The Insane World of Sonic Commercials l Novika

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when i was just a wee baby i used to watch a lot of tv in fact one of my earlier memories is watching the adventures of sonic while my dad was prepping me out for kindergarten scene sorry in the telly was always a treat to me especially since the channels i had didn't air any sonic show until 2004 when sonic x was jetix but that doesn't mean sonic never showed up on tv i remember seeing a lot of old commercials whether it was all games or all shows so it's been known to be since deception so let's take a look at a couple of commercials yes yes emma let me show you [Music] uh the commercials thing about sega commercials in the 90s is that they just were talkers this was back then when companies could just talk each other in ads all the time and sega was the biggest trash talker around gotta go hey guy you're the first serious gamer i've seen all morning check this out brand new 16-bit super nintendo with super mario world wow what's this one oh this is a sonic the hedgehog from sega genesis look at these radical colors huh wow sonic's fast too no overheating wow sonic's fast i always loved sega's marketing campaign sonic's fast the console was fast in fact the genesis being faster than the snes was the only thing that the console had going for it since the snes was technically better than the genesis in every aspect except its speed and that's how marketing works find that one aspect that you're good at and exploit the hell out of it this one's on the same vein as the previous one sonic is fast mario sucks that's all about it it games but this new sonic the hedgehog oh he really does my doilies they say he's incredibly fast well what's the hurry mister and about his attitude smartypants i can't be more like that nice one mario i'm sorry i i just love how direct these are imagine today we see a commercial about wendy's just saying how ass the other brand i mean that's basically the twitter but still this one is smooth [Applause] come on just show me what you've got i always thought sonic should have a chorus also you remember putting on your best fedora and blazer to go play sonic at your pals the japanese sets were pretty well too i love this one it's basically sonic's first appearance and they're already throwing a parade for him let's chill out guys he hasn't done anything yet this one is unique as it actually has some neat animation [Music] [Applause] wait is that rooftop run what i love about this one is just sunny going around that ship that reminds me of the one from sega sonic cosmo fighter galaxy patrol this is equal to tail patrol now i know it says sega sonic the hedgehog but it's just the first game not to be confused with sega sonic the hedgehog for the arcades this was one of the first commercials for sonic 2 showing tales for the first time sonic getting known by a boss bomber and a pretty nice looking 3d for 1992 it ends with the veda logo for the game in fact most of the sonic 2 ads and with the beta screen seems like they changed that late in development we can't have sonic commercials video without some product ads this one's pretty standard sonic and tails sleep out of the tv eat some yogurt but then they say this line that drives me oh insane holidays yeah i don't know where they get the energy what's that it's that stuff the kids eat wow racing level 10. level 10 well done max level 10 what do you mean level 10 if we count the jack that's a level then act 10 would be hilltop act 2. now even if we count the zone as a level it wouldn't work since level 10 would be wing fortress and if we count hidden palace level 10 is sky chase not to mention that it's playing the title screen instead of the final boss theme what level 10 that is absolutely terrible god absolutely awful i hope someone got fired over that blunder this one is pretty neat as it does a pretty good job on hyping you up the animation is really good for an ad especially for that time [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is sad that the sega city was ass this one is freaky just look at it if you've got a genesis or a game gear or a sega cd there are new sonic games coming as you'll see on sonic mania day they're uh really fast sonic mania day huh now this is a weird one they made an app for a game that doesn't exist it's sonic it's pinball faster okay so now we're reaching the peak point with sonic 3 here this is a weird one apparently sonic 3 is twice as big as sonic haven't got huge new zones [Applause] twice as big as sonic 2 [Applause] which if we count sonic 3 alone then it's not and the new game save a feature save feature i'm sold [Applause] new sonic 3 is now available at a store near you damn it i'm tired of sonic gats with kids playing game reminds me of a this side is kind of infamous actually since apparently there's the theory that mcdonald's kind of forced sega to rush the bellamon sonic 3 to coincide with their promotion and this rush development is what caused the game to be split into two you can read all about it online actually it's a pretty interesting read this one is just hilarious i love it just takes itself so seriously this is also the first time they added the lock-on technology one champion of good one pawn of evil it's sonic and knuckles not only is it the greatest sonic game ever it also comes with lock-on technology also i absolutely love how they straight up spoiled you the ending for sonic 3. in fact all they do is spoil you showing you the endings this is dom's a sona this is sky soundtrack from knuckles also apparently game players called it revolutionary i don't know what game players magazine was but now i do it was a gaming magazine that ran from 89 to 98 and they actually had an issue with sending a knuckles on the cover and i love the artwork here so much especially knuckles committing vandalism but don't worry folks it's a non-toxic another sonic and knuckles that this one is one of the most well known with the santa helpers apparently developing sonic 3. now we know that not only michael jackson worked on sonic 3 but also elves it's revolutionary you just laughed so we sold the whole thing to sig who's laughing now hey wait a minute i know that guy he's the hotel clerk for that one episode of the x-files oh and the man from another place from twin peaks actually david the company who played mulder in the x-file also played denise in twin peaks but also in another episode of the x-files where they're trying to stop a guy who uses electricity to kill people a guy who by the way is played by the same guy who played phoebe's brother in france and also this unrelated character that appeared before her brother was even introduced anyway smaller and scully go to this arcade to investigate and you can clearly hear green hill's zone music there's the x-files in sonic connection now sorry dorell a little bit there moving on oh god this one is legendary this is the apex of talk to talk but can't walk the walk you're gonna see what's wrong with this one real quick [Music] what do you mean you couldn't catch him guys fast at lightning boys you just disappeared to blue streak you idiot you should have set a trap plus he blasted right through it [Music] i'm telling you he's bigger and better than before yes yes yes this is a full-on talk for a game that was never even released it even has the balls to end like this wow just wow well i mean we all know how the story ended but they didn't know the time seeing this now is just laughable this one is really freaking weird tell me if you can guess what game it is [Music] i apparently i also love how the footage of the games just recorded the camera pointed at the tv it's just amazing oh my god this guy is incredible you know how the saturn was a failure in the us well it was pretty big in japan and he had a promotional campaign with segata sanchiro a full-on sega saturn karate guy who beats the hell out of anyone who's not playing sega saturn [Applause] there are tons of sega essential commercials out there i just cannot make this justice just go watch them they're truly gems uh we're reaching the point of the sonic adventures japanese hats these are just great it's just sonic dying [Applause] god and dine [Applause] i love those plushies i want them this one is actually very cute it's basically a kid recounting the awesome day he had hanging out with sonic and the boys [Applause] [Music] it's adorable it's about sonic heroes it's not all right let's go finish with this one yeah yeah you know this was coming but how the hell can i not talk about this one oh don't [Applause] [Music] rogue and emmy tennis cream puff flower catch shadow basketball the girls baseball [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ there's so many questions coming with this one what the hell this still has to do with football has there ever been an instance of where tails played football sonic skateboard well kinda makes sense that sonic he likes extreme right emmy played tennis in a couple of spin-offs games right but rouge what happened to roosh why is she a mouse why is she naked hey have you ever seen a slum dunk well you should damn it in fact one of my eventual projects will be a full-on essay on why you should watch it ugh now what the hell was that that's a mcdonald's ad from pakistan i have no idea who made it but the official sonic twitter page referenced it in a post saying burgers fries creepy foiling commercials spot on okay i guess that's enough to be for now we watch a bunch of old commercials about sonic and now i know what you might be thinking [Music] bye
Channel: Novika
Views: 12,328
Rating: 4.9704432 out of 5
Id: lM7631IabZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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