The Inhumans - Caravan of Garbage

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okay so James I know today you wanted me to talk about some sort of old Marvel TV series or something sure but I was just thinking you have like quite a big audience here and I I just wanted to pitch my uh young adult fantasy series okay so to the listeners maybe get some money folks involved this isn't really the platform for this I know oh okay I want to get rich quick because you know there's the Hunger Games and there's like Divergent and there was there's all those kind of things well it's a series about this cruel uncaring Society right like The Peasants they all work their fingers to the Bone right in service of this royal family who don't care about them at all right okay and also in the society there's this weird ritual when you become an adolescent you're forced into it right where it unlocks your sort of secret special power and you don't know what it is but if you get a cool Power like if you can shoot lasers out of your hands butterfly wings maybe if you can fly that'd be incredible you've got a projector head your face is like a literal projector ah listen how about this how about we go if you get a cool Power you get to live in luxury you know with the royal family and with the elates but if you get a weird power like the projector thing you had or like you become some sort of you know horrible mutant through no fault of your own well they send you underground to work in their minds until you die question yes is the thing you're mining for is the thing that also transforms you into a horrible monster or a special Royal person James that's a great idea thank you because you could be the cause of your own destruction that means I get royalties for this because I had an idea and he's gonna edit this okay but here's the thing right we're gonna need one man right one special man okay pretty special because he didn't get any powers right it is special that's like me I'm not special but he doesn't get sent down to the mines because he's the brother of the king they're right and so he eventually realizes that the society lives in is like cruel and unjust and it's working out really badly for people so he goes to his family and he says we should use our powers and our resources to go to a nearby land where we can all live free and and we don't have to toil anymore but if these family are like now we like it the way things are we think it's cool exactly the way it is so what he does he gets a bunch of like the peasants together and he forms a like a force like a rebellion right and then and then they're going to raise weapons up against the royal family and they're good they're going to take the society back for the people anyway James I think he's going to be a really great villain what do you reckon about that that's I mean what a what a story right what an idea I'll see because I was thinking I want it on IMAX because you know how like in the movie Black Panther sure uh the the villain killmonger he's so compelling because you listen to what he says you think to yourself is he right so I was thinking the way to make an even more compelling villain is to have him be completely right like absolutely right and just say the right things and and do what he can to make things better for for you know that just the normal regular people because you'd be watching the show and you'd be like why have they made him a villain this is very compelling I think they made him a villain because he was a villain in Game of Thrones so they went that'll just translate what are you talking about I'm talking about my hypothetical I hate to break it to you but they made this show and it was really terrible what was it called it was called in humans oh yeah we watched that together oh that's where I got my idea gov out of garbage is back baby I mean you saw it in the thumbnail in the description we're back for the new year that was parody Or sex until I am I don't know it was one of those but yeah we watched the the weirdest premise of this show is that uh the villain is um trying to do the right thing but here's the difference what's the difference the royal family of the good guys yeah because they've got all the cool Powers as I mentioned and they're sexy they're pretty sexy aren't nice and the others are a bunch of Argos like imagine being the hero of a bunch of Argos projector eyes weird hands with crab claw hands right yeah a guy that can see the future but [ __ ] you get in the mine you dumb [ __ ] where are your wings you [ __ ] what's your wingless [ __ ] what's better butterfly wings are seeing the future if one of those two had to go in the mine yeah come on right do you reckon they keep the projector head glider cupboard yes like an actual project 100 yes so anyway if you haven't seen this this is a TV series uh that initially debuted in IMAX Cinemas the first two episodes shockingly we saw them both yeah and then we didn't watch the rest of the series no then it was canceled but we we Revisited the first two episodes because we're like is it as bad as we remember yeah it might be worse yeah it might be worse seeing this as well on a regular TV this is not equipped for IMAX in any way and I know the people behind IMAX running it were like this is kind of insulting that you gave us this well because it like very early on in the in the first episode there is an attempt to do like IMAX quality camera work like you see somebody run through the forest and all the the raindrops are dripping down and it's in kind of slow-mo but then there's like a really terrible CGI waterfall that's very obviously been like drawn in in post the guy with a big green head big green head guy yeah exactly and then it just falls into like regular TV stuff after about five minutes well do you know though the I'll leave a like you're supposed to it's important the road to this becoming a TV show or an IMAX exclusive yeah whatever however it started it was an interesting one because they were kind of strong-armed into making this a movie it's the only Marvel movie that was you know lined up in the Slate that they didn't make yeah now we've talked about how other companies like you know your DC's and the and your Valiants they're always announcing these new properties that they kind of people get fired they fall by the wayside the same with like Star Wars you know what I mean they're constantly yeah Marvel's been very consistent about it except for this one thing like exactly so it was supposed to be the 11th movie it was an Ike Pearl mutter idea by the way if you don't know what I pill matter looks like he's that very Sinister image of him standing with Trump look I I say Sinister because there's really no other way you could describe this you've seen this ever I've seen it yeah it's very Sinister very not to get political yeah maybe there was ominous music over that picture that's not up to me that's the picture doing that right where does your head from looking at it then the editor didn't do that that was just in there very Sinister and not to get political but this show is all about like stay in your lane if you're poor if you if you don't rise above your station don't don't do it what do you people your bed is exactly yeah the idea was that they were going to minimize the X-Men and the Fantastic Four in merch in TV shows in video games because they didn't own the Cinematic rights to those at the time so they were going to sink them that's right so they're gonna they're gonna big up uh the Inhumans they're gonna become the new you know extreme cool Powers fighting force the New Mutants yeah exactly that's that's right you know they got a big push on Agents of Shield much better than this by the way yeah right yeah and so it was rumored though that Kevin feige stepped around Ike Pearl Mudder to be like this guy's controlling budgets he's pushing this weird movie that I don't want to make he was also the one who said that you know he didn't think black panther would make any money or Captain Marvel these things wouldn't sell but also to recast Roadie because nobody would notice like that's the kind of guy that we're that we're dealing with real cool dude so it eventually got you know pushed to television he's still got to make and IMAX and I'm sorry sorry and since then it's been pushed to Disney Plus in like a weird side cabinet in order to access it we needed the two Key Systems to unlock it and we're the first two people who've watched it I think kudos to Disney plus though there's that real get smart Corridor of additional doors before you can get to it just a bunch of parental locks but it's not parental locks it's just like are you sure what are you doing you can turn around Mickey Mouse isn't the last one he's like are you sure guys he puts his big dogs out please begging you though to be fair like kudos to Disney it's kind of amazing that it's on here yeah they couldn't get rid of it so bad yeah we've only watched the first two episodes maybe it takes a jump the other thing of a waterfall but to be fair they didn't put any effort into it for what it's kind of difficult to find and also there's no recap at the start of each episode it's just like doesn't matter just finish it all right yeah anyway uh the Inhumans yeah they're a genetic offshoot of humanity they move to the Moon Back in the Day what a spectacular location I Hope they've got a whole lot of amazing moonesque technology they can show for us Apartments yep nice Apartments regular hair clippers oh my god oh yep you're right actually I've made a list of things that they have on the moon to make it uh really spooked out I think they send a guy down to get him like they must because they have the technology they can either use a shuttle or a teleporting dog so they've got uh yeah regular Apartments wrist communicators which turn into telephones cool uh pillows potted plants headphones guns I saw a fork at one point okay uh oh you're expecting some sort of weird Moon Fork remember that episode of Red Dwarf or they they sit with that guy at the table Legion is it oh yeah he's got those magic wavy super Forks good points shouldn't they yeah there's haircuts such as like uh spraying a black line into your into your blonde hair also uh it's terrible Resource Management because I'd imagine there's not a lot of water on the moon and they've just got a pond it's just a pond there Point well the rich people have a point of a pond they're in a ditch they wash in a ditch right with Ditch dirt that's right not even water so I just also want to touch on the amazing display of unique powers and how people get allocated because even though it is a society where the amazing people are supposed to go into the amazing Royal group yeah it obviously doesn't work that way there's a guy who's got like cow hooves and I guess he's sort of strong he's the dumbest very good looking yeah oh okay so that's part of it too I think so yeah you might be right but also like why is hoofman who's got super strength better than the guy with crab claw lizard hands who's good at digging like it's the good looking thing isn't it it's a good looking thing and also as you mentioned he can't hold a fork how's he gonna go how is he gonna be at a at a posh dinner at a little dinner party with the Royals trying to hold a canopy with his crab claws ridiculous uh I also think like it's not terribly cast but I don't think there's some very good performances or even like expression of what the characters are supposed to be because like you mentioned the good guys are very unlikable and I know like the bad guys also like there's one scene where it's like he's a creep because he you know he's he's making a move but other other people in this are a creep as well the Karnak is like hitting on a servant and then saying he's gonna murder her yeah by the second afternoon I'd want to kill you but he's a good guy yeah exactly okay I wanted to ask you about him specifically because he's got one of the very unique and interesting powers where he's got the Nicholas Cage next Powers have you ever seen the movie yeah right yeah he can kind of project into the future where he's in say a fight scenario and then he can like oh okay so that guy's gonna shoot there so I'll grab this guy oh no I got shot that didn't work I'll reverse that now this one can sort of calculate fight probabilities yeah but what happens to that guy he bumps his head so a guy who should never lose his footing because he can always see the future he slips and he bumps his head that's right yeah his powers don't work anymore yeah no there's one location on the earth that he can't say the future in and it's like a foot wide patch of dirt just didn't see it coming you know so yeah a few of the New Mutants are sent down to earth to find I mean in humans what shut up Mason does it matter no yeah a few of them get sent to Earth on on various missions or there to escape and one of them are the cowhoof man they're like if if there's one person who can find the guy with a green head Triton it's this guy he's one of the best and the first thing he does is he walks into the ocean and nearly drowns because he doesn't know what water is I mean they've got that part they've got the pond so yeah right over right a big rolling like massive liquid and I'd never seen that before yeah I probably would walk into it well it's interesting that the Inhumans that end up on Earth despite the fact that they've been surveilling Earth for it seems like hundreds or thousands of years they don't know anything about what happens on Earth or any of the customs of Earth at one point Black Bolt the leader of the Inhumans walks into a uh uh he wants he wants to go undercover he's the dumbest person in this by the way and it's partly because he can't talk and partly because of his like no I think he's just dumb he seems very dumb but he goes into her because he wants to go undercover so he's smart enough to know that he had that is that he's in humans Royal garbage is a little bit out of place so he just walks into a a clothing store and he puts on a suit and then he just walks out where they're paying for it you don't understand currency like you don't have currency where you're from you've just got working in the minds the other thing is he walks out and then immediately gets you know captured by the police because he stole a suit yeah his initial idea was I'm going deep undercover hi I'm gonna wear a sexy cool Earth suit not this I guess it's like an X-Men costume isn't it it's like X-Men costume but he's an absolutely nothing Brian seeing it era X-Men cosplayer look at that duck one he killed his parents I know it was a hilarious sir it is hilarious maybe that's why they let him like stay that was pretty funny actually yeah you can begin you're pretty funny maybe we learn later on in the series like is this a critique of the Royals because he's he's the king despite the fact he's he's dumb as a box of rocks they probably run out of budget at the end and they just go yeah this was about the actual uh royal family um I don't know if you picked up on that but we didn't paint them in a good light on purpose yeah also we ran out of budget that's why it's me the normally mute guide is telling you the moral of this story short dog was uh Prince Charles or something yeah or like all the corgis like last year or something like that or whatever that is one good thing I can say about uh this show just quickly the big dog for a television big dog it looks pretty good yeah it has a big there's a funny intro to the character where you're like she's the crystal is like he's like hey come here locks you're the dog and you think it's gonna be a little dog but then it's a really big dog that's right okay very funny very funny funny like a man splattering his parents across the wall by talking at them why remember that yeah wasn't it yeah yeah that dog was pretty good though apparently and I can't confirm this for budgetary reasons it it really like drops off in later episodes you're not saying it that much but yeah he doesn't understand shops he doesn't understand photos despite him having all sorts of like technology on the moon where projectorizing well that and they've got like regular screens and stuff yeah he doesn't understand standing in traffic so like he doesn't understand like big moving Vehicles Medusa and again you said like oh maybe he's part of the royal family yeah but he knows that they don't know who he is right yeah exactly he knows that the people of Hawaii don't know he's the king so of course they're going to run him over another thing is because he said Goose but it's strange because Medusa his wife she knows about cars and traffic and she knows what a bus is and she's like where does this bus go or whatever take me back to wherever also one of the things they made a point of and to be fair like I like Anson Mount I think he's really good in Discovery right I think he's I'm glad he got another chance me too because quite frankly no good good but it's been mentioned that one of the ideas was that he would have it would be a voice over yeah right his thoughts and they went you know what we want to be inclusive so we're going to make this we're going to make this sign language so for more conclusive you know for our for our deaf viewers but the thing is as we as we discovered before the show what's the Twist on that it's not a real sign language they made it up it's if they're speaking regular Earth English it can just be one of the many variations on sign language if that's what you're aiming for maybe don't just do lazy like hand tapping like because it's nothing like there's no indication from what he's doing you can't tell what he's saying unless someone's like oh he's saying this shut up I mean shut your hands up uh well also if we're talking funny scenes another one of the hilarious scenes is um when Medusa gets a gets her head shaved and she's like oh my hair retrospect S I mean they see GI some of it sometimes but also like their powers don't really reflect what they have in the comics because black Bolt's got other stuff going on something to do with that tuning fork on his head yeah Medusa can like he's got Perfect Pitch he's got Perfect Pitch but if only he was allowed to sing but he's not allowed to and he owns all the Pitch Perfect movies it's exactly right thank you very much but like your hair's liking it's indestructible and it can stretch like a very long distance and do all sorts of different tactile things but here it's like she can choke you if she's in like hair distance sure yeah which if that's the case maybe grow your hair a little bit longer maybe grow your hair a little bit longer split ends though maybe she's got a problem maybe that maybe that is the problem yeah but look the thing is about this show if you love people aimlessly wandering around Hawaii this might be right up your ass yeah I guess if you've ever watched the TV series Hawaii Five-0 and you're like man they they really get a lot done solving all these crimes and such I wish they didn't do anything like that I wish their lives were meaningless ultimately here's the thing though we're at a bit of a Crossroads we're at a dilemma right the thing is I'm conflicted because should we finish this in another episode right should we come back should we watch the remaining six big old episodes yeah so we're gonna leave that up to you guys to decide do you want us to come back and finish this next week or even another week uh we will but when we're not happy about it if we do and it'll probably be just one of episode where we smooshed them all in but I guess I do want to know how did Black Bolt escape the prison I'm guessing he just he spoke in the glass of the wall out yeah right yeah because he can do that because he's very easily he flips a car at one point he matches his parents does he get bonked on the head I think he does get bonked on the head maybe he gets a second Bonk on the head and that restores everything you should do that to Triton no not trying tattoo face man who said he's gonna kill that servant yep whatever his name is that's right it's great khanak thanks let's uh make sure we take note of that for next week if we come back anyways I just interestingly uh Jeff lope who was a big creative driving force behind this he dreamed of a world where where Daisy from Agents of Shield would cross over with Black Bolt and say something like you aren't the king of me and we never got that tragic well in these next episodes we don't but uh can you imagine a world where that happens yep oh me too two actors in a room having one of them says one line I can't imagine that yeah me too I've seen taboo before much to the Chagrin of us uh the people talking in this video James and Mason hello hello everybody like uh Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise we're gonna boldly go where no man has gone before and watch the remaining episodes of Inhumans the TV series a five-year Mission it seemed like it does seem that way doesn't it the audacity of making these like 43 or 47 minutes long each because you know with the new Marvel stuff you get 22 minutes of this and like that's it that's all you get that's all you deserve but when I started up episode three and I know that they made these and released them in you know 2017. the idea that there were more of these I'm just like where did where did they make these how did this happen I think they I'm really not sure did they make them all in one huge block but we made them all we have to release them it would have to be because otherwise they wouldn't keep making these would they anyway leave a like especially for Ben who's editing these videos he made a personal play that he'd not have to watch the remedy Guy episodes and people decided they decided we hate bam hashtag we hate Ben they said there was a concerted campaign on Twitter also uh just just a little thing this is nothing the title sequence is awful like I genuinely went I should go on Fiverr and just get someone to to knock one uh slightly better version I did it because that would involve me thinking about the Inhumans more that I have and spending five dollars quite frankly that'd just be adding insult to injury at this point and the theme is just the start of the Avengers theme but then the composer just sort of forgot where it went and just went just a bit of noodling so we are doing episodes three to eight capping off uh the Inhumans for good hopefully I hope they never make anything in humans ever again at the risk of something like this popping up you know I don't need rather they just don't just spit at all it's like yeah fair enough time the remainder of this series for the most part is separate Little Adventures because that's what you want in a team up series or movie you know what I mean just split them all up and have them run around in the forest which I guess is very X-Men in a way because most of the X-Men movies are running around in a fight that is true so I've broken it down into into story beats okay all right so we're gonna go character by character but a little Adventure that's right before they converge because they they have to converge eventually and then humans big adventure that's right and then they use all their powers together just kidding they don't it doesn't happen a lot of characters uh lose their powers in in the previous two episodes we mentioned and just never get them back really just or sort of get them back one character's legs change he's just got regular legs he starts out with goat legs and then for the rest of the series he's got regular legs I just went I want it back I'm like is there a scene that I skipped out on because I was not paying a huge amount of attention where like his DNA gets altered by his dip into the ocean or his legs fall off and he's just they put regular wooden legs on him or something nah they're just like could be tricky for this guy to fight in action sequences with those weird goat leg Yeah uh stilt things just just say he has regular legs I presume him it's some kind of boots disguise but like oh yeah no it's a boot disguise I mean that's not what it is but can you imagine him click clopping through a forest in like little cow stilts the actor breaking his ankle yeah couldn't do it and they need the line better put on my boot disguise so these dudes from Hawaii aren't scared by my goat legs even though they immediately figure out who I am when they find me in the ocean if I put on my boot disguise they'll immediately embrace me like a brother and they'll want to just fight for me and just machine gun people at random just at my whim because we're all soldiers I guess which also the people let's talk about that's what we're talking about so his his story is that he teams up with some people from Hawaii I mean initially he goes into the ocean as we mentioned and immediately nearly drowns yeah then he comes out and these guys from Hawaii like Surf's Up Surf's Up and and like you we once had a king so we will support you without question yeah even though you could be from an invading alien Army which in a way you are that's right so it also has uh one of my favorite moments from this series a flashback to where he steals the American flag from the Moon he's like look what I found it was just out out there come on man like how much of a [ __ ] would you have to be to actually take that genuinely oh a big moral you'd have to be a big [ __ ] which I guess is why he dies uh stamping the ground which is this thing the one thing that he does and I think the one effect they can kind of do because you can do that in app have you noticed that oh that's I guess that's that's like a filter you could do with like a VFX app well actually there is one other great effect in his little story which is that one of the soldiers that is that is after him she has the incredible inhuman ability to make stay chance from slightly out of shot pull a bunch of plants yes us it's incredible incredible she's like I'm gonna Focus all my Powers now you Surly Tradesman move these plants the incredible thing about that is as well it's like 30 seconds like they could just go whoop but they you really see how cheap it is because you see all the plants like fold back very slowly well the team the teamsters are being paid by the hour oh that makes sense actually when you think about it anyway he dies uh a roof collapses on him but then he comes back because of terrigen mysteries which I guess we'll talk about uh Black Bolt his um the adventure the Little Adventures of blackball so his adventures is uh having a mate and experiments I guess yeah so he gets arrested I'll also add and running around in a forest or jungle that for everybody everybody's running around for at some point yeah sure he gets thrown into jail yeah but fortunately he gets thrown into a jail where there's already an existing inhuman yeah hot hands is in the jail yeah and so a doctor calls up hot hands and he's like listen hot hands you don't know me but uh I need you to do me this favor usually your hot hands to team up with Black Bolt real name black agar boltagon correct not a joke sounds like a dumb thing we would say on this yeah yeah or anything but it's it's his real name go go get him and team up with him become his best friend in jail and then escape the jail with him and then we'll come and get you in a helicopter and then yeah then we can use science all together you know to recreate inhuman stuff he's doing it for the bad guy the bad guy which again will oh that's right there's gonna be a there's gonna be uh there's gonna be a betrayal or something big betrayal because this guy gets him out of jail yeah exactly and Black Bolt is is has lost his wife he doesn't know where his wife is yeah and so the doctor's like maybe if she's an inhuman maybe she's on my database of incredible Inhumans with Incredible Powers check it out on this iPad and then he's like all right um is it lady with the long fingers no is it big mouth girl no is it weird fake tan girl is it another one inch Spike man oh my goodness I like X-Men three also I know there is a moment right at the start of episode three where they're like this guy like bolt is uh he's we gotta watch out for him because look look at this footage of him destroying these these police cars and being in an altercation with the police and it's just footage from the previous episode I hate that that is like my least favorite okay they're like we've got this cell phone footage of him running a muck on the street and it's just professionally yeah footage from the previous episode hate it it's one of my least favorite things in anything even in this even in this one of the worst shows the laziness like a good example of that is you know the Luke Skywalker could reveal in the Mandalorian right the footage that they're watching on the monitors isn't the same footage that the audience sees when it cuts to him of like panning and all this yeah security footage it's just lazy just put some Grain on it at least so it looks like it's been filmed on a phone exactly anyway uh we get a bit of a backstory about Black Bolt he doesn't want to be king we also find out which was a shock to me that when he killed his parents he'd already been told to not speak because he'd kill somebody and he doesn't doubt this don't speak maybe it's so eclectic but it's cohesive one of the reveals is that Maximus kind of set him up to do that to his parents but not really the genetic Council were like we're gonna absolutely like lobotomize your kid yeah how about sign off on this we're definitely going to do this and his parents are like well think about it but then Maximus is like I'll fake the signature I'll do it yeah so also one of the things happens is Maximus gets the genetic Council killed side note side Side Story little Adventure it's like when the council dies on Krypton it's like good like I don't these people should be dead they shouldn't exist they're just like upholding ridiculous bureaucracy they're misery Merchants yeah that's right exactly they're sending people into the booth giving them weird like projector eyes or like like bear claws or whatever and then being like well you suck down the mines you go and what's incredible is because every time somebody goes in they're like we don't know what they're gonna get sometimes a guy will come out and his entire face is a laser and he kills everybody in the room right but with every ceremony that we see in this show there's just 12 people standing around going oh very good so whatever to the guy anyway whatever it's a bad system in a way it should be a guy who wants to get rid of it but he's kind of rude and loud and mean so I guess why would you support that guy that's a really good point yeah exactly uh so Medusa her story is being a bad friend now in the previous video we did in the first two episodes we watched of this show it seemed it's to be that Medusa wasn't clueless about the ways of Earth yeah but I think they decided it was more interesting if she just was again just like when she goes to the ATM and goes I'm the queen give me some money some money so she knows what money is yes but she thinks that if you approach an ATM that clearly says insert card you just say that you're the queen of another planet and it gives you money that's how it works yeah so instead of being you know a knowledgeable powerful inhuman with Incredible hair based Powers uh instead she's just a fairly unbalanced shaven head lady who has a laser gun sometimes yes that's a whole deal and she's just breaking into houses well that's the thing isn't it she's a thief and she's a bad friend like she's she keeps going to that friend and being like can you help me and then the Friend helps and she's like great I'm going and then she'll steal the car it's almost like once these people are stripped of their powers and their Royal titles they're just bad people it's almost like that isn't it also one of the reveals of the girls of that character is that her parents were banished for doing the same thing Maximus did and then she just married blackbolt and just became the regular queen and just upheld all the order and they tried to justify it to be like no she was actually seeing the humanity in Black Bolt [ __ ] you took an opportunity to be like I could be Queen so I'm just gonna do that and not change anything it's just sold out that's right this show is all about upholding the honor of your parents if you're Black Bolt but if you're not don't worry about it what I think is also an incredible crime of this character uh in relation to her being a bad friend uh when they go back to the moon the woman's like I want to go to the Moon all I want to do is go to the Moon take me to the moon and she's like no you have to stay in this barn and explain to the police that there wasn't a big dog in here or you all could leave and then when they opened the door speaking of there's a side story that's just a big dog in a barn that's well that's true I mean you know some some of the Inhumans get boyfriends and or girlfriends it's all right that happens uh and and one of those is is Crystal and she gets a cool quad bike riding guy who just loves to swim in the middle of crises yep he just loves to just get out there and be like hey man hang loose chill just chill out for once I mean sure your parents and your family are missing because like somebody wants to murder him chill out just take some time just have us a little skinny dude we say here we say chill out you say chill out give me a high five and chill out with me yeah and she's like oh this guy's got something going on think it might be a brain damage from that time he fell off his quad bike so we've also got uh what is the guy you mentioned the guy could sort of see the future so he uh I think you fell off maybe it's the side of a side of a hill in Hawaii and hit your head because you can never remember this guy's name I really can't it's not as him though and that's what he did he fell off he fell off the side of a hill and he hit his head in his incredible Powers disappeared and then he just decided to be a Sad Sack Loser yeah and then he cut a bullet in half and I'm like great his powers are back not really Shorty's girlfriend shot his guess what happened there he's using some powers like a little bit later again he's probably got the most visually interesting and compelling power to observe unfold yeah they just don't really do it and like a lot of these Inhumans he shows up and he's like I'm clearly unbalanced and dangerous and somebody's like oh so intriguing I want to be friends or more with this person I like that his side Adventure is I guess guys who are growing marijuana where he has to defeat an evil Nathan Drake that's like we're weird and dangerous yeah that's right but love but love also yeah and what happens to her she just she's just like I can't be in love anymore and she just wanders off into this there's a tank loose baby it's all throughout the spirit of Hawaii baby uh I know it's not really I think they've got a Hawaii must have got a tax credit for this I hope so and and I think they were in exchange they were like you've got to make sure the spirit of Hawaii permeates this whole show you can certainly feel that free love baby just chill out hang loose Hang Ten that's right so in a moco Loco which is a rice and eggs based dish that sounds really good delicious it's very nice anyway I want to talk about a few of the minor players so there's a bunch of generic bad guys that uh you know that are running around the forest also one of them is mortise I just want to say nice outfit more that's really cool he's like a [ __ ] idiot in your garbage bag sir is that a dead space cosplay you haven't finished it yet is that what's happening bad awful also uh he's not that bad a guy but everyone's like he's the worst guy we know with his big laser face and we locked him away and then later you find out he's just like why'd you lock me away I didn't want to be locked away he could have not locked me away he didn't lock away Black Bolt and they're like nah we're gonna kill you though I mean Black Bolt if he like Whispers in his sleep he could kill everybody I can just put this mask on and everything's fine I can sleep in this it's fine you know I'll just sleep on my back yep nah [ __ ] him right yeah because it's good to have powers unless you've got too much powers and and you're not the kid where's his sexy face can't see it it's probably so sexy throw him in the mines yeah there's also El drag which is a sad face in the wall which you haven't mentioned the teleporting War man uh so I did some research on this guy he hates teleporting people because it hurts a lot what they've actually done to this person according to the comics he's actually like a whole Stone man and they just built him into the structure so like you probably didn't have to do that I could have could have let him live his life but of course uh we get the return of uh the greatest villain in all of Marvel history and by villain I mean obvious hero uh Maximus well James he's not the obvious hero because over the course of the series he gets increasingly sweaty yeah and he has like darker rings around his eyes but also people constantly betray him and his main motivation we find out is because when he went to become an inhuman uh goodies and human powers or whatever he just became a regular human yeah and so he wants to like give that another go and they're like no other Council says you can't just let him do it just do it when everybody's asleep I reckon all you have to to do is stand in a booth and stick a crystal in there yep so I think he's a bit of an earth weave this guy because we looked at like he had the hair clippers where are you getting those I think he's collecting Trinkets and one thing that Ben furiously messaged me over over private DM's messages Oh wow was it he uses PayPal to put to pay the scientist does he really wow how do you know Maximus he he paid for all this research how he lives on the [ __ ] Moon I love the increasingly wild justifications why he is still the villain in this there's at one point one of his soldiers is like is speaking to Medusa and is like you know we're we're gonna free if the people from your horrible rain Medusa I mean use is like well sure I mean you know we do oversee this this caste system which is kind of you know making your whole life a misery but Maximus did force you to come down here and stop us didn't he so real so it's a really good boy who's the real villain you know yeah what about all the people you sent to Earth for various missions but also they're like we've we forbid you to do another Terra Genesis because that would be awful it would just go mad maybe for a bit and then they then Karnak just brings Gorgon back and Medusa's like we'll have words about this later okay cool so there's no consequences yeah they might go mad for a little bit what are my favorite moments in this uh and favorite because obviously it's bad is when he takes the scientist Desmond from Lost uh it's still lost alumni in this well they're still hanging out of Hawaii exactly one inch spikes guy Desmond probably others I just need to clarify yeah we know it's the same guy from X-Men we know yeah we got messages but uh when he first sees the Terra Genesis chamber he's like oh my God it looks like a phone booth which of course like yeah it does like it looks like [ __ ] but Maximus goes no it's far more than that obviously those things are so far removed where you wouldn't be like yeah I see what you're saying but it's it's more than that we [ __ ] know it's got Skype I know all the apps I use them because I'm on Earth weave anyways it looks like [ __ ] I know you have feelings though about his uh his political plan and how things went awry for him and maybe he's a bad guy but maybe he's not a bad guy well I mean he's a good guy I mean again he's just he's just mean and he's rude a little bit because his plan is to get all the Inhumans to Earth where they would have bountiful lands to to live free and Shout at ATMs and Etc uh and and it is a good plan and it's better than a bunch of people working in the mines and eventually what happens is he forces the hand of the royal family who are like hmm it seems as if this Grassroots campaign to get everybody to worth is popular and also our society is crumbling so how about we go to the people and we make a speech about how this was our plan all along this is actually we're actually yeah we're gonna we're gonna go through with this but not with that meanie that mean he's not going to be with us so don't even worry about it it's bloody establishment but politics is what it is sorry to get political but it's almost like the ruling class we're like oh this this little campaign that the people have started well will be in more trouble if we if we don't do it then if we do so I guess hashtag teleport to Earth through a man who's a wall for all you know what I mean ridiculous makes me angry yeah and fair enough but I guess they came back and they learned some lessons from Earth I don't think they did no they really did Hang Ten though chill out I don't know here's a question though and look there's probably an answer in the show you know that pond that they have the one Pond yeah yeah there's two people in white robes that just sit in front of it what is that good question is it an interface but is it like a Minority Report situation Minority Report situation but they need a third guy yeah and they're just waiting for the the third guy to be Terra Genesis so they can all see the future or whatever like look I think if you're waiting for a third guy to do some Minority Report stuff into the mines like make use of him until the third guy turns up I bet they're drinking that water when no one's in the room they're like oh what this water is a house so uh there's the promise in this series of uh black Bolt's Powers you get a hint at it when he goes and the car goes Flip Flip Flip Flip Jesus Christ that's Jason Bourne so the whole time they're like this guy's more dangerous than anybody if he unleashes his power the whole city could collapse everybody would be crushed under rubble and so sad and it would be sad wouldn't it yeah all right because he's dangerous and it's sad and then we finally and he's an idiot so the reveal of his power at the end is he decides to trap Maximus on on the moon in a bunker so he's safe with food forever and then he comes out and he goes goodbye brother whatever and then like some rocks and concrete crumble down and that's the only real use of his powers that we see it's not even that spectacular at all I want to see him like in a combat situation just do something else with it than that are you [ __ ] kidding me we waited eight episodes for that you have it in the budget right now yeah I forgot the budget right now that's why that dog's in the barn so much exactly right yes and then of course I'm waiting for like the return of Medusa I thought like she was gonna get some kind of Terra Genesis transformation or something Mohawk whatever you know I'm like they're in a situation where it's like yeah not nothing I'm carrying all over all over the place yeah just at the end they all stand on a football field and go we made it to Earth except for the rocker but uh we made it to Earth and it's all our doing yeah that's right we did it and you're welcome yeah you're very much welcome it didn't get better did it really did not yeah like I certainly fell into a rhythm with it where it just kind of washed over me at a certain point I did a lot of uh yelling at the TV yes I also I did another bit of a deep dive on Disney plus because I noticed these episodes actually do have Recaps because I guess yeah these were released week to week I assume when they came out so that's why there's no way of knowing no there really is no one watches it no one will admit to watching it yeah but when you search for Inhumans on Disney plus you get one result it's not like also are you thinking about X-Men are you thinking about various animated series and whatever maybe you want some other MCU stuff going on maybe an ages of Shield because that has in humans in Australia yeah nothing it's like there's one result this is definitely not linked to anything else so I tested this for a few other things including cars so if you search for cars you get all the cars properties and all the car spin-offs and then you just get like the Mandalorian you know what I mean if you buy cars but Mandalorian land speed is a light cars yeah I think they really just want to be clear that like this is definitively not linked to anything else even though we know it's definitely not linked to the Mandalorian and you know that we're not going to chance that that's also going to show up in the search results for the Inhumans fascinating fast enough goes deep it certainly does I hate it yeah it sucks it's better yeah I'm I'm sorry to anybody who worked on this because it's obviously not your fault you get let in to the world that you're watching it's going to give everything a much larger scale which is really exciting you know Live Houston who's in this I do that's true who plays the girlfriend who the vengeful eventful vet did much better stuff thank God check out um check out uh Santa Clarita diet exactly yeah they're just no good and uh hopefully this kind of new age of Marvel television and you know the new faces that we're rolling into I think lessons will learn to write one would hope so one would hope so I'm mean they certainly didn't give the showrunner another show oh view another show yeah scientist the show iron fist isn't as bad as this no it's not yeah anyways it's been Caravan and garbage we do this every week and also if you want to see these videos early you can actually go to and sign up if you want it's like a patreon tip but we control all of it don't we may that's right like vengeful Royals that's right we're definitely in the wrong what we say goes exactly tough but it's not just early episodes it's also bonus podcasts including our click bait show including our Time Capture where we take a look at a year in pop culture we do a comic book club that's right and we do a whole bunch of movie commentaries right we have a grand old time we did X-Men Origins Wolverine Origins didn't we it sucks it's a bad movie it's better than if you like things that suck Marvel properties that suck in a bad sign up at it's right there for you to check out also we have a podcast called the weekly planet where we talk movies in comics and TV shows comes out every week doesn't it every Monday check it out news of the week we do a topic yes and goodbye no more in humans we did it that's right as we say every week hang loose baby it's the spirit of War chill out chill out just chill out ah it's also called Loco Moco I marked up there oh I just wanted to get that out there I've been thinking about it for like 10 minutes but it's a delightful rice and egg-based Dish I'm getting into it yeah it's good I'm chilling out chilling to Spirit Away baby [Music]
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 601,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: DSHaCgmsrAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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