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greetings youtube friends it's joyce from morris patch of heaven homestead and today i'm going to take you around the homestead and we are going to pick polk and i'm going to show you what we do with it and why the people in the ozarks years ago called it a spring elixir i want to show you how wonderful my lemon balm is doing guys look how huge the leaves are we have never had lemon balm do this well and if you can tell down here we've got all kinds of new shoots it's so exciting if anybody needs lemon balm hit me up did you get any of these okay guys we wanted to show you the new front part of our garden the premier one fencing is just temporary because we got that for the chickens but since we planted some peppers and green beans we didn't want them digging it up so we went ahead and put the premier one fencing around it and then once we get a chick shaw made the chickens will be in the premiere one fencing with the chick shaw so temporarily until we get the chick shaw made they are still free-ranging and we just went ahead and fenced off the garden to keep them out of it guys this is underneath our huge evergreen tree for some reason poke seems to grow really well here i'm going to show you what part of the poke this is a poke plant right here look how beautiful it is but i'm only going to use the young part so the leaves up on top the older it gets the tougher the leaves get so that's all i'm going to use from that plant i'm gonna move over to here and this is a brand new plant right here so i'm gonna take the whole thing okay we're gonna move on okay here's some younger leaves that i'm going to pick try to get the youngest ones you can for some reason they seem to like the shade and they do real well under the evergreen tree here so i've got quite a few to pick [Music] the older the plant the tougher it gets so just want to get the young leaves [Music] and this dish is simply amazing guys so if you have poke you know make sure to identify it make sure you know what you're picking but it is so amazing and i did a video last year about poke that we made in a little different way um and i got the recipe from the asian women at the farmers market they were the ones that told me how to make it and i've heard different ways of making it where people will make it like spinach and they will boil it three different times they say to me if you're gonna boil it that many times you pretty much have lost the nutrients we don't boil it at all and we've been doing this for years and it's absolutely delicious see some of these bigger ones you just don't want to eat those you just want to go for the younger ones they are just so yummy and tender and full of nutrients this here is i think let me see one two three about four huge poke plants this is really supposed to be picked early spring but it's been so wet so had i gotten out here sooner it probably would not have gotten this big we will chop it down but it comes back every year so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go ahead and take these top young leaves which like i said is them are the most delicate i would say the most delicious the most tender at this point because they start getting real fibrous and here's still some young ones see once they start getting like this they've got a real big stalk right down the middle so instead of having to get all that work i'm just picking the young ones just because they are more tender okay we've got a few more here and i've got a pretty good basket full people in the ozarks years ago i read a little booklet that was just intriguing and it talked about poke and it's so funny because there's so many mixed stories that you'll hear people say pokes poisonous well we dare to differ we've been eating it for years not exactly sure why we are growing so much of it but we're not complaining i really should have gotten out sooner and got more of it but it's all right the way i'm gonna fix it is completely different than what most people do that make it like a spinach and pretty much kill it by boiling it and boiling it i'm going to show you how we make it and i hope that if it's growing wild in your on your homestead that you will give it a try as well because it is so full of nutrients and i will tell you all about that when we bring it inside okay we are inside i have washed the poke what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go ahead and stick it in a little spinner here so we can get the water out of it and i'm going to tell you all of the benefits you are going to be amazed oh gosh it is simply one of those things i am so passionate about foraging i just would love to be able to find out you know even more that i already know i have a booklet but i would one day love to take um maybe a a tour with someone you know if they have such a thing as classes where they take you around and show you everything that's edible i believe they're so much more edible than what we know we think that everything out there is poisonous and i i highly doubt that i think that more is healthy for us than is not i don't think the lord would create so many beautiful things for us not to be able to enjoy this is quite cool by pushing that i'm just getting all the water out of it so when we're stir frying it it will not um well i think i have too much in there i know i have too much i don't think i know i do i put way too much in there so i'm going to take some of it out it's not spinning properly like it should okay we'll do a little bit at a time i was jumping the gun there trying to get it all done at once but anyway um what i'm gonna do with it is i'm going to stir fry it with onions and garlic and then i'm going to use some liquid aminos on it and i went ahead and i made rice to go with it oh my gosh this is so amazing you will just be amazed at how yummy it is okay okay this thing is great because sometimes you know i should say a lot of times when you're washing your your greens you you know shake them out the colander like this and you assume you're getting all the the water out but it's amazing how much water you still will get out of there and i don't know about you but i don't like my my lettuce wallowing in water i prefer to be dry and also when you're stir frying it's just nice to have your veggies dry okay the kiddos usually like to do this and they go on and on and on and on to the point of the leaves are completely dry i don't do it as efficiently as they do okay so what i'm gonna do is you could cut these up i'm gonna tear them i'm gonna stick them back in here and so basically i'm just going to tear them into smaller pieces and i'm just going to go ahead and continue this and then i'm going to stir fry the onions and the garlic and then i'll show you as i get closer today okay i went ahead and melted some bacon grease what's not to like about your own bacon grease oh it is so so yummy it just adds such a yummy flavor to this dish so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stir fry these onions down and i always like to add the garlic glass because it burns very easily so i'm going to go ahead and just stir fry these and you know how yummy that smells bacon grease and onions oh if you could just smell it so so yummy okay i'm just gonna let those sit for a minute while i get the liquid aminos out okay i've got the liquid aminos if you all don't know what liquid aminos are it is a natural um it's an all-purpose seasoning instead of soy sauce so it's does not have any soy in it but it kind of tastes like soy sauce but it's really really good for you and we love doing all of our asian dishes with liquid aminos [Music] okay so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to put the coke leaves in just a few at a time and they're going to wilt down oh my goodness guys the smell is over the top these will wilt down just like spinach and lastly when this is all done i will then add my garlic just because i kind of like to leave my garlic still kind of um raw fill any so it goes over starts burning i'm going to be using just minced garlic this time it's quick and easy but usually i will cut up garlic in big chunks because we love the taste of garlic but just to make it a little bit quicker see how much that has already wilted down this will literally turn into almost nothing i'm just going to keep adding to it because i've got a bunch now like i was saying um using the the younger leaves the newer leaves is really the yummiest but you can use you know the other leaves i wouldn't go down quite as far but you can use some of the more mature leaves and you definitely can use the stalks of the coke plant because it's like asparagus it's absolutely delicious you can boil it like you would asparagus and you can eat that so that does not have to be wasted okay we're down to the last of it and guys i had a basket full look at this just goes to show you it just wilts down and oh it's so yummy those onions are caramelized so yummy i have my rice that is done look at that guys the rice is finished and this is just you know usually i will add some meat to it but just today i thought i'm just going to do it this way because not everybody eats meat that seems like a lot of garlic but we love garlic look at that yummy yummy it is just about done so like i said i'm just going to leave the garlic you know not quite cooked put that on low now i'm going to add my liquid aminos and i just eyeball it can't ever put too much of this stuff it's yummy because i did not season it at all i did not use any salt or pepper look at that guys it's done it is done and look at how it wilted down to just about nothing and i'm going to show you how i'm going to plate it okay guys i want to show you how i plated it up look at how delicious it is so scrumptious this is also how we fix our bok choy we will fix spinach this way this is just a simple way to use some of your greens collard greens can be used the same way mustard greens i've even made or used the radish greens and um the same exact way so this is just a great way to use your greens but anyway i wanted to tell you some of the health benefits that go along with pope okay so i'm going to go over some of the benefits with you because i always like to share you know why we eat certain things why we do certain things well one of the reasons um you know that i'm passionate about foraging and when i found out about poke from some asian ladies at the farmer's market it was then that i needed to know why we should eat this well it is considered a nutritional rock star is what they call it and i had to write this down because i would have forgotten half of it but it's one of the healthiest new food trends around so um they make things called poke bowls and they use poke in different ways and you can actually i think in asian countries where this is really prized you can buy these bowls and but really you can look it up online and make them yourself but um okay it says uh one of the things that i read was it is um four ounces of poke is about 150 calories five grams of fat and it has 29 grams of protein guys 29 grams of protein i'm always wondering about you know foraging because i always think that you know you never know one day you really may have to live off the land and it would be nice to know what is around that we can feed our family you know other than the garden and our animals it's nice to know that there's other things growing that we can incorporate into our diet if need be but anyway it says your heart will thank you because it's full of omega-3 fatty acids pope guys a green is that crazy it just it blows my mind when i see the the health benefits and the nutrients that um the lord put in these vegetables for us um but anyway it will protect your heart from heart disease by lowering your blood pressure so eating this can lower your blood pressure it also is like i said it's prized by the asian people they love it and they eat it all the time it is used as a poultice for cancer it helps rheumatism treats epilepsy skin diseases anxiety and neurological disorders it can also help with joint pain um let's see and like i said the stalks can be eaten like asparagus and you know how good asparagus are asparagus are just prized for so many things as well so you can eat the whole plant but anyway it is also known as cancer root or some may know it as that or pigeon um let's see pigeon berry or also inkberry so there's just a couple different um names if you may not know it as polk um it is also known as cancer root pigeon berry and inkberry so look that up if you and see if you have it growing and if you do give it a try and like i said most people or what i've heard in the past is they boil it they rinse it they boil it they rinse it they boil it they rinse it then they eat it to me that has taken and stripped all the nutrients this has just been stir fried all the nutrients are in there you can even let it go a little bit less if you like for more of a crunch i prefer it this way but you can do it whatever works for you and then eating it with rice so delicious but anyway guys i just wanted to share what is growing on the homestead right now springtime you know there's always new things growing and this is just one of them that grows like crazy besides burdock root on our homestead wild but um yeah so give it a try if you have it growing my pans are talking to me and let me know what you think and let me know if you do eat this and how you eat it because i'm always looking for new recipes but i hope you will give this a try and i hope that you are all doing well and getting back into the swing of things since things are opening up it's still kind of crazy here in our neck of the woods but you know we're just enjoying life on the homestead and we hope that you are as well but anyway if you have not subscribed already we are very close to hitting 1500 subscribers and we would appreciate it if you would subscribe if you haven't to help us out but anyway give us a thumbs up as well and ring that bell and it'll notify you as to when we have another video until next time guys god bless you
Channel: Morris Patch of Heaven homestead
Views: 9,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poke, cancerroot, pigeonberry, inkberry, nutrionalrockstar, omega3fattyacids, fullofprotein, wildedibles, foraging, pokebowl, anxiety, epilepsy, jointpain, skindiseases, lowersbloodpressure, protectstheheart, rhematism, cancer, neurologicaldisorders, healthiestnewfood, pokeroot, pokestirfry, prizedbyasianpeople, poultice, superfood
Id: PDo8MMXWnj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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