I bought a $24.99 Damascus Knife From Ebay. I Couldn't Believe What I Received!

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I don't know what it is about this knife but it's almost like it is a bad luck charm directly from Pakistan I leave all of my good memory cards at home sitting on the desk you've never seen anything like this before I mean what is this both of my memory cards my backup memory cards corrupted just even steal that Stephen would check out my Damascus this knife this video it's gonna happen whether you like it or not I just can't wait to find out so the other night I was perusing ebay and that's usually not a good thing especially when you have $25 burning a hole in your pocket and I came across the listing that just grabbed me it just grabbed me like nothing else that I've ever seen on ebay ever in my entire life ever before [Music] yeah Damascus forged Damascus purged Damascus knife 24:19 D I couldn't help myself I had to have it and here it is I don't even know where to begin on this thing so so if you've ever wondered what a $24 $0.99 knife from eBay looks like in real life this is what it looks like I mean look at the precision that went into manufacturing this handle it's just perfect nice little inlay there look at that that is just beautiful Damascus super functional lanyard tube [Music] I mean that's like 1/16 it's like a 1 millimeter hole I want to read to you the description from the eBay listing this is important I'm reading it to you exactly exactly how it was written see if we can get through this and while I'm reading this keep an eye on this fantastic well it came with a sheath - check that out we'll get into this in a second I want you to keep an eye on this really fantastic piece of craftsmanship we have on display in front of us here word for word this prestigious might take me a couple tries but I'll get it this prestigious knife would look most impressive in any knife collection damask oh boy Damascus blade of the knife is the result of hours and hours of forging we can do this not many custom makers can keep such a pattern of layers upon layers flowing all the way to the edge of the blade which creates a sawblade effect at microscopic level , allowing the blade to keep cutting while other blades have dull not many custom makers can keep such a pattern of layers upon layers flowing all the way to the edge of the blade which comma which creates a sawblade effect at microscopic level allowing the blade to keep cutting while other blades have dulled that's what it says oh I can do this this procedures night but like most impressive in any knife collector collection collector Damascus blade of knife at 3,000 hours and hours before gene that many custom makers can keep such a pattern of layers flowing all the way they do here is actually dissect this description and really dive down deep into the details of what they're telling us here this prestigious knife would look most impressive in any knife collection you tell me you know I think that's kind of like one of those things where beauty is in the eye of the beholder [Music] second sentence Damascus blade of the knife is the result of hours and hours of for we have ours as in ours plural at least four hours with a forger third sentence this is gonna be the tricky one not many custom makers can keep such a pattern of layers upon like in half second second third of the sentence which creates a sawblade effect at microscopic level so because right Oh bleep eautiful pattern we have a microscopic in order to even be able to tell that it's doing anything down here on the apex all blade-like effect sawing through cardboard boxes processing large pieces of meat if you look at it at a microscopic level so essentially what they're saying in that incredibly detailed long sentence is that this knife is going to cut a lot longer than other knives will because of the microscopic cutting action that the saw blade effect has from the Damascus going all the way is it real Damascus yes it is in fact real Damascus this is not painted on it's not stamped in it is Damascus if your definition of Damascus is a pattern welded steel which technically that is the correct definition of Damascus it is a pattern welded steel this knife is in fact a pattern welded steel [Music] [Music] from what I understand this knife probably were more than likely a hundred percent of the time probably is coming from Pakistan [Music] [Music] what are you doing making Damascus how'd you learn how to make Damascus from the Pakistani guide to making Damascus I bought it off of ebay okay but is it making Damascus like really hard to do with how to forge and like some other specialized tools no tell us me buddy here how to make it so that drawing there it's gonna show you how to make Damascus huh I think all I have to do now is hit this with the hammer what are you doing I don't think I'm hitting it hard enough I think I got ripped off so who knows what the heck is in this knife steel wise it could be anything the only thing that this knife has to only qualities that this knife has to possess is it it has to be two types of Steel that forged weld to get together easily and it has to be two types of Steel one of which resists the etch better than the other one that's it let's take a look at you know handles fit and finish I mean I think it kind of speaks for itself like why is one handle scale like significantly thicker than the other one grind lines their grind lines are way off like one grind stops there the other one stops like a quarter inch farther forward the swedge is rounded it's multifaceted let's put it that way the file work is beautiful I don't know what they use to put it in but the the burrs from the file worker are still there [Music] [Music] what are you doing now hand file work let's take a look at this beautiful finger choil here that's not really big enough to be a finger choil and it's super super comfortable looking look at the fit and finish on that I know I'm going to get the comment that you know hey yes meant $24.99 on a knife why do you expect you know like come on cut me the break you know it's a twenty five dollar knife like the fit and finish you know clean about fit and finish one word comes to mind or one one brand comes to my actually a couple of brands come to mind but the first one that comes to my mind is for $24.99 you can go out and buy yourself one heck of a knife that actually functions as a knife let's talk about that fit and finish the side is a sharp did it come sharp out of the box ah it's not sharp it actually is the dullest knife that I have ever seen come out of a box no Joe not only is the fit and finish terrible it's not even a knife cuz it's not even gonna cut anything so I mean what is it at that point I know for a fact that every Mora that I've ever bought has come out of the box razor sharp to a point where you could easily shave your face with it and have no complaints if you didn't cut off your ear you know [Music] because that look awesome I mean that is just the coolest thing I've ever seen stand back I've got Damascus I think that's that's hand-stitched using the highest quality jute twine ecstatic about it I've never seen anything like this before [Music] so what's happening here is we formed the purr along the entire edge of the knife the bird was extremely fine it's one of those extremely fine like ridiculously tissue paper thin burs that just flips back and forth like this those are the hardest type of burrs to remove in my opinion one of the ways that can help you minimize the burr is to take the knife and grab yourself a piece of wood and simply drag this the the apex of the knife through the wood like that and sometimes that'll help a lot of times with those paper thin burrs it will help remove them what it ended up doing on this knife is something I've never seen happen before it destroyed the apex on the knife doing that like it just the apex of the knife just crumbled away into nothing I don't know what's going on inside of this steel I mean I've spent the last maybe thirty I don't even know at this point 30 to 40 minutes messing around with this thing and I can't even get it to hardly shave I can literally take my fingernail put it right up against the apex and just push the apex away just like like it crumbles away like it was made like it was a sand castle and I was just taking my finger and just chipping away at the sand at the top of the castle [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing now sharpening my Damascus all right well just even steel spent 24 bucks on this now now it's up to 39 so you get an even better deal 39 I like barely tapped it and it just came right off I think I read in the second part of the description that these were held on with extra super incredibly strong epoxy kind of afraid to breathe this I have no idea what it is it's probably like asbestos it just falls apart what the heck kind of wood is that just even wooden the cement would deceive him would what the heck deceiver would would I don't think that's would guys oh my gosh I don't know what they made this with but it smells horrible uh try and break the tank first the tang anything oh my gosh okay so uh the tang of the knife is not hardened whatsoever what's gonna happen I just can't wait to find out don't like it oh-ho this is why you don't buy Damascus for $24.99 the bleed was not hardened at all which is why I was having a little bit of trouble sharpening it it pretty much just bent and stayed bent just as I suspected was not hardened or was extremely soft and the eBay seller said in the description has this thing was hardened to 60 HRC it's like I mean wow but it's Damascus man for $24 what are you gonna expect take a look at this take a look at that beautiful beautiful grain structure I spend it again oh it just cracks like right in half it just completely delaminates look at this quality quality piece of Damascus how are you gonna sharpen that like it's just it's junk oh my memory card just corrupted again I'm gonna call it quits for the day I'm gonna go home hopefully I can recover the data in the card so tell you the truth guys I'm actually really surprised with the results of this knife I didn't know I had no idea was gonna be this bad to tell you the truth I mean I thought I'd get at least something that would function sort of like a knife I mean something that we could put some type of an ad join and you know use as a knife I didn't think it would be to the point where the apex literally crumbled underneath of itself dragging it through a piece of pine so today real quick because it's like 20 degrees in here it's cold as you can probably tell I want to give you my thoughts on what you should do if you own this knife and I also want to give you my thoughts on what you should do if you're thinking about purchasing one of these dude what are you doing now nothing look I've had it with here Damascus you know what what are you what are you doing nothing [Music]
Channel: OUTDOORS55
Views: 2,560,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Damascus knife, Damascus, Damascus knife review, Damascus knife review from eBay, damascus steel knife, Damascus steel, handmade Damascus, Damascus knife making, knife review, eBay knife review, Damascus knife from eBay, Damascus knife test, Damascus edge retention, Damascus cutting ability
Id: UeeE9DyI52w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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