The Key to Winning in Life: RELATIONAL INTELLIGENCE | Launching Deeper with Dr. Dharius Daniels

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the quality of your life is not determined by Who You Are or just what you have it's also impacted by who you with you cannot have a life get life right and get relationships wrong you first of all you can't even get Christianity right and get relationships wrong that's a completely difficult because Jesus said all of the Old Testament can be combined into these two statements love God yeah and love your neighbor as yourself wow like that's you can so it means that if that that if I'm I'm gonna go I'm taking another another step John says not in the Gospel of John the Epistles John says this he says if you say you love God who you've never seen and do not love your brother or sister who you see every day you're a liar a lot that he says your love for God is not what you think it is yeah he said you might believe that you love him the right way but you are not loving him the right way if it's not translated into the way that you treat others and so I feel like people you know how we say people open doors people are doors people are doors every significant shift that happened in my life happened because there was a shift in something relationally sometimes my life got better when the wrong people went out and my life got better when the right people came in and so you never know who God's Gonna use you to bless and you never know who God's going to use to bless you one quick story there's a story in um um Genesis about Joseph right you remember he's in prison interpreting dreams right right and he's interpreting dreams for people who can do nothing for him they're in the same condition wow as he is right yeah and a lot of people wouldn't have used their gift on those people because they feel like I'm only gonna use my gift in front of pharaoh I'm going to use my gift in front of influential people these people can't do anything for me but sometimes God connects you relationally with a person not for what they are but for where they going because Joseph didn't have direct access to Pharaoh but one of the men's he interpreted the dream for got out of prison and was working for pharaoh and when Pharaoh had a dream he remembered Joseph and he was the one that became a door to pharaoh and so I think relationships are there they are absolutely everything and I'm amazed at how we don't talk about how to manage them better more that's almost scary to me it's like how is something so important to my life and there is little to no conversation about how to do well at them it's almost like we assume I need to be taught how to do everything but how to manage relationships wow yeah and so it's it's a little scary but you cannot Prosper without prospering in that area you must have leverage the relationship that's right in prison so see that tells you even in your situation like even when you feel like you know you're not even you're just doing something you feel is insignificant or the people around you are insignificant you you know stepping over them to get to the one you think is significant God is saying those are people you got to look at those relationships and you are so right we don't do well with that we don't do well with that but you can't pursue purpose and prosper without understanding the Dynamics of relationships you know um as a pastor I've been around a lot of people when they were dying end of life situations very rarely do people who are dying ask for you to bring things to their bedside they always ask for people and I believe did you catch that God always ask people they always ask the people I always ask for people because it in those moments when someone's about to transition it's the relationships that they value the most they don't say bring give me a picture of my car and they'll say can you give me a picture of my house so when you live with relational intelligence you live your life in a way where you say those that mean the most to me do not get the least from me wow when you live with relational intelligence you're living in a way that says those that mean the most to me will not get the least from me that's that's prospering that's prosperous that's Prosper it's prospering it's rough to have to be in a house with people you don't like that's that's not I don't care how much square footage it is it's like it's not enough square footage in the world like when you rich relationally you wealthy when you're rich relationally then you you're wealthy isn't that amazing yeah yeah and like you said you cannot leave that piece of the pie out you cannot discount that relations are relationships are so important yeah you know and and that's what my Bishop he talks about a lot of times is relationships it's a ship it's a you know it's not a one-way thing it is a relationship and for some reason we do have a hard time with that yeah and he's he's he's great at that too yeah I mean and I actually I admire people not saying that they're more important it's just my preference we're just talking we family at this point all right so we just we're just talking I admire people that are better with people than people that are better with things with doing things because it takes a bigger man or woman to be better with people yeah I can be good at a thing and not be a good human but to be good with people I got to be a I got to be a good human I can work a spiritual gift without spiritual growth that's what most of the book of Corinthians was about wow this was the most charismatic church that Paul ever wrote to like they they it's everything going on in that church right right and Paul said y'all carnal they're prophesied literally he says yeah he said I can't even talk to you like you spiritually Mentor I can't even give you meat say you don't know you say you carnal there are divisions you're saying I'll baptize Apollos and Petey said I'm glad I didn't baptize any of you so it's easier to work a spiritual gift because it doesn't require growth but to love somebody well wow that requires not the gifts of the Spirit the Fruit of the Spirit that requires growth Bishop Bishop's a great man yeah yeah who kind of did join this he said she bite you know yes so you gotta love people a to the man a to the man
Channel: Launching Deeper with Jackie B
Views: 18,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, spiritual, better life, the good life, self help, real talk, money, dating, church, big energy, master class
Id: -e3_jRVhiVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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