The Insane Size of Underwater Megaprojects

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This is the Merdeka Tower - the 2nd tallest  building in the world. But did you know that   there are just as massive structures underneath  the ocean? From skyscraper-sized Oil platforms   to subsea railway tunnels, megaprojects  under water are some of the most ambitious   construction projects in history. Today, we’ll uncover the insane size of   these projects and explain how they were built.  Let’s take a look at the 500 meter tall Bullwinkle   Oil platform that was transported to the middle  of the Ocean. And how steel piles taller than   skyscrapers helped Bangladesh’s Padma Bridge  overcome the challenges of a raging river.   So, let’s start with the  insane size of Oil Rigs.   The world uses more than 100 million barrels of  oil every day. This means that oil companies are   constantly looking for new oil reserves to  meet the rising demand. More than two-thirds   of the world’s oil and gas is preserved under the  ocean floor and to extract these resources giant   offshore drilling platforms are being built. Early offshore platforms were built towards the   end of the 19th century and drilled in areas  where the water was less than 100 meters deep.   Oil companies have invested heavily in  the technology ever since and Oil Rigs   have become taller and taller and are comparable  to some of the tallest skyscrapers on land.   Back in 1977, Shell completed the first  truly massive Oil Rig in the Gulf of Mexico.   Named the Prospect Cognac, the platform was taller  than the Empire State Building and was built at   a cost of more than 100 million dollars. Since  Prospect Cognac, taller platforms have become more   commonplace and today we have 4 Oil Platforms  that exceed the 500-meter height barrier. The   oldest of these is Shell’s Bullwinkle Platform  which was installed in 1988. At 529 meters tall,   it is almost as tall as New York’s One World Trade  Center. At the turn of the century, Chevron built   the 640 meter tall Petronius Compliant Tower,  which still holds the record until today. At   the time, it was the tallest structure in the  world but has since been surpassed by Dubai’s   Burj Khalifa and more recently by Malaysia’s 679  meter tall Merdeka Tower. But it doesn't stop   there. Floating oil platforms nowadays reach  up to 2900 meters deep into the water.   But how do you build such  massive platforms underwater?   The construction of an Oil Rig is completed  in fabrication yards on land from where it   is transported to the middle of the ocean. For  example Bullwinkle’s 400 meter long base or jacket   was built in Texas while lying on its side. To move the colossal structure to its final   location it was loaded on a barge built  in parallel with the jacket. Traffic on   the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway had to be  diverted to safely load the platform onto   the barge - a process that took 5 days. On  top of that it took 3 days to reach its final   destination directly above an oil well. It was  the largest structure ever moved at the time.   Once directly above the oil well, Bullwinkle  was submerged in the water by tipping the barge   2.5 degrees. The engineers then anchored the  platform to the seabed using remote controls   and underwater cameras. Bullwinkle’s deck was  constructed separately in Louisiana and fixed   above the jacket. The entire project took over 5  years and cost over $500 million at the time.   Since then, the record of being the  ‘largest structure ever moved’ could   only be surpassed one single time, by  another offshore platform. It was the   transport of the 460 meter tall Troll A  Platform off the West coast of Norway.   Bullwinkle remains the Tallest offshore fixed  platform; most oil rigs like bullwinkle are   static and are used for drilling up to 500  meters deep into the ocean floor. However,   Oil and gas can also be found much deeper in the  ocean. For depths between 500 to 1000 meters,   engineers may use compliant towers. Made with  concrete and steel, Compliant Towers are tall   and narrow structures designed to endure greater  forces as they can sway with the waves.   The world’s deepest oil wells, however,  are located 3 kilometers beneath the Ocean.   Building steel towers and attaching them to the  ocean floor at these depths is not practical. So   Engineers use Floating oil rigs to make drilling  possible. Using advanced positioning systems,   these Oil Rigs stay exactly over the  Oil wells and are connected to the deep   wells using anchors and kilometer long cables. One such Oil Rig, Perdido, is jointly operated by   Shell, Chevron, and BP. Perdido enables drilling  at a depth of over 2.5 kilometers through a 170   meter Spar - a long floating cylinder that is  submerged into the ocean and tied to the seabed   using 9 mooring lines. Constructed in Finland  in 2008, Perdido remained the deepest oil rig   in the world until Shell unveiled Stones 8 years  later. With the ability to operate 2.9 kilometers   beneath the seabed, Stones can extract oil from  reservoirs as deep as 8000 meters in the ocean.   The insane size of underwater megaprojects  isn’t limited to large oil platforms. Building   kilometer long Underwater Tunnels  also poses enormous challenges.   Attempts to construct the world's first underwater  tunnel began in the early 19th century. At the   time they used the same techniques as in mines,  but they failed because the ground was too soft   and the tunnel started flooding. What was  initially thought to be impossible, however,   could be realized in the following decades with  the help of new technologies. The 400 meter long   Thames Tunnel could finally be finished in 1843  by using the newly invented tunneling shield.   Since then subsea tunnels have only  gotten better and with the invention of   the tunnel boring machine, projects were  now possible on a much bigger scale.   Today, the tunnel with the longest underwater  segment in the world is the 50 kilometer long   Channel Tunnel connecting Britain  to France. Completed in 1994,   it is considered one of the most amazing  engineering feats of the 20th century.   Plans to build a tunnel to cross the English  Channel were being discussed way before the   actual construction. Crossing the Channel  by boat had always been a miserable task   because of the bad weather and choppy waters.  So once the technology became advanced enough,   both the U.K and France set about drilling  a tunnel on their sides of the water.   Before starting construction, experts examined  the geology of the bottom of the English Channel   and decided that the lower chalk layer made up of  chalk marl, was the easiest to bore through.   The digging started in 1987 using 11 gigantic  Tunnel Boring Machines. Each machine was almost   the length of two football pitches and weighed  more than 70 passenger buses. Five machines   started digging from France and six from the UK.  They cut through the chalk, collected the debris,   and transported it using conveyor belts.  During the digging process, the sides of   the tunnel were reinforced with concrete to  help it withstand the intense pressure from   the waves. The French and English sides of the  tunnel finally met 4 years later in May 1991.   The whole project consists of 3 parallel  tunnels, two of which are reserved for trains   while the third one is used as a service  tunnel. Construction costs for the Channel   Tunnel rose to over 14 million dollars, three  times above the original estimates. However,   the megaproject has proven well worth the  cost as more than 120 million dollars worth   of trade between the UK and the rest of Europe  happens through the Channel Tunnel each year.   While the Channel Tunnel has the longest  underwater segment in the world, the longest   subsea Tunnel by overall length is the 54  kilometers long Seikan Tunnel in Japan.   The tunnel was built in the aftermath of an  unfortunate accident in 1954, when the ferry   ship Toya Maru sank in the Tsugaru Strait during  a Typhoon. Sadly over 1150 people died.   Ferry rides were no longer safe and engineers  termed bridge construction too risky because of   the extreme weather conditions. The authorities  ultimately decided to build a rail tunnel that   would pass underneath the Tsugaru Strait. Construction began with a pilot tunnel in 1971.   The excavation started on both sides and met  in the middle around 12 years later. Another   5 years later, work on the main tunnel was  completed by blasting through the seabed with   explosives. The final cost of building the  Seikan tunnel was around 7 billion dollars   and it remains one of the most spectacular  engineering achievements to this day.   If you enjoyed so far, make sure  you like this video and subscribe to   Top Luxury. What do you think? Which of the  previous projects is the most challenging?   Let us know in the comments below. Lastly, we look at Underwater Bridges.   Unlike tunnels, Bridges aren't often thought  of as underwater structures; however,   a major part of a bridge's pier can be located  underwater. Piers for modern deep water crossings   can be built using different methods. The most  common techniques involve the use of Caissons,   Cofferdams, or Driven Piles. Caissons are concrete structures   constructed on land and then lowered into the  water while preserving the dry environment   inside. The workers keep on excavating  sand and keep the water out until the   Caisson reaches the bedrock and is filled with  concrete. Ultimately, the Caisson becomes the   foundation for construction above water. Cofferdams are large walled pits with water   surrounding them. A cofferdam pumps the water out  and creates a safe space construction. Once the   foundations reach above water, the cofferdams are  removed and construction continues as usual.   One of the most effective underwater bridge  construction methods is using the Driven   Pile foundations. A driven pile is a large  steel column that is driven into the rock   using a machine. The whole process is similar to  hammering a nail into a surface. Once in place,   the steel columns are filled with concrete,  providing a solid foundation for the bridge.   Using the driven piles technique, Bangladesh  recently completed construction of the longest   bridge in the country with a length of 6.15  kilometers. But what’s even more stunning is   that the Padma Bridge is also the deepest in the  world. The steel piles were driven at a record   depth of 127 meters into the river bed. Construction of the Padma bridge posed further   challenges because of the rapid water flow. It  made piling extra difficult and the design for at   least 14 of the bridge’s pillars had to be changed  several times over a year. Another consideration   for the engineers was that the Padma riverbed soil  might shift up 65 meters in the next century.   In total, the Padma bridge cost 3.8 billion  dollars to build and is tipped to increase   the country's annual GDP by 1.2 percent. Some  of the economic benefits are already on display   as the bridge has cut the distance between  the Capital Dhaka and the industrial hub of   Khulna by more than 100 kilometers and the  travel time is reduced by more than 50%.   Which of these was the most difficult  to build? Do you know other construction   projects in the ocean that we should  cover? Let us know in the comments   below! Thank you for watching and  we’ll see you in the next video!
Channel: Top Luxury
Views: 151,135
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Keywords: top luxury, megaprojects, mega project, oil rigs, subsea tunnel, underwater tunnel, oil platform, engineering, construction, megaproject, insane size of megaprojects, biggest megaprojects, largest megaprojects, oil well, deepest oil rig, longest tunnel in the world, deepest tunnel in the world, tallest bridge, underwater bridge, oil rig construction, channel tunnel, Seikan tunnel, padma bridge, ocean, sea, bullwinkle oil rig, largest oil rigs, troll a platform, perdido, deep oil
Id: ppy5sfT3OdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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