The Dumbest Megaprojects in the World

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From Germany’s worst construction project  and a nuclear power plant that provided a   staggering one hour of electricity over its  20 year lifetime, to India's Twin Towers,   which became the tallest buildings to ever  voluntarily be demolitioned in the country,   today we’ll take a look at megaprojects  that took a really dumb turn for the worse.   And we start with Number 3: Germany’s Worst Construction Project   Following the fall of the Berlin Wall and  the subsequent German reunification in 1990,   the city of Berlin found itself in an interesting  situation. Having been previously divided,   the city now had three old but pretty  much still functioning airports located   in what used to be separate parts of the city. In a plan to further unify and centralize Berlin,   officials made plans to build a brand new, larger,  and more modern central airport that would serve   as the sole commercial airport for the entire  city. With this, the existing Tegel, Tempelhof,   and Schönefeld airports were to be closed in  order to consolidate all incoming commercial   air travel towards the new central airport. It was decided that the new airport was to   be owned and operated by Flughafen  Berlin Brandenburg, a company owned   by the states of Berlin and Brandenburg  along with the German federal government.   After much deliberation, the new Berlin  Brandenburg Airport was set to be built   just south of the old Schönefeld Airport and one  of the old runways were to be reused for the new   airport. After more than a decade of planning,  construction on the airport finally began in   September of 2006 with a planned opening on  the 30th of October 2011. However in 2010,   the opening date was moved to the 3rd of June  2012 following small construction delays.   By November of 2011, the new airport was looking  pretty much ready for the grand opening the   following year. There even was a simulation  of the airport systems which consisted of   thousands of volunteers simulating check-in,  security, boarding, and baggage procedures.   By early 2012, much of the airport’s retail  outlets had already been leased as various shops   and restaurants were preparing for the anticipated  opening. Airlines have also started planning their   flight schedules and had already sold tickets  to make way for the airport’s opening in June.   A grand opening event was planned for the 3rd  of June which was to be televised live by German   TV networks and to be attended by former German  chancellor Angela Merkel. Hundreds of extra staff   had been hired for the occasion and Lufthansa  was even set to conduct a special flight at   the airport to mark the first departure. Everything leading up to the new airport’s   opening in June was looking to be going  as planned, until on the 8th of May,   just a mere 26 days from the planned opening date,  FBB announced that the airport’s opening was to   be delayed by another year citing fire safety  concerns and technical difficulties surrounding   the terminal’s systems for exhausting smoke. It was revealed that the airport’s system of   fire switches, alarms, sprinklers, and exhausts  were simply all over the place. During testing,   some alarms were found to have not worked  entirely while others did work but in completely   different parts of the airport’s terminal! Funnily enough, despite the obvious lack of   a proper fire prevention system, and not wanting  the airport’s opening to be delayed any further,   the project’s managers had the very bold idea of  hiring hundreds of “fire spotters” to stand around   the terminal and act as a temporary replacement  for the dysfunctional fire alarms! This was of   course not up to the standards that would certify  the airport safe and usable for passengers, and   so the opening was ultimately delayed once more. A bunch of other issues started to arise over the   next few years as the airport’s opening kept  getting delayed further and further. Hundreds   of kilometers of wiring had to be rerouted  and rebuilt following drastic changes in the   airport’s layout. Thousands of doors were numbered  incorrectly. There weren’t enough check-in desks.   Entire walls had to be demolished and rebuilt.  A former manager for the airport was even   found to have accepted a corrupt bribe for a  company to secure a bid in the construction!   At one point, it was even reported that hundreds  of TV displays inside the terminals have already   broken over the duration of the airport’s delays  because they were left running despite the airport   itself not even being open to the public! After a grand total of 10 different delays   over a period of 14 years, the Berlin  Brandenburg Airport finally opened   to the public on the 31st of October 2020  during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic,   which made it an extremely difficult opening  month for the 14-year-old “new” airport.   Number 2: The Most Useless  Power Plant Ever Constructed   The Monju Nuclear Power Plant was a promise  of nuclear energy security for the Japanese   people when it was first proposed for  construction back in 1983. Located in   the Fukui Prefecture in central Japan, Monju  was a proof of concept for a new technology   that would have significantly reduced Japan’s  dependency on importing foreign nuclear fuel.   The power plant was one of two prototype  reactors designed to use spent fuel like   plutonium from conventional nuclear reactors  thereby substantially reducing the country’s   nuclear waste and serving as a reliable source  of power for the fast-growing Japanese economy.   While the technology for these  reactors was still in its infancy,   the move to begin construction on the Monju Power  Plant in the 80s seemed like a very good idea for   Japan. With the plant’s construction, Japan  had the opportunity to further improve the   technology and conduct real-world tests to prove  its efficiency and safety to the Japanese people.   Construction on the plant began in 1986 and  continued to be smooth-sailing until 1994 when the   plant’s nuclear reactor first reached criticality  - which is the point in a nuclear chain reaction   when it becomes self-sustaining. Finally, in  August 1995 the plant was inaugurated with the   Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development  Corporation taking charge of operations.   Since its inauguration, the Monju Power Plant  seemed to be performing properly and all systems   were functioning as intended. Unfortunately, just  three months after the plant was commissioned,   a coolant leak that subsequently caused a fire  in the facility forced Monju to temporarily   shut down. This incident would soon become  the first of many unfortunate, and sometimes   just even plain dumb issues and controversies that  would plague the power plant for decades to come.   After initial investigations, the coolant leak  was attributed to a weak point in one of the pipes   that carried the coolant for the plant. Although  the accident was not radioactive in nature,   it was met with harsh criticism from the  Japanese public when it was later revealed   that the company in charge tried to cover up  the incident by falsifying official reports,   editing surveillance footage, and  issuing a gag order to its employees.   Following the 1995 accident and subsequent  shutdown of the power plant, the Japan Atomic   Energy Agency announced their plans to finally  restart Monju in 2000, but the public were   still very much against the idea of the plant’s  reopening and so an ensuing five-year long legal   battle took place that ultimately resulted  in the Japanese Supreme Court giving the go   signal for the plant’s recommissioning. Monju was scheduled to restart in 2008,   but it was unfortunately delayed a total of two  more times and moved back as far as February   of 2010 because of the discovery of holes in  one of the facility’s auxiliary buildings.   The plant’s recommissioning became even  more difficult and expensive after the   delays when the new fuel that was loaded in the  reactor back in 2008 was found to have already   decayed to only half of its original plutonium  count making criticality impossible without   requiring another expensive replacement. Monju finally became partially operational   in May of 2010 but unsurprisingly at  this point, only three months later,   another accident befell the power plant when a  3 tonne piece of equipment meant for refueling   fell into one of the reactor vessels. It  took authorities almost an entire year just   to retrieve the fallen part from the reactor. Over the next few years, after a series of more   incidents relating to improper maintenance and  substandard management practices from the plant’s   operators, which at this point is just honestly  too many to count, the future of the Monju Nuclear   Power Plant started to become uncertain. It also didn’t help that the 2011 Fukushima   incident made the Japanese government reassess  its nuclear policy as the Japanese public started   to resist nuclear power. Over the course of  two decades since Monju was commissioned,   and after a total price tag of over  $8.5 billion USD, the power plant   generated usable power for the Japanese grid  for a grand total duration of just one hour!   In 2016, it was finally decided by the  Japanese government that the Monju Nuclear   Power Plant was to be decommissioned—a lengthy  process that is expected to take 30 years and   an additional $2.6 billion USD to complete. In its aftermath, the Japanese government never   got anything in return from their investment  and the Monju Nuclear Power Plant has only   caused them billions of dollars and decades of  wasted time to achieve virtually nothing.   Number 1: The Demolition of India’s Twin Towers The New Okhla Industrial Development Authority,   or Noida for short, is a planned city located  in India’s National Capital Region just a few   kilometers southeast of New Delhi. As part of a  rapid urbanization movement that began in 1976,   the city has grown today to become one of  the richest regions in the country and is   classified as a special economic zone. In 2015,  Noida was even ranked as the best city when it   comes to housing in the entire country. One of the top players in the country’s   real estate industry is Supertech Limited. Their  Noida Supertech Twin Towers located in Sector 93A   of the city are a pair of residential high-rise  buildings that were planned to be the centerpiece   of Supertech’s Emerald Court residential complex.  A high-end residential development that features   various amenities such as a clubhouse, gym,  swimming pool, and even a jogging track.   Individually, the towers were to be called the  Apex and Ceyane Towers and would both stand as   tall as 40 floors high. With such height, the  twin towers were to be the tallest buildings   within the entire residential complex, overlooking  both Noida and New Delhi from its top floors.   The first set of residential buildings in the  Emerald Court complex started construction back   in 2005. The original plan was for Supertech to  construct 14 nine-story towers that would serve   both residential and commercial purposes.  But by 2009, when the smaller towers were   already constructed and hundreds of  residents have already moved in, the   plan had changed unbeknownst to the residents. By this point, the new plan for the complex   would now consist of 15 eleven-story buildings  and two towers that would rise way beyond the   rest of any other building in Emerald  Court — the Apex and Ceyane towers.   Four residents of Emerald Court were the first  to notice how an area that was supposed to be   the site of construction for a shopping complex  and green area started to look suspiciously like   the foundations for a residential high-rise. Emerald Court’s residents were rightfully   angered and furious by how they were given  false promises of luxurious apartments with   open-air views of the city’s skyline. The high court ruled in favor of the   residents in 2014 and ordered the demolition of  the towers over the grounds of a violation of the   National Building Code that required residential  towers to be at least 16 meters apart compared   to the tiny 9 meters that stood between the Twin  Towers and a neighboring residential building.   Supertech disputed the ruling and brought the  legal battle up to India’s Supreme Court. Finally,   in August of 2021, after a lengthy back and  forth and nine years of tiring legal dispute,   the Supreme Court upheld the ruling set forth  by the Allahabad High Court back in 2014,   and the demolition of the Noida Supertech  Twin Towers was now set in stone.   On the 28th of August 2022, after just a mere  10 seconds and around 3,700 kg of strategically   placed explosives, the 100-meter towers containing  around 850 flats quickly imploded upon itself in   what is now the tallest structure to ever be  voluntarily demolished in the country.   What do you think about these megaprojects  that took a really dumb turn? Could their   issues have been prevented? Let us know in  the comments below. If you want to learn   more about other megaprojects you can check  out our video “Insane Megaprojects that were   Never Built”! Thank you for watching,  and we will see you in the next video!
Channel: Top Luxury
Views: 269,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top luxury, megaprojects, construction, building, biggest construction fails, failed construction projects, useless, expensive mistakes, worlds most expensive mistakes, berlin brandenburg airport, demolition, tallest building demolition, building demolition, tallest demolished buildings, dumbest megaprojects, dumbest, dumbest construction projects, india tower demolition, tower demolition india, worlds dumbest construction projects, most useless megaprojects, berlin airport disaster
Id: 5JX2Lu2_gT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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