The Incredibly Incredible Soundtrack of The Incredibles

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are up for an important bulletin a deadly high-speed Pursuit between police and armed gunman is underway traveling Northbound on San Pablo Avenue [Music] so early on in this film we just get such a great Vibe For What It's Gonna feel like the score for the Incredibles was written by Michael jokino who you may remember we just recently talked about when we discussed another one of his films Rogue one so if you saw that video you'll know that one thing that Michael is amazing at is drawing these influences from either previous works or just different types of music that Aid in making the film feel exactly how it needs to feel at any given time here in The Incredibles we see the exact same thing immediately now one thing that we obviously can hear are the influences from Spy movies since they became a thing I mean James Bond the mission impossible Series this film being a Pixar film has an element of fun and comedy to it while being a superhero movie in a spy movie all at the same time so I think immediately we hear that with such a what normally would be a very serious thing of somebody running from the cops and shooting at them but instead we see this badass reveal of Mr Incredible and the whole transforming the car into the this epic Batmobile type looking thing it's fun it's crazy it's a Pixar movie it's what we expect and the music perfectly goes with that [Music] it's amazing how something as simple as a pause can have such an effect the music is pivotal in causing you to feel that sort of blank moment where you're like oh now this has to happen and the music just cutting out for that Split Second but kind of still in time it's like just a measure of Silence there really puts us exactly where we need to be for the next part of the scene [Music] oh [Music] I haven't seen this movie in so many years I forgot how amazing it is let's take a look at this track The Glory Days by Michael jokino this first track the opener to this movie and man is it an opening check this out [Music] so already um we're starting off with this very serious hero vibe a perfect fifth for some reason is like our go-to with strong superhero action that just type of genre there's a reason why we call it a power chord because it the frequency rub of the first and the fifth of the scale together because it's the next smoothest frequency after an octave obviously an octave so if you were to break it down and look at like the frequency wave between notes oh good way to imagine is to listen to the notes combined and hear how quickly or slowly the waves are so for example if I play an octave oh very smooth right just a very smooth line but if I play A Minor second hear that go right wave would it would look more like that every interval that's a little smoother but still pretty it's there's still a good rub going on there this is what dissonance basically is by the way it's it's the combination of frequencies in such a way that it creates a rub and our ears kind of hear it as this friction almost in in frequency when we're looking at different intervals every interval has its own frequency wave and the fifth happens to be the next smoothest one after so this is extremely smooth because it's the same note just separated by an octave but now if we go to the fifth that's still really smooth they go together so well very little rubbing going on there you know a little more once you get into the lower registers of the piano it's such a strong interval [Music] dig that piano in the beginning [Music] so here it almost feels like we're taking a little bit of a page out of the Mission Impossible theme like check this out kind of a similar thing going on here you know what I mean for some reason this seems to be a thing minor major seven chords right so minor chord with a major seven this is like classic sound James Bond mission impossible like we hear a lot of this minor major seven sound just because it has this sort of mysteriousness to it like uh alarming sound to it like oh no here's an interesting question let me know in the comments below because I'm curious to see what your thoughts are on this do we think of this stuff as like oh this is the sound of a spy movie is it because somehow the chords and the intervals match the feeling of a lot of those films or a lot of you know what we would expect a spy situation to kind of feel like or is it just something that somebody made a decision back in you know when the James Bond films were maybe first being uh being written that oh this kind of this kind of sounds cool and mysterious and like now we just know that sound to be related to spy movies is it nature or nurture let me know in the comments below because I'm curious about out your thoughts hey and just before we continue I want to let you guys know that if you haven't already checked it out there is a brand new course up on the Cornell Music Academy it's an improvisation course some of you may have checked it out on skillshare but if you have here's what's new this improv course contains tons of actionable steps and exercises that you can work on at home on your own piano in addition to all of the lectures and all of the information and the lessons available right now on the Cornell Music Academy which if you haven't checked out yet please please go do that's hands down the absolute best way you guys can support the channel and I'm so grateful to all of you have gone to check it out so far we're having a great time over there there's a link in the description down below you know one cool thing that I learned about the recording of This soundtrack is that it was actually recorded in analog it was not digital and everyone was in the same room a super old style which was something that they specifically wanted to achieve with the sound again probably alluding to that sort of early James Bond some of the old Mission Impossible stuff and I think Michael chiquino has it right when he says that the right way to record is with everyone together in the same room especially when it's this specific type of music there are certainly plenty of applications where tracking things in makes the most sense and can get the best result but with big band this this sort of jazz based spy movie Thriller kind of vibe like yeah you want the whole band together just performing this stuff live in a room and get it on tape there's that minor major seven chord [Music] oh wait a second [Music] I think the trumpets are in uh major seconds there like we were talking about before the dissonance the rub of those frequencies this is a very dissonant moment in the film where he's fighting the Omni Droid for the first time we want lots of we want lots of dissonance lots of crunch lots of like ah something's not right here if the harmony was just this nice you know chord or whatever like it would not it wouldn't make you feel in a panic it wouldn't make you feel uneasy like something's wrong so it's got a match yeah lots of minor seconds lots of trills and ah yes so this is what is super cool about cinematic movie scores you have a theme you have a um in this case it's the that shows up everywhere even in places where it doesn't match the original Vibe sometimes we'll see a theme show up in like a love theme in a romantic part that's much quieter much slower but yet we're still using a Melody that's from a much more intense part of the movie these themes get repurposed all throughout the score and it's part of what draws everything together and gives every film its own unique feel [Music] foreign that is just such an awesome section and we hear a bunch of things including which is reminiscent of that original theme like we were just talking about here's another place where these influences come into play think about the James Bond theme right so we see a lot of this thank you foreign we would keep going to the Natural sixth flat six five right while being its own brilliant original composition Michael jokino clearly did his homework and referenced so many of these incredible scores that we have from similar themed films in the past [Music] this is another one of those great examples that shows just the sheer width of emotions that this score can invoke I mean it's it's it's so drastically different from the intense action scenes to this thing that feels like it's just like a throwback and you basically have a big band chart here that sounds a lot like a standard [Music] it's just incredible to see the I said it sorry I won't do it again [Music] thank you I hear that little piano background oh [Music] [Music] I like there's a little bit there's a little five one in there not much a little bit yeah what is just a pretty foreign [Music] sort of implying the G but not really changing our room we're kind of sitting on that D minor for the whole thing and it just creates a really really nice pad to play on these gorgeous string flourishes and oh man it's just really is a great example of just stacking third you know [Music] restraint is is always is always good let's go let's go that it would be so easy to sit here and go through this entire soundtrack because all of it is incredible but fortunately we do not have time for that curious to know your guys's favorite parts of the soundtrack Below in the comments so let me know and let me know if there's other stuff that you want me to cover from The Incredibles or any other Pixar film we haven't really dug into Pixar very much and there is so much good music to be discussed so let me know what you want to hear next and as always thank you so much for watching this video and we will see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 763,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy
Id: 5bRp6_iGTSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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