Liquicity Drum & Bass Yearmix 2020 (Mixed by Maduk)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Liquicity
Views: 595,630
Rating: 4.9561486 out of 5
Keywords: Liquicity, Liquicity Records, Liquid, Liquid Funk, Liquid Dnb, dnb, D&B, Drum and Bass, Drum & Bass, Drum And Bass (Musical Genre), EDM, Yearmix, Yearmix 2020, 2020, mix, Maduk
Id: -f1rfYe_sYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 38sec (5318 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
goooo maduk! 🦆
Top notch as always, great to see loads of producers in the live chat too
This is always such a treat
So it seems if you go to the liquicity site and put your email in, you get a download link for 9 years worth of yearmixes plus some tracks from Maduk. Pretty sweet!
sooooo good! so many great transitions and the selection is on point too of course haha
Another year of liquid bangers
Love this!