'The Journey' (2 Hour Drum & Bass Mix)
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Channel: SuicideSheeep
Views: 25,498,648
Rating: 4.826777 out of 5
Keywords: Deep, Uplifting, London, Elektricity, Atmospheric, IDM, That, sheepyplaylistoldies, EDM, Funk, Snowflakes, Hour, Sheepymixes, Mixes, Dance, Fail, Snow, Ambient, Mix, Cannot, Drum, Club, The, Adele, T.E.E.D, Rawtekk, Downtempo, 2012, Plan, Calibre, Remix, Liquid, Electronic, Futurebound, Bass, Subwave, Summery, Pendulum, Memory, Culture, Lane, Seba, Shock, Apex, Krooked, Garden, Long, Sheepy, Camo, Netsky, Matrix, Journey, Receptor
Id: R8MWKsheHxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 20sec (6860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
one of my favourites for a long revision session
Great for all-nighters
Listened to that beginning to end at least fifteen times, it's literally a journey.
http://files.tolerancemusic.com/wiRo/5Ek6v4sa Download link for anyone interested since the one on soundcloud is down.
This is so easy to listen to. I love it
Been missing some uplifting tunes. Definitely a fluid mix.
First time I heard this I was in Thailand, I'd been travelling for months and hadn't heard any good DnB for ages. When the first track is building and the Omni Trio motif comes in I knew this was going to be good. Listened to it loads whenever we had wifi! Just remembered about it and it still holds up. Great mix.