The Invisible Hand of God - Part 3 - The Power of Waiting

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[Music] to everyone good morning and welcome to the well here at sts a great to see so many people back from their summer vacations and so many people here if you're just joining us here today you're coming in in the middle of a series I we are studying the book of Esther an Old Testament book and that has everything that you could ask for in a Hollywood drama action it's got action it's got comedy it's got suspense it's got some romance it's like royalty got anything that any Hollywood movie could ask for and then in the end we look at it we discover it's actually not a movie it is a reality show and it's the greatest reality show ever because the star of this reality show even though his name is not mentioned once in the book the star of the show is God himself and the whole point of this series the main message that we've been looking at is the invisible hand of God and what we've seen in this story is that even though God is not present overtly we never hear say God did this or God said batter we never see God acting but we know God is the maestro of the story God has this is the conductor of the orchestra all kinds of stuff is happening up onstage but we know we see that God is the one who's conducting it from behind the stage or behind the scenes and we see his fingerprints all over this story and that's good news to us it's good news to us to know no matter what we see know what happens out there that God is never asleep God never leaves his people God never ever ever slumbers or takes a break on the job that's good news for us good like I spoke about earlier today our nation has seen a bit of a tumultuous week been a lot of turmoil in our country from over here and over there and everywhere we see it on social media on the news everywhere you go you see the place is an upheaval but let me give you a little bit of comfort in the midst of all that but no matter how bad the situation may look today the situation where Esther back thousands of years ago is worse and where we left the story last week just to kind of catch everyone up to speed with a tester or Jewish girl one this beauty pageant is now the queen of Persia ok married to King as yes but the King got duped by the wicked Haman Haman who is like one of his assistant guys kind of got promoted up through the ranks and Haman has an agenda and that agenda was to write the Jewish nation off the face of the planet and he the King got him to sign a royal decree that on the 13th day of the 12th month of this year that all the Jews would be to put and to say it exactly as Haman said it annihilated and every single one of them would be killed well we saw last week is when this decree was put in writing Mordecai who is the uncle of Esther who's also Jewish Mordecai heard about it and told Esther hey you're the queen you're in the palace maybe God put you here for a time like this you got to do something you got to tell the game don't do this Esther responds back little bit of hesitation Esther says I can't really do that because you can't just go to the king and say I have a request the King has to call you in Mordecai responded to her with this verse that we saw late here Esther 4:14 if you remain completely silent this time relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place but you and your father's house will perish yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this Esther responded the final verse we read last week in chapter 4 she said to Mordecai go gather all the Jews for me who are present in Shushan and fast for me here eat nor drink for three days night or day my maids and I will fast likewise and saw her aware of the king which is against the law and if I perish I perish you could almost hear that one done done fade to black okay that's the cliffhanger from last week so Esther finishes last week we finished last week with Esther basically saying you know what I'm ready to die I don't know if I may live or die but I'm going to do my part and I'm going to trust we're not working alone here there's the key to the story they were talked about last week now regardless of the outcome of Esther action she was approved in the results because you're working alone can I accomplish this with you and if we just say but you know I do my part the woman's gonna do it I'll do my part and I just gotta get in that boat gotta get out off the shore get him in the lake and get in the game and that's what Esther that's today faster today it's in the game she said last week if I perish I perish I gotta do something I can't just sit back here like we said last week just because there's nothing I can do doesn't mean there's nothing I should do I gotta get in the game I gotta do my part I gotta trust that when I jump in that Lake that God the wind something's gonna happen even beyond my ability so Esther today gets in the game what does she do next someone who says that's it I'm fed up enough is enough there's too much evil there's too much wicked I gotta do something I gotta put a stop to this was the very next thing that someone like that does was the foot laughs what we said trust and act trust and act what's the action that Esther takes the most powerful thing look at the next verse I showed y'all this first last week now happen on the third day let's change about that verse where does it not say it happened on the next day what should have said what happened on game day it should have been but Esther rah-rah-sis-boom-bah let's go we're gonna take action is she there when she kicked in the Kings door and she demanded sat all day Monday sad all day Tuesday sad all day Wednesday and then Ron Wednesday afternoon she said okay you know what it's time to do something about this hey Lester what's going on there's a plan to kill all of your people the King has decided he wrote a decree time is of the essence now that the time table make your facebook status now is the time to take action well she did take action what was she doing for three days back to the last verse go gather all the Jews were president Shushan and fast for me either eat nor drink for three days night or day my maids and I will fast likewise Esther today shows us the power of waiting and how sometimes the best action you will overtake is the election and sometimes the most powerful thing that you can do to solve a situation is wait and imma prove that to you today before I do that let me ask you a question without a show of hands because we don't need to do show of hands yet have been wrong you ever been what just wrong not just like hey I think it's gonna rain and doesn't write nothing how long like wrong we're like I got this thing figured out like I have a sister situation I'm pretty sure I'm right I know exactly what needs to be done and I discover I assess it wrongly maybe it's a person I know exactly a person a person's no-good cheating no-good whatever you later discover you know what the information at the time I'm sure but later when I got more information discovered I was wrong and hopefully admitted it okay but that's another lesson for another time this past week a long vacation something happened me on vacation that's a story that's just too good not to share we went up to Western Massachusetts okay usually we go like Beach this time we did like an adventurous you know we did like boating and hiking and stuff like that anyway me and Mary Ann and the two kids we went on a hike in case we ran go up this mountain we're gonna do this hike so we get to the the thing at the bottom like the Welcome Center and lady gives you the map I grab the map and she said this you know this trail and this one then there's one to the top so automatically once okay that's not even a question of which one we're going to okay we're going so she makes it clear that when you go up you're going to see I think was read right man you can see red circles to mark the path okay red circles always path there on the way back that path has yellow red means going up yellow means going down okay let's say blue more than yellow okay because red comes later under store you'll see going up going down the way up we were good okay we're going and and I'm looking at the map okay turn left here is gonna be something here boom boom boom we're going up the mountain we're doing great we using the top enjoy a time at the top there's this lady this lady seemed like a nice lady and she started patting with us or chat with her whatever it may be as we're about to leave I noticed there's another path over here Sasa lady it is the path that goes down because I know there's multiple paths to go down and she said yeah I she said with confidence cuz I'm adventure so I could discover new things why go down the same way again so we go down that path then here's the part of the story the Marianne with a little bit of a knife I were going down the path we didn't see yellow markers she claimed that she informed me of this I don't recall that anything long story short we're going down that path and all of a sudden the Pats no more path they leave me without a half hour in the past kind of ends right there in kind of the middle of the mountain but in my mind even the Marian that said maybe this isn't the right one it's okay and I got my map I got me a walking stick in case you grab one and I am like what going down this mountain okay and we're going down no path we're at the point where it's too late to go back okay because we're gone now like 45 minutes it's too late to go back up to the top we know we're getting more which don't know where it is exactly that we're going luckily though God had arranged it invisible hand of God just the day before I've been watching one of these survivor shows on Discovery short we get to the bottom not through a path just going down like trees and logs and go this way and go this way we get to the path we need to the bottom left finally Marian I see I see a card and I see like a sword we made it we get down there when someone's backyard man comes out into the US I said I think we're lost I explained where we were he said sir you're an entirely different City because apparently you 20-minute Drive claims that she told me but this was not the right path and she said that she had told me many times she said she saw red Xs or something like that one bit I was so sure I was so short and I'm going down there I'm like got the map I got the stick I saw the discovery like I'm good I was so sure I was right and then later on I discovered there's absolutely positively hundred-percent wrong this happen these are between you and God you're in a situation where you are so sure you are so sure that you had it figured out exactly a and then B and then C he was so sure but God just wasn't cooperating God just kept saying no power yell at God with don't you see ya over in that situation or the opposite where God is pushing you you're like no God better no God no G no you're good this has been a book of Genesis story and he said to them you should eat this that's a good idea are you sure are you sure get them we are sure we know what we're doing and we still paying the price for their shortness today Esther teaches us that sometimes the best action is no action and sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is wait and we're going to see today why waiting is essential to discovering and seeing the invisible hand of God in your life why waiting is the most powerful thing that you can do sometimes sometimes I'll say all the time but there's always some times where some people wait too long but I once a waiting is an essential part of seeing the invisible hand of God and your life and let's see what that means let's go back to our story we're in chapter 5 of the story we're gonna move kind of quickly because we want to kind of get through the chapter so I'm gonna leave a lot aside some of the details but we'll see how quickly we can get through this now it happened on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace across from the king's house while the Kings out of his royal in the royal house space in the entrance to the house so it was when a king Saul Queen Esther staying in the court that she found favor in his sight highlight both found favor in his sight and the King held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter we start to see the fruit of waiting right awake and that he found gives her if she finds favor in his sight he hold out the scepter remember if he didn't hold out that scepter that she'd have been dead on the spot the book of Esther would end in verse to write banned chapter five if she didn't find favor in his sight and actually gets better verse three and the King said to her what do you wish Queen Esther what is your request it shall be given to you up to half the kingdom again fruit awaiting God knew as George you're too scared to march in there and say it's change this decree cuz you can't change it decree so God makes it easy Esther what can I do for you you name it I got let God made it easy they throw up the comment from the King just as an aside okay just as an aside God where do you realize that it all realized is in charge of everyone no matter what their position is in this world there's a great verse from proverbs 21 verse 1 so the King's heart is in the hand of the Lord like rivers of water he turns it wherever he wishes Esther was afraid to go to the king God told her don't be worried the kings in my head don't you worry none of us in class tease 5:8 if you see the oppression of the poor the violent perversion of justice and righteousness in a province not marvel at the matter for high official matches over a high official and higher officials are over them don't you worry you see a king well high officials / high official and then higher official is over them just that some of you might need to hear that this week we're always in the hands of God back to Esther verse 40 so Esther answered if it pleases the King let the king and Haman come today to the banquet that I have prepared for it Esther doesn't say anything about the decree says please come to this banquet again great testament to how great Esther is which is able to throw a banquet while she's fasting okay shows her character all right let's step one verse 5 then the King said bring Haman quickly that he may do as Esther has said so the king and Haman went to the banquet that Esther I prepared at the banquet of wine the king said to Esther again he throws up the lob right there he says what is your petition it shall be granted you he says yes before he knows what she's asking what is your quest for half the kingdom it shall be done you asked her what do you think Esther what do you say you want to jump in Esther she says if I have thought if I have found favor in the sight of the king and if it pleases the King to grant my petition to fulfill my request will let the king and Haman come to the banquet which I will prepare for them and tomorrow I will do as the King has said Esther what's what like playing games well doing dinner parties like there's like a genocide there's like anihilation plan you said they're throwing invite more 14 puppets why not jump in why wait why delay why the first inner party like a clear plan dear party you and Haman dinner party again next day with you and Haman well that gets us to our first lesson here for today we're gonna see three lessons about the power of waiting first thing about waiting waiting unlocks the wisdom of God waiting unlocks the wisdom of God without waiting it's you and your trusty map down that mountain waiting opens another door which is called wisdom of God which you will never ever ever ever know unless you learn to wait you see most people would have jumped in here as soon as the King said give me your request and they would have jumped in the problem here had she jumped in there was enough there was another plane going on like it wasn't just mister on her own God gave Esther a clear methodical strategy and the reason why is because while she was doing one two three Bob was doing one two three and while gonna do this I'm gonna do this it was not because of just hey let's kill some time it's cuz God has a plan and God was working behind the scenes you're gonna see in just a minute but my point is to say it was not waiting for the sake of waiting it was waiting what God does his thing think of it like waiting for a cake waiting on God is less it's not like waiting for grass to grow or waiting for paint to dry or waiting for your hair to fall out waiting on God is like waiting for a cake in the oven because there's because stuff is happening and if you pull it out too soon you ruined the cake you know who got this st. Paul back when Saint Paul was converted used to be a persecutor of Christians that all of a sudden Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus and he told him actually you're doing this all wrong Paul I want you with me what is st. Paul do after he was converted well he wanted to dude if you want to rush off and go preach to all the Jews like himself you guys got this all wrong you're trying to persecute Christians know the God of Abraham Isaac injecting that's the god of the Christian and that's what you want to do his passion was go did you didn't tell them but look what happened right here Galatians 1:15 said by when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace to reveal his son in me but and I preach him among the Gentile I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me but I went to Arabia to the desert and were turned again to Damascus then after three years and went up to Jerusalem st. Paul Jesus appeared to Jesus appeared but hey me over three years to cook the cake why who's during those three years but God revealed to him the whole picture and actually st. Paul you're not going to go to the Jews version go to the Gentiles the st. Paul's it but I don't know anything about the Gentile my whole life as a Jew and I would know I know dude I don't know Gentiles God's Nana and because he waited had he not waited he know rushed off join a preach to the Jews had no wound in his soul boat fail miserably and said unaware goddess where are you God God you called me then you left me no no no no no he and leave you for him and many of us find ourselves in that place right now we think of waiting as idleness waiting as doing nothing I'm doing nothing it's not passive think of like okay never understood that waiting is waiting on God doesn't mean send back twiddling your thumbs and that's why we resisted because we think of waiting of doing nothing and we don't like doing that that we like to control stuff well I'm telling you waiting is a very I waiting is a roll up your sleeve kind of a thing look what Esther did we're gonna look like now at a prayer that Esther other now this prayer that Esther said is in the book of Esther but it's kind of not in the book of Esther it's in the book of Esther in the Septuagint version which is the Greek version okay in the Old Testament is like a Greek Old Testament then there's like a Hebrew Old Testament don't know I don't get in all details right now but just there's parts what are in the Greek that are not in the Hebrew so when you go back to the Greek you'll see a prayer that Esther uttered during this time it says as follows miserly means to wait on God not twiddling your thumbs Oh Lord do not surrender your scepter - what has no bheem do not let them laugh at our downfall but turn their plan against them and make an example of him who began this against us remember award make yourself known this time of all affliction and give me courage O king of the gods and master of all Dominion put eloquent speech in my mouth before the lion meaning the king or Haman and turn his heart hate that upside is the king and turn his heart to hate the man who is fighting against us so that there may be an end of him and those who agree with him but save us by your hand and help me who I'm alone and have no helper but you O Lord waiting is not idle waiting is very active and this is the piece that I'm telling you so many of us are missing today in our time in our area of rushing off and we gotta figure it out and we know where do we just rush off and I'm telling you you're missing out what is waiting look like practically waiting means God is driving not me so let's take that and apply that in different situations you're in a relationship you like him you like you you're ready to go and set the wedding date we're waiting means God drives this process not you waiting means we're not pushing God God water and gotta water got one waiting me that God is receiving God and saying God you want us waiting around let's say you're married you say you know we're waiting forgot to give us children waiting forgot to open our room they're waiting that mean twiddle your thumb waiting and you're waiting for God to give you a son or daughter be the best son or daughter get him do your parents build yourself up make yourself into the father mother but you know that you want to be you build yourself up you're waiting for God to give you a break at work be faithful be honest be hard-working be the most hard-working diligent faithful Malisse things and wait for God till he opens the right door to make you ruler over much waiting is not a passive waning is an active let's continue the story and get to our second lesson verse 9 after Esther ated she did the two she asked for the second dinner party now we kind of see a different scene so hey men went out that day joyful and with a glad heart why did he go out joyful with a glad heart what'd he just come back from dinner with the king and queen he was invited to a private party with the king and queen so questi was happy and in a good mood well that changes quickly but when him and saw Mordecai in the Kings gate and he did not stand or tremble before him he was filled with indignation against Mordecai this time Mordecai will fail Mordecai didn't bow now or couldn't even stand Mordecai is the man because Haman right now if those are controlling the destiny of all the Jews Mordecai says my life and in your hands I know who's my life is in the control of the one who's above you because there's high-efficient over I official and I are officials I might even stand for your presence verse 10 nevertheless Haman restrain himself and went home and he sent and called for his friends and his wife Jewish then Haman told them of his great riches of his children in which the King had advanced of the King this is the guy says you know back in the day I used to be oh not again but that's what Haman was right now Haman I can't leave this point Haman at this point in time has everything in the world going for it private dinner with the king and queen he's got the signet ring of the king he just ordered a decree to wipe out these people all his enemies off the face of the planet some of his ancestors have been trying to do for years Haman has everything going for him but he can't let go of his anger versus Mordecai look at this next verse moreover Haman said besides Queen Esther invited no one but need to come in with the King to the bank with a she prepared and tomorrow I'm again invited by her along with the King yet all this girls mean nothing so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the Kings gate you see what anger does suit anger what hatred what it does he's got the world at his fingertips and Mordecai is going to die this genocide is going to have like he's going to die just not that big a deal he can't he can't he can't he can't nobody can't that's what anger does finally his wife says complaining about do something about their sport team then his wife Jewish and his all his friends said to him let a gallows be made fifty cubits high and in the morning suggests to the King that Mordecai would be hanged on it then go merrily with the King to the banquet and finally this thing pleased Haman so he made the gallows made finally Haman can smiled he can go to his bed at night thinking of this beautiful gallows that he's gonna hang Mordecai on you see what anger does what anger does now the chapter ends here but the story doesn't but I wanted to pause here because I thought this was a good Mike continues 22nd but I wanted to pause at this point because I think this is a good place to reflect because often times in life look we're going to get to the end of the story I told you in the beginning the good guys win in the end but oftentimes we go to sleep in the middle of the story and I said look the crowd here today and I know people's circumstances and stories a lot of us at this point in the story well we know God is with us and we know God is going to do something but we just don't see it it looks bleak like yeah we had the dinner with the king okay but so what and there's another dinner planned okay but like I know God is there I know God is not gonna leave me but I just don't know what he's gonna do our second lesson comes in Waiting brings big impacts out of small actions waiting brings big impact out of small actions the theme of this story as we've seen from the start as things are not what they seem what's big is small what small is big King was a big man his decree was a big decree but in God's eyes there's a small king with small decrees easy no Bob asked her with a small little book and they're actually just a cook dinner for the guy when God dies as a big action big as small and small is big in God's eyes and that especially is true of something Mordecai a very small action which he did which talked about last week for those who were here last week I showed you a passage in chapter 2 when Mordecai did something I said just hold on to this for later basically what happened is there are two guys in the Kings Court who are plotting to kill the King this is very early on astray before his stuff and what I heard it somewhere Kai held them say these two guys he's got trying to kill the king and the King discovered it and had those guys hung so Mordecai basically saved the King's life what happened in chapter 2 now in chapter 6 completely different time months later Esther chapter 6 verse 1 that night that night note that night is that night should signal something fingerprint of God God is in this where he says that night you say ah I seen this on the boy Zane is on before God by the creep in the picture watch adapts that night we came could not sleep that night meaning the night before Haman comes and ask Murtagh to be killed that night we came could not sleep so one was commanded to bring the book of the records of the Chronicles Nayla read before the king and it was found that Mordecai had told a big Fanta and parish two of the Kings eunuchs the doorkeepers who had sought to lay hands on King and as generis that night when Haman said bill the Gala's mom master chem work I that night King couldn't sleep so the King does what you and I do when wanna go sleep he led the watch this nothing has been done okay where everything is going fine oh god is creeping into the story and he's about to pop his head because he's it too much random stuff happening invisible hand of God is working verse four before we get to verse 40 mind you this all the depth is our theme verse over the depth of the riches wisdom the knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out never ever forget that verse the gods raging out like always but God thinks that in the same night that the God was planning to kill the guy that's the same night that the King couldn't sleep that night you see you see what you have to wait on God because God has a plan that's what I'm trying to show what if God has a plan you're not on your own God has a plan if you don't learn to wait for him you will short-circuit his plan you will run ahead of God and you say God I know what he's doing it's not that God that no he's doing is that you didn't wait when I see this verse I think to myself how are God's ways different in our ways God's ways you got no wine bring me water God's ways need to feed 5,000 people bring their little boys lunch God's ways you see a lake or sea or a river you say how can I go round that's God's ways you see a mountain usually a God that mountain is standing in my way there's no bananas on your way your lack of faith and your lack of writings what's in your way but I will never be in the way cuz you got just mouthing away during your way beauty of God verse 4 so the king said who's in the who who is in the court now Heyman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace to suggest that the King hang Mordecai and the gallows that he had prepared for him then the Kings servant said to him Haman is there standing in the court and the King said let him in y'all ready for a good seat you got a picture the stuff bubbled pictures the stuff here you have Haman how has he been walking into the king's court today a pep in his step he's coming in built his gallery these are lusting over his gallows he's gonna hang on this is gonna be the greatest date he walks into the game's gallows I'm talking to the king's court and he's thinking should I get there on a request a meeting he walks in and someone says hey says I unemployment the kid booing yeah I think I picture him like looking at the gallows being like and before he can get a word out with the King before he can get a word out with the King look what the King says so Haman came in and the King asked him what shall be done for the man and the King delights honored and Haman full pomp and all for himself behemoth on his heart why would the King delight to honor truly God is rhythmic became is saying I want to honor somebody and okay Haman how do you think I should honor him it's a old cake that's what he does verse seven an answer the game the game the game is worn and a horse on which the game has written and which the world which has a world quest placed on its head then let this Roman has been loaded to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes that he may array the man whom the King delights to honor the city square and the King delights honor you know I'm telling you I'm making this stuff up but I'm telling you I think God is up in heaven I and now comes one of the best lines ever in the Bible you got a pictured scene can you all picture the scene can you picture it like that what should I do another Damon Mordecai the Jew sits within the Kings gate leave nothing undone of all the Chuseok I'm telling you he said this I picture I hear you sounds - groans going on in the king's palace one fund a man and one from God hey man I hear the camera this is like candid camera this has got to be a joke there's no way there's a show knew a kid called Punk'd I know if it's still going on rap it is I'm sure you familiar with that whip up with the like okay this is something that there's no very busy the show me the trick this is the invisible hand of God which works in ways that you'll never understand at times you'll never know the invisible hand of God strikes again verse 11 so Haman Haman had no choice okay he's the one who suggested all this dumb stuff in the beginning so Haman took the robe and the horse arrayed Mordecai led him on his back near the city's grand proclaim you and you know that he's in pain right now and this is just a start well what's gonna happen to Haman afterward Mordecai verse 12 went back to the Kings gate but Haman hurried to his house morning and with his head covered now Haman is the one who is in mourning as opposed to late was before with the Jews verse 13 listen to what happens next his wife when Haman told his wife Jewish and all his friends everything that had happened to him his wise men and his wife said to him if Mordecai before whom you have begun to fall is of Jew is of Jewish descent you will not prevail against him but will surely fall before him his wife speaks prophetically let me ask you a question how did she know that Haman was going down she says it right here and she's right we're gonna see that next week when you wrap up how did she know that Haman was going down you know it's shameful for us you know what shameful for US isn't people who are not God's people know the history of God's people which is that God never leaves his people and God never leaves his people and she knew that and she had studied her Bible remember our last week I told you it's impossible we live a life of hope it's impossible to be always uplifted is impossible to believe you every single God is spotless history and also on the inside shame on us shame on us that we doubt our garden to go outside don't doubt our God shame on us shame on us and that gets us to our final lesson waiting reminds me that God finishes what he starts waiting reminds me that God finishes what he starts it is just a matter of time God never ever ever starts God not us starts a project and leaves it undone God never has like a long to do this like ah god never God starts a project and you write it down it will be finished when I don't know that's why we wait because when we wait we realize because God is not done yet doesn't mean God is not going to finish waiting reminds us and what Mordecai knew which is Philippians chapter 1 6 that we are confident this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ what I love about Mordecai is after he was arrayed in this royal robe trotted around the city like a king he said that he went back to the Kings gate went back to his normal life he didn't lobby the King he didn't spit in Heyman's face like how often is it that when we have nothing we trusted God and then all of a sudden we get a little bit we forget about God well we wait on God we have nothing like we're single relating the dog but waiting on God we're faithful waiting on God Millison without feeling all of a sudden I remember his name now look I work I went back to his place didn't say anything decay say you know what God started this I have no doubt God is gonna finish the job here's my question to you as we wrap up here what did God start in your life what did God start in your life that maybe you stopped waiting for what did God start in you something your family relationship maybe he was like a venture a career thing maybe it's a spiritual thing what did God start in your life what did God say hey you know and then you started you know what hey and we said no nothing came of that are you sure nothing came of that maybe we pulled the plug too soon maybe he's waiting on God with a passive thing so you thought yeah when God wants you go through the Bible repentance you know God through giving you certain if you wait on God actively and maybe you stop waiting I Got News for you the people in the story of Esther when they saw some dark grace but there was never one second well God was asleep on the job never one second where God had forgotten his people and I'm telling you in your life there's never one second for God has forgotten you or God is asleep in your life well God doesn't know what to do next where God is painted into a corner there's never one you may not see it cuz science but yes but maps maestro behind the scene yes but the question is what are you gonna do this week to wait on God what can you do this week what active step awaiting can you take here's a great verse for you to leave with but those Isaiah 40:31 but those who wait on the Lord those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint Esther waited on God she showed us the most powerful action of this whole story was nothing that she said nothing that she did it was in that three days silence we don't know what happened but we know Esther waited on God and not three day wait saved a nation it saved her uncle and we're gonna see next week I would ultimately saves the nation why because we're waiting on God does it unlocks his wisdom it turns small meaningless trivial into huge impact I can't believe that came of that and it reminds us to stay faithful because what God starts he finishes Esther waited on God and came out with confidence if I'm gonna do a that I'm gonna do B that I'm gonna do seed and then God's gonna take care of the rest how cool would it be if you could feel that same confidence in your life in your career in your relationships how powerful invincible could you feel would you feel if you knew that God was working and all you had to do is do your part that's my prayer that every single one of us feels that way because there's no greater feeling in the whole wide world let's stand together and say a prayer in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit one God amen Heavenly Father we thank you thank you for your word which you have preserved over so many years that inspires us and that gives us stories like this to remind us of your faithfulness and how you finish what you start I pray Lord that you would help us to learn what it means to wait on you and that you would that you give us like the patience to pursue you and not just take quick actions but that you will be the true driver of our lives and not ourselves that it wouldn't be us pushing you but you pushing us every step of the way I pray this in the name of your son the prayers of all your saints here says we pray thankfully our Father who art in heaven how it would be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one in Christ Jesus our Lord for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: STSA Church
Views: 4,259
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: EoEWU13vZec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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