The Island of Dr. Moreau Book to Movie

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hey guys welcome back if you haven't subscribed yet please do so i can keep growing my small business here into a bigger one and click notifications you can catch all my latest uploads i make a new one every week today we are visiting the island of dr moreau the book was written in 1896 and i'm going with the film adaptation from 1996 where the only thing the movie shares with the book is a god-playing mad scientist honorable island who uses his skills to try and humanize animals and hold sway over them and this island is inarguably a terrible place to be a rabbit all right in the book the story is told by edward prendick who is shipwrecked and rescued by dr montgomery who is dr moreau's assistant on the scrimmage island inhabited by what is first observed as very strange looking people while he waits out his rescue they meet more strange-looking locals and their leader dr moreau an exiled physiologist who specializes in vivisection and re-articulation which is explained in great detail by dr moreau as an extreme form of plastic surgery he describes how he converts the animals of the island into his people by dissecting and re-articulating their bodies so they can stand and walk upright and hold things with their hands and does the same thing with their faces so they can be taught to speak he also combines two or more animals to create fantastic creatures of lore such as a seder made of a goat and an ape a minotaur made of bull and bear and werewolves made of humans and wolves to name a few while prendick is you know there with montgomery they see a caged puma that is in mid conversion and in terrible pain and there is a trial for the leopard man for breaking the law and hunting down and eating a rabbit the his sentence being further surgical conversion that prompts him to flee and he's cornered by the other beast folks and mercy killed by prendick later on this puma that's in mid conversion breaks free and kills dr moreau and during all that montgomery invites some of the beast folk to get drunk with him and the result is a beast folk bar fight that gets montgomery milling and the sayer of the law killed leaving prendick alone with still no means to escape since montgomery burned his boat and he's been unsuccessfully unsuccessful in crafting a raft so he is there alone with these beast folk looking to him for leadership but he doesn't do much of anything to continue enforcing dr moreau's laws so they go back to complete animal behavior traveling on all fours hunting and killing prey and drinking straight from streams and other bodies of water prendick escapes soon after and returns home to england where his experience from the island continues to haunt him he can't stand to be around people because he still sees the animals within he retreats to solitude in the countryside and lives out his days studying chemistry and astronomy the movie takes place in present time and at the forefront of the story is not edward prendick but a completely different character named douglas who is traveling with montgomery to the island and this dr moreau is a genetic engineer am i the only one who remembers his little guest appearance on i think the fifth episode of the first season of south park you know pig and elephant dna just won't splice ring any bells anyway so he's a genetic engineer he splices human dna with that of various animals and his beast folk are all at various stages of humanity depending on how much they obey the laws and take their medicine and many of them look more like discount wookies than they do like mythological creatures he has a human feline daughter named isa who is also not in the book and is the most human until after dr dr moreau is killed and she can't get her medication her feline reflexes and sharp teeth reveal themselves just before maling kills her the whole revolt of the beast folk starts after the trial and execution of the leopard man whose name in the movie is lomai the hyena swine is sifting through lomai's cremains and finds the implanted electro that they all have that dr moreau activates to keep control over them the hyena swine leads the revolt and they kill dr moreau montgomery and milling and i said they'll they'll end up dead and the sayer of the law survives and just when it's just him and douglas and a few other surviving beast folk they kind of just decide that they really aren't human and they're not going to bother with the laws anymore the movie reconnects with the book with douglas returning home as the beast folk return to their roots and that covers the island of dr moreau please feel free to leave a comment and smash the like button and i'll see you back next week for it's a surprise
Channel: Books2Movies
Views: 554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hg wells, the island of dr moreau, lo'mai, sayer of the law, m'ling, aissa, dr. moreau
Id: mLwkl0c51o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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