The Kiss Quotient | READING VLOG

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hey guys it's Sam and welcome to a reading vlog so it's cozy and like getting chilly out at Socktober 6th and I felt like I really wanted to do a cozy reading vlog so today I'm actually starting the kiss quotient by Helen Wong this was my patreon book pick for the month so every month my patreon supporters get to vote in a poll about a book that I'll read in review and for this month I wanted to read some contemporary romances and I didn't have a lot of my shelf some adult contemporary I had none on my shelf I know I had ones that I wanted to read and buy but I hadn't yet whatever so I asked Twitter first for the recommendations and then the top three most recommended books I put in the patreon poll and this is the one that one which is funny because I wasn't expecting it to win because on Twitter the one with the most recommendations didn't win because I think that one is more well known in the romance community and just came out and this one is more universally known because it's a few years old so I decided to get from the library my library it's like two minutes from my house but I've never gone I've gone for like book clubs and stuff but I have never gone to actually get books because it's so small and I always feel like there's not anything there but I end up finding this because I wasn't sure that I want to buy it and if I'm going to like it cuz people have warned me that it's pretty smutty so I'm not sure that I'm going to necessarily enjoy it it was a book that I've heard a lot about over the years but never really like myself wanted to pick up like I just I it is just fine so intrigued about how I'm gonna feel about this so as with any reading vlog this vlog may very well have spoilers but like I've talked about before spoilers romance books are a little different because you you know that the characters are gonna get together but right now I'm not quite gonna start this because tally and I who's growling at a dog apparently barking maybe possibly miles away are gonna go to the dog park it's a like gloomy ish day outside but it's still like nicer temperatures I can just wear a sweater and whatever she isn't never going to the dog park but we are in this video is being sponsored by Skillshare which I will talk about later you want to go to the dog park do it over the park yeah do you want go play with your friends that's so exciting yeah that's so exciting so we are back from the dog park little disappointing because there wasn't a ton of dogs there I thought there would because it's warm out but little overcast so that's nice but there's a that's a two sided dog park and usually Tali and I play on the big dog side because she loves big dogs and this time there was only little dogs which was fine but like she just doesn't get to run around as much so I did that and then a little walk she seems like she's happy with it though I think she's happy with it do you have a good time I hope you had a good time so I still haven't started my book obviously because I brought it but when you go to the dog park you won't be like keeping an eye on your dog in case they'd be an about something so I don't wanna be that person that's like mindlessly reading my book and not paying attention to my animal you know but then I went to the grocery store and you know what it is it's sweet potato season and I am hyped because I've been waiting just like the spring is when they start getting likes teeny-tiny and like you can't even eat them and it's one of my favorite things to eat I basically eat it if I couldn't eat it year round but I can't since apparently we don't get the bigger ones year-round all the time although I feel like we used to so I'm very have about that and this discovery the limited edition plays what's a fall right now along with make chocolate chip ice cream which is weird is maple cream Oreos so if y'all aren't familiar I'm sitting in my cupboard congratulations my plants are back there um I do love Oreo limited edition flavors and these I assume are supposed to taste like those maple leaf cookies that the Canadians get it says golden cookie with maple cream flavor and the maple leaf cookies usually have like a maple flavor them as well but I still think it's gonna be good I was right I should have gotten two containers with them mmm this is so good this may rival the cookie butter flavor which to date is still my favorite flavor I also picked up some um what do these even called English muffin in pumpkin spice flavor yeah so just embracing those fall flavors I guess this is a grocery haul now I'm not going to show you everything else I got there's a really good fall things okay actual reading update I am two chapters in I also have a cat in my lab so I'm two chapters in and I didn't realize it was gonna be dual perspective which I like I also am liking the writing style so far so that is definitely good I'm liking the Asperger's representation as well and just like the sex aversion stuff it's obviously an own voices story because his author apparently is on the autism spectrum Asperger's potentially so all of that feels very true and also since the most recent romance book I read was the hating game I'm comparing how I didn't like the writing and that one too hon like the writing so far in this one so intrigued definitely I've had some people message me and warned me that the sex scenes in here are pretty explicit so we'll see how me liking the writing goes for the sex scenes if they're gonna be too much for me or whatever so so far so good I probably gonna keep reading since I'm trapped here so everyone's been warning me that this book has a lot of sex in it and is really explicit but I'm a hundred pages in and they haven't had sex yet I mean they're like doing stuff but nothing that I would consider super explicit so I guess it's just gonna be in the next like two hundred pages and their gun just like have sex all the time I don't know but it's so far really liking it I mean obviously haven't like a hundred pages into it you know contemporary books are bin jabal like this so I'm liking it so far and a lot more than I thought I was going to cuz I Chi said I like the writing style I like that it's a biracial relationship because he is half Swedish half Korean this is future me I just said that he is Korean and Swedish she's Vietnamese and Swedish because I got to a point where his mom and him are speaking Vietnamese the reason I said Korean says I just finished another contemporary romance but not quite where the main guy was biracial Indian and Korean I believe so that's why I got to make some personal apologies I am surprised because I thought when I heard this synopsis of like the girl hires an escort that he would be like not like he is I was expecting just like a ton of sex from the beginning and sort of like a dumb guy I guess I mean I didn't realize that that was my expectation until I started reading this but I thought that he was gonna be more of just like a stud I don't know and he's very cute and their chemistry is really good like it is giving me butterfly feelings and that's how I gaze romance books and how much I like them is if I get like little butterfly feelings so I like their interactions and I like how sweet he is with her because she obviously has different like socials things that she doesn't understand and like over stimulation and stuff that happens when she's like in certain situations or whatever so but he doesn't realize that she has Asperger's so yeah I'm just like it was really cute and like the sex aversion thing reading about that for a book that potentially might get more explicit I think is good because that's something that I've experienced in the past so I think if a book is gonna get more explicit starting with a character who's not like super into sex at the beginning is kind of a nice transition to that from books that I've read before that a little bit more fade to black kind of stuff so yeah liking it so far I mean look at how much I've read in a day romance books are so quick to fly through just makes me feel so good about my reading I'm gonna take a break from the reading to get some cleaning stuff done and some bullet journal stuff done because it's a Sunday so on Sunday afternoon slash evenings I will usually do my next-week bullet journal spread and things and do some like cleaning and stuff it feels like it should be later in the day because it's been gloomy out all day but it's only like almost five o'clock I feel like I've done so much even though today's been like super lazy so this is also my fourth or fifth 4 ounces I've gotta knees because they're so good can you hear hello she's purring you're so loud why do you personal loan refilled my humidifier so can turn that on foreign plant things oh it's really great when I don't put the lid on I'm so stupid I've done that before not with the lid on and then there's been just like moisture everywhere but that's my humidifier that I use for these two plant babies this is my one that got destroyed r.i.p and that's why i have things packed on the top of the fridge so kid can't get to them um yeah these two are still looking okay you know he took a lot of damage but he's doing all right my little battle cigar baby but I don't love this humidifier because I feel like it gets like mildewy stuff in it really easy so if any of you love plants as well and have a humidifier for your plants holler at me because I might get a new one this book has fake-dating no one told me there'd be fake-dating I thought there might be fake dating I thought maybe they would actually like go on a like one fake date but there's gonna be like potentially long-term fake dating I'm just saying I don't know why I wasn't informed pretty sure I'm gonna be halfway down with this book by the end of the night didn't plan on reading this book in potentially two days but I might that's what happened at the end honeymooners and then if I decide to make this a one book vlog it's gonna be a short vlog so we'll see what happens we'll see what happens okay okay we'll see I'm gonna make these sweet potatoes now so I have them for the whole week it's gonna be amazing I'm so excited so while the oven preheats I'm going to work on my next week's bullet journal spread as well as my quarterly goal spread because right now it's the sixth of October and I do my goals by quarters if as far as like big goals and things that I want to get done that feed into my very vague yearly goals and some working really well for me so October was a start of a new quarter very last quarter of the year so I want to have that spread done as well so here is what my quarterly goals page looks like and then I do little offshoots from here with little like check boxes and stuff with goals and stuff that fit into different categories I'm not going to show you that because that's my business Charlie's barking at a dog in the distance I love that about her obviously so the last quarters goals are all the things that I haven't quite man it should do yet or just really are more building on things that I've done the rest of the year I like I said have broken all of my like larger goals into smaller goals throughout the year and I really like that and that's worked really well and I've also been able to like sort of evolve goals as the year goes on and I maybe discover new things I want to do or have new tasks I need to get done or whatever but with talking about goals now is a really good time to talk about Skillshare who are sponsoring this video Skillshare is an online learning community that I'm sure many of you have heard about they've been talked about a lot on YouTube before and they have thousands of online classes in plenty of different topics arts creativity productivity things like that and a premium membership gives you unlimited access to all those classes so if you have some goals that you want to get done by the end of the year skill sure might be a good option for you I know a lot of you have talked about maybe starting a YouTube channel or a booktube channel Skillshare has videos on iPhone videography so how to shoot videos on your phone and edit them or maybe you had more ambitious goals like learning how to brew your own beer Skillshare also has classes and stuff like that skill share is also affordable with an annual subscription being less than $10 a month which is obviously less expensive than like in-person classes or workshops if you are interested in trying out skill share for yourself you can check out the link down below in the description and that will give you two months free to see if you like it so my broad goals I have broken up into financial career physical mental and relationships and miscellaneous which I have for just like cleaning and things like that so I usually have at least one goal in each category and yeah so I'm just kind of building on what I did the last quarter which I got a lot of this stuff done and then some stuff I realized like oh I don't care that much so I didn't do it or like for example I want to get a new iPhone I then decided Samantha it's much smarter for you to save up for a new iPhone and then just buy it outright or if my phone breaks in the mean time which it might but I'll at least have like maybe half the money or whatever so I didn't accomplish that goal but it's okay because I made a smarter financial decision you know so I already have my goals written out in a like note app on my phone I've seen you transfer them into here so I can like check them off and then it makes me feel really accomplished and stuff you know also my oven is preheated so now I can start making my soup potatoes howling you hear in the background you've heard any of it I don't know how get my speaker's picking it up his children outside gotta love the amount of noise in my neighborhood am i right so this is how I roast my sweet potatoes I put the oven on 425 I cut my soup potatoes in half after I wash them I rub olive oil on all of them on all their sides and I'm gonna sprinkle it with some kosher salt and flip them over and then I roast them for like about half an hour so and that way I get like a single portion because I usually eat half as a potato and it cooks a lot faster then the whole was and it cooks a little more evenly and it just really liked it and you get some nice carmelization on the inside here oh it's so good you got to see the finished product what I'm done I did my October cover page so this was me and I practiced doing that fun now so I can kind of do it fairly well and then these are actually stickers from Aluna sticker company which I forget to put a link in the description they sent me some stickers a couple months ago then look it up it's a luna like like the moon and they're super super cute and these are all like fall themed stickers that are adorable and this is how the sub potatoes come out all roasted and caramelized and wonderful and this is my dinner tonight okay I made my soup potatoes for the week I did some thumbnails for videos and posted some videos finished my bullet journal spreads got a lot done it is like nine known this is when I'd like to be getting into bed so oops I've also been talking to Sarah Jane unbox her about stuff for the last like hours so that's part of the problem I have to go to sleep now so I am about halfway done with this book though probably will finish it within the next couple of days that's kind of why I love reading like romance and Canterbury books when I do read them because I finish them so quickly it makes me feel so like good about myself hello so it's Monday morning and I'm about to head off to work but I wanted to give a little update because I did read more last night I'm also not taking my book to work because I'm not taking a romance supposed to work it's just not something that I'm gonna do but I'm a little over halfway through her about halfway through and the first sex scene happened so everyone was warning me like there's so much sex in this book and maybe there's a lot going forward now but this was the first I guess like first penetrative but like really first for Sonny sex seem like they haven't had any kind of sex until this sex scene so I don't know why everyone was like oh my god it's full of sex and I was fully expecting sex by page 50 and there wasn't so I'm like okay but it definitely is more explicit than other ones that I've read but thankfully there's not a lot of like weird euphemisms for body parts like someone's never-never-land or velvet wrap steel that doesn't happen so that's good and if this scene had happened earlier in the book I would probably been like Oh too much but since there was a nice work up to it I was okay with it cuz it's really more about like the character's connection at this point all this stuff and I just I really do like their dynamic and he is such a sweet being that I wasn't expecting but he also does like sword fight training I just there's a lot of things I really enjoy about him as a character and I really just like how her autism spectrum disorder is shown and you know like how it makes her life now I do not have ASD but some of the things that she has overlap with anxiety and she does have anxiety in some ways because of love things happen so for example there's been a few scenes where she's over stimulated by like visual stimuli like a club or something and that does happen with like my panic attacks so there's a lot of like overlapping things are just like she'll start to kind of have panic that's based around her like social interactions and things so that is something that I'm like oh this feels very like I feel rooted in this in some way so that's really nice as well so I'm really enjoying it I might finish it tonight when I come home I don't know because I'm just flying through it I don't know if I have the time tonight but I'm definitely finishing it before next weekend and typically I finish books on weekends because that's when I had the most time to read but I'm just flying through this one there's so much footage of talion this vlog I hope you guys appreciate it so it is now Wednesday evening I have not done a lot of updates because I've only been reading like one or two chapters over the last couple of days but I am about 3/4 of the way through and one to give a little bit more of an update so there have been more sex scenes since the original sex scene there's probably been like four or five total probably I think for and not as in-depth so they are there is like explicit smut I guess you would say but and I don't really care that much I'm just calling and whatever if you're really sensitive to sex scenes you're probably not gonna like the later half of this book I'm also able to just kind of like skim and it's fine and whatever so I'm kind of like it sort of has something for everybody I will say that I feel like I'm not loving the last half of this book as much as I love the first I liked like the slow burn s and the getting over the sex aversion and just the way that they were and I'm noticing that there's a little bit more like possessiveness from him not a ton but I just read a scene where he was like very possessive because a co-worker had like kissed her and obviously like the co-worker thing is weird too because it's just like Villa that they've created that is so like his character arc not that he has to have like a very defined one but I'm just like he went from being like uninterested in her to being like you're perfect and it's one of those like you know obviously just trying to get her to like check something off his to-do list and whatever but it's also like this is so one-dimensional and like oh but the main guy is like you know I want to beat him up and and whatever and he's like I need to resist and whatever I'm still just like calm down you know and also these two characters are like fairly oblivious I get that like miscommunication is a thing with romances and whatever it's one of the main conflicts that happens a lot but like they're both like oh the other one could never love me but then they go into depth about their like very passionate sex scenes and deep connection and I'm like and they say things like I love this about you and whatever so I'm just kind of like okay now that we've got no point we like each other can you get to the point where you have the main conflict that almost breaks you up and then get to the point where you're like just together at the end because obviously romance books that's like the formula so I'm just kind of like man whatever about some of that stuff I do really like like the family dynamics especially with his family and just I like her as a character and stuff but I'm not loving the second half as much as the first half like the first half I just like couldn't put it down and then actually like since the sec started I'm just kind of like okay because I feel like the characters are a little bit different in the second half like I said his like possessiveness a bit and then he has this like looming secret because his dad was a really bad person and he keeps saying that when Stella finds out what his dad did she'll never be with him and I know that's gonna turn out being like something that's maybe probably not a big deal so I'm just like can we get to it already so yeah definitely like the characters but I'm so into Slover and it like once couple two get together I'm just like and whatever so yeah I'm I'm still really liking it but like probably not in competition for a new favorite favorite like The Honeymooners for example but definitely liking it more than I thought when everyone was like oh my god there's only like it's just all sex it's like it's a lot of sex after the first half which if it was all like this much sex in the entirety of the book definitely I wouldn't have I wouldn't like it I'd have been like oh my god I get it I get it you love having sex I get it but like the second half I'm like okay fine don't like love it and would prefer that it not be this much but like it's fine hey so I'm probably really tired but I finished the book today but I didn't bring my camera with me for like a live reaction right after I finish it because I was actually in Philly getting my chemo pour out if you've been following me for a while I was sick back a couple years ago and my port has still been in due to my doctor being a bit superstitious and then insurance in America is like what stupid and so just took a long time and I was not at all like I was kind of attached to my port in a way but I got it out today so while I was waiting to get my port out I finished the book so yeah so the end I still stand by the fact that I didn't love the book at like the second half of the book as much as the first half I really liked the first half and then I found that although the miscommunication sort of made sense because the main character being autistic doesn't have the same necessarily like thought patterns and things like that I still found the miscommunication like a tad contrived almost like the self-esteem issues especially of the guy like he was like she's this woman's not gonna love me because of what my father did you like the very very end that his dad was a bit of like a thief embezzler possibly just like a scam artist it's like a very minor point because it's brought up at the very very end and it's honestly like who would think like I get that this happens but I'm also kind of like this this dude in other ways is so self-assured and in other ways that I'm like it doesn't quite make sense for his character that he's so hung up on his dad's misdeeds that he thinks women will judge him for things his dad did I guess I just never get this like the people being scared that they're so similar to their parents it's a mindset that I don't quite ever understand because I'm like my parents are similar in a lot of ways but I just because they're my parents doesn't mean gonna follow in your exact footsteps so I never quite understand like that kind of fear in like book characters so it's hard for me to like understand why this is such like an angsty thing for them and just both characters for so long we're like the other one doesn't love me when it's like very blatant they do I don't know so I just I found like that sort of miscommunication like miscommunication tropes in romance are very common it's part of the like angst of a contemporary because you can't do too much with like other kinds of inks that you kind of like fantasy and sci-fi but it's so hard to walk the fine line for me of it being like not annoying and I found that it lasted long enough in here that I found it kind of annoying but I still like them as a couple I'm glad they like get together obviously at the end cuz it's the romance and they're going to and all of that but it just was like guys really and like again the villain of the other guy and her like going out with him which I knew she would do after her and Michael like broke up was just like why why no like she already knows like I get the happens of real life but I'm like you already know that he disgusts you like what like why and he's so he was so over-the-top cuz like where after he was flirting with her he like was pinching some other girl's butt and it just was like that's just I don't know like I know romance sometimes can be over-the-top and that's some of the fun of it but I'm also just like no like I just don't like one-dimensional side characters in romance and I think that's something that happens a lot because daughters are so focused on the main couple feel like I'm probably moving you around a lot because I have you resting on my knee because my my incisions right here and I don't want to lift my arm up because it'll hurt a bit but yeah I still really liked this I would say it was like 3.75 I think if I would have liked it the whole way through it that it the first half of the book could be like a four to four point five but the second half just like yeah I didn't love as much and also he's very possessive he has a point where he like punches the other guy which I'm like like I don't love this violence thing and like it's very dumb play from a lot of like I'm very used to like the possessiveness in or like the hyper masculinity in paranormal romances for example but I'm still just like and I know that that sometimes that's romantic but I was like you didn't need to punch him like you literally could have like not punched him you could have intimidated him with your words you know so it was just like a couple changes I would've made but I really liked the writing I don't I didn't find it as hokey as like Sally thorns writing for example which I hate it I didn't hate like anyone's in her monologues I like some of the family stuff and I just thought they were like a cool interesting cute couple again another book that I would like to see as an adaptation and stuff so 3.5 to 3.75 3.75 feels correct stars as a bonus do you want to see my new plant babies that I bought I showed them on Instagram just now - and it's night time so the Lighting's like not super ideal but as a congratulations victory cheer to myself for getting my port out finally I bought four new plants so I have a Dracaena J jewel which is like a nice almost like variegated dracaena that needs low light just great I got a second abscess pictus which is a silver Anne who's like a pretty trailing plant this one I know that the common name is called wandering jew but this is a trace scan Thea Sabrina which is another like trailing beautiful plant and I got a Hoya but it didn't say what kind but it's one that like will also trail and I got these all for urban jungle in Philly because that's where I was for my procedure and it's one of my favorite plant shops cuz they carry a lot of these smaller size plants so I can see if they work in my house and if I kill them it's like only ten dollars or less than I've like accidentally killed it sort of like one of these in a like huge thing is like 40 or more in this Vista - this one would like in a larger like hanging basket be like thirty same thing with these so like yeah so these are some new baby so now I own like 13 or 14 plants yay but yeah so since that took a little longer than I initially thought when I thought I was gonna read this book in like two days this is the end of the vlog so if you've read the kiss quotient comment below let me know your thoughts I'm probably also gonna do a floor view on this since this had like technically spoilers although I barely mention anything but I will be doing a full like separate spoiler free review for people that didn't watch this but comment below let me know your thoughts so thank you all for watching and I'll see you guys soon bye
Channel: Thoughts on Tomes
Views: 4,660
Rating: 4.9753084 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, readables, bookables, book, review, goodreads, book haul, thoughts on tomes, thoughtsontomes, the kiss quotient, helen huong, reading vlog, reading vlog 2019, the kiss quotient reading vlog
Id: d639uJJV1WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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