Midsummer in Norway - Beauty of the North | Part 2 | Free Documentary Nature

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[Music] mid-summer in Norway days when the Sun never really sets a natural wonder of the Arctic Circle a brief respite before The Long Winter [Music] untouched nature [Laughter] and people celebrating the Arctic summer [Music] thank you [Music] Northern Norway Baron rough and mysterious summer a brief glow of this rugged Beauty north of the Arctic Circle Norway is about the size of Germany and one of the largest countries in Europe but only about 5.3 million people live here but Liz Oslo Bordeaux is the first major city north of the Arctic Circle and gateway to the lou futon archipelago Lu futon translates to Link's foot a chain of about 80 islands in the North Atlantic [Music] foothills of the Gulf Stream provide a mild climate even in mid-summer the thermometer rarely climbs above 20 degrees centigrade that means wetsuit instead of bikini for Tamara singer and Angelita Erickson do you think we should go life over there it might be better over there because of the wind and this weather system so it will be more protected I think we should head over there yeah okay the Norwegian and the New Zealander have an unusual idea in luzuden which feels like the end of the world they harvest and process seaweed which grows abundantly on the coast their common language is English [Music] Angelita grew up as the daughter of a fisherman Tamara's mother's Japanese and introduced her to seaweed cooking at an early age it is actually naughty which is used around the sushi rolls this is our Littleton version that when you taste it you get the same taste that you get when you're eating sushi yeah of course the color is a little bit different here one of the reasons is because it's the middle of summer and in the winter this is a deep dark purple color but in the summer it changes especially here in Littleton when we have so much light at first first glance it takes some getting used to but if you know your way around algae like Angelita does you'll Discover Real Treasures in the sea here we have ocean truffle or truffle seaweed and believe it or not it tastes just like a truffle and it's amazing uh in a salt as well so I use this quite a lot but eating it fresh is really yummy in Japan and China seaweed has a permanent place on the menu in Europe too there are coastal regions and Wales or Iceland where they are consumed in Norway the Vikings are set to have packed dried seaweed as Provisions well that was a long time ago Angelita and Tamara want to re-establish seaweed as a healthy SuperFood options are good the Waters of the North Atlantic are rich in nutrients and very clean seaweed that grows here can be eaten without hesitation it wasn't until I was an adult that I became interested I started reading about it because I was interested in pure and nutritious food that's when a whole new world of taste opened up to me it's like a vegetable garden in the sea after Harvard angelita's idea with the algae convinces Tamara even willingly went to the other end of the world for it [Music] I grew up in New Zealand and we have much longer and warmer Summers especially in the northern part of New Zealand it has been a surprise for me to be living here in the Arctic and also with the light conditions because of course in the winter we have the the darkness and in the summer we have like 24 hours a day seaweed Harvest at 10 degrees water temperature more than 230 000 Islands line Norway's Coast many of them are uninhabited [Music] brenvic sunden on the mainland is one of the most beautiful beaches in the municipality of steigen the area around the large Bay is protected bathing is nevertheless allowed [Music] yeah the June landscape with its typical vegetation was placed under protection in 2002. [Music] border is the capital of the Northland Province and has one of the most spectacular golf courses in Norway [Music] surrounded by mountains right by the Sea the green invites you to play Under The Midnight Sun in the summer in the summer season Mikhail holtistin's route works here as a golf instructor just stand here and then aim at the red flagpole very good you have to make sure that the shoulders stay on one line yep I spend a lot of time here on the course it's nice to meet a lot of people and trains playing on a course like this here it's meditation fantastic just being in nature Mikhail is actually an aircraft mechanic he spends the five-month season on the golf course there he mostly meets beginners [Music] the balance may well be 50 50. good that way you also come down the hill playing golf can be dangerous if you lose control of the ball if you hit it poorly and it flies somewhere you can't see that's when you yell four when you hear four on a golf course you have to take cover and protect your neck playing 18 holes you walk a good 10 kilometers [Music] golf is actually very calm your pulse remains low very focused and concentrated it's more of a Precision Sport than a conditioned sport you have to be very focused when you play golf and concentrate on your swing everything is very calm and you have a lot of time to do what you're supposed to do oh [Music] after work Mikael likes to stay on the course to hit a few balls and enjoy nature [Music] the light of the Midnight Sun enchants the landscape [Music] we don't always have such super weather here in the north but when the weather is like this it's very popular to play some golf in the middle of the night then you start at nine or ten in the evening and play all night it's fantastic [Music] Midnight Sun A Day That Never Ends the lefutin island chain can be seen from the mainland the locals call it the lower jaw of God [Music] time seems to stand still on these Bright Nights [Music] the reason why it doesn't get dark the Earth rotates on an inclined axis in summer the north pole faces the Sun the closer to the pole the longer you can see it shine [Music] the Sami people live in the mountains of Norwegian finmark summer is traditionally the time when they round up their reindeer herds to Mark the Young [Music] up here spring starts late only in May the last snow melts in the valley the wild natural landscape and the most sparsely populated region in Norway it wasn't until the 18th century that people from other parts of the country came to settle permanently it was here of all places that the German Beyond Clover went normally these Huskies pull a sled in the summer they are trained with a light wagon [Music] the Husky Farm is located in inset a small town near the border with Sweden [Music] most of the dogs in the pack are so-called Greenland Huskies one of the oldest dog breeds in the world traditionally used as hunting and sled dogs [Applause] every evening is feeding time I've got 83 dogs here all have their names of course but it's not enough to know the name you also have to know the character you have to know who can run with who who runs best in front of the sled who prefers to run behind the Husky teams must always be very homogeneous they have to work as a group and that's why you really have to know every single dog and also the relationships among the dogs Beyond produces the concentrated feed for the dogs himself from slaughterhouse waste he feeds 30 tons a year Paris now it's finally your turn you had to wait so long but I think it was worth it with 83 dogs it's hard to spoil them all equally all dogs are very different some dogs make a special effort and then you have a closer relationship with them and here at vigand is the one without whom nothing would move on the sled he's someone who pulls very hard and as a reward is allowed to lick it out Morton grew up on the Husky Farm after his studies in Oslo he decided to return to inset and to work together with his father [Music] Offspring is expected at the Husky Farm the birth of puppies is an event every time is separated from the other dogs so that she can have her Cubs in peace foreign yes it can't take much longer look how tense the belly is when you press here the milk comes out so far everything is fine when you feel the belly you sometimes feel that there is something pressing from the inside so there are puppies in there and they certainly want to come out now Morgan um all right tuna tuna you'll have your last meal before the birth now everyone is excited about the new litter hopefully everything will go well [Music] from finmark Back to the coast [Music] westerolin is a group of islands Northeast of lefuten whales pass by here all year round orcas benefit from the abundance of fish in the sea humpback whales also spent the summer in these Arctic Waters [Music] surfing comes from Hawaii but the surface on Lou Fulton have fun too despite water temperatures around 8 degrees [Music] surfing in the Arctic not summer for the tough ones the temperature is all right with a wetsuit it's not really cold it's quite wonderful you just feel that it's cold that's all right surfing in the Arctic different to surfing on Hawaii [Music] wrong ocean currents they arise because the water is pushed between the islands at low tide and high tide and thus reaches a high flow velocity it depends on the tides when and where Angelita and Tamara can Harvest their seaweed we're harvesting in one of the strongest tidal currents in the world knowing the weather learning from my dad who's a fisherman about all the little local changes and being safe harvesting it's been really really important yeah algae also grow in aquacultures but Tamara and Angelita prefer to harvest right in the sea and only take small amounts the algae grow back on their own though in Japan it's called kombu in Japanese if you use it in a soup stock then you can get the Umami flavor out of it Umami comes from Japanese and means tasty spicy to benefit from this flavor Tamara and Angelita still have to process the sugar kelp foreign islands are among the oldest mountain ranges in the world without the warm Gulf Stream they would probably be covered with ice [Music] at precise weather forecast folo futon almost impossible people here often experience Four Seasons in one day [Music] this landscape is fascinating in any weather already the Vikings called it island of the Gods traces are first settlement of the archipelago can already be found in the Stone Age later the Vikings founded large Chieftains here the island of vespergo has already been densely populated even before that there is land for growing grain and enough grazing land for the Animal Companions of the people [Music] sheep along with goats are considered the oldest domestic animals of man [Music] [Applause] [Music] in 2013 took over a small farm in stamson to investvergo the initial six sheep have now become a small flock [Music] they are quite shy but also incredibly friendly all of them have a name this one is Fifi she is very smart and likes to be cozy and then come very close to me you get into good contact with them when you spend some time with them you also have to speak the language of the sheep when I greet them with my nose like this they can smell whether I'm dangerous or not [Music] old Norwegian sheep until the 19th century it was very common later breeds were imported from England gaman asks sheep almost went extinct it is perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of the polar region [Music] when you look at the DNA of these sheep it's not much different to Bone fines from the Viking age so we know that the Vikings had cheap like these no he didn't like me stroking his back he's very strong so the Vikings had almost the same sheep the same horns and the same wall sheep's wool used to be an essential raw material for survival without it people wouldn't have been able to protect themselves against the cold even the sales of the Vikings were woven from it during her textile design studies ragnhill realized that there was hardly any wool from Norway left Australia and China are the biggest exporters in Europe production is hardly worth it anymore started producing wool in the foot the harsh climate here doesn't bother the Sheep they walk everywhere on their own always looking for food for her project dragonhild collaborates with other Shepherds from northern Norway she finishes the spun yarn in her Workshop [Music] now I wash the yarn because it has to be clean when I dye it yeah when I get it from the spinning Mill I tie a thread around it so it holds together when I diet there is a lot of dirt in the wool soil but also a lot of Grease I have to wash that out dying is done with natural materials without chemicals these are Birch leaves that I picked up here on the hillside they are freshly put into this sieve it's kind of like pouring a cup of tea you put the strainer in here and boil the leaves the Vikings are the models it is known that they use tansy Saint John's wort and matter to die wool the color blue is reserved for Kings because the Indigo needed for dying is rare and expensive woad serves as a substitute this is a very ancient art we know that the Vikings did the same and that the women made beautiful textiles these women were often accused of Witchcraft because they had more knowledge about herbs plants and their effects than the rest of the population [Music] I think the biggest magic was when they worked with Indigo first it's yellow and then wow it turns blue that is still magic today the blue is created by the reaction with oxygen it looks like magic [Music] environmental awareness and sustainability are important topics in Norway Regional natural products are being rediscovered like pure wool it is self-cleaning and keeps warm even when wet with the Advent of cotton and synthetic fibers it has fallen into Oblivion [Music] the people here earn their money by fishing they could not send their men out fishing without Woolen clothes on the hands on the head and on the whole body without wool they might have lasted half an hour at sea but then they would have had problems so wool was a basic requirement to survive here almost every Norwegian woman has such a sweater hand knitted of course this white sweater here is a little more feminine but we also have some here that men like many men also like fresh colors but it doesn't always have to be blue or gray if it's orange red yellow or green many think it's great that gives pleasure the knitwear with the intricate patterns are part of Scandinavian folklore and are known far beyond the country's borders as Norwegian sweaters [Music] the Steep Mountain slopes so typical for lufutan which go right into the sea were formed by glaciers during the last ice age [Music] thank you the mountains of Northern Norway are among the oldest on Earth even in mid-summer there can be fresh snow on the glacier of Robin the Husky Farm's local mountain which is a good one thousand meters high [Music] it's early in the morning it is still very quiet at the Husky Farm in inset the sled dogs are obviously late sleepers no reason to get up so far the humans haven't shown up yet [Music] thank you Bjorn Clower and his son Morton first look after tuna the pregnant [Music] we look what do we have here they're just born [Music] four puppies were born during the night thank you that's quite a little team the and her puppies are doing well it is tuna's second time giving birth she's already experienced the beauty of these animals is that they are built in such a way that they can do everything on their own so we as humans don't need to intervene they're still so primitive like wolves they do everything on their own they look for a place nice and dry protected far away from other animals so that they don't have to be afraid then they do it alone we breed dogs only for ourselves for our own use because we have very special requirements for these dogs when a new litter arrives it's always the feeling that you have the future in front of you that you are sure that it will continue with these dogs that things move forward s [Music] all is well tuna my sweet I'll let you have it two boys and two girls let's see the birth of puppies is a great moment every time even for Bjorn Clower who has experienced it many times in his more than 30 years on the farm [Music] the eyes of newborns are still closed they open them only after about two weeks now sleeping and drinking are the most important occupations [Music] taking care of the Huskies takes up a large part of the day Beyond's Farm is just under 40 kilometers from the nearest major town shopping is planned carefully to be independent Bjorn has learned over time to do almost everything himself foreign for us summer is the time when we prepare for winter winter is seven months long here in the mountains you prepare everything first of all the equipment that you have the dog harnesses the sleds you make sure you have enough of everything in the winter grew up on the outskirts of Hamburg Norway is the country of its dreams [Music] I started walking in Oslo in 1984 and spent a year on foot in Norway there I got to know what a sled dog can pull on the one hand but also that it's great to be on the road with someone you're no longer completely alone and then I said to myself if I were to gain a foothold here then not just with one dog but a small team that was actually the goal [Music] seven months of winter with snow and ice ideal conditions to start a husky farm and offer sled tours in the Arctic winter the traditional way to get around [Music] the sled dogs primarily come from the Inuit who have used sled dogs on Greenland Northern Canada Alaska and also in Siberia of course everywhere where there are these peoples in the Arctic they just bred dogs that pull sleds and then just built the sleds for it not much has changed you stand on the back here on the runners between the runners you have the break so you can break the whole team when it goes downhill for example and then you have a snow anchor at the back here which you can press into the snow then you can also stop the team with it hold it so that if for example a dog gets Tangled Up in the team I can simply go to the front and solve the problem there until the 1960s Norway was one of the poorest countries in Europe this only changed with the discovery of oil deposits off the coast then as now however fishing also was an important industry was one of the most important fishing ports in lefuten from February to April is the peak season for COD fishermen from all over the country came with their boats to hunt for the fish they were accommodated simple wooden Huts by the harbor fish kings brought up entire Villages and controlled the trade their power dwindled only with the Advent of steam navigation [Music] Village of Reina are scattered over several islands even today stockfish are sold from here all the way to China salmon has been farmed in aqua Farms since the 1970s Norway produces around 1.2 million tons a year making it the world's largest supplier Mass farming and the Sea satisfies demand but also damages the ecosystem and leads to the long-term decline of natural fish stocks [Music] there is not much choice of professional food nap is a typical fishing Village Angelita Erickson grew up here as the daughter of a fisherman her father's old Harbor shed serves as quarters for the two seaweed Farmers to process their kelp Harvest as is so often the case the long-established people didn't want to know about the unusual business idea of the two young women at first everyone thought we were crazy they were just like are you crazy seaweed and especially my dad you know he was very skeptical uh but we were at least two girls going out with his smaller boat to harvest seaweed when we first started and the fishermen were just like looking at us but now as they've seen our business grow and they see everything that we do they have completely changed their attitude and um they have this meeting and they were all standing there saying you know what can we do to help you guys because we're really believe in you and what you do and you are the future and that really warmed my heart you know you had tears in my eyes because if we can change these fishermen then we can change the world the two young ladies don't only have many good ideas but also a plan [Laughter] in a small store in nap Tamara and Angelita sell their seaweed products and recently they've been running a pop-up restaurant serving fresh kelp dishes an exciting challenge for the young chef yachekelka from Poland [Music] [Laughter] seaweed can be used fresh or dried it often is an ingredient that gives the dish a special sea-like taste now what I'm doing the salad with the Nori seaweed it's the red algae it's quite rich flavor it's not only like saltiness but it's also Umami so it does have a bit of a like a meaty flavor roast flavor that works like really well lifting up the flavor of the whole dish algae are considered the vegetable of the future they are rich in protein and vitamins they provide a hearty broth are made into pesto or deep fried [Music] yachek lived in Japan for several years and learned the tricks of seaweed preparation I'm originally from Poland but I work in around the world like trying to develop my skills and try different things and see what people are doing and eating around the world pickled seaweed for example [Music] algae are still a niche product in European cuisine [Music] the appeal for most restaurant diners is eating something that sounds a little gross at first but then tastes surprisingly good [Music] in summer many tourists come to lefuten including many Norwegians in Winter it can be quite lonely here Angelita Erickson lived abroad for a few years before returning home yes the Islanders are a very special people we are very free-spirited we are hospitable and I think it is important for us to stand together it's a survival mechanism because life here is so extreme and then it is also very bright all day in summer and dark or winter just like in Arctic regions you need a good sense of humor and perseverance we are tough but we also have warmth of heart and what can I say we are free-spirited people [Music] uses the few summer months to train his Huskies a new lead dog is being looked for on the farm and inset a three-year-old male seems promising [Music] last winter we had quite a few problems with deep snow and the older lead dogs were partially overwhelmed and we're just urgently looking for a successor last year on a tour he already turned out quite well as just someone who goes ahead who goes through the deep snow of course he's not yet disciplined and doesn't really know what it's all about and we hope to turn him into a successor for the old lead dogs a lead dog must have fun running ahead pulling the pack behind him must not be afraid of snowstorms or even deep snow must always be extremely motivated to run ahead that's the most important thing if he also listened to our commands like left or right so that we'd get where we want to go that would also be great the dog sensed that it's about to start and preferably all want to come along but for a team to pull two people Bjorn and Morton only need nine dogs [Music] if one would now free them from the chain they would immediately look where it smells like reindeer where a moose could be they would run away and be gone they don't really need people they'd feed themselves they actually are wolves when we harness them to the sled it means we are going hunting as a pack of yards it's nice [Music] [Music] the dog team runs up to 20 kilometers per hour [Music] huskies are long-distance Runners on winter tours they cover a total of up to 4 000 kilometers [Music] the lead dog leads the whole pack sled dogs are the only hardest animals in the world that respond to nothing more than a call you don't have rains you don't have anything you don't have a stick or anything else you just have to tell them left or right we speak Norwegian we say as left or right you can't drive them they have to want to follow it's always about keeping the dog's motivation at the highest possible level pulling and doing anything together with the human must always be positive [Music] Bjorn and his dogs are a team as soon as the team approaches the farm again they are welcomed back into the pack [Music] he did exactly what we wanted we had to repeat some orders but it was good respect [Music] after the work each dog is praised personally calms here [Music] foreign [Music] I was fascinated by Norway from the very beginning this nature that you find here it's enormous and it determines what you do nothing else determines what you do that means when can I go out where when can I make wood now in the summer when can I pick berries when can I fish how can I prepare the next sled tour what are the snow conditions these are the sizes that are ruled by nature and I can very well live with that it gives me an inner peace and I can work wonderfully with it [Music] from the Husky Farm an inset it's a good 400 kilometers South to border a Day's Journey by car as the speed limit is 80 kilometers per hour here at South Fjord a natural wonder happened several times a day [Music] it starts with small whirlpools in the water that get bigger and bigger [Music] foreign [Music] it occurs when huge volumes of water flow through a strait at high speed during high-end low tides solstrauman is the largest milestone in the world [Music] many Legends and Twine around this natural phenomenon dark Forces and sea monsters that use the whirlpools to pull ships into the depths lasts a good hour then the water calms down again on the coast north of border the realm of the white-tailed Sea Eagle begins [Music] the uninhabited Rocky islands are his territory foreign [Music] with a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters the white-tailed Sea Eagle is the largest eagle in Europe thank you Osmond Guild set is one of the few who knows the breeding places of the birds they built their nests high up on the bare rock Islands [Music] there's one sitting there yeah I have always loved nature and was especially interested in the big birds the sea eagles one day a strange man came to my house and asked if I could show him where the Aries were at first I was skeptical but then I accompanied him to the ringing and we did that together for several years this man said Osmond can you take over this area I have such a large area to look after that I can't manage it all of course I said yes this became a 40-year friendship before they fledge the young birds must be ringed the way is arduous asmunt and his son-in-law Guna are watched by the old birds thank you [Music] the eaglets are suspicious [Music] now we check whether the chick is calm if it is restless it could flutter out to sea and drown so we have to be very gentle and careful now we go over there and Guna stands on the outside and watches [Music] to calm the chick Guna puts his jacket over its head [Music] this is a ring that's used all over Europe it's the same everywhere they all have different numbers the black ones are the Norwegian ones I can see that this is a female because the bird leg is very thick food the ring later informs conservationists where a bird comes from and how old it is [Music] this chick is about 11 weeks old it cannot fly properly yet but it will practice a lot and flap its wings soon it will become a fledgling if it was stressed and nervous it might have tried to take flight it can flutter maybe four or five meters [Music] for many decades asmund has taken care of his sea eagles despite his Parkinson's disease he still visits them now his son-in-law Guna is to take over the ringing just as asmun did for 40 years [Music] I'm sure that the Eagles know my boat they know the situation and are therefore not afraid they just sit there and watch me and surely think can't you finally get done you can meet Henry dog tick summer Joy Of Life and recharging your batteries for the next winter [Music] foreign
Channel: Free Documentary - Nature
Views: 345,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), nature documentary, Free Documentary Nature, Nature, Wildlife Documentary, Wildlife, Animals, Animals Documentary, Midsummer in Norway, Norway Documentary, Scandinavia, Scandinavia Documentary, Midsommar, Midsommar Documentary, Part 1, Scandinavian Wildlife, BBC Documentary, National Geographic
Id: 0PhLB1Bx3N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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