The Journey along the Pilgrimage Road in the City of David, the Heart of Ancient Jerusalem.

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hello everyone my name is olya das Berg I am the vice president of the City of David I'm in charge of the excavations and the marketing development in the City of David it is such a pleasure for me to have you today with me I want to take you into one of the biggest secrets of the world in order to do that we're going to go inside the City of David now and I'm going to introduce you to my best colleague Doron come with me [Music] the wrong hello or yeah nice oh thank you nice to see you too the cell don't come too close so my friends as I told you we are not going to have a nice tool one of the most the biggest secrets in the world and in order to do that I asked the wrong spiel on the vice-president of the City of David to join me in a small nice to just the two of us exactly because the coronavirus has made us into a very special occasion meaning that usually this place is wrong full with so many people excavators tourists people running from all around him here and today it's quiet so we chose that he's quite a situation to take you into a nice store just the two of us in order to show you what's going on here what are we doing every day that we come here don't run yes please first I think the main thing that we should speak about is where are we were in the city of David yes and the city of David is ancient Jerusalem and how can it be that the City of David is ancient Jerusalem if the old city walls are all the way north of us by hundreds of meters and here like you said the greatest secret really is the City of David the City of David which is actually ancient Jerusalem is located outside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem that is the surprise here for thousands of years nobody understood that actually Jerusalem from the Bible is here actually this is where Jerusalem was born this is it so the actual old city of Jerusalem is here let's go take a look let's stop okay Doron I think you're one of the most luckiest people working today in the City of David because you were actually here when when we found you're going to speak about it's true so I don't just want you to tell us what we see I want you to share with our viewers what you felt when this happened if I go back to that day that day was 16 years ago 2004 I was sitting in our offices in Jerusalem and the head of the City of David David Ola Barry got a phone call on the phone from the Israel Antiquities Authority from the archeologist and he said you have to come right away to the City of David now why were we in our offices because we knew there was a sewage leak at the City of David and the municipality had come with tractors to fix the sewage leak right where we're standing right now so we were in our offices tourism was down to a minimum we arrived at the site and we find the Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist le sugar and standing right here with a tractor just above him that was repairing the sewage line in here I remember le was down on his hands and knees there was a sewage main and just beneath it we found the first curve of a stair that was uncovered in the city of David the very first corner of a stair right here and we began on our hands and knees with the antiquities workers to reveal these stairs and realize these are actual steps there are thousands of years old which now we can see form a staircase that is 200 feet long that go into a massive pool a pool that is the size of two Olympic size pools now or yeah you like to swim but back then 2,000 years ago the Jewish people were known to be swimmers so we asked sort of wouldn't what did these stairs go into what is it heading towards and we realized that here this double Olympic sized pool is none other than the sheilo Hawk pool or the celo on pool as it is known which is the major water purifying location for the Jews and the people of the ancient world I would say just like you have base camp for people who are climbing Mount Everest this was the base camp for the spiritual climb in ancient Jerusalem here you had people descending from around the world purifying themselves as they headed on the ultimate spiritual journey of the ancient world climbing up to the temple and prank'd to God and today billions of people around the world Jews Christians Muslims and other people can all trace their history back to those first people that stood here that believe something incredible what was so incredible they believed that there was one God in the world which meant that all people were created in his or her and and therefore we are all equal that gave birth to Liberty that gave birth to justice and freedom which today are the central values of Western society and it began with the Israelites who stood here Oriya and and I think the road that back then you realize that we're going into something very big here in the City of David until then we knew the City of David is the beginning of Jerusalem as Toronto as the one just say this is where Jerusalem was born because we read the Bible and we understand that this is where Jerusalem was born but I can only imagine the run while you were standing here finding this still one pool that you understood that we're going into something completely different we're going to find probably the biggest Heritage Site in the world absolutely which is going to be in the City of David I am really jealous in you Doron that you were part of this group back then and what I want to show you today the road with Dawn I want to take you the viewers to see where this scene 1po where did it lead this is only the beginning of a story an amazing story that started here in the silwan pool and ended actually up there up north in the temple mountain and we're going today together the running me to take you in this path this part of it so that you can feel what they felt back then so let's start let's go you know or yeah we you and I we just celebrate Passover along with Jews throughout the whole world yes and we know that Passover was one of those holidays yes definitely that people were commanded to go up to the temple to pray and these were the actual stones that they walked on this was the road families men women and children were walking on these stones holding hands having purified themselves and the Passover experience wasn't around a table like it is today necessarily with matzo ball soup yes as much as we loved it it was really churning up to the temple definitely millions of people from all over the world coming here for this festival in order to go up to the temple mountain and you say it's purifying before in the base of the City of David just before we go inside I think what you spoke about we can really see it here on the sides that we put here on the walls so that people can understand because it's difficult to imagine it we're going to go now underneath all the road that is the modern world a modern modern world of today we're going to go underneath so it's quite difficult to realize what it was like so this is why we put some signs here to help people to understand what you spoke about the one is this pool of siloam and all the road going all the way up to the temple mountain and I think the wrong like you said that if the City of David was born because of the water in the ancient world water was necessary King David chose to build his kingdom here in the City of David King David chose to put it here in the key city of David because of the water if the water was the the life of the ancient Jerusalem of ancient life the City of David actually was the life of ancient Jerusalem this is what everything began this is what your Muslim started and everyone had to go through the City of David through the Salaam pool through the water the purifying water in order to feel free and to feel the freedom that the road was speaking about in order to feel spiritual to go all the way up to the temple mountain beautifully set in Oriya you asked me about that day and here I remember them carrying a picture round with me to show to others beautiful people this was the day you can see the tractor standing here right above in the air and the beauty with which you describe this experience back then we just saw the beginning of a stair that we're sitting in this picture and like you said we felt an energy wash over us saying where does this there case go what is the meaning of this pool it's it's an entirely new element to Jews and to Gentiles throughout the world the value of the Bible to understand the idea of pilgrimage exactly but like we know with every great journey and every great vacation and every great pilgrimage there's something you need to do at the very beginning like you do when you're going on the trip at the airport when you stop a duty-free maybe you should show your favorite place a favorite place in the City of David come come watch your step here to those tens of thousands of people that are watching right now it's a this site is an active archaeological excavation usually so where are we arjan why is everyone that knows me know that this is my favorite place in the City of David and you know why the horn this is the 5th Avenue this is the 5th Avenue of ancient Jerusalem one of my favorite places in the world is the 5th Avenue in New York I'm sure most of the viewers can agree with what I'm saying and every time I go this road this 5th Avenue Road or this shot and you can just look with your eyes you don't even have to buy and you fill with so much enthusiastic about what's gonna happen and this was what this is exactly what was happening here this was the do different of the people that were going all the way up to the temple mountain they were purified and they are now buying the sandals the food the spices the robes everything they needed for the journey they're in a journey it's not a short journey all the way up and it is only once or three times in a year maybe once in a life not everyone used to come every day every every year not three times here but they come here to Jerusalem they were to take something with them to take part of the journey back with them so they buy here in the duty-free and then they start going up so yes this is one of my favorite places but now that we have purified and we understand that the two that we're going to do the polygamy true that we're gonna take and we bought everything we needed to buy in the duty-free let's start the journey okay maybe before dawn yes sir maybe just before we start I want you to stop on the stairs there before we start the real journey up I wanted to discuss again and explain our friends what we see on the beginning of that of our work pleasure okay please this way we'll say goodbye to the duty-free this yes I've come back whatever deals we have it's a two-for-one special today Oreo they're desperate they're notoriously yes no more rooms today I come back so let's stop here for a minute just before we start because this is an amazing story and maybe again the wrong you would part of the mission of the first force that came here and crawled down this stairs and again I can only be jealous but please tell our friends here what you found here what you felt when you find it this was a transformative moment in my life the archaeologists of the Islam stick was Authority Ali shukran and professor Ronnie Reich had uncovered an underground tunnel we didn't know that these stairs were here and along with Davila Barry and a small group of people we were an expeditionary force we had lamps on our headlamps we crawled through the tunnel which is beneath me they need this plexiglass and we could see that there were stairs over our heads and it was full of muck and it had been there for thousands of years we weren't sure where lead but when we really when we reached this location we actually saw buried in the mud pots the original pots have actually been returned to the site there beneath the Plexiglas we saw pots which were later examined and identify to carry the remains of food on them and that food was dated back to the destruction of the Second Temple why are the pots underneath the ground underneath the staircase well now we know the last 2,000 Jews of Jerusalem according to Josephus an ancient historian wood beneath this road they were hiding and shivering in fear as Roman soldiers finished their destruction of Jerusalem having killed more than a million people they didn't give up and according to Josephus they heard people moving beneath these stairs they took sledgehammers and broke through these stairs which is why they're broken they took out those Jews and they killed them a image which is not unfamiliar to Jews what happened in the 20th century and they destroyed the people that were here and the Romans thought that they were ending Jewish life in Jerusalem however back today taking you on a tour the Jewish people return to Jerusalem and I think this is an incredible story of hope and now we come up and you can see that the door is closed and it is saying that this is an archaeology site which no one should go in but as we said before the coronavirus does have does have maybe something good in it that's true this is silver lining yes and I think it is our duty to find the light in this coronavirus which is why sorry which is why I am we're going to go inside because today there are no workers here and we can go into the archaeology site and see as I said before and as the rancher said one of the biggest secrets of the City of David so we're starting now actually the peeling Ridge Road there are normally when I open a door I would say ladies first story now I'm gonna say aurilla first not because of that you're a lady which you are but because you manage and direct this excavation and this entire project and it's incredible for us at the most important excavation in the world which is the excavation of the pilgrimage road is being led by you and you're doing such an unbelievable job please do the honors thank you thank you so come with me so as you said Iran and yes I am extremely lucky well being in charge of this amazing archaeology site saying that I'm being in charge well I have to say that I have a lot of people helping me here and we have to mention of course the Israeli National Authority Park authorities and of course the Israeli Antigua so it is which are formally running all this excavation place you know every day we have here more than 10 archaeologists walking in this area which is really amazing we can see around us by the way as we're walking we're walking at the very the infrastructure around the pilgrimage row you have tunnels heading off in many different directions I think it's important to note that everything we're showing their viewers today with this behind the closed door tour is original with the exception obviously of metal railings and a little bit of wood this has not yet been rebuilt and here as we look up this mountain that we're climbing you can see that Oriya is beginning to walk on actual stones and this is the beginning of the pilgrimage road in this area what we know about the Romans is they were professional conquerors and they knew exactly what they were doing they knew the key to conquering the population was to do it quickly you conquered the population you wanted them to become your subjects right away and they move so quickly and destroying Jerusalem that much of the road they didn't even have time to steal because they knocked down homes on it and it was preserved and so they actually encapsulated ancient Jerusalem beneath their own destruction and in doing so they left a gift to humanity for the people back then it was not a gift it was destruction the Jews were exiled from our land for 2,000 years but as we peel off the layers of destruction we see the actual road yes had the Romans taken longer perhaps it wouldn't have happened but now we have actually one of the most important people that you'd already mentioned at the site here to share this with us the Israel Antiquities Authority which is probably the greatest archaeological body in the world yes they have the finest archaeologists and the finest methodology they create the methodology for the rest of the world there are archaeologists there ones that are actually doing the work the people that study the discipline and become PhDs and really have the privilege of adding all this professional knowledge and then publicizing it to the world in an academic setting and we are joined by by our dear friend dr. J dr. Joe biggest friends of the city of David he's been walking here for how long Joe 10 years and and Joe is actually running this excavation for the past almost 10 years and he's grown up here in the City of David didn't you yes you've been growing up here in the city of David and I think it's very important for our viewers that you share with them your job the feelings of being working here in the City of David where Jerusalem has began and also to add a few sentences about the the academic site condemning wrong and yeah where did you come from there we understand as soon as he stopped speaking start speaking my New York accent still hasn't gone away 30 years but I grew up in New York and Miami and who knew that I would end up here in Jerusalem exposing the remains of ancient Jerusalem which I had learnt about in the classroom but had never been to and had never really come in coming to the realization of what that was and as re I mentioned about 10 years ago I began excavating here in the city of David exposing remains from different periods beginning from the first Temple period and all the way up to the Islamic periods and there's no doubt that the cycle we're standing on right now is one of the highlights of my time in the City of David exposing this massive Street I mean if we can just get an idea of the numbers our rough estimation speak about 10,000 tons of stone carved quarry brought here and placed perfectly and that's just the street itself it's not talking about the infrastructure beneath the street it's not talking about the main drainage channel because as you mentioned before the Romans and Second Temple Jerusalem was a Jewish but Roman city and its concept and so there's a main drain channel that you can walk through and it's beautiful and it also took tons of effort tons of planning tons of construction do this 10,000 tons of stone yeah Joe how did they do that I mean they didn't have they didn't have tractors I'm dead they didn't this was thousands years for how did they manage to to do this well first of all they had a lot of know-how they used beasts of burden they used used manual levers wheels and so on and so forth ramps in order to push stones along and so it became there was a lot of no now we have a Roman architect from approximately 2,000 years ago Vitruvius who actually documents some of the things for example the manual cranes and the levers that they used and actually if you walk around the city of David you can interestingly see some reconstructions of that equipment so it's nice to see how you can really get an idea of how things were done how things removed but the most important point of all this is that the street was very very important but it led to the most important part which was the temple on the Temple Mount and if we're talking about 10,000 tons of stone just to create the street which led to the endpoint then it's clear that that Street had to be part of the part of the procession part of that pilgrimage of coming to the city and so it wasn't just the endpoint and the festivities on the temple which occurred it was arriving the city entering the southern tip of the City of David through the gates stopping at the Sylvan pool starting your march up the street and we know that this was a serious march it's not easy I mean as someone who's been running up and down the street for years while you're skinny I saw a little worried but basically it's it's a difficult climb and there is actually discussions as to okay when do you start bringing your children to the to the pilgrimage because they've got a climb and if you bring my kids the first thing they're gonna say as they climb up is when are we going to get there when are we going to get there so so that's an important point another interesting I think one of the most exciting things that we found because we knew the street was here and it's still exciting to expose it and it's still exciting to expose that destruction layer and the buildings which collapse one of the most exciting things that we discovered about the street was we lifted some of the stones that were used for its paving and in general I think academia you mentioned the academic perspective academia looked at structures built that we dated to the Second Temple period and the first name that would pop up into our head King Herod he built everything he built the temple he built the temple mound he built everything so again the street would be Joey can you say streets show our viewers for a second because they actually haven't seen it you you can see the actual stones is no reconstruction and this is a street right here Joey we're going down you could maybe just point out to our viewers a little bit about what you're showing us here and so I would be climbing up the hill after entering in the South I would climb up the steps and of course it had to be stepped because of the topography of Jerusalem okay Jerusalem is built on a hill the Temple Mount is up on the top of that hill and so you need to use the steps in order to climb out so this is all original Joe there's no tariffs it's not Herod we found coins beneath it the coins date to 30 ad okay which is after Herod's death about 35 years after Herod's death and so the street is not 2,000 years old it's a thousand nine hundred and ninety okay okay never saw he never saw it he had died when before we he probably Spears to build the street well we don't know how long it took to build and that's an interesting question and we really don't have a good answer for that but we do know as the men who probably stood behind the construction is not hair on but it's actually after Herod's death Jerusalem begins to be governed by Roman governors all right procurator's but that's what the men Joe that the the road was actually alive open for quite a short time a very short time yeah because it could not have been built before 30 ad and I heard you speaking before of the destruction which covers it over and that we also have very very exact dates for we know both historically and archaeologically 70 AD Jerusalem is destroyed by the Romans Josephus Flavius who describes the events in extreme detail describes that Jerusalem was destroyed and after destroying the upper city in the Temple Mount the Romans burned Jerusalem down to the silver long pool which is down there okay and I believe you guys came from there and so the destruction that we're finding she has historical records which allow us to you know put them together and archaeology and history doesn't always correlate so well but in this case you got a exacto you are it's a privilege to meet people like you because you you're a doctor you're PhD and you add legitimacy to these projects which are so exciting and spiritual for many people and and fold them visit and you add the basis which makes these rocks real and matches in history and this without that it can always be set to be like Disneyland and I love Disneyland personally but this is different because this is original and that's why your work is so important and we thank you for well actually we're not going to show you I want to show but I went to a hockey mr. Hogg thank you thank you Joe so very much for your time and your credible working I'm sure our viewers would have a lot of questions for you and we will be very very happy to pass it over and make sure that all the viewers we get the answers from you directly because it's very important there are so many questions because our Joe's buckets and they're full of artifacts that his team is have sifted through many of these have not even yet been sifted in these buckets you can find coins you can find pieces of pottery and you know tomorrow there's lots of shell thank God some of my stuff is coming back from the corona vacation we're going to have very tough time to make sure that we work according to the rules of the National the government wrote us but tomorrow this place is going to come alive again and some of my stuff is coming and they're going all these buckets are going to move ahead the discoveries that are lying in wait inside of them yes and this is the wrong this is it now you can really see it we've been such a long journey so far that's true but I think it's worth it now do you see things if we if we simply walk on these stones you can see that they are actually shiny these stones have been worn smooth by the sandal footprints of millions and millions of Jews men women and children and non-jews who came to the site in the ancient world to experience the spiritual ascension of praying at the temple and we can imagine your families coming from all around Israel and all around the ancient world gathering together and how did you know if your child was old enough to go into the temple if he was old enough to walk on his own was one more leg from the house of Hillel or from the house of Shama excuse me and Hillel said if you could carry your child on your shoulders and they wouldn't cause too much of a Bala God too much of a problem you could bring them up holding hand and here men women and children taking this ascent at the end of this road the white brick road right not the yellow brick road exactly it brings you into the gates of the temple were you offered your sacrifice and you know even even today when my kids had that I'm coming just to meet you here in the City of David there were jealous they were they love this place tell me aurilla since you're in charge of not only the excavations but also the tourism what's gonna be here you know right now it's just you and me we've had a few heads of state because we're only allowed to have small delegations and we'll talk about why heads of state from around the world when it comes to this road but what is your vision here for the world the tourism vision what's gonna happen here in a few years I'm really happy you asked this question because I have a vision that is bursting inside me and this vision me is is including people from all over the world that will come and be part of what I feel every day that I come here I want people from America from South America from Europe from China from the eastern part of the world from from Europe from Tel Aviv from very affirmed fact from their shed I want people from all over the world to come here and take part in this amazing experience in this spiritual experience that people can feel when they are here and I think you know dawn today in in this modern time everyone is in such a rush everyone is working so hard everyone is it's unbelievable I think the coronavirus has started to give us the understanding that there is time in life that we should a little bit go inside ourselves and when we go inside ourselves we need to we need to look for the for for the roots for the answers of what are we doing here right what is our mission in this world what what is it what what is it what is my heritage and for me to come here this is it this is it and when you asked me about the vision I want people to feel it I want people to feel part of a very big story mmm and and I think and you know it's because you take medications here and I think that people coming here and this is exactly what they feel how many Victoria you have five years millions in you yeah every year you had millions millions so are you sure that this the road will be the new interest to the old city yes this is going to be one of the most amazing heritage sites in the world amazing not just for Jews for everyone because as you said before and as dr. Joe said this was available for everyone you know there is a pursue in Korea saying ki beti bathe Fela eternally Cola I mean you will help you to transcend sorry my house is a house of prayer for all nations all nations as it says in the Book of Psalms and if you ask me what is my vision this is my mission this road would be the house for millions of people from all over the world and it doesn't matter what they believe in they will feel part of their nation here in these steps in the City of David Rosen which is my my which is why my vision is exactly that millions of people coming here every year and I hope we can accept them and you know that we can make the journey nice we're working on it already absolutely you're making a lot of plans for that already today you know I'm looking I see the conveyor belt above us and for our viewers to know usually there are buckets on each of the that are being brought up to the very top where they're being sifted by teams of people that are sifting when you had mentioned there are ten archaeologists here it's important I think to note that each of those archaeologists has dozens of workers so you haven't hundreds of people yes that are working and the bugs the buckets are being brought up and being sifted and the energy and they're walking from seven o'clock in the morning till ten o'clock each night and and we're missing them here definitely no absolutely now I think viewers they a picture of as we're walking on the road and we're talking about the incredible journey here beneath us is once again yes what you spoke about just before when we started this is the drainage and it's incredible to think as we're looking down here is the Romans did because they broke through this rock right here what did they see here yes they saw children exactly exactly and I think that again the story of destruction of those Jews who were down there mixed with the journey above here's you know many people the dredge the sewage is open to the public today today because of the corona but usually it's open to the public and people are walking down here in the sewage terminal in the drainage tunnel and they don't understand and they don't realize that that the real story of the place it's just about but just above their head just above the hood and if we come back to our vision in just a few years times really a couple of years time everyone will understand this time so Google and today our viewers have the chance to see they're amongst the first yes definitely they're among the first but I want you to come back with me a little bit just a few meters because we moved back we moved very fast and we moved over one of the biggest monuments of this road the podium Don please explain our view absolutely so this is the podium the podium is as it sounds like a podium is a place where while millions of people were while walking along this road you needed to have a place that you could make public announcements it's a place that you would have had a speaker a representative of a king possibly a prophet standing right here delivering their message to the nation and l'oréal would you join me would you but we have to make sure that we have two meters apart right so that's true okay well we'll be careful though one of archaeologists is sending me a a meter here here we go let's measure let's see okay we're good okay so we're we're up what we're complying with the various we're trying to do our best you know you had mentioned that this is a place of unity and a place where people can find their own story and I brought with us from the safe in the City of David what I think is maybe one of the most powerful pieces of evidence that shows this journey and I'm gonna pass it over to you and just the second or yeah but what we see in my hand here are two coins and here is a small coin this coin says in at an ancient Hebrew year three of the fight against the Romans which brings us to the year 69 just one year before the destruction of Jerusalem and here it says freedom of Zion those Jewish men women and children they were fighting all they wanted was freedom they wanted to live free in Jerusalem and Rome was against that for many reasons and the Jews we lost that baptiste coin was found here yeah this coin was found here right here I'll pass it along to you right here and then the second coin area which actually I'm really happy that you're here with me because I knowing you it actually reminds me of you and many people the second coin was the Roman victory coin over the Jews and we know that Rome when they had a victory they minted usually for victory coins when they were victorious over ancient Israel or in Judea they minted 48 different victory coins this is the face the bust of the spacian who destroyed the temple and here is an incredible picture of a Roman soldier standing next to a palm tree with a crying woman a Jewish woman next then I'm gonna pass this over to you or yeah because I think knowing you and for many of our viewers the Romans chose the woman yes as the symbol and yes what do you think that is well first of all these coins always make me really excited the fact that they were found here again if you spoke to Joe about the legitimate lit they they the fact that things were found here making it so authentic so real it's exciting it really is and and it makes me it makes me understand that it really did happen here there's no question anymore it is the place and regarding this coin of the woman you know don't my voice is a bit shaking now because the Romans when they when they chose to what they put what what the picture will be like they could have put a soldier I mean a Jewish soldier crush you down on the floor and the Roman soldiers standing above him this is a victory sign no they chose a woman a crying woman and I think the Romans understood something that deep inside we understand today the role of the woman in this world as the strength of a nation is being brought up and is being told by the woman and the Romans put it really it's like back into my heart when I saw this this coin the woman had the strength to build strength of the nation and for me being part of it a woman running this excavation and I really felt I'm part of it I'm continuing something that my ancestors started for us it's incredible aurilla and knowing you with this colossal colossal excavation it is your spirit it's that spirit that flows in you that that I see the faces of your of your workers and their colleagues that come here and I've always noticed how you stop and you point out every stone there's a manhole cover the end they they're imbibed with that yes and you bring to the table and we know that basically what you and I are doing here is we're dusting off a family album every person who reads this family album Jewish our non-jewish this is your family album the City of David is your story that is what is so incredible about the City of David is that the story here is the story for billions of people throughout the world and with your incredible work and and the work of so many thousands of people that are involved here in the donors and the philanthropists who are giving their hard-earned money in the Israeli government and all the people that are giving of the heart and soul were unveiling truly the history book of mankind and you and I know at the end of this road wish which were in the middle of excavating lies a Temple Mount I think maybe you and I should have another episode in a few weeks where we take our viewers to that secret tunnel we found yes underneath the ground and exits at the base stones of the Temple Mount I want to hear them if they if they would want to go with us then I'm happy to take with you Tyrone it's been a pleasure you know darling one last question maybe we start walking up and I will ask you something that I think the viewers have to hear about also okay so we will continue here but I want to ask you I think this will be the last question probably that we have time for you have as we said before many delegations coming here and many people [Music] heads of states big lawyers really amazing and I think I should tell our viewers what they feel and why are you doing anything why do they come it's so interesting because we have had heads of state and Presidents and vice presidents of some of the large countries in the world and and top lawyers and top politicians and actors it's incredible with the the response I always hear from them is wow this site has inspired me yeah something about the story here it's a human story it's a story of the survival of humanity the perseverance of good against evil a freedom the victory of freedom over slavery Roma slave-based ancient today was freedom based and every person comes out of your feeling wow I connected to my roots and I've added strength and you hear these heads of state said that I've had them crying to us here and that's the experience that we look forward to sharing with all of you so we're gonna say thank you and be healthy safe well thank you oriya it's been a pleasure it's been a real pleasure and thank you for a guy who filmed us today Asaf that's right behind the camera thank you our viewers at home will see you never seen any of you the journey under its underneath the ground - thank you thank you everyone okay bye bye you
Channel: City of David
Views: 497,667
Rating: 4.7955146 out of 5
Id: A1XPG2856fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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