THE JESSICA LUNSFORD STORY. He Buried Her Alive. At Jessica's grave in Homosassa, Florida. [WARNING]

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hey gang we are in homosassa florida we're about about an hour north of tampa bay and we're at a cemetery here called fountains memorial park and we're here today actually to see the grave of nine-year-old girl very very sad story i'm gonna warn you this one is not only heart-wrenching but uh there's there's a couple of parts that are really brutal so you may want to pass on this one it's a very famous case you may have heard of it it's very famous in florida and around the country about jessica lunsford i want to thank christa trevette for suggesting the story and others subsequently you suggested i do this story i was kind of i wanted to do the story because jessica needs to be continued to be remembered it happened a while back i'm sure she's remembered but we got to keep the fire alive so let's take the walk and i'll tell you the story it's a very small cemetery but it has some interesting facets to it first being these and i'm going to pan around here we've got these vaults i've never seen any vaults like this before looks like they're made of flagstone there's a close-up here of one here and they're i would call them vaults and there are a lot of them here this one here appears to have some maybe some gargoyles on it but let's let's talk about this story like i said jessica lunsford was nine years old when a terrible crime happened we're going to talk about she was born on october 6 1995 up in north carolina and her mother had gone through several miscarriages and i mentioned that because i guess it makes the birth of jessica so so special it was so special for the parents the grandparents finally were able to have a child and everybody was so elated and of course as jessica grew up they were all doting on her she was the she was it her father had a particularly close relationship with her jessica sadly the parents soon after her birth had divorced and mark her father had custody and he would be the one to raise her and he would take her to work and he had a construction job and they would just basically do everything together now when she was around five or six years old mark's parents had moved down here to florida and dad said well what do you think i mean they were all very close and how about why don't we just go let's let's go with grandpa and grandma and of course jessica said i'm game let's go and they move down here right here where we're at and they moved into a trailer park actually they were living in the trailer where his folks lived and they were all living together happily and she was daddy's little girl sadly on february 24 2005 it would all come crashing down it was that night and jessica had just disappeared now she had seen her father that evening they were they were of course together i think they had dinner and dad had a date dad was going to be home really late and dad was staying over at the dates place i don't know if it was planned or not but sadly the door was left unlocked i don't know if it was dad's fault or what but the door was left unlocked and dad didn't come home till the next morning i believe well jessica was gone the uh her alarm was going off and going off and checked the room and no jessica what had happened who knows of course dad was not going to fool around he called the police right away and grandpa and grandma everybody was they got the friends together they were searching and searching and as what happens many times is the father becomes a suspect and also the grandfather and the police really they really were hard on these guys and you know you have to wonder you know it's a tactic and many you know sometimes it's it's the case but they they had these guys i think for three days in interrogation and they were just really rough on them and i mean physically too it was it was a terrible situation but they they really got through the interrogation it's kind of like come on guys let's focus on let's focus on finding her you've got to not be tunnel visioned so what they did was they said they finally got out of their tunnel vision and they said well who are the sexual offenders that live around here who are the bad guys right think about it she's nine years old and they started putting some pieces together now there were over 200 sexual offenders that had to be they had to go through the list but there was one guy who seemed to kind of stand out and when they figured out that he was staying at his sister's trailer living there his sister's trailer was less than a hundred yards away from from the lunsfords so a big red flag comes out it was a 46 year old man his name was john coohy and he also had an extensive arrest record for burglary and other crimes and as i said sexual offender and they went to the trailer they you know they they rushed over there but he was gone of course he was gone now that's another big flag so just over a couple of weeks later on march 12th this john coohe was arrested in augusta georgia he was staying at a halfway house there they kind of put the pieces together be on the lookout and you have to give kudos and if i can find the name i'll put it in the caption or i'll put it in here the woman who was running the salvation i think was salvation army you know the word was out his picture her picture everyone was looking and she was alert and he checked in and she checked them in she remained calm and she called the police so they picked them up right away and they brought them in now they couldn't really accu you know they couldn't hold them on you know you know they were he was not he was denying everything he you know i didn't do it what are you talking about so they were really they had them on the you know when you leave the state you leave where you're a registered sex offender they kind of had them on that so they were trying to break them down and break them down and break them down and it was just a couple days later on march 14th that his well it was his half sister this woman that owned this trailer dorothy dixon she apparently gave permission for police to go through the trailer i don't know if it was a search warrant or what maybe you can put in comments but this woman was living there with a whole group of you know there was a whole bunch of people living in there of course john was living there with her but she was with her boyfriend a guy named matt dietrich and her daughter and son-in-law and her two-year-old grandson so it was it was terrible because this place was a a den a cocaine den they were just drug users and criminals you know they would steal money to get their drugs just a scumbag hole during the search they opened the closet and they found a mattress and pillows and it was john's closet was the room that he was staying in and guess what they found on the mattress there was a big stain turned out to be a blood stain and forensic analysis would put cui's dna on there and also jessica's dna kind of knew they had their man march 17th he was arrested charged with the murder and extradited back down to florida citrus county jail a lot of veterans here guys this a beautiful statue look at that and i'll tell you this you got to give kudos to the cemetery here and i know they're here because there are cars they are active but i i don't see one flag down look at this don't you love it you know i always try to look for flags if if we see any and i don't see one down it just gives you a lot of pride gives you a real warm feeling to know that our veterans are remembered and honored well he made a confession he did this creep this monster full confession they broke him down finally he was like a baby he got a videotaped confession from him kidnapping and all that happened that i'm gonna tell you and again this is your last chance to to turn it off but what happened was he came you know actually he was out with his uh the sister of the gang and they were doing drugs they were at some scrap pile place some gravel pit and they ran out of money they ran out of drugs they ran out of liquor so it's like let's call it a night well john went home laid in bed and he couldn't call it a night he didn't want to call it a night and he wanted to go burgle seal something to sell for drug money or so he went over to the lunsford's trailer and the door was open he went in and when he went in or when he was in there jessica woke up and she confronted him and she didn't scream or anything she was very compliant if you will because he basically started telling her he put his hand over her mouth and just said hey be quiet and he was giving her orders and she was following the orders very sadly and he got her he was just manipulating her and tricking her and he told her that you need to come with me so they silently crept out of that trailer they went to his trailer his sister's trailer climbed in the window of his little bedroom and he coaxed her in there and once she was in there she was in the trap sadly she was caught in the trap well this is the bad part but i think it was three days over the next three days how how these idiots got to keep my composure here how this sister and these other idiots in the trailer didn't know what was going on for three days he raped her this nine-year-old girl insulted her and kept put and then he would put her in the closet he's like you're just staying here he turned the tv up because i got to go to work of course he never had a job i don't know who knows what he was doing he was probably burglarizing places and she stayed in there she was afraid and he did it over and over and over again over three days he didn't feed her of course the autopsy would show that later she had no food in her system he just kept her in the closet with that tv on just imagine well after three days of course he didn't know what to do with her and he decided that he was going to kill her and this coward you know there's no good way but i mean this guy like is such a coward that he couldn't like face her so when he tricked her to get into garbage bags or a big garbage bag i think it was some kind of bin bag and she complied and she the last thing she did was she she had her when he had kidnapped her she asked if she could bring her she loved we'll talk about this at her grave one of the things she loved was her stuffed animals and her dad had won her a stuffed animal of a dolphin and it was her favorite it was the week before at the fair and she wanted to take a with so she was holding on that and she climbed in and i think he said to her i said well i'm just gonna like leave you on the lawn you know and then you can just get out of the bag and go home well what he did was he dug a hole in the mud and he put her inside of course the bag down in the hole and he buried her alive that's right that's what this coward piece of scum did this beautiful this beautiful girl and she died there and it gets worse because when they you know he i'm not going to get until trial but you know on trial i finally you know after the confession told where the body was got the body and they were horrified to see that she had poked her fingers two of her fingers through the the bag as she was being buried probably trying to escape or get air and her her fingers were still sticking out all the decomposition i based basically just bones where inside it was decomposed you know she was kind of preserved in the bag but very decomposed that's how they found little jessica well we are here to find jessica where she is today and it is it is right over here so as we approach the grave i'm gonna actually come from the back side because dad's names are on there on these other stones with their birth dates and i don't like to show that on my channel people's birth dates that are still alive for you know respect and privacy purposes but this is this is the stone i'm gonna let's see i'm gonna come back i'm gonna come back here to the front in such a way that we don't show the birth dates let's see let me do it let me just do this here and we'll come and see her stone this way so there it is beautiful stone for jessica marie lunsford october 6 1995 february 24th 2005. and i'll give you a a little shot here you can see all kinds of toys pumpkins some beautiful flowers a little statue little pink flamingo looks like right so i've got some roses we're gonna put down here for her i hope that her parents i hope her father mark's doing okay in good health we have ruth and archie here to the right archie has passed away i believe when he died last year or two years ago october 13th 2020 well he was convicted found guilty on all charges march 7th 2007 and the case was appealed to the florida supreme court why i don't know how you know i guess that's our rights right but on august 24 2007 and i see that's like about two and a half years later he was sentenced to death in addition to three consecutive life sentences but he had been in bad health he was a sick character to begin with and unfortunately for justice for all on september 30th 2009 he escaped the executioner because that's when he died in prison of natural causes well let me tell you he did not escape he is he has faced he he is in the hot place right now he's in the hot seat can only imagine what happened to him and what's going on with him you know what he probably would have sat in prison for the next 30 or 40 years so it's just as well but jessica does have a big legacy here florida around the country and a lot her father had a lot to do with it who pursued new legislation to provide more stringent tracking of these sex offenders who are roaming around and roam around today and that is the jessica lundsford act it was named after her requires tighter restrictions on sex offenders you know wearing the tracking devices increased prison sentences all kinds of good stuff well jessica was described as being a bit shy when she was in school but when she was around the right people like people she knew she was a lot of fun very caring and giving jessica loved to sing and dance her favorite color was purple and as i alluded to before she loved her stuffed animals in fact she had a huge collection of stuffed animals i'm going to close this out by trying to describe to you that her father mark and her had this thing and some of us have with our children where i love you i love you more no i love you more and we have that in our family and they would describe it mark would say look you know i'm gonna use one hand but imagine another hand like you're showing how big a fish is i love you this much and she'd go i love you this much and then he would take the back of his paw back of his hands and put him like facing each other and he said like full circle it's like infinity love you infinity and she went like this she went i love you this much he's like what she goes no one can get closer than you and me so that's how much love they had and god bless mark i hope you're doing okay buddy so with that i'm just gonna close it out here this beautiful young lady will never be forgotten rest in peace and to good health to the lunsfords that remain you
Channel: Faces of the Forgotten
Views: 150,549
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Id: yN-H8vAVctk
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Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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