The Keyboard VS Controller Debate SOLVED! HORI & FFXIV!

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hi Gamers today I'm going to tell you about my first experiences with the horory tactical assault Commander F14 Final Fantasy 14 Black Edition what what a mouthful this was first announced back in January of this year I believe but pre-orders were just fulfilled last week while I was inconveniently on vacation but now that I've returned and been able to try it out I definitely have some thoughts so did it live up to expectations I'm Debbie and here it is first off if this is your first introduction to the tactical assault Commander this is the US site for it Link in the description below # notsponsored it works for PS4 PS5 and PC though so far I've only used it with my PC it is $139 which is actually less expensive than I thought it would be when I first heard about it and originally felt it was a good deal the website proudly proclaims that you can assign in-game functions to 21 Keys save up to eight profiles and adjust the position of the analog stick for comfort and ergonomics it has its own application that you can use to configure the analog stick save and load profiles and turn on and off the backlight function the keypad isn't mechanical so I kind of missed the satisfying clack but remember I'm exclusively a controller player in the 10 years that I played Final Fantasy 14 I've used the keyboard and mouse for maybe 3 hours total don't get me wrong I've thought many times about switching and even wanted to but there were a few roadblocks for me the first was giving up that buttery smooth analog movement I was spoiled by the controller and no matter how often I tried to WD my way around aoria it just never felt the same the second being carpel tunnel in both wrists because # gamer so despite wanting to move to a keyboard mouse play style for the numerous additional hot bar configuration options and ease of clickability I just couldn't make the switch but looking at this thing browsing the site and seeing the potential is using this as a hybrid option somewhere between keyboard and mouse and controller I decided I had to pre-order it and give it a chance it is default set up like this with your tab control alt and shift on the left and your CB and Zed keys on the side space down at the bottom and your numerical keys in the middle the analog is auto set to control movement but if you wanted to you could change that to serve whatever analog function you want along with changing the dead zone with the function button you can program each key again to essentially double the amount of binds you can have paired with something super special like the Corsair Scimitar or raisen Naga gaming mice mouses not sponsored you have two full controllers wor of buttons literally at your fingertips so now that I've made it sound too good to be true is it here's the pros and cons as I experienced them cons one shipping to Canada was pricey on top of the currency conversion and taxes Customs also ripped it open and charge me another $50 of Duty fees obviously this isn't the fault of Hy but just throwing it out there in case anyone outside of the US is interested in one keep in mind that the sticker price may not be your final cost two though it was practically ready to use out of the box if you want to make the most of it you have to download their software where to find it was not included in the instructional information that I could see so I had to do a quick Google search you had to go to its listing on the Hy site click here and then click on update to update the firmware in the device and then download the companion app in order to update the device you have to now unless Google translate was lying to me press one and two at the same time as you plug the USB into your computer I don't I don't know I just followed the direction and everything worked out Japanese is the primary language of the app though it is easy enough to switch it over to English another con is if you are switching from Gamepad mode to keyboard and mouse mode in game you will have to redo all your hot bars sorry there's no real way around it I spent a couple of hours doing it last night but it was mostly an enjoyable experience trying to find places to put things so I could jump into Dawn tril as conveniently as possible I was pleasantly surprised by how much I could fit on my screen and the last con really is this here I don't know what part of it could potentially cause me reproductive harm I tried to look it up the whole site seems very general and not at all specific to this piece of technology so I gave up I guess if having a bunch of screaming kids around is important to you do your research the pros well number one is absolutely this button here right here literally attached to the analog stick is the num zero button if you want or you can configure it to something else but it was super convenient honestly I'd give it a 10 out of 10 just for that it was such a timesaver I always bragged that I could click on NPCs and navigate menus faster on a controller than anyone could on a keyboard but this changed my mind second my first stream with it I was able to do roulettes including '90s dungeons with little difficulty if chat didn't already know I was not using my controller they probably wouldn't have guessed which is huge switching from keyboard to Mouse from a controller is not easy but the Tactical Commander made it so intuitive by 2 hours in I was starting to really enjoy the versatility of using it over a controller not having to rest my controller precariously on my lap to type or to gesture wildly with my hands was nice and having constant access to the mouse for clicking hot bars of emotes or menus was really convenient honestly I thought it was a good value before I tried it but now I'm thinking that this could just be the Final Fantasy 14 Miracle I've been waiting for and just in time for next month's Dawn tril launch obviously I'm going to keep getting in my practice on it but for the intent of this video I highly recommend giving it a try if you have the money and are a controller player looking for that controller experience in a keyboard and mouse setup has anyone else giv it a try or do you have any questions that I didn't cover let me know in the comments below shout out to my patrons members and coffee supporters who practically gifted me this thing it is the best present ever thank you so much for watching Gamers and I'll see you in game
Channel: Gamer_Debbie
Views: 16,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, ffxiv controller, ff14 controller, ffxiv hori tactical assault commander, ffxiv hori controller, ffxiv hori tactical commander review, ff14 HORI tactical commander, ffxiv controller guide, ffxiv controller hotbar guide, ffxiv controller settings, controller guide ffxiv, hori tactical assault commander ff14, hori tactical assault commander
Id: CWiUVj0p6Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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