue out into the streets and Rodney poor sweet old Rodney while being in the area would attempt to calm things down by walking up to the Heat and Nate with a hand motioning for him to relax and Nate In the Heat of the Moment will grab Ronney by the neck get a kick or to at him and put the attempting Peacemaker to sleep to the point where when he was let go his head had bounced off of the historic location of bourbon streets as Ronnie awoke later he was seen with blood in the back of his head but he seemed to be in good spirits as he would not only be smiling in this video with overflow showing some of the damage that he had gone but would also jokingly send a message to Nate after the fact so I don't know what the hell I did to Nate Diaz but I'm telling you what I'm going to knock him the [ __ ] out when I know he's coming okay like you caught me off guard dude what think out Logan what the [ __ ] Ronnie ended up getting eight Staples and it was then seen that the New Orleans Police Department had issued an arrest warrant for Nate Diaz on a charge of second degree battery for the situation Diaz's defense as to why he did what he did is essentially boil down to self-defense where his attorney used Ronnie's history of MMA fighting in the past to their advantage in saying that the trained fighter named Rodney Peterson aggressively pursued Nate with the intention of engaging him and once doing so Nate acting entirely in self-defense Nate will later turn himself into the New Orleans Police Department but still Contin to defend himself even in the media like when he has this to say on the full s podcast I walked out of this bar and that whole street was fighting I started crossing the street I'm looking and then fake Logan Paul runed up in my face he's like whoa whoa like this fo's going to hit me like come like back up and he pushed into me I had my headlock and then all the whole street was going crazy like these fools are going to [ __ ] me up so I choked his ass I was defending myself now what did the real Logan have to say about the situation well first he initially posted this tweet right here about his look like getting choked out and then he had also made a video with his brother Jake has Jake used this opportunity to talk some trash against snate for their upcoming boxing match in August of that year today we're going to be teaching you what to do if you see a homeless Stockton man trying to come at you in the middle of the streets whoa I really don't want any problems please leave me alone I don't want any problems I don't give a [ __ ] man oh so I got him in this uh choke hold now insert the snorkel now that you're able to breathe you're going to escape and punish run away you're going to run away Logan later realizing the severity of the situation announced on his podcast that he was going to fund the lawsuit at hand against nateas but that he was then notified that the case taking place was pro bono meaning that basically the lawyer or lawyers on the case were going to be essentially doing it for free and not needing a fund for it I reached out to the guy and I was like this is [ __ ] up like it was actually hard to watch um and I felt bad for him and and he looks like me we got to protect protect our kind and so I offered to to fund the lawsuit against Nate Diaz and so I I connected him with uh some some legal counsel and I think he'll probably be walking away with a pretty healthy check so you're paying for his lawyers I offered to and then it turns out the legal team we connected him with is taking the case pro bono cuz it I mean I I would assume they think it's a takeaway either the way as that case was taking place in the background Rodney kept on doing his thing and the situation will continue to get joked at during one of the Jake Paul versus Nate Diaz press conferences showing that the whole thing was still fresh on everybody's Minds did you think it was Logan Paul when they were all on the street there you going to act like that wasn't Logan thought it was Logan I yeah it was it is Logan what are you talking about shout out to Logan he'll be all right Jake H in the month of August ended up winning his fight against Nate and Ronnie has some things to say about it on his Tik Tok when he captioned a clip of Nate's aftermath on that night with Nate tried getting him with a standing Guillotine it worked on me because you had two of your friends punching my ribs # Nan Paul as things were settling in the case between New Orleans and Adia soon after we then finally got a conclusive update on the suit when in September prosecutors came to the decision that nateas quote unquote did in fact act in self-defense and declined to prosecute him Nate's representative heading on to that point and rubbing some salt in the wounds continued to hold the stance by dissing Ronnie and saying that Peterson sought out to fight Nate on Bourbon Street and that Nate has a right to defend himself against those who want to make a name for themselves Rodney to my knowledge did not respond to the decision and to be honest I don't think that he really cares as he wasn't the one that pursued this case in the first place anyways and from past history he's shown that he's not really into the negative aspects of life and just wants to live in peace while having some fun in his Hobbies as for what he went on to do after ever since that whole Fiasco a notable event that took place with Ronnie was that he went on to be a co-host throughout the 2023 steamies awards ceremony hosted by the H3 podcast crew Rodney throughout the nights came through with his Nan Paul Persona and had several moments of fun bantering as the character but it wasn't cool for me to make fun of your color blindness that's a disability man he just [ __ ] up there's no need to apologize okay you've done nothing wrong and as for most recently Rodney has gone on to show that he's looking to make a Dan in the crossover boxing scene and misfits as he went on to participate in the Misfits 12 events this past weekend against the tough opponent in Tristan ham as Ronnie came in confident into the Misfits fight he wouldn't be able to get another boxing win under his belt as in the very first round of the match he went on to get knocked out stop it it's over will he get it done in one I can't see not looking Paul standing up from that one that was huge and he has counted him out and a big win from Tristan but even in the face of defeat Ronnie kept on being positive and gave his props to Tristan and as for what's now next for the Logan Paul lookalike he has gone on to say that this new Venture and creating content has become very beneficial for him and his family as the pay has been great for the recent opportunities and with that going back to the inside article he says that eventually he would like to go back to focusing on his dreams in martial arts and music but that for now the benefits that he's been receiving in all these new Ventures are certainly helping him get closer to that and with everything going on being not Logan Paul Ronnie for the time being will make the most out of it but all in all in the end what Ronnie most definitely cares for is being a great father that's there for his family and with that that will be the end of this video I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you in another one
Channel: Kevin Reyes
Views: 7,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin reyes, rodney petersen, logan paul, rodney peterson, rodney, petersen, peterson, logan, paul, not logan paul, nlp, knockoff, doppelganger, copy, copycat, impersonator, impersonation, nate diaz, jake paul, misfits boxing, misfits, boxing
Id: kNP8o3kT10s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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