The King's Dilemma - Tutorial

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hello this is testing mic seems like everything's working alright this is a quick video that I am uploading for Claire Bowman actually whoops things are frozen and we're back okay so I don't know how much I cut out but this is a quick video that I'm making for Claire Bowman which is just a quick tutorial on how to play the Kings dilemma so that you can watch recordings of adam in charlotte john barbless stand Aven port myself and mary van beat play this game so a quick tutorial is that the group the five of us will each be an adviser to the king and the king in this situation does not have a substantial amount of power it is really the advisors that are going to be making the decisions and the way that we can make decisions is woops I am going to be say assigned a color let's say I'm green and I'm going to have money that I can use for bribes and power that I can use for votes and so I'm going to be voting yay or nay on a number of different dilemmas that are going to have impacts on the kingdom both mechanically for scoring wise and narrative Lee in terms of the stories gameplay and narrative and what happens so power is used for voting yes and no and money is used for bribing and scoring and points like that how does a basic game happen basic game is going to start out with a really small deck full of dilemmas and what's gonna happen is we are going to shuffle this debt and we are going to draw one of them at random so for an example let's say I shuffled it a few times and the dilemma that I pull out is this one right here this is the one that everyone is going to vote for and if you look at just the blue section and the red section you can see that they have consequences on the shininess or on the diamonds one of them is all white which means it has a positive effect on the and this one is black which means it has a negative effect on the diamond and so let's say I was playing and John was over here let's write that down Sean barbless and let's say that Charlotte was over on this side and let's say that I wanted we would read the Salemme and I will not talk about the narrative but this basically says hey there's a merchant that's in town do you want to make a deal with him making a deal is going to cost you cost you money and refusing the deal is going to save you money that's not what the narrator says it's just what I'm making up let's say hey I want to make a deal so it'll cost us money in the short term but maybe benefit us in the long term I will vote to on yes and then John could vote to on no and Charlotte could vote one on yes and in this case we would have three yes votes to two no votes and so we would go ahead and say okay the eyes have it we are going to follow the blue side of the script and so what are the consequences there's narration which we're not going to talk about but they still free of the story and then a few things are gonna happen the flag token is going to move up the diamond token is going to move down sticker number zero is going to be placed and envelope number forty is going to come out let's start with the tokens moving up and down so in this case the flag token would move up and the diamond would move down to flag would move up and diamond would move down to that's what would happen if everything was just doing exactly what the card says flag going up and diamond moving down - you'll notice that these tokens have two different sides and they symbolize momentum so in this case black is downward momentum and white is upwards momentum because the wealth went down - but it had downwards momentum because it was black it is going to move down an additional slot and we were going to continue adding on downward momentum so now the next time diamond went down it would add an additional to that it would follow going down the downward path so as a reminder the card said diamond goes down to but because there was down room momentum it goes down an additional one and it adds downward momentum if we draw another card that says diamond goes down by one the diamond would go down by one plus because it's black it would go down by another one plus because I had an additional momentum it would go down another one and you can never have more than a single downward momentum so this one would go down by the flag on the other hand went up by one and because it had downward momentum it's not going to you know go up an additional one because that's up is against the downward momentum but instead it will change its momentum so now it has upward momentum and if we continue increasing the flag the flag will continue to gain momentum and it will start to kind of chain reaction and build upwards and upwards momentum as it goes on the last thing that we will change is this primary balance token right here the Kingdom in order to stay stable needs to have this not reach any of the endpoints and if it ever reaches the top or the bottom the game is over and in this case our wealth went down by three and our morale went up by one and so that leaves us with a net effect of down by two this is not in the danger zone but if this ever started to reach the very bottom or very top that would cause the game to end prematurely so this would be the net effects of what happens on this card these tokens all have symbolic meaning this the tower is your influence how other kingdoms see you but it's also just pretty correlated with how strong your army is and how good your reputation is the diamond is your wealth the flag is your morale how happy the people are the grain is the welfare which is how well you were able to take care of the people feed them give them luxuries etc and the scroll is your knowledge how much knowledge you have about the world around you and about ancient artifacts and things like that and different houses are going to have different goals for where they want these to end up at the end of the game ultimately let's keep talking about the consequences on this card the other two things that come out are stickers zero will go down and envelope 40 will open up let's start with sticker number zero we will pull out sticker number zero and this sticker says there was a diplomatic incident it came into account because of the decision we made with here and so we are going to put this diplomatic incident which in the top right corner right here it has a negative effect on our army and our reputation amongst other nations so we were going to put that there and the person who really voted the hardest for this outcome I voted to four yes John voted too but for now he ended up losing his vote Charlotte voted one for yes because the yes does have it had it the eyes had it and because I was the highest voter I would put my sticker there let's pretend I was a lobster clan and so any consequences that happen because of this decision that we made because I was the one who voted the most for it the people are going to remember hey clan lobster they were the ones who chose this so they were going to have negative or positive feelings towards my house in future games because of this sticker and that's kind of covered later on in the videos when we get to the point of stickers mattering the last thing that happens is we open envelope number 40 opening envelopes furthers the gameplay so see 40 cards see 40 could not be found see 40 right this is hey there was a deal made with the merchant and so there are some consequences some narrative consequences that are going to happen because of the decision we made on this card and there are new decisions that we are going to have to make that come about as a result of the decisions we made on this car so what that means is this is the deck of possible decisions that we can make and we're gonna shuffle the new decisions in so now we have a number of new decisions that we might be making that have to do with the consequences of this and we have a new narrative that's going to stack with our current narrative and we're gonna stack these over on the right side of the board and you will kind of pick up on how that works out later that should kind of make sense so you make decisions you vote yes or no and then you follow what happens tokens move up and down and you open up envelopes and stickers and the leader who have a voted the most stamps his or her name down as being the ultimate decision-maker in this process and that is the entire game to remember that we voted YES for this we will stick this here and for the next card that we draw and we make a decision on we are going to stick it here and when we draw another card and make a decision we will stick it here and when we draw another card and make a decision we will stick it here and so on and so forth until we eventually get to the end of this track right here you'll notice that this right here has a skull this means that if we see us a card that has a skull on it for example this one while we're at so you can see the kind of skulls showing up on this one in the center of it that happens when we here that means the game has gone on long enough and the King has died and that is the end of the game so there's three ways to end the game if this token gets all the way to the bottom if this token gets all the way to the top or if we have enough rounds go on that eventually the King just dies of old age those are the ways that you end the game all right two things to talk about let's talk about the actual nitty-gritty of how people can vote yes or no and this is actually rather intuitive let's say the same kind of event came up and we had this decision to make based off of this merchant and I really wanted to go through so I am going to vote yes and I will have the leader token which means I voted first all right so I voted yes and I voted for one let's pretend John is doing normal John things and he is going to vote for anything that I do not vote for John you would pay out of his own stock but let's pretend he votes two against simply because he wants to go against what I wanted because I had one power and John had two John is now the power leader and what that means is he is going to take the leader token and this matters because the vote is gonna go on around and around until it reaches the leader token again and then it's game over and the decision is made so what that means is if I cast a vote John Cassavetes Shola cast a vote and nobody takes the leader token then it will have gotten all the way around me voting John voting Charlotte voting back to me and I have the leader token and the round will be done but because John put in a bunch of power and became the leader that means John is gonna have a vote Charlotte's gonna have a vote and I'm not the leader anymore so I'm going to have another chance to make another vote so let's say Charlotte votes to four because she wants this to go four or yeah let's say Charlotte votes one four because she wants this to go for her one is not stronger than John's - so she does not take the leader token and now it's my turn to vote and I cannot change my vote but I can increase it so let's pretend that I decided to increase it one two three power what that means is I would take the leader token but because I've taken the leader token John gets another vote and so he might vote one more for three and Charlotte might pass and then it would come to my turn developer because I'm the leader and so it's gone full cycle that means the vote is done and we will tally up the points there was four votes four eyes AAA's three votes for nays which means the eyes will have it what that means is Charlie and I are going to pay our power we lose this power because we have spent it on voting yes John spent a bunch of power voting no but because he didn't get what he wanted he gets to keep his power into his personal stash that is hidden and only John can see how much he has so that's how you vote for yes and that's how you vote for now there are two other things that you can vote for you can vote for power in the game there is going to be power that is left over in the center if I vote for power I can pass that means I cannot vote yes and I cannot vote no but at the end of the round anybody anybody who votes for power will get and split these tokens between them so if I vote for power John votes one for yes and Charlotte votes two for no and John passes sorry Charlie votes two for no and John passes Charlotte would pay her power this token was not played in the last round John would keep his power because he lost the vote Charlotte won with the nose he lost with the yeses and I would get all the power that is in the center to keep in to my personal stash and Charlotte would pay her power and where she would pay it is to the Center for people who pass in the next round they will be able to get any of the power that was spent on the last few rounds of voting so that's three things you can do voting YES voting no passing for power the third thing that you can do is pass for the moderator token and how I would do that is I would pass the moderator token I would take a coin pass through the moderator token and what that means is I do not get any of the power in the center but what I do get is I have the power to break ties which is useful for two things if John votes one for yes so he takes a leader token Charlotte votes one for no and so she does not take the leader token I have already passed so now John voted Charlotte voted I passed and now it's John's turn but he has a leader token that means that the round has ended who wins because there's one on yes and one on no the moderator gets to decide if it's to the yes or to the no and John and Charlotte can pay me and bribe me and make deals with me in order to get me to moderate in their favor so in this case let's say I said hey I want to go with John that means the eyes would have it John would pay his power Charlotte would keep her power and we would read the blue consequence on this card and everything would move forward like that so those are the four things you can do vote YES vote no pass for the moderator token which is the tiebreaker token or pass for power the other thing the moderator does is if John voted yes and Charlotte also voted yes remember that sometimes the consequences involve stickers which is again this zero that was put down which is this sticker number zero right there which I signed my name on I get to decide because they tied for who was the leader who has to sign their name because Charlotte and John were both tied none of them was the clear leader the moderator will decide who was the leader and that's the functionality of how you play this game so we play a bunch of rounds these tokens move up and move down and eventually let's pretend that the King just excuse me the King dies and so what we're going to do is add up points and see who won and we're going to talk about what the consequences are for winning the round at the beginning of the game everybody is going to be is going to receive a secret agenda and so the secret agendas can range from a number of things from wanting to have a moderate style Kingdom wanting to have to be an opportunist wanting to be greedy and these give you points in two different ways one of the ways in the most obvious ways is getting the tokens this token this token this token to be on a certain part of the track the greedy person wants the tokens to be either really high or really low the opportunist on the other hand wants everything in the kingdom to be poor he won people to be poor the wealth to be down low he wants the army to be low he wants the welfare to be low he wants knowledge below so he can take he or she can take opportunity of that and so let's say in this scenario they manage to have one two three of the tokens beyond the lower half of the situation of the Boyd that means the opportunist because three of the tokens were in this golden area they would score ten points the moderate wants everything to be roughly in the middle so the moderate would look and count and they have one thing two things that are kind of in the middle of the Boyd this one's high these two are very low so they would have gotten two things in the middle of the Boyd in the golden region so they would get seven points for having two things in the middle of the Boyd the greedy person wants things to be kind of in the extreme but not everything to be in the extreme so the greedy person went to see one two three tokens in the extreme area so they would get one two three things seven so they would get seven points that's the main way that you earn points with these cards the other thing that happens is you earn points based off of how much money you have remember you can pay people money in order to vote in a certain direction so let's pretend that I gave John a bunch of coins and John had the most coins out of anyone in the game if you are in first place for being the richest person and you're the opportunist you will receive an extra six gold contrast that to being the moderate who doesn't care as much for money if you had the most gold than you were a moderate you would receive only five points for being the richest contrast to that to someone who is very greedy a greedy person has an objective to get a lot of money so if they in the game is the richest person at the table they will receive eight bonus points in contrast to six or five from the moderate so different people care about money to a different amount take for example the rebel who only cares about what happens in the kingdom they don't about how much money they have and so the rebel doesn't care about money all that much and they only get three two or one point if they come in first second or third for money to begin with that is the main way that you earn points there are other ways that you earn points based off of these tokens but we don't talk about that until we hit a couple games in so I'm just not going to talk about that now so everyone is going to have their secret agendas so let's pretend that we scored this up and let's pretend that Charlotte ended the game with ten points that's not a great typing job but we'll go like this Charlotte equals ten shot John got 15 points and Alex only got 2 points let's say John came in first place Charlotte came in 10th place Alex came in second place and or a third place last place what you would do is you'd move up to this sheet right here remember that there are three ways that the game can end either the game goes on for a very long time and the King dies or this marker gets to the very bottom or this marker gets to the very top if the marker got all the way up to the very top to the very top that would be the marker got to the top of the track that's what this says and so the person went third place in first place would get three points three prestige points the person in second place we get two prestige points and the person in last place will get to crave points if the marker ended up at the bottom or the track the person in first place will get three crave points person in second place we get to crave points and the person in last place we get to third fourth fifth place would get one one crave point and two prestige points if the king lasts the entire round and you play a bunch of rounds then the person in first place gets 5 crowns person in second place gets four crowns person in third place gets two white crowns and a black round two white crowns and a black crown and the last player gets to crave points and so what do these crave points look like I don't want to look at the ships I want to look at this each of us is going to have a house so in this case I am The Dukes of koden and the Dukes of koden have a place on the sheet to say hey we won we got five prestige points or hey we filled some objectives so we got some crave points prestige and crave are both good things the ways that you win the game at the end of the game and the Dukes of koden they are all about force and growing strong and they actually have some secret objectives so if I was playing the Dukes of koden I would keep track of all the prestige I have earned and all the creative I have earned throughout every single game that we play the other thing that I would do is keep track of all of these things so let's say we ended a game if we end the game and the wealth is the highest on the resource track at the end of the game I would give myself a checkmark if we end the game and the balance is on the top half of a stability track at the end of the game I would give myself a checkmark and if we end the game and welfare is the highest on the resource track at the end of the game I would give myself a checkmark and every time we play games as I'm giving myself checkmarks I will keep giving myself checkmarks until I've gotten all of the checkmarks from playing a bunch of games and completing the secret objective and whenever I do that I will get this secret power this secret power is that whenever I pass I gain a voting token so now for the rest of the games onward when ever whoever's playing the Duke of koden because they did these three objectives three times throughout the games they earn the secret power something else that could happen is if the balance was on the top half as soon as they unlock this they would get a free prestige points and they would start the game with an extra power and an extra gold same for this if they ever finished the game and the welfare was the highest on the resource track they would start the game with an extra power and an extra gold in addition to earning a prestige immediately once they complete this objective so everyone has secret objectives that they're trying to accomplish that has very specific wealth or balance or welfare sorts of things where they care where these are so in this case welfare ended up at the top for this game so they would give themselves if it was the first game and they didn't have any check marks they would give themselves a check mark there and they would be one closer to unlocking the superpower the last thing is they also have a certain style of playing these extremists opulent moderate rebel opportunist greedy correspond to these cards greedy opportunist moderate rebel and so if whoever is playing the dukes of koden took the opportunist card for one of their turns what they would do is they would put a check mark here and then the next time they were playing a game if they took the rebel card instead or in this case the moderate card instead they would give themselves a check mark there and as they keep giving themselves check marks eventually when this fills up they will earn one crave point but if they fill up this one right here they will earn three prestige points so the goal is to take different cards that are in line with what your house wants while completing these secret objectives in order to be able to in order to be able to unlock kind of the special abilities all of that while keeping in mind you know what is actually happening in the story and what you want to actually have happen this is a lot of rules but really it just comes down to do you flip over a card and you see what the results are do you want it to go yes or do you want it to go nay hopefully that makes sense you can leave a comment if you have any confusion and there are any things that I didn't cover or that were unclear and maybe you watch this and it's fun maybe you don't but I'll check in with you to see what the answer is for you and how you're feeling on that okay that is it goodbye
Channel: Risrr Gaming
Views: 14,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A2Uih5iCv50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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