The Installation Service for Presiding Bishop-Elect Michael J. Rogers

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[Music] you may be seated [Music] you [Music] the Nesta has this board for the ballet churches worldwide and now program participants who sabzi Kevin Harris bishop Wayne power provides Bishop Robert Roxburgh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shall we at this time stand to receive the Presidium of the Bible way churches worldwide [Music] [Music] [Music] can we celebrate God for the incoming of our presiding bishop elect the Apostle Mike named Joseph Rogers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] to apostille huey elrige's come on the celebrate god let's celebrate guy [Music] the fishes small woody Williams come on everybody celebrate god come on celebrate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] from [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the program is known in the powers of Jesus name the name does prostrate fall dangers posturing fall off the diadem [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] you will participate as indicated in your program I will be assisted by their call celebrants of this august occasion before we even begin that isn't it a wonderful day to share this is crowning pinnacle of my preaching and press toriel career God has been very good to me and I know that we are classically dress but I would that we would get into prayer and phrase mode this is not the Catholic Church not the Presbyterian Church is the apostolic Pentecostal gathering blessed be God who forgives all of our sins Almighty God to you our hearts are open all desires are known and from you no secrets are here cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfect meal of you and worthily magnify your Holy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord let us pray Heavenly Father we invoke your presence in this place thank you for this day that you have given to us and we thank you for the Grace and the glory we say good morning Jesus we bless you for this time this apostolic succession and we ask for your grace your mercy your peace your abiding love but most of all we thank you that you've smeared us in your anointing that causes us to triumph and to worship and to celebrate you and so now god we thank you for this body of believers that have gathered in this room to witness and behold this great astonishing act and so now God we give your name the praise the glory and the honor and we thank you O God that you're Jesus and you're lord over all and so we decree victory in this room right now and every demonic spirit we send you back to hell with the report of victory in us in the mighty name of Jesus and what the devil meant for evil God has now turned it for our good we thank you for healing deliverance we thank you for power we thank you for mercy we thank you for anointing and everybody in this room clap your hands and give God praise for his mighty acts in Jesus name we say man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be seated in the presence of the Lord as we observe the Hebrew Scriptures I invite your rapt attention the Book of Isaiah chapter number 42 beginning at verse 1 behold my servant whom I uphold mine elect whom my soul delighteth I put my spirit upon him he shall bring forth the judgment to the Gentiles he shall not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the street a bruised Reed shall he not break and the smoking flax shall he not quench he shall bring forth judgment unto truth he shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgment in the earth and the Isles shall wait for his law thus saith God the Lord he that created the heavens and stretched them out he that spread forth the earth and that which cometh out of it he that giveth breath unto the people upon it and the spirit to him that walk therein I the LORD have called thee in righteousness and I will uphold I've hand and I will keep thee and give thee for a covenant of my people for the light of the Gentiles to thee to open the blind eyes to bring out the prisoners from the prison and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house I am the Lord that is my name and my glory will I not give to another neither my praise to graven images behold I said Behold the former things are come to pass and new things do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them the grass withereth and the flower fadeth but the word of our Lord shall stand forever [Music] [Music] reading from the epistles Hebrews chapter 5 verses 1 through 10 for every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way for that he himself also compassed with infirmity and by reason here of he all asks for the people so also for himself to offer for sin and no man taketh this honor unto himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron so also Christ glorified not himself to be made a high priest but he that said unto him that our son today have I begotten thee as he saith also in another place thou art a high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec who in the days of his flesh when he had offered a prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard in that he feared though he were a son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him called of God a high priest after the order of Melchisedec and the word of the Lord is bliss [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] miraculous healing crazy favor [Applause] let's head again come on y'all yes sir [Music] yes have not heard and store oculus hearing and crazy favor [Music] and open doors you are this next time it's time oculus and crazy baby but expect it in open-toe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put your hands together give God praise heaven look at somebody and tell them God's big lips me come on tell somebody gods and get to me he's been good to you then y'all have a praise right we got I said if he's been good to you [Applause] [Music] I would ask first and at this time as we read the Gospel according to John 17 verses one through nine and then verse 17 after Jesus said this he looked toward heaven and prayed father the time has come glorify your son that your son may glorify you for you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him now this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do and now father glorify me in your presence with the glory that I had with you before the world began I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world they were yours you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word now they know that everything you have given me comes from you for I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them can the church save man they knew with certainty that I came from you and they believed that you sent me I pray for them I am NOT praying for the world but for those you have given me for they are yours sanctify them by the truth your word your word your word is truth and the people of God said the holy gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to st. John 17 1 through 9 verse 17 the people this is the gospel of Jesus Christ Croatian priests spear to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ praise Allah to all the saints the best the Lord for what he has done for he has done somebody say great things for us wherever we are glad this is the day that the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it the members of the Brazilian of the Bible which church of our Lord Jesus Christ worldwide to all visiting bishops and pellets we welcome you to the installation and elevation servers of His grace that is apostle Michael Joseph Gargery [Music] the Lord blesses our prayer now is the time to appreciate of the work and ministry of this great young man I'm especially proud and glad that God and let me live gotta have to say nothing I said he let me live to see this day it's a happy day it's a marvelous day mother Doris runs and I are so proud of our son Apostle Michael Joseph Rogers our family stands in unison with him as he ascends to this lofty place in the Bible a church of our Lord Jesus Christ we would like to say to apostle Rogers that we want to do something that will extend and will enhance his ministry as speaking another than the offertory that we will present to the man of God there are those here that have brought special gifts to as it were say to apostle Rogers we support financially your citizen amen and of course we want to do this in an orderly manner we will also what to do it bishop pick a war in a fundamental substantial order and we'd like for you to take that special offering in your hand it's my 25th year but it begins his fresh here today give God pouring somebody as the financial officer subject the place we want you to give liberally today you've been giving all week long but Jaime - no today is special today especially wouldn't it be wonderful if we could bless the incoming presiding bishop with a substantial offering I would like to share with him on this auspicious day if indeed we can say to him this is route but by the way and your friends think about you as far as your ministry and so we are open without taking into the sanctity away from this occasion and without elongating the program we'd like to start initiate the offering time at this particular time and I'm going to share as I've been blessed this week people just Britain shoving money in my hand I tried to resist but they insisted so I said I surrender just the other day a gentleman that's been giving all convocation everything that I asked for he gave and then he kind of did a sneaky move and took my hand again and lo and behold there was five hundred dollars a man in my hand somebody help us a transfer y'all ain't saying it come on say it transfer witness when ever you bless that's the time for you to sow a seed I believe that a possum a karajan's is one of the greatest preachers in the world a great man a good man a sanctified man and an orchard man kept God praise for him and so the $500 ever put in my hand I'm going to sew it into the ministry of this great man of God there is a gold I'd like to reach to launch his ministry somebody say man and so from friends and from constituents and from the host church and might I say that apostle Rogers has hosted this meeting in a wonderful way a marvelous ways made everything so marvelous and comfortable for us this is his day and that might be some persons that would say please they receive my gift for the new presiding bishop those persons that are here they would like to make presentations I would like to receive them now here at the ultra are there any special gifts that you'd like to present two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred please raise your hand if you hear I'll see you god bless you I see you I see you a man I'm going to ask if you will to come and place it in my hand and we can transfer it into the hands of the new presiding bishop but you approach now this is the presiding bishop amen yes five hundred dollars god bless thank you so much Bishop amen and yes all of the special gifts god bless you bishop gov five hundred dollars give God praise for him the speaker for today is sharing five hundred dollars bishop Jeffrey white my son is sharing $500 $500 can we get him again yes Bishop Ezekiel Williams god bless your heart $500 gift God praise for him wonderful the Honorable Bishop weeks god bless you all right all right he says he has a gift for apostle Rogers and he said he got one for me do you thank God if I knew y'all were gonna do this I would have resigned a long time ago did I begin rings and stuff two years ago I could have set out $500 oh my oh my oh my yes yes receive this please wouldn't it be wonderful if we could present the new presiding bishop with a $15,000 purse bishop bishops Saints and Friends apostle Rogers approached me a couple of years ago about something and he's been on my case our last evening he said it again it was the third time I was in Europe II know asking them and he has blessed me 1963 I was on a double date with Bishop Scholl and we went to a meeting that he was hosting a youth meeting at his church he blessed I could go down a whole list of many times he just blessed me when I started the church in 1980 Bishop Morris Golda was supposed to be my first revivalist he called and said he couldn't make it I had three days when I went to Wilmington Delaware a program came around Sunday night Bishop the Apostle Rodgers was preaching I said I called him and I said with just three days notice and asked him to come to run a three-day revival he came souls were saved I have a bishop now whose wife was saved at that meeting I can just go down the list but so I want to present the only caveat bishop apostle the only caveat is they got a fit but I would like to present to you what you requested of me it's a shoe fit you got your Quinn now that was that really wasn't supposed to be in this high holy service that was a carnal fleshling but I receive it how beautiful of the feet of them that preach the gospel I got shoes you got shoes all God's chillun god bless your heart you are good messenger what's your name pastor black mr. black and this is a $1,000 gift from Bishop Marvin L Winans give God praise wonderful and sister Cindy flowers has a special gift of $500 get a lot of praise somebody somebody help me somebody help me somebody help me amen thank God five hundred from our speaker give God praise somebody and we're moving and we're moving and we're moving and we're moving expeditiously are there any other special gifts blue god bless your heart so good one of the premier preachers of the ages an anointed land of so glad you came god bless your heart that's marvelous that shows the kind of influence our Posada has a man marvelously wonderful and he's sharing 500 dollars that seemed to be the way to do today seems to me a man the the prayin man the Prophet a man is giving $500 Kip God praise for him marvelous wonderful I want to do this so we can hear this preacher y'all I want to do this I want to do this we want to present it to the man of God and the close of this service that he may do what's on his heart and the church said a man Nathan asked David and Nathan had this conversation about building a house and Nathan said whatever the Lord told you to do you do that this is now our bishops have given a collectively already give God praise for our Presidium and our bishops I'm waiting for any other special gifts of 250 dollars of $100 god bless you amen continue to share god bless you yes thank you so much for your sacrifice today Amen sister Peggy bread yes she's sharing our $200 gift for her pastor she belongs to the kingdom church yes my son yes bishop Tracy Henderson is sharing a two hundred dollar gift a man bishop designee is sharing this is for Butler he's sharing and bought for his furs Ida that is a bishop every figure wore a $500 gift a man all right this is April Dawson how much 100 and amen and you're sharing a house you give got pretty god bless you sir excellent Jesus I just want to announce that I am the founder of the Tidewater Bible Way Kingdom I founded this I started all this on High Street and he's supposed to give and then take that but what Tidewater back of a table is doing I think I'm coming back to take my church from the Bible way Tidewater Bible be Cathedral Kingdom Church $5,000 [Music] oh yeah [Music] now now that's Kingdom right there everybody want to be kingdom but Kingdom carries money with the kingdom and money answers all things got rich to my son a man passes settles god bless his son he's sharing cellars rather sharing a two hundred dollar gift one of the sons of this church a man that is elder will but Jones is sharing two hundred and fifty dollars yes god bless you this is whether Don cliffy you you from kingdom church here I've seen you working around here and he's sharing two hundred dollars and Deborah W Wesson wonderful sharing a hundred dollars gift God praise god bless you young man yes you're giving a hundred dollars a may what's your name and and where you from Richmond Virginia how old are you 13 years old god bless your heart he's sharing something for the Apostle a man god bless you sir delighted that you could be here with us today and we thank you for your gifting $200 god bless you thank you so much that's marvelous we're moving we're moving god bless you $500 from this is this is this is Eric my my grandson a man Oh from you and your wife you NT how much again $500 gift card praise that's marvelous well praise the Lord good to see you god bless you god bless you Pastor green amen that's the green god bless your heart I believe he's from North Carolina Charlotte North Carolina amen he's a son of our presider two hundred and fifty dollars beautiful mr. figure boy how am i doing I'm doing good I don't have to call you in god bless you thank you sister Julie for $500 gift god praise yes sister Dorothy easily is she here sister easily thank you for coming and being here $100 gift beautiful god bless you we're so delighted that you're here sister Taylor dr. Taylor in two hundred and fifty dollar gift beautiful God rest room out there Bishop Amen for sharing and sister marvelous she wanted not again I bless God for you a man I believe from Atlanta Philadelphia all right god bless you my friend Amen our faithful sound man give God praise for him any other special gifts any other special gifts you know the special gifts I'm looking for about fifty people that I share of a hundred dollar gift real quick I need about fifty people stand on your feet now this is a good chance god bless your son this is a good god bless you this is a good chance to bless a great man somebody say good chance to bless a good man a man he's a man of integrity and anointing thank God Jr hey man that's is that Bishop bar god bless your Bishop bar god bless your son so good to see you been praying for you god bless your heart give God praise he aim at a gift of $200 from his church and his ministry now that is marvelous that is marvelous that's wonderful God rest assured Providence God rest you yes I delighted that you're here with us welcome and thank you for your gift today thank you Lord hallelujah amen god bless you sir for sharing a hundred dollar gift I appreciate you god bless you young lady amen pushing for sharing a hundred dollar gift come on y'all there's joy in giving I said there's joy in giving amen continue this is a historic day don't let the service closed without you being part of this great occasion there's five more people with a hundred dollar gift you're here and you're going to give it it's five at least a hundred people they can share Amen god bless your heart that's marvelous Thank You Bishop amen Brownlee that's good amen god bless you a bishop elect give God praise for all these marvelous men of God the Lord rested thank you for your hundred dollar gift Thank You Bishop Taylor Bishop Taylor is giving a hundred dollar gift god bless ya wonderful praise leader can't he just lead a praise song man god bless you young lady this is a hundred dollar gift that's beautiful god bless you sir this is Bishop Amen Bishop Figaro's rook thank you so much for bringing a bishops with you Bishop picker wore a man is residing a bishop mean he has done a lot of people in his international Treasury to priests and all of those that share with Bishop picker war yes oh my seat wonderful this is dr. Katie Davis founding member of the Tidewater Bible whichever god bless marvelous continue to share yes sir but the Malcolm God brushes this is the media man read here a man and he's sharing and he's sharing this is a great day and we bless His name for all that he's done but he's done great things Amen hallelujah I see my son on the line I see you Miss America god bless your heart delighted to see you here today this is a marvelous and wonderful day a wonderful day $50 that Pentecostal a will bless the bishop can I get 50 people to share $50 real quick if you press it in my hand there's a blessing in store for you if you place it in my a noted hands hallelujah a man Deacon insist Hinds God bless you amen a hundred fifty and fifty god bless you a hundred that's good god bless you young lady thank you so much these are members of the Tidewater Bible Chapel Amen god bless her she's given $100 in the name of the Bible a cathedral in Trenton New Jersey $50 god bless you $50 god bless you yes god bless you thank you so much for sharing with the new presiding bishop how are you sir good to see you a man when I started the church you in this neighborhood you were here with me and your brothers welcomed and got breast to give God praise for him wonderful the blessing of the Lord oh my the church won't say nothing thank you so much the blessing of the Lord maketh and then adds no sorrow with it a man 6 about his haniss I'm gonna enjoy my money thank you for giving God bless your heart and apostolic blessing on every one that shares amen an apostolic blessing no every one that shares an apostolic blessing on every one that shares thank you Jesus and our prostatic blessing on every one that shares thank God thank you Jesus it's time for station [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the time the way to blow us all [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody move see [Music] [Music] [Music] Hoenig age [Music] [Music] [Music] go Oh [Music] [Music] on the ocean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on apostolic say Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] to us [Music] [Music] [Music] Misha pickle why I think we reached our goal I told him how to take an offering and now he done gone beyond my teaching and so that's God for what the Lord has done after the inception of the ministry in oh by the way this is my ring that my Board gave me in general I just want daughters I'm sorry that wasn't in the program but I just want to be thankful when I first came to the area and the installation of apostle Rogers that is as pastor of the Tidewater Bible with Temple who has now become the Tidewater Bible we could read your kingdom church we just so grateful for that particular time and there was some of you that were at his pastoral installations raise your hand if he were there when he became the pastor and many times as the bishop parrot will testify that I used for a text for the occasion and the sermon that I preached that eventful day was the next voice you hear and certainly we've come to this pinnacle of time and we have one of the premier preachers of Pentecost here today and we're delighted that he could take time out of his schedule to be with us a man he comes from one of his national meetings in order to be with us today he lists himself as one of my sons and I receive him can you say man he's the senior pastor with the New Life Church in Brooklyn New York he's the president relative the Dunamis connection all over America and across the sea oh my the last time I heard him preach he said the blood still the blood still works and when he got us to Calvary I was about to run around the church but my knee was hurt another day some job you need a substituted runner can I get a witness and so he's here with us today and we have the celebration choir that's in place to give a selection and like I said so many years ago and the next voice you hear will be that of the Honorable Most Reverend Robert J Rockford give God praise for the celebration choir and then I'll speaker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] his name his name is glorious there's nothing like him he is the eternal God he is our Redeemer he is our Savior if it had not been for the Lord who is on earth when men rolls up against us they would have swallowed us up would you tap your neighbor and say the Lord's been with us if you believe that would you give him the best praise you got left give him a confirmation the kitchen [Applause] while you remain standing I want you to grab your neighbor by the hand we will pray in concert father we thank you you worthy of all praise you've been so faithful so kind so merciful so great great is thy favour and I think as we've come here today to honor you and to transit Kingdom business first of all we ask your hand upon apostille Hughie Roger keep him Lord strengthen him Lord let him live as long as he wants never warmth as long as he as we get ready now to elevate the reside ur didn't broaden his shoulders for the greater weight that he will now carry your hand be with him your spirit anointing for the days that are ahead would you remember all bishops pastors and leaders that are here to witness this momentous occasion family of the preside of the presider to be all who know you love you worship you and adore you lastly Lord would you remember your servant and stands behind this sacred dance would you charge us that I may charge them we'll give you glory we'll give you honor we'll celebrate you for your goodness your name is Jesus you're the matchless Son of God and we thank you now in your name we pray amen give him praise you may be seated the Lord's presence first of all I want to honor the God who makes all things possible who has through his faithfulness allowed us to arrive at this day this is a most significant momentous and very very historic occasion it is pregnant with purpose I got saved around 1968 about fourteen years old was in high school I looked up what I was getting into because they told me we were Pentecostal I looked it up in the dictionary and it said it's a cult and say it was a denomination and said it's a cult around that time it was considered a cult they told my mother we came from the Catholic Church don't let your sons go down there because they put goober dust on him and make him shake and the speaking in tongues was demonic during that time in the 60s and 70s there was a radio broadcast that came on with this song this is the sound of Pentacles while they were calling it a coat apostille Huey Rogers defended the Pentecostal faith without shame can we celebrate one of the defenders of our faith now everybody's speaking in tongues charismatic Pentecostal churches are accepted but when they were calling us Holy Roller when they were saying speaking in tongues was demonic there was a voice in New York City they said whatever you say about us this is pasta we honor you and celebrate you because we wouldn't be here if you didn't defend us back there we thank you a pasta the greatest jewel and crown of any great man who is married is his wife we must thank God for Queen Mother [Music] [Applause] I think a EE because my late wife Louis was one of her daughters Louis grew up in the Brownsville projects met mother Rajas about 14 or 15 years old mother Rogers took a project girl and shaped her into a Bishop's wife I will never forget - the Roger's family we honor these daughters melody Michelle McKee sure now the granddaughters my god grandsons it's great grands Wow this this is amazing and we must honor the first family because you don't know what they go through to allow the bishop to these Co celebrants apostille stranger apostille peterson apostel peratt and till the co-vice president apostle Mitcham and the co-vice presider an apostille Bennett I want to honor also with me today is one of my bishops that serves on my Executive Council in DCC and that is Bishop Kevin Harris he is here with his lovely wife Lady Ruth Harris and she sits next to my lovely wife Lady Pamela Raja there are so many of my friends here and peers and we honor all of you Bishop Figueroa of Ezekiel Williams Wow Tracy Bishop Williams down there there's just so many I can't call everyone's name but know that I appreciate you and love you and why I'm humbled is because any one of them could be standing in this place and do an admirable job but I'm thankful for this honor I want to honor my brother who now will be elevated to be the presider of this great movement we came up as teenagers in the church he played for his church I played for mine he began preaching I began preaching and it's just wonderful to see what will happen if you stay with God he is unquestionably one of the greatest preachers of our generation Bishop Michael as you prepare to take and assume this greater time of leadership we pray for you we honor you we salute you you're going to do a great job you've been prepared for this you're going to do an outstanding job I would like to call your attention for the few moments I have left to the 27th chapter of numbers beginning at verse 12 numbers 27 beginning at verse 12 here begins the reading of God's holy an eternal Word now the Lord said to Moses go up into mount Abram and see the land which I have given to the children of Israel and when you have seen it you also shall be gathered to your people as Aaron your brother was gathered for in the wilderness of zin during the strife of the congregation you rebelled against my command to hallow me out the waters before their eyes these are the waters of Meribah at Kadesh in the wilderness of zin then moses spoke to the Lord saying let the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh set a man over the congregation who may go out before them and go in before them who made leave them out and bring them in that the congregation of the Lord may not be like sheep which have no Shepherd and the Lord said to Moses take Joshua the son of nun with you a man in whom is the spirit and lay your hands on him set him before Elias Al Asia the priest and before the congregate and in a great hymn in their sight and you shall give some of your authority to him that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient and he shall stand before Eleazar the priest who shall inquire before the Lord for him by the judgment of the Urim at his word they shall go out and at his word they shall come in he and all the children of Israel with him all the congregation so Moses did at the LORD commanded he took Joshua and set him before Eleazar the priests before all the congregation and he laid his hands on him and inaugurated him just as the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses so far the scripture would you look at verse 18 one more time and the Lord said to Moses take Joshua the son of nun with you and lay your hands on him so far the scripture I want to speak to you from this text of Scripture from the subject go get Joshua go get go get Joshua I in seminary graduated in the area of leadership an administrative organization one of the books of our consideration was a book called leading with a limp was written by dr. Alan Durr his concept is that because of the personal costs of leadership leadership is probably the most difficult thing that anyone called by God will be called to do because of the intense demands of leadership he suggests that some leaders burnout fail or quit he talks about five of the major challenges facing the leader number one crisis number two complexity number three weariness number four loneliness and then the big one betrayal that no leader will ascend to any height of leadership without being attached to a Judas that in fact God's process for training leadership is to attach you to a Judas so that you can learn how to handle betrayers David said my own familiar friend who eight of my bread has lifted up his heel against me it was indirect rough to the Last Supper when Jesus would feed Judas and Judas would then betray him he was saying in the Psalms that if you're in leadership you're going to be kicked by a washed foot that that you will wash some feet that will turn around and kick you but it is a learning process because God's got to teach you the humility to eat with a Judas but the wisdom to never let him cook there is no problem if you feed Judas but if Judas ever feeds you you will end up bitter let's just betray we can't even talk about all of them but even think of weariness that a prophet named Elijah can call down fire from heaven then call down rain fight 850 prophets and then run 30 miles from Carmel to Jezreel and bring the nation back to God by himself chapter 18 first Kings turn over one chapter he is under a juniper tree saying God would you just let me die one chapter he's a successful prophet the next chapter he's a suicidal prophet leadership cost you something can I talk to you that think that this is just about riding a Rolls Royce and getting alligator shoes presented to you on your official day and having all that kind of money and big house and all of that that may happen but before you get there baby you go see some dark struggling days because leadership don't cost you something this is this is now my concept not doctor not doctor he'll endures this is my concept leadership is bleeder ship because you cannot lead without bleeding the leader then becomes the wounded physician the deeper your wound the more effective you are in leaving because you must be touched with the feelings of others infirmity you cannot lead a bleeding congregation and not bleed yourself you don't know what they feel the reason Jesus is our leader head of the church powerful Redeemer and Savior is because Isaiah said he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities you cannot lead unless you bleed now here's the problem if you don't learn how to recover from your blood flow you will end up in leadership anemia you will lose the vitality and strength you need to lead of us case in point Moses Moses the people need water take him by the rock the same rock that you smoked the first time but I'm changing my methodology this time when you go to the rock just speak to it and waters don't flow out you understand that the rock represents Jesus Paul says it in Corinthians and they follow that rock followed them and that rock was Christ the smiting of the rock the first time the crucifixion that's Calvary after the smiting of Calvary and the blood coming you need no longer to smite Jesus just speak to him and you'll get healed just speak to him and you'll get restored just spit man you'll get lifted just speak to him and he'll put you above the head of your enemies you don't have to smite him twice one smitten his blood is efficacious and when I see the blood how bless who's ever covered oh no no smite is this time just be to it but the people have so irritated him and frustrated him that when he gets to the rock he forgets God's command smites it twice and then cusses him out contrary rebels he is dealing with leadership anemia the problem with leadership anemia is that if you don't learn of how to recover your blood instead of bleeding for the people you'll start bleeding on the people come drink he rebels you've heard him in the office talk those Negroes are getting on my nerves come drink ye out of fire all lemon you know that Nigerian state they use another term it is an indication that your blood flow is stronger than your ability to replenish what you're losing why was Moses so jacked up he never had a vacation he never had much time to rest he went on one vacation and when he got back his assistant pastor was leading the congregation in worshiping how do I go on vacation when my assistant pastor doesn't have enough strength to lead the people to worship Jehovah their worshiping a golden staff he has no vacation he has no rest they're complaining all the time criticizing him all the time he has no chance Michael Bishop Michael can I preach to you has you ass in this place there will be more pressure there will be more Judas's there will be more stress there will be more aggravation take some time to take care of you take some time to get away for you take some time to vacate for you take some time to get some rest for you remember what they say on the airplane if that oxygen mass falls down don't worry about who's with you put it on you because if you don't put it on you follows that you're leading are in trouble for you will faint while trying to lead of us put it put it on you first find out how to restore your blood flow well she'll be saying come drink the bitterness will turn you from a prolific leader to a pathological one this is what foes us isn't it ironic that he must speak to the rock but he hits it twice closes out the people but the water still flowed he disobeys the command of God that's the rock twice causes the folk and the water still flows it teaches us that you can be effective as a leader but be dysfunctional yeah I got a new iPhone uh bishop I had to get one my wife was threatening to divorce me my children were gonna disown me because my iPhone was so jacked up crapped all over they said you are Archbishop you can't be walking around with no chapter cracked up I feel like that daddy you gotta get something this was my problem I could steal text I could still receive calls I could still do videos I could still get emails it was cracked but functional that's what a leader is cracked but functional broken but functional if you ever forget that you're cracked and in need of repair that every now and then you gotta go back to the Creator and get an upgrade it's not good enough to be in this dysfunction and settle in it because sooner or later your difunctional will disrupt your calling and your Papas and you will what you want to speak to and bleed on what you want to bleed for take some time her ass taught us responsibilities of ministry but never taught us about the rest of ministry they taught us of the leadership of ministry but never its leisure they never taught us that every day you should have a daily diversion every week you should have a Sabbath every month you should have a respite and every year you should have a vacation we didn't learn that hi I told my staff do not call me in the morning till 10 o'clock let me rest let me meet with college let me pray don't call me till 10 o'clock what Bishop what if somebody dies I said they'll be just as dead at 10 my rest is in button two things you need when you get your your 60s a bathroom Andres you ship me mr. Rogers if you get nothing out of this message never lose yourself leading of us take time to take care of you your luck load is increasing your precious is increasing your stress levels are about to increase you must take time to recalibrate reboot and restore yourself because you have to lead wobbly Tech's examines the last chapter in the life of Moses at some point every Joshua will become a Moses and at some point every Moses was a Joshua can I tell you the difference Moses is a phone while Joshua is a fighter the glory of the young man is his strength the glory of the older man is his gray hair you have the ability to walk but I got wisdom for you to win I have a problem with this generation let me tell you what it is we are not honoring the fathers I know you can preach till peoples hair stand on their head I know you're building a mega church I know you got gifts and anointing and and powerful things are happening to you but you better remember without a father sooner or later everything you're doing can self destruct acts Absalom the problem with absolute was he wanted a kingdom without a father he wanted to lead without a head he died because his head got caught in a tree when you are leaving without a head your head gets you in trouble because you have no head to lead you stress without direction is dangerous preaching in every key and some that ain't only noggin but tell me who is your head prophet comes from my church meets me at the front door says Bishop I got a word for you I said good I'm going through some stuff I need a word but I got a word for you first who are you under he said well right now Bishop I'm not under anyone I'm kind of you know trying to see which way the Lord I said sir keep your word till you are accounted to authority you are dangerous you're around here prophesied and don't have a father over your life that can correct you you are a loose cannon you can mess your life up where is your father [Music] let me move let me move you gotta have a father cuz he corrects while you war and and conquer he he has sagacity keen insight but you have strengths and these things must be merged because the father's concern is legacy but the sons concern is destiny without the son legacy dies without the father destiny cannot be accomplished you need a father that will give you a legacy and a son that will carry the legacy of the father to the next generation we have sitting before us and God is about to take this thing to the next dimension as Moses to Joshua tap somebody and say who's your father it's not so much who you're over that's important but who you're under who's your daddy can I challenge leaders in here that the wisdom of a posture Rogers he is one of the greatest preachers of his generation and ours we sat at his feet he is iconic and notable throughout this country and throughout this world indeed a great father but the greatest accomplishment of Moses was not leading Israel out of Egypt not caring for them in the wilderness but understanding when God says this is your last chapter the first words that come out of his mouth let the Lord show me who the next leader is because you can't have success without succession success without succession is failure I'm not worried about my destiny any longer right now what's important to me is my legacy and I can't afford to put my legacy in the hands of anybody because what I built in my lifetime that took years they'll destroy in a few months who is it to take over go in our case you know them now and I want to enjoy my life I'm not retiring I'm gonna revive I'm transitioning to other things and I need to know who will will take over this thing yes he's not retiring he's retiring in December we will enthrone him as an archbishop this December his work is not over he has transitioned from warfare to wisdom he doesn't have to fight anymore Michael will fight for him he doesn't have to tell nobody off Michaels there to tell him I hope he never have to get mad with nobody just tell Michael and Michael will like Joshua fight for you he's the fighter you're the father you're not gonna disrespect my father and not end up in a fight [Applause] I'm saved but I still got some project in me you gonna run your mouth run it but you're not gonna disrespect the Father the first time we see Joshua in Scripture exodus 17 when Moses says the Amalekites are attacking go out and fight every father needs somebody that will fight for them if you want God to promote you you gotta fight for your father he ain't perfect but I'll fight you over him but I'll fight you over him that's my father let me challenge the leaders in here and one more pointed them through can I ask you a question you little bishops pastors and leaders if something happened today that prohibited you from leading your ministry would your ministry go up or fall apart because you have no succession plan look around you one two three four five six seven eight there are eight exit signs in this building in this room you cannot enter a building without there is against the law having some way to exit the moment you enter leadership you supposed to be making plans for what to do when it's time that bishop is such a great preacher I would think you would be preaching because you could still do it in his eighties but still can jump on the communion table even taking care of himself I would think that you would be doing this sense so much in you that you can still do but we bow down to you because of your wisdom to understand it's time for Joshua to assume the reign of leadership by going nowhere but I need to be wisdom love my son wash and fight I'll tell him what to do what to do it I'll stand in the chain of wisdom [Music] as I go up if you don't have a succession plan if you don't prepare the plan you're preparing to fail who will take your ministry over if tonight you went home to be with the Lord would it be confusion or what a system be in place that someone could step in with a team and take the church to the next dimension if you have no such session plan then legacy without destiny will end up a fallacy we said again legacy or destiny with our legacy will end up a fallacy not here we have a Joshua let me close last point it don't be seated last for you I talked to you about leadership and it's crisis and challenging demanding aspect that makes us not leap through leadership but limp through never follow a leader without a limp because if nothing has crippled him how can he deal with what's crippling you I talk to you about legacy that when you enter leadership you have to plan how you're gonna exit because none of us will lead forever so there's leadership legacy I want to end with longevity and with longevity I must debunk this theological hermeneutical exegetical amaura then I keep hearing it is a fancy cliche because you're Figueroa but it's not accurate you've heard it when I say it you gonna know what I'm talking about they say I'm of the Joshua generation we don't conquer and take the land I'm sorry Joshua's generation died in the wilderness check the wreck God said of this generation no one will go on the promised land but Joshua and Caleb the rest of you your caucus is gone die in the wilderness if you're of the Joshua generation baby oh you can look father too he's dying in your struggle so then what does Joshua represent if all of his generation died but he lived then Joshua represents survival God said when Moses said who shall take over in legacy what I've created through my destiny so that my destiny doesn't die God said back to Moses go get the survivor the one that came through the wilderness but still lives the one that was betrayed but didn't get bitter in the midst of his betrayal the one that was Snakepit by rejection the one that folks stepped on and criticized the one that was so broke they couldn't pay attention praising me that was broken the one that made mistakes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I like you I like you tip but I got one question for you when you take all of this off can you survive can you survive crisis can you survive betrayal will bring against you if you can't don't try to leave because only a survivor makes a good leader because you can't lead until you learn how to survive [Applause] [Music] you know the hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I know you can preach but can you survive the Senate steps to attach [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] walking in the door walking out before you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is we won't titles without keep your title baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take him and sit him before the congregation because they're not of your generation they are looking at a promised land but can't see a process they want the promise without the process so sit the survivor in their midst and show them that the only way to get here is to be faithful in hard places the bishop michael says to the congregation Jesus was the Word made flesh but the leader is flesh becoming the word so when the leader has survived he becomes the word in flesh when you look at the leader he says to you no weapon formed against you shall prosper when you look at the leader he says as broke as you are my God shall supply all your need [Music] don't worry about [Music] [Music] [Music] so I told you take my note son I'm through I told you if you can find bishops shoes take those too I told you I told you at the beginning that the doctor Dan says five issues yes crisis complexity weariness loneliness and betrayal I left this part out purposely he says if you can get through crisis complexity weariness loneliness and between if you can survive those five challenging demanding issues of leadership there is a sixth phase it's called glory I was with you everyplace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna give you Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] since this is your time you search faithfully your father you survived the words he prepared he founded this church down here then put his son in the organization that he's led for 25 years as we promote him to Archbishop we promote you to resign but you wouldn't be here if you were not a saliva and because you have survived now God shall put his glory on you like never before I haven't seen years haven't heard and little Michael get ready because you're next somebody said thank God for the word what a marvelous and wonderful word we could not have gotten anybody in the world to preach this message what we heard today bishop thank you for allowing God to use you thank you for your consistency in the preaching idiom the love brushes our prayer we continue God bless the bishop did he preach genophage we shall go further into the act of elevation we caught it this time Secretary General bishop court machinery in the name of the Lord receive him your eminence apostle in the Church of God the pastors and people of the Bible Way Church of our Lord Jesus Christ worldwide incorporated trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit support and ratified the Joint Board of Bishops election of Michael Joseph Rogers senior to be our presiding bishop we therefore ask you to elevate him and in the power of the Holy Spirit to affirm him a bishop in one Holy Universal and Apostolic Church in the name of Jesus Christ amen I'm Michael Joseph Rogers senior chosen presiding bishop of the Bible a church of our Lord Jesus Christ worldwide incorporated do solemnly declare that I do believe that the Holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary to salvation I do solemnly promise to conform to the doctrine discipline and worship of the Lord Jesus Christ as taught by this church brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus you have heard the testimony given that Michael Joseph Rogers senior has been duly and lawfully appointed and elected to be the presiding bishop of the Bible churches of our Lord Jesus Christ Worldwide Inc and to serve this appointed charge you have been assured of his suitability and that the church has appointed him for this sacred responsibilities is it your will that we elevate Michael Joseph Rogers senior as presiding bishop will you uphold him in his bishopric we are brothers and my sisters we justin in your prayers for this marvelous and wonderful elevation apostle Peterson the Scriptures tell us that our Savior Christ spent the whole night in prayer before he closed and sent forth his disciples his Twelve Apostles likewise the parcels prayed before they appointed Matthias to be one of their number let us therefore follow their example and offer our prayers to Almighty God before we elevate Bishop Michael Joseph Rajas senior for the work to which we trust the Holy Ghost has called him Abraham Isaac and of Jacob god of Moses and of all of the prophets God who says from everlasting to everlasting that I am God God who is from one generation to another god of Moses who blessed in transition Joshua God Elijah who gave a double portion to Elijah God who said I am with you always even until the end of the world God who on the day of Pentecost poured out your spirit upon the sons and the dog Oh God and raise up the Apostle Peter God who raised up the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos Oh God to give us the revelation God in the name of Jesus who bought the Holy Ghost to the northern continent of America but Jesus Christ to James Parham and William Seymore God who blessed that be in attendance Oh God CH Mason that God in the name of Jesus who let the Holy Ghost fall on GT Hayward in the name of Jesus who birth RAC Lawson that who preached and birth the smoke woody Williams a God who bought from his law and the Honorable parcel that Huey Rogers now brings to this generation that the Apostle Michael Joseph Rogers a God be with him let your glory shine upon him in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Lord in your precious name protective keep ever demanded Falls that want to destroy him let the devil know in the name of Jesus the touch not my anointed and do my profit no harm in the name of Jesus we stand here on this thing to give your name glory to give your name and to give your name praise somebody know that this is our inheritance that we happen inheritance among them that are sanctified if the baby's coming somebody [Applause] [Music] [Music] and now my brothers and sisters will be the investment of the new residing bishop as we rest this new presiding bishop with the clothing of the Holy Writ with that which God has attained in the Church of God we see detestable received the chasuble and mitre symbolizing the covering you have received by baptism in Christ as the testimony if you have fellowship with the apostles The MITRE is your sign of the helmet of salvation and of the baptism of the Holy Ghost the very crown speaks of the descent of the Holy Ghost on the church at criticals where it as one who serves as steward of God's bride the church receive the course as a sign of our Lord's triumph and the banner of our salvation be one with the Apostles in proclaiming Christ's resurrection and his sovereignty as Lord and Savior received this ring as a symbol of authority God - faith unity and discipline of Christ's body the Apostolic Church received the staff as a sign of the Shepherd's office being all things up April pastor and hold some example the authority by which the crook and the staff to bring into the flock and to defend the flock take authority in Jesus name and now a Bible is presented and will be open at the Gospels and pressing it upon the hands of the new presiding bishop and I as your chief consecrate I say to you receive the Holy Scriptures feed the flock of Christ committed to your charge guard and defend them in his truth and be faithful a papal steward of the Holy Word and sacraments are charged you my son and successor that you continue to be faithful in the power and the authority given to you by this mitre and by the test of all that you wear and the Crozier yet you cannot take dear God in Jesus name I offer you my son as Abraham offered Isaac I am encouraged by the word that you sent me a few minutes ago and so Lord you told me to go get dr. Warren and now I'll present him to you as your great son episodic Victor of this great church in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I so bless you I so pray for you I transferred the power of the office presiding bishop and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may you go in his anointing and do his will in Jesus name brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen the new presiding bishop of the Bible Church [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you will bless the people apostle as you walk down that aisle and just bless the people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but everybody come on push a lot everybody this is a great day for by the way it's a half a day for me I feel the Spirit of the Lord in this place and so it is my distinct pleasure to present him to you for the first time the presiding bishop of the Bible Church worldwide and my presiding bishop the Honorable apostle Michael the people said a man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord o give thanks unto the Lord for he is good mercies the lasting and his truth endureth throughout all generations great is the Lord greatly to be praised in the city of our God the mountain of his holiness beautiful of a situation the joy of the whole earth is much dying on the signs of the no city of our great king o give thanks to the Lord for he is good his mercy endures forever I'm blessed it impressed delighted and excited to be at this place not only in this space of time but in this destiny moment I want to say thank you to God it's the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our I want to thank and praise God for my pastor my Lido thank father [Music] I want to share in fatica Li as long as he's my father I'll continue to fight [Music] he raised me not to be a violent man but I soon would find out the same scriptures he taught me declared from John the Baptist's until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and you know the rest I surely am blessed to have received one of the greatest families was such an occasion god bless the archbishop Robert watch as he for stated I am used and thought because all of my colleagues are on forward non preaches not honest a associated with folks who call themselves preachers but don't preach so I had quite a plethora of individuals to choose among and any of them would have done more than a capable job when the Lord led me to this man obviously the Lord was with me goodness and his wonderful works towards the children of men I have a simple but yet powerful task to perform my first assignment as the presiding bishop I want you to help me celebrate these co-laborers of the gospel these men who like myself were duly elected to their positions I asked that you to receive how an acknowledgment the first assistant presiding bishop of the Bible church worldwide His grace the Honorable apostle T Alan [Music] the second assistant presiding bishop of the Bible Church of our Lord Jesus Christ worldwide His grace the Honorable apostle Benjamin Franklin Peterson Junior a third assistant presiding bishop Bible Church of Allah Jesus Christ worldwide His grace the Apostle Andrew Philip parent and then lastly are too cold vice presider x' and the persons of apostle Abraham Mitchum and Apostle John then [Applause] [Music] bourbon if you to come to me I certainly want to take this opportunity to speak to you I speak from my heart without formality to share with you it's a pleasure to know men like yourselves what is often missing in society is true Brotherhood the reason why there's contention is because there's no relationship but the love of God has shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit I now charge you brethren to understand that as you have been duly elected to the office for which you have been appointed that you will fulfill all the duties prescribed in that office by the Constitution of the Bible Way Church of the Lord Jesus Christ worldwide and if you will do such what you clear declare in concert we will so do God being our help would you now face the audience a bit of me as I present the leadership team of the Bible Church of the Lord Jesus Christ world [Music] pray for us pray for us is our attempt to leave this church to the next dimension of its destined to give God praise hallelujah to God thank you gentlemen I'm blessed we're about ready to leave it's been a full day I want that these my brothers and pastors and friends to be able to return safely to their homes and destinations that they might minister to the flock of God on tomorrow I peruse this audience and see people of made supreme sacrifices driving hundreds of miles flying hundreds of miles just to share this day with me it means so much to me I want to thank and praise God for again our chief celebrant an amazing [Music] to our cold celebrants thank God for the Joint Board of Bishops in this church I want to thank God today for the music department of our church in my very special guest musical directed give God praise for the elder Patrick Riddick I thank God for the entire membership of Bible Church worldwide but number of people who are I can't stand here without thanking the board of directors staff and members of Tidewater Bible a kingdom Cathedral we love I love you with all my heart I appreciate you for being who you are in my life would you indulge me for a moment or two I want to thank God for my children Michael carpet Jessica Tia come with Arik bring my grandchildren with you please to have a wonderful family we have a very close brother and I don't have to rush every week if you see me at a restaurant these are the people that I'm always with about every Sunday these are the people I hang out with this is my inner circle these are the people that I spend most of my leisure time with and we love each other we enjoy each other and if you ask my grandchildren they'll tell you there's no greater place to be then Papas house I wanna thank my daughter my eldest child who is a raucous trip she's a daddy's girl and although our name is not Joshua she'll fight you over me very funny funny about her father and I love her she's my biggest fan and I'm hers she's a great psalmist a great at ministry Torme she's a great wife and a great mother [Music] amen they get on me for always blabbing and telling business well since I don't blab the bars we'll keep it going she is she is presently carrying my next grandchild [Music] so that means by the first of next year I will have six grandchildren waiting on God's complete number don't know whether it's gonna come from I don't know who who God's gonna bless would you give God praise for the elder Michael Joseph Rogers Junior [Music] very proudly shop man we had the occasion on this past Thursday evening to ordain him as an elder at the Lord's church I make no bones about it let the record show a man as the archbishop began to preach I said I'm in good shape because this is my son at my successor what if they God for his wife I'll be right back with you in a minute just my son Eric is a tremendous blessing to my life almost everything you see that makes this convention what it is sound like everything that gives the image to this meeting I have commissioned Eric to carry out and he's done it eric is a superlative musician often one day that guitar didn't move my daughter away from me just played his way in turn they have given me Lauren and London Lauren was scheduled they said to be born on May 19th possibly the 20th that child's gonna be born on my birthday May the 21st oh they laughed and they scoffed they poked the man of God as I begin to tell them remember Elijah they laughed and the Bears came out the would you not believe that 4 o clock in the afternoon on May 21st this child was born the same time as her granted from thank God for her and London and we believe Eric jr. is on his way or to thank all for Jessica Rogers my wonderful daughter a man who has been assigned with the destiny of our family and the ongoing legacy of the Rodgers name I said to her Jessica it's up to you she looked at me with a despairing eyes and said dad what happens if the child is not a boy I said sweetheart there's an old proverbial saying if at first you don't succeed just try and try and try again but she didn't have to try hard because there he is and my sons are Michael Joseph Rogers the third he's a handsome fella just like his father his grandfather and his great grandfather my wonderful granddaughters Jayla Simonne Rogers and Madison J Rogers they are all very bright very smart individuals they all get great grades I'm blessed I have these people it by life Thank You family if y'all keep on praying somebody else will be standing his soul [Music] [Music] it's been a long time coming but a change is on the way and the people said I was happy for you you ought to be happy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you I certainly cannot go any further without praising God for a young man who has endeared himself to me when I received the notification that this was the will of our chief apostle I knew that it was important that be services be memorable more so to me than anyone else and then to display the glory of God in the splendor of his church and was not needful that I search hard and wide but right here in my own state a Commonwealth of Virginia most erudite most gifted and prolific man and the protocol of the church would you please brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen for my sake stand to your feet and give God praise of a bishop bernard laughs bird our adjutant bishop was a day who helped organize these services and put it all together god is great I'm blessed by this inspectors and this wonderful problem and this wonderful booklet that keeps us mindful of the occasion young lady is such a gift just more recently came into her acquaintance to a mutual acquaintance she is by far the graphic designer of the first magnitude and certainly a master in print journalism would you help me praise God for April Dawson Detroit Michigan thank you thank you so much woman of God who stepped into our lives and ministries at a very crucial time about 25 years ago God called from labor to reward my first administrative assistant maybe Elizabeth Williams I was lost as we were preparing for our first church holy convocation that didn't know what to do and how to perform and the administrative assistant of my friend at that time pastor Marvin Winans who was now bishop elect gave permission to his administrative assistant who was now the general manager perfecting Church said go and help my brother she came to this area and in 48 hours organized our entire convocation negotiated with hotels made things happen pulled the whole program together and alleviated me from the stress that I would have had in the absence of my administrator she has likewise helped me to pull all of this together administratively help me celebrate ladies sending flowers [Music] thank God for young lady who are served as our minister ativ assistant for many years as well as mr. music has been a blessing to our lives and as well have helped to carve out the matters that pertain to this service help me bless God for lady Geneva Taylor [Music] [Applause] I'm grateful to dog because each of you have played such a vital role in the making of this wonderful service and I'm looking forward to the days ahead can we say man a month of November were on our way to Greensboro North Carolina for a focused conference the month of March we're on our way to Baltimore Maryland for our bishops comes in a workers meeting and the 63rd holy convocation of the Bible Church worldwide will be held in King of Prussia Pennsylvania July 2020 can we say man god bless you in Jesus name is my hope I love you but the love of the Lord if I missed anybody charge it to my head and not my heart I just appreciate uh sure so I appreciate musicians I've got so much to say to my local church and I'll share that with you on tomorrow if you are in town tomorrow and decided to stay over from holy congregation we invite you to 38:20 Stone Shore Road Virginia Beach Virginia the new home of the kingdom Cathedral and on tomorrow at 12:00 noon His grace the Honorable Bishop Eric McDaniel will bring to us the Word of God he was born on may 21st as well he's a preacher meet me tomorrow it'll be a time well spent thank you all those of you thank God for our media staff thank God for brother Tony Wilford and his wonderful staff the sound reinforcement Thank You beloved I love you but the love of the Lord we're going to recess and I ask that you would honor these generals in the Church of God and once they have recessed amen and you receive God's benediction you might be on your way the blessings of God go with you his traveling mercies as you return to your several homes and destinations shall we all stand to my local adjutant Secor and the National agitance II Corps thank you for your assistance in Jesus [Music] you you let us all pray let us look to him the author and the finisher of our faith father we thank you today for what you have already done we thank you for moving by your divine power we thank you for stretching forth to a hand and Lord and blessing us with a new presider we thank you for the chief apostle and the Queen Mother and Lord we thank you for what you're doing right now we think it because history will record how you love Bible way we thank you Lord Jesus because you have stretch forth your hand and given us someone to lead us to the next Oh God dimension and now father as we get ready to go to our separate home as we get ready to travel a highway as we get ready to drive and as we get ready to oh god go cross stairway and by trains and buses oh god be merciful and be kind Oh God give the angels charge over us walk out that everyone bulldog will arrive home safely Lord let it be no hurt harm or danger come to you to your people no gods when they get home let up let them be waiting on them that fight against your people stretch for to hand our Lord and give us grace thank you for what you're done today thank you Lord Jesus for the elevation time thank you for your mercy that you have poured upon us all and now Lord we Archer as we go Lord then let grace be upon us in the name of Jesus Christ and Lord we give your name glory we give your name the honor we give your name the praise hallelujah let us all say hey man check out with somebody show them some love and tell us a God bless you and heaven smiled be upon you [Music] [Music]
Channel: I'm Just A Church Boy
Views: 39,495
Rating: 4.7192984 out of 5
Id: fHcqUgmZH1Y
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Length: 187min 35sec (11255 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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