The Jura Mountains | Wild Faces of Switzerland | Go Wild

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[Music] [Applause] at the heart of Europe lies Switzerland it's a surprisingly big little country small in area but big on natural beauty and like its many languages and cultures its Landscapes vary widely too from mighty Alps and dense forests to mysterious mes and roaring waterfalls Switzerland has many faces some familiar some [Music] [Applause] hidden it's a country that's astonishingly rich in variety with Wilderness and Scenic [Music] [Music] wonder sometimes beauty is not apparent at first glance things are not always as they seem some regions in Switzerland are less well known so now is the time to discover them this tree keeps its real age a secret known as Leen deos the gnarled Oak it's said to have witnessed the changing of the seasons over over a thousand times here in the Swiss [Music] Jura the Jura encompasses the entire low mountain region stretching from the northeast of Switzerland along the French border right down to Lake [Music] Geneva the Jura is synonymous with with time it's given its name to an entire Global Epoch and is also home to traditional horological craftsmanship there are traces of time or Times Gone by [Music] everywhere the Jura mountains are a kind of little brother to the [Music] Alps compared to the rest of Switzerland the entire region is quite sparsely populated that's why there's one thing in abundance here peace and quiet usually that is but right now it's spring in the northern Jura and that means The Mating Season the trees are alive with a chirping song contest it's a musical competition for the favor of the females they decide whether a male is a worthwhile breeding partner or not evidently this nut hatch passed the test in addition to their reproductive instinct animals have one other overpowering driving force hunger [Music] the IR moves as fast as Lightning but life at this pace takes a lot of energy which means food mice are a favorite food in the past hers were often kept as pets to keep Farms free of mice [Music] because no mouse is safe anywhere near an IR one unguarded moment and death is at the door death and life the Eternal cycle of nature under the first warming rays of sunshine snow drops and crocuses are the first to venture forth other flowers follow swiftly like the cuckoo [Music] flower and when these buds open a touch of the Orient unfolds in the middle of [Music] Switzerland because later they will result in a very special fruit the damsen plum Legend has it that these Dam plums were a souvenir brought back by the Crusaders from Damascus in Syria over 800 years ago its integration was a success today it's a Swiss specialty and is enjoyed especially in high proof liquid [Music] form growing alongside them are apples cherries and Mirabel plums it's no coincidence that the Jurassic AA is known as the fruit Orchard of Western [Music] Switzerland for the blossoms to become Delicious Fruit however a specific interaction is necessary one that has worked for hundreds of millions of years blossoms aren't stingy with their charms in Spring scent color and shape they use the lot to lure their pollinators and it works bees need huge quantities of nectar and pollen to feed The Brood in their hives as they go pollen grains get stuck to their beef fur and are carried from flow to flow these are also true to a single variety they remain with the plant species until the blossoms fade it's a great Advantage for fruit trees if only their own pollen dust is carried about plant or animal kingdom new life is springing up everywhere here too in the nearby forests around the old Chateau [Music] PL a whole pack of young foxes enjoys some unsupervised time their mother has probably gone off looking for food as these four to five week old Cubs can't do that [Music] yet they still have no idea how serious life is Hunters cars there are many dangers out there in the big wide world but right now that doesn't concern them fun and games are the privilege of [Music] childhood today mountains rise up in the place where the tethis ocean lay in prehistoric [Music] times deposits of sediment led to the formation of limestone one could say that the Jura mountains are underpinned by the remains of sea shells corals and crabs the characteristic cast formations of the Limestone mountains aroused the interest of nature researcher Alexander fon hbal he named these rock strata after the place where they were discovered Jura later this name was adopted to describe the entire period of their creation almost as if a giant had left Footprints funnels in the ground like these appear unexpectedly in cast areas called dolans they're formed by the corrosive dissolving of rock in Rainwater this is also how Subterranean cast formations are created better known as stalactite caves so far 9,000 caves have been discovered in Switzerland most of them in the Jura one of these is the Rea cave it affords a glimpse into the mysterious bowels of the earth as well as a journey into the deepest Mists of the past time seems to have Stood Still [Music] Here stall time es grow at a rate of about 8 to 15 mm every 100 [Music] years Drip by drip sculptures are formed the water evaporates a wafer thin lime deposit remains over millions of years this process has created the astonishing works of art that fire our imagination today stalactites grow down from the ceiling to start with they form thin tubes because of this peculiar shape they're called macaroni some of the stalic mites reaching up from the floor of the cave are more reminiscent of [Music] canalone [Music] reair is where Switzerland's largest stalagmite Reigns Supreme known as the cathedral it's some 15 M tall and so is thought to be around 200,000 years old in the cave the temperature is a constant 7° Centigrade all year round for some these are ideal conditions in which to spend winter [Music] 11 species of bat use the frost-free caves as their winter quarters from November when food becomes scarce they Retreat to the caves and go into a kind of hibernation to save valuable [Music] energy among them are the Lesser and greater horseshoe bat both of which are on the endangered list for them to be woken now would be fatal which is why the caves are closed to the public during winter much less well- known than bats are the inhabitants of the Subterranean Lake you have to look really carefully to spot them neus a freshwater crustacean about the size of a thumbnail they feed partly on the remains of creatures who've strayed into the cave and got lost there such as toads or [Music] [Music] mice the powerful interplay of water and time its impressive results can be observed on the Earth's surface [Music] too for millions of years the D River has csed its way through the Limestone until a landslide blocked its way some 14,000 years ago the result the laak de BR like a fjord the lake winds its way between steep walls up to 80 M [Music] high at the de Falls the water Cascades with tremendous Force into the valley [Music] below the waterfall has another feature it also forms the border between Switzerland and France for almost 500 kilm the river do snakes backwards and forwards between France and Switzerland as if it were unable to make up its mind where to [Music] go in some places the high rock walls make it almost inaccessible so it's pristine Untouched by human influence but there are also flatter stretches this makes it flow at different rates in some places very fast and others more sedately in between it seems to pause and rest in peaceful [Music] pools the area is home to Black kites they often frequent places near water so they can catch fish this kite has caught something else what it intends to do with this Branch isn't entirely clear probably use it for nest building right now it's breeding time for black kites in the [Music] Jura it's a migrating bird and spend the winter in Africa from March to September it returns to Switzerland the kite is a master of the art of gliding using the smallest updraft to conserve strength the river du has plentiful fish reserves to provide the kite and other birds with the food they need to survive but their idil is at risk the DU has a serious problem with environmental pollution agriculture industry and hydroelectric power plants all contribute to the threat posed to the river's abundant fish [Music] stocks there are are still areas that look almost untouched where the Dew still provides a valuable habitat especially as breeding grounds for water foul on the banks or in the lake where cots build their floating nests using twigs and water plants the mute swan prefers to nest on the river banks it's young could hardly be called ugly ducklings though it's never too early to start getting a bit of beauty sleep the chicks stay with their parents for 8 to 9 months before they're [Music] independent it's lunchtime for this family with its long neck the adult Dives for aquatic plants deep underwater the staple diet for swans big or small nature conservation ists have been trying to protect this paradise for years they might succeed if especially the hydroelectric power plants are willing to reduce their use of the river whether that will happen remains to be seen on some days the moisture in the river valley draws skaines of fog across the landscape this is good for the neighboring forests and Fields the juicy grass provides food for the Region's large cattle herds many people here make a living from agriculture the milk is turned into the juror's famous cheeses such as tet [Music] Dean in the advancing early summer whatever hasn't been eaten or mowed in The Meadows bursts into colorful bloom but the idel can be deceptive danger lurks hiding in weight a crab spider is on the prowl instead of spinning a web it waits patiently well hidden for its [Music] victims this time it's unsuccessful these dramatic scenes of life and death take place in Wildflower Meadows thousands of times every day to the south of the DU region lies the F monan District a territory with few people but an abundance of [Music] fields this region is home to an old Swiss horse breed the fry burer their ancestors came from abroad but the F burger also called the FR Mont horse has been bred in Switzerland for the past 200 years and so they are held to be [Music] Swiss [Music] strong calm and even tempered these were the characteristics that made this horse so popular especially as a Workhorse and for the [Music] military today favored as coach horses and for riding they're the pride of the region there's enough space in the F mon for them to spend the entire summer in the fields almost like the wild west except that it's in Switzerland the Jura often seems to visitors to be a Haven of Peace even in the peak tourist season there are no hordes of people time here often seems to have Stood [Music] Still oh [Music] [Music] long [Music] for [Music] the Swiss tourism hotspots aren't far though the famous Bernese Highlands are just across the way the best view of their impressive Peaks can be had from the chasseral one of the jura's highest mountains however at under 2,000 M compared with the Giants of the Alps it's something of a dwarf these animals rarely move away from the Alpine region muts they were brought to the chasseral in the 1960s they settled in here quickly mamuds have been around since the Ice Age and have learned to adapt today there are several colonies along the entire mountain range flowers leaves or buds whatever's juicy protein rich and vegetarian is used to tank up the fat reserves that have been lost during winter play fighting strengthens family bonds but their motto is stay alert a shrill whistle sounds the alarm and they all dive for cover not far from the muts on the barren Limestone precipices of the chasseral narcissi and various types of gensin Bloom and Thrive they prefer low fertilities soils but these are becoming ever scarcer most gensin have one thing in common to protect themselves from rain or cold air they close their cxes wild orchids such as the purple orchid are also in their element on the poor soils of the Mountain [Music] Fields Southwest of the chasseral the Vista opens up to the chains of the Jura mountain range the limestone rocks and densely forested Peaks are characteristic of the region J or Forest was what the Kelts called this area the name Jura might well have originated from this Celtic word the forest region there are many so-called vut vien dotted about wooded pastures that are good for both Agriculture and Forestry known as the D Deon this towering Mountain might be regarded as the tooth of time at its foot lies the valet deju home to many famous watch and clar makers who are the economic backbone of the region on the high pastures of the Jura mountains hikers will often and come across dry stone walls they a legacy of the ancient Romans who brought the art of dry stone masonry to Central Europe Stone upon stone with no mortar for centuries the walls were used to demarcate land from Neighbors or to fence pastures many of them were replaced by wire and wood becoming forgotten relics in time blending in with their surroundings others are properly maintained whatever condition they're in today we know how important they are for plants and animals valuable biotopes form inside and around dry stone walls whether small like this wall lizard or larger like this mouse All Creatures appreciate a safe dry [Music] Hideway away from the wall life is much more dangerous a fox is on the hunt for food and a mouse like this would suit him [Music] perfectly he searches through the high grass all his senses honed to catch the slightest movement not even the faintest rustle escapes [Music] him he can jump up to 6 ft into the air to perform his so-called Mouse leap and is sometimes rewarded with a plump water V will he eat it straight away or take it home to his young or even store it for later that's his secret the Mountain Meadows of the D Deon are a colorful organic home remedy Center many of the Wild flowers growing here are held to have healing properties such as the Coline in earlier times it was said to be effective against scurvy but also prized as an aphrodiziac the dead nettle is supposed to help against insomnia this aerial acrobat seems wide awake though the hummingbird Hawk moth it's often mistaken for a calibri as like the hummingbird it also hovers this helps it maintain the right position to suck nectar with its long prosis summer is the main blooming season for Meadow flowers across the Valle deu even in July and August temperatures are mostly moderate because the High Valley lies at 1,000 m above sea level it's showpiece is the eponymous Lake the lak deu at 9 km long it's the largest lake in the entire Jura [Music] Massif not everyone is awake this early in the [Music] morning although there's a lot to do it's breeding season for the Great Crested [Music] gree a thick Reed belt is an ideal spot for its floating nests using aquatic plants twigs and Reed stalks together the couple build a safe home for their eggs the quiet southwesterly shore of the lake offers good breeding grounds not only for the Great Crested gree it's popular with many other aquatic Birds insects thrive in the marshy tributary of the lak deu especially dragonflies Two Become One the dragonfly's famous mating wheel male and female dragonflies can be joined in this reproductive position for up to 6 hours this damsel fly is still on the lookout for a partner blue damsel flies are rare as their breeding ground requirements are very specific the water can't be too warm so high altitude Lakes are ideal if they feel threatened the males spread their wings and lift their abdomen to frighten off other dragonflies but generally speaking dragonflies are peaceful [Music] creatures the Lac deu is fed by the orb river that rises in the French part of the Jura mountains here the river orb takes its natural course with loops bends and curves this Meandering is due to the low gradient of the [Music] valley [Music] mands line the banks making them hard to [Music] access for a long time the valley deju was inaccessible so it was only settled very late hardly surprising as to the West it's complet completely sealed off by the K rizu the largest forested area in Switzerland 200 years ago wolves and bears roomed the [Music] area today the forest still seems almost impenetrable it's also the green border separating France and Switzerland on clear days M Blan can be seen from here the highest mountain in the Alps but size alone isn't the whole story some small things are quite impressive too even very small things the valet deu is home to one of the largest colonies of red ants in Europe with around 20 m million insects every one of them appears to know exactly what their job is but who controls the big [Music] picture the intelligence and sensory skills of an individual ant are to put it kindly somewhat limited the secret of this perfectly functioning Collective lies in communication because there's no one single determinant ants communicate via pheromones odoriferous substances that they receive and pass on with their feelers this enables them to identify members of the same Colony but the best feeding spots possible sources of danger ants also get all this information from the scent of others and like a snowball system The pheromonal Cloud of knowledge spreads in a very short space of [Music] time all of this serves a single purpose survival of the species the center of the colony is the nest where the queen ant lays her eggs fur and Spruce needles twigs and resin it's all used as construction material for this an [Music] heat the super colony of the Swiss Jura consists of around 1200 nests like this an entire Empire and an impressive Wonder of nature in [Music] miniature but the Jura is big on other things [Music] too another of Switzerland's largest and most impressive natural phenomena is located here the co [Music] du the rocky arena is a geological feature the result of erosion of the Jura mountains after the last ice age at the bottom in the wooded Caldera there are still remnants of glacial Marines the sheer rock walls plunge 160 m down to the valley floor below it's known as The Swiss Grand Canyon an imposing Monument to [Music] time [Music] the Caldera is one of the country's oldest nature conservation areas up on the plateau's Alpine pastures cows spend their [Music] Summers the crew is a popular destination for hikers especially those interested in botany in addition to the breathtaking views there's a treasure Trove of colorful mellany the white anemon yellow globe flower or the meadow Ru or Siberian Coline with its exotic looking [Music] umbles the CR devons Rock faces rise steeply from the dense forests that reach right up to the high plateau and here with a little luck one might encounter an extremely shy [Music] inhabitant the lynx its shyness is not unfounded the relationship between the and humans is a difficult one at the beginning of the last century this Predator was extinct in Switzerland in the 1970s a few pairs were reintroduced among other areas in crudiv in the meantime the number of links in Switzerland has risen and there is currently heated debate over whether they should be C to protect the indigenous Wildlife but this feral inhabit abant of the Swiss Jura still retains its protected status and luckily has many on its side the cron is situated in the middle of the Val tra it's famous as the home of Aban this highly alcoholic drink known as the green fairy was held to be dangerous and outlawed for a long [Music] time [Music] in the fur Treetops blue tits are ging themselves for the coming [Music] winter Now's the Time When Nature yields all her [Music] fruits in some cases this can take quite a while it takes 30 years before beach trees bear their fruit but to make up for it in some years there's a veritable glut of beach [Music] nuts oak trees also have boom years for acorns they're merely ensuring that enough fruit will germinate in the ground because most of them are eaten before they do hungry Forest creatures such as wild boar route out as many acorns and Beach nuts as they possibly can in Autumn to fatten up for the winter Autumn is a colorful time as leaves die they display their most Splendid [Music] colors [Music] many forest dwellers begin to prepare themselves for their imminent winter hibernation to survive it the Hedgehog has to Gorge itself on as much food as possible and it's not picky nuts snails beetles every calorie counts and the Hedgehog is in a hurry every day brings fewer hours of [Music] sunshine with less Sunshine leaves stop the process of photosynthesis which produces their green color ing they die off and fall the further Autumn advances the thicker the carpet of fallen leaves [Music] becomes for the fire salamander this is a signal to begin its search for suitable winter quarters it won't sleep here but will be able to find Shelter From the first frosts because these often arrive earlier than expected and without warning especially in the higher altitudes of the Swiss Jura [Music] and eventually the time has come winter [Music] arrives one region in Switzerland is especially closely linked with the cold season it's actually quite famous for being [Music] cold Laine a high Valley in the Canton of n [Music] chatel because of the Valley's isolated location so-called cold air lakes form here cooled air is heavy and stays near the ground it cannot escape from the hollow of the High [Music] Valley [Music] people here say that there are only two seasons winter and the next winter minus 40° Centigrade has been measured here temperatures more likely to occur in Siberia not every year is that extreme but life here is still a challenge for man and Beast alike the thicker the snow cover the harder it is to find food a simple and bitter fact not only for this [Music] deer some creatures clear the way for others Badgers like this one are a rare sight now it's normally hibernate ating so why did this one Venture forth it may well have been woken by Hunger Hunger can make other animals Restless too this fox is looking for stores it set aside during summer because hunting now would require too much energy so this hair feels quite safe The Grooming process spreads its scent around its whole body thereby marking its territory mobile communication hairstyle sleeping through the cold months the survival strategy preferred by many animals hollow tree trunks or nesting boxes are good winter quarters for the Dormouse it hibernates from September right through until June more or less [Music] soundly during hibernation it loses up to 50% of its body mass energy saving is essential the best motto is keep calm and carry on sleeping winter in the Jura has many faces depending on the altitude it can be covered with deep snow or sometimes just bare and foggy like here in the jura's northeastern tip the bishop of Bal had the Bon fall ponds artificially laid out at the end of the 18th century to keep him supplied with fresh carp today these ponds are a nature reserve in Winter the water temperature can be extremely cold but there is still enough food for the Ducks so they don't have to move on like many other birds Ducks always have cold feet their special blood circulation ensures that their body stays warm but their feet remain cold this prevents them from sticking to the ice back to Swiss Siberia where Winter arrives first and leaves last back to LA revine Valley near the village of the same name lies the Laker a typical Castle Lake it has no inflow or outflow maintaining its levels with rainwater and [Music] meltwater the water from the lake seeps away continuing to flow underground and then as if from nowhere reappearing 6 km away here it emerges from a rock becoming the source for the river Aros the most important river in the Canton of Nel IT Supplies 70% of the population with drinking water at 30 km in length the Aros is not a long river but it's nonetheless [Music] impressive even smaller bodies of water can excavate given enough time the Aros has inexorably carved through the dura Rock creating the wild romantic Aros Gorge our ancestors evidently also felt at home here the remains of Stone Age cave dwellings have been found in the Rocks above the gorge the first warmer temperatures are an invitation to Sun bathe and for some to dive the Dipper is one of the few song birds that can swim and dive underwater it collects insect ly a tasty snack [Music] sooner or later the cold Retreats winter is on the [Music] way and Time Marches On A year has gone by another ring added to the trunk of the gnarled old oak [Music] tree in its shadow the world has turned again and deeply anchored it continues to defy the rigors of time here in the Swiss [Music] Jura [Music] be
Channel: Go Wild
Views: 41,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orf universum, documentary, blue chip, natural history, secrets of nature, planet earth, wildlife, free documentary, watch full documentary, nature films, wildlife films, go wild, nature, natura
Id: tu_PRbYRObI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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