The JAR-5 Dominator just became one of the BEST GUNS in Helldivers 2

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okay so we're talking about the jar five Dominator again I know I never shut up about this damn gun but there's a reason for that I just love it even before the recent patch buff did its damage from 200 to 300 and increased the Stagger which honestly I don't know who ever asked for either of these changes but thank you so much Arrowhead before those changes though I already loved the gun and was already using it to shred pretty much everything fairly satisfactorily however since that patch I got to say this weapon has gone from s tier to freaking God tier in my book and I wanted to make this video to show you guys just how amazing it is and hopefully try to convince some of you to give it a try yourselves but first a word from our sponsor outplayed outplayed is a totally free Windows app that allows you to record edit and send Clips to your friends right there in a single app you don't need any this stuff anymore if you want you can just set it to record your whole play session every time you jump in or you can tell it to clip only your absolute Banger moments and yes it even works with hell divers 2o so pick up outplay now via the link on screen and the video description as I said it's totally free okay so the first change we're going to talk about is the damage now this is I don't think the biggest change that was made but we will we start with it as I mentioned before this was increased from 200 to 300 which is a pretty significant 50% increase and it brings the Dominator just behind the breaker at 330 and a little bit ahead of the just nerfed Slugger at 250 and actually this means that the Dominator is now the third highest damage dealing weapon in the game per shot coming in behind the Punisher in first place and the breaker in second the result of this damage increase is maybe not super noticeable in most situations because the Dominator is generally used for larger targets so it really just means that those big boys will go down maybe one or two shots earlier however the biggest area that I noticed it in was the smaller targets like Warriors if we take a look at the pre-buff Dominator one-shotting Warriors in the head the Warriors stayed Alive and Kicking for like 2 seconds or so afterwards which was enough time for them to run towards you and maybe even get a hit in and so it meant that sometimes you had to spend two rounds to take them out just so they didn't get close to you whereas after the buff they die pretty much instantly so no longer do we need to spend two rounds on Warriors to stop them dead in their tracks now it takes just a single Round And as someone who loves to take heads off warriors with his Dominator I absolutely love this all right so now to the most significant change the Stagger in the patch notes there was no indication as to how much this was increased it just says increased stagger however I can tell you that the change here was incredibly important so one of the biggest problems that I used to have with the Dominator when taking on units like the bile Speers is that whilst I could generally take them down fairly quickly with just a few shots to the head if they did get in range and start spewing on me there wasn't really much I could do to stop them other than to keep shooting and then kill them or to dive out of the way however with this stagger increase here's how that goes down now as you can see here a single shot to the spewer stops their attack and I can safely sit back and blow their head off in [Music] peace Additionally the increased stagger means that the Dominator now significantly knocks back brood commanders sending them way off into the distance and can easily keep stalkers at Bay whilst we smash them in the face whereas before there wasn't much knockback at all on either of those targets the overall result of this increased stagger and increased DPS is basically that where before using the Dominator up close was often a mad rush to DPS the enemy as quickly as possible to kill them and keep yourself out of danger now it's a much more leisurely stroll through the corpses of your enemies type of Affair most enemies can't even reach you because of the Stagger and then because of the increased DPS the ones that do go down pretty damn [Music] quickly and of course all of this stuff also applies to bots Devastators get staggered hard and are just totally unable to return fire and Walkers stumble all over the place and get taken down in just a few shots Additionally the Dominator is basically the perfect weapon for hitting those vulnerable automaton weak spots and so really it is pretty much the best possible antibot weapon get freaking wrecked you glorified [Music] toasters so it has to be said that unfortunately the Dominator still does have one giant drawback and that is the weight it still handles like a machine gun and is therefore not a great weapon choice for fast moving targets like [Music] Hunters however to remedy this problem I highly recommend you take the advice that I gave in my recent video about how the Dominator is actually a support weapon and pair it with a fast firing strategy like the stor wart you'll use the stor wart to take out smaller faster moving targets and then whip out the Dominator to deal with the larger ones if you use the dominator in this way I honestly think it's one of the best primary weapons in the game right now because it means that you can basically handle any situation out there and honestly it's just freaking [Music] fun okay so that's it for the main part of the video now to wrap up the video I just want to go into a game and show you guys my Dominator load out live so we'll be playing against bugs on Extreme difficulty and we'll just do like 3 or 4 minutes of gameplay where I'll talk you through what I'm doing while I'm playing and yeah check out this awesome load [Music] out all right here we go so we got our first group here oh nice we got um Speers this would be a great showcase we'll just take out the hunter first a few the little guys another Hunter here okay they're spitting at us from afar he's dead oh there's a hunter on us Hunter die I just want to show you guys the interrupt so good all right interrupt interrupt another interrupt no head come off dies immediately amazing interrupt interrupt that's so good oh no ran out of ammo I'm going to pull back the interrupts incredible honestly it's a total Game Changer that I feel like the um as I said in the video like this gun used to be sort of all about just dpsing them as quickly as possible but now you don't have to do that now you can rely on on the interupt and you know you can just sort of it's just much more relaxing so good take get a little guys with my St wart byebye you're all dead okay there's another one sniping us go around the back and wreck him wreck him in the bite where is he don't know he's dead and I mean the extra DPS is just very useful as all obviously it's great can't need no ammo uh but I feel like the extra DPS wasn't that necessary you know it was sort of I don't know like we didn't need it although that said that those spewers used to take a long time to kill it was a bit ridiculous and because of the low fire rate on this gun yeah it did take a little bit too long so maybe it wasn't necessary change but I feel like they could have they probably could have increased it less didn't need to increase it by as much as they did found all right we got some dudes here it's just so versatile um you know not to say it's perfect but it is very good I mean it's just fun to use as well you just feel so capable and just shred dud you can handle medium armor Target he can handle the Swarms with his store W and this guy just cannot even get close to us whereas they used to charge at you you know and you couldn't stop them can we kill him yes usually miss them oh he's calling yeah he called that's fine we want more enemies to fight anyway it's all good oh you still have how are you still alive bye-bye head see how they die instantly like it's just amazing the brw commander is going to charge us is he come on charge us bro charge me smashed Cann I get close to us they used to charge through you you know and they and then they just overrun you and youd Def to dive out of the way so it was just this hectic experience or is now just smash him in the face can't get anywhere near me what's here okay we got a brood Commander nice smash him him okay he's dead yep he's dead okay then we got a lot of Warriors they just all go down really quickly boom boom boom All Dead hunter still what him oh we got another R Commander he's dead I think ow how did he just strafed into me hate that guy look at him glit he's so glitchy man I will take him out with our I'm just going a grenade all these guys get away from me fatty take out this group he's dead where is that he's that God he's dead I think got this okay nice there we go there's our load out I just love it so effective no downside honestly just just perfect but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed that um as usual like the video if you liked it dislike it if not subscribe more videos like this I'll see you guys in the next one GG's easy mode you're still alive are you are you dead oh he's alive oh my God what the hell okay fair enough he was asleep [Music] f
Channel: Mogz HD
Views: 23,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mogz, helldivers, helldivers 2, hell divers, hell divers 2, hell divers2, new helldivers game, heldivers 2, steeled veterans warbond, steeled veterans, premium warbond, helldivers 2 warbond, helldivers 2 premium warbond, helldivers 2 dominator, helldivers 2 weapon review, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 premium warbond gun, helldivers 2 premium weapons, steeled veterans gun, helldivers 2 jar5 dominator, jar-5 dominator, jar 5 dominator, helldivers 2 new gun
Id: 9l4cxrx6o58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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