"DOMINUS" - The True Story of THE EXORCIST. New Facts.

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hmm the word is dominos a very powerful word probably the most powerful word in clergy and religion that dates back to the romans it was used back then as uh the term master and it is today emperors used it as a title but today it is uh the most powerful word to combat the devil and we're going to talk about probably one of the most frightening stories we're going to talk about today here at st joseph cemetery start out here at uh what is the most beautiful uh sculpture and grave of rose tengerti a limestone statue of a maid set against a granite cross just amazing she is standing on the stairs and frozen in time so let's talk about this story it's a very scary story indeed the real story of the exorcist starts in 1949 in a small house in a city called cottage city a boy an only child who lived with his parents in maryland it's just outside of northeast of washington dc the boy really didn't like sports he wasn't athletic he didn't have a lot of friends i don't know if he had any friends but but he loved board games especially the ouija board his name is being withheld uh we'll call him robbie sometimes he's known as roland his aunt goes by the name anonymously as aunt tilly or aunt harriet uh we'll go with harriet and he was very close to aunt harriet she was a spiritualist and ed and harriet introduced him to the ouija board ouija board is a game if you don't know that dates way back um it's a spiritual game where a placeet moves about with your fingers on it freely from presumably your thoughts and uh energies from beyond that come and transfer to the board to get answers to questions now what's interesting is on january 15th all of a sudden there was some scratching sounds that were heard along with dripping and the dripping they followed these noises to the grandmother's room and in the grandmother's room they narrowed it down to a sloped ceiling that soon turned into a louder scratching and they noticed also on the wall there was a painting of christ that was bumping against the wall at the same time here is the grave of george heckert a little boy 1909-1917 it's interesting how the the kids have the in the old days the tiny tombstones to match well and harriet died 11 days later and the scratching stopped the boy was still con obsessed with the ouija board and he apparently was trying to reach in harriet and new noises started they were like marching around the bed like footsteps soldiers and uh the mother and the grandmother and him they laid in the bed and then the bed started to shake and they thought that it was aunt harriet now this is interesting there's some pictures heck thomas j and joseph t and this is a young woman bride heck i can't read the limestone it looks like 18 something in 1920 i think aunt harriet seemed to be talking to them and they were asking her questions and there were raps and sounds coming back and they thought they were getting answers from her but all they were doing was really opening up a door to another dimension the boy was at school the school desk was moving around the whole class was watching this it was almost like a giant ouija board they said other events there were all kinds of other events happening so they decided to get a hold of their doctor their physician he was tested everything was normal they went to a psychiatrist everything was normal they went to a psychic on and on finally they ended up with the uh the minister their minister was luther and uh he immediately was out of his league so he recommended the catholics he said the catholics know they know about this kind of stuff now there's three stages when someone when this happens the first stage is called infestation the second stage is called obsession or oppression and then of course the last stage is the actual possession so they brought in the catholics they went to mount rainier right next door they went to saint james church and they started with a 29 year old irishman named father edward albert hughes he was a young spirited irishman he was spoiled they said and he he was a guy who kind of he thought he knew it all so he started uh he got permission and uh he started what's called the roman ritual which was passed on through the centuries and he uh what's interesting is the third instruction in the roman ritual they tell you what to watch what to watch out for if there's going to be a you know if there's a demon it's the uh you look for foreign language speaking in tongues uh something somebody that can predict the future or hidden things of course physical powers beyond normal for that person they admitted him to georgetown university medical school on the complex there and they uh strapped him to a bed got his own room and immediately stuff started happening crazy stuff bring trays in the trays would go flying around the bed rattling and various other things and father hughes stuck with it he he kept doing the best he knew for a young guy what little he had to go on and uh he uh he was running into problems and the big problem was one of the in one of the uh treatments the boy went into a rage he was strapped down and he broke free and he uh reached under he pulled the a part of the mattress bed spring out and he slashed the priests in a flash and the priest had been cut from the wrist all the way up to the elbow and he required a lot of stitches so father hughes said i'm done i'm out of here and uh that's when they said you know what we're uh we've got relatives in st louis uh they're all devout they're with the jesuits we need help let's go there so they that's what they did they got on the train and they went to st louis well the boy was staying in the bedroom with the son of the other relatives and they i they had to separate them because there was screaming and the same kind of things were the same kind of things were going on and uh it was you know the family instead of going straight to the jesuits they they thought they'd try i mean mom and dad were just terrified of catholic priests now after all that happened i mean father hughes got slashed and they were hey let's try uh sans let's try to talk to anne harriet let's get her to back off so they uh they were in the kitchen and the kitchen table and uh they were trying that and uh all kinds of bad stuff was happening they were there it was kind of like a giant ouija board they were trying to do letters and stuff and spell them out and uh it was all kinds of uh blasphemous bad things so they finally got over there um the one ant said you know what it's my favorite teacher is father bishop raymond j bishop and let's get him involved so he listen he listened patiently and uh he was on the front lines and uh he he said he got involved he got involved father bishop started praying and doing he got preliminary lower level permission to do some exorcism and he brought with him what's called the second class relic second class relics um there's relics there's first class and second class second class relics are those that come from a saint of something that they touched typically or something that is connected to them other than physical and a first-class relic is like a piece of their bone or a lack of hair or something like that so he had the saint margaret mary piece of cloth and he had it in a something where he could safety pin it and when he started uh he put that in a uh he pinned it to the corner pillow and uh with without any much time passing the uh it was unpinned on its own and thrown on the floor and they all witnessed this so not going well what do they do next well they bring in father william s baudran bowdern and father baudran is uh the next level up he's probably the highest one of the higher levels up and he has first class relics what does he go to war with well he has a bone fragment from the right arm of the patron saint francis xavier who died in 1552 on a chinese island and he also had uh some other relics one from saint peter canisius in the 1500s and then a collect a collective group of saints called the north american martyrs who died in the 1600s so he was loaded up with relics here and he had them all inside of a crucifix embedded in and that's what they would keep under his pillow well before they started the exorcisms in earnest they brought in one more priest by the name of father walter h halloran he was a younger pupil priest uh strapping guy and they brought him in mainly to uh hold the boy down and you know act as an assistant so they had three priests and by the way there were a lot of other priests that were coming in and out and helping but they were the they were three and you know this went on for days and days and uh there was all kinds of scratchings and talk and blasphemy and violence and things moving and but then things really started to get crazy here is uh a massive massive crucifix and granite uh you really can't appreciate how big this is unless you're standing in front of it the size of this thing it's probably about 16 to 18 feet tall just looking at it the name is shorsh and there are a lot of a lot of people here from that family buried i see over here it dates back to looks like the earliest is the father anton and then we have the mother maria 1863 died in 1939 and on and on oh look i see uh world war ii world war ii robert uh robert was in the uh 501st parachute infantry was a first lieutenant and a very famous 101st uh i can see september 24th 1944 that was the battle of martin market garden that they did in concert with the british with uh eisenhower and montgomery that was a failed failed battle so he was killed there were a lot of casualties and robert was one of them thank you for your service so they before they went into the uh the exorcism in earnest they were doing all the studies they could and they said that father valdern was really a uh well he was like uh when he got onto something he went all the way and he would get into the library and i guess the only thing though they came across was this uh from the outside that was helpful of past experiences was this pamphlet called be gone satan and uh was a very famous case that happened in the uh 1920s 1928 in ireland iowa and this was done by a reverence a reverend joseph steiger and it was the exorcism of anna eklund and by the way her real name is anna bush schmidt a really brutal exorcism and of the many of the things that happened uh early on in this particular exorcism is that uh she was pulled out of the bed and sucked against the wall and pinned there like an insect so they started the process and it was worse and worse and worse just got worse and worse there was a day that later on in the process they brought a uh a tray of chipped beef and the boy took it in his palm the whole tray and he walked over to the other side of the bed and he turned his palm perpendicular to the floor and everything stayed on the tray and he was challenging he was challenging the priests at that time there was another priest that was pretty involved his name was uh brother felix bendorf and i have direct uh i have a direct connection here and we're going to talk about that i'm going to tell you that story and here right here is where brother felix is buried this is the plot of the alexian brothers the jesuit priests and as you look here they're almost buried well they're buried in the order of which they died as you look here brother roland 1988 brother boniface 1990. brother bonigas 1991 and on troyen 93 gleasure 93 93 brother ambrose 93 brother gruss 94 94 94 95 and here we come 2002 and may of 2007. brother felix bettendorf i met father felix he's a great man he was a great man he really uh pioneered a lot of things and his what he's really known for at alexian brothers was in the time of gay and aids he's the one who stood up and he opened the special house to help them he was an amazing guy it was 17 years ago that i met father felix at alexian brothers in the elk grove village suburb on their campus we'll talk a little bit more about that story in a little bit let's first let's first tell the rest of the story so as things got worse and worse it all climaxed on this evening where all of a sudden things were reaching a crescendo and the boy all of a sudden spoke in a different voice it was a new and clear masterful voice but a deep voice and he said satan satan i am saint michael and i command you satan and the other evil spirits to leave the body in the name of dominos immediately now now now he said three times and father bowden he recognized that word right away for what it was but also because in in earlier times the devil the the spirit had always said the boy will never say those words he'll never say those words well he spoke those words and this is when the boy started to act out in the most violent way and this is the part and it is true where they were blocking his face with a pillow and he was uh his neck was moving like a snake around the pillow even stretching and spitting right in the eye of the priests but this was the finish this was the finish because what was happening is it was a fight between michael the archangel saint michael and the demon and the boy saw this he could see it he described it as a white light he could see white lights he saw a beautiful man and a white robe it was a tight white robe and his hair was flowing and in his right hand there was a sword and in his left he was pointing to the cave the cave the pit the fire this was this was the edge of where the devil resided and he said after that the demon raced back into the cave and the ten or so demons that were his helpers followed him and that's where that's where everything ceased the boy looked radiant and he just passed out he just fell asleep and he slept and slept and slept the next day they asked him and he forgot all about it he couldn't and this is going all the way back to january and he asked the question where am i where what's going on and at that very moment there was an explosion it was like a rifle shot that was heard all over the campus even in the town they say the doctors heard it the cooks the nuns even the patients heard it and get this there were six witnesses six parishioners that were in the chapel and they looked up in the ceiling and they saw a figure of st michael tussling with this dark figure around and around in a cloud and then it disappeared with that rifle shot and now the whole thing was over that was it so brother felix thank you for your service there and uh he uh he did some amazing things he uh i was able to get in the archives i saw things from the 1500s that were relics for what the alexian brothers did and a lot of what they did was helping you know cure people it was medical and i saw a lot of saws and utensils and things that's that uh surgeons use but i also uh was led in a room that was closed off even from the archive again like i said the archives not public and they uh they let me it was penny and we we we went in there and uh the thing that i remember and there weren't a lot of uh there weren't a lot of artifacts in there but there were two things that i remember seeing and one was these windows and they and it was said that those were the windows from the room and they were very tall they were leaning against the wall and they had that old glass you know the rippled glass from the 1800s kind of thing and as i turned for the door there was this remarkable statue it was a statue of michael the archangel and uh it was it's totally burned i'll tell you what it is this this statue this statue is totally burned in my mind it was about um two two and a half feet tall it had the that angelic hummel figure look to it it was more dark and st michael was in the blondish hair and he had a spear and he wasn't standing on a man he was standing on a black serpent a black serpent with a red tongue and i remember it it's like burned in my head and i gotta tell you i looked on ebay i looked on the internet i thought oh this is not a statue you can go by and i'm i i'm gonna try to get back um in the archive i'm going to try to get back in there and uh i don't know if they'll let me back this is 17 years 15 or 17 years later but if i can get back in i will i will include a picture and i'm guessing i will be the first to publish this picture it's the first time you'll see it but i'll tell you this if i don't see it i am i'm an artist and a painter and i am going to uh i'm gonna render it because it is it is in my head i mean every detail how could you forget that the story that was told to me that was similar to the tray table that my understanding no one knows about is that near that time they had brought another tray and this tray had cereal milk i think it was obviously breakfast and listen to this they they bring they bring it in the room they set it down on the table next to the bed they stand back and they're about to start the exorcism and the boy comes out of slumber and he looks like here's the tray and he looks at it and the tray levitates all the way up to the ceiling and the boy is looking at it and then all of a sudden he looks away and the whole tray crashes to the floor and they went to look and this is what's astounding is not a drop was spilled not a drop was spilled so what does that mean i don't know what that means it's eerie weird it's not something that i would make up i'll tell you that and it's not something that i would ever forget i i just that's the one story that was told that it's not in the movie it's not in the book it's not out there so i'm telling it to you i think for the first time as far as i know very small group of people probably know this story but that's father felix who's a good man and again i was young back then i uh i just wanted to get out of there and i was happy for the experience but uh i didn't really want to get into to more of the details um i will say this though when i was walking out the statue this remarkable statue was against the wall and i was right by the door like the door the door was right here and i remember the statue on it on a little table and i went to touch it and he said don't touch it and i was like i took my hat away i was like yeah probably not a good idea i mean i mean it's a good angel but i've learned about touching and taking and you're opening doors but anyway so here we are and uh this story uh not only fascinates me but uh ever terrifies me so but anyway uh brother felix bettendorf man you did great things and we hope that you are resting in peace sir you
Channel: Faces of the Forgotten
Views: 270,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Exorcist, Devil, Satan, Exorcism, death, demons, demonic, possession
Id: o5I3L7y-dOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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